Game Creation => Requests => Topic started by: ff7rules on May 08, 2005, 01:13:19 PM
hi guys i really need a zidane battle character for my rpg can any 1 help me? :guns:
Please do not request on your first post. Do not use gun smilies, it tends to make people hate you. Do not post two request thread in a row either -.-
Go introduce yourself first and read the rule(IMPORTANT)
ok im sorry dude
Hi there i love it make (rpg)games and specialy dbz games(rgp) but i need more monsters for it can anyone help me :jumpin:
Dude, go introduce yourself, make some friends, then request. Also, please, make your own thread for requests.
ok i will thz dude :hi:
He was talking with DBZ
allright i shall o and sorry if my english is bad i am only eleven years old and live holland