Off-Topic => All of all! => Forum gaming => Topic started by: Rahl on January 29, 2009, 09:13:57 PM
This is kind of like a story telling game, but we try to keep it short and each person tells it from his own perspective. (even when someone is talking to someone else feel free to jump in) I'll start it off:
Rahl- I come over the bar where Bluhman and Lucas are sitting and look over to lucas and say "Hey man want a beer?"
Ed - Ain't that cute.
Fish: "That boy ain't right." *pulls out card deck* "Anybody for Black Jack?"
Rahl: "Nah more like a black eye" *jumps over the table and lands a blow on fish* "Sorry I'm just not right like that" *goes back to seat*
Hobo: *Looks around* **** this. *goes back to charas pub*
Rahl: *Looks around* "Alright people, theres a main bad guy out there with a really realy evil lagh and wants to destroy the world. I say we go and kill it. Its either that or go and get waisted, or do both... Whos with me?"
Ed - *Walks through the wall.*
Fruckert: Verily must I proclaim that I find this endeavor of ours to be most foolish, and I regretfully inform you that I shall not partake in such activities. Chasing evil gentlemen is not a favored activity of mine, and I would likely end up dieing in a horrendously violent and volatile death if I continue this. Oh dear, it seems I've spontaneously combusted. Good day all
Rahl: "Then... you must all be evil if you do not wish to fight it, and I have sworn to fight evil... Ergo I must fight you all!!" *grabs near-by beer bottle and breaks it over head and holds the broken end toward everyone, but the blow makes me woosy and I fall over on the floor...*
Fruckert: Indeed, I have found that to be ever so funny. However, I am still violently discharged from a central point outwards. Ergo, I am dead. How am I speaking then? I have no idea, but let us not question the laws of nature right now, as I am in no mood. Death might do that to you. Anyways, I accept your duel, as I am dead and you cannot kill me.
Rahl: *shakes head and wakes up* "Then I shall exercise you foul demon!" *Puls out exercism manual, and throws holy water on your head, "The power Christ compells you, the power of christ compells you!!!"
Fruckert: *banshee scream*
Fruckert: Oh dear, it appears I have wailed. I truly did not mean to, and if I have caused irreversible damage to your hearing organs, then I deeply apologize. However, it does appear that you are trying to maim/kill/cause permanent harm to my being. For that, you shall be possesed
Rahl's Ghost: "Nope, just killed the one good badass guy around here..." *Looks around the room* "AND NOW MY FAIR PEOPLE WHO WILL QUEST WITH ME TO REVIVE MY SORRY ***!!! Who will help bring your leader back!?"
Ed takes Rahl's corpse and buries it. He then pulls out a black book. "Ahem, let's begin." He opens the book. "SCARY FACE! GREAT SPACE GOD RAIN DOWN FROM HEAVENS!!"
Fruckert's Ghost: Indeed, I must agree with the Gecko man in this. I found that to be terribly confusing, although it obviously had to do with black magic. If you were trying to raise his spirit, however, it appears to have worked. Good job, mate
Rahl: *muffled noises come from beneath everyones feet that sound like:* "Yes Yes quite but the fact is I'm still buried and the wieght of all this dirt is QUITE heavy, does anyone have a pair of chopsticks I can dig myself out with???"
Fish: "Don't worry ,Rahl, i'll get you out of there." *Gets in YT-1300 and blasts the heck out of the ground* "I think I saved, don't you R2-R4?
Rusty: "Tweet! Doo-dop beboop bop whistle!"
Fish: "Well yeah, he is kind of crispy, but he did hit me."
Rahl: "Ah better crispy then grilled I suppose, but atleast I have my body back." *with a mighty wave of my power my skin grows back to normal and I am crispy no longer* "How about that game of blackjack?"
Fruckert: I found that game of blackjack to be rather dull. The cards didn't seem to be shuffled correctly.
Weren't we doing something before we got into that fight?
Rahl: "I think we were going to go fight somthing cbefore we got into that fight..."
Fruckert: It appears that Lucas has forgotten that I am currently incorporeal, due to me suddenly bursting into flames. So the head-smash appears to not have affected me...however, I must remark at something...where the hell did that table come from?
Lucas: Oopsie. Lets kill this one then.
*kills DWMM*
Did I do it right now?
How the **** did i get involved?
Rahl: "And I am the gatekeeper as well as the key master, I portalled you in here against your will just so that you could be killed, but to make up for I-" *Grabs DWMM throws him down on the floor* "1100 1001 0010 1101 1011 1101 1011 1011, there you go friend you are now risen once more."
Fruckert: Dear Lucas, people are dieing alot in this game. And then getting resurrected. However, it appears I have not gotten resurrected yet. Is that because I committed suicide via spontaneous combustion?
Rahl: "No its just because you havn't finished aftermath yet" * jumps and throws arm upward, as he freezes in midair because this is 800th post!*
Fruckert: *pokes Rahls floating body, then goes and watches Breakfast Club, because that's what it reminds him of*
Fish: *Ues Phoenix Down on Frukert* "Be revived, little dude!"
Rusty: Beep bop do beep."
Fish: "Hey you're right. I haven't seen pleasant in a while, wonder where he is.."
Rusty: "Bop bo bop boop doop.
Fish: "You're right, Rusty, i'll bet somone kid-I mean Pokenaped him! As Jedi-
Rusty: "Tweedle boop whoop!"
Fish: "- Jedi AND droid we should investigate this further. To the Fishmobile!"
Rusty: "Tweet doop bop."
Fish: "What do you mean the Fishmobile doesn't exist? no matter, i'll invent one
Rusty: !! "Beep tweedle boop!"
Fish: "Hey what do you mena by 'Run for your lives!' ? Whatever. Now to build the ultimate car!"
*begins building*
*Two days latter*
Fish: *Pant gasp pant* "It's done! Now to turn the key.."
DWMM: *dresses up as Pheonix Wright and starts kicking people in the arm*
Rahl: *Jumps in car before fish can get in and drives away with rusty in a carseat behind me* "Thanks for the wheels man!"
Rahl: *Jumps in car before fish can get in and drives away with rusty in a carseat behind me* "Thanks for the wheels man!"
Sudenly the car transforms into Megatron and he's realy ***ed off so olbiterates Rahl with a laser.
Fish: "Well that's not good." *Ignites Lightsaber* "Ungard, Giant atonamaton!"
Megatron: "Huh? Who said that?" *Looks around*
Fish: "Hey down here, you big behemoth!
Megatron: *looks down and squints* "Oh there you are."
Fish: "By the power of the Jedi Order, I shall cut you down!"
Megtron: "Okaayy.."
Fish: "Do you doubt my strength in the force? Then allow me to explain it to you. You see it goes liket this.. *begins long speach about the Force."
Megatron: 'This is boring. Maybe I should just squash him.' *Steps on Fish*
Fish: *Flattened* "Ooooooouch.."
Megatron: "Well if I can kill a Jedi this easily than I can take this city without any problem. Audios!" *Transforms into Spaceship and flys off towards the city*
The GREAT SPACE GOD RAINs DOWN on Megatron, crushing him horribly. Ed stops his chanting. Apparently he was still chanting this whole time.
GREAT SPACE GOD: "You're not a Mormon! Or a Scientologist! Why did you summon me!?"
Fish: "I didn't summon you. Go ask Ed."
GREAT SPACE GOD turns to Ed, churning Megatron under him.
Ed: "Oh hai there."
GREAT SPACE GOD zaps Ed. He dies.
Fish: "No! Isn't he invincible or something?"
GREAT SPACE GOD: "No. He'll just be reborn."
Ed 2: "Oh hai there."
Ed 6192384: "Howdy."
Fruckert: I must admit, that was very to finish my movie...for the fourth time
Rahl: *A spirit once again* "Why were you driving around a Megatron anyway?? Mabey... Rusty must have been Megatron all this time!"
GREAT SPACE GOD: "If nobody needs me, I'll be going now."
GREAT SPACE GOD flies back into deep space.
Ed 9: "Let's all go fight each other to see who wins!"
Ed 1938475580382740528274956023845 and a half: "Awesome!"
*Epic battle ensues. All that can be seen are a ton of Eds, purple sparks, and lots of hamburger patties.*
Only Ed 1337, Ed 69, and Ed RU486 remain.
Ed 69: "Wait. Why must we fight? We should learn to love each other."
Ed 1337: "I agree."
Ed 69: "Group hug!"
*All three hug.*
Ed 69 pats him on the shoulder.
Ed 1337: "We love you too, buddy."
Rahl: *looks down at Ed* "Can I get Ed WEDF21 for a pet?"
Fish: "Well that was certanly interesting. I didn't even know there were space gods." *Looks around at all the Eds* "Man, Rusty, there so many Eds.."
Rusty: "Deedle doo"
Fish: "I sure hope none of them is evil. I mean if they organize themselves they could be more powerful than the Nazis! Imagine it, Furer Ed."
Ed2436: ??? "Furer Ed? Hmm this sounds like fun!"
Fish: "Oh oh.."
Rusty: "Doop deedle deelde"
Ed2023: "All heil Furer Edrich!
Ed Army: *Salutes*
Edrich: "My fellow Eds, it is time to librate ourselves from the menace known as the Not Eds!
Eds: *Cheers*
Edrich: "Let us now raise and kill all the Not Eds!
Rusty: "Boop beep whistle!"
Fish: "It's not my fault they organized themselves so quicky! Well, at least they don't have tanks."
Random Saleperson: "Tanks for sale, tanks 4 sale! Come get your Not Ed crushing tanks. I have big ones, I have little ones and I even have some like that transfomer in the movie! You know the one from WW2?"
Ed23049: I'll take one of those!
Ed20484: I'll take two
Ed353543: I'll take a legion and do you have some of those Evil red and black millitary suits?
Random: Yes I do and I have enough guns to supply a clone army. ha ha!
Ed2930: We'll take it all.
*Eds equip "Evil Millitary Gear"*
Edrich: "Exelent nothing can stop us, now march, my feirce warriors!"
Colonel Ed1929: About Face!
Ed2038: "What's on my face?"
Colonel Ed1929: Ready!
Ed300: "No not realy."
Colonel Ed1929: "March!"
Ed239O: But its Febuary, not March.
Colonel Ed1929:....... "Just kill anything that's not an Ed! Charge!!
*The Ed army advancess in a could of dust*
Fish: "Oh boy.."
Rusty: "beep do bop?"
Fish: "Yeah we have to stop them, even if they are just clones and don't know any better. Come on, let's get them!" *Ingnites Lightsaber* "In the name of the Jedi I shall cu- *Is run over by a tank* "Yeeeow!"
Fish *Flattned* "I think we're going to need help on this.."
Rusty: "Doop deedle beep."
Rahl: well I am a ghost, I don't suppose they can do anymore harm than has already been done. *Clasps hands at side*
Kaaaaaahme- Haaaaaaaaaaaaahme- Achoooooooooooooooooo!!!!
*Bolts of lightning fly out of my arse and fry 20 eds* "There goes my pet :("
Ed69: Fellow Eds, we must do something!
Ed1337: I shall defeat the evil Eds with my sheer awesomeness.
*Ed1337 gets sniped and dies.*
Ed69: Well, I guess it's just us. All the rest have gone insane.
Ed69: Us against the world, buddy....
*Ed69 weeps for Ed1337.*
Rahl: *Gains 20 exp a head, leveling me up to level 8. New skill aquired- Revive*
*Light pierces the heavens and surrounds me as I once again become whole!*
"Lets kill some noobs"
*Pulls out Zangetsu and jumps into the inumerable masses of eds.*
"Come on fish, we can do it!"
Fish: "Well I always say "No cause is lost a long as there's one fool left to fight for it".
Rusty: "Beep bop beep!"
Fish: "Okay i stole it from Pirates 1, you happy?"
Rusty: "Doop dop bop."
Fish: "Alright then let's kill some Eds!" *Ingintes Lightsaber and charges forth* "For honor and vitory!"
Rusty: "whistle doop!"
Fish: "Take this! Force Lightning! *Fries all Eds near Fish and R2-R4*
Rahl: *Spins in a perfect circle slashing away at the Ed army* "Hi-yaah!"
Fish: *Fisherson Level up to 13 learned a new ablitity *Dual Weild Sabers* "We're winning! And i'm learning powers I never thought I could use!"
Furer Edrich: "Enough of this toying around with them, Comander, unleash the Ed walkers!"
Comander Ed2719: "Yes sir!"
Rah: "Take this!" *Uleashes a bladebeam destorying 25 more Eds* "Boo yaah!"
Fish: *Force strikes an entire group of Ed soldeirs* "Hah! This is too easy!"
Rusty: "Beep doo- Whoop whoop!"
Rahl: "What's his problem?"
Fish: "I don't know. Hey! Where did Eds get off to?"
Rahl: "They were here a second ago.. What's that?! *Points to sky*
Fish: "Well if I didn't know any better, i'd say it's a gain Ed walker.
Rahl: Oh, is that all?
Fish: "Yep let's go destroy it."
Rahl: "Sounds like a plan to me!"
Fish: "Charge!!"
Rahl: "Heehyaaah!"
*Rahl and Fish charged towards the Ed Walker with their swords held high*
*The Original Ed gets back up off the ground.*
Ed: It appears I have died. Oh well, so is life.
Ed69: The original! The master!
Ed69: We have to defeat the clone Eds!
Ed: Then you know what to do.
Ed: No! We pull this lever here.
Ed69: Lever?
Ed: Lever, Rubiks Cube, same thing.
Ed: No! First we solve it, then we push the button inside of it.
Ed: No! It will summon THE GREAT SPACE GOD!
Ed69: And he kills the Eds?
Ed: No!! Naturally, he'll ignore our call, leaving his brother, THE HONORABLE DIRT OVERLORD to answer the call.
Ed: He will kill the Eds.
Ed69: K.
Furer Edrich: "Yes, yes! Go my Ed army destroy them! Mwa ha *snort*! "
Comander Ed2719: "My lord, the orginal has awoken."
Furer Edrich: "Darn! I'm so close to destroying the city and taking over the world!"
Comander Ed2719: Perhaps you can fuse with him and then you'll be unstopable!"
Furer Edrich: "Yes that could work, bring him to me! now!
Comander Ed2719: Yes sir! *Flies off to capture Ed*
*blows up the ship that Ed2719 is in*
Fruckert: "Shoop-da-woop"
Rahl: *swings katana high in the air*
"Getsuga Tenshou!!!!"
*A compressed stream of black spirit energy erupts from the end of Zangetsu cutting through the Ed Walker ripping it and half and destroying 15 more Eds behind it"
*Gained 15X20xp, 100xp*
Remain Spirit Power: {IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII___________}
DWMM: *walks up to Rahl*
DWMM: Anime is pretty damn gay you know.
DWMM: *leaves*
Rahl: *Goes back to sleep*
"I think DWMM is evil too fish."
*Flciks a finger in DWMM's general direction, and the wind from it knocks him over dead..."
"And now back the fight!"
Darrellito: *Enters the scene of the battling Eds and Fish and Rahl* Where all the white women at? I heard you got yourself a clone problem. Well, not really heard, but saw the giant explosion and walked over. But I digress. The only way to kill the Eds once and for all is to revive the original and then kill him again. *Begins casting Resurrection on Ed*
Ed2719: "Ooooow my @$$! *Dusts self off* "Hmph! You thought a lazer could could kill me? I'm made of Adamantium baby!"
Fish: "Wait like Wolverine?"
Ed2719: "Indeed" *Spouts four arms each holding a Jafa staff weapon, Lightwhip, Big AZ sword and a Gatling gun*
Rahl: "Aw ****."
Ed2719: "Who wants to die first? The Dwarf, the Samurai, or the Jedi?!"
Fruckert: "Uhh can think about it over a pint?"
Fish: "Sounds good to me."
Rahl: "All this killing has made me extreamly thristy."
Rusty: "Whoop deedle doop."
Ed2719: "Very well, once your drunk I can kill you easier, Mwa ha ha ha ha!"
Fish: "Just let consult my companions about our destination."
Ed2719: "Huh?"
Rahl: "We need to check which bar hasen't been destroyed by the Ed Army
Ed2719: "Very well but make it snapy, I have to capture the origanal Ed in an hour then bring him the Furer.
*Rahl, Fish and Fruckert all huddle together*
Fruckert: "All right lads, what's the plan?
Fish: "Well ,we're going to throw a Dwarf bomb at him and hope it kills him.."
Rahl: "..Then we're going to sneak up behind him and slice him into a million peices."
Fruckert: ... _sweat_... "I have a better idea, why don't we... *spins around and charges Ed2719*
Fish: "Well I always say, if you can't beat em' blast them with the Force. Eraaaaaagh *Chages Ed2719*
Rahl: *Sighs* "Herew we go again." Hiyyaah!! *Charges Ed2719*
Ed2719: "Hello!" *Spins Staff Weapon and bats Frucket away* "Goodbye!!"
Rahl: "Why you overgrown..!" *Uses Getsuga Tenshou* "Take that!!"
When the smoke cleared nothing remained but a..
Rahl: "Whaa? A three stump??!
Fish: "Then where did-
Ed2719: *Apears in behind Rahl and Fish* "Hello" *Uses Force repulse*
Fish: "Gaaaah!
Rahl: "Hwaaaagh!
Ed2719: *Stands over Rahl and Fish*
Rahl: "H-h how d-did..?"
Ed2719: "Apearbehind you after surviving your attack? Simple: I didn't."
Fish: "Then how are you-?"
Ed2719: "Standing here right now about to kill you?"
Rahl: "Yeah that."
Ed2719: "If you must know, I used the most basic of Ninja skills: Substiution Jtsu."
Fish: "Oh yeah, I remember that one.
Rahl: "****! This is embarising, killed by a move from Naruto."
Ed2719: "Yes. It is embarasing isn't it? And now i'm going to-What the??" *Islanded on by a YT-1300*
Fish: ... "I have to admit. Even I didn't see that coming."
Rahl: "Well I guess we're saved by Rusty, maybe I was wrong about him bieng Megatron after all.
Fish: "Come on out, Rusty, you wonderful little droid you!"
*The Starship slowly opened to reveal a small figure walking down the ramp*
Fish: "Wait! Astromechs can't walk.."
Rahl: "Then who..?"
Fruckert: *Decends the ramp* *Looks at Fish and Fish lying in the dirt* "What are you doing on ground?! We have to fight. no time restin'!"
Rahl: "Well I'll be the son of a donkey, it's Fruck!"
Fish: "Wait how did he know how to pilot a YT-1300?"
Fruckert: "Huh? Oh you mean this *indicating the ship* "well your automaton helped me a little, but the important thing is: we have to stop Ed2719! Now let's have at him!"
Rahl: "Uh.. Fruck?"
Fruckert: "Yeah?"
Rahl: "I think you landed on him."
Fruckert: "WHAAT?!"
Fish: "Yeah. Even his adamantium body couldn't take being crushed by a repluser field."
Fruckert: "Aww you guys got to have all the fun without me, but net time: I get to fight the epic bad guy too!"
Rahl: " 'Next time?' "
Fish: "Well we do make a good team, do we not?"
Fruckert: "Aye!"
Rusty: "beep boop boop!"
Rahl: "Very well from this day forth, we are brothers of the sword."
Fruckert: "Aye. Now let's go get some ale!"
Rahl: *After scavanging the battlefield for a few hours longer the BOS go back to thier bar raise a tankard of ale into the air make cheers over the Furor Ed's Head.*
Rahl: "To the fall of the Ed empire!"
Furor Ed's Head: *eyes glace over at us making growling noises*
Furor Ed: "You bastards cheated."
Rahl: "All is fair in love and war, and you can't exactly say being a outnumbered a million to one isn't a little unfair-"
Fish: "to you that is."
Rahl: "Fruckert do you even have a sword mate?"
*Ed is walking back to the bar, seeing as they left him behind.*
Ed: "It's a shame EdRU486 didn't make it this far."
Ed69: "Yes, it is. I am sad."
*Ed69 pulls out a pink handkerchief and starts crying in it."*
Ed: "Look at the bright side, my gay least this isn't one of those cheesy movies where the monsters regenerate and take the form of those that vanquished them. No. They take the form of the one that DIDN'T vanquish them."
*Army of Fisherson and Rahl clones dash past Ed and his gay clone.*
Ed: "Serves them right for ditching me."
Ed69: "Yay!"
Fruckert:*answering Rahl* No, mate, I don't. I carry axes. See?
*spins around and smacks Rahl clone in the head with the jagged edge of an axe*
Rahl: *shudders in sympathetic pain* Dude...why'd you have to target me?
Fruckert: *shrugs* "It sounded like fun..."
Rahl: *glare*
Darrellito: *Finishes reviving Ed* ...And done. Now you may walk amongst the living as a tangible thing. But there's this thing...
Ed: Thing? What do you mean thing?
Darrellito: Well, I have to kill you again. Aaaand, I don't have a goat to sacrifice to bring you back again.
Ed: *sigh* Fine. Just make it quick.
Darrellito: Well, I can't. I'm a strict pacifist.
Ed: *punches Darrellito* Then I'll do it myself. *Ed steals Darrellito's Katars and commits Harri Kari*
The extra Ed's die simultaneously of explosive diarrhea.
Ghost Ed: Wow, that looks painful.
Darrellito: And messy.
Ghost Ed: Now get that goat or I'll haunt your nudey mags.
Darrellito: Uh, about that... *Pulls out a proton pack*
Ghost Ed: Where were you hiding that?
Darrellito: A good magician never reveals his tricks.
Ghost Ed: Commmmmme onnnnnnnn.
Darrellito: Oh alright. My anus.
Ghost Ed: Ouch.
Darrellito: Well, I wish I didn't have to do this, but you refernced to Drawn Together. And now we can't have that floating around now can we?
Ghost Ed: Just hurry the **** up.
Darrellito: *points the nozzle at Ghost Ed*
Fish: "Er.. shouldn't we be concerned there are an army of Fruckerts and Rahls running around."
Rahl "Meh. We fought one war already besides what harm can they do?"
Fruckert: "Well, if they are exact copies of me, they could all explode at any moment."
Fish: "Heh the most mine could do is talk you to death about Sci-Fi. And maybe one could use his Force powers to become the next Dark Lord of the Sith."
Rahl: "That does sound bad. I wonder what mine could do? Maybe transform into their Hollow forms?"
Fruckert: "You know we could leave the city."
Fish: "And go where?"
Rahl: "Well we could try to find the Lost land of Tedtopia."
Fruckert: "Lost land? That does sound promising. pletty of treasure I assume?"
Fish: "I think i heard of this legend, but i'm still interested."
Frucket: "Very well! Let get going!"
Rahl: "We'll need a ship."
Fish: "I have one."
Fruckert: "I think he means a boat, lad."
Fish: "Oh. Well The Loyal Dewback would be faster, but if you'd rather take a ship, that's fine by me."
Rahl: Great! Now where do we start?"
Fruckert: "Well first we need to find The Map."
Fish: "Sounds logical. Where do you think it is?"
Rahl: "Let's try Dragonium's Forbiden Castle."
Fish: "Let's go! To the Fishmobile!
Rahl: "I thought the Fishmobile transformed into Megatron."
Fish: "Oh yeah. Well.. to the Loyal Dewback!"
*All three pile in and the Ship takes off for adventure*
Ed: So I thought you guys might be able to get me there faster.
Death: Since when do we owe you any favors?
Ed: I draw you all on a daily basis. If I didn't, you wouldn't exist at all.
Mortique: gave me a filler spirit.
Ed: It's drama. Giving drama gets more readers.
Karen: You made me a slut.
Ed: You made yourself a whore.
Ed: Other than that, you have no real personality.
Melissa: God, he's so bored he's actually including us in his role playing.
Ed: Fine. no final fusion for Mortique.
Mortique: I suddenly want to help him now.
Ed: ... deal.
Karen: Final Fusion? From what we've seen, any fusion between anyone produces Steve.
Death: But Steve scored 100 points on Hard Mode in Guitar Hero.
Karen: Fine..... Death, when do we get to fuse? ^.-
*Meanwhile back at the entrance to Dragonium's Caslte.
Rahl: "Just as I thought mates, a blimy british flag painted on the side of the damn thing."
Fish: "So how do we get in?"
Rahl: "I think it has somthing to do with with fish and chips..." *Places a bag of lays chips and a piece of fish in front of the door*
Fish: "... you sure about this Rahl?"
Rahl: "Pretty confident ;)"
Roar from inside the castle: "How many times do we have to tell you bloody Americans those are crisps not chips!!"
*The door to the caastle bursts open and a 100 ft. Britishman comes out flailing his cricket bat like a madman.*
Rahl: "Some people just can't come to realise that chips are chips... How sad for those ignorant Brits..."
Brithish Fellow: "Arrrraaagh! I'm giong to murder the lot of ya!"
Fish: ..... "Force grip."
British Fellow: *is grasped* "Oi! Put me down, you wanker!"
Fruckert: "Hmm. Funny I always thought Dragonium would taller and more intemidating."
Rahl: "And smell better too!" *holds nose*
Fish: "Somthing doesn't feel right about this.. Ah that's it!"
Rahl: "Huh? What's it?"
Fruckert: "Ohh I see now."
Rahl: "See what?! Come on tell me!"
Fish: "Well Dragonium is a stickler about being clean and the such, but this fellow has a beard!"
Brearded man: "So what? I grew a beard, make's me look more manly."
Fruckert: "What with the fact he's so fat he can't even fit in this armor?"
Rahl: "Yeah! Drag is super lean and fit, so he wouldn't be fat."
Fat Bearded man: "Uh.. Girls like big man? Heh heh.."
Fish: "As true as that may be, The fact is: you sir, are an imposter!"
Imposter: "Not true! I am Dragonium the Feared, the evil master of all that is evil and uh..."
Fruckert: "Look fella, we're just here to take a map off old Drag's hands, so if you just tell us where it is-
Imposter: "Never! We would never betray our mast-whoops!"
Fish: "Ah. So your Drags underling?"
Imposter: "Umm..You know it's raining out here, why don't we go discus this inside the castle?
Rahl: "What about your master? Won't he mind if we come in with muddy feet, staining his carpets?
Imposter: "The master won't mind at all! Because he's away on buisness> Yes that's it! He's away on buisness!"
Fruckert: "How can we trust you won't try to kill us once we're inside your castle, eh?"
Imposter: "Uhh.."
Fruckert: "That's what I thought. Let's throw him off the bridge then!"
Rahl: "Sounds good to me!"
Imposter: "Wait wait wait! I know where the object you seek is! I'll take you to it, if you let me live!"
Fish: "Very well lead the way and no funy buisness or i'll lock you in the dungeon of this castle until your master returns.
Imposter: "We promise we won't hurt you!" 'Not until we get to the Treasure Room that is heh heh"
Fish: "Fruckert take point, Rahl and Rusty will guard the rear and i'll stay close to our stinky little freind.
Rahl: "Got it. Nobody's going to get past me. Eh , Rusty?!"
Rusty: "Dweedle doop!"
Fruckert: "Right let's go!"
Fish: "Into the castle we go."
Imposter: 'And to you doom mwa ha ha ha!'
Fruckert: *sees mouse*
Mouse go explodey
*The place is large and ominous inside, but the entire place seemed to be modled in the fashion of a british pub with manchester united all over the walls except for one place in particular that revealed a map of the united states, but instead said "United States of Britin" Rahl shakes his head and turns to imposter*
Rahl: "Sore loosers are we aold chap?"
Imposter: "I wasn't around to see us loose so it simply didn't happen."
Rahl: "Sure..."
Fish: "Fruckert! Don't make so much noise!"
Fruck: "Why? I hate mice! Nasty little cheese stealing..!"
Imposter: "We are here!"
Rahl: "Huh? this is Dragonium's treasure room?"
Imposter: "Yeah. There you are feast your eyes on this!!" *Opens giant double doors*
Fruck: "Whoooa!"
Fish: "Wooow!"
Rahl: " *Drools* R- rubies! diamonds and emeralds-Hey wait a minute! These are just old Pokemon cartriges!
Imposter: "Heh heh! Cherio, yanks!" *Closes doors and locks them*
Fish: "...I should have seen that coming..."
Fruck: "Don't worry, no door is harder than a Dwarf's head! *Charges door*
Rahl: "That might not be such a-" *BONG* "-good idea."
Fruck: "Ooooow! That hurt!"
Fish: "Hmmm." *Taps on the door* "Just as I thought."
Rahl: "What's just a you thought?"
Fish: "The wall is made of the skulls of US senators, the only thing harder than a Dwarf's skull."
Fruck: *Rubs head* "Now you tell me.."
Rahl: "I wonder if there's a way out of this place?"
Fish: "Well the only way out I saw was that door. So maybe there's a hidden way out."
Fruck: " Why don't you blast it with that "Force" thingy?
????: "Pika?"
Fruck: "Who's there?!"
Fish: "Show yourself!"
Rahl: "Yeah! Or we'll come find you and you be happy about it."
*A giant Pikachu steps out of the shadows* "Ummm Pikachu eat you."
Fish: "Yipe!"
Rahl: "Oh ****."
Fruck: "It's gaint mouse! I hate giant mice wrose the than small ones! Haaaaaaaa! *Charges Giant Pikachu*
Giant Pikachu: "Pika?"
Fruck: "Taste the fury of my Axe Windstorm!" *Begins spining while holding axes*
Pika: *Is hit* "Chu! Pika!!"
Rahl: "Uhhh.. I think you made it mad at you ,Fruck."
Gaint Pikachu: "Roar!"
Fish: "Fruckert, look out! It's going to use-
Giant Pikachu: *Uses thunder bolt* "Pikachuu!!"
Fruck: *Is hit by bolt of lightning* "Yeooooch!!" *Is KOed*
Gaint Pikachu: "Pika pika Yum! ! *Grabs Fruckert*
Fish: "Oh no! It's going to eat him!"
Rahl: "Not on my watch!" *Unleashes energy wave*
*Giant Pika is hit by energy blast*
Giant Pikachu: "Pikaaa!! Pikaachu!! *Uses Thunder Jolt on Rahl*
Rahl: "Aaagh!" *Faints*
Giant Pikachu: *Puts Fruck and Rahl in his mouth* "Yumy!" *Swallows Fruck and Rahl*
Fish: "Nooo!! *Ignites Lightsaber* "No one eats my freinds and gets away with it! *Leaps at Giant Pikachu*
Gaint Pikachu: "Buuurp! Ahhhh! Hm? Pika! *doges lightsaber strike and bats Fish into a wall with it's tail*
Fish: *SMACK!* "Owww ohhh.." *rubs head* "Where'd my lightsaber go?? And where did *Is grabed* "Oh oh! Rusty heeelp- *Is eaten*
Giant Pikachu: "Burrp! Ahhh Pikachu *rubs tummy*
-- Inside Stomach ---
Fruck: "LERT ME OUT HERE!! You stupid yellow behomoth!"
Rahl: "Great. So now what do we do?"
Fruck: "'What do we do?'" Do you realize where we are?! We're in his stomach! He'll digest us if we don't get out of here!"
Fish: "I think he means, what can we do without our weapons?
Fruck: "Well we could hope he gets an upset stomach.."
Rahl: *Picks up skull from the floor* "I don't think that's an option."
Fruck: "Well we have to get out of here!"
Fish: "Well there is a way."
Fruck: "Realy what that?"
Fish: "We could sit here and hope someone posts us a way out."
Rahl: "But who would want to save us?"
Fish: "I don't know, maybe somone who likes seeing us get into these adventures?"
Fruck: "Oh..." *Looks at computer screen* "Be a pal and post us a way out, would ya?"
Rahl: "Well no one eats me without consiquence"
*Lifts *** in the air and farts the likes of witch the earth has never seen*
Fish: "Dammnit Rahl you just farted in a congested area, I think you hurt us more than you hurt him."
Rahl: "Oh, well sorry."
*sits there for a few minutes*
Rahl: "Let me see that laptop fish."
*I play around with the laptop and somehow Pikachu has a wifi connection in his stomach. Gets on msn messenger.*
Rahl: "Theres only one person that can get us out of this mess guys"
*types message on the computer*
Fish: "Who did you talk to?"
Rahl: "Ch-"
*There was clap thunder that shook the earth and a shriek of terror from our recent captor that sounded less like anything "Pika-ish" and more like "****"*
Fish: "What in name of the deathstar have you done?"
*And then there came a ligth that grew as the stomach of pikachu was ripped open. And for a fleeting second there was bright light and what looked like... Chuck Norris. And then there was nothing...*
Rahl: "Thanks Chuck, your movies were terrible but you are truly the man."
Fruckert: *see's Chuck Norris*
Rahl: "What?"
Fish: "I believe it's dwarven for 'You raped my cheese' dwarvish is a tad rusty, I might be wrong..."
Fruckert: *shoot's Chuck Norris with a cannonball...the shot ricochets and hit's Fruck in the face, however*
*Fruckert is now knocked the **** out*
Rahl: "Poor fruckert everyone knows that the only thing that can cut Chuck Norris is Chuck Norris, the only way he can shave is by punching himself in the face."
*Looks down at the ground in the small treasure room. And there on the floor is a rolled up piece of parchment that looks like a map.*
Rahl: "I think we've found it lads."
*walks in*
DWMM: Make another shitty chuck norris joke, and i will shove this *points at photocopier* in a rather unpleasent place.
*Looks at DWMM*
Rahl: "Did you know Chuck Norris doesn't sleep?"
Rahl: "He waits..."
*A blue bolt fires from the ceiling and forces Rahl to the wall. It is a strange skeleton in a blue coat, blue hair, and blue shades.*
Skeleton: All you know is nothing!
*Ed falls through the hole in the ceiling.*
*The skeleton charges a blue flame in the hand not holding Rahl against the wall.*
Ed: "Hey! Mortique! It's Chuck Norris, go kick his ***. I'll watch."
*Mortique turns his head towards him.*
Mortique: "Not worth my time."
Chuck Norris: "What!? I can't beat him!? He's already dead!"
Rahl: "Dude didnt you know know Chuck Norris found a way to kill the dead?"
*I grab my fallen katana from the floor*
Rahl: "Getsuga Tenshou!!!"
*A wall of spirit energy slams into Mortique vrushing him against the wall*
Rahl: "I'll grind your bones for Dragoniums bread! Getsuga Tenshou!!!!!"
*Another wave of compressed spirit energy crushes Mortique against the wall, and he turns to blue dust*
Rahl: "I guess all you are is dust the wind. Ha ha ha! When did you get back Ed, did you bring that infernal damned army with you again?"
Ed: Oh yeah, the army.
*Army of Fishersons and Rahl burst through the doors and into the room.*
*WeeBot falls from the ceiling and crushes a few.*
Susanna: Ahoy there! :) Am called Susanna and I wish to join your party and face this menace with ye!
Susanna: Ahoy there! :) Am called Susanna and I wish to join your party and face this menace with ye!
*Facepalm* Dude! This thread is old! Go to the new one. - -; Necro posting is baaad n00b. Try to look at the date on the topic.
*Facepalm* Dude! This thread is old! Go to the new one. - -; Necro posting is baaad n00b. Try to look at the date on the topic.
:'( Sorry Fish dude! I will posting he new one then. Hope it's as much fun as this one. 🚀