Nome: Alex
Commento: Wow! Il guestbook funziona! E' tutto vostroooo!!!!.
Nome: AshPendragon
Commento: Yeeaaaaaah sono il primo...complimenti per charas!!!
Nome: Giovy LoCa
Commento: Uno strumento utile e veloce. Sviluppato in tempi
brevissimi! Complimenti! :)
Nome: SMB
Commento: Bel lavoro, continua così!
(Mi sono già fatto il MIO chara ;) )
Nome: Iron
Commento: Bell'invenzione!! Magari ti danno il Nobel...
Nome: Zeus
Commento: Gran bel lavoro. Complimenti e continua cosí!!!
Nome: gokussj
Commento: Complimenti!!!
Sara molto utile alle persone che non sanno fare chara
oppure a programmatori che stanno facendo un rpg e non
hanno grafici.
gokussj ;)
Nome: Rick
Commento: ottimo lavoro!continua cosi',che questo mi tornera'
utilissimo in futuro ;) potrei anche darti una mano
con la grafica :P
Nome: jak
Commento: un lavoro davvero bellissimo!
Nome: *Cip*
Commento: fighissimo :-)
Nome: darkbard
Commento: Per ora un buon lavoro...;)
Nome: FAT
Commento: fico............
Nome: The_FaT
Commento: Ehi! io ho creato un mio chara veramente fico!
Adesso ti do il link così se vuoi lo uppi nella
Guardate che bella ragazza...........
Nome: Grandragora
Commento: I don't know any Italian, but hopefully you can read
this...IT IS FANTASTIC! Keep up the good work!
Nome: Mateui
Commento: Awesome. Looking forward to it's further expansion.
Great Work!
Nome: Chaindog
Commento: Nice how you're NOT crediting some spriters...
anyway, It's a great idea!
Nome: Alex
Commento: Chaindog, i am really sorry if not crediting someone.
If this is the case, please just send me the names i
forgotten. Thank you!
Nome: Baz Acid
Commento: You kick so much ass! Great work man!
Nome: Lucilio
Commento: genio!
Nome: Goatboy
Commento: This Rocks good work is this the only english post?
Nome: Iron
Commento: No, it isn't!!
Nome: Nori
Commento: Excellent idea !
Nome: Daz Blake
Commento: Perhaps I should have submitted my update on Christmas
Nome: Evil
Commento: Wow... certo che è proprio cresciuto da quando c'erano
le quattro risorse in croce che ho usato per la zia
Jack O_O
Complimenti ^_^
Nome: Sundel
Commento: Wow! This is really awesome!! Great work. ^_^
Nome: Jay
Commento: Are you going to keep expanding the chara maker?
Nome: Alex
Commento: Surely! Stay tuned! ^_^
Nome: Gore
Commento: Bello! complimentoli!! penso che userò questo d'ora in
poi si fa molto prima :P
Nome: TRaFuGa
Commento: La web está fenomenal!! me encanta!! yo podria tener
algo asi en mi web?
The web is phenomenal!! love me!! me something like
that could have in my web?
Nome: Loige
Complimenti per l' idea e la realizzazione!
Adesso mi metto a creare anch' io qualcosa e te la
Nome: theblakeman
Commento: ;P Awesome.
Commento: THIS SITE ROCKS!!!!!!!
This Geneartor is damn cool...!!!!
Only afew mor resources,and it would be perfect!!
Nome: Gnaf
Commento: Wow, diese Seite rult....
Es ist fast Perfekt, außer dass man noch keine Kämpfer
machen kann... ;Ð
Nome: Webby
Commento: Very nice! If you have another big update, I'll post
about it. XD Alex is one cool-ass dude.
Nome: Devilmaycare150
Commento: I can't read Italian, but I don't need too to know
this site is awesome!
Nome: Eiskender
Commento: Hammer ;D
BTW : Grüße an die deutsche Makerszene^^
Nome: Shadow
Commento: Horny thing ^^
thats a true holy generator XD
Nome: BOy
Commento: PLLLEAASE add Teranigma Charakter for the
Generator..: )
Nome: Xenitic
Commento: Sprechen die alle nur Französich?
Nome: -=Master-of-Death=-
Commento: Boaa geil ist dasa mein rpg iust fast fertig
Nome: Anonymous
Commento: This is great! The clothes need more colors and styles
though. Otherwise, nice idea!
Nome: Shawn
Commento: What the hell!? You know what this is? Because of
people like you, it makes one more reason to be lazy!!!
... THANKS!!!
Nome: Shawn
Commento: Ya know what else would be cool? Face set generator!
Nome: brandyoby
Commento: hey it´s a good thing but i would like to download
this if it is possible
Nome: The_Answerman
Commento: Unfortunatly it isn't downloadable because it needs to
be on line to work (on a server with php and GD, at
Nome: Duke
Commento: Ehh bin ich hier falsch ??
Also ich finde denn Charakter Maker sehr gut ausser
das es noch mehr auswahlmöglichkeiten geben sollten.
Homepage :
Nome: Duke
Commento: Where Iam ? Also I find that the Character Maker very
good is because I will have more Auswahlmöglcihkeiten.
Sorry for my bad english
Nome: Daniel
Commento: hey your site is cool i wont forget this site
i have used it keep up the good work
Nome: Yellowdeath
Commento: continuate così le news quando le traducete????
Nome: Maghe
Commento: Complimenti per il progetto... continua così!
Nome: Daz Blake
Commento: How many Blakes have we got contributing now?
Nome: Alex
Commento: Everyone you can find in the Team and Thanksgiving
sections :)))
I am incredibly proud of all of this! XD
Thank you all!!!!
Nome: gonna
Commento: who is english here?????
Nome: joshua
Commento: esta genial, a veces es mejor que el mismisimo iDraw
Nome: Katii
Commento: Ich versteh zwar nix aber die site ist echt klasse
weiter so :)
Nome: Knight_Templar
Commento: The most awesome works I ever met in this world!
Keep working good! (You should credit some sprites
anyway......) Superior!
Nome: dip
Commento: pretty nice page .. ;)
Nome: Otaku
Commento: FighissimoooooO!!!!! COntinuate così raga!
Nome: FFL2and3rocks
Commento: Di5 sit3 is teh R0><0rz!
Nome: Blatolo
Commento: Geniale Seite. Man müsste auch Posen machen können.
@Eiskender dito
Nome: Khuran
Commento: Bella idea, ma non ho capito come si usa!
Nome: Gabo125
Commento: Veramente bello! inerirò il link nel mio sito dato che
ho il sito con Iron (tuo collaboratore) naturalmente
non lo passerò come un mio lavoro stanne certo...
d'altronde, chi non conosce charas? :D
Nome: Iron
Commento: Già, lo metto come nel vecchio sito!!
Nome: Ofo
Commento: Nice work. :)
Nome: Jay
Commento: can somebody make a vegeta(from DBZ) style hair for
Nome: Gantamerra
Commento: Nadi di solo camberra o sole !
Commento: Caaaannnnn YOOOOUUUUU unnnnndddeerrrstttaaannnddd
mmmeeee? Nice work.
Nome: Jace Marian
Commento: This is a very awesome way to get your Character set
searching done real fast.
Nome: Tokaier
Commento: I don't know what to say. It's a very cool idea.
Nome: Ganvil
Commento: Holy crap!
This is amazing! These charas are sweet-looking!
Nome: Bau Kim
Commento: GREAT SITE! You guys are doing everyone a great favor.
You guys should be awarded medals. atleast a nobel
peace prize. I don't know, I'm going crazy.
Please add more tall people shtuff...
Nome: Cats777
Commento: VERY GODLY!!!
Nome: Felix
Commento: Die größe der Charsets stimt nicht mit der
erforderlichen größe für den RPG Maker überein
Nome: Xyrus
Commento: OMG.. this SHOULD be put in History books! Our
children should know this...=p
Nome: Mr.Mister
Commento: Buscando paginas de characters para este programa me
encontré de pura casualidad con esta, seguid así, es
bastante original
Nome: DemonicDragon
Commento: Way to go!
Personally, if you are improving it, which I believe
is happening, the hair/dress areas should break down
into a 2 part phase: 1) Selection of hair/clothing
style, 2) Selection of color. That would allow for a
lot more customizing of charas, but if it can't be
done, I guess I will live with it :)
Nome: DemonicDragon
Commento: Oh, I've should have rephrased that, I didn't want to
sound demanding, it was just an idea, sorry if you
took it the wrong way.
Nome: Strife
Commento: Ragazzi, un agrazie di cuore. Non sono così esperto
da sfruttare l'Edit al meglio ma è fantastico!!
Nome: Cats777
Commento: YOU ARE GOD!!!
Nome: Starmaster
Commento: My Chara´s are colored^^
I am make your ted face in a blue face^_^
Nome: Waln
Commento: Toll, alles hier, echt!
Jetzt brauche ich meine Charas nit mehr selbst machen!
Also: ;)
Nome: Schimdt
Commento: Hey Ho!
I´m the Latextieger!
Nome: Sir Donald
Commento: Vast Library (set aside a few hour/days?), Easy to
use, supports many already created Chara sets, What
more can I say?
Except... if the Faceset Generator turns out to be
3/4ths as good (and the 1st Beta looks like a VERY
good start, but needs 2 Background Layers), then you'd
better have a good amount of spare
bandwidth. 'Cause 'Makers will be FLOODING the site
with custom work.
Nome: Matu
Commento: This is amazing!!! Thanks for taking the time to make
this. You've saved me hours of work.
Nome: Daniel(S)/Wala-luigi
Commento: This is very nice if the rpg maker 2k3 come out i hope
you will do some thing like this for it too. thanx a
lot for all this time and work you saved me. Did you
ever think of makeing your own rpg game? Im trying to
make a good squel to FF VII Any one any suggestions
plzz e mail me ay or thanx a lot you all that worked
on this!!!
Nome: Cats777
Nome: Lawsuit-sd
Commento: Bravo, bien sur, quelques bugs graphique sont
présent, mais malgré tout, ca économise du travail!
My poor Traduction: Exellent, Charas generator are so
cool, few graphic bugs, but economise a lot of time
for me!
Nome: Big M.
Commento: Macht den Face Set Generator umfangreicher!!! Der
Chara Generator ist schon perfekt!
Complete the Face Set Generator!!! The Chara Generator
ist is perfect now!
Nome: son-selebu
Commento: hey pretty nice page. I really like it, but the Face
Maker... argh...
@ Felix: du musst die Dinger in ein grosses Set
einfügen, da passen dann 8 davon rein ;)
grüsse an die deutsche community, besonders :D
Nome: Suiko
Commento: I'm French from
Very good site.
Nome: Omega
Commento: Um, I don't speak Smanish, or watever is goin on, but
nice site dude!
Nome: Ryan
Commento: good site! Is the chara maker functional? If so where?
I can't draw charas at all so this is perfect for me!!!
Nome: Ryan
Commento: Figured it out very awesome! It's just the items that
need some work! Twenty billion thumbs up!
Nome: Karnak
Commento: I love this site ^^
(see the 3de hairs, i maked that :) )
Nome: Lam3r
Commento: Woha!
The Chara-Maker rulez!
The Face-set Maker is pour! It haven't much items!
And... what's with the Monster-maker?
Nome: Thiago Bastos Gonçalves da Silva
Commento: Brasil 29 de Janeiro 2003.
Super Legal Caras vocês consseguiram Tetona geral
Parabéns pelo Site, Sempre vou volta.
Nome: MiladyLyd
Commento: (I hope you can english)
Thankx for this work. It´s great, beautiful and fantastic!
Thanx and go on!
Nome: Cats777
Commento: >_<
Nome: Me (Not George)
Commento: MOO!!!
Nome: Draconis
Commento: AWESOME!This site kicks @$$, keep up the good work.
Nome: dude
Commento: ummm. how about a battle animations maker. that would
top everything. i hope you can read this....
Nome: porque mariaaa
Commento: Mariaaa....fernando mi amigo...este gucci
gucci....porque maria....porqueeee MARIAAA!!!!!
Nome: joey
Commento: hi
Nome: oldboy
Commento: il sito è fantastico ed ho intenzione di collaborare
Nome: SoulFires
Commento: The Chara Generator ownz, im making an rpg and most my
char i made with it, thanks man!
Nome: Josh Sommer
Commento: Hey, this is awesome! I pretty much made all my
chara's from this site. I don't like to use the ones
they give you and you guys helped out alot.
Nome: Omega
Commento: Nice site man!
Nome: ioros
Commento: ³ª´Â Çѱ¹¿¡ »ê´Ù
Nome: ioros
Commento: °¨»ç.
Nome: Devil
Commento: Wow.. Great work ^_^
Nome: Roger
Commento: Very very good!!! Keep up the good work!!!!
Nome: the m@$ter 0f De$@$ter: =DJ[n0m!$ .h.] 2003=
Commento: Eine supergeniale Freeware!!
Danke an den Macher dieser Seite!!
Ihr rettet mich echt aus der Klemme, denn ich nutze
sie seeeeehr oft!
Nome: Levonne
Commento: Maki duni howe' mutra vu epecartra!! Coni ono!
Nome: Levonne
Commento: Maki duni howe' mutra vu epecartra!! Coni ono! Just
kidding I'm English...
Nome: Brett
Commento: It would be nice to have BattleCharaAnimations
support when rm2k3 comes out... (wishful thinking) :)
Nome: Steven (
Commento: WOW!! This is fantastic!! I can't believe how awesome
your internet programs are! I've never even seen
anything like this! This is soooo cool! You HAVE to
teach me your secrets. Teach me your ways. Ha ha ha.
Well, your website is truly the best if you have RPG
Maker 2000, or if you just want to have some fun, and
make some characters face different ways. Your site is
#1!! I give you an A+++++.
Nome: Skippy
Commento: Hey...English...Amazing site!
Nome: Ky
Commento: Bella regaz :D
Nome: ÆäÄÚ
Commento: ¿Ö ³¯ ”î!
Nome: Mari
Commento: Die Generators sind einfach genial :)!!!!
(wenn der faceset fertig ist könnte man dann
vielleicht ja einen für battle animations machen!?)
ps: ich schreib lieber in deutsch da weiß ich
wenigstens was die wörter bedeuten ^^
Nome: Wolfbane
Commento: I love this site...only thing it needs is some more
female hero dresses and some more swords Keep up the
good work
Nome: ???
Commento: This is on of the best Weppages ever!
Nome: Big Joe
Commento: Great Idea!! You guys who make the sprite
graphics deserve a medal or something.
Nome: Megaman X
Commento: This site is realy Fantastic,dude!
Nome: fr0st_lizard
Commento: Really cool site, it helped me in my RPG game
lots. Keep up the good work!
Nome: seto_kiba
Commento: Really cool site, it helped me in my RPG game.
Thank You
Nome: Limphatic System
Commento: These characters are realy cool. They helped me
learn some more
Nome: 911
Commento: i hope this isn't illegal or i'll have to arrest you
Nome: mamma
Commento: ma guarda un po' sto scrivendo con il compiuter e uso
intenet per capire quello che stai facendo ma visto
che tanti ti scrivono ua..gulp, fantastic, ect. posso
solo immaginare che funziona bene eccetto personaggi
feminili abbigliamento equalche milimetro in piu'
Nome: GaryCXJk
Commento: I worked with it a lot, and it's great! I like the
participation thingy very much!
Nome: zoupzuop2
Commento: Uh... Hi folks. I am an american...
I need a Tatewaki Kuno Charset for my Ranma 1/2 game.
Please, those who can help me find one, send me an
email (In english, please!)
Nome: ey3
Commento: grandi....
Nome: Dorgan
Commento: Kick ass man. Finally, the lazy-mans path to origanal
sprites! But plz add more tall stuff.
Nome: dragonus
Commento: corretto
Nome: Sonic
Commento: Hey, la web está muy cool. Hizé a un chingo de
personajes pa' mi juego.
Nome: gumbyscout91
Commento: This si the best java site ever, they must of worked day and nite!
Nome: Shadow the Hedgehog
Commento: awesome. This site has some sweet stuff on it.
Nome: Azerty
Commento: Génial tout simplement !
Nome: Mahars
Commento: Cool Alex ^_^
Keep up the good work!
Nome: Person who speaks english
Commento: I dont know spanish! woohoo this site rox! email me at!
Nome: Tanthalas
Commento: XD!!!!
Nome: Tanthalas
Commento: Por Reorx!!! Son todos horribles!!! Es que no sabéis
dibujar? deberíais ver los charas de mi equipo...^^
Nome: Matt
Commento: i love your website is all about man good work and
keep it
Nome: Seph
Commento: Continuate così, siete grandi!!! ^_^
Nome: RPGMaster
Commento: Hey! Thsi is one of the best RM2K tools I've ever
seen. Could you add my site to your affiliates/links?
I would add yours to mine. Thx and mail me at . My site is at
Nome: Nuno
Commento: Maaaaannnn,I dunno how to speak Italian,so I'll sayin
English(as I'm portuguese...).Look, I cant put in the
Chara Generator another images to use...I know that's
a way, but I cant do it!!!!What should I do...?????
But Hey! it's the best RM2K tool in the net, of
Nome: Nuno
Commento: Halloooo!!!!is someone going to help me, please..?????
Nome: Thejuster: Contest
Commento: Salve, ho visto che c'e un contest in corso,
Devo effettuare qualche registrazione?
Nome: The Brave
Commento: Ed eccomi qua!
Vedo con piacere che partecima molta gente di varie
nazionalità, è un ottimo segno! Dimostra quanto grande
sia questo progetto!
Nome: **J**
Commento: hehe nice site, but why isn't there a guestbook for
all languages seperatly?
my rm2k site:
(it's dutch)
Nome: Neomike
Commento: i dono if this geustbook is in spainish or some other
latin language but.... this site is @#$%ing awsome!
Kudos! keep up the good work!
Nome: poop_4_brains
Commento: great program... really really good idea!
Nome: Shahan
Commento: This site could really rock with a slight bit of improvement
Nome: Goma
Commento: This Webpage is very good. A long time i was looking
for new Charas and drawed them myself, but now i can
create them with this fantastic tool. Perhaps i will
send some own creation to this page.
I´m sorry, when my english isn´t very good. I´m a
german and so my german is much better than my english
*g*. It is logical, isn´t it.
Nome: PsychoKiller
Commento: i cant save the people correctly
Nome: woe
Commento: E veramente un sito grandioso ! Complimenti
Nome: Phoenix Sun
Commento: Euh... Kann hier auch jemand Deutsch? XD
Nome: Nina
Commento: hmm... mal ein Deutscher Eintrag! Genaial! Aber ich
finde es schade das ich nicht weiß, wo man mehr
kleidung und so her kriegt
Nome: Thejuster
Commento: Beh charas sta spopolando dappertutto.
:D il miglior generatore di chara on line....
Buona fortuna alex...
Nome: gamma2
Commento: Je l'adore! J'attends votre prochaine mise a jour Et
si vous pouviez me dire quand elle sera prete ce
serait cool. My translation: I love it! I wait your
next upgrade and if you can tell me the date of the
next translation it will be cool
Nome: Thejuster
Commento: Scusa ma ogni volta che lascio un messaggio nel guest
box non faccio intempo a trovarlo.
Mi chiedevo come posso regalare delle immagini alla
comunity? ditemelo tramide e-mail
Nome: Thejuster
Commento: Scusa ma ogni volta che lascio un messaggio nel guest
box non faccio intempo a trovarlo.
Mi chiedevo come posso regalare delle immagini alla
comunity? ditemelo tramide e-mail
Nome: Thejuster
Commento: This'is site, mmmm very good.
Congratulation alex for you tecnich :D
Good bye.
Im juster :D hi tho all
Nome: AshPendragon the return
Commento: Ale ti ricordi quando ti ho mandato quelle risorse per
charas??Perchè non le metti nel prog??
Nome: Shaman
Nome: Wonder
Commento: Um mal wieder in die deutsche Sprache zu wechseln: Die
Seite ist mördergeil ! Thx dafür !
Nome: Daniel (A.K.A. Shorty)
Commento: You got the best website for RPG Stuff. Its Really
helpful, So keep up the good work.
Nome: Dominic
Commento: English:
Must I upgrade the Chara.EX (Offline Version) step by
step or can I take the latest version of an Update,
if I have load down the Basic File? Please mail me: My thanks to your answering!
An interesting site!
Muss ich mir die Updates zu Chara.EX nacheinander
runterladen oder kann ich das letzte Update nehmen?
Bitte mailt an: Danke für eure
Nome: Fishpaste
Commento: Fishpaste
Nome: Sr-Lancelot
Commento: Esta muy bien pero no los puedo utilizar en el rpg
Me han jodido, en vez de descargarse una imagen png me
sale un archivo, y si le pongo .npg tampoco me
Nome: Omega9999
Commento: SEI UN GRANDE!!!!!!
Nome: Trunks
Commento: this is the best rpgmaker site Ive ever seen!
I just think you have a dwnload for rm2k3
Nome: Caerling
Commento: Charas is certainly one of the greatest tool ever made
in the rpg2k background. Viva Italia.
Nome: The Oli
Commento: Hey Leute! Die Seite ist echt genial!!! Weiter so!
(This was a little bit German :-) )
Nome: MoonDance
Commento: This place is great!!!! PERFECT!!!
Nome: Master S
Commento: This site helps me to make my resources easily! Thanks!
Nome: Lionheart
Commento: Man, this site rocks, its the best tool for RPG maker
keep workingon it
Nome: yami goku sjj4
Commento: : Man, this site rocks, its the best tool for RPG
maker keep workingon it ¡¡CONGRATULATIONS!!
: Man, this site rocks, its the best tool for RPG
maker keep workingon it ¡¡CONGRATULATIONS!!
: Man, this site rocks, its the best tool for RPG
maker keep workingon it ¡¡CONGRATULATIONS!!
Nome: Mike
Commento: Mitico!!!!
Nome: Duke
Commento: Cool.. .This This Thing is cooookl
Nome: wopel88
Commento: che figata
Nome: Pikkonhan
Commento: Hey kurze Frage!
Kann man die geilen CharSets denn auch runterladen?!
Wenn ja wie denn?
Die CharSets sind MEGAGEIL!!!!
Nome: Pikkonhan
Commento: WEITER SOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Nome: Mike A.K.A Th Monkey Lover
Commento: This site is awesome
Monkeys rule!!!
Nome: ACEspecForce130
Commento: super cool tres facle a magner a prende :)
Nome: WartyX
Commento: This site rocks, especially chat and generators!
Nome: Helldrgn59
Commento: This site is the GREATEST. I know I'm not the only
person who has a game that would be crap without this
You should get a Nobel Prize for this site!! :-)
KUDOS TO THE CHARAS CREW! (Hey I just alliterated!)
Nome: Neftis
Commento: I´m spanish but at see it I prefeer write in english.
I can´t know how work it, but one friend speak with me
and she say me this web it´s fantastic.
my adress are for speak with me.
Nome: Yuna_Kisaragi
Commento: ey hello everebody, i´m a friend of neftis, i´m
spanish too :) XD I think this page is great ;) it
help me a lot in the rpg maker
Nome: RuneBlade
Commento: Hehe kul gästbok Alex! Hehe... jag slår vad om 2000
spänn om att ingen här utom svenskar förstår vad jag
Nome: Nilz
Commento: This site roxx alot.
But I would prefer saving the pictures more easily.
In my case the most is in *.php format if i wanna
download it O_o But, good work!
The only thing I would add is Black Metaller's
Corpsepaint...I thought I saw it sometimes, but it
isnt there anymore -.-''
cya Nilz à NJ
Nome: -Pocket-
Commento: this is a great lookin website!!! I love the maker!!!
its so cool!!! visite me at
Nome: SMB
Commento: Wow! I losted all these comments! How many are them?
This project is great, but it's possible thanks to all
of you! ;)
Nome: Brot
Commento: Essen macht Spaß
Nome: Tormentor667
Commento: I'm from Germany and I just want to tell you that your
program is amazing :) Thx alot :)
Nome: Darkest Chaos
Commento: Schweet. Hope you're going to try to do a
BattleCharset generator soon!
Nome: FatFreeJelloPimp
Commento: I love this program like a son. Or a daughter. Or a
tube baby. Either way, it's awesome. I'm picky about
using my own resources so the offline version was
Nome: furbuggy
Commento: this site looks gr8! but how in the world do you
download the sets?
Nome: SMB
Commento: For Darkest Chaos:
This is work in progress too, but it's more difficult,
we hope to put up it soon! ;)
Nome: Ghost
Commento: Holy Shit I couldn't believe until I saw it with my
own eyes!! keep up the good work guys... =)
Nome: Gozz
Commento: Veramente un bel sito! pieno di risorse e funzionante!
Nome: g mac
Commento: yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo
Nome: Sotex
Commento: Klingt gut aber ich verstehe nicht wie das
Wieso soll ich was schicken?
Versteh ich nicht.
Nome: TRaFuGa
Commento: Me alegra ver que la WEB sigue y sigue creciendo!! Fue
un placer colaborar al principio de todo. Espero que
siga creciendo más y más porque se lo merece la web y
tu tambien ALEX!!
It cheers to me to see that the WEB it follows and it
continues growing! It was a pleasure to collaborate
at the beginning of everything. I hope that it
continues growing more and more because one also
deserves the Web and your ALEX!
Nome: Shadowfighter
Commento: It´s god!
Iam the King of the Land´s the Deaht´s
Nome: Lisaraël
Commento: I can't speak Italian, but i'm a really Belg Man !
Donc je continue en français...
Bravo pour le chara generator, c'est vraiment
formidable !!!
Bonne continuation !!!
Nome: Master A
Commento: WOW, das Ding Rockt die Bude, dagegen ist jedes
andere RPG Tool ein Scheiß, Respekt und Kompliment an
die Macher.
Nome: Yoda1125
Commento: Godlike your site is!!! OOOOOOOH!!!!!!! Hours of work
you have saved me. Remember, anger, fear, aggression,
the dark side of the force are they. Once you start
down the dark path, forever will it dominate your
Nome: Piter85
Commento: FANTASTICO haceis un wen trabajo tios seguid asi.
una wena aportación al mundo de los charas .AUPA
Nome: Athor
Commento: Cojonudo!!!, la mejor galeria que he visto en mucho
tiempo.... buenisimo, ummmm...
Nome: Kijuki Magazaki
Commento: Greatest site for Sprites!Keep this Up and let it be
for long.
Nome: Yls
Commento: Moi j'vous mets un zef, j'vais parler français!
Nome: adventur
Commento: This web is good!! :)
Esta web es genial!!!
Nome: Tear
Commento: I luv it!
Nome: Šá
‰ä¥Ÿ“—Lg‘Ì”FŽ¯“Iˆê’è“IŠó–]Š¿Œêˆ½ŽÒ”ñçz“® ‰äˆ¤‰ä“I’j•ü—F
Nome: Mario
Commento: I can't save any images, they only save as .php
instead of .png
Nome: Mario
Commento: Help me, I can either join the forum. =(
The only images I can asve are the ones from the
gallery, the ones I made save as .php.
Nome: °í³ÉÀÌ
Commento: ÁÁÀº °÷À̱º¿ä, ´ÙÀ½¿¡ ¶Ç ¿Ã°Ô¿ä~^-^
Nome: Marck
Commento: Benvenuti a tutti!!!
Nome: Vanisa
Commento: this sight is very cerative i LOVE IT !!!
Nome: zzz
Commento: zzz
Nome: Alexxandro
Commento: Questo sito è un figata,peccato un cosa,le facce che
crei nn puoi usarle
Nome: Dan
Commento: it is grat but to make the faceset generator the icons
is not there for me so i can,t make one
Nome: Nick
Commento: uhm.... how do i use my sprites in my game?
Coz, everytime i save it, i get this weird file.
Nome: pehh20022002
Commento: Es la mejor paagina del mundo del rpgmaker os lo garantizo
Nome: sasas
Commento: one piece
Nome: Camille
Commento: Ce site est géniaaaaaaaaaal!
Nome: arcanjo
Commento: eu sou do brazil e por aqui ñ tem muitos charset , vcs
poderiam informar um site dechar legais.
site ha very good charset!!!!!
Nome: cloud
Commento: whats his ?????porque ninguém responde
Nome: Alex
Commento: Porque esto es un LIBRO DE VISISTAS, non un Foro!
Nome: KaoS
Commento: Just foud out about this site & All I can say is WOW.
this is great!
Nome: Lupus
Commento: Well done on this! A chara battleset and weapon
generator for RM2K3 would pwn too.
Nome: nigrus
Commento: Yo e estado aqui solo busco conocimientos del rpg maker
Nome: Matt-san
Commento: Umm...i don't speak non-english
Nome: jeroen
Commento: i do
Nome: Nick99
Commento: Questo sito è spettacolare!!
Commento: Wow super
Nome: Jaille Zon
Commento: Ce site est trop cool !!! C'Est tellement cool se kon
peut faire la wow !!! MErciii !!!
Bravo !!!
Nome: Mok
Commento: Hihihi Da sind Franzosen!
Nome: Fede
Commento: Questo sito è molto bello!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nome: Lemoin
Commento: Senza parole....6 un grande!!chiunque tu sia
complimenti di cuore!!
Nome: Nik cpll
Commento: Stupendo!!! ):-)
Nome: Balltmail
Commento: Umm, gosh... I don't speak your language : ( ...
Nome: ¤±¤¤¤«
Commento: ¤¤¤·¤«¤©
Nome: hmmm
Commento: This homepage is BIG FUCK!!
Nome: Mike
Commento: This site is just great!!! I would suggest they put
some other poses such as lying on the floor etc.
Nome: >UnderDose
Commento: Fixe...
Nome: Dio
Commento: ·|·
Nome: El Gran M
Nome: ngs
Commento: un lavoro davvero bellissimo!
Nome: RPG-Polymachaeroplagides
Commento: Liber bene!
Laus maximus a me ad vestris datur!
Nome: BB
Commento: Great site!
Nome: benosalankelley
Commento: WOWIE, THIS SITE ROCKS!!!! improving )OO(
err...sorry for that freaky pic, anyhow....
Nome: J_Rod_The_Titan
Commento: Hell Ya
Nome: FerretEIAD
Commento: its useful, but the online version doesnt save png
formatt very well, the offline version is far-by
better.Next project for you guys:Offline Face Set
Nome: Korean people
Commento: wow
It home is very good
Nome: Ghost Clown
Commento: It's a cool site I use the char genarator all the time
keep up the good work
Nome: Dark_robin
Commento: Hi everybody!!
Nome: Andy
Commento: Here's hoping for a side-view battle character
generator next! ^_^
Nome: J.T.L
Commento: I just got the program and i think its fantastic!!!!!!
Nome: Tilkon Turner Halliwell
Commento: Buen trabajo del de esta página, puede servir de ayuda
para muchas cosas.
Nome: sephiroth88
Commento: Ciao!!!^__^
Nome: TJ
Commento: I think it is awsome that I get to create charasets on
this site!
Nome: Chikiro No Ouji
Commento: Not bad! Fun webbie.
Nome: Bob BoBo
Commento: This looks cool
Nome: egurish
Commento: uhh cool site my key board isnt german or wat ever
language this is but hey is a coool site...
Nome: Movius
Commento: Not really
Nome: Irvinne
Nome: MrMister
Commento: I love this site!
Nome: CloudStrifeMaximum
Commento: English: Wow! Making custom stuff for my game's
become a lot easier!
Español: ¡Ululación! ¡Haciendo la materia de encargo
para mi juego llegado a ser mucho más fácil!
Nome: Spirit-Heart
Commento: Nice chara and face generators!!!
I wish there's a faceset generator offline.....
Nome: Ryan Jiannis
offline faceset generator???
Nome: Spirit-Heart
Commento: Is my grammar wrong?
Nome: Alexandra \"Lanchor\"
Commento: I want to male a give you mony, but I am unsure how
it works.. hmmm I am at home with Swedish money, Euro
i am not.
Nome: blacks
Commento: esta bin pero le faltan cosillas
Nome: Beefy Man
Commento: this is the CHILLINESS site! i d-loaded all the pics
for my game and in my credits I'm gonna be like YEAH
chara generator!!!!!!!!
Nome: Rassius
Commento: Helllllpppppp!!! I ned battlecharset very fast.
Nome: Fabelerron
Commento: Non ho parole.... e' troppo comodo per essere vero....
0___0 E' un programma allucinante!
Complimenti a quelli che si sono sbattuti a farlo... e
che stanno continuando a sbattersi!
Nome: Damian
Commento: Bonjorno, oh well, i dont speak italian but im sure
you guys understand english.
i have been stucked with this program for a while and
im addicted to it by now, i have started several
projects for my games but i dont end none, hah well
guess im kind of lazy , but i truly enjoy this
program you people have for costumizing chars as fast
as hell, it rules, i truly enjoyed that message that
is posted taling about working in team for projects
like these kind of stuff, but i guess that message
can be applied to a lot of ways in life, im glad
someone thought about it, i never imagined it
anyways, but since i read it, its really worth it,
more than many things, working together, makes bonds
with people and helps out in big ways, sometimes its
not in the right way, not talking about the rpg
program but , in work and stuff, sometimes people can
help you for a mutual benefit, sometimes for theirs
or your own benefit, and we just end up being egoists
in life, great words, my deepest congrats, and keep
going like this, Viva la vida mis amigos, im from
Mexico, so i kind of get the italian words haha.
Greetings and cheers.
Nome: Clint Pearce
Commento: Hey, I'm Canadian, I just want to say hi!
Nome: Zidane
Commento: How does this work? It didn't work for me
Nome: Jester Black
Commento: Uao figo!!!
Nome: smokey_locs
Commento: HEy peaple I'm gonna put tons of chip sets
Commento: on this web site
Nome: coen
Commento: good job on the site it really is a hunkahunk of
burning Chara!!
Nome: SlAyEr
Commento: the best charamaker i ever seen, its very usefull
thank you guys for makin such a very good program
keep improvin it plz
Nome: sonic
Commento: mais recurses pro chara EX!!!!!!!!yo soi del brasil!
Nome: Lucas
Commento: Bem loco
Nome: xero_xxl©
Commento: great work an keep on doing good work
greetZ mR.XX
Nome: HyperKnight
Commento: Good job on Charas EX whens the next update i cant
wait intell there are more options on the battle part
Good Job!
Nome: Wolverine
Non posso dire niente altreo di queso sito!!!
Nome: noting
Commento: Ehi ma quanti inglesi ci sono qui...siamo famosi :)))
Nome: webmaster
Commento: *CLICK*
Nome: Jack
Commento: ich bin ein springfeilder
Nome: Schattenkiller
Commento: Echt geil die Page
Nome: Kana
Commento: Ce site est génial, continuez comme ça!
Nome: Robert
Commento: Wow yeah! this site kicks arse! or i'll say that in
my made up language.
mom hwas? huid dick bumm
Nome: smokey_locs 20002
Commento: nice sit if you wan't more chipset e-mail me
Nome: david likes men
Commento: billy did not write this.
Nome: Orkyjork (no thats not my real name just a cover up my real name)
Commento: Nice site man. Love it.
Nome: Zrein_sinkarix
Commento: Me encanta vuestra pagina ^.^
Nome: Alec
Commento: KOOL
Nome: Vitorio Luiz
Nome: Izzy
Commento: Man, I can't put my char in my game! this sucks! i
like the rest of the site, who ever made this site
should have not mad it this way!
Nome: Odin The Almighty
Commento: i am deeply moved by your tale... even though i want
to help, i do not have any money... As soon as I get a
job, I will send 30% of my earnings to Charas!
Nome: Goop2
Commento: I like this thing, but I need FF7 stuff that i cant
get here. This generator is awsome though:D
Nome: Goop2
Commento: People call Alex a "cool ass dude" but wouldn't it
make him a moron to be an ass?
Nome: Axel
Commento: Cool site ^_^ Nice chars ^_^
Good to have a Dutch version because my English isn't
that good ;-)
Nome: Cecil (Dark Knight)
Nome: ben
Commento: great site!!!
Nome: Mr.Fuzzybutt
Commento: Hi, I really like Charas.Ex.
Nome: Emma
Commento: i dont understand the site!
Nome: Ramza
Commento: It's cool site, Thank You Alex!
Nome: neosiris
Commento: I love this site... Good job.. Love it.. Loe it!
Nome: dib
Nome: Euj
Commento: Gran bella idea quella di charas ;)
Nome: cronox
Commento: mu wena la pagina
Nome: Luigi
Commento: e.eeeeeeeeee. hello
Commento: ummmm...if this is a spanish site then Taco and if
its english then HI ^_^
Nome: Shas
Commento: these Genarators rock..keep it up guys..
Nome: Shask
Commento: keep up the work guys the stuff rocks
Nome: Janken Master
Commento: Best. Character. Generator. Ever.
Great site, easy way to make characters, great work!!!
Nome: Sephiroth
Commento: Super!!!!!!!!!!!
Nome: rm2k gamer
Commento: wow nice site!
Nome: Reain
Commento: i have to say that this is by far the best site for
rm2k ive seen and keep up the good work
Nome: ben
Commento: wow i never thought i understand the words your saying
Nome: moiledzep
Commento: I'm French, but I want to say this internet site is a
very great work, it's very complete and interesting
for makers. Thanks for all, this site's creators.
Nome: moiledzep
Commento: I'm french but I'm drummer in a band, and I use Guitar
pro 4 to make MIDI music for game, I can create drum,
bass, guitar and maybe piano, I want to help the
Charas site, if you want my help, contact me on I'll be happy to help your site
because I'm a good GP4 user. Waiting for an answer,
Nome: David Alexander
Commento: Alex, i bloody love you. By far, Charas is the best
resource rpg site in the world. I'm sure of it! Keep
it going! Because of this site, i'm suddenly inspired
to make a game. And, making one, to the contrary of
what i thought, is fun! It's much easier with this
site too!
Nome: Axisflame
Commento: Wow Tu Shae (i think thats how u spell it)
this is the best resource maker EVER, if i ever find
a better 1 ill eat my pants
i luv the site
Nome: Christique
Commento: Hi everyone! I'm from and I was referred
here. They say the charas here are easily convertible
to byond icons. So um I'm trying this place out. I
hope to meet some of yall. ~Huggerz~ Bye!
Nome: THX
Commento: BRAVO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TErrible ce site :-) Il y a pleins de ressources !!!!
<font color=red>MERCI !!!!!</font>
Nome: THX
Commento: BRAVO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TErrible ce site :-) Il y a pleins de ressources !!!!
MERCI !!!!!
Nome: RMan
Commento: ???EH?
Nome: okdacco
Commento: i am french and i say : THIS GENERATOR IS MUST IN THE
WORLD , THX !!!!!!!!!!
Nome: HackerInsult
Commento: Well all I can say is yay? No really good site.
Nome: Blabplala
Commento: Hi,where i can request a MIDI file?
Nome: Sigfried
Commento: What a pretty cool site is this?
Nome: rpgmikel
Commento: This is one of the BEST rm2k sites EVER! When has
CREATING a hero for your game ever been THIS EASY!?
GREAT site, keep it up! I will be sure to make a link
to this site if MY site ever gets up -_-
Nome: NathAttack
Commento: charas-EX RULZ! KEEP IT UP! WOOT
Nome: Hiroshima
Commento: Bin ich hier der eizigste Deutscge? Naja egal...! Ist
aufjedenfall extrem geil diese Seite!
Fettes Lob!
Nome: Hiroshima
Commento: Hi ich bins wieder! Ich versuche mich jetzt mal in
Englisch! Well, hi everybody, how read this! I think
thats the best maker-site in the world!!!
So, Congratulations or something like that!!!
Nome: Pedro Lion
Commento: This is the best forum and charmaker in the world!
Nome: Ex Luken
Commento: grandi ragazzi state andando alla grande,veramente
Nome: ryielle
Commento: your site was going better... you have improved
sinced the last time I've visited this time.
BattleChara Set Generator came, new layouts came.
Good, Very good for this very active site
Nome: andrew
Commento: i speek english hahahahahahahaha
Àgres dèmmà nô ŷopi^d Ëst evà!
Nome: Ghandi
Commento: Any wan speek inglish?
Nome: Bobby
Commento: goood
Nome: Smelly sock
Commento: ???????
Nome: Oliver
Commento: This is a very goog site !!!
Nome: StarByteX
Commento: they need this site turned into english...
Nome: rev77
Commento: i wish i could speak more then just
english anywho great site!
Nome: Supernicky
Nome: White Dwarf
Commento: This is the GREATEST place ever
Nome: Bangvang
Commento: gamfaqs is cool its got a spanish board, i think
Nome: Bangvang
Commento: lets speak french, i can read that!
Bonjour mon ami du Italy!
Nome: Whitedogg68
Commento: de la bombe ce site pas vrai 50cent
Nome: Whitedogg68
Commento: de la bombe ce site pas vrai 50cent
Nome: whitedogg68
Commento: il est super ce site pas vrai 50cent
Nome: 50 Cent
Commento: C'est toi ki "come tu di" "a joué le vatar" en premier
dsl je te lorai filé jaimerai bien kentre nou ca
tourne sur rm g d bon truc mai c toi lengrenage ki
merde a+
Nome: White Dogg
Commento: Je mens fou pour te dire ma team fai deja + de 15
personnes. raf et moi somme les chef et jorai pu
tavoir une place, celle ke tu voudrai, mai maintenan
je c pa tro
Nome: White Dogg
Commento: Si tu c'est ripper t pris. mai je ve voir un rip
avant mercredi
Nome: Ai-kun
Commento: Verdammt versteht hier nimand Deutsch?
Nome: zephirice
Commento: very cool !!
continue in this way !!!
Nome: Eo Neo
Commento: Umm not bad
Nome: Nasser!
Commento: uhh...I like the site a lot since i suck at making my
own sprites, but the only problem is that my sprites
don't show up as pictures! Please Help!
Nome: Ross
Commento: Yeah cool
Nome: James
Commento: Adios
Nome: Ai-kun
Commento: Kann hier auch jemand Deutsch sprechen?
Nome: illegalOPeration
Commento: Great site. I get all of my resources from here.
Nome: Liberatore
Commento: Ottime le risorse, complimenti veramente a nome del
Fusion Team.
Nome: Ai-kun
Commento: Moin, das ist eine voll fette seite.Gefählt mir;)
Nome: President Evil
Commento: Hi ich find den On-line Chara maker total klasse!!!! Endlich
solche chars die ich für mein Spiel "PERFECT SILVER"
brauche. Großes Lob!!!!
Nome: Saga
Commento: Hai un sito fenomenale!!! Il miglior sito di RMK sul
Nome: Warxe
Commento: It's time I signed this. This is an awesome site, and
the generators only add to the pure greatness.
Keep up the greater-than-great work, Alex.
Nome: Ilith
Commento: Hallo!
Ich habe eine Frage: Wird es auch für die Gesichter
usw. ein Offline-Generator geben?
Gruß Ilith
Nome: Janne
Commento: Very nice site.You should make in the "complete
resources" an games section, where could download rpg
2003 games. But still, keep up the good work :)
Nome: Ai-kun
Commento: Boah voll edel die Seite!!!
Nome: Samuel Gauvreau
Commento: Bravo au créateur de RPG Maker surtout celui de 2003
Nome: President Evil
Commento: CHARA_MAKER AN DIE MACHT!!!!!!!!!
Nome: Arnus Errectus
Commento: boah is das geil!!!
(Ich hab schon 45 Charas erstellt)
Nome: SuperSaiyajinNaruto
Commento: Do any of you all have any site where I can download
or PLAY any of ur RPGs. I mean, with all this I think
some people would like to post their games on the web.
I'm still developing mine, though. I'll post agin when
it's complete if anyones interested. P.S. Great site!!
Nome: Sacred pokemon
Commento: Hello! I like a very much this site.But there's a
trouble, I can't generate charas anymore! When I click
on a thing to add on my chara ( like the body that I
use), there a beep and nothing happen, there's
something wrong...
Nome: Araloth
Commento: I can't read Italian or German,
but this site really kickes ass.
Nome: Araloth
Commento: PLEASE just all speak english...
I aint talking Dutch here either!
kan iemand dit verstaan?
Nome: Ruler of the Dark
Commento: L'OH il mio dio! Posso parlare italiano e neppure non
lo ho conosciuto fino ad alcuni
minuti fa!
Nome: Cel Merion
Commento: Thanks you for doing such hard work! COuld you please
do a offline version? Please!
Nome: Naprecks
Commento: Eure Seite ist Super!!!!
Wann kommt ein Offline Faceset-Generator?
Nome: Darkside
Commento: Awesome sight guys, but does anyone know where I can
get an offline battlechara generator? The online one
is cool but limited access cuz its online only. Keep
up the good work people
Nome: NGE-Fan
Commento: Wirklich sehr nett die ganze Sache hier.
Nome: Keith
Commento: ........oh! Is this where I am supposed to type
Nome: ArauqKun
Commento: I too cannot speak italian but i think this site
Nome: hitman
Commento: Boor der chara.ex is bisjetz das beste
charaerstellungsprogramm das ich je gesehen habe.
Nome: Dastreous
Commento: This is great! the only thing is.. the hair is always
chopped off for the face sets
Nome: Zannek
Commento: I used to use Charas a lot but recently I can't
because the images are broken. What's going on!!??
Nome: Niemand
Commento: jetzt bitte auf deutsch !
Nome: Gaowaranai
Commento: A very nice job wit the site, but i cant seem to find
the charas.ex rescources in a catalouged pile!!!!!!!!!
Commento: Cool! Respect. If you wanna seeing my games - and
Nome: Alis
Nome: Greenmanzz
Commento: You should make a online game were players can mae the
dudes and play something like that!
Nome: Justin aka J Masta
Commento: i might suck at making rpgs but at least they will
look good with this kick ass charas. i <3 you alex
Nome: ShadowBlade
Commento: This is the best Resource website for Rm2k I have
come across Thank you and keep up the good work!
Nome: OldSchoolGarg
Commento: This site kicks ass goodjob man i would paypal but im
broke so sorry..i fell bad.
Nome: Alexietta
Commento: asdn't >_< nn c kapisko niente ;_;
Nome: Samuel
Commento: Bravo pour ce site qui sert à beaucoup de gens et
merci à ceux qui désine et invente l'intérieur de ce
Nome: Geffers
Commento: I'm in a guest book.
Nome: Mike
Commento: Anyone speaking english?
Nome: Mike
Commento: Do anyone have good Final Fantasy IX charas?
Nome: Jeff
Commento: This is the best website for rpg material i love it i
hope you contiue to add more stuff i will also try to
add some myself for you to add im glad you started
#1 WEBSITE IN MY BOOKS YYAYAAA and i ecpecially like
the generators
Nome: James aka OldSchoolGarg
Commento: The site has really helped me improve on my rpg maker
skills using a variety of sets for each new place and
helped me learn to make sprites somewhat better thank
you charas
Nome: Thomas Schafer
Commento: This is the best place I have ever seen for Rm2k3
Resources. Good job and long live CHARAS!
Nome: Brimstone_xx
Commento: This is a truly impressive site and the best for RM2K3!
But..........RM2K4 is coming out so Charas you'd best
Ps:Im not really the butthole i sound like!!!
Nome: Brimstone_xx
Commento: Hey charas you rock!!!For anyone whom thinks this site
That might be because your lame and charas is supereor
to your site!If you dont have one well HA HA!!
Nome: Brimstone_xx
Commento: Oh yeah and one more thing!you know how you have
charsets facesets battle chars Etc!
Youze should have a game section where you can
download games people made themselves!
what do you think bout that?
Nome: White Dwarf
Commento: I LOVE this place, without it I would be lost!
Nome: ben
Commento: great resources all round.
Nome: alex2
Commento: AHHHH everthing
Nome: Vanguarde
Commento: Hey I love Char.ex but I don't know where to get more
stuff for it. If ya can help me out email me at or
Nome: Brimstone(not really xx)
Commento: Hey its me BRIMSTONE!Im too lazy to sign up in the
forums so could someone make a put a Wario in battle
Characters please!(note:im not a wussy)
Nome: jo
Commento: salut c pas mal mais moi je narrive pas a les
enregistrer mais charset et autre en fin sa les met
mais je ne peut pas les voir :s
Nome: wessel
Commento: can you put some more dresses White ones if possible
that will be a big help because i want to create a
sort of a copy. Of the princes in chrono trigger.
Nome: Jack_RPG
Commento: when i upload resourse and go to check it in my
resourses its not there! O.o
Nome: Jack_RPG
Commento: The site is most kewly in the world :)
Nome: brimstone
Commento: sorry i got carried away!But still someone make a wario
battle char!(or else)
Nome: cody
Commento: why dont you have a vash the stamped battle charater
contact me at
Nome: CityRocker
Commento: this site rocks!!! the generator is the best! great
way to get resources! keep it up, man!
Nome: cronox
Commento: esta muy buena pero seria mejor k todo eso lo
metieran en un zip listo pa bajar
Nome: ht
Nome: Bangvang
Commento: after using this site for a while now all i can say
is *hands cookies to all*
Nome: Spikewes
Commento: Wow, not many English people, we'll great site, once
I get some money I'll donate =p
Nome: Milux 737
Commento: Finalmente un sito ultrafigo! C'E' DAVVERO TUTTO!!!
Un consiglio: ditelo agli amici!!!
Nome: Jason
Commento: If I see another Sonic Battle Character, I'm gonna
scream! Otherwise, nice site. Lots of good resources
other than the Sonic crap.
Nome: Dave-d
Commento: only :
Nome: Asakura Hao
Commento: as of: 7/1/04>> This is a great site. It has most
things I need that don't come in the RTP. I spend
about 80-90% of my time on the computer working on my
RPG or browsing the web for tings for my RPG. I always
come back to this one, and most things I find
elsewhere have been stolen from this site. Also, I
really hope you keep adding things. This is my
favorite site after all. It would be a shame if you
stopped updating =( One more thing: For all you people
who don't speak Italian or Frence etc. Have you ever
thought to use a translator. There's a good FREE
online translator at That's it for me,
Nome: blackchaos7
Commento: Nothing
Nome: Janken Master
Commento: I would have been stuck without Charas, it's about the
most useful thing I've ever found on the interweb.
Excellent, keep it up, close down and I'll jump a
Nome: Diablo98188
Commento: Awsome, you should make something like a chipset maker
where it would be just like charset but you make
chipsets it would be awesome just a thought.
Nome: fr0st_lizard
Commento: Dunno Italian.... but this site rocks!
Nome: xip
Commento: Downloaded your ware a few days ago, and love it! keep
up the god work!:)
Nome: Kain
Commento: Hi! i speak english! good site! very useful!
Nome: Snazzor(aka:Anthony)
Commento: brimstones right this site needs a section to
download other peoples games.I had an awesome rpg and
i was working on it for like 3 months then...we gotta
virus and we hhad to delete EVERTHING on my
computer...including my rpg maker + my 5 rpgs :'(!If
this site had a section to download other games i
could have sent my incomplete rpg in and when my
virus was gone i could redownload it from charas!
So,charas can you PLEASE make a section to download
other peoples games?(even though you PROBABLY don't
even read this!...)
Nome: Snazzor(aka:Anthony(yay!im in ontario!))
Commento: oh never mind i just read the thing about not posting
questions here!(DAMIT!)
Nome: Snazzor(again)
Commento: just cause i feel like it im gonna cause lots of
fighting by doing this......TEH TRIFORCE IS IN ZELDa
Nome: Snazzor(again(again))
Commento: Maybe i should talk about how i FOUND THE TRIFORCE!
in the forums instead...
Nome: fric182
Commento: hello yall
Nome: Alexander Baxter
Commento: Just wanted to say that this site rulez...and .....
I'm currently making a RPG maker 2003 game...any help
at making it would be very appriciated...
Nome: Alexander Baxter
Commento: My e-mail and MSN iz
Nome: Josh
Commento: If anyone has any MegaMan/Megaman X battle char sets E-
Mail Me at
Nome: Moose
Commento: is this, like, the italian forum for charas? :P
Nome: Rei-
Commento: Hello. How I can get the battlecharaset maker fro your
Nome: llloolll_cesur_llloolll
Commento: (¯`·.º°‘¨²ºº²©£§µ®²ºº³.·´¯)
Nome: izuchukwu
Commento: it is a good website.
Nome: Wolvex Silvertooth
Commento: Wow! You have answered my prayers and I believe all
newbies trying to make sprites for their games!
Nome: Ktulu
Commento: NO!!! I'm not italian....or whatever language you all
Nome: OyboY
Commento: Waaa ! I' ve already seen a lot sites on RM2000 &
RM 2003 but it' s really the dest i ever seen !
Continue your work in this way and you be the best
RM site ever !
May God gless you and your familay until the seventh
generation !
Nome: Zrein_Sinkarix
Commento: Esta web es estupenda ^^ mucha suerte chicos;)
This web is very helpfull ^^. Good look boys ;)
Nome: Zonic
Commento: hi
Nome: zonic
Commento: i need help
Nome: tim
Commento: you guys rock
Nome: Odintaker
Commento: Please i need help quick.
I Made one character set by chara generator but when
i try put that set in RPG Maker 2003 it says
*Invalid Color Depht* . So how i can change that set
color or what i have to do??
Please quick i need this answer fast.
Nome: bitch please
Commento: yo mothers you arent gangster
Nome: Katterina
Commento: This site is really cool and the sailor moon stuff
here that you have at the moment is really good! 2
Thumbs Up!
Nome: ssj-5-goku
Commento: can any one make me a ninja charset with abs stuff too
if you can call it ninja and upload it
Nome: Wild Thunder
Commento: I would support Charas with literly hundreads of
already made HIGH quallity graphics but sence you dont
Nome: yoshara
Commento: this site is the best rpg maker site ever
Nome: Tenta
Commento: ciao
Nome: Tekishin
Commento: Hi Can any one help me im a noob. thats right i called
myself a noob so what Im still lost and I want to how
to creat new things for people but I dont know how.
>_< So can any one help me if you can thanks
Nome: trevor
Commento: this is great the only thing missing is star wars
chars and lightsabers but besides that the best place
ive been
Nome: maison_10
Commento: i make char's and facesets for ppl yay!!!
im suck a good sport!
Nome: chupala
Commento: alguien cojiendo
Nome: Luffy
Nome: MSlash67
Commento: This site is the shiz. It totally helped me with my
game designing. :)
Nome: MSlash67
Commento: This site is the shiz. It totally helped me with my
game designing. :)
Nome: SirKimarhi
Commento: awesome site making cool rpg and your site really
Nome: Darksage
Commento: Yo!all your charsets are great and i even used em for
my Rpg oh and just to know how can i give my charsets
i got?ty
Nome: Bandito
Commento: Cool website, man
Nome: kyle
Commento: any1 know where i can dl DBZ games for rpgmaker2000
Nome: GouKi
Commento: hi! i'm french and this generator is very cool!thank
Nome: JamesRocket88
Commento: Well, this is by far the most extensive resource
pages for Rm2k I have found. I am totally blown away
by it all! Thanks or supplying e fuel for making more
games, Charas Project!
Nome: Haden
Commento: Hello!!!!!!!!!!!
Nome: Solid Snake
Commento: Hello I am a fan of mgs2 son of Liberty...and Rm2k
Nome: Solid Snake
Commento: I cant get in this site!!!!I don't have e-mail!!
Nome: PalmerX
Commento: Nice Site. If people like their charactersets so much
then they shouldn't post them for others to steal!
Good job all in all though!
Nome: yami goku sjj4
Commento: man, this site rocks, its the best tool for RPG maker
keep workingon it CONGRATULATIOINS!!
Nome: Inukamta
Commento: lol
Nome: James Cotter
Commento: Well done guys. this is the most awesome site i think
i have ever found. from us aussie rpg makers - keep
up the good work! oh and sooner or later ill submit
some of my works... thanks again guys
Nome: Sir.Kimarhi
Commento: i want to juyst give u a char set but i dont want to
use pay pal can i do tht tell me on my site
Nome: raver 50
Commento: you know this sites cool it works
keep up the good work!!!
Nome: Jay-Zar
Commento: Great website dude
Nome: MMB
Commento: okay we'll i just wanted
THIS SITE IS COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nome: Arwald
Commento: Cool Site!
Nome: Çä
Commento: ¹ÌÄ£ Á¸³ª ÀÌ»óÇÔ
Nome: Sex
Commento: Sex
Nome: Lord HEX
Commento: Wow! Page is great! Congratulations for authors!!! I
wish a polish language added, but page is great
Nome: Conny
Commento: n1 :)
Nome: James
Commento: No comment
Nome: ghchgkchf
Commento: how do u read all of these
Nome: weasleking
Commento: i don't get how you actually work the charras thing
so if you could tell me how email me at please.
Nome: Y4Nn
Commento: This website is awesome and would be better with some
tileset generator:-P
Nome: ckeen
Commento: yeah think it too
Nome: )=
Commento: ('',)
Nome: Andy
Commento: Can i use that picture on Graduate the special
Nome: xero_xxl
Commento: Hey all did you miss me ???
Nome: Gary
Commento: Im new so im havin fun! :)
Nome: Luigi/
Commento: We, ¿como mando los personajes a tu página?
Nome: .......................
Commento: Todos son unos putos, cabrones.
Nome: .......................................................
Commento: Su jefa me la pela.
Commento: Hey Alex es nombre de Gay, pendejo.
Nome: Justin
Commento: Hi
Commento: Dude
Nome: Joakim
Commento: Charas.EX is great!
Nome: CaRa_CrAzY
Commento: Hi!Yo no hablo español!But I speak Inglish!
This is the best ressource site that I know!
this site is the ''BEST OF ALL''!!
I have much to thank this site!
Nome: lobo_da_madrugada
Commento: esse site é D+
Nome: Gamma000
Commento: hi peeps! man the charas generater is tite!
this is my number1 resource place
on the net!!!
Nome: Argentino
Commento: Che como hago para dibujar mis propias caritas y hacer
todo ese tipo de huevadas???????
Nome: keith totty
Commento: hey i think this is my cousin if it is cool website
and you could show me how to make one if not cool
Nome: Fent
Commento: This site is radical!!
Nome: drenrin2120
Commento: This site is awesome! It's helped me expand in game
making and MIDI Making! Thanks for creating such a
great site, and I hope this site will live as long as
Hasta Luego Mi Amigos!
Nome: Barnsalot
Commento: I couldn't make a decent game without the generators
here. Thanks Alex!
Nome: Gamma000
Commento: hey its me again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just luv this plce thx alex.
Nome: MMB
Commento: like i speak ittalian :P
anyway see such a geustbook with many
posts ^^
Nome: Dragoninja
Commento: Almost no1 here writes in english...
This must be the largest online guest book I've ever
Nome: rLEX
Commento: Deine Seite ist voll hammergeil!!!!!
Nome: dAdDl
Commento: Wie gehts euch
echt gute seite
Nome: flower
Commento: hi
Nome: fat
Commento: fico
Nome: Bob
Commento: This website iz crap u can't download owt If u tell me
how to e-mail me at
Nome: Anton B. Ingibjartsson
Commento: This is a pretty good site, but the Battle Char Set
generator has a problem. It's quite hard to make
women in it, since most, if not all, of the faces
face sideways when the character is dead, but almost
all of the female hairs face up when the char is
dead. You aught to check that out, and fix it if you
can. I couldn't find any faces that faced up when
dead, so just making a decent face that turns up when
dead would pretty much solve the problem.
In other aspects, this is a great site!
Keep it up!
Nome: i have no idea
Commento: ha ha ha im evil but dont know my own name
Nome: Rod Brazil
Commento: This site is all I need! The main idea is fantastic!
I'm from Brazil! So here's an message in portuguese.
Commento: HELLO!
Nome: to this anton dude
Commento: ern....i have no prob with that...
and ern, rod brasil, XD whah???!!?
to mario: WTF! LOHOL!!!
anyways.....i signed the geustbok agen XD
Nome: Teto
Nome: VurdalacK
Commento: Mis aplausos por el site.
Nome: kronos_o
Commento: Oh my god this site is AMAZING!!!
Nome: Marcelog
Commento: Hello,i´m brazilian and i like this site.
Vamu colocar umas coisas da hora nesse site.
Nome: TRaFuGa
Commento: Buenas Alex, esto sigue creciendo!! me alegro mucho
por ti.
Sólo decirte que he cambiado de web ahora es y ya no es,
también quisiera afiliarme a tu web, enviame al email los datos necesarios, que yo te
enviaré los mios.
Hello Alex, this continues growing! I am glad much
for you. Only decirte which I have changed of Web
now is and no longer he is
rpgmakerê, also wanted to affiliate me with
your Web, enviame to the email
the necessary data, that I will send the mios to you.
Nome: Loki
Commento: Hehe i'm american
Nome: Adingo
Commento: What's up my homies?
Nome: seymur
Commento: ei vcs são tudo nubb
Nome: mario
Nome: Imortal Mage
Commento: yah this place is tight but just a recomendation,alex
u need more of a variety of things ya now so our
chars can b more unique
Nome: Imortal Mage
Commento: Hey i'll do weapon requests!!!
e-mail me at and i'll make em
but u gotta credit me
Commento: starwars
Commento: star wars
Nome: CloudD
Commento: aaaah i want rpgmaker!!! but i cant find it to
Nome: CloudD
Commento: can someone help me on finding where to download?
it would be much appreciated.
Nome: Leon_Urrutia
Commento: Necesito saber como cargar los charas mio
I need put my charas on this web
Please tell me
Por favor dimelo
Soy un gran CHARA EDITOR
Nome: Leon_Urrutia
Commento: Sorry,i don´t say this
I´m Leon_Urrutia...The best making FF charas
and other
I´m foud this web site and..say...they´re goods,very
good...and I think this is a great page THANKS ALEX
Nome: hjsrty
Commento: xfhjtsy
Commento: NEVER!!!
Nome: Warxe P.B.
Commento: It's almost sad to see how this guestbook has
degenerated into some kind of spamfest...
Nome: Trey
Commento: Cool site
Nome: Blosh
Commento: Hedrin de for nubik
Nome: Maxine ( member )
Commento: Charas rulez... Alex you are the best man alive...
Keep up the good work... And if u keep this page
alive long enough i will donate MONEY for u and i
mean MONEY ;)
Nome: Jarrett
Commento: Hey, Nice Site
Nome: Jaydev
Commento: My friend, U must be a wizard to make such a fantastic
software. I salute U for making the character sprites
so fun n easy to make! I m a major fan of RPGs and
ofcourse RPGmaker 2003. Plz keep it up, brother. Wish
U all the very best :)
Nome: Sven
Commento: You are great guys!
Many thanks got charas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stay great!
You are the best
Nome: Rkoi
Commento: Charas is pretty damn usefull
Nome: Saus
Commento: I cant speak italian but i hope u can read this...
Nome: Atharod
Commento: This is a fantastic side!
Much luck and peace to you all.
Let the creativity be with you.
Nome: Greeny341
Commento: w00t teh awesome site ma frend lolz!!
Nome: Fir-Zen
Putting a sword will make it appear on both sides of
the sprite! Make the sword appear only in one hand!
Nome: Dom the programmer
Commento: come see my website @
It's chocobloc with loads of rad stuff happy
Nome: Sen-Soht
Commento: Thats
Gréat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nome: Jackson
Commento: Charas
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!
Nome: YamiMagic
Commento: Coole Seite !!!
Echt Extrem Nützlich !!!
Nome: Grobourrin
Commento: *In french ^^*
Le meilleur site de ressources de tout le Web ^^
Nome: FF Fan
Commento: Dude,this place rocks!!There's seriously a lot of
Nome: Lord_morgoth
Commento: This is an amazing Character maker I love it! great
Nome: robert
Commento: love this site love it love it love it
Commento: hey, what happen battle charas. i can't create my game if
battle charas don't came back
Nome: rach
Nome: Ryan
Nome: X-F3R
Commento: sup guys :D just dropping by to say hi
Nome: Neb87
Commento: Yo tengo Gringo supremo, grande webbles
Nome: Dylster
Commento: Great Site And Great Stuff. Ive Noticed That All My
Charas Have Been Deleated for Some Reason And I Can't
FInd Apply For Affiliates So I Would Either Like This
to Be Somewheres.
Nome: Bigall
Commento: Seriouslly I don't speak Italian...
Nome: Grey-999
Commento: Great Site And realy Great Stuff.
But Why in the hack BATTLE CHARAS do not work !!!
I cant live without it.....
Commento: Cool site, but if I see any DBZ haters then@%$!you,
jerk. After all, modern anime is cool, but i love
alla da OLSKOOL. C-mon, some of the coolest new anime
get to america, what, like 3 years after the debut in
so what's wrong with old skool!? these are
hypothetical questions, btw. lol, dbz rules my
If you hate dbz I WILL SHOW NO MERCY!!!
Charas, love the site, pass it on.
Nome: Grey-999
do you mean that you like Dragon ball Z
Butt do you like Dragon ball comix
Nome: Grey-999
Commento: what o I have to do to make items in This site
Nome: Will
Commento: I've been having a lot of trouble finding a decent
character sprite page, but I came across yours today
and I was very impressed. Good job!
Nome: mark
Commento: my yahoo messanger name is blac_wolf_pup_5
Nome: tunafish
Commento: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr
Nome: Grey
Commento: Aghh...I Need Battle Charas
Alex Work
Nome: Roberto
Commento: ARGH PLEASE i was working on a rpg project and i
kinda need ur battle chara maker to make some charas
Nome: e
Commento: im american woot
Nome: mitchell
Commento: this is so grat
Nome: Lord Raffles
Commento: Charas Guestbook?
Now this can be fun...
Nome: Bowser
Commento: Yo!
Nome: Caterina
Commento: Mi chiamo Signora Caterina Sono di America. This is a
cool website. I will visit it again.
Nome: Chr0m3g0d
Commento: Awesome site, yo
Nome: Caithleann
Commento: The generator is cute to mess with.. and there are
handful of really good chara sets to d/l in the
materials. Most of them are shoddy rips from other
games, though. -_-;
Nome: SomeNick
Commento: Charas:
An excellent tool! / ¡Una herramienta excelente!