TESTING & WELCOME BOARD => Test & welcome board => Site News => Topic started by: Osmose on February 02, 2008, 06:10:17 PM
Hey all. So this is the new server for Charas.
Please bear with us - I'll be the first one to admit that I could've done a much better job in "improving" things, and some things are still buggy or broken.
If you find anything broken, or just have any general complaints, this would be the place to post it.
In the next few days I'll be fixing the errors and trying to make the transition as painless as possible. I think we should all thank Alex for helping out in this endeavor.
Also, very soon I'll be adding in sections to the generators for XP charasets, so anyone who has or wants to make templates or items and such, get to work.
I thought there was 5 days to go..... o_O
Yay! ...again, what happens to the post we made while beta-ing?
Huh. It keeps loggin me out. Is it because... I'm on it when I'm not supposed to?
URLs don't work correctly. If you start a URL with www, it won't work, but it will work if you start it with http://www. If you start it with www, it automatically adds "" to the beginning, which makes it not work.
Also, when using the hyperlink button, it gives both the opening URL and closing /URL parts, but gives an extra /URL when you click it again instead of bringing up the prompts for a new URL.
There's a small flaw. Clicking on a name in a user group (being Razor in superstalin's group), it takes you here. (
Besides that, I'm sure there's a good reason against it, but I wish we could see all of our awards on our posts, even the unimportant ones. They'd just be seperated.
Im a bit on the confused side as to how the groups work. Im sure it will come to me.
In the resources section, when you try to download anything it appears at the top of the page, and you cant download it.
This is the smallest part of the forum. Even the beat version of this area was bigger. O_o.. Why did all the threads made for beat have to go. :(
That's funny, everything but the search is working fine for me in CR.
I love the look and stuff. Are you planning to make charas look like that?
I've completely forgotten how the groups work. lol
I like how the new site looks, but the only thing that I have a complaint with, is the complete resources. I liked the simplicity of the old version of the CR. Now, I don't even know how to work it properly... like, for example. I'm searching for Pikachu charasets. It takes about 30 clicks of the search button before it finally works, and even when it does, it pulls up every thing else besides Pikachu sprites.
Would it be possible to create a simplistic version, like your old Complete Resources page from 07?
In the resources section, when you try to download anything it appears at the top of the page, and you cant download it.
Please help! And thats true, the search it's not working. If it's possible, return the resource section back to the look of the 2007 please! The new one stinks!
I like the new look, myself :p If everything worked, I think it'd be awesome!
EDIT: The PM notification email has no working link.
Sometimes the mainpage envelope icons arent always triggering to orange when there are unread topics. Hasnt happened in a couple of days...but it was happening.
Im digging the quick reply and awards though. I wish they showed
Woo!! Slower load times!!!
So far everyone else has said it's faster, and Bart Fatima wasn't even able to load charas before the switch! So you're in the minority there, Linkforce :p
Same for me. Exactly the same load speed. And am i the only one who realises the CR actually works?
On the other hand, I've made a few submissions and nothing's been posted from them.
They need to be approved first
BTW, do we have an irc channel? We should get one.
from what I've read, its beend done 3 times and people just use MSN or yahoo or anything like that.
WHY AREN"T ME :) 's WORKING!!! I WANT MY :happy: 's!
Okay, and how long do they take to be approved, it's been about two weeks. c.c
CR is backed up because the admin panel has decided to break, and when I can get to it (This weekend, AKA tomorrow) I'm going to do something about the CR. Sorry for all the trouble, guys.
As for me, I cannot pull up anything on complete resources, and currently have to put my RPG Maker project on hold until someone with the proper access can fix that area.
AND IN CASE NO ONE NOTICED!! Look in the header, IRC LIVES!! And the reason why it failed before is because... it wasn't done by MID. <<>>................ Now I have to learn how to work everything :D Much funz.
Thats because the AoA mods are awesome personified mid.
Nice, thanks for kicking a topic in order to link to another topic!
I'd scream BOT! but I learned my lesson about that.
Making this post:
Entirely pointless.
I really hope we don't get another invasion, that was ****ing annoying.
It certainly looks like a bot. Linking to sites and being as useless as possible. Looks like the staff is getting work today.