Game Creation => Requests => Topic started by: TGF on February 21, 2009, 10:47:06 PM
I am currently working on a future/techy game. I searched around Charas, but couldn't find a suitable title screen. So I am asking you, great artists, to create for me a futuristic title screen and gameover screen! Preferably something with like techy stuff, binary numbers, robots, other things liek that. Same for the gameover screen, except don't make it the same is the title. Text for the title screen is "Corrupt. Diminish. Repeat." (no quotes), and the font can be whatever you like.
Credits will be given, and a great thanks to whoever fills this request!
Now this is something I can do I'll try and do it for ya.
Okay thanks! ;D By the way, it needs to be RM2K3 format. Take as much time as you need (as long as it doesn't take like 2 years or whatever.)
I kinda figured since well I dont really know anyone who uses 2000 or xp or vx I already finished it its just mah imageshack is screwing up -_-"
You could try Tinypic for a quick upload.
Here it is sir!
Hopefully its what your wanting I didn't really know what to do for the game over screen so if you want me to do it over thats fine.
Hey man thanks! Not quite the text I was looking for, but I'm still going to use it!
You is welcome I hope to see the game you are making soon ;)
Simple but cute. Pixel and Antialias version for epic choice.
I think I'll use MOP's Gameover screen and RedGiant's Title screen.
Only thing is, RedGiant, both of yours say that it's an unsupported PNG image. :(
Sorry bud.
These ones should work.
Thanks it works just fine now. ^^