Off-Topic => Archive => Gallery => Topic started by: Red Fox on December 04, 2007, 04:47:57 PM

I will be posting my work here. If you use any of it remember to credit me.
Decomposed Zombie
Cool! I prefer the look of your zombie smiley though. Maybe you should make that into a charset?
Yeah, I agree with the moose. The other one was cooler.
And on a second note: Paint shop is overrated... MS Paint ftw!
dude...a copypaste combo of mspaint and paintshop pro x2 is like...goku and the silver surfers love child, power wise
Originally posted by Moosetroop11
Cool! I prefer the look of your zombie smiley though. Maybe you should make that into a charset?
Yeah, yeah. I might be able to do that, infact I will do it as soon as I get home to my dad again.
Originally posted by gemini
dude...a copypaste combo of mspaint and paintshop pro x2 is like...goku and the silver surfers love child, power wise
I like love children.
i like your spriting style. You should do a whole line of zombies. I would like very much to use them as mini undeads in my own game. Or at the very least Just more of these guys
Yeah, thats my plan. I got one other in the same style but hes not on this computer but I can upload it at... sunday... I think.
Okey some "new" charsets.
Ghoul - This is the first charset I made in this style

Smiley Zombie - I'm not so happy with the side faces I try to fix it when I have time
Sorry no zombies this time, instead some hot asian shaman action.
Asian kung-fu fighter


Both charsets is made for a game I'm working on.
I love the kung fu fighter. Awesome!
You're kinda right about the smiley zombie, his side view looks a little bit rushed. I think it's the shape of the head... Because he was a smiley first, his head shape isn't designed for that style and it looks off.
Dunno what to suggest about improving it though... I wouldn't worry about it.
Originally posted by Moosetroop11
You're kinda right about the smiley zombie, his side view looks a little bit rushed. I think it's the shape of the head... Because he was a smiley first, his head shape isn't designed for that style and it looks off.
Dunno what to suggest about improving it though... I wouldn't worry about it.
Yeah, and that hole in his head shouldn't look like that from the side.
Anyway, no charset this time instead a Health/Mana bar attached to a gas mask.

I got a weakness for gas masks.
i frakin love the shaman
And the mask HUD too.
I could make a love child with these...
Do so!
Originally posted by lucas_irineu
All the sprites here are great. But the gas mask doesnt look too much like an gas mask
Yeah, when I started it was suppous to be a gas mask but now it look more like a sci-fi helmet
Originally posted by Archem2
Oh Gawd! What have you done they are everywhere!
Originally posted by Moosetroop11
Do so!
Originally posted by Archem
Originally posted by Red Fox
Oh Gawd! What have you done they are everywhere!
The three AC buddies posting after each other! How nostalgic.
Originally posted by Moosetroop11
Originally posted by Moosetroop11
Do so!
Originally posted by Archem
Originally posted by Red Fox
Oh Gawd! What have you done they are everywhere!
The three AC buddies posting after each other! How nostalgic.[/B]
Indeed. Good times.
A new charset. I shaded the face a little diffrent this time.

I never been good at making female charsets but I'm going to give it a try and make one in this style.
Originally posted by Red Fox

Oh God, they're hideous!!!
But in a rather sexy kind of way.
A new charset. Some what inspired by Ghostclown.
i want to have secks with all of your sprites at once.
I've tried.. Not that fun as it sounds like.
Big Head Template

So it's basically a template of my big headed charas. Go wild.
Ur teh mna!
Some new charsets... well one new and one old.

(Right click, view image.)
Used this in the crappy game contest. It's a virus, made it with minigame in my mind.
1. Shake head (with drool)
3. Shake head.
Huge warrior

The old one, made this last year. He got a cartoony walk that I'm not to happy with.
No charset this time instead a mage.

Made it for a game... Charas chain game II to be more exact, I've have started a little bit on chapter 1.
Yeah... Hi guys. So remember how I said I was going to do a female version of my big headed charas? Took some time but now I have finaly begun and this is what I have so far:

So any tips on how I can make it look more female like?
Well, add a line going up from between the........... i mean erm...... Its GOOD!
Lol thanks.
Have done some more on it:

Work left to do:
* Make the boobs move when she walks.
* Make the arms less chubby.
* Make the other directions.
Cool! The head is damn creepy but I think that'll be fine once it's got hair and stuff.
red, ever think about posting your templates to thegenerator improvement project? Just a thought. Theyre super awesome, and if you dont mind other people having a go, i think it would be swell.
Theres an improvement project!? Yeah, I might very well do that once the female is done. Why make a template if not for others to use it.
Theres only one problem with these's so damn hard to make good hair, you got so few pixels to work with.
No update on the female template yet. I have been busy lately but I'll get it done as soon as I can. The reason for this post is this:

Someone actually used my template... Thats ****ing awesome!
I'm the son of god... But thats not the point of this post. No, infact the point of the post is that I've had a little free time at school today and I remember my little big headed charset. So I decided to work some on the female template.
So the front view and back is done. I've made the side view too but not so happy with the outcome so I'll try to remake it some day...when I got time.
So see this as some sort of beta template.
Someone made a panda out of your template? Well, at least you know it has multi-uses.
Cool! I think the side view's alright. I mean, she looks like she's gonna fall over, but the whole style is pretty cartoony so that isn't really a problem.
Originally posted by Moosetroop11
Cool! I think the side view's alright. I mean, she looks like she's gonna fall over, but the whole style is pretty cartoony so that isn't really a problem.
Hmm, yeah... well...I'm going to make a charset from the template to see how it looks "dressed" up.
Originally posted by A Forgotten Legend
Someone made a panda out of your template? Well, at least you know it has multi-uses.
I dont' thin the panda is made from the template but the other is ^^
A wrestler I made for a contest over at pixeljoint.

It's Apple man and someone has been eating of his helm so he's declaring vengeance.
XD It should win.
Thanks. Heres a update (got some help from someone over at pixeljoint) now it actually looks like someone ate of his mask.
Thought I would be so kind and share a newly made (RTP sized) charset.
It's Bear Grylls from the survival show "Man vs. Wild".
The poses are:
1. Normal
2. Running
3. Swimming
4. Battle stance (right)
5. Battle stance (left)
6. Pushups (with cloth)
7. Pushups (naked (those who watch the show know why, maybe))
8. Sitting (Eyes open)
9. Lying down/ dead
10. Sitting (Eyes closed)
11. Shaking head
12. Climbing
13. Looking left to right
Those are nice!Do you mind if i edit this?I need that swim pose.
Go ahead. Have fun.
Thanks ,i will.I'm going to sumbit that big head edit sheet soon,i just thats its realy
big,so i have to resize it.
I might turn that into a template if thats ok with you?
those poses look ruul useful.
Yeah, go ahead. The running pose got some bugs I'm to lazy to fix though.
I need to train on making big stuff.
So heres what I'm working on now. (wip)
Going to start on the body of the big guy.
Also this is a pretty good sign that I need to go to bed now.
Awesome work,Red! Ha ha you have a "unique" perspictive.
Were you planning on using that for anything? May I have permission to use it in a (possible) upcoming project?
No not really. Go ahead, use it as much as you want.
Hm... you should try facesets.
Red Fox Style Facesets = Pure Win EPIC WIN.
I dont' thin the panda is made from the template but the other is ^^
:( I feel bad now.
hmm... I made a couple of facesets for a game I worked on awhile ago. I can see if I can dig them up later.
You keep saying that yet I don't belive you.
Found those faces I made.
1. The first face is based on this character by Ghostclown (credit him if you use it.)
You keep saying that yet I don't belive you.
Found those faces I made.
1. The first face is based on this character by Ghostclown (credit him if you use it.)
Niiice, Red! I like these alot. So did you just wip them up? If so double nice.
So it just some old doodles and never finished stuff I found lying around.
So it just some old doodles and never finished stuff I found lying around.
The purple dude looks pretty sweet.
Thank you Vahn, good to see you back here in the land of doomed souls.
It's been awhile.
Self portrait:
Self portrait remade to an orc:
TGF's package man:
Noticed some stray pixels... I'll fix it later.
You are bewtiful <3
I couldn't agree more, Dom.
Aaawww'd <3
They remind me of DQ 3's monsters, you know the re-release on the SNES? But way better. I wish I had a self portriat of my self.
It's been awhile.
Self portrait:
Self portrait remade to an orc:
TGF's package man:
Noticed some stray pixels... I'll fix it later.
The Package Man is win. :]] It's epic, Red.
They remind me of DQ 3's monsters, you know the re-release on the SNES? But way better. I wish I had a self portriat of my self.
The Package Man is win. :]] It's epic, Red.
Glad you liked it.
I was gonna do a new charset. Sadly I made it to big :/
He's an evil demon Samurai! Serioursly he looks like those creatures that live in Japan and lure into their house and eat you.... Make him stop looking at me! *flees in terror*
No, it should be a guy who hands out pamphlets.
This bot seems intent on showing me all the neat stuff you guys have been making. Looks good!