
Off-Topic => Archive => Old Game Discussion => Topic started by: DwReaper on March 07, 2008, 04:02:44 AM

Title: The Rise
Post by: DwReaper on March 07, 2008, 04:02:44 AM
Title: The Rise ©
Genre: SRPG (Strategy Role-Playing Game)
Rating: Pending.
Player(s): One player
Platform: PC

Style of play: Turn/Phase based. (Player, ally, neutral, enemy)

RPG elements: Leveling up, Upgrading weapons/armor, gaining skills - Weapon/skill creation/fusion, creating relationship bonds.

Upgrades: Weapons and armor can be upgraded a maximum of three times. Upon the third upgrade, the item gains a special ability or effect.

Forging/fusing: Weapons of the same or similar class can be melted via a smithing shop(1), and reforged together to form more powerful weapons.
Two spells of the same class and element can be fused together via an alchemy pot or shop(2) to make stronger ones.

Support bonds: Support bonds can be created by allowing units to talk or fight near each other often. The more often this is done, the better the bond.
Support bonds have four ranks. D,C,B, and A Ranks.
D is the lowest rank, whereas A is the highest.

Bond Ranks: Rank D - This support is the baseline. It grants a very slight stat increase.

Rank C- Second support rank. It grants slightly better stat increases than rank D.

Rank B - This rank is the baseline for physical supports. This allows the pair with this rank share a skill, based on the class of the two characters, and their type of bond. These are called Bonded skills (3). Third greatest stat increases.

Rank A - Grants the ability for tag style battles(4). Best stat increases.


Sword- Glaive- X2 STR, -2SP. Devastating when it connects. May hinder the character in some way based on their alignment(6)

Axe- Grievous Mace- X2 STR, -1SPD. Above average damage cause when it connects.

Lance- Daemons Spire- X3 STR, -4SPD. Low HIT rate. Tremendous damage when it connects.

Bow- Arc Balista- -1STR, X3SPD. High HIT rate aswell as Critical HIT rate. Above average damage. Devastating to flying and lightly armored units. Weak against heavily armored units.

Magic- Elementalists covenant - This weapon allows any magic using unit it, reguardless of class to temporarily use any type of magic, reguardless of it's alignment. It's stats are based entirely on the units it's being used against. However, the more often it is used, with different magics used, it's strength in those magic classes will increase, and the units resistance to that type of magic will increase.

Basic story:

In a world where peace is a virtue, being preached and practiced daily...a dark veil is cast when suddenly these teachings of peace, this virtue is stained. Stained by blood. Devyaan wakes to the loss a young noble, soon setting accusitory eyes upon it's neighboring country of Scyra. Denying any involvment, boasting innocence...Devyaan decides to retreat it's men back home, they must decide what is to be done.

The death of another young noble, this one, born of Scyra, has come to light. Devyaan was so insistant in their belief that Scyra was the culprit, that they soon set their angered gaze upon Devyaan, calling the murder of their young lord a retaliation.

War has begun, the virtue, broken, all preachings of peace have ceased between the two nations. The dark viel has grown ever darker as the two nations march against each other.

Reference table:

1: Smithing Shop - Smithing shops can be found in any city across the world. However, shops in cities that are on bad terms with you will be far less eager to be lean with you. Their services will be much more expensive than those cities that are on good terms with you.

2: Alchemy pot and shop- The alchemy shop is the same as the smithing shop. You can get an alchemy pot from any alchemy shop in the game. They will not come cheap, but would greatly help you in the long run.

3: Bonded skills- Friend, Rival, Romantic interest. These are the three types of bonds. Each bond has an up and down side. Friends can help each other in battle and will grant a higher experiance gain. However, this is split between the two units. Rivals can help in battle, the experience gain is normal, but is also split between the two. Romantic interests can help each other in battle. There is shared experience, but also, the two units grant a few point gain on their lost HP.

4: Tag style battling- Tag style battling will be just as it sounds, it will be done just as arena battles in the FE series - except you can NOT run at any point.  In tag battles - the tag format does not stop until one side loses.  You can switch out active battlers via a side menu, or you can choose to fight it out in a pattern. P1,E1,P2,E2 - for example. You should choose pairings for bonds wisely for this.

5: Shyfting - When a character reaches the S rank in their weapons levels, they will become able to use the Shyfting ability (hence the "S" ). Shyfting is the act of transforming a weapon to a stronger and more fiendish weapon temporarily.


How many levels will there be?
It hasn't been decided yet how many levels there will be. This depends on how many people help on this project and how active they are. The more there are, and the more helpful, there should be more than enough to keep you occupied for awhile.

When will the game be done?
it will be awhile. Please be patient. :)

How can I help?
You can help by PMing me, or emailing me at

How much will this game cost?
This game is fully intended to be free for download. This is subject to change...but it will more than likely be free.

If you have any questions that you think should be answered and included in this fact, please submit them to me here. Please do NOT make multiple posts with new questions if they are meant for the FAQ. Inlude them in one of your posts that you title "For FAQ"

 All Rights reserved, Deathware Productions© Mark Anthony Harrell 2

On a side note, I am requesting any help from the community. I had a team, they have all suddenly backed out and I am working on this pretty much alone, aside from my gf.  So...any and all help would be welcome and appreciated.
Post by: Moosetroop11 on March 07, 2008, 11:37:44 AM
Sounds very interesting. How much is just talk, how much have you done and how much do you have the ability to do?

Also, what are you making it on?
Post by: Prpl_Mage on March 07, 2008, 01:22:48 PM
In what way is it a strategic rpg? I'm very curious and awould love to see some screenies.
Post by: DwReaper on March 07, 2008, 05:02:38 PM
Originally posted by Moosetroop11
Sounds very interesting. How much is just talk, how much have you done and how much do you have the ability to do?

Also, what are you making it on?

 Thanks for the response.

 The game should be equally blended with talking and actual gameplay. As for what is done, you are pretty much looking at it. I can't get any of the RPGmakers to run on this computer, so I am tryin gto figure out what route to go while also teaching myself coding. (Not getting anywhere fast) I do however have a friend that is helping, who is a coder, and we are planning to get Blitz3D I think it was...or it may be the one packed with 2D also....I'll have to check. I can design the characters, their appearances, attitude, etc. I am also a writer. So I am balancing the character designs, systems and story (Both the rough outline, and the finished product itself.)

 Anyhow. Would you mind giving me feedback as to what you do, and do not like about what you see, thus far?

 Oh, and sorry for the lack of hard stuff to show all of you. I am working on it as best as I can.

@Prpl_Mage: It is a strategic RPG in the sense that this game is phase based. If you have ever played Fire Emblem, Advance wars, etc. Should should understand what I mean. However, though these are the same genre, The Rise is in no way related to, or based too heavily on those games.

 Thanks for responding. ^^