Off-Topic => Archive => Old Game Discussion => Topic started by: Red Giant on February 28, 2008, 10:05:16 PM
Okay so in this thread I'm gonna be talking about what might one day be an actual game called Swords of Silveria but for now is going under the guise of a battle system showcase.
SoS's battles work like this; upon walking around in a dungeon for a lil bit or triggering some crazy story-relative event, you're boomshackala'd into the battle mode screen where you're met with the wonderful and totally not lame message of:

And then it's quite literally on like donkey kong.
The battlefield is basically a 20x5 grid, with each character taking up a single square. It is turn based, but rather than each individual character taking a turn, the entire party and enemy group take turns to move all their number. Hover your cursor over a character and hit enter and you will be able to choose from the following:

Show choices ftw
The amount you character can move per turn is determined by your character's agility. Basically just your agility divided by 10= squares you can move per turn. Our boy here has an agility of 30 and therefore his movement radius looks like this:

I'm totally just changing the sprite pictures to make it look like different battles
But battling isn't all about walking around on tiles! Want to get your hands dirty? Of course you do. So get yourself into a square next to whoever looks like they need a beating and pick attack:

To be honest the attack function probably didn't need explanation
The "Item" command is in the early stages of developement and the "Skill" command has not been touched on like... at all
But I'm planning for them to end up like this; Items can be used on yourself or used on allies BUT you will need to be within tossing range of your selected ally for it to reach them, which is defined by your character's strength.
The rules of range will apply equally for magic, though right now I'm not totally sure if I want fixed ranges for each spell or a range that changes depending on the caster's intelligence.
You might be saying to yourself "Oh, but Red! I don't see an "Escape" command! However will I run away from battle like a chicken?!". Well don't worry! Despite the fact that you don't deserve it you sissy loser, I've been generous enough to include an escape function anyway. Move your guy to either the furthermost left or right of the grid and you will be given the chance to escape battle, like so:

Another lovely feature is random traps. Basically there are 10 kinds of traps that can be randomly triggered when you are unlucky enough to step on them.
Among these are Landmines that cause massive damage, Beartraps that keep your character fixed in place until they can struggle free and Warp traps that replace you randomly on the battlefield.

There are animations to go with these, they just don't play over the messages
Additionally, all the dudes are totally placed RANDOMLY on the grid (how crazy) ensuring some major chaos fights when like you and your buddy are seperated by a group of dragons or somesh*t and your one dude has all the healing spells and your other dude is totally in need of the healing spells. Crazy.
Active features:
-Party Size: 1, Enemy Party Size: 1
-Randomised locations
-"Move" and "Attack" commands
-Escape from battle
-8 Traps
-Poison, Blind and Sleep conditions
You'll have my deepest respect if you finish this Red.
Eveything sounds friggin' awesome and I gotta love all the screenshots and descriptions.
Finally, someone's making a TBS that doesn't look like a complete mess :D
I can't promise I'll play any demos (I dislike playing a game and having to quit because it's not done) but I will play the finished this :D
Ah, the finest quality thread. I would expect no less from you Red.
Looks TURBO COOL. I tried something like this once but gave up :(
excellent concept
It looks like hot sex
Dudes doing the monster AI is like taking a beating to my fracking skull I mean seriously you search for like 3 hours trying to work out why your guy isn't moving right and then you find out it's cuz in some random-arse event you put a minus where you meant to put a plus OR SOME SHIT
Just thought I'd share that with you all.
Yupp, that's where I give up on making my own battle system... The enemy AI, I don't know how and I wouldn't have the patience to finish it even if I did.
Wow, I'm impressed with the grid thingy, does it correctly move 'around' monsters and objects? I'm working on a java based tactical battle system with some people at school, and we're tying to think of a good way to make the 'move' and 'show grid' aspects. We're trying some stuff with recursion, but the coding (thus far) is incredibly unefficiant.
As far as I know, recursion is the only effective way to make/show a grid like that, and I would think it would be near impossible to try and code a recursion method in rpg maker. Congrats to you though :)
Originally posted by DragonBlaze
Wow, I'm impressed with the grid thingy, does it correctly move 'around' monsters and objects? I'm working on a java based tactical battle system with some people at school, and we're tying to think of a good way to make the 'move' and 'show grid' aspects. We're trying some stuff with recursion, but the coding (thus far) is incredibly unefficiant.
As far as I know, recursion is the only effective way to make/show a grid like that, and I would think it would be near impossible to try and code a recursion method in rpg maker. Congrats to you though :)
It most sadly does not, which isn't to say I haven't been toying with the concept. Given the scale of this particular game's battles and how far I've already gone with it I don't think I'll make much of an attempt at including it, but I might concievably in a similar project with more focus on battling.
EDIT: Anyone got a nice free filehost I can use up like the dirty whore that it is?
EDIT2: LoL wh-re is censored that's rich
'ho' is where it's at, anyways.
Good luck on finishing this.. Seems like a burn-out project to me. One reason I decided not to make my own battle system for RoA is because I knew for sure with how epic I wanted the game I would never finish it. However, if your game has a couple characters and a short storyline it won't be to bad of code. Depends on your time and effort put into the system.
It looks good though, keep up the good work.
OKAY DUDES Bare bones basic demo is up. And I mean bare bones. This literally has the exact minimum of features to allow it to still qualify as a "battle" system. It's a one-on-one fight against a weaksauce slime. All your guy and your enemy can do right now is move and attack.
There's also 8 active traps (I'm not telling you what they are, you can find out on your own har har har)
Anyway it would totally help if you guys could feedback any bugs you find in the game, or just straight up anything you don't like about it. Seriously blow the game wide open. Try moving everywhere and doing anything. And I'm aware that you can't view your own status. Har har har.
It's in winrar so if you don't have winrar... then fuck you.
Originally posted by Red Giant
Originally posted by DragonBlaze
Wow, I'm impressed with the grid thingy, does it correctly move 'around' monsters and objects? I'm working on a java based tactical battle system with some people at school, and we're tying to think of a good way to make the 'move' and 'show grid' aspects. We're trying some stuff with recursion, but the coding (thus far) is incredibly unefficiant.
As far as I know, recursion is the only effective way to make/show a grid like that, and I would think it would be near impossible to try and code a recursion method in rpg maker. Congrats to you though :)
It most sadly does not, which isn't to say I haven't been toying with the concept. Given the scale of this particular game's battles and how far I've already gone with it I don't think I'll make much of an attempt at including it, but I might concievably in a similar project with more focus on battling.
EDIT: Anyone got a nice free filehost I can use up like the dirty whore that it is?
EDIT2: LoL wh-re is censored that's rich[/B]
Ah, well its probably for the best. For a small grid like that without a bunch of obsticals in the way, it would probably do more harm than good. The only two ways I can really see it being done in rm2k3 anyway would either take take around .1 - .2 seconds per square to calculate (not much coding though), or hard code in every map so that it knows (in code) which tiles are passible and which aren't, this would have a very short calculation time, but be a pain in the *** to do.
Some free file hosts are:
Where'd you get that song from Runescape? The game may suck, but I LOOOOVE it's music.
My review's coming in alittle.
... Ain't much of a review, but the system worked almost perfect. The only problem I found was that when I tried to walk up at first, I was blinded by... the sun? o_o
I'll download it, but not today. If I download it today I'll have an excuse not to go to bed until I've tested it thoroughly.
This is probably one of the best things Ive seen done with rpg maker yet. Keep up the good work.
Well, I clicked move and it said that a beartrap snuck onto me... And then I was trapped there. I didn't even had the time to decide where to move, I just clicked the option and I was jammed to the ground.
And then the slime walked two squares and onto the same tile as me... And it was stuck... So I couldn't attack it... But it could attack me.
It went better the second time though. Everything worked as it was intended to do.
Originally posted by Dominicy
Where'd you get that song from Runescape? The game may suck, but I LOOOOVE it's music.
My review's coming in alittle.
... Ain't much of a review, but the system worked almost perfect. The only problem I found was that when I tried to walk up at first, I was blinded by... the sun? o_o
LoL it's a blinding flash trap... it is what it is.
Well, I clicked move and it said that a beartrap snuck onto me... And then I was trapped there. I didn't even had the time to decide where to move, I just clicked the option and I was jammed to the ground.
And then the slime walked two squares and onto the same tile as me... And it was stuck... So I couldn't attack it... But it could attack me.
Farrrk. I'll look into it.
This is probably one of the best things Ive seen done with rpg maker yet. Keep up the good work.
You're lovely.
its really slick looking red.
The random traps that hit a the poisoned arrow...
I was trying to scout possible moves, and got hit by the arrow. If the arrow only hit after the move was finalized, it would be a lot swell-er.
So i replayed it...And then as soon as I tried to move i got hit by a random trap that killed me straght off
When moving, the blue highlighted squares only showed up on the second half of my movement. the first two tiles (the one i started on, and the one following) were not highlighted
Also, I was trying to move around the slime, and it seemed that my movement range and the range illustrated by red tiles were not in accordance with eachother. My ACTUAL movement was one tile less than shown. Try moving to the backside of an attacking enemy and youll see what i mean
This is great and i really hope you get the kinks worked out....this has the potential to be the best 2k3 battle system ive played to date
Those were the bugs i found.
Originally posted by gemini
The random traps that hit a the poisoned arrow...
I was trying to scout possible moves, and got hit by the arrow. If the arrow only hit after the move was finalized, it would be a lot swell-er.
That's actually intentional, uh, sort of Advance Wars-esque TRAP!! thingy. You know in the woods. You know what ahm sayin. However I just thought of a way to change it. So I will!
Originally posted by gemini
When moving, the blue highlighted squares only showed up on the second half of my movement. the first two tiles (the one i started on, and the one following) were not highlighted
Well the starting tile is never highlighted, but I think I know what causes the second tile not to be and rest assured if it is what I think it is then it will most likely be gone by the next demo.
Originally posted by gemini
Also, I was trying to move around the slime, and it seemed that my movement range and the range illustrated by red tiles were not in accordance with eachother. My ACTUAL movement was one tile less than shown. Try moving to the backside of an attacking enemy and youll see what i mean
As I was disscussing with DragonBlaze on the previous page... this one's a toughie that probably won't be remedied. But it might. But it might not :(
Originally posted by Red Giant
Originally posted by Dominicy
Where'd you get that song from Runescape? The game may suck, but I LOOOOVE it's music.
Pweaaase? X3