
Game Creation => Requests => Topic started by: Kass on August 19, 2006, 10:07:29 PM

Title: Many things needed, just pretend I only need one thing at a time.
Post by: Kass on August 19, 2006, 10:07:29 PM
I need some things for my latest game. Also, I don't know how to create my own, so don't just tell me to do that please.

1. I would like a title screen that shows something non-modern with the title For Home and Country on it. (I don't know how to make pictures)

2. Charasets. Probably just one. I would enjoy them to be military-like people. One should have a black cape, and another (if possible) Should have some kind of animal skull over his/her head. I would like the uniforms to be blue or red.

3. I need more warrior-type facesets. Preferably of mixed genders, but it doesn't really matter.

4. This is important. I need the sound of someone crying.

Thank you all very much, and I will credit you all, once I figure out how to add credits to my game.
Post by: EXO Muffin on August 20, 2006, 12:06:57 AM
Originally posted by Kass
3. I need more warrior-type facesets. Preferably of mixed genders, but it doesn't really matter.

...Like, a bisexual or something? Also, I think that a crying sound effect would be creepy. As for the credits thing:

Hard way: Make like, 20 pictures. After the game ends, replace the party with a blank-sprited character, and teleport them to a black map or whatever. Then, make it show white-texted, transparent-backgrounded credits, at the top of the screen coordinates. Then make it erase that picture, and make it show the next chunk of it, a bit farther down. Just keep doing that until all the pictures are done, and then make it show the title screen.

Easy way: Just switch to a blank-sprite character, and show messages for credits. You could make him teleport to different maps, after some messages. Make sure to add a command that allows events to go on while the messages show. Then, after the messages are done, make it go to the title screen.
Post by: I Have a Sandwich on August 20, 2006, 12:12:47 AM
Obvious way: Make a really long image and have it scroll up.
Title: One title
Post by: Bobman on August 20, 2006, 10:16:27 AM
Okay, for a title...
Title: Or this...
Post by: Bobman on August 20, 2006, 10:23:09 AM
There's another one!
Title: Looky!
Post by: Bobman on August 20, 2006, 10:38:26 AM
Oh, here's a third!
Title: Hooray!
Post by: Bobman on August 20, 2006, 10:46:07 AM
Another one! This is no. 4!
Title: Five!
Post by: Bobman on August 20, 2006, 10:55:58 AM
One, two, three, four, five, once I caught a fish alive...
Title: But...
Post by: Bobman on August 20, 2006, 11:10:04 AM
Then there were six...
Title: 7
Post by: Bobman on August 20, 2006, 11:22:41 AM
If 7 was a magcal number, then this would be magical...
Title: That's good.
Post by: Bobman on August 20, 2006, 11:27:18 AM
If you use any of these credit me for editing the pictures, but not for making them. I got them all off a german site.
Title: Military dude...
Post by: Bobman on August 20, 2006, 04:48:32 PM
Here's ur first military dude.
Post by: drenrin2120 on August 20, 2006, 04:57:11 PM
jesus god almighty...
Post by: I Have a Sandwich on August 20, 2006, 05:53:56 PM
You just posted 8 titles in 8 posts. All you did was put poor text on an image.
Title: And Now for a face or 2...
Post by: Bobman on August 20, 2006, 06:38:12 PM
Here's ur faceset, btw I made this and the charset with the generators, u shld try them.

And sandwich, is there a rule against putting titles in multiple posts? I didn't know... Soz 4 bein noobish, and bear with me man that's all he asked for and I only have a really old photoshop elements, u can't properly edit text with it...
Post by: Kass on August 20, 2006, 07:49:57 PM
Thank you all very much. By the way EXO Muffin, I did not mean 'bisexual' I meant that not all of them had to be males, and not all of them had to be females. Wait, I forgot something. Oh yes. Can someone please tell me how to resize charsets. I'm not exactly "computer smart", but I'm trying.
Post by: EXO Muffin on August 20, 2006, 10:41:53 PM
Jeez. It was a joke. Also, Bobman, he could have just put that charset together in 2 minutes.

About the charset resizing, make the image 288*256 pixels, then fill in the blank space with the background color. When importing the graphics to charsets through the resource manager, click the background color.
Post by: Bobman on August 21, 2006, 07:04:14 AM
Your right, he could, but I just did it 'cos he didn't know how 2.

Here are links to the generators:
Charset Generator (
Faceset Generator (
Battle Charset Generator (

You can also find these on the main page or complete resources.
Post by: Kass on August 22, 2006, 03:31:51 PM
Hey Bobman, nice faceset. I see how you can just make slight changes to exsisting facesets. However, with some experimentation, I still can't figure out how to work the generators. Can you please do a simmilar faceset, but using the blue soldier as a base instead? The one with the round helmet?
Post by: Bobman on August 22, 2006, 04:19:04 PM
Yeah, I was going to do them in blue but the generator only has them in red. Here you go, I edited the helmets and stuff to be blue, also the beard doesn't look so out of place now.

And for using the generator:


EDIT: Right-click, show image in new window for those who don't know how to see the images full size.
Post by: Kass on August 24, 2006, 04:43:49 PM
By the way, I just found out that I need a charaset with a pig in it. In complete Resources, they only have pigs that have a white back ground behind them that destroys the grass in my game. I would also like to see the title screen you showed earlier that had an elf, dwarf, and human on it, but with Kingdom as the title. I'm thinking of changing names.