
Game Creation => Requests => Topic started by: Dart09 on January 16, 2007, 04:20:21 AM

Title: Legend of Dragoon Request(1)
Post by: Dart09 on January 16, 2007, 04:20:21 AM

I am firstly requesting a Legend of Dragoon Lloyd sprite.I have seen some but I would preferably like a sprite in his Dragoon form.It can either be 32 x 32 or 64 x 64

A brief description.
-His form isnt like the others,he doesnt have wings
-Its not that it isnt his dragoon form,its that he forced himself to become a dragoon because the divine dragoon spirit didnt recognize him as the owner of it.

if you cant make him in his dragoon form(I know its hard to do it unless you've actually played the game.)Then make him in his normal form,preferably with his signiture weapon the "Dragon Buster" which is also included with the above pic.(if you can make the dragon buster an item too.)Also if you cant do Lloyd do another character that you feel is easy for you.
Post by: ZeroKirbyX on January 16, 2007, 04:38:31 AM
Well, more often than not I don't support early post requests, but JUST because it's Legend of Dragoon and not FF7, I may do it.
Post by: Dart09 on January 16, 2007, 04:48:27 AM
Thank you for reconsidering  :bend: