Game Creation => Requests => Topic started by: Meoix101 on September 14, 2005, 10:02:09 PM
Hey I can make faces with FacemakerPL for those who don't have it. Plus I can easily resize or rip faces outa anything you give me without it pixalating unless it's way tooooo small. Bit there's no such thinag as to big..
Oh yea, only 3 requests at a time. I can't handle more between school and working on my own game.
A couple simple rules to follow.
I can't handle more than 3 requests at a time.
I can't give out the program I use to resize the faces, due to the fact I had to pay for it.
And I can't create more than one set per request.
I can't create monster chars either only human faces.
If you don't have a picture of the person you want I can also get one if I can using google so don't be afraid to ask.
That's really it, If I see the need to add I will.
could i get that made into a face set.
When I finally scan some pictures (sometime after my hair grows back to its old length-an inch past my sholders!- I'll take a picture of me), Would you do that? I mean, if you're still up to it after a few months... maybe 15 or so... Cuz if not, I can always kill it with MS Paint...
Can you make facesets for these four chars?
sure sorry bout the wait, I'll get on it
Do the checked ones, please.
Oops. Forgot to attach the pic.
Here it is.
here ya go :D
Archem2 K I will tommorow, to tired today.
Awesome! Thanks. :bend:
K here ya go, That last one was a little harder cause you normally can only do one color for the whole face, so I edited it in paint. :jumpin:
Hi, my request will be very small.
I have a face I did in Facemaker, I was wondering if you could add a crown to it. She's supposed to be a princess.
I know they have a circlet as an option, but I was thinking more along the lines of a tiara or something like that. Is that possible?
I can resize it myself when I'm done. Thanks a bunch.
sorry I don't think that's possibe in FacemakerPL. Sorry
I know they don't have a tiara option, but I'm afraid to try it myself in Paint for fear my drawing's not up to snuff. I was hoping someone else with more artistic ability could attempt that...and since you did do the dual skin in the paint program... it was just a thought, but if you can't do it, that's all right.
y is your face set thing so large.
Originally posted by Ryos4
y is your face set thing so large.
Thats normal size for the program see the program runs in rm2k3 so you have to take a srn of it and resize it yateyateya and you are done.
eh i always found it easier to edit while its smaller in paint.