
Off-Topic => Really Old Stuff => Archive => Charas Project Support => Topic started by: Chaosvii7 on December 17, 2007, 11:23:08 PM

Title: Charface color distortion
Post by: Chaosvii7 on December 17, 2007, 11:23:08 PM
Can someone tell me how/why whenever I try to pick an object with a specific color(such as red eyes, or any mouth showing teeth, or clothing), they come out different colors. And, if possible, how to change it?

P.S. Sorry for making a new thread about this

P.P.S. I probably should've named the thread "Faceset color disortion"
Post by: FFL2and3rocks on December 18, 2007, 04:20:58 AM
There can only be 256 different colors at once, so if there needs to be more than that, then some colors are changed to make room, which can make it look pretty bad afterward.

Ultimate FX ( is great at saving things as 256 colors because there will be barely any color distortion.

-Instead of the generator, use Paint or whatever other program you prefer, and put each piece together yourself.
-Save it.
-Open it in Ultimate FX.
-Save it as a 256-color PNG.