Game Creation => Requests => Topic started by: PyroAlchemist on December 17, 2005, 03:18:26 PM
Can someone help me out here? All I need is a pick axe in a circle with a dirty/rusty theme to it. That and it has to say PICKAXE ENTERTAINMENT at the top of it. I have made a crappy pic in the hopes of making it easier. And the middle is darker than the outside cause I want that part looking like it is deeper down and darker. Hopefully you'll get it. Yes I plan to use this in commercial games so please let me have permission to do so. Thank you.
Ill make one fer ya, why not.
Cool. Thanks man.
is this ok?
YES YES YES !!!!! AH !! Thank you so much man!!! YOU ARE GOD OF PS!!!!!
EDIT: Oops. Just noticed. You misspelled it. Can you fix this please?
That's pretty good Wingzero!
Thank you but I misspelled entertainment :p
and now the e is little but thats okay. I can fix that :) Thanks man.
Doh!!! I'll fix it one more time don't worry :D
I got it. I just copied the e from the last one. Thanks again :D
Thanks bluhman. But I'm sticking with Wing Zeros.