Off-Topic => All of all! => Topic started by: Felix-0 on December 27, 2008, 03:24:38 AM
Let's chat and count down the days till 09'
This year went by really fast and depressingly. I'm gonna get so hammered I may not wake up in 2009.
but who's bed an I supposed to wake up in if you die on me?
Baby new year?
Looking back... this year was very disappointing for me. I'm looking to forward to the new year, even if it is more of a symbolic fresh start.
This was a good year for me
but 09' looks positive
This year was quick and painless. It kinda felt a little hollow. Like life is just kinda floating by, and nothing good is ever going to come of it. My future is unclear... But hopefully the new year will be better.
I swear, I'm *this* close to killing myself come the eve in question.
No, I kid. I can't find anything sturdy enough to support my weight. :D
No, I kid. I can't find anything sturdy enough to support my weight. :D
Try Home Depot.
"You can do it. We can help."
Mixed feelings about 2008. Hope 2009 will be better.
Do it.
This is very irresponsible.
This is very irresponsible.
I know. :3
The last year had a lot of ups and downs. My long-time gal and I parted ways in November, got heart broken twice in a month after that, and now have nothing to do with my free time except try to make my game worthwhile and spam this forum.
Started High School 2.0 (Community College) and got a job. That is the sum of my 2008 experience. Oh, and I graduated High School 1.0 with high honors and almonds.
2008 is just another year closer to me moving out.
That's all it's been and all it was meant to be.
Meh, I'll be 17, finally get a car, closer to being out of school, gonna have to get a job...damn
Meh, I'll be 17, finally get a car, closer to being out of school, gonna have to get a job...damn
+ apply for college
+ Audition for college (toughest part with wanting to be a music education major >.<)
+ Take the SATs. bleh.
+ last high school marching band season (slightly depressing)
+ try out for drum major
+ say good bye to seniors
2008 had nothing special for me. I pretty much did nothing... I hope 2009 will be better. But I'll have to work about it.
Holy **** the new year is close
Shows you how attentitive I am
New year is getting closer :w00t:
Tomorrow's New Year's Eve as well as my B-Day. I'll be 17.
2008 sucked. I lost some great girls... really great girls. I think I should lower my standards for my new year's resolution. I date really pretty girls, but I think they get embarrassed to be seen with me...
I don't have any resolutions
I just realized that I don't really have much plans for the future
2008 was nearly perfect to me. I graduated University, passes my lawiers exam and became a lawyier, got a raise, bought my D&D 4th Edition books (uber-yay!), I'm playing the guitar better (much better), me and Lívia are awesome as always (8 years), no one of my family got flatlined, everyoe is healthy and stuff...
I did work a lot, but it all came back to me as good stuff. I hope 2009 is as good as this years, but I think grampa may not make it through....well, the man's a lion, so I don't count on that.
I'm sure it's gonna be a year of change, LOTs of change...but let's see...
2008 sucked. I lost some great girls... really great girls. I think I should lower my standards for my new year's resolution. I date really pretty girls, but I think they get embarrassed to be seen with me...
I'd do you
I'd do you
I don't think any of us doubt this.
I'd do you
When and where?
When and where?
no sit, not you.,
It's 00:01 here.
Happy New Year everyone.
happy new year to one and all have a good year
no sit, not you.
Been wasted now for like 9 hours, this year doesnt seem so bad after all
2:10 AM ;D
Happy new year!
This thread is now outdated. SRY.
I thought I posted in this thread yesterday, but now I can't find it.
The new year came.
As did I.
I had to sit on a seven hour flight, then fight through a blizzard to get back home on new years
Happy ****ing new years everyone
I'm still alive... Been hiding out in a bunker in case of a Y2k+9, or something like that...
Sadly, this new year means my Christmas break is almost up, and I have to go back to socializing with people I don't like, rather than hanging out with those I do like, or tolerate.
I'm still alive... Been hiding out in a bunker in case of a Y2k+9, or something like that...
Y2K+9? You realize that such a thing is impossible. Of course, you prob'ly don't know enough about Y2K to understand that. I'm such a geek that I look into **** that never actually happened.