
Off-Topic => Creative arts => Topic started by: Ephiam on August 30, 2008, 11:37:33 PM

Title: Valcon Sky [Story In Progress]
Post by: Ephiam on August 30, 2008, 11:37:33 PM
Just a small story I'm rewriting from when I was younger. I had a very fun time writing this back then, so I decided to give it another go. The result? It's just as fun!

Sorry for it being written in an odd style (almost RP-like), but that is the way it was originally written and I decided to keep it like that. Besides, I sort of like it. =P

Anyway, this is just for a bit of fun. Both my friend and I are writing stories, so we're just reading one and others. It helps keep us interested, and we can talk about 'em after we release a new chapter. =B

Scene 1: The Dream

Young boy: "I'm home , mom..." The young, brown haired boy slowly opened the front door to his home and made his way inside. He tapped his dirty shoes against the matt at his feet and then kicked off his sneakers, taking a glance around. It seemed to be a tad quiet, and no one was responding to his statement. "Jacob had to go into town with his parents..." he trailed off, seemingly speaking to the walls surrounding him. "Dad...?" he asked, peeking his head into the living room, only to see the light of the TV illuminating the sofa and arm chair. There one. He became a small bit paranoid after this incident, and shot his head around in a frantic manner. "Hello!" He yelled, standing in that one position, awaiting an answer. When there was none, his mind became a jumbled mess of worried thoughts.

    He was the kind of boy who would worry about everything, and come up with the most ridiculous assumptions one could ever think of if anything had seemingly become amiss. Making his way to the kitchen, the thoughts still flooded his mind. " Mo-" Before he was able to speak but a single word, his face became as pale as a dead mans.

    He began to break into a cold sweat, and had come to realize that what he had been thinking of had indeed become reality. The kitchen was almost unreckognizable. Blood covered near every inch of the room, and in the center of the mess was the incarnation of carnage: Two mutilated, brutally beaten heaps of rotting flesh. Or, as this young boy had known them as: His mother and father. He was paralyzed with fear, and could not take this gaze off of the sickening sight. How was this happening? Why had it occured? Wasn't this only something you would see in the movies, or hear on the news? How could this have him? And yet it was there, staring him straight in the eye. It pierced his mind and broke through every layer of sanity the boy had come to produce. What had made the scene an even more tragic sight was the long white banner bathing in the pool of human blood on the floor. The words written upon it's surface were barely able to be read, but the message was still clear enough to read. It said "Happy Birthday."


Scene 2: Food For Thought.

Dawn had come upon this small, rural town. The rays of sunlight seeped in through the open seems in the blind covering the window, and gave the dark room a warm, orange aura.  It was quite a sight to behold, and appeared as something you might gaze upon in a painting.

     Sitting stright up in his small, single-person bed was a lean young boy. His face was pale, as though he had seen a ghost. He wore a strap-shirt that was too big for his torso and a baggy pair of smilie-face shorts. His hair was brown and his eyes blue. A typical young boy (at least in this edge of the world.) He had broken in to a cold sweat, and had awoke with a start.

    The dream he had been previously experiencing had been all too real for him. However, unlike in the past, he was now able to wake himself from the terrifying nightmare. And though it was ages passed that this incident had occured, it still bothered him to this very day. It was a very tiresome ordeal this young man was forced through.
     Breathing heavily for a moment before calming himself down, he turned his head to gaze out the window. He reached out with his fingers to part the blinds and gaze upon the town. It was a heavenly sight to behold. The houses had been bathing in the rays of the sun, and were illuminted through the orange light and given a calming pressence.  It brought a warm feeling to the heart and mind to bear witness to such a thing, and it was almost magical how it was there to comfort him in his time of need. He enjoyed scenes such as this, and it always brought peace to his overworked mind.

Ren: Peeping up from the side of the small bed was the head of yet another small stranger. This fellow appeared to be quite younger than the lad in front of him, and had the charm of a infant. One glance upon his small figure would make any woman or man want to care for him with the utmost respect. He bore golden eyes and a head of messy green hair. He was bare-chested, and only wore a rag colored steel gray as shorts. "You dreamin' again...?" He asked with the greatest of interest. He was very curious to find out if he had been right or wrong, and it was usually the former.

His trance being broken through the light voice of the child beside him, he turned himself to face the youngster and gave a small sigh. He had been startled. It was not apparent, but the sudden appearance of the child's voice from out of the blue had run through him like a knife. It replaced the silence in his mind, and now instead of there being nothing there was a small whisper. It sent shivers through his spine. "When DON'T I have that dream, huh?"  he had asked, smashing the pillow he had grabbed in that small moment down across the child's head.

His eyes widening as the the pillow crashed into his face, he did not have the chance to react and brace himself for the attack. As he had only been holding himself up on his toes without much thought, this sudden action sent him tumbling onto the small, thin matress lain out on the floor bellow the bed. The boy let out a loud, drawn-out sigh.  "The hell was that for?" he mumbled, tossing the pillow from his face to embrace the fresh air yet again. He sat back up , but this time stationed himself further away from the older boy. He just didn't want to be hit again. It was doubtful that it would happen, but there was still a chance.

Lance: " reason." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. "I'm just tired, and had that damn dream or nightmare or what ever the hell it was again. Just puts me out of the mood for anything." Ceasing in the rubbing of his eyes, he would gaze down to the thin sheet the younger boy plopped himself down on with an odd glare. His expression changed from that of a seriously tired frown to that of slight confusion. That matress had not been there the night before, and neither had the boy. "And why aren't you in your own room, anyway?" He asked, turning himself so that he sat on the edge of the bed, feet planted firmly on the cold wooden floor.

Ren: A playful chuckle escaped his lips, but those who bore any knowledge of his kind knew that there had also been a sliver of shyness laced in as well. He had been fearful of sleeping on his own ever since they began their travels together, and it was not about to change anytime soon. "Well..." broke his voice, riddled with small laughs of discomfort, " I was awake anyway, so I just decided to bring my stuff in here and wait for you to wake up! I'd have came in and woken you up soon regardless, so...yeah. That's about it." He trailed off, but soon found himself back on topic once there had been something else to say. "Besides, It was boring in there! At least I'd have someone to talk to if I came in here."

Eyes bearing nothing more than disbelief gazed across the small space seperating the two and cast themselves across Ren's figure. He knew that most of which Ren had spewed from his mouth was a lie, yet he could not help to comment him for his effort. At least the story was a bit more believeable this time around. He even see it in the younger boys eyes: He also knew Lance to have figured him out, but just wanted to give some kind of logical reasoning behind his actions. It had happened too many times in the past for Lance to let it slip now.

    "Uh-huh..." His voice trailed, labeled with a blatent plate of sarcasm. "You're such a wuss, Ren." he stated, planting his foot to the boy's chest and easily toppling him over. "They're not going to find us this soon. Besides, how the hell would they know where to look? I mean out of all the places we could have gone, why look here? You can't keep going on like this--worrying about this and that, and always wondering when they'll show up next, or where they'll show up next. Who cares! I mean, have a bit of fun, at least. It's the reason you came along with me, isn't it? To get them out of your life? If that's the case, then you're doing a fine good job of letting them come along for the ride."

There was nothing much to do now other than lifelessly stare at the dirt-spotted ceiling and think about what had been said. He didn't want to, but his mind had the habbit of taking these things up on it's own and doing the thinking without him ever realizing it.

    He didn't want them following him where ever he went, and he did go along with Lance for the sole fact of being able to finally get away from it all, but he could do nothing of it. He had tried to forget about them in the past, and had been constantly trying to do so to this very day, yet nothing seemed to work. He was never allowed to forget their faces, and was always under constant reminder of what would happen if they were to be ever found out. They plagued his mind like loutists to a crop, and would never leave no matter what kind of vile chemical he was to subject them to.

    What he thought would be a life of fun and happiness had been reduced to everything but that. Nothing was happening as he invisioned. But then again, that was usually the way everything worked.

    A sorrowful sigh lay heavy in the air, and the mood had developed in to a state of intense seriousness within a matter of seconds. "I just can't forget." And it was as simple as that.

Lance: It was the truth. He just could not forget, and no matter what was spoken, he would never break out of the mindset he had developed for himself. The barrier the boy erected had been too tough to break through, and no matter the weapon used against it, nothing was to happen. It stood strong--an impenitrable fortress. It may have wavered in the microscopic level, but nothing visible to the nakid eye, and that was where progress needed to occur.

     But what else could he have done? His ways of attempting to make the boy forget his past seemed only to throw him deeper into the pit. It was all for naught, so his attempts would have to be brought to an abrupt end this day. But regardless of such, he yearned for the day Ren would forget his past and embrace the future. It was something he himself had done so long ago, and with the past he had experienced ever lurking within the shadows, he feared the day he might once again destroy the feeble barracade that had been structured within his mind and allow all the vile images from the past to flood his mind as a terrible rappid. He wished he could stop with these types of conversations, but he knew that Ren truly was not enjoying himself and it was all thanks to those thoughts. He had endured such a pain in the past, and knew how it was to feel the way Ren did, but he was not going to allow this to destroy the boy. He was young, and still had a bright future ahead of him, if only he were to survive these days of war.

    "But I think it's about time we take off. The further we get away from there the better. At least your worrying is doing us some bit of good--it's a constant reminder to us that we have to keep moving forward. Once we get far enough away from that witch then it's smooth sailing from there. All problems beyond that will only be miniscule in comparison."

Ren: No light shone in those dreary eyes of his. All hope had been lost, and the flame of life extinguished. He had never been the type to dwell on such thoughts, and hated when the atmosphere become tense for too long a time. He wished for the playfullness to take over so that it may break down these hollowed walls, thus he summoned it forth. Sitting up with great haste, his face creased to expose a genuine smile. They were soon leaving, so there had been nothing to be mad about. Besides, this had brought up the perfect oppertunity to ask Lance that question. He was hungry, and there had been this one restaurant he had managed to catch in his eye and wanted to give a go. It called his name, and invited him to enter it's inner sanctum ."We're goin'? So can we stop for somethin' to eat on our way out?"

Lance: "Something to eat!?" He scoffed , "didn't you just have something around midnight last night? What's the rush? We usually wait a little bit longer than this before we go and chow down." The the money was short as a result of of his little spending spree, but he was not about to tell Ren that. He had just enough moeny for a small meal for one person, and that was about it. If you fancied a fine diner, such as that lingering in the mind of the small child, then it was just enough (on the dime) to get something very small, probably not even enough to fill the stomach.

"Oh COME ON! Please~! My stomach's aching, and I saw this really nice restaurant on the way over here that I want to try really badly. Come on~! It's just gonna be something small, so we can both get somethin'! Besides, I see you pay for our rooms last night and I know we have enough!"

"Well we-" Whatever it was he had been meaning to say, wether it had been the announcement of the truth nor not, it would have to wait for bit longer in order to be spoken. It was not as if he had to tell him immediately.

      The door flashed open and in popped in a neatly dressed woman wearing an apron. She bore long blonde hair, and eyes as fair as that of a princess'. They reflected the beauty of the ocean as they clung to such a smiliar, if not more beautiful, color. Her face smooth and delicate, she was a goddess in human flesh. His eyes flew directly to her figure, with Ren following not to long after, yet for a completely different reason.

Woman: " Oh my...! Sorry! So sorry! I should have knocked first, shouldn't I?"  It was quite a sudden occurance and such a blatent showing of ignorance on her behalf, yet womans face was painted red to show her aknowledgement. 

    She gasped in disbelief of how she could come to do such a thing, but it quickly passed and her hand lowered to her side. "Terribly sorry! It will not happen again." She said in a frantic voice. She needed to express her apology for her actions, even though it had not been needed at the time.

    "You see, I'm quite new around here and I've yet still to grow accustomed to the needs and wants of the customers. I'm just so used to barging in on my friends and family like that! Just a bad habbit, I suppose." Mumbling the last part of the sentence, her face shone a rose red, though this time it did so not because of what she had done to them, but for her admitting to what had been done in her daily life.

    "It's just that...I heard a bit of commotion from outside the door when I was passing by, so I thought I'd lend a helping hand if one was needed" She gave a nervous chuckle. The two did not answer her, and all they managed to do was stare. Wether it was shyness or baffled rage, it started to make her feel more uncomfortable than she already was. " there anything I can do to help? Any trouble...?"
Title: Re: Valcon Sky [Story In Progress]
Post by: Ephiam on August 30, 2008, 11:37:52 PM
Lance: "Oh... Oh! Ha ha, no, no! Nothing at all! Sorry about that, we were just caught off guard for a moment.We've been a little tense for the past couple of days. So...uh...don't bother yourself with worrying about such a thing! We weren't doing anything important, so we don't mind it at all!" The words came in a frantic rush.

    He had ignored most of what she had said, and was sorting through his mind to find and piece together what he had heard so that he could formulate an answer that sounded reasonable. He was paying attention to her, but just not what she was talking about.

     "And nope, nothing wrong! We were just discussing a good place to eat. My friend here wants to chow down, but we really don't have the time or the money to do so! I'm just beating it in to his head is all!" He laughed, his finger pointing to Ren.

Ren: Confused with the goings on around him, the young boy really did not know what to make of the situation. Lance was acting like a total idiot, and was rushing through his sentences like some bumbling buffoon. "Yeah, I see a place called...uh..."Beauman's Diner," I think it was called, and just asked Lance if we could go there. But he said no." He pouted, making sure to string a tone of dissapointment into mix as well, for good measure.

Lance: "What!? Of course I said no! You ate most of what we were served to eat last night! I hardly got a thing out of it, and here you are wanting even more! We're waiting at least untill we get into the next town. Besides, we have a few snacks in our napsack to last us untill then! So stop with the whining already" He had practically yelled, his face swelling up and almost becoming red with embaressment.

Ren: "Hey! I'm not whining! It's just that you're bein' a total idiot. It was last night! No duh I'm hungry! That was over nine hours ago, dumbass!" With a sarcastic tone now thrown in as well, it was easy to tell that Ren paid no heed to what Lance was saying.

Woman: "Oh, I'm terribly sorry! I seem to have caused a fight between you two! Please forgive my intrusion. I'm glad that there are no major problems, so I shall be taking my leave. Please take care and enjoy your stay!" With those words spoken, the woman quickly made her way out of the room and slowly eased the door shut behind her. The creak of the wood as it did so only added to the intensity of the situation, and caused a drawn out period of silence, lasting for what seemed to be a good ten minutes or so. Once it had stopped and the door had been closed, the mood instantly lightened and the intensity was cast to the empty wind.

Lance: His gaze shifted to the side,to the direction of the boy sitting not far from him. His was only welcomed by the others, though, and it made Lance cringe to see such a childish smile on the boy's face after all he gone and said. He didn't exactly know why, but he felt a sort of blatent rage towards Ren all of a sudden. The boy had done nothing one would deem too wrong, and yet he felt as though the child had commited a murder before his very eyes. It was strange, and even though he knew something was wrong, he couldn't change the way he felt. " Ren..." But he could not come up with anything. He waited for a moment, yet nothing came to mind.

    After a brief moments pause (which seemed to last for an eternity), he just dismissed it with a hard sigh and decided it was time they left before he had to bring up their concern for money. "Look, just get out while I'm getting dressed, okay?" He asked, throwing his shirt to the corner and then standing to his feet.

Ren: The small boy was perplexed by what Lance had been getting at, but he had been happy that his act had gotten some sort of reckognition. For acting like such an idiot, Lance deserved the punishment. He thought about resisting the older boys orders, but it might have all played out into his hand if he were to just go along with the demands.  If he were to just leave silently and act normal, then Lance should have suspected nothing out of the ordinary. Well, as far as ordinary went for these two.

    If you were to look hard enough, the slighest of smiles became apparent. However, as Lance was too occupied with his own thoughts at the moment, he failed to notice. Releasing the prompted sigh of annoyance, Ren would push himself to his feet and wobble back and forth for a moment before turning to face the door. Opening the door , he felt the slightest need to let out a chuckle to mock Lance's stupidity. However, there was no need to give himself away this early. He would just make his way down to his room, grab his belongings, and then head off. The door shut slowly behind him, and with a slight snap of it fitting back into it's frame, there was silence.

Lance: Gazing onwards, it struck him as odd that Ren had gone without any sort of a fight, or without even a single complaint. For someone who was not too shy about speaking out just moments before, he was sure being quiet all of a sudden. Something fishy was about, and he would come to realize it in the near future. For now though, it was time to get dressed.

     The cloths he had been wearing previously as he slept were stained with dirt and reaked of sweat. Luckily for him, he was able to get a couple of his old shirts and two pairs of old pants washed for a pretty low price.

    He had finally gone and got himself dressed, and though he did indeed wear completely new clothes, they were stirkingly similar to the last pair he wore. It was just that now, they seemed to be much cleaner. That was about all the differences that could have been easily spotted. Lance liked to keep himself to a restricked (and cheap) wardrope, so he would usually buy a few copies of the exact same shirt and pants/shorts, as they were sold for dirt-cheap prices.

     After finally managing to get himself together, he ducked down to grab his small bag of coins he had placed under the bed the night before. However, where they had once sat next to the rotting leg of the bed, there now had been nothing.

     Forced in to a state of shock, he searched frantically through the room for in search of the important object. What was he to do with no money? And how did he even lose the bag to begin with? These are the sort of thoughts that ran through the boys mind at this time.

    He searched high-and-low, far-and-wide, and completly ransacked the room in his search. To no avail, he did not manage to find his treasure. But then it struck him. Something that should have kicked in a long time before now had finally made it's appearance, and done so with glee and excitement, as if to taunt him further. Ren. What of Ren? He had been sitting on the floor next to where he placed the money, and then left without a word. He knew something was fishy with what had been going on, and only now did he discover that his feelings were indeed correct.

    "That bastard..." He muttered angerly, which was not suprising after the stunt Ren had pulled on him. He was completely oblivious to it all, and by now the boy was likely to have gone and spent it all on some useless supplies they didn't need. Supplies? No, of course not. But food? Yes. The puzzle was now complete after a long period of incompletion. It was not  that he couldn't solve it, it was just that he had no intention of doing so. He had no drive. How was he to know the plan Ren had formulated in his devious little mind? Shaking his head in disgust, he grabed his belongings from off of the bed and made for the door. "Beauman's Diner". He had a feeling he would find him there.


Scene 3: Days Of The Sin.

I tried this in a different format. Heh. I hope it's decent, in the least! If not, then I'm hoping to obtain a bit of help in making it better.

"They, too, yearn for a feast" echoed a voice from the darkness. "Much like myself, and more-so you."

    The room was cast into shadow, it's emptiness forging a facade of a great and expansive room. It had been the smallest room available, yet because it lacked all of the regular appliances one would search for in such a place, it became much more void and spacious. A bed to one wall, a table to the other--it appeared a place only he with the lowest of earnings could afford. This was being generous.

    The only light entering the room did so through two objects: The door (positioned near the back wall) and the window (to the opposite wall, straight ahead). Leaking  through the small space near the bottom of the door spilled minuscule shards of light, and through the window peeked vertical bars.

    There was a single window, and nothing more. However, because of its position one might have been made to question why it had been there in the first place. It was boarded up and cast aside, no longer needed for the current residents. Light held no place within this humble abode, nor would it ever come to. Secrets spoken beyond closed doors should never leak unto the light, for it has many ways of whispering said knowledge to unwanted ears.

    Standing firm, eyes cast to the board-ridden window, back facing the door, stood the maid who had recently displayed her blatant showings of ignorance. Yet now she was somehow different. Taller, and more confident was her stature. Slowly she began to change, as if it were a pleasuring feeling to do so, and she wanted it to last as long as possible. The previous image melted to the floor, leaving only the beast--her true self--in all of it's beauty.

    She bore long blond hair, and eyes of emerald green. Her body firm and soft, with skin the embodiment of perfection. A smile held it's self upon her blood-red lips, displaying to the shadows her pleasure.

    "A feast, you say? I'd love one of those at the moment. It's been ages since I've last eaten a proper meal. Constantly have I been exposed to such rubbish." Said another from behind. It's voice raspy, yet mannerly. It spoke with a proper tongue, such being quite an opposite to the figures true persona.

    The man was tall and lanky, arms nearly to his knees which were bent forward, causing his legs to form an arch. His fingers were as worms, grasping tight the object in his hand. Blood red orbs were cast upon the the woman as he neared, pushing back the many strands of black greasy hair from his eyes. Even the trench coat he wore seemed too long for him, which was quite a supprise taking into account how very tall he was.

    "Hungry? You? Tell me something I may find a little less...suprising. " She said, a chuckle following behind the words. "Has your current duty not been gracious enough to you?"

     "It has not, my fair lady. It has not. You would expect a finer quality of rodent to be produced in such a facility, would you not?" He asked, crushing the bloodied head of a rat against the worn, wooden wall and smearing it down across it's surface. He needed not to move from his location behind the woman, as he was able to reach the wall without taking any such action. After a moment of soaking his hand in the creatures brain matter, he pulled back, greeting it with a lick of the tongue.A wide grin took hold of his lips.

    "How putrid."She said in disgust.

    "Come now, Lust darling. If you're desperate'll eat anything."  He said, tongue inching forward, quickly breaking through the woman's luxurious blond hair and slithering down the shaft of her neck. He made his way for her shoulder, but came to an abrupt stop. He began to chuckle, pulling back the whip-like muscle to it's confines within his putrid mouth. The smile did not fade. Looking down, the the red pupils graced the sight of a long, coal-black thorn piercing his stomach. Raising his eyes, he did not have time to greet the back of her head before being impaled in the forehead and shot against the back wall. He did nothing to resist, and stood pinned. Yet the grin remained.

    "Don't let yourself get carried away, lest you wish your stomach upon the floor." She said, disgust lingering in her voice. That man, Gluttony, had always gotten himself into more trouble than his worth. Still, she would not let such a thing pester her further. It was a minor occurrence, and if it happened again he would be reduced to ribbons. She would make sure of that, and with a pleasure unlike any other.

    "Of course not. I'm very sorry, I forgot the rules you had set up. I just got carried away, is all. No need for such violent outbursts."He muttered with a voice of darkest black. "You may lust for the greetings of another mans body, but I was never under the impression that I, too, was such a man..." he said with glee. Casually raising his hand, he passed it effortlessly through the spike as though it were forged of paper. The remaining piece that had been drilled into his forehead melted away after being severed from the main body, and Gluttony happily opened his mouth to welcome the black fluid as it trickled down over his face. Smacking his lips together in greatest delight, a smile of malice made his face it's home. "But do tell me...where may I acquire a feast suitable for one such as myself? Where may I find the boy?"

    "We're not to cause him bodily harm, Glut-"

    "Wrong." He stated. "I remember the words of the mistress quite clearly. Allow me to reiterate: "Fetch him and bring him back to me. Wether he is dead or alive is no concern. If the latter, I shall take great pleasure in reviving him once again only to strip the life from his still-beating heart. Such is the punishment of those who chose the path of a coward."

    Lust was at a lack of words. Gluttony was right, and there was nothing she could say in her defence. "Fine. Then you may eat the little runt. If such an occurrence comes to pass we'll smear the **** over the Mistress's desk and call it a job well done." She said, smiling at the thought. Slowly turning to face her partner, her eyes traced the many lines of the wooden floor, as if she were cast into a state of thought. "You want to know where you can find him?"

    A grin most wide covered Gluttony's face. He was pleased with the outcome of the situation, and was ever-so-happy that he was able to obtain what he wished to have. It was nothing new, but he still enjoyed the feeling. The feeling of being able to have anything, and everything, any time he pleased. "Yes, if you would be most kind."

    "Beaumin's Diner. Quite an expensive taste for such a small boy...but that is where he is headed. The older one, Lance, also accompanies him. If we can obtain him, then we may cause all of the chaos we can muster. You can grab a bite to eat...and we can be on our merry way." She said, raising her eyes to grace the hunched figure of Gluttony. Paying no further attention to him, she cast her eyes to the door and began a slow strut to it. Within moments, she was gone, passing through the wall as if she were a ghost.

    "Happy? Why Lust, darling...of course it makes me happy." He muttered, licking his lips in anticipation.Casting himself to the shadows, his body broke apart and he became one with the very wall it's self. "If only we were all so easy to please."