Game Creation => Requests => Topic started by: Elemental Inzuki on January 17, 2007, 03:04:28 AM
I have no idea on how to do almost everything. I know how to make the field, but like put ememies ans stuff. Can anyone show me a tutorail? I couldn't kind one, sorry.
Well, this is how I do it.
Think about the story first, write down key words. You can write in details later. Think about how it's going to begin and how it's going to end. Now try to connect those two.
(Tip: Don't make a game with 'An almighty sword' or 'The only one in the whole world who can save us'...That's cliché).
After making the story, think about your characters. What weapons, what sort of personality, what are their backgrounds?...
After doing that, you can write down the items, but that's not necessary(all though it realy helps). Now gather resources on sites or make them on your own.
Now the mapping and the real gamemaking begins!
That's gamemaking in a nutshell ;)