Off-Topic => Archive => Old Game Discussion => Topic started by: Grandy on February 11, 2008, 04:25:23 AM
So, let me try this "creating a game" thing back again.
It'll be my old project, Honor Amongst Thieves, which features events from Grandy's life, only started from scratch since RPG Maker refuses to open the project again. :|
I also made a few changes:
Characters will be
Grandy - Thief by necessity, actor by talent and a coward for life. Son of an pretty wealthy man, who didn't care as much for Grandy as he would wish. Ran away from home and needed to steal to survive.
Okneoth - Thief no as much for necessity as for the fact he was raised by a thief.
Devon - Ex-soldier (not SOLDIER, FF7 has nothing on this) who has been traumatized by the war to the point of not being able to change his facial expression. Works as a freelancer nowadays.
Lance - *OMG BRAND NEW CHARACTER* Bounty hunter and assassin for hire.
Sheng Tzu - Marksman from the army, could have been an Elite Marksman, but the officials dislike his honestity towards corruption. In turn they give him many mediocre missions just so he doesn't stand out enough to go up in the ranks. Currently in the mission of hunting down Grandy.
Atikkus - Not really a character as much as a cameo and a possible excuse for a sequel if I ever finish this game.
Even though the battle system will be the default, I'll play a little with the concepts.
Instead of MP, characters will have AM, which is short for Ammunition. If a character uses a gun, then ammunition will be subtracted for every shot, which is an normal attack, if it reaches Zero, the character will still attack, but the strenght will be the same as fighting using the gun as a close-range weapon. Accessories can be used to raise the quantity of ammunition that a character can hold, as well as itens like "Ammo Pack" that restore the AM can be purchased. I'll try to make plenty of them to be acesible, so that the player doesn't run out of ammo so easily. One-shot weapons like handgun will waste one AM for attack, while things like machine guns can waste up to 10. Inns will also refill you with ammo, because every inn in my world does that. :Plight:
I'll try and make all the characters at least unique in the fights, as it follows:
Grandy's 'magic' will aways have 100% of chance of succeding, cost 0 MP, and will have good effects, but also nasty side-effects As an example, one of his 'spells' casts "Haste" on himself, which is good if you count it takes 0 MP, but again the side effect is that everyTHING else gets the Slow effect on them. This may sound good, since enemies will also slow down, but your allies also will, and if you're fighting an Slow-immune boss this move could very well be a back-stab. He'll also have a total of 0 AM. He'll also have the "steal" ability, allowing him to swipe up until 300 money (currency under development) which each blow. May seem little, but has a 90% succes rate and can be used to the infinite.
Devon has cursed (for those new means he can't unequip) grieves as weapons, which give all his attacks fire damage, but which also give +0 to his strenght, you may think that makes him useless, but in turn he's able to equip "Fuel" accessories, which give him awesome boosts for both attack, magic and AM. His attacks consume diferent ammounts of AM depending of which Fuel he's equiping. His "magics" does massive damage in turn for massive ammounts of fuel, which in turn in his AM.
Sheng will be the main gunslinger, and as such, will have the most AM. His accuracy will also be better than others, and he will be able to equip diferent weapons like pistols or shotguns or bazookas, and diferent gear from the others, such as glasses (which raise accuracy and damage with a gun). His special consume massive ammounts of AM, but since bullets pierce through armor, all them ignore the defense of an individual.
Okneoth will be an average arrow-shooter, being able to equip arrows as accessories, each arrow costing 1 AM, doesn't matter the strenght, however he also has little AM if compared to the others. Bows can also be bought, but instead of strenght, they increase speed (the speed in which he shoots) and accuracy, lastly he'll be able to equip quivers in the "body" slot to increase his overall AM, but while increasing greatly his overall AM, quivers give no protection at all, thus armor is sometimes better. He'll also be able to steal, at a lower succes rate (30%) but up to 1000 money.
Lance, like Grandy, fights with a short-distance weapon (a lance [if I had a dude named "Axel" you bet he'd use an axe]), thus he desn't waste AM for normal attacks. However, he does have AM, very little AM, up to 15, at best. His AM is only wasted in his special attacks, which involve handguns and aiming at vital spots. All his specials cost 1 AM, he can shoot at the eye of a monster for, and cause blind status, at a leg, and cause paralisis, or at the heart for a 10% chance of sudden death.
More details about the game to be brought after I get another copy of RPG maker, one that works.
I know you can do it this time Grandy.
You've matured a lot during the last years so this will work out just fine, I'm sure you'll be able to finish it now.
Ans this will be one of the games on my "christmas list".
I'll first make the game, then later I'll add the honor system. Just so I don't try to get carried away and end up doing nothing.
Think of it as an expansion pack.
Coolness. I look forward to winding, crowded streets and criminal underworlds and stuff.
Originally posted by lucas_irineu
You better dont give up or I will eat your ballz with salt. Lots of salt.
Well, excuse me. You do know I'm terceirão now, right? I can't just go around wasting my time. Still, most of the battle system is already complete, now comes the boring part of making charests and battlechar.
Originally posted by lucas_irineu
Originally posted by Grandy
Originally posted by lucas_irineu
You better dont give up or I will eat your ballz with salt. Lots of salt.
Well, excuse me. You do know I'm terceirão now, right? I can't just go around wasting my time. Still, most of the battle system is already complete, now comes the boring part of making charests and battlechar.[/B]
Pra falar a verdade, você pode, só ficaria mal na escola por isso :P
Well, if you dont do it now cause you are on the last year of school, you will never get it done, since next year you will have to worry about other stuffs like college :P[/B]
IF I pass the test.