Off-Topic => Archive => Past Contests => Topic started by: Osmose on July 28, 2008, 04:49:58 PM
We got way more entrants than I thought we'd get, which is awesome. Anywho, here's how things are going to go down:
- The theme for this round will be: NINJAS, PIRATES, ZOMBIES, AND ROBOTS
- You will create your sprite and submit it to me via PM. As always, we recommend Photobucket ( or ImageShack ( for image-hosting needs. Any difficulties with this can be asked in the thread or to me.
- The deadline for sprite submission for Round 1 is 12:00 Noon EST on Wednesday, July 30th. If this doesn't work for you, sorry, but you were warned about tight time restrictions.
- At that time, threads will be made for each matchup and the sprites will be presented. Posts in voting threads will be for VOTES ONLY and will consist of nothing except the name of who you vote for. Discussion can wait until the post-round summary.
- Previous rules all apply, and you can look them up for yourself(NO PREVIOUSLY MADE SPRITES, for example).
List of Entrants:
- Felix-0
- coreystranick
- Red Fox
- X-marks_the_ed
- Dragonium
- ZeroKirbyX
- Prpl_Mage
- Moosetroop11
- Archem2
- Bluhman
- Cerebus
- Warxe_PhoenixBlade
- Gemini
- lonewolf
- Fortet
- Grandy
- Uberpwn_w00t
- Lukas
- lucas_irineu
- Daetyrnis
- dudewheresmymount
- A Forgotten Legend
- Fisherson
- RockJohnAxe
- lilsniffs3
This thread can be used for any issues or discussion of the sprite off. Good luck to all entrants!
Wow, only 2 days to finish. Gets everyone off their arses and working on sprites. Good thinking.
This is going to be epic.
Hey,Moose can we use templetes that we don't have on charas already?
As the rules said, templates are allowed but highly discouraged. I only allow them at all because this is the first Sprite off and we're testing the format.
Trust me, something original will look way better in the end.
So it's begins.
I'm done with the line art.
So can we post em now?
If you're done, send them to Osmose.
You will create your sprite and submit it to me via PM. As always, we recommend Photobucket ( or ImageShack ( for image-hosting needs. Any difficulties with this can be asked in the thread or to me.
Read the rules completely, people!
is their a SIZE limit
No. Read the rules. Again.
And Purple isn't one the list because..?
I did sign up on page 2 unless I'm misstaken.
a couple questions.
1. Is this a battle char, or a regular Chara on the map (im assuming reg Chara)
2. Does it have to be animated and have multiple frames? like a walking animation or something.
Does it have to be a sprite of one of the things in the theme, or can it be a single image with more than one of the options in it? Like, can I have a pirate and a zombie on the same sheet, or does it have to be one or the other?
FOR THE LAST TIME PEOPLE, THE ONLY LIMIT IS THAT IT HAS TO HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH THE THEME. THAT IS THE ONLY LIMIT! It can be a sprite of a ninja, a pirate, a zombie, a robot, a ninja fighting a robot, a ninja robot, a ninja sword robot fighting zombies, whatever. The whole point of the competition is to see who has the best sprite style, there is no requirement on style, what the sprite is, what it is for, whatever.
What about "No limits" is so hard to understand?!
sry os, just wanted to make sure :D all my questions have been answered :D
pm you my ones
Well, it's just odd to be given complete freedom like that, especially in something that's so restrictive in nature as a contest. It should be expected that people would ask these kinds of questions.
My question has been answered (more or less), so I'm off.
I think mines more of a Monster than a Sprite... but i dunno.
I PM'd Osmose mine.
A helpfull hint: If in doubt... Find out the definition of "Sprite"
Sprite operating system
An operating system from Berkeley supporting multiprocessing and distributed files.
sprite also spright Audio Help (sprīt) Pronunciation Key
A small or elusive supernatural being; an elf or pixie.
An elflike person.
A specter or ghost.
Archaic A soul.
Meteorology A large, dim, red flash that appears above active thunderstorms in conjunction with lightning.
sprite graphics, file format
A small bitmap image, often used in animated games but also sometimes used as a synonym for icon.
hmmm technically my picture is a small bitmap... :D
Never mind that definition....> >
A sprite is essentially an Image.
Pretty Broad spectrum. Every Object in any game is pretty much assigned a sprite...wether blank, an animation, and Icon etc.
And charas does not mix with bmp png for the win
well then i guess i should be ok :D
my guy is 128x279 pixels.
Ive also converted my picture into a usable Monster file, ill add to the complete resources after.
Okey I'm done and have pm'd it to Osmose.
I missed the deadline by a friggen hour... What're the chances of that? Oh well, maybe next time. Good luck to everyone! :D I'm looking forward to seeing some interesting sprites! :D
Take me out of the running.
Just do it.
Quitting, ed? I've had to restart three times (my sprite wasn't turning out like I wanted it to, things were ugly, etc.), but I haven't wimped out! Come on, man!
*resists turning this into a "don't leave, ed!" thread*
Yeah, there's a reason to this post beyond mere spam. Intelligent people will figure out that reason very quickly. The rest will think I'm just spamming.
Nice spam, buddy.
If I get through to the second round, whoever I'm up against may as well be guaranteed a win. My sprites are terrible. I'm an editor, not a custom spriter.
Well, mine is turning out to be more sprite art than sprite, so if any bitching will happen because of it, tell me now.
sprite art contains a sprite. Mine is also more of a sprite art sort of deal.
Sprite-artish stuff is allowed, at least for this round. If it becomes a problem then the next round will be more restrictive.
EDIT: Wait, NVM.
I've sent my entry now, I hope Moose got it though since I won't be online at the time of the deadline.
May the best spriter win.
Mine was basically sprite art >.> I suppose you could call it a front on monster set though.
And submissions are now closed! Threads and matchups will be made shortly.
I'm just a little excited. :P
(attempts to keep on topic for fear of Osmose's 200lbs BanHammer)
I think I'll lose somewhere around the 3rd round
You know what, scratch that, it's going to happen in a little while. Sudden business has come up.
I estimate another hour, sorry guys, totally didn't see this coming. >_<
I'll wait.
I'm actually nervous about this. What the ****?
I'll wait.
I tottaly heard Darth Vader's voice in my head reading that.
All voting threads are up, you may vote whenever.
Unfortunately, lonewolf's submission was disqualified because it was a sprite that had been made back in December 2007. Sorry, man. Better luck next time.
Dang, I got gemini.
I would get Prpl. :P
Oh well, easy win for the guy. Go Prpl.
Oh dang, I guess I'm a little late.
Oh well. There's always next time.
Also, again guys, you cannot vote in your own matchup. Stop it. :P
i had a tough time with some votes. I really am not to keen on my own entry
i could have done more
*Looks at matchup* Aaaaaahaaaaaahahahahhaahahaharrrrrrrrrrrrgh..
I just HAD to be up against Zeek, hadn't I? Now there goes my chances through the window.
Sorry Grandy :(
Well, yeah, saying you're sorry won't bring me a cheap victory! >=(
Srry i am entirely lost... wheres the matches and voting at?
thnx alot dude
Crap, I totally missed those.
Oh well. >.> Too late.
I forgot I had to work today, so I missed the deadline D:
I missed the deadline.Does that mean i'm out of the conest?
Question: Can we set it so the rounds threads don't appear on the 10 newest post list? I mean, not that they aren't important, but...
damn, those were some tough choices. :P
lol I didn't know we could do extra stuff :P I thought it was just a normal sprite
Wow. I completely missed this because of Band Camp.
Gah. Oh well.
lol I didn't know we could do extra stuff :P I thought it was just a normal sprite
Most people DID do sprites, just not RM2K.
Congrats to the winners of the first round!
- Moosetroop11
- lilsniffs3
- Uberpwn_w00t
- Prpl_mage
- ZeroKirbyX
- Red Fox
- lucas_irineu
Round 2 begins Monday at around Noon EST.
Damn you lilsniffs!! lol grats man
It kinda works out for me, cause i just moved the other day and i dont have internet or my computer hooked up yet lol
I will be on to vote for next rounds ppls for sure though
Well, except for Sniffs, everyone I voted for won.
Good enough! But here's where things get interesting.
The matchups were a little unfair :p I would've lost against Gemini, for instance.
Sorry bout that >.>
The matchups were a little unfair :p I would've lost against Gemini, for instance.
Sorry bout that >.>
OH so true. I would've liked it if Grandy and Uberpwn were switched around; that would've probably been a bit more fair.
Well, voting is done. No sense in bothering with what's fair and unfair now.
The matchups were as fair as possible. They were generated using a random number generator that determines numbers using atmospheric noise as opposed to a predictable pseudo-random algorithm.
Besides, what would it matter if you won the first round? There can be only one, and no runner-ups: Eventually you will either beat everyone or be beaten by someone better than you no matter who they are.
Except for BS like the confusion over scenes, although I did say there were no limits. That I take full fault for if it screwed you over.
Well, I for one dislike both Pirates, Robots, Ninjas and Zombies, so I can claim BS like theme.
Still, whats done is done.
No use crying over the spoiled milk, unless, like, you've lost your car and your girlfriend in one week, the bills are overdue, you're being blackmailed and your job is horrible, and that milk, that one milk you just wanted to drink because it's the only small hint of happyness you have in the whole world, was spoiled.
Then it's okay to cry.
Wow. That's pretty messed up.
Sounds like my weekends.