
Off-Topic => All of all! => Topic started by: RuneBlade on March 25, 2006, 05:52:56 PM

Title: Super Metroid, reborn
Post by: RuneBlade on March 25, 2006, 05:52:56 PM
I myself have played the original Super metroid on my SNES, and after that on an emulator, running through the great game so many times I pretty much cant die anymore. All the tricks, hidden stuff and so on isnt as fun anymore when you know the game all the way around.

Then I found a page with downloadable hacks/patches (not roms) for a Super Metroid rom to change the entire map, and by this also the difficulty level of the entire game. I found this very interesting, and have now completed one of the two hardest hacks, called Metroid Legacy and Metroid Limit.

An average metroid player with experience of the original super metroid should be able to finish Legacy, like I have. Metroid Limit though is in a completely different league.

If anyone would like to try out this old great game brought to life again I would be more than happy to give you a link. Once again, there are no roms or emulators on the site, only the patches.