Game Creation => Requests => Topic started by: Shadowless1 on January 11, 2006, 10:08:38 PM
i know this may seem quite hard but could anyone change the style of this rtp charset:

to like this charset:

That other charset is a Red Alert 2 G.D.I right?
If it isnīt Iīm sorry that I made this useless post.
I'll try to it might not be the best thing ever
srry for double posting but here is wat i have.
like it??
yeh wickedm but could you make it so his coat is a more black
tell me when its gonna be finished
cheers ;)
sorry this may be to late if you've nearly finished it but could you make the colours like this instead?

ok ill try
here it is
if you need anything changed or another character made just ask any time
wow thanks, do you think you could do this image but recolour the clothes/ do several different styles of clothes for random people, thanks in advance ;)
opps forgot to attach...
ok ill do my best
here is one i did quick
Here's one I made.
thanks any more, if its not that hard to do could someone please make some women aswell possibly in skirts
Nice job Spike.
thank you Moosetroop
and i will try to the the female
could you do the previous request of the man in black with the hat insted of a black coat and hat can you make hime have a brown one istead
cheers ill let you know if i need anything else