Off-Topic => All of all! => Topic started by: Grandy on February 07, 2009, 04:01:25 AM
I ****ing told you so.
Now all the main page is overrun by porn ads.
Oh, I remember people going "Grandy you're overreacting", "There's only quite a few" "We got everything under control"
On other news, my vacations are over so I'll not be as absent as I was.
If I see one more porn ad by that Baldwin bot I'm gonna flip out and kill a cat
Maybe figuratively speaking
Maybe not
If I see one more porn ad, I'm gonna
What were we warned about...? At any rate, the damn bots are getting on my nerves... Somebody ban it already!
But seriously, can't we set so that any topic which title contains "Naked" "Sex" "Tits" "Porn" or "Dick" get's auto-deleted?
I know the source.
It's the internetz.
Sorry, deleted my post. Found it pointless.
But seriously, can't we set so that any topic which title contains "Naked" "Sex" "Tits" "Porn" or "Dick" get's auto-deleted?
Are you kidding? These lead to quite possibly the best thread names ever!
Try listing "Viagra".
I have never once got a porn ad. Ever.
Forget the pointlessness.
- We don't "need" more mods, as it will not solve the problem.
- We should all try to learn how these work, so we can find some sort of strategy to keep them from returning, because these can apparently get around the captcha system we are using.
- Ozzy, time to play around with your .HTACCESS!
- I really need to stop thinking my posts are pointless.
I'll show you pointless!
I say, why did we change from the P.U.B. board again?
I say, why did we change from the P.U.B. board again?
To fix several bugs in the forum, such as the quote bug, to enable more members to access the site with ease, to add more functionality, and make it easier to update.
I'm really sick of these bots too why is it that they decide to attack charas all of a sudden? I agree with grandy about the auto delete thing plus where will i go if this place is overrun with sickos like that one that keeps posting that F**king porn Ultima Island? its just a rip off of this place -_-
*freaks out and kills cat*
Anyways, as soon as somebody with ban powers comes and looks at this thread BAN THAT ****ing BALDWIN BOT
And yes...major major problem
I've had it! With these god-damn Baldwins on the god damn forum!
things is...
Mods dont have banning powers.
Admins do.
And they arent ruining anything...they just make it a little bit annoying.
Lrn to ignore topics that dont pertain to you
I stay offline most of the time for a day or two and this happens. <_<
I deleted most of it, I'm checking the rest of the subforums now.
EDIT - All gone. Dammit, I need to stay around more often.
Thank you very much
Go Go FFL!
I'm so glad he's here to calm our nerves!
You know, without all the color-coded names, I don't remember who is and isn't of a privileged rank. How many staff members do we have running around, keeping us safe at night? I don't recall.
We have evolved past colored names. Now we have pretty little colored balls under our names. We love looking at our balls.
My but they're tiny! I never would have noticed them if you hadn't pointed them out!
Colored name was better in my opinion.
And about Bots... they're somewhat annoying. Often when I check "unread posts since last visit" there are like 4-5 bot posts.
Sure, I could just ignore them... but they're still annoying.
I've been deleting these damn things for days and it's really starting to get perplexing that people are complaining about the bots yet are constantly posting in the threads. Seriously, there was one bot thread which turned into a 2-page discussion.
Stop doing it. Not even joking. The problem will be solved a lot faster without LOL I SO WITTY I MAKE FUNNY JOKE IN RESPONSE TO BOT ENTIRE TEAM IS BABIES.
Does charas have one of those "type the letters you see here" doohickeys when you register? If it doesn't... you know, get that **** done.
EDIT: Okay so it does. Well. I'm fresh outta ideas.
I've been deleting these damn things for days and it's really starting to get perplexing that people are complaining about the bots yet are constantly posting in the threads. Seriously, there was one bot thread which turned into a 2-page discussion.
Stop doing it. Not even joking. The problem will be solved a lot faster without LOL I SO WITTY I MAKE FUNNY JOKE IN RESPONSE TO BOT ENTIRE TEAM IS BABIES.
The bot is there, the banhammer wielders are not nearby, we posting or not in its thread does not affect anything in this situation. They are not trolls, ignoring them doesn't solve the problem.
The bot is there, the banhammer wielders are not nearby, we posting or not in its thread does not affect anything in this situation. They are not trolls, ignoring them doesn't solve the problem.
Posting in the thread bumps it to the top of the board, making it more visible since all the top threads appear to be bot threads, which draws more attention to it and makes it appear, on first glance, as though there are more bot threads than there actually are. All it does is make things worse and add to your post count.
I'm considering changing the posts of anyone posting in a bot thread to something uncomfortably gay. People seem to like that.
Posting in the thread bumps it to the top of the board, making it more visible since all the top threads appear to be bot threads, which draws more attention to it and makes it appear, on first glance, as though there are more bot threads than there actually are. All it does is make things worse and add to your post count.
I'm considering changing the posts of anyone posting in a bot thread to something uncomfortably gay. People seem to like that.
I agree with Dragonium on this. We do need to ignore them and not post in that topic, but that Baldwin bot was the worst one i've seen. I mean all the bots i've seen usauly just post one topic and then leave, but this guy got five I think. I don't know much about bots, but isn't there some kind of bot killing software?
Posting in the thread bumps it to the top of the board, making it more visible since all the top threads appear to be bot threads, which draws more attention to it and makes it appear, on first glance, as though there are more bot threads than there actually are. All it does is make things worse and add to your post count.
I'm considering changing the posts of anyone posting in a bot thread to something uncomfortably gay. People seem to like that.
We move it to the top so mods and admin can see where the bots are and do their jobs. Besides I posted in one, there were 7, and more coming, you can't possibly try to pin the fault on me that the bots were taking over the main page.
I'm considering your comments about calling us gay pretty immature and unfitting for someone in your position.
We move it to the top so mods and admin can see where the bots are and do their jobs. Besides I posted in one, there were 7, and more coming, you can't possibly try to pin the fault on me that the bots were taking over the main page.
I'm considering your comments about calling us gay pretty immature and unfitting for someone in your position.
I agree with Grandy on this. By posting in these topics we make sure they stay near the top, thus easier to spot for the moderation team.
...but this guy got five I think.
The correct number is around 15...not kidding
And other comment really
All the responses building up in my head are just random nothings
I agree with Grandy on this. By posting in these topics we make sure they stay near the top, thus easier to spot for the moderation team.
The difficulty with this idea is that it relies on there actually being mods about the delete the threads. If there isn't a mod watching the board like a hawk, all you've done is bump the thread further up. If you just left them where they were and didn't post in them, they'd stay half way down the board, where mods could still see them (we do check these things, you know), and proper discussion could still go on and make up the main part of the board.
Being helpful and making the threads more visible to the moderation team and everyone else falls flat when the moderation team is thin on the ground.
Drag has a very good point
Regardless of the should-we shouldn't-we post in bot topics debate, it's clear that some substantial action needs to be taken. Is osmose the one to talk to on this? We can't just keep up this game of cat and mouse with the mods and bots, can we? Maybe we can. I don't know.
I'll try and come online more often over the next few days to help delete threads but I'm pretty sure the one with the power to help us permanently is in eternal slumber, only to awake in another 1000 years.
The difficulty with this idea is that it relies on there actually being mods about the delete the threads. If there isn't a mod watching the board like a hawk, all you've done is bump the thread further up. If you just left them where they were and didn't post in them, they'd stay half way down the board, where mods could still see them (we do check these things, you know), and proper discussion could still go on and make up the main part of the board.
Being helpful and making the threads more visible to the moderation team and everyone else falls flat when the moderation team is thin on the ground.
Well, so what we need are more mods.
I'll try and come online more often over the next few days to help delete threads but I'm pretty sure the one with the power to help us permanently is in eternal slumber, only to awake in another 1000 years.
Silly Moose, if it's each 1000 years then it's not eternal. :D
2 days ago we had 20 bot posts. In one frikkin day. I mean, WTF. Half of them were porn. I mean, I have 2 younger siblings. I mean, just think about it. I see a thread, I open it. There is porn. My 5 yrs old brother walks in. He runs to my mother and says something along the line of "Zomg mom there is a naked lady in the computer!". And then I am screwed.
Srsly, we gotta fix this ****. I would not mind having the PUB back. Quote bug? I am ok with that.
Or we could have more mods. New mod elections wouldnt hurt. I mean Bluhman and Dragonium are the only active mods. The others are all half active or inactive. Charas is big, 2 mods is too little.
And what? Have someone with a window for Charas open 24/7 become a mod? That's just stupid. (If you cannot get the hint, don't try.)
If anything, we need more members with the ability to add new SMF scripts and such. Adding more mods won't make the problem go away, only cure it temporarily.
Hell, the quote bug was something of an old friend. Oh the fun times that were had with the quote bug.
Bluhman and Dragonium are the only active mods.
This quote is an insult to FFL2and3rocks. He's the best mod on this forum.
I am ok with that. Since the same thing goes for filters, the bots arent stupid. They are always improving and finding out how to break filters.
I see. I had forgotten that they had gotten around the Capcha system already.
I check this site multiple times a day, I don't mind being a mod just to hunt down bots. I log in, I check all of all. Then I go search all the new topics for bots. No problem. PM me if interest, I don't any other rights that just delete bot threads.
That's a good idea
I was actually thinking the same thing before I opened up the thread
Whow- whow- whow- whow! What exactly happened to make these penis enlargement ads come
up? I've noticed there's effing millions!
1) Better forum security, which will prevent the bots from registering and thus will keep the forums free of spam and everyone's stress levels down. We'll have to talk to Osmose before this can be done.
2) More mods, who will remove the bot threads from the forum, but only after they've been made, and only when said mods are online, and the lack of security means the bots will keep coming. We'll have to talk to Osmose before this can be done.
Which is the better option?
I'd say more mods, because the forum security would eventually be bypassed, and hell would break loose again until we fixed it. Mods, on the other hand, don't need to be updated as long as they are in a good number.
Also, I don't see why can we choose only one.
Better forum security seems better in my opinion. Better simply prevent them from coming instead of deleting each threads they make.
Lots of "better" there.
More mods could help, but are not really necessary, unless Bots manage to pass through the filters.
I vote both
#1 In a large amount, as we really really need better security
#2 in a slight moderation, because 3-4 mods is pitifully small for a community as large as Charas...but we don't really need that much more as the Mods we have are very good at their jobs
If the security is good enough, it'll stop all bots for a comfortable period of time. I don't see why some bots would magically be impervious to blocking. Once they come back, security can be updated to block everything once again, whereas mods have a habit of gradually declining in activity. And then there are complaints of WE NEED MORE MODS.
Hiring mods to fix a temporary problem which can be solved much more efficiently by better security is a bad idea.
We need bots
Of course! We should attack the bots with MORE bots! :O
Let's start immediatelly! Red, Lucas, you go find scrap metal! Ed, Archem, make some bot blueprints! Anyone who knows about eletronics or blowing **** up come with me!
Today we turn the tide of this war!
Are you with me?!
Well I'm gonna be more active until the bot problem clears up so you have one more mod on board. We seem to be doing a good job of it at the moment, too. Bot threads are disappearing quite fast.
On the other hand, I've always liked to think of charas as being at least part democracy, and people like Bluhman seem to have become kinda absent. If you really want it, we could think about electing another mod. We wouldn't need more than one, though.
Let's start immediatelly! Red, Lucas, you go find scrap metal! Ed, Archem, make some bot blueprints! Anyone who knows about eletronics or blowing **** up come with me!
Today we turn the tide of this war!
Are you with me?!
Sergeant Grandy, my order please sir.
Sergeant Grandy, my order please sir.
Corporal Drace, we need to fortify our defences! The bots wont just sit and wait for us to finish our bots!
You and Almeida grab every men you can find, and perhaps Mid too, go and buy a wall around the perimeter, I want Mods on patrol on three shifts. Go!
*looks at sunset, cape fulttering at the wind* Tomorrow will be a long day.
Corporal Drace, we need to fortify our defences! The bots wont just sit and wait for us to finish our bots!
You and Almeida grab every men you can find, and perhaps Mid too, go and buy a wall around the perimeter, I want Mods on patrol on three shifts. Go!
*looks at sunset, cape fulttering at the wind* Tomorrow will be a long day.
I'll take Mid on a nice romantic walk down the beach's perimeter. On my sir!
Good lad, we never know where they'll attack from. Watch out those "Viagra ads" bots, though, you know how they act near Corporal Midnight.
Haha, não. >:C
MSN me odeia, eu não to mais conseguindo entrar.
After some searching, I came across this:
Think it may be our solution? A lot of SMF owners seem to regard this as the best method.
Archem, make some bot blueprints!
I already have a working design that's sure to impress!
1: Arms. For grabbing and tearing.
2: Exhaust pipe. For emitting exhaust. If my theory is correct, enemy bots hate global warming.
3: Wheel. One wheel means less weight and friction (faster). Plus, it looks cool.
4: Electric Eye. Always watching (and shotting lasers).
5: Antenna. Has a shiny light on the end (intimidating!), and receives signals.
6: Dial. For changing settings (WARNING! Do not use "Skynet" setting!).
7: Speakers. Two of them means stereo audio (twice as good as mono!).
8: Bot-O-Meter. Pretty good estimate of the number of bots in the area. There are negative numbers, for some reason...
9: Rear storage container. For storing shit.
10: Taped-on banana. For safety precautions (and snack time!).
I think that Charas is saved.
9: Rear storage container. For storing shit.
I see what you did there
Did you see anything else I did there? There's more than a few.
4: Electric Eye. Always watching (and shotting lasers).
Charasbot is watching you mastrubate.
Pretty good, soldier, but we could use more "pew pew", "Voosh!" and "WRAAAAANMMM!!!", if you know what I mean.
Date Rape Mp3
Rape Porn
Porn Rape
Teen Rape Statistics
These charts are making me so hooottttttt.
Pretty good, soldier, but we could use more "pew pew", "Voosh!" and "WRAAAAANMMM!!!", if you know what I mean.
Blue prints don't onomatopoeiate, sir! Examine the test build for these, sir!
Blue prints don't onomatopoeiate, sir! Examine the test build for these, sir!
Well, you could add a few sound effects to the blue prints, it would seem like they are onomatopoeianting.
Do it, soldier.
Well, you could add a few sound effects to the blue prints, it would seem like they are onomatopoeianting.
Do it, soldier.
Consider it done, sir!
Because it is!
bots are to kill.
we am no for bots.
this is why no bots am true.
please always no bots please.
I am bored.
wait, was was the purpose of this thread again?
Warning us about the dangers of Bots, I think
Or it might have been a cleverly disguised war rally by Grandy
You never know with that guy >_>
BTW, do I have orders sir? Or do I just sit here, like always, sir?
If you're tired of him, you could always join Black Hole.
Oh, and I forget who said it, but someone pointed out to me that Earth is NOT Wars World. I agree with that. However, what that person forgot was that Black Hole is an OTHERWORLDLY nation. Wars World is NOT our homeland. We are in fact capable of trans-galatical travel. And, once we've finally conquered Wars World, who's to say where we will set our sights next? Perhaps we will invade a certain planet in the Milky Way galaxy...
(P.S. we have great dental)
If you're tired of him, you could always join Black Hole.
Red Giant's father?
Warning us about the dangers of Bots, I think
Or it might have been a cleverly disguised war rally by Grandy
You never know with that guy >_>
BTW, do I have orders sir? Or do I just sit here, like always, sir?
Well, that pile of potatoes will not peel themselves.
*thinking to self* Hmm... fruckert knows too much. Time for explosive training accident.
Private Archem! Your blueprints are quite sonore now, I see, we'll start building right away. But tell me, how far would these bots throw explosives... accidentally?
Date Rape Mp3
Would be more surprising if I didn't already have Date Rape Mp3 (
Private Archem! Your blueprints are quite sonore now, I see, we'll start building right away. But tell me, how far would these bots throw explosives... accidentally?
All the way to the target, sir!
I think that's about as far as it would have to go.
All the way to the target, sir!
I think that's about as far as it would have to go.
Quite. But correct me if I'm wrong private, I just noticed your blueprints have no scale. Just how big are these robots?
I want them to be one foot long. Then they're cute lil' killerbots.
Drace likes anything which is 12 inches.
Drace likes anything which is 12 inches.
Don't want me women 12 inches. Gnomes are yuck.
EDIT: Unless if it's Mid, cause Mid is always a win no matter what length she has.
I think Grandy's a bot.
Hmm...a conspiracy?
*peels potatoes*
Quite. But correct me if I'm wrong private, I just noticed your blueprints have no scale. Just how big are these robots?
As big as they need to be.
Black Hole Army
seriously, have any of you even played Advance Wars?
Yes. We don't care. Go away, you're not allowed in the ****ing club.
I think Grandy's a bot.
Ha-Ha-Ha. How-Funny-You-sure-are-a-joker.
*glowing red eyes for a second*
*glowing red eyes for a second*
:o ......... thats all I have to say to that
*stops building prototype.*
Don't question it, just obey him and hope he doesn't slaughter us all.
*still peeling potatoes*
*questions why a bot would need potatoes*
*stops building prototype.*
Don't question it, just obey him and hope he doesn't slaughter us all.
Prototype needs more bananas.
okay so somehow we got from talking about bots to destroying bots with bots when the leader who is rallying everyone to destroy the bots is a bot himself!?
either way I support the cause SIR!
Yes. We don't care. Go away, you're not allowed in the ****ing club.
You. Go die. Right now.
Prototype needs more bananas.
I don't have any bananas, will papayas do?
You. Go die. Right now.
(At the risk of being a total lame-ass...) No u.
you go die right now times 1000 arcaine
Arguing with a being as all powerful as Archem is like trying to kill God/Zeus with a bendy straw
It just isn't done
Arguing with a being as all powerful as Archem is like trying to kill God/Zeus with a bendy straw
It just isn't done
I don't have any bananas, will papayas do?
I wasn't quoting you.
man, everyone is so uptight around here.....
can't anyone take a joke?
Here's a good one.
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Black hole
Black hole who
Black hole army
aha ahahaha ahahahaha hahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HA HA HA
I wasn't quoting you.
I am quoting you.
Bananas have been ordered sir, grown in Jamaica, picked in China. They're perfect!
I am quoting you.
Bananas have been ordered sir, grown in Jamaica, picked in China. They're perfect!
Good job Eddy-boy. You're learning nice and well. Now attach them to our killer midgetbots!
can't anyone take a joke?
I can take a joke. That was no joke.
At the risk of being even more off-topic... what the hell is going on in this thread?
Everyone is spamming. Because this thread is now at the top of the board near-permanently I keep checking it thinking new discussion is going on. The place is getting cluttered up due to copious amounts of nothing.
It's almost as though you people are all bots.
Seriously though, get this thread back on-topic sharpish, or it's being locked and I'm PMing Archem pictures of fish.
Picitures of fish, you say?
People, we need more spam.
So, I've been a little bit less active during the past couple of days. Have we still been getting bot-raped?
Not as bad as Baldy bot
It's almost as though you people are all bots.
That's the idea. Now you're thinking with Portals.
Seriously though, get this thread back on-topic sharpish, or it's being locked and I'm PMing Archem pictures of fish.
Why are you sending Archem pictures of me?
You made me LOL...hard
Why are you sending Archem pictures of me?
It's not about you. The "F" isn't capitalized.
Comprehension skills, activate!
It's not about you. The "F" isn't capitalized.
Comprehension skills, activate!
I thought so, but I had to make sure. Lol Besides I figured I get a funy reaction.
We're not off-topic, we're expanding our topic.
We're doing a brainstorm. Thinking the way they do. That's how we beat them.
In that case, I'm going to practice what to do in the event of a bot thread being posted.