Game Creation => Requests => Topic started by: aboutasoandthis on August 24, 2006, 10:11:08 PM
This time it's not a game request. Can I have a sig with images of these games in them, along with my name?
If you do decide to do one, can you post first saying you will before you start? I don't like having to judge requests unless I wanted them to be specific.
Oh, and I don't want it to be much bigger than my current sig.
I'm not the best, but I'll give it a try. Just find the images you want me to use, or give a bit more info.
It will probally end up looking somewhat like the signature below.
My most recent work:
Soon I'll put up a zip file of the pics I want. I'm leaning towards your Advent Children sig, yet with my name and a little phrase by me.
I'll try and give it a go.
Sandwich boy IM'd me stating that he would like to do this. If you don't mind About, I'll just let him do it.
I might still get a free sig so it wouldn't really matter who does it. Thanks ZKX!
I want the colossi, the man looking at the girl, and the big bright tower to show up the most. Can I have a border too? If so, I'd want something simple like what an ink drawn map border would look like.
I admit the images are pretty tall. That might be a problem. Just give a post or a PM or something if you have any problems like that.
For a phrase...I'm thinking something like "Some sights make you believe again." I'd like the phrase in the upper or lower left, with my name on the right.
Can you stick to the colors in the pics? They're pretty much just de-saturated with some lights and some blurring.
You can cut out the "1" Pic with Ico in it. There aren't enough specific pics of this game I want.
I'd like the Tower to be on the left, the girl on the altar in the middle, and the colossus on the right with the words in place too and hopefully a border.
To me...that sounded like a lot. I don't know if it is for you. If it's too much, just tell me.