
Off-Topic => Really Old Stuff => Archive => HTML & DHTML => Topic started by: X-F3R on January 06, 2006, 11:00:08 AM

Title: a lil linking help
Post by: X-F3R on January 06, 2006, 11:00:08 AM
sup guys..

just wanted to know if anyone here knows how to link something from your Desktop to a .exe file. i've never really had a problem with any of these, but i've recently started to make a desktop that's running on HTML, Javascript and CSS..

so far, i've only tried and it doesnt work. if anyone knows how to solve this problem i'm having, please reply.

Post by: RuneBlade on January 06, 2006, 11:34:03 AM
Hey X, long time no see.

Well, Im not experienced with HTML and stuff, but I believe its "D:/"
you could try that out.
Post by: Osmose on January 06, 2006, 06:36:39 PM
Use "file:///C|/" to go to the C drive. I believe using a : in place of the | works too, but Dreamweaver uses it, so meh.
Post by: X-F3R on January 09, 2006, 12:39:08 PM
..hrmm.. it doesnt error anymore, but it doesnt open the .exe file i wanted XD
Post by: Osmose on January 09, 2006, 08:18:02 PM
Yeah, links can't  be used to execute stuff. Why not just use a shortcut? An HTML desktop can have icons too.