TESTING & WELCOME BOARD => Test & welcome board => Site News => Topic started by: Cosmos on March 04, 2008, 02:40:08 AM
So we had a pretty good turn out and people seemed to enjoy it. (Yay!) So thank you to Gem (loser) and my other judge dude, Kijuki for helping me out. And now I'll announce the winners...
Congrats to Aboutasoandthis!! His picture was one that made you want to keep looking even after you've scrolled past it! Really do like this one. :)

Second Place - Cerebus (
Third Place - ZeroKirby (
Wow. Unfinished and third. Nice.
Edit: I got the most fanart. Win. Thanks guys.
I should prolly (or someone else dun care) make some award thing so mid can give you guys something as an award.
Pff. I didn't wanna win anyways.
This was a pretty good idea. maybe we should have another comp for pixelart....
You can enter pixelart <_<
You can enter any art... as long as it's yours... and... sadly no porn ;.;...
And Archem... You need a hug! *huggles* :D and Kijuki that's like an awsome idea << GET WIT IT!! <<>>
I still reckon that looks nothing like Osmose :p
It is a good drawing though.
LOL The big one on the comp is you and the one in bed is Osmose XD
What she said. :p
Ah! Well in that case a picture of me won the contest and I love you long time aboutso.
Originally posted by ZeroKirbyX
You can enter pixelart <_<
Yes, but pixelart tends to get blown out of the water by awesome drawings or paintings.
Then make awesome pixel art.
yeah thats the thing about contests. the awesomest thing usually wins