
Off-Topic => Really Old Stuff => Archive => HTML & DHTML => Topic started by: Legendary Troy on April 19, 2005, 05:19:33 AM

Title: I have no idea
Post by: Legendary Troy on April 19, 2005, 05:19:33 AM
I am trying to edit a myspace account, and i have no idea how to add backrounds, change fonts, ect

They said i need to use HTML codes, like a web site

Can someone help me?
Post by: mind-master: brain(mmb) on April 19, 2005, 06:28:29 AM
well uhm....................html codes ey.............hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
im not good with coding actually, but ern.....this is a site hoster, or builder right? if so, there are a whole lot of other good sitehosters, makers like.

 piczo (
Post by: AsakuraHao2004 on April 19, 2005, 03:08:47 PM
you'd have to type in HTML. So unless you know it, you're screwed.
Post by: tubsywubsy667 on June 05, 2005, 11:37:33 AM
HTML isnt that difficult if you decided to learn it, but there is another way to edit myspace, if you go to someone elses myspace you might find they have a big thing saying "pimp my webpage with...." if they do follow the hyperlink and there a thing where you can pick what colour you want your page to be etc, then when you have finished it gives you the HTML for it, and then just copy and paste it into anything you can edit and it will work.....if you cannot find the pimp my page with thing then just tell me what you want and i could probably write the code for you :)
Post by: Zerlina on July 16, 2005, 08:26:55 PM
For future reference if you need to change the background, use if you don't want the background to move, you can use