Off-Topic => Archive => Old Game Discussion => Topic started by: Muraiko on August 29, 2008, 03:11:47 PM
Alright, so my last demo link was like, really outdated, and for some reason, glitches and bugs came back from the dead, dunno why, so instead of just replacing my old demo, I'm also going to release the whole second quarter of my ABS game! It chronicles the next part of Manako's adventure, from Remoh, all the way to the capital of Earthencraft and back!
Manako Eklyps
Age: Fifteen
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Race: Arifall?
Manako has lived his entire life in the Monu Tribe, isolated from the outside world. Being born smaller and weaker than most boys his age, Manako constantly doubts his own masculinity and loses faith in his own abilities and prowess. In love, he wishes to marry Cailithia, but at the same time, is scared to death if his wishes were to come true.
Manako can cast powerful magick spells to attack parallel foes. It’s hard to win fights as Manako at first, but after leveling up a bit, and gaining more anima and arts, you’ll see that Manako has the potential to take down fights even faster than fighter characters.
Cailithia Kareon
Age: Seventeen
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Race: Arifall?
Cailithia lives in the Monu Tribe alongside Manako. She keeps her own emotions and feelings to herself and refuses to let her ideals be known. She views Manako as a “younger brother” and wishes to support him as such, though she has become quite uneasy of his love for her.
Cailithia can attack from afar with her musket. She’s a great character to win fights slowly, but safely. Her enemy critical techniques also help makes battles a cinch. When playing as Cailithia, tactics requiring patience are a must.
Davin Rade
Age: Sixteen
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Race: Earthencraft
Davin was born in Earthencraft, but his family moved to Arifall to start new lives. His best friend is Sophie, who moved with him. He has an outgoing personality, and a somewhat too friendly attitude towards girls… None the less, he’s a loyal and courageous friend.
Davin is probably the most basic character to begin with. His highest attribute is strength, so winning fights with only attacking makes him the best choice. His only skill is Filch, which steals money, or an item from enemies, or from regular townspeople.
Sophie Viracitee
Age: Fifteen
Hair: Pink
Eyes: Green
Race: Earthencraft
Sophie’s family moved to Arifall with Davin’s at a young age. Her happy go lucky personality, along with her standing as the Bishop of Baliph, makes her one of the most famous individuals in all of Arifall. At times she may let her high social standing get to her head, believing she is entitled to good treatment.
Sophie is really handy to have in the party as a supportive character, rather than a fighter to take down the bulk of the work. Her healing arts make her really important in any situation, whether it’s healing a comrade’s vitality, or curing a friend’s health from diseases.
Rellius Hugobum
Age: Thirty-Two
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Race: Earthencraft
Rellius lived in Earthencraft all of his life, but he moved to Arifall only for a “Templar” job, which he can make a decent living. He quickly showed high proficiency and climbed the ranks to a Templar Caption. This position, however, doesn’t put him on the good side of the Arifans. He is easily irritated and has a short fuse, But regardless, he can be a worthy companion to have.
Rellius is the best example of a fighter character. His heavy sword can do major damage to enemy vitality, and his rock, solid, defense doesn’t allow attacks to be too much trouble for him. He also has an array of battle arts which add different parts of his attributes to his damage dealt. His arts attack in different formations and motions, making use of new tactics.
Phaeth Aethereus
Age: Twenty-Three
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Race: Unknown
A strange a woman living at the snowy plains of Forgust. She appears to be traveling Arifall in search of something. She is secretive, and not willing to talk about herself or her mission much with others. None the less, is serious, and trustworthy. She seems to be hiding a secret about herself…
Phaeth is an all-around helpful person to have in the team. When she’s not out, fighting off foes with her deadly wakizashi, she’s assisting the team with spells learned from other obake such as healing, instantaneous retreating, or even luring obake. Also can create magical bursts to damage all foes on the battle map. She is a good supportive character on the field and also useful to take into the fray.
Age: Nineteen
Hair: Dark Blue
Eyes: Grey
Race: Arifan
Buijoh is a proud Arifan, and has stuck close with the tribe for many years. He is opposed to change and keeps Tribesmen traditions near and dear. Highly racist to all claimers, he wishes to one day drive them out of Arifall, retaining the land back for tribesmen use only. Also is against all tribesmen who have befriended or have equal views with the claimers.
Buijoh has the potential to be a valuable character in combat. When you first recruit him temporarily, he has no arts and would seem useless in battle. Later on though, when he joins your party permanently, he will obtain new powers that can increase the stats of the entire team. His supportive techniques can help make winning battles easy and fast.
Kichi Farrow
Age: Fourteen
Hair: Brunette/Red
Eyes: Teal
Race: Earthencraft
Born and raised in Telba, Kichi has always been a tomboy. She is one of the newly recruited pirates on Rishes’ crew, as well as his only female crewmate. Has always been somewhat of a friend of Davin after he joins, though she is often annoyed by him and his personality. She is direct, aggressive, and is secretly uncomfortable with her own sexual identity…
Kichi may not be as proficient in battle as most fighter characters, but has helpful skills to manage the party’s money, items, and needs. She can instantly sell any furs you may have obtained in battle, as well as being able to spread any healing items to the entire team. Later learns skills to mend need statistics, such as hunger, thirst, and energy; ultimately saving the party’s items and money.
Age: Unknown
Fur: Red
Eyes: Black
Race: Kitsune
Appears to be a simple fox spirit meandering within the Monu Forest. He is very wise, intelligent, and acts on his own accord. Grellberg comes and goes as he pleases and usually appears in times of need or counseling. He guides the party with a laze-faire attitude, encouraging one to do the first action that comes to mind.
Grellberg is the only character to be all around balanced. He possesses two magick spells, Pitch Black and Vivid White. Equipped with the Pitch Black art, he can launch a random second-level elemental projectile, similar to Manako’s Arts. When armed with Vivid White, Grellberg takes on the role of a healer. He casts a random support spell, similar to Sophie. Having higher heat will influence him to cast Serenity instead of healing, which will lower the party’s heat to zero. Grellberg also has a physical attack art called Polar Metamorphosis which will cause him to dash forward with a circle of flames, much like Rellius’ Focal Strike Art. Using this art will also force him to shape shift. His form does not affect his stats in any way. With his skills, Grellberg can take on multiple roles to either aid the party or to demolish the foes.
The Seer
Age: Looks mid-forties
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Race: Unknown
A mysterious man who seems to have a very close connection to Manako. His true name and background are unknown. Through his visions, Manako is able to see, from a time past, The Seer and his struggle to obtain the trust of the three other Seers. The only fact that is certain is that the man seems to know a deadly secret that will one day cause the Patriarch’s death. When the party finally meets with The Seer, he is quick to display his tender affection for Manako and takes it upon himself to protect and teach the boy all he needs to learn. Because of his position, he is highly respected, though Cailithia oddly appears to be distrustful of him.
Very old outdated screenshots as of now… will need to get more current ones sometime…
I'm going to repost all of my features again, but without all the detail. If you really want to know more about what each feature is, or what it does, then please refer back to my last game thread, as I explain everything there.
Vitaity and Anima Gauges
New Heat System
Character Switching
Day/Night System
***Demo Link***
No up-to-date demo as of yet.
Looks good, i'll try it when i'm not under "Nighttime only computer" punishment.
Looks awesome! By the way: No one's going to steal your resources ,bro. We have a Complaints department of
sorts. I forgot what it's called.
So, did you play it yet? Whacha think? I'd really like a review, to know what I did well on, and what parts still need a bit of work...
Also, I'd apreciate it if you told me if you found any glitches, like, if things look weird, or something does seem right. I am sure that I fixed all the bugs in my second time playing through my game, but they have a nasty habbit of reviving themselves for some reason.
So, did you play it yet? Whacha think? I'd really like a review, to know what I did well on, and what parts still need a bit of work...
Also, I'd apreciate it if you told me if you found any glitches, like, if things look weird, or something does seem right. I am sure that I fixed all the bugs in my second time playing through my game, but they have a nasty habbit of reviving themselves for some reason.
I haven't had time to dowlaod yet, it still takes awille on my PC, because it's full of chara set, sprites and..Other things...
Part 2! Wouldve like new charahters
Well, I could add in some playable characters... but you see, the thing is...
I'm a perfectionist, and I want things to be in order. All of the items, skills, and animations always have the character's stuff first, and then teh misc things. If I added a new character, I couldn't live with myself if I just a put them at the end...
I know, stupid reason, but, that's how I operate now-a-days. Those six are pretty much going to be the only ones, but I'm still thinking about having another playable character that's temperary...
Hmmmm looks really interesting, i think i may have a go
In case anyone remembers me, or my game, (I know, I haven't really been around lately...) I want you to know that I'm still working on this game! I've made MUCH progress since the last demo link, and improved in many areas (Like scripts, graphics, sprites, and definatly better maps than last time!) Some new things I've changed are:
*Damage Display: Now you can see how much damage you do to the enemy! Yay! It's really nothing more than default text thought, but it does blend pretty well, and you might not realize it's a text box. Maybe... I just thought it would be nice to see how strong your characters really are.
*Ancillary Teams: You were able to select a team of up to three characters in your team at once, but now I've made a new system that uses the other three you don't select. If you have more than three characters in you party, then you will be given the option of selecting an Ancillary Team, which is pretty much just a backup team. You hold up to three characters in your Ancillary, which means in a battle, you can actually involve all six characters! To switch to your ancillary team, just press 7 on the numpad, and your first, second, and third slot will be replaced with your ancillary team. You can switch back to your primary team by pressing 7 again.
*Anima Regeneration: What really added to my game's difficulty is the mere fact that Manako is like a black mage, and people were trying to win fight by using physical attacks only. It's my theory that whenever playing a new game, people will try to win battles at first witht he most basic action, attacking. And since Manako is more geared towards techniques, it's not a good idea. So from now on, whenever you attack physically, whether you hit your oppenent or not, you will heal one anima. This will help encourage people to use more spells, especially for characters like Manako, Phaeth, and Sophie.
*Half Elemental Weaknesses: I have changed how the enemies react to Manako's Black Magic spells. Now, each enemy will have an elemental weakness, strength, and new Half Weaknesses, and Half Strength. For instance, Wood is strong against earth, and weak against metal. But now wood is also half weak against fire, and half strong against water. Using a foe's half weakness will do more damage than usual.
I've also changed so that when casting an element that the enemy is direly weak to, instead of flashing teh screen a color, it will now just make a sound effect.
*Title Technique: Whenever you equip a technique, it will now show up as your chracter's title! So you'll have to no long be guessing: "I've just loaded my game, and I don't know what tehcnique I Have equiped..." It'll show up in the main menu! However, if you want to change which technqiue you have equiped, you'll still have to press 9 on the numpad, and select a new one...
*Storyline Changes: I've deleted or changed some parts of my game that were just stupid, pointless, or a sad attempt at trying to be funny. There weren't much, but there were some dumb scenes... So now I've made everything ALOT more serious. The begining, at the Monu Tribe, was espically filled with stupid scenes, so I've changed them all. The atmosphere is a bit gloomy at the tribe, and the only somewhat funny part will be with Davin and Sophie. After you pass them, and recuit Rellius and Phaeth, then the story will pretty much be serious for much of the rest of the game.
*Faces are colored now!: My custom facesets before weren't exactly a finished product. I've finally got around to shading the faces realistically (Like making high points lighter and such) and also colored their hair right, instead of just making it a big blob of color. I'm actually quite proud of them myself, even if no one else is, so I'll pretty much be using them to the end.
*Fixed Scene Bugs: There were a couple of scenes that messed up when you viewed them, and didn't let you progress the game anymore (Especially the stupid Telba Event after the music concert! IT USED TO ALWAYS MESSES UP, NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES I'VE FIXED IT!) Well, not anymore. I've played through my entire game that I've made so far, twice actually, to begining to end, and fixed everything. It seemed to move smoothly for me, so I can only hope the demo will go just right for everyone else. I should also apologize, the last demo link I gave promised the game all the way to the half way point, but it gets cut short, due to glitches. Sorry! Hopefully it won't happen again!
It's updated now, so feel free to download it from the first page. Cheers! (^-^)
B-E-A-UTIFUL! I think a demo's in order like now! This is the kind of game I've been waiting for.
It looks really good. I think I would get rid of the white bg around the facesets though.
Yay! Nasty flashes are gone, well for spells at least. Glad to see you're still awokring on this and that you're still active. I still haven't beaten the first demo, but oh well, we'll just see how this one works.
The game looks not good GREAT! though something about the facesets .. I don't know something just bugs me about the facesets you have for some of the people but I won't judge a game souly on facesets, can't wait to play it though
I am highly against all kinds of theft
Wow, you bought rpg maker, did you?
This looks pretty average, you should work on your mapping!
The game looks not good GREAT! though something about the facesets .. I don't know something just bugs me about the facesets you have for some of the people but I won't judge a game souly on facesets, can't wait to play it though
If you ask me... I think that only Davin and Phaeth's face look a bit "strange" compared to everyone else, but I really like the work I put in to making them, and to my eyes, I love the way everyone looks. So I'm still gonna be using them. I also still want to keep the white background around them, because I think it looks nicer in-game. Instead of just having a head floating there, the box kind of divides the portiat and map from each other. Just my oppinion.
I'm still gonna be using the realistic faces. That's not gonna change. But If I need to take time to make them look nicer, then I will. (Sorry, just that I don't want to settle for anime, cartoon, or generated facesets.)
Wow, you bought rpg maker, did you?
I just don't like theives. You can argue if they have the right to steal, and if I legally can't say or do a thing about it, but I'm not so enthusiastic about the idea of working so hard on something that somebody else will just take. I'll be highly offended if someone just steals my resources or scripts without even asking me, and I'm sure there are other people out there who wouldn't like it either.
Yay! Nasty flashes are gone, well for spells at least. Glad to see you're still awokring on this and that you're still active. I still haven't beaten the first demo, but oh well, we'll just see how this one works.
I'm pretty sure that all the flashes are either gone, or censored. I'm not entirely sure. I know for a fact that the spells, scenes, and party management are in the clear, so I'm glad that would be of help to you.
This looks pretty average, you should work on your mapping!
Yeah... mapping isn't really my strong side... but hey, at least it's decent, and not so ugly anymore that you just want to rip out your eyeballs. I know that my mapping isn't the best in the world, but at least it's not the worst either. I'm still working at it.
As for everyone else, thanks for the helpful compliments! If everything goes as planned, I might have the demo up tomorrow. I've also extended the the demo, so you'll get a bit more gameplay before the demo ends (It's gonna end with a shocking twist! So pay close attension to the story!)
For those of you who already downloaded my game before, and played it, then I must ask you to please stop, and wait for the new demo. The old one is just gonna mess up somewhere anyway. I would also advise you to start a new file, because I've changed ALOT of things at the begining, things you don't want to miss. The story won't make much at all anyway if you just keep continuing your file from whereever you are at.
I'm eargerly awaiting the demo and i'll just go delete my copy as I never finished it anyway.
Alright, finally got around to uploading it. (I had a long pottery report I just had to do this morning. Took me forever...) Anywhere, it is! My game size has gotten smaller since last time. I think it used to be about 80 Mb or something. Well, now it's about 31.1 MB, so the size cut by more than half. Please play my game and tell me what you think!
Awesome! Downloading now. If my new Winrar works good i'll give you a reveiw, since I can't open the file otherwise.
*Kick* and whatnot.
I haven't been online much, nor was I able to advance as far as I wanted in my game, just because of school, tests, and all that stuff. Anyway, school just ended for me yesterday, so I have whole summer to myself now! Yeah!
Anyways, I've made some major changes in my game since my last update. I've added three new playble characters that will join your party, so now there are a total of nine party members, and not six anymore. I thought the game would be more "RPG-like" if I actually had a little more than just a small amount of characters.
Buijoh is now an important character who will join your party. I also gave him a make over, so he's custom now, instead of just something thrown together with the generaters. He has a tribal spear, and has useful spells that can boost up his own stats.
Kichi is a completely new character I just made up. She was on teh same pirate crew as Davin. Her weapons of choice are boots. She's pretty much a kicker, with techniques that can manage your money or items.
Zaikoat is also playalbe now. Thought it would be kinda cool to have an "animal" party member.
I also redid Sophie's hair, because the whole "Pink Pigtails" thing was kind of getting to me. There actually are alot of characters in games and anime shows who have pick pigtails. So I made her do her hair differently. I think she looks more mature this way.
I also added a "Character's Eyes" HUD. Now there will be a small picture of the character's eyes of those who are in your party. It also has the button that you assigned them (Like pressing - key for the party leader and stuff) so it'll be more simpler than to have to remember what key switches you to what teammate.
I'm still working on this game first priority, so hopefully the whole summer will help me pregress far! I'm actually getting pretty close to finally "finishing" the game. I'm about 75% done now. I'll plan on getting this game done 100% before my senior year is over next year, if I'm lucky that is.
*Kick* and whatnot.
I haven't been online much, nor was I able to advance as far as I wanted in my game, just because of school, tests, and all that stuff. Anyway, school just ended for me yesterday, so I have whole summer to myself now! Yeah!
Anyways, I've made some major changes in my game since my last update. I've added three new playble characters that will join your party, so now there are a total of nine party members, and not six anymore. I thought the game would be more "RPG-like" if I actually had a little more than just a small amount of characters.
Buijoh is now an important character who will join your party. I also gave him a make over, so he's custom now, instead of just something thrown together with the generaters. He has a tribal spear, and has useful spells that can boost up his own stats.
Kichi is a completely new character I just made up. She was on teh same pirate crew as Davin. Her weapons of choice are boots. She's pretty much a kicker, with techniques that can manage your money or items.
Zaikoat is also playalbe now. Thought it would be kinda cool to have an "animal" party member.
I also redid Sophie's hair, because the whole "Pink Pigtails" thing was kind of getting to me. There actually are alot of characters in games and anime shows who have pick pigtails. So I made her do her hair differently. I think she looks more mature this way.
I also added a "Character's Eyes" HUD. Now there will be a small picture of the character's eyes of those who are in your party. It also has the button that you assigned them (Like pressing - key for the party leader and stuff) so it'll be more simpler than to have to remember what key switches you to what teammate.
I'm still working on this game first priority, so hopefully the whole summer will help me pregress far! I'm actually getting pretty close to finally "finishing" the game. I'm about 75% done now. I'll plan on getting this game done 100% before my senior year is over next year, if I'm lucky that is.
Glad to hear your still working on this, it's a lot of fun to play, too bad I lost my copy so I'll =wait till you get this new one doe before I download it again. Good luck.
Yeah I really liked the game, it just seemed very choppy from what I played.
*****Major Update*****
I've made MUCH progress since my last update and I thought that I might as well show what I've accomplished so far...
*Experience Bar Coded (It' just a yellow bar above your face portrait and shows how much Xp you need to progress to reach the next level)
*Technique Switching (You don't need to press the [9] key anymore to unequip techniques. Just go ahead and pick which ever one from the main menu)
*CMS Party Formation (You can modify both Primary and Ancillary team by pressing the [9] key. You can formate your party anytime and anywhere you like)
*Experience Display (Whenever you win a fight, a new victory screen shall whip across the screen, and display how much experience in total was obtained)
*Better Gameplay Balance (The difficulty of the game is now pretty fitting, and the amount of expereince per fight is more planned out.)
*Phaeth Blue Magick (Phaeth is now more of a 'blue mage', so she doesn't gain techniques through leveling, but by using a skill called 'Probe' against different obake.)
*Buijoh Skills (Buijoh acts kind of like a bard now. He can only equip one technique at a time, but can raise a certain stat of the entire party, such as strength or speed.)
*Needs (Hunger, Thirst, and Energy needs now go down much faster, but using items heal alot more. Staying at an Inn will also replenish all needs to 100%. When a need reaches 0%, you no longer die, but instead get major stat penalties. A warning as also made, so for example, if your hunger reaches 50%, your character will have a thouht bubble above his head that contains a picture of food in it.)
*New Title Screen (Made a new title screen from scratch, and literally took the whole day...)
*More gameplay content added
When you press the [9] key, the party formaton menu comes up. The whole thing consists of pictures instead of a map, so it's pretty convenient.
It is kind of straight forward. You pick a slot, and choose which member to replace it with. To remove a member from a slot, just pick him/her again.
You can see the Expereince Bar there, above Kichi's portrait... yeah...
The hunger bubble will appear above your head when hunger is at 50% and 25%.
Look's awesome man, hope to see a new demo soon. ^_-
Looks really great, I hope updates come more often as well as a new demo.
I don't have a demo ready yet, but I will soon.
Right now, I'm test playing through the whole game again (for like, the eighth time now...) to make sure everything goes smoothly. The difficulty of the battles are more balanced, but I"m kinda having trouble with the amount of experience the enemies give you...
Stupid question, but how exactly are you supposed to set the amount of experience gained from monsters? Do you just guess and see how it goes, or is there some formula to figure it out?
Well personally I like the way Wow does it, there are monster with red, yellow, green, and grey names. Red gives you better exp but harder monsters and it just moves down until you hit grey and get no experience from them anymore. The colors depend on what level your character is. If you wanted a system like that, you could give every monster a level of difficulty, set variables that find the differnce in monster and character levels. Have like a red 120% yellow 100% green 80% grey 0%, or whatever you choose. But I dunno maybe sounds like a hassle but I likethe idea of it. And you can deal more with low numbers in exp if, and this also keeps players from farming for levels making bosses just as hard as you want them to be.
That actually sound like a really good idea. I've never really played WoW before, but I get the picture. It may take alot of work though, making the code for it, then copying and pasting it to each battle, so I don't think I'll look into it right at the momment, but thanks for input.
Dunno if it's just me, but the demo link doesn't work... and I really wanna play! You've come a long way with this project, keep it up. :Plight:
Not blurry, so much as softglow.
Demo finally out!
Made TONS of improvements since last relase, including MUCH storyline changes. I've also balanced out the gameplay difficulty alot more efficiently now.
*** HP and MP gauges work, and don't mess up anymore***
*** The animation for switching characters are lot more faster***
*** Changed/Fixed some character's sprites***
*** New smaller HUD that doesn't block the screen anymore***
*** Reworked on some of Kichi's skills***
*** Balanced out battle system and enemy stats more***
*** Major changes to some scenes and storyline events.***
*** Added a "Bonus Gauge" to the Music Concert Minigame ;) )
*** Of course, added more content***
The demo is on the first page, so go there to get it.
If you've had a save file from a past release, it won't work in this demo because of changes in party member's experience and stats. Please start a new file.
Alot of scenes have been changed anyway, so starting over will still be a new experience.
Please enjoy the release, as it is now my 75% Mark of actually completing the whole game!
EDIT: Funny... the download link isn't clickable for some reason... Well, just copy it and paste it in the URL. It should work anyway.
Stupid thing makin' me wait two minutes :dry:
EDIT: It says only premium members can download the file. :|
You sure? I'm downloading it right now and it seems to be going okay for me.
I'll give some critical feedback when I've had a chance to play through.
Yeah, it keeps telling me "Currently a lot of users are downloading files. Please try again in 2 minutes or become a Premium member" and then I wait and try again and tells me I need to be a premium member to download the file.
EDIT: There we go, finally worked. I tried a bunch of times and it kept telling me I couldn't, even after I'd waited. Okay, I'll play and let you know what I think.
EDIT: Go figure, my laptop doesn't have a number pad. I couldn't get past the ledges in the beginning. Sorry man. =\
EDIT: Go figure, my laptop doesn't have a number pad. I couldn't get past the ledges in the beginning. Sorry man. =\
Well, that sucks. Trust me, if I could have programmed different keys, I would have...
I suppose buying an attachable numpad is always an option if you want. Not sure how much they would run for in terms of cost though.
Well, that sucks. Trust me, if I could have programmed different keys, I would have...
I suppose buying an attachable numpad is always an option if you want. Not sure how much they would run for in terms of cost though.
Yeah, I really want to play this, but after reading that I know I won't be able to... usb keyboards are like $10, though...
Well, that sucks. Trust me, if I could have programmed different keys, I would have...
I suppose buying an attachable numpad is always an option if you want. Not sure how much they would run for in terms of cost though.
Yeah, uh, I'm sure it's fun and all, but screw that. lol
If I can find time, I'll install rm2k3 on my parent's computer and play it there.
You want to download the following file: | 20138 KB
This file can only be downloaded by becoming a Premium member
This what I got when I tried to downlaod it. :/
I dunno. I just tried it, and it seemed to work just fine for me. It just made me wait sixy seconds first is all.
If you want, I could upload it to a different site if it'll make a difference, but you'll need to tell me where though.
I think too many people trying to download a file at once will give that error.
That's why I avoid Rapidshare.
Yeah, just keep trying, it should work eventually.
The only reason why I use Rapidshare is just because it so convienient. You don't even need to register an account to use it. But I guess all things have their downsides.
I vote for a laptop compatable version of this!
You should try filefactory or just host your game on RMN.
Well i'm starting to lose my taste for rpgmakers games just because if I want it to look decent and not stretched I have to adjust my resolution but no big deal your game looked interesting enough.
The beginning, turtorial, cutscene, and walking sequence I could not stand.
What made it hard was the too long cut scene with no and the long pauses between talking like there were so many pauses even though I read everything I lost interested I really got bored so much I would never start a new game ever.
Even all the times I had to restatr Carpe Diem with its long intro wasn't so bad because it had music.
By the time it got to the walking sequence I had lost interest.
(Also this could be because its 7:00 A.M. and I have a headache and alot of energy atm or because i just got done playing Killing Floor I dunno)
When he went into the waterfall and said Pressure pushing down on me made me want to go listen to Queen and Bowie XD
I just thought that was kind of funny.
Some of the map work is good other is eh not so great. The the scene after the intro the map was meh
and it may just be me because little things like this bother me but The waterfall constantly pouring down but barely deeper than a puddle? where is all that water going?
I could buy it if the water was running off to somewhere but it wasn't it was all right there and it wasn't any deeper than that puddle all the npcs and animals kept walking through in the village.
That and the ledges how you kind of have them akwardly stacked with no edges like to the exact left of the waterfall where it literally looks like square blocks.
Also the chairs are too small and the book in his house way to big for the table I know again not a big deal but little details really bother me sorry.
The houses inside were extremely bland until aftet the battle tutorial where everything wasn't so dull.
Sometimes the outside mapping didn't impress but its better than alot i've seen.
For some reason the game seemed too dark and my monitor is bright it even hurts my eyes sometimes but your game was a bit too dark when it was suppose to be morning which made it dull.
the battle was ok the monsters were way too strong in the first battle they dodged eveyrhting and took too long to kill.
The music wasn't annoying and was easy listening so good choices with it so far except when you felt the need to use none in long scene.
You didn't really save point I really didn't know it was the book until after I died because I tohught it was just decoration thats my fault
but I thought it was the random magic cirlce that didn't do anything.
So I died no save and I try it in a few days or a week when I feel like going through the intro again.
So now i'm going to sleep
So far it seems ok but needs work.
Thanks for the feed back! I'll definatly take what you said into consideration.
What made it hard was the too long cut scene with no and the long pauses between talking like there were so many pauses even though I read everything I lost interested I really got bored so much I would never start a new game ever.
Yes, I suppose the intro is kinda long. I'll try to cut some stuff out. As for the no music thing, sorry. Sometimes I just have a hard time picking out which songs to use that I just kinda of leave it silent. I'm usually too lazy to go looking for new ones, but I should probably hop to it soon.
Sorry about the pauses in between textboxes. I just really wanted the player "take in" the atmosphere of the scenes, and didn't want them to be space baring through the whole thing.
Some of the map work is good other is eh not so great. The the scene after the intro the map was meh
and it may just be me because little things like this bother me but The waterfall constantly pouring down but barely deeper than a puddle? where is all that water going?
I could buy it if the water was running off to somewhere but it wasn't it was all right there and it wasn't any deeper than that puddle all the npcs and animals kept walking through in the village.
That and the ledges how you kind of have them akwardly stacked with no edges like to the exact left of the waterfall where it literally looks like square blocks.
Also the chairs are too small and the book in his house way to big for the table I know again not a big deal but little details really bother me sorry.
Yeah, I have to admit that I don't really find mapping fun nor do I even want to spend more time with it. Those begining maps I made when I first started the project two years ago and didn't know head or tails of mapping. I'll have to decorate them more and have the water from the waterfall probably run off the map somewhere. As for the deepness, I suppose it would look strange for the characters just to simply walk in the water. I was just too lazy before to make a "floating" charaset. I'll have to do that sometime soon as well.
As for the small chairs and oversized books, they do look strange, I just never really noticed until now. I could probably look for better chairs no problem, but for the books, I already made poses of characters with them and I really don't feel like redoing them all.
For some reason the game seemed too dark and my monitor is bright it even hurts my eyes sometimes but your game was a bit too dark when it was suppose to be morning which made it dull.
Yeah, I have no idea why. For most of the day the screen is tinted at normal (100 on Red, Blue, and Green). The darkest it ever gets is 50 tint on all colors.
the battle was ok the monsters were way too strong in the first battle they dodged eveyrhting and took too long to kill.
The music wasn't annoying and was easy listening so good choices with it so far except when you felt the need to use none in long scene.
Did you attack the enemies with Manako's Black Magick spells? That's one of the flaws of having a mage character as a hero, You pretty much force the player into the tactical world of techniques and MP in thier first fights. Trying to win with physical attacks is really no good when you're playing as the main hero.
(I've alwaysed wondered why the main hero in most RPG games is some dude with a big sword, but I see why now. It's to help "ease" the player in on the first coulple of battles. When they're just starting to learn the battle system, they have to start small with physical attacks and the game gruadually teaches spells and gets more complex later.)
You didn't really save point I really didn't know it was the book until after I died because I tohught it was just decoration thats my fault
but I thought it was the random magic cirlce that didn't do anything.
So I died no save and I try it in a few days or a week when I feel like going through the intro again.
I never really did mention what was the save points. Sorry. I guess I just sorta expected the player to search for it on their own after the intro and would tumble on to it eventually.
The "magic circles" really don't have any importance to the game anymore. They used to be spots where you could set up party formations, but ever since I made it a simple push of a key, the cirlces don't do anything anymore, except for marking teleport location which is pretty much unnecissary as it is. I was going to delete them eventually, but was just too lazy and kept pushing it off until I forgot about it.
Thanks again for the input! I really appreciate it! :D
When I first started creating the project, my main concern was mostly just the gameplay, faces and story. I'm not really too suprised to realize I overlooked many of the little things. Your comment was most helpful indeed.
Yes, I suppose the intro is kinda long. I'll try to cut some stuff out. As for the no music thing, sorry. Sometimes I just have a hard time picking out which songs to use that I just kinda of leave it silent. I'm usually too lazy to go looking for new ones, but I should probably hop to it soon.
If people had to sit through Asiyla's introduction over and over I would be crucified. Right at the beginning I give my players the choice to skip it completely. Try that out.
If people had to sit through Asiyla's introduction over and over I would be crucified. Right at the beginning I give my players the choice to skip it completely. Try that out.
That's the best suggestion made I wish so many games had that option especially rpgmakers games.
Thanks for the idea! Options to skip is probably most convientent.
Besides, I just realized now that I accidentally put the starting position on the wrong map, so it was more longer than it was even supposed to be... (I knew I should of deleted it a long time ago!) I'm also changing the intro a bit so there will actually be some gameplay in there, and not all just watching the text boxes come and go.
Not a problem. Good luck with your project.
Some new things that I have done since then...
-Changed Chakira's name to Cailithia. It just sounds better in my oppinion.
-Changed Zaikoat's name to Grellberg because it seems to match him better.
-Added a new *damage* animation for all physical attacks. This was quite hard to create at first because I couldn't use a battle animation for it (since I already use it for your character's attack) so I just had to use a picture for this. It wasn't as easy as I had first intended because pictures go by "pixles" and events on maps go by "tiles". But it works now, regardless of the amount of work it took.
-Following the damage animation picture, I also decided that the game would look more fancy if I had an *elemental damage* animation. I pretty much just used a picture for that just as I did for physical attacks, but I changed the graphic, depending on what spell is cast (If you cast Wood elemental spells on enemies, then leaves will burst on them with each strike. Casting fire will cause flames to display and so on.)
-Coded an HP gauge for enemies. When you attack an oppenet, a red gauge will appear on the upper right hand corner, allowing you to see how much HP the foe has before it falls. Attack a different opponet (or if a different opponet attacks you for that matter) Will switch it so that gauge will measure that foe's HP instead.
-With the HP gauge is the simple targeting system I implemented. Pretty much, when ever you attack a foe and it's HP gauge is displayed, the enemy will flash white every two or three seconds, indicating which enemy in particular you are targetting as well as which enemy's HP gauge is displayed. This will make battles less confusing, and let you see right away who you're attack and who's close to death.
-Useless Magic Circles have now been removed
-Changed some musics in the intro to set the atmosphere.
-Intro is now skippable
-Added some gameplay to the intro
As of now, I am still meandering around the 75% point. I have made more of the story, but I have been really busy as of late, thanks to college applications as well as school and other stresses. I will post up a new and very updated download later if I get the time.
Haven't had an update in quite a long time. This project isn't dead and is slowly nearing completion. (I'd say about 80% done as of now)
I've added some new yet kinda outdated screenshots on the first post. Check them out if you're interested
No new download as of yet, but I suppose I might as well name the progress I've done so far...
********************New Stuff********************
***New Epitomes***
I just added in six new epitomes as well as rename the older ones. You now have a total of twelve epitomes that are all levelable and alter your character's stats as such. The new eptiomes are mixes of two or more stats, such as the speed and intellegence of the Prodigy or the attack and defense of the Heavyweight.
Small changes to scenes to give the game more of a professional feeling, as to keep the consistancy of the mood later in the game.
Epitome have been integrated into the storyline. You will obtain epitomes as you advance the game (You'll obtain all twelve epitomes by the time you complete the first quarter of the game)
Epitomes can no longer be sold and will permanatly stay in your inventory.
***Equipment prices***
Lowered the prices on equipment and weapons.
***New Ship CMS***
A simple custom menu system after you obtain a ship and crew. It looks pretty nice. I'm quite proud of it.
***The Seer Costume Remake***
Redid The Seer's outfit to a traditional japanese robe. He seems to stick out more like this.
Edited Kichi's character design. Changed her outfit and colors. I also dyed a tuft of her bangs to a brunette color.
***Story Additon***
The majority of my time was spent adding onto the story. The final quarter of the game is incredibly long in comparisan to the last three quarters.
Still working eagerly on this project but I doubt I'll be able to finish before I move to college.
Finally got around to doing more work... despite my laziness...
***Grellberg's Battle Addition***
From now on when playing as Grellberg, it is no longer manditory to be his fox form during battle. He shall initially be a human for both the field and on battle. He now has a new skill called "Polar Metamorphosis". When he uses this art, he shall burst forward in a circle of flames and alternate his form between human and beast. Enemies around who are touched by the flames during his transformation are hit with increased physical attack damage, similar to Rellius' Focal Strike Skill. Players are encouraged to use this skill as more of an attack rather than to shape shift. Grellberg's Human shape can cast both his black and white magick spells, just like his fox form can, and he also can attack physically with sumo-like strikes, such as palm thrusts and foot stomps (He's a sumo... so what?) Now Grellberg is more of an all-around balanced character, efficient in spell casting, healing and physical attacks.
***Item Obtain Messages***
When obtaining an item from defeating a monster, a message will now display, stating what item you got. This makes things easier to know what type of items each obake drops as well keeping track of your sellable loot.
***Zyral Sprite Revision***
Changed Zyral original sprite for multiple reasons. He looked intimidating before, but his appearance just didn't seem to match his narcisistic personality. Another thing that bugged me was his eyes. Some people thought that he was cross-eyed. The original idea was that the white section around his iris was supposed to be red while his iris was colored white. Regardless, he now has his hair redone, recolored and now has blue eyes. Blonde hair and blue eyes to me symbolize justice, holy, and heroism (At least that's the message I get from playing many, MANY jrpgs that use these characteristics for their main protagonist.) I thought it would be interesting to apply these traits to an antagonist instead and see what would happen.
He also seem to look VERY feminine now. Even I am finding it akward to call him a "he", but that's alright I guess, since he's supposed to be a psychopath anyway. Infact, he may even be more creepier now.
***Phaeth's Outfit***
No, this isn't another sprite revision. I finished spriting Phaeth's new outfit that she will change into later in the game due to story situtations and will keep her new costume for the rest of the game. All her poses and attacks have changed accordingly to her new outift once that story progresses that far.
Small progress has been done on the actual storyline. I've been very busy with life as of late and will actually have to move into my college next week. Not sure how much time I will have left to work on this project since I'll have to juggle both school and a part-time job at the same time. This game WILL get done eventually, but I'm just uncertain how long it might take now...
Blonde hair and blue eyes to me symbolize justice, holy, and heroism (At least that's the message I get from playing many, MANY jrpgs that use these characteristics for their main protagonist.)
All I thought of while reading this was "Nazis...?"
This looks cool though. ^^
As for the Nazi thing, it's the media's fault, I tell you. Influencing innocents to appeal to those traits. (-_-;)
Shhh! You'll blow my cover...
I've always wondered why the heros of jrpgs are always some skinny blonde kid when the creators are japanese. Kind of like how males usually make stories with a male as the main character, I thought that race would also apply. Guess not, at least according to the japanese anyway.
Someone properly already said this, but change the color of your dialogue.
I know. I probably should have had it so only the character's name is colored, and not the dialogue altogether. One of the many bad life decisions I made when I first started making the project...
I can't change it now, as that would be far too much work. That's the way it's gonna be. Thanks for the input though.
I was thinking about posting an update anyway, but there wasn't much work done this time around.
***Boss Event Skipping***
The scene before a boss fight is skippable. This is so the player would not be discouraged from trying again if they lose in a boss battle.
With college now and me actually starting to have a social life for once, I really can't find much time to get around to this project. I'll still keep at it though, and hopefully see completion sometime soon.
***Character Portrait revision*** (For the third time now...)
My art skills have improved alot since back then. I've been drawing and designing random characters, but I realize I haven't attempted to redraw my own cast from this game yet. Here's a work in progress of my character's new facial portraits, this time I wanted to have a more "cartoony" feel rather than "profile" or "anime".
(I don't mean to stereotype, but I tried to make character's ethnicity be apparent in their portrait. Phaeth and Buijoh in particular...)
I still have to finish shading faces and hair, but it'll be done in time. Though RM2K3's crappy resolution will really kill the art, I hope it'll still be decent.