Off-Topic => Really Old Stuff => Archive => Charas Project Support => Topic started by: KingdomHeartsCrazy on May 20, 2006, 12:34:13 AM
Hey all,
This is my first post and I love this site! :D I have used chara's resources for my RPG games I make. I was wondering... if something I really want for my game is not here, how do you create charas, facesets, monsters, chipsets, title and game over screens, battle animations and more? :| I am really confuesed... I would love to share them on this site also... but i want to know how to ripp things first. I mainly want to know how to ripp, charas, facesets, monsters, and chipsets. Any information is appreciated! :hi: PLEASE HELP!!! I AM DESPERATE!!!!!!
Have a Magical Day,
Uh... I use MS Paint and Photoshop to (tediously) make anything custom. There are a few programs that can make things (Face Maker PL), but a lot of stuff involves a lot of manual work.
Hi again,
Thanks for the information!!!! :) I wan't to make lots of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories from GBA how do you obtation riped characters of of that game? Such as Goofy, Donald, Sora, Heartless, Ansem etc. What I really wan't to know is how to ripp characters, monsters, facesets, and chipsets from that game... PLEASE HELP!!! ;)
Have a Magical Day,
Just about evceeryhting in that game has already been ripped.
Yes, i know most is already made... but i want to get charas of Donald and Goofy and a faceset for Goofy... Thanks! ;)
Have a Magical Day,
I also just want too know how to just plain old ripp things from games... Thanks! ;)
Have a Magical Day,
You need:
-ROM of the game that you want to rip from (illegal, don't ask for it here)
-An emulator to play the ROM
-A Paint program to edit the picture in
Play the ROM on the emulator until you get to the part that you want to rip from. Then, take a screenshot. To take a screenshot, press the "Print Screen" key on the keyboard (it should be to the right of F12), and then go into a paint program and paste. This will put the screenshot into the paint program so you can edit it.
After that, just edit out everything that you don't want, and align the image correctly so that it works with RPG Maker.
Roms are only illegal if you don't own the original game... which means I have too much illegal crap on my computer... Wait, no, I bought those... nevermind the previous comments.
Actually, that's still illegal.
There is a good deal of misinformation on the Internet regarding the backup/archival copy exception. It is not a "second copy" rule and is often mistakenly cited for the proposition that if you have one lawful copy of a copyrighted work, you are entitled to have a second copy of the copyrighted work even if that second copy is an infringing copy. The backup/archival copy exception is a very narrow limitation relating to a copy being made by the rightful owner of an authentic game to ensure he or she has one in the event of damage or destruction of the authentic. Therefore, whether you have an authentic game or not, or whether you have possession of a Nintendo ROM for a limited amount of time, i.e. 24 hours, it is illegal to download and play a Nintendo ROM from the Internet.
So it's only legal if you dump the ROM from the cartridge yourself.
Originally posted by FFL2and3rocks
You need:
-ROM of the game that you want to rip from (illegal, don't ask for it here)
-An emulator to play the ROM
-A Paint program to edit the picture in
Play the ROM on the emulator until you get to the part that you want to rip from. Then, take a screenshot. To take a screenshot, press the "Print Screen" key on the keyboard (it should be to the right of F12), and then go into a paint program and paste. This will put the screenshot into the paint program so you can edit it.
After that, just edit out everything that you don't want, and align the image correctly so that it works with RPG Maker.
Ummm, thanks! :hi:
About the rom... what do you do when it is a GBA game? Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories? How do you get that GBA game onto the computer? Also where do you get those ripping equiment? _sweat_
Have a Magical Day,
Google it. Or just buy the game. I plan to.
Originally posted by Archem2
Google it. Or just buy the game. I plan to.
I do have Kingdom Hearts: chain of memories for Game Boy Advance... so what do i do know? I AM DESPERATE TO RIPP!!! _sweat_
Have a Magical Day,
You need a ROM of the game. Look for one on Google.
You also need an emulator.
In a unrelated fact, why don't you make "Have a Magical Day,
KingdomHeartsCrazy " your signature?
This is a pain in the {CENSOR} but you could get one of those things that let you play gba games on gamecube and use a VCR to tape it, than get a thingy that translates tape into digital media and then take a frame of it, but i would just painstakingly redraw or find it somewhere with google.