
Game Creation => Requests => Topic started by: Lainke on April 03, 2007, 11:26:25 PM

Title: A request o.o
Post by: Lainke on April 03, 2007, 11:26:25 PM
Hi !

I am new at the forum, lemme introduce myself, my name is Leonardo, and i have been a fan of this page since a lot of time, and i have never requested anything, but there is always a first time.

 Could someone make Lloyd (Tales of Symphonia Character)  chara, for the RPG Maker XP, I have already seen good ones, but the most are for 2000 and 2003, could someone edit them for RPG XP?

Here are some examples:

This charas were ripped from Gon and hydan, so if u use them, credits them ^^.

and please, if u can edit all the characters of tales of symphonya to XP,  Ill be really Thankfull ^^

Thats All, And Thanks For Ur Attention  :bend: