
Off-Topic => Archive => Old Game Discussion => Topic started by: Rowan on April 25, 2008, 04:47:53 PM

Title: Osheru Shori
Post by: Rowan on April 25, 2008, 04:47:53 PM
I'm STILL working on this and progression is going SLOW (since I've been doing other things.) I've deleted my other progression thread cause I felt it was too big  and it was ALOT of nothing so I shortened it to what matters.

(NOTE: I had to split this up into a couple of posts since this is still quite big.)



**Author's Notes::
          I ended up changing the background and synopsis a bit. Story-wise I've attempted to branch-out from plot lines where there's a primary villain and I've introduce multiple scenarios to let the player determine the main threat. The story focuses primarily on Shori and Dantevious as they both try to adapt and understand their new species. For the sake of realistically completing this I ended up removing the 2 choice plot scenario's, and some other things as well.

I'm going to say that the story starts off slow and gradually adds upon itself, as there's alot of characters and gameplay elements to introduce.

The setting is a "loosely" modern world. To get a clear picture of what I mean of this, picture modern cities with a MUCH MUCH smaller design similar to those of a basic JRPG town. I've attempted to give my world as much depth as possible to keep it interesting. Even though it's based on modern society there are some ideas you'll find relatively "out there." Technology in this world is a mix of mostly modern and sci-fi elements. For example, there will be cars, airplanes, buses, huge atmosphere destroying factories, cellphones, and small-piloted man made machines.

I've ditched my old "World of Entiria" plot device and decided to flesh out my original aim much more. Now the player will become intertwined with the culture, people, and atmosphere of just one world, Terren. This world has 3 primary races: White, Black, and Fuuma. The culture of White and Black humans is very self-explanatory; however I did implement some interesting twists. The Fuuma however are different. Originally their culture was supposed to be a generic mesh of many east asian elements, however I figured this device was too bland to implement and thus decided to delve much deeper into their role within society. Although it's not set it stone, I do have some intriguing ideas for in store for them. [/spoiler]

**Background Story:
         The rise of technology continues to boom across many areas of the world. Humanity continues to expand beyond their bounds constructing numerous cities for a growing population, additional Highways for an ever increasing commerce, and further establishments of large factories to maintain a strong labor force and productivity. Unfortunately, such a thriving society does not come without it's consequences. Indeed, such growth is leaving a permanent scar within many of Terren's primal wildlife. To combat this, the major powers of the world assembled and established The Terren Fish and Wildlife Service, TFAWS; whose mission is to conserve, protect, and enhance the worlds exotic wildlife and their habitats. One of TFAWS first accomplishments is the passing of the Endangered Species List which is supposed to protect critically imperiled species from extinction

**Early Synopsis:
        In order to acquire enough money for an operation to restore Tyler's Vocal chords, Ryle decides to rally up his poaching crew. After several months of searching they finally come up with suitable target, a dragon. Upon hearing of this, Shori (Ryle's older brother) expresses a deep interest and is asked by a friend to help, much to Ryle's dismay. Unfortunately, their hunt ends in failure as they are thwarted by TFAWS and both Shori and the dragon they were trying to kill ends up losing their lives.

Within Heaven, both of their death's was apparently a mistake of some sort and they are both granted a second chance at "life"; not without it's consequences of course as Deus, the leader of Heaven, decides to alter their fates and switch their species! In order to cope with their new lives, they are force to cooperate or else they risk losing their newfound lives once again.
Title: Characters
Post by: Rowan on April 25, 2008, 04:50:08 PM


Shori Reinhart

Age: 24
Weapon: RX-15+ Sureshot Rifle (When human), Entire Body (As dragon)

The former leader of Thunder-Rai and the eldest of the Reinhart brothers. Shori is a laid-back blatant smoker who is also a prone alcoholic. Because of his unruly diet and beer drinking Shori has a much wider girth compared to others which often causes him to be underestimated. However, Shori loves to prove others wrong and has developed a strong ego. He has a strong disliking of animals especially dragons.

As a dragon, Shori retains some key features that are comparable to a human. He walks on 2 feet instead of 4 in a semi-digigrade stance, he has some (albeit very little) hair on his head, he still speaks human, and he retains his vest when he was human which is now able to fit him.



Tyler Reinhart

Age: 16
Weapon: Kali-Luna (Short Sword) and RX-95 Pistol (Small Pistol)

     The youngest of the 3 brothers. His vocal chords are completely severed and thus he is Speech-impaired. Unlike his brothers, Tyler is an active environmentalist and is against the practice of hunting. He is extremely perceptive, smart, and appears much younger for his age.



Ryle Reinhart

Age: 21
Weapon: Achilles Edge (Broadsword made with his Ele)

    [spoiler]A very rude, selfish, and stern individual. As the leader of Thunder-Rai and as Tyler's legal guardian, he often endures a great deal of responsibility. Even though they are brothers, Ryle strongly dislikes Shori. [/spoiler]



Nico Kensing

Age: 20
Weapon: Ele Dread (Scythe)

[spoiler] An employee of Heaven who is assigned to guide Shori to make sure he's effectively adapts to his new life. Nico doesn't care about alot of things but nonetheless she is very optimistic. She doesn't hesitate to speak her mind and can be very blunt at times. Because of this, she often finds herself into trouble. She has an obsession with demonic items and death.


Dantevious Kn-Kinoh

Age: 39
Weapon: NONE

         A dragon who ends up becoming a human. He tries to maintain a serious/silent/cold persona, but in actuality he's very shy, absent-minded, and has a sweet spot for entertainment. He tends to forget hes human and may do some awkward things. Nevertheless, Dantevious is a prodigy concerning ELE (think magic) and has the power to match his knowledge of it.

As a human Dantevious retains some key features that are comparable to that of a dragons. His ears are pointed at the end, he can talk dragonic, he has striking yellow eyes similar to a lizards, and his canine teeth are larger and arch more then the average human. These teeth are always exposed.[/spoiler]



Runmaru Tarutaya

Age: 27
Weapon: Cross Gauntlets (Mechanized Gloves)

       A Fuuman TFAWS Game Warden. He's infamous in the poaching society as he has orchestrated many arrests and disbanded dozens of well known hunting agencies. He's is a very cold individual whom has little remorse towards those who violate the law. Despite his cold personality, he is very polite and always talks in mannerisms.


Feyon Melody

Age: 15
Weapon: Double Barrel Handguards (Small Barrel Gun attached to her gloves)
In the morning she's your normal everyday High School freshman, however at night, she's known as the notorious "GREASE" a prominent figure in the underground drug trading market. It is best to stay on her good side as she has a very vicious temper. She's very in mechanics and is quite skilled with a wrench.



Age: 18
Weapon: Twig (Giant Wooden Log)

      He's a half-human/half-fuman, otherwise known as a Demi-Human. Zack is a very jolly individual and likes to smile and laugh alot. He's a proud liar and negotiator, and makes these talents of his a sport. Zack is constantly in a good mood, and thinks everything is all fun and games. He is labeled a bully by others as he sometimes takes his jokes too far.
Post by: Rowan on April 25, 2008, 04:51:55 PM














NOTE: The features listed are only ones I've began process on or finished.

-Custom Art!
-100% Custom Systems entirely done by me, no default systems.
-Grandia-esque Custom Battle System. Featuring:

    * ACT gauge, ACT DMG, Cancel Effects and more.
    * Boosting System
    * HexaRoulette System
    * Inertia Cancelling
    * MANY MANY Buffs & debuffs and more..

-Aging Items! Items you have age over time the longer you hold them.
-Grocery shopping! Your characters have to eat you know. If they don't, they won't gain EXP!
-A VERY Detailed currency system including Banks, Loans, Collateral, Interest, Debt, Goverment Aid, Jobs, and bills. The player will have to carefully manage their income or else they may find themselves in debt.
-Rock Throwing! Yes, while outside you can throw rocks at people and enemies and they will react accordingly. Rock throwing is useful is you want to bypass battles or in future puzzle solving.
-Field Abilities: Speaking of puzzle solving, all 8 characters feature 2 distinct abilities they can use on the field ranging from controlling swords to flying between flight points.
-Large Character Customization, featuring:

    * Ciphers: Replaces the Equipment System. Able to attach 5 to 6 different ciphers per character. All ciphers increase stats by a percentage rather then a flat value. There is a wide variety of Ciphers you can mix and match to suit your character needs.
    * Phase System: Each character can perform up to 8 moves and each of these moves have 3 distinct phases you can choose from. These phases provide LOADS of utility and can change many aspects of the character like the moves, stats, or other things.
    * PP System: Characters earn Positive Points after battle where can spend these points to increase phases, stats, or transfer to other characters.
    * Support System: Characters who don't participate in the battle will effect it somehow. There are a wide range of support effects to choose from.
    * Titles: Each character has 18 titles they can choose from; affecting which stats the character gains when they level up.
    * Relationships: Each character has a relationship gauge with one another effecting how a character interacts and may determine the outcome of the storyline.

If you liked the CBS of this game, you may also like:


Title: Releases
Post by: Rowan on April 25, 2008, 05:10:43 PM

CBS Demo Version 1.0 (Please read the Read Me file before starting)

Mirror 1:

Mirror 2:

(If you need an additional mirror then please reply to this thread and let me know.)


Demo Credits:

Special-Thanks to:
(Thanks for the much appreciated feedback and ideas guys!)

Game Arts: For the awesome battle systems in your Grandia series! :)

( (
Post by: Option A on April 25, 2008, 05:54:26 PM
Wow... Looks ambitious.
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on April 25, 2008, 08:11:35 PM

LOOKS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!11111!1!!!!!1!!!!1!
Post by: Emerates on April 25, 2008, 08:29:06 PM
Teach me.
Post by: Rowan on April 25, 2008, 08:50:27 PM
If anything is wrong withmy story, please let me know and I'll make it more clear. I have held back ALOT of information as to not make this thread too big, as well as to hide spoilers.
Post by: aboutasoandthis on April 25, 2008, 10:02:29 PM
Nope. Looks great dude. I'd like to see some more mapping/cbs shots, but this is amazing for now.
Post by: Ben on April 25, 2008, 10:16:25 PM
looks swell
Post by: Hirochi-Zangus on April 28, 2008, 12:42:27 AM
What game maker is that? The game looks awesome too! When you finish it I'd love to play it, great work! :Plight:
Post by: Rowan on April 28, 2008, 03:12:41 AM
This is RPG Maker 2003. I just like to use pictures :P.


- Jumping system is now complete! You can jump in almost any map to get over certain obstacles blocking your way by pressing the "0" Key.

-Rock Throwing System is now complete! When outdoors by pressing the "3" Key you can throw rocks at almost anything including other people, and they WILL react occordingly. If you throw a rock at an enemy on the map they may get stunned in which you can bypass them, or get a First Strike! Be careful as sometimes an enemy may get mad and bum rush you into a battle which you can't avoid.
Post by: SaiKar on April 30, 2008, 07:20:24 PM
wtf, Rowan back and making games again? Pure awesome.
Title: Old CBS Screen lolz
Post by: Rowan on May 06, 2008, 06:36:31 AM
UPDATE: Heres a screen of my CBS. If you played any Grandia games, you might recognize the gauge at the bottom. This screen is semi-incomplete as I am planning to add 2 more gauges called the Boost gauge and the Effect gauge. Unfortunately this is the ONLY screen that I can get of it in action since it's in HEAVY Beta.

INTERESTING NOTE: Everything in the background is done with a Panorama Image.

Too old.. gone.
Post by: Rowan on May 13, 2008, 12:23:29 AM
Sorry, for the double post but I REALLY NEED someone to test my opening and give their opinion if they like it or not. I also need someone to go over my music and see if its good enough (all besides 2 songs is original. (I think..)) I cannot stress enough on how the game is NOT DONE (Nor is it even beta ready.) The CMS and CBS is LOADED with bugs and unfinished events that I already know of. I just need some opinions on the quality of the opening and music.

If anyone is interested I will PM them a link to a download. (since I don't want random people from out of no where to rip my graphics/music as of yet.)

P.S. My game is 15MBs.
Post by: DragonBlaze on May 14, 2008, 04:18:37 AM
I'll test it out for you :)
Post by: RockJohnAxe on May 14, 2008, 09:28:50 AM
Rowan, i would love to test your Game. Im excellent Tester of games. Im very good with Balance issues/glitchs/exploits and bugs.  PM away
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Rowan on November 30, 2008, 04:55:19 AM
(*LOL bump, but its better then making a new thread)

Just a word up, Im STILL working on this and Im still looking for some testers if you're interested.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Prpl_Mage on November 30, 2008, 08:29:14 AM
You alive? Jeysis. I thought you left us as well.

I'm up for the challenge if you need it though.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Muraiko on November 30, 2008, 04:51:54 PM
Wow, I haven't seen this thread before...
Love your use of pictures and CBS! If you still need a tester, I'd like to try the game too :D
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: drenrin2120 on November 30, 2008, 05:38:38 PM
Awesome dude, looks nasty.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Rowan on November 30, 2008, 07:07:45 PM
Thanks guys :). I'll PM all who is interested a download link (with some details and general cautions) once I finish tidying some stuff up here and there.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Fisherson on December 02, 2008, 04:17:55 AM
Wow :O This game has a nice CBS and story! This is the first time i've seen a project that looked so good. Keep up the work.  this is looking awesome. By the way, i'd like to test it if posible.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: fruckert on December 02, 2008, 05:41:10 AM
I'll play it, later
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Rowan on December 02, 2008, 08:55:18 AM
Thanks for the comments. :P

(Although....) Just a quick words up, plz dont expect too much from the game when I start sending the download link out. You all will probably just barely get 10mins of ACTUAL play time. lol. Im just looking for a music review and dialogue review.

Sorry, for the double post but I REALLY NEED someone to test my opening and give their opinion if they like it or not. I also need someone to go over my music and see if its good enough (all besides 2 songs is original. (I think..)) I cannot stress enough on how the game is NOT DONE (Nor is it even alpha or beta ready.) The CMS and CBS has LOTS of bugs and unfinished events that I already know of. I just need some opinions on the quality of the dialogue and my music choice.

If anyone is interested I will PM them a link to a download. (since I don't want random people from out of no where to rip my graphics/music as of yet.)

P.S. My game is 15MBs.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Rowan on August 14, 2009, 03:54:35 PM
Bump from the abyss!

Yeah; I got back into this AGAIN. lol

Anyways here are a couple of videos demonstrating my CMS and CBS. I definitely need input on the CBS since I feel the ACT bar (the bar where the icons keep moving) is a bit sporadic and a little confusing for most players to follow.

Custom Battle System:

Custom Menu System:
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: lonewolf on August 14, 2009, 04:45:05 PM
whats the music on this one ?

and when is the game going to come out so we can play it as it look real cool
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Rowan on August 14, 2009, 06:11:10 PM
whats the music on this one ?

and when is the game going to come out so we can play it as it look real cool

Name: Sunshine
Artist: The Flashbulb


A regarding a playable demo... Not for a long while.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Muraiko on August 14, 2009, 06:20:25 PM
Still can't wait for a playble demo. This is probably one of the best games I have ever seen.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Rowan on August 14, 2009, 06:32:35 PM
Hey, you leave.

Hey, I'm back :P

Seriously, I come and go.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Rowan on August 14, 2009, 07:28:29 PM
Is the graphic stuff you have all custom?

So far most graphics (excluding chipsets, and monsters) is custom or heavily edited which is one of the reasons why things is taking SOOO long.
-All drawings and character designs were entirely done by me. Everything in the CMS (aside from small Icons done by abysswolf) is done by me.
-Most character sprites I've used so far are either made from scratch or heavily edited. Ill admit though that some of the non-relevent characters were quickly made in Chara-Maker (but even then things never looked right and I had to edit them.)
-As far as chipsets go they are all basic edits found through the internet, and then edited to my liking.
-Monsters were found straight from the internet thru resource sites, and I can guarantee each one used so far is from a commercial game.

Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: lonewolf on August 14, 2009, 07:32:28 PM
thanks for letting me now
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Red Fox on August 14, 2009, 07:41:31 PM
Looks good, Rowan.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Rowan on November 09, 2009, 01:44:44 AM
Big Update: November 08, 2009

-Re-hauled CBS. Deleted/Added many variables concerning the CBS. New Layout and graphics.
-ACT Icons now move smoothly across the ACT gauge.
-ACT Damage now actually matters and can easily be distinguished by.
-CBS can handle up to 5 monsters at one time and each of those monsters are fully functional.
-Added ACT Stun system. After taking ACT damage a player cannot gain ACT for a small period of time.
-Added MP System. MP can be used as costs for Elemation/Techs instead of AP. MP however is much harder to acquire unlike AP. After resting all characters start with 100% Health, 0AP but 100MP.
-Techs are now called Elemations and Specs are now called Phases.
-Revised, Renamed, and balanced all currently planned Elemations, Phases & Talents.... again.
-New algorithms for damage and elemations.
-Recoded the Targeting System. It is now much more practical.
-Added complete and functional Buff/Debuff system (very similar to World of Warcrafts).
-Functional CBS Item Menu, and Status Menu.
-Movement now actually makes sense and is 100% functional and done.
-More character "idle/stance" animations during battle.
-Jin's Dasher move and Shori's First Aid move are now functional.
-Strengthened Healing across the board as healing was vastly underpowered compared to everything else.

-All ciphers are now functional.
-Updated CMS design, somewhat.
-Updated both Shoris Human and Dragon design.
-Brand spankin' new sprite of Shori ENTIRELY done by me. (I am extremely proud of this as it took me a very long time. =1 week=)
-Updated Jins Design. More Sprite animations but no sprite rehaul like Shoris. Jin is now named Tyler.
-Updated Kenjis design. Kenji is now named Ryle.
-New Music, currently deciding between an all MP3 soundtrack or an all MIDI soundtrack.
-VASTLY improved on the overall story.
-Updated front page however I wont add new screens till tommorrow, Im tired =(.

CBS: 76% Complete
CMS: 45% Complete
Mapping: 0% Complete (haha)
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Fisherson on November 09, 2009, 04:55:51 AM
Good greif! O.o;; You put alot of working into all the cutom stuff on this game...o.o And you still haven't even mapped it XD
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Rowan on November 09, 2009, 05:20:32 AM
Good greif! O.o;; You put alot of working into all the cutom stuff on this game...o.o And you still haven't even mapped it XD

lol yeah xD. I did a LITTLE mapping after the opening, but in the end I decided to redo the opening entirely thus needing new maps xD. But yeah, I guess I enjoy creating the custom stuff alot more. I'm just SOO close of getting the CBS done and demo playable. The CMS doesn't need much either; just coding/updating for Tyler's stuff. Once those are done I can finally start the game.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Muraiko on November 09, 2009, 03:59:26 PM
There's nothing wrong with making sure that all of the systems work first before you start the actual creating. In fact, it's probably better that way.

In my case, I rushed right into making the story even when my CBS wasn't done, so half way through, when I decided to change something or add to the battle system, I had to go through and change EVERY SINGLE battle map. It's better to make sure that everything is "exactly" the way you want it before you move on.

Oh, and very nice custom stuff by the way. Original artwork and systems is the kind of stuff that makes your project stick out. I just wish more people would do that...
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: SaiKar on November 09, 2009, 09:16:49 PM
Muraiko speaks absolute truth when talking about getting the systems done correctly early. I had huge similar problems with CoD2 - I did over a week of coding before I could even begin a new game without things immediately crashing. But once I ironed out the early bugs, things moved extremely swiftly from there and all my hard work paid off in spades.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Linkforce on November 09, 2009, 10:23:02 PM
Rowan your game looks awesome!  I still haven't had a chance to read bios and the full story but from what I can see, you have definitely put a lot of work into this game!  I'll read some more when I get the time.  P.S. I used your name as a forest in my game.   :]]
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Fisherson on November 10, 2009, 03:50:20 AM
lol yeah xD. I did a LITTLE mapping after the opening, but in the end I decided to redo the opening entirely thus needing new maps xD. But yeah, I guess I enjoy creating the custom stuff alot more. I'm just SOO close of getting the CBS done and demo playable. The CMS doesn't need much either; just coding/updating for Tyler's stuff. Once those are done I can finally start the game.

Ha, most CMS give pepole alot of toruble to the point of actual pulling hair out XD I don't see the point. I have one to handle "extras" like Holocrons and the "Whatcha doing now" mission log and an alchemy system. But that's about it. Though I had once considered having a custom "item" menu XD....>Big mistake! Realy taught to code it to keep up with how many "items" it had. Then coding all the items? A true Night mare! O_O;
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: ZE on November 10, 2009, 12:06:14 PM
The game looks wicked can't wait to play it.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Rowan on November 10, 2009, 12:19:46 PM
Ha, most CMS give people alot of trouble to the point of actual pulling hair out XD I don't see the point. I have one to handle "extras" like Holocrons and the "Whatcha doing now" mission log and an alchemy system. But that's about it. Though I had once considered having a custom "item" menu XD....>Big mistake! Really taught to code it to keep up with how many "items" it had. Then coding all the items? A true Night mare! O_O;

IMO, CMS's are useful if there is a particular system you would like to create that couldn't be done with the default system. For instance; when you equip a cipher in my game it increases the heroes stats by a percentage rather then a flat amount. Also with a CMS you can create additional stats as well as stats that aren't available in the database such as HIT and RES. If you run a CMS/CBS combo, you can replace the databases stats system with your own variables; doing so, you can bypass the databases limits per se. STR=9,000,000! xD

UPDATE:: November 10th, 2009

Changed Accuracy/Hit Algorithms.
Fixed TONS of other bugs within Elemation events.
Redone most of the "Move Event" commands in events so they now look more fresh.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Shady Ultima on November 10, 2009, 08:25:10 PM
Is that still in 2k3? Cause it sure doesn't look like it.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Rowan on November 13, 2009, 06:31:14 PM
Is that still in 2k3? Cause it sure doesn't look like it.

Well, Yeah it is lolz.

Anyways Updates: November 13, 2009

-Finalized all damage algorithms and cleaned its events. HIT or accuracy now matters if you want to strike fast foes. Monsters HP and DEF has been buffed in account of new algorithms.
-ACT Damage done to individuals while casting has been nerfed somewhat.
-Tyler now has the proper animations and algorithms when he attacks from the back row.
-Finished Concussive Shot, making Human Shori the first FULLY done character and demo/game ready.
-Fixed alot of hidden CBS bugs.

CBS: 80%
CMS: 40% (Went down after I realized the mess the Item Menu is in.)
Mapping: 0%

Hey, guys! I've uploaded my CBS in a file!

If you want to try it out click the link below. I advise you to read the read me file please before starting. You WILL need RTP package! Reply here if any problems.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Muraiko on November 14, 2009, 12:53:45 AM
I just played it, and I must admit that I'm very impressed. You did a very good job with the systems and they all seem to work as planned.
Only issue I saw was that Shori's icon on the act bar was of his "older" charaset, not his newer one, but that can be fixed no problem.

Keep up the good work! The game is just amazing!
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Rowan on November 15, 2009, 01:49:57 PM
I just played it, and I must admit that I'm very impressed. You did a very good job with the systems and they all seem to work as planned.
Only issue I saw was that Shori's icon on the act bar was of his "older" charaset, not his newer one, but that can be fixed no problem.

Keep up the good work! The game is just amazing!

Thanks for the feedback. :)

For anyone else who have tried my CBS, is there anything strikingly annoying about it? Is there anything I can do to make improvements? Did you manage to beat the 5-Animal special? I've yet to beat that, lol.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: SaiKar on November 15, 2009, 06:57:24 PM
Downloading now, will give feedback.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: zuhane on November 15, 2009, 09:00:45 PM
This just looks.... ****ing amazing.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: SaiKar on November 15, 2009, 10:05:55 PM
Okay, downloaded it and played it and have some comments.

From a technical standpoint, it's amazing. Apart from some commands that didn't seem to work (it's a demo, I understand) everything was perfect and there were no apparent bugs. The guages filled up nicely, the characters and enemies attacked as expected, that's cool. From a graphical standpoint, it's also really really good. The interface was streamlined and awesome and the animations, both spriting and picture-based, were sweet and left nothing to be desired.

That said, from a gameplay angle, it wasn't all that much fun to actually play. It's basically just a normal timed battle system with attacks giving enemies an act penalty. So when you're winning, it's easier to keep winning, but when you're outnumbered you get beat up on and can't do much about it. The act-damaging skills are a neat concept but didn't seem remotely useful. Sure my gunner can make an enemy lose a lot of act, but he also uses up all of his and it doesn't do any damage. At best, it's break even and wastes time; at worst, it actually seem to disadvantage me since the enemy I hit with the act penalty still gets to go before I do.

In the end, I mostly just hit normal attacks a lot, since all the other commands, while well-programmed and flashy, didn't seem to actually help me win the fights.

I don't know if this is just because a lot of features are still locked or what, or maybe it's your AI being a bit too clever, but as-is I don't think I would want every single random battle to be this much of a hassle to complete.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Rowan on November 15, 2009, 11:10:13 PM
Okay, downloaded it and played it and have some comments.

From a technical standpoint, it's amazing. Apart from some commands that didn't seem to work (it's a demo, I understand) everything was perfect and there were no apparent bugs. The guages filled up nicely, the characters and enemies attacked as expected, that's cool. From a graphical standpoint, it's also really really good. The interface was streamlined and awesome and the animations, both spriting and picture-based, were sweet and left nothing to be desired.

That said, from a gameplay angle, it wasn't all that much fun to actually play. It's basically just a normal timed battle system with attacks giving enemies an act penalty. So when you're winning, it's easier to keep winning, but when you're outnumbered you get beat up on and can't do much about it. The act-damaging skills are a neat concept but didn't seem remotely useful. Sure my gunner can make an enemy lose a lot of act, but he also uses up all of his and it doesn't do any damage. At best, it's break even and wastes time; at worst, it actually seem to disadvantage me since the enemy I hit with the act penalty still gets to go before I do.

In the end, I mostly just hit normal attacks a lot, since all the other commands, while well-programmed and flashy, didn't seem to actually help me win the fights.

I don't know if this is just because a lot of features are still locked or what, or maybe it's your AI being a bit too clever, but as-is I don't think I would want every single random battle to be this much of a hassle to complete.

Thank you! You feedback was GREATLY desired! :P.

Anyways, yeah the CBS REALLY isn't much at the moment, especially when it is against enemies this weak and so early in the game. Hehe, yeah.. You really can just push ATTACK and win. Theres no strategy at the moment. =( However, I will guarantee you though that it won't be like this after the prologue. You will need to cancel actions or else it will be game over.

Back to the moves, When I finished Shori's Concussive Shot I had the EXACT same feeling as you did. The move just isn't good. Sure the ACT damage and little gain at the end is nice.. but the move just plain sucks, especially against multiple enemies. I originally planned the move to be more of a utility move against single foes and bosses so you could plan cancels easy... however I may have to rethink that. Once he turns into a dragon, the move would be changed anyways to an all around more useful move. Tyler's Dasher move is good but I agree it is a waste having to do it EVERY battle; that said, I have something planned for it as well as other similar moves. :)

All of my moves were designed to be useful in boss encounters, however your feedback of the move helped me redesigned most of my planned moves and talents so they would be less of hassle and more practical and fun when fighting against regular enemies. Thanks!
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Fisherson on November 17, 2009, 08:26:25 PM
I can not understand how you dowload from your hosting site....@_@
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Rowan on November 17, 2009, 11:05:55 PM
I can not understand how you dowload from your hosting site....@_@

Just download it from here:
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Rahl on November 18, 2009, 09:08:45 AM
Rowan hands down some of the best coding I've seen in RPG makers. Absolutly amazing stuff man I really hope that you keep it up.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Rowan on November 19, 2009, 04:42:33 PM
-Sped up the CBS a bit. Battles are now quicker then before.
-Boost gauge now has a new gauge graphic and shows the approximate amount of boost you currently have.
-New CBS Utility: Elecancel- Whenever a character is casting an elemation, at the cost of 35 boost and by pressing the associated key, you can instantly cancel the move to reinput a new command! That character will also gain 4AP/MP!

-Thanks to Saikar's advice I edited everyone's move set ONCE AGAIN. This time I rehauled them.
-All characters can only learn 8 moves (down from 10.)
-Changed buff/debuff moves a little to avoid micromanaging.
-All moves are now in one category instead of 2 separate categories.
-All moves now has 2 talents dependent on the players phase. Except for one character who has 3 talents per move since he has a somewhat unique style of play.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Rowan on November 28, 2009, 10:48:41 PM
Double Post!

Big question here, should I go MIDI or MP3?

I have many suitable songs for either format, however it really boils down if you guys want a big filesize with LOADS of typical JRPG SNES quality songs, or a bigger filesize with a wide (*and different) mix of nu-jazz/ambient/hip-hop/house music. Either way it's going to be a big filesize.

Current folder size: (NOTE: All MP3s filesize have been compressed with DietMP3)
MIDI folder: 26MBs (5 MP3's are used for ALL boss encounters (from miniboss to final boss))
MP3 folder: 133MBs (and rising..)
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: SaiKar on November 28, 2009, 11:31:46 PM
I'd much rather have the smaller size. My internet at my place isn't too hot so the file size would be the difference between me playing the game that night and playing it the day later after it downloads while I'm sleeping/at work.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: drenrin2120 on November 30, 2009, 08:39:23 PM
That was awesome. The graphics were amazingly smooth. A little monster animation wouldn't hurt, but there's no way I'd hold that against you. Working with pictures is tough enough as it is, and the monster don't look bad at all. The only significant complaint I'd have to give is that the battles are slow paced. I like the idea of when you attack someone they have to wait longer, but the turn-based feel kind of drags it out a little bit longer than I'd like.

And yeah, MIDIs are just fine with me. MP3s are way too big and not worth the extra quality... they loop funny, too.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Fisherson on December 01, 2009, 06:15:07 PM
Duuude... That battle system is somthing else! O.o I not only enjoyed it, but found it to be very easy to use and play. *give you a thumpbs up* Nicely done, I can't wait to see where it goes from here!
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Rowan on December 07, 2009, 02:52:19 AM
Thanks for the support!

Update: 12.06.09
-Updated the front page a bit.
    *Added my own notes telling what I hope to achieve with this game.
    *Updated Background Story, and the Synopsis
    *Updated Character Profiles once again, Zack is no longer a monkey-tailed vampire (lolz)
    *Updated features list. It now includes all features I have finished or have started to work on.

-Redone elemations and phases yet AGAIN! 7 characters done so far, 2 more.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Rowan on March 31, 2010, 04:57:21 AM
I need some help here:

I'm currently thinking of some items that age overtime (beside food.) So far I got:

- Coupons which expire
- Pedometers which do stuff while you walk
- Lottery tickets
- Orbs, Charms, etc.. which change as time goes by.
- Fines that get worst if you don't pay.
- Photo's that take time to develop.

Each of these items actually do something as well (Besides some expired items). Items like "Empty Box" to "Molded Empty Box" is uninteresting and pointless. I need about 4 or 5 more.


Update: 3.31.10
-Updated the front page a bit.
    *Added my own notes telling what I hope to achieve with this game.
    *Updated Background Story, and the Synopsis
    *Updated Character Profiles once again, I omitted Nel Coolridge from the game entirely for the sake of realistically completing this.
    *Updated features list. It now includes all features I have finished or have started to work on.

-85% Complete "Rehauled" CMS (Just need to get the Item menu done and it's demo ready.) Ciphers, Phases, Positive Points, Titles, and all work.
-CBS is still the same since last update. I'm solely focusing on the new CMS atm since it's easy and I need to get it out of the way.
-Created New Sprite of Ryle entirely done from scratch.

Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: InsaneJP on April 05, 2010, 02:16:06 PM
looks real good man
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on April 05, 2010, 03:49:45 PM
Plants maybe?  As time goes on, a plant you're holding withers?
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Rowan on April 24, 2010, 03:50:34 AM
Man, the games board really became inactive. =(

Anyways, the aging item system is done. Thanks for the help and replies guys :). Also I've come to realize how long I've been working on this game and how much my characters have changed over the years.

(NOTE: Only those with finalized designs are shown)





(LOLS at #1)

Everyone around 2008:
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: drenrin2120 on April 26, 2010, 11:41:31 PM
Damn, that's really cool to see how your characters have changed as well as your style developing over the years. I like the newer character designs a lot better than your older ones. The newer ones just seem like more... *grasping for word* simple people? If that makes sense. They're not over the top and they're down to earth believable people, is a good way to put it. I really like Shori for some reason, too.

I remember trying to think of items that age but I just couldn't come up with anything, you pretty much had it covered.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: RockJohnAxe on April 28, 2010, 12:41:49 AM
I really like how you do Hair, Rowan.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: fruckert on April 28, 2010, 01:06:52 AM
Man, the games board really became inactive. =(
(LOLS at #1) to see the logical evolution, personally.
Which I think is really a credit to your imagination.
Title: Re: Osheru Shori
Post by: Rowan on April 29, 2010, 10:22:12 AM
Why thank for the compliments you all! Now if only I can speed up my production..