Game Creation => Requests => Topic started by: 1000Blades on January 19, 2009, 12:33:06 AM
even anyone can make a battle char and a spirit out of this character here
i know its not much help but its a female ninja (Credit to SHIRLEY_ICE but Hasn't been on for a year)
If any one can help ill appreciate it
here some more info i added to this character
HAir color: Dark blue (i think)
class: ninja
eye color: brown
hope it helps
I could make a battle chara if someone else made the sprite. I'm decent at compiling sprites into battlecharas, but I'm terrible at spriting. I suggest finding something similar and editing it. Get back to me if you get a sprite made. But I can only do them in a simple style, FF-style. This is my game's main character, to show you my work.