
Game Creation => Requests => RPG Maker Programming => Topic started by: igloo9 on May 18, 2007, 10:25:13 PM

Title: Footstep sounds in rm2k
Post by: igloo9 on May 18, 2007, 10:25:13 PM
Hey.  how do you make it to where you can hear footsteps of your character walking in Rpg Maker 2000?

Its easy in 2003, just go to terrain and add the footstep sound you want into "sound effect", there you go.

But theres not an option to do that in Rpg maker 2000.

can someone tell me how to do it?  because i really want to hear the character walking.

thanks in advance.
Post by: Daetyrnis on May 18, 2007, 11:40:34 PM
One way you could do it is by playing a sound whenever the hero moves.  A simple way to do this is as follows.

Create 4 variables (heroX, heroY, prevHeroX, prevHeroY)

Create a parallel process event on the map with footstep sounds (or perhaps a common event if you want this everywhere).

Start the event off by setting heroX and heroY to their respective hero coordinates.

Then if heroX is not equal to prevHeroX OR heroY is not equal to prevHeroY, play the sound.  If either of the variables don't match, the player has moved.

Lastly, set prevHeroX to the value of heroX, and prevHeroY to the value of heroY.
Post by: game_maniac on May 19, 2007, 12:03:01 AM
^Even so, it's still much more limited when compared to rpgm2k3's system. RPGM2k wasn't made for footstep sounds, I'm afraid.
Post by: DragonBlaze on May 19, 2007, 12:52:46 AM
Originally posted by igloo9
Hey.  how do you make it to where you can hear footsteps of your character walking in Rpg Maker 2000?

Its easy in 2003, just go to terrain and add the footstep sound you want into "sound effect", there you go.

But theres not an option to do that in Rpg maker 2000.

can someone tell me how to do it?  because i really want to hear the character walking.

thanks in advance.

You can use the meathod listed above. OR, you could simply use rm2k3 if you wanted. The main differance is the battle system, so if you really want a front view battle system like in 2k, just make the battlers transparent, and then add front view poses for the monsters, and it should look a lot like rm2k's battles.
Title: umm
Post by: igloo9 on May 19, 2007, 12:57:17 AM
yea but the thing is, even if you can make rm2k3 battle like rm2k, theres still the bar thing.  you know, the monsters freely attack you and you have to wait for your bar to fill up before you attack.

i dont like that.  i like taking turns like in rm2k.
Post by: game_maniac on May 19, 2007, 10:28:26 AM
Btw, where footstep sounds included in rmxp? To me, it always looked like a rather mundane addition.

Title: ..
Post by: igloo9 on May 19, 2007, 04:11:41 PM
i dont want to deal with making a new battle system or editing it or w/e.

i just want the rm2k battle system.

so how can i add footstep sounds to it?
Post by: game_maniac on May 19, 2007, 07:22:16 PM
^Buddy, I doubt you're gonna find anything better than the one Daetyrnis posted. Did you even read his post?
Title: Re: Footstep sounds in rm2k
Post by: Supersplite on February 11, 2016, 05:10:51 PM
First of all, if you want stepping sounds everywhere, create an common event with parallel process, but if you want that one
map is with step and other not, create an event on the map and set to to parallel process it.

1.Create a label(any number).
2.Create a loop.
3.Create variables (e.g.):
4.create an "memorize place" , with 0001 is X, 0002 is Y, 0003 is the MapID.
5.put an wait of 0.0 frames.(idk why, but put it.)
6.create agin an memorize place, but now 0005 is the X, 0006 is the Y and 0007 is the mapID. create an branch/fork to:0003 is NOT equal to 0007, go to label (number of your label)
8.branch:0001 NOT equal to 0005, break loop.
9.branch:0002 NOT equal to 0006, brak loop. thats all for the loop, now for the orther part:
11.get terrain id:X to be 0005, Y to be 0006 and TerrainID to be 0004.
12.branch:if 0001 NOT equal to 0005, (now put anything you want when the chara moves.)
13.branch:if 0002 NOT equal to 0006, (now put anything you want when the chara moves.)

thats it.

mine worked like this:

 <>Memorize Place:Map:[0003], X:[0001], Y:[0002]
 <>Wait 0.0
 <>Memorize Place:Map:[0007], X:[0005], Y:[0006]
 <>If Var:(0003:mapid) Var[0007] (=!)
  <>Goto Label#1
 :End Case
 <>If Var:(0001:playerx) Var[0005] (=!)
 :End Case
 <>If Var:(0002:playery) Var[0006] (=!)
 :End Case
:End Loop
<>Get Terrain ID: (V[0005],V[0006]) Var:[0004:terrainid]
<>If Var:(0001:playerx) Var[0005] (=!)
 <>If Var:(0004:terrainid) 1
  <>Play Sound Effect:grass
 :End Case
:End Case
<>If Var:(0002:playery) Var[0006] (=!)
 <>If Var:(0004:terrainid) 1
  <>Play Sound Effect:grass
 :End Case
:End Case


This way i done, every tile with terrain with id of 1, an sound effect will open, but you can place anything you want , like
every step an annoying message appears...

so yeah ;D

P.s: i think the commands i copied may be wrong...
P.P.s:Worked in don miguel's rpg maker2000.
Title: Re: Footstep sounds in rm2k
Post by: Prpl_Mage on February 11, 2016, 06:53:12 PM
Nice explanation, but the thread is 9 years old
Title: Re: Footstep sounds in rm2k
Post by: Relux the Relux on February 11, 2016, 07:22:56 PM
Nice explanation, but the thread is 9 years old

Well... to his defense the thread will be only 9 years old in May so... XD
Title: Re: Footstep sounds in rm2k
Post by: Supersplite on February 13, 2016, 05:37:05 PM
Nice explanation, but the thread is 9 years old
people will also want rm2k steps and the search will give this page first so then many people's lifes will be solved :/