Game Creation => Requests => Topic started by: Linkizcool on August 05, 2006, 11:58:18 PM
Can somebody please make some charsets with plants, flowers and trees? I found a few in the complete resources, but not much.
Heh, I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but I just made one of my Pumpkin character that you may found usable. Probably not, but maybe. It's not done yet, though...
Edit: By the way, this is my first characterset.
No, I mean like a stationary tree. Ex...VVV
Sorry, had one of those frequent moments where I go temporarily stupid...
Lol, no prob.
Nice, unique charset BTW.
can you post the chipset your using theese for...tommarrow I might be able to draw some to match the chipset
Anything to this chip:
k...I can get started on a couple plants flowers bushes and shrubs when I get back home in a couple hours
Sweet, thanks.
Don't really want to be a drag, but its been almost two weeks...
Well, all I need are some trees for rm2k3 (those ones were xp) in a charset, like I posted above.
if you give this week end
i get lots on a 8 line charaset
bye for now it be monday if not
as got lots on this week
as my son and wife
is at my home this week
as i got to homes
bye for now
Take your time. It's not urgent or anything.
i was up all night to get you it done
its lined up and working
Thanks a bunch Lonewolf. Great job!