Off-Topic => Archive => Old Game Discussion => Topic started by: zuhane1 on March 22, 2008, 06:17:04 PM
Title: Oxygen *Removing the linearity*
Post by: zuhane1 on March 22, 2008, 06:17:04 PM
Right, I've done this thread before with no real proof of anything and little to talk about. Here it is again but now with a lot more included. I've done HUGE graphical improvements with a lot f things, mainly the battle system. All the monsters are the same graphics and the characters look much nicer. So here's some updates and that:
STORY: The story is about a naive battle-crazy young man named Koobi. His parents pushed him into the catering business, but he was a layabout with bad attendance whos mind always wandered. He woke up one morning from an exciting dream of battling ferocious monsters to find he was late for work. However, he couldn't really care less that he was late for work. He turned on his oven to cook something and then his TV and watched a shocking report. Apparently, the hottest day in Homzone (the planet he lives on) was approaching. Due to factories being built and creatures called "Nogs" apparently stealing the planet's oxygen and eating the oxygen-providing plants, the hottest day would kill most living things. Koobi went to his neighbour's house, who was just referred to as "The Professor". The professor said that Homzone was doomed. Koobi stood in shock, waited for a while and said "Can you smell burning?" "No." Said the professor. "Hmmmm... well... MY OVEN!" Exclamied Koobi! "Huh?" "I smell burning and I left my oven on. Damn!" With that, Koobi looked and saw his house. It was ablaze, walls falling in, sentimental items being burned to ash. Koobi had nothing left, despite having no martial arts skills or experience whatsoever, he left in one of the professor's training simulator battle suits. His only hope was to water the ten lillies that were spaced around Homzone. If all ten were to bloom, there would be enough oxygen to help save Homzone. He would have to dispose of the creatures referred to as "Nogs" on his way.
That's the basic story but with a lot more depth and more added. Yes, a crazy storyline!
=========================== CHARACTERS: =========================== Koobi- The helplessly happy and gormless main character. Finds a weapon known as the "Coneblade". With it, he can fight with a lot of skill, he knows how to use it for some unknown reason despite not having any martial arts skills at all. He boasts speed more than anything, he uses various fighting moves.
Afrix- After crashing on Homzone, he has little sympathy for Koobi and his doomed planet. Once he finds out that he can't repair his ship unless he helps Koobi, he knows he has to step in and do something. I gigantic mutant cross-breed bear/bull wearing humongous amounts of space armour and wielding a gun the size of Koobi, he really packs a punch. He lacks speed but uses some pretty mean ailment-inflicting attacks.
Pasche- A very sturn guy, he makes Afrix look slightly nicer. He's a man who's very words are solid gold, he phrases everything very carefully and thoughtfully, he only speaks when asked to speak or if he needs to. He wears a black cape with fire as transfers on each side and wields a huge mace capable of reducing enemy attributes. Very powerful character to have on your team.
Here are some features it will include:
-You do levels, like a Mario game.So you'll have level 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, then 1-4 which are based in a grassland type area. The 2-1, 2-2 levels etc are castle levels. It goes on but basically it's the first RPG with levels.
-Each new area you unlock gives you a new thing, so once you reach the 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 etc area you unlock a computer room. You keep unlocking more.
-There is a world map which you usually go to inbetween levels. It's bursting with secrets every few steps, almost as bad as Laxius Power. It's the ideal place to train and learn new skills.
-I'm not having a boring cleric who everyone hates. Instead, everyone in the party can take "cleric lessons" and get good at healing. This removes the sexist "girls can't fight and must be clerics" type of approach.
-All characters are mages and warriors in their own way. Even spells are influenced by attack. Magic is used for something much deeper later on.
-Every character levels in their own way:
-Koobi gains PP to spend on upgrades rather like Baldur's Gate.
-Afrix can trade items and money for upgrades using the Accessorine. For example, you could go and slay some mega-hard slug monsters for say.... slug slime in a jar. If you provide enough slug slime then you can learn a new attack from it. Higher levels leave access to more upgrades.
-Zupe uses a time-based-gauntlet item which I haven't quite named. Basically, upgrades are lying about the place like with Afrix and Koobi but they are free. The catch is that you have a certain amount of seconds to grab what you can. When you level up you gain more seconds to grab upgrades and take what passage you want. The catch is, you must pay a certain amount of Kurts (currency) which is in ratio to your level to use this item. So you can't use it over and over and reach every possible upgrade.
-A person who is going to be kept secret for now, person A, uses the Task Box. A certain upgrade will require a price. For example, there may be a mountain containing nothing. But if you ask for more damage, it may tell you to slay a dragon in 10 minutes which will suddenly appear on that mountain. Slay it and you will pass the test, gaining mor damage. Higher levels leave access to more upgrades.
-The game will features a little bit of ABSness here and there, where you dodge traps, jump over holes, use the grapple hook etc.
-Trademark attacks you learn from your levelling items (Pen Box, Accessorine, Task Box etc) can be upgraded a lot. They can be upgraded to consume less MP, do more damage, miss less, cause ailments etc. I've done Koobi's Rainbow Twist for example where you upgrade it once and get a new animation for it which looks pretty damn ace and of course it does more damage etc! Each trademark attack has 5 versions, of which 3 are different animations which progressively get better-looking. Skills learned on maps etc can't be upgraded... well very rarely they can.
-Part-way through the game you will have the option to choose a religion. Choosing a different religion can change the upgrades available to you. Here are the religions:
Nogonist- You gain aggression towards Nogs (the creatures that are taking over the land). You blame them for the lack of Oxygen. You become more aggressive doing more damage and learning the odd extra attack.
Machinist- You believe factories are responsible for the global warming and lack of oxygen. You go a bit insane and destroy factories, but reap the benefits. Once you destroy one you gain a lot of useful items.
Optimist- You believe everything will turn out for the best. You gain more healing powers and defensive powers.
Pecimist- You believe that Homzone is doomed. This gives you access to damaging attacks and dark attacks. You can trade with dodgy dealers to gain rare and useful items. You can also gain rare items that could only be gained through slaying powerful monsters for Afrix's Accessorine.
Saviourist- You believe a hero will save us all. You gain nothing throughout the game whatsoever. Then at a certain point near the end gain the best possible upgrade you could ever imagine.
Yeah it's a bit much to take it so hope you like it.
And to back this whole lot up...
Random footage 1:
Random footage 2:
A few nice little special attacks I made:
These videos don't show much of the game, I don't want to ruin any of the good parts. Hope you enjoy and please give some feedback!
Here's the update:
Hope you enjoy!
I've also gotta ask an urgent question, this has never really been done with an rm2k3 game to my knowledge but would you prefer it if I switches to turn-based combat or kept it as a time-cost system? Personally I prefer turn-based.
Post by: Moosetroop11 on March 22, 2008, 06:40:30 PM
You have a nice easter too, dude.
It's nice to hear another english voice on here XD
The game's looking pretty cool, actually. It doesn't look hugely professional, but it looks pretty unique and it's got a lot going for it. I'll play the demo when you bring it out.
Post by: zuhane1 on March 22, 2008, 08:08:53 PM
The game itself is professional to some extent. Good grammar, no glitches, good spelling, well done. But it really doesn't have a professional feel to it, I just can't get my games to have that "ooomph!" about them! I do rather like it though and the strangest thing is, it's actually fun to play. You heard me right, I actually enjoy playing it! :S
Post by: Dragonium on March 22, 2008, 09:30:49 PM
That was probably the awesomest video I have seen this year. With your swearing and semi-insulting comments about your own characters you will make a fine commentary guy.
When you said "Hello everybody, my name's Tom" I was expecting you to say "And I'm just calling on behalf of BT to ask whether you'd be interested in any of the new products we have on offer". I don't know why. You have the voice of a telemarketer, sire. That said it is nice to have more English folks.
Anyway, on topic, the game looks pretty cool. It's nice to have a more light-hearted game to watch/play.
Post by: zuhane1 on March 22, 2008, 11:43:04 PM
lucas-irineu I murdered every last piece of RTP in it and left no survivors. (Well a few sounds effects). Dragonium, plenty more where that came from! Ha!
Post by: Ex-Rated on March 23, 2008, 02:29:56 AM
Heh... Nice accent.
I like the battle sprite of Koobi, has the big spear!