
Game Creation => Requests => Topic started by: GreggTheReaper on December 03, 2005, 11:41:11 PM

Title: Battle Character Request
Post by: GreggTheReaper on December 03, 2005, 11:41:11 PM
Hello.  I was looking thourgh all of the battle character resources on this site and couldn't find the one that fits just right.  I was wondering if anyone could make a decent one since I can't do jack with graphics.  The battle character I would like is as follows:

I am using rmk23, so that format at least.

Hair is going to be a dark blue color.  Long down the back with bangs on one side of the head up front and narrow strands running down over her shoulders up front.

Outfit was going to be a black set of tight clothes with a belt around the waist that is a dark blue color.

Character build is normal.  It needs to look female though.

In short, it's the ninja female from rm2k3 recolored to this.

Just need the basic poses and whatnot that usually come with a battle character set.  If you can do anything extra, that would be great.  Of course, the work will remain yours so proper credit will be given when the game is posted.

Thanks to whoever attemps this project.
Post by: Arcanagirl on December 11, 2005, 09:12:15 PM
you should give a charaset for her or something to help people out who could make battle sets
Post by: GreggTheReaper on December 12, 2005, 01:46:46 PM
Sorry, it seems that someone else has been posting under this account for a couple of days while I was away.  I'll have to better password everything so that doesn't happen again.  Apologies to those that are owed.

Ah, as per your suggestion, the main resource needed would be the Ninja B RTP battle character sprite set from rpg maker 2003, or, in short, the female ninja from rm2k3.

It's a simple request it is, just a recoloring of the hair to a dark blue and a recoloring of the outfit to a greyish black color with a blue belt.  As simple as this seems, I am lacking in any graphics department when it comes to this, but I am making the effort to better that as time goes on.

Also, a recolored character sprite set would be greatly appreciated if made along side this.  Even though this is a request for a battle character set, it would be nice to have a matching sprite sheet along side.

Alas, anyone who can make this would greatly be appreciated by myself.  Of course, credit will remain on your part and shall be noted in a credits section of the project, rest assured of that.

Thanks in advance to any person willing to attempt this and apologies once again to those owed for the recent and seemingly spammy posts of the "...".
Post by: GreggTheReaper on December 19, 2005, 01:46:46 AM
Im still working on a char set if you want to have it to go by.  It's gonna be my first real project that I've done, so hopefully if it goes well, I won't need anyone to make a battle char set for me.