Game Creation => Requests => Topic started by: lan-the phoenix holder on April 05, 2005, 09:04:51 PM
can some one make a title scrn with the title Mytthic Knights with a phoenix in the middle a griffin on the right and a dragon on the left
I'll give it a shot :)
thanx it was like no1 was going to help *sigh* pluse it would help
is any1 going to help me
DragonBlaze said we will make it. Just calm down and wait patiently.
uhuh, his right there, just wait and hill make it...
Yeah, I got some bad news. The site where I get all my fantasy pics is down, and untill its back up, I won't be able to get the stuff i need for the title screen. I tried google, but I didn't really find anything worth while.
Anyway, I don't know how long it will be for the site to be back up, but they have 1000s of pics pertaining to fantasy and fantasy creatures, and a very nice search engine to find them. Hopefully it'll be back up within a weak.
If you have any good pics of griffens or phoenixes, you can send them to me and I'll be able to make one from those. I already have enough dragon pics for the dragon, but if you have a pic that you would like for that too, you can send it over and I can use that.
Once I get all three images, it shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to add effects and finalize it.
alright thats fine as long it says Mythic Knights
I did it,mmmK?K. ;)
its good but it is only part of what i had in mind but here is how u can improve on it first a phoenix in the middle a griffin on the side and a dragon on the other side
I made one too.
Originally posted by MSlash67
I made one too.
thats really good i will use it thanx
Originally posted by Big_Duke
I did it,mmmK?K. ;)
That's very nice, Duke. The only thing I noticed wrong is that I made that parchment background, and you didn't say a thing.
Well, I think I'll leave you to steal other people's recources and claim them to be your own.
After I report you to DF, that is.
Yeah, I thought that parchment looked a little familiar... Don't use/take others works without crediting them.
Especialy when I say to credit me in the Complete recourses section. Which I did.