
Game Creation => Requests => Topic started by: moo42us on July 07, 2005, 06:01:53 PM

Title: I'm Back! Need a picture?
Post by: moo42us on July 07, 2005, 06:01:53 PM
I've been gone for a full year, but I'm glad to see the forum is still alive and well.  I got cut off when our comp died, and then I got busier into the school year, but my art is much improved, and recently I got myself a tablet.  I'm getting the hang of digital painting in photoshop, and , though I won't be working on a game,  I do want to be active in the forums, so I thought I'd take a request or two...  Heres what I'm offering:
  A digital painting for use in your game as a title screen, still shot, story backround, etc.  NO requests for sprites or animations, not my thing.  I'll need need a picture or very good description of any characters in the picture, and please don't do more than one or two (they take time)  Do try for a pic of  the character or a similar one if possible...  I'm doing this for practice, and I'll try anything, but I reserve the ability to give up on or drop a request if I get too many or I find myself swamped at work.  Thanks in advance!  You can see some of my work, (most of it old and hideous, at  My deviant account. (   Theres only one digital painting there, but it should give you an idea of my level and style.
Post by: seby_2_hell on July 07, 2005, 06:06:47 PM
is a charset a sprite if not could you finish I'm for me???
Post by: Drace on July 07, 2005, 06:38:25 PM
First of all, welcome back.
Post by: Moosetroop11 on July 07, 2005, 06:41:06 PM
Welcome back. Can you make 3D battle backgrounds?
Title: okay, three at once!
Post by: moo42us on July 07, 2005, 06:56:08 PM
Sorry, yeas, a sprite is not really my thing, so I can't really do that...  Thanks for the welcoming... Do you guys Actually REMEMBER me?  Wow, thats awesome... about the battle backround, I haven't done 3d work in ages, so it might be fun!  What are you looking for?
Post by: InsaneJP on July 07, 2005, 06:57:48 PM
hey glad to meet you!...and welcome back!.....btw may i ask what CAN you do??
Title: sure
Post by: moo42us on July 07, 2005, 07:03:22 PM
My true love is sequential art, but I dabble in 3d modeling with cinema 4d, and I've recently been using my tablet for coloring and a few digital paintings.  Really though,  The only thing I don't want to do is sprite work, and this site easily has enough talented spriters and rippers as is, so I'll leave that to the pros.
Post by: Grandy on July 07, 2005, 07:04:29 PM
Well, can you make a picture BASED in a sprite?

Welcome back, by the way, and pleased t meet you, since I didn't before.
Title: I guess so...
Post by: moo42us on July 07, 2005, 07:06:39 PM
Never tried it, but I wouldn't mind trying...  I would prefer a sprite that is bigger than just a character set, since the details are pretty important, but I could probably make do if you could give my a description of body build and facial features...
Post by: InsaneJP on July 07, 2005, 07:10:05 PM
thats cool....mind posting a lil bit of your work for example?? im very interested in what you can do
Title: Sure!
Post by: moo42us on July 07, 2005, 07:31:40 PM
Sure!  I'll see what I can do!  To be honest,  I don't have any idea how it will turn out, since I'm newer to using a tablet.  I have had some great ones and some lousy ones, but I'll be happy to try!
Post by: Grandy on July 07, 2005, 07:36:51 PM
Originally posted by moo42us
Never tried it, but I wouldn't mind trying...  I would prefer a sprite that is bigger than just a character set, since the details are pretty important, but I could probably make do if you could give my a description of body build and facial features...

 Well, my characters aren't exctly BIG, but, here: (Attachment)

 His hair is kinda Cyborg 009's (only a little bigger).
 His pants are light-brown, with two pockets.
 Has a small bag in his belt, small, brown.
 Has a small simble in his shirt, next to the heart, its the first letter from my signature picture.
 Has 2 knifes, that usually are in his belt as well, fights with one in each hand.
 Green eyes (maybe its too small to see)

 Thats it for now, if you want more details, ask.
Title: so...
Post by: moo42us on July 07, 2005, 07:42:55 PM
Any preffered pose or setting?  (You may want to keep the pose simple, Its not one of my strongest suits yet.)
Post by: Grandy on July 07, 2005, 08:13:14 PM
 Any pose is okay. Thank you.
Title: cool
Post by: moo42us on July 07, 2005, 09:00:42 PM
Awesome, I'll get on it later today (I'm working on a quickie for a friend right now) and I'll get it to you as soon as I'm done.
Title: Sword Request
Post by: InsaneJP on July 08, 2005, 02:31:30 AM
Hey if you could you mind making this sword a painting with some sort of background....idc about the background just the sword....i desgined it awhile ago but i would like to see it better lol

EDIT: The parts in the center of the blade are empty....and i dont really mind the colors maybe some reds or something or maybe a darke what you think would look best
Post by: Grandy on July 08, 2005, 07:19:46 PM
 Sorry to ask, but could you PM when the picture is finished?