Game Creation => Requests => Topic started by: tmerrill420 on February 22, 2009, 01:01:38 AM
and where can i find cool ones for rpg maker 2k3?
are there any other places to find them?
nothing i think they would have lol i was looking for bleach sound effects like ichigos voice and stuff like that
i would have no clue how to do that? lol i cant do things that complicated lol
It's a type of music file. It is distinct from other kinds of audio in that it does not actually contain audio data, but a sequence of commands which the computer's audio hardware must interpret. Think of it like sheet music that the computer must read as opposed to specific sound information. On the plus side, this makes midi files much smaller than other types of audio file, typically a tenth of a megabyte in size. The downsides are that midi files can only play notes with a hundred or so instruments and cannot contain any complex sound. It would be impossible, for example, to render speech in midi like you want. Additionally, since the computer must interpret the midi sequences itself, the songs can sound vastly different depending on what machine you're playing them on.
If you want sound effects, you're looking in the wrong place. Wav files are what you need.
But has a ton of midi versions of songs from commercial video games. And of course, there are plenty of midi files in Charas' own complete resources section.
my friend knows a website were he got midi files like the ones im looking for but for what he needed in his game
What do you want? If you want voice effects I highly suspect that the files in question were not midi files.
They were megaman voice effects he said they were midis not `100% there but thats wh i was told
He was wrong or lying.
And your point?????????
That you cannot get midi files like the kind you want.
What do you have ADHD or something?
no are you a retard your trying to start drama over a forum???
I'm trying to answer your question but you have the rather baffling inability to take anything past the last two posts into account. I wonder if you even care about the midi files anymore.
no are you a retard your trying to start drama over a forum???
I'm waiting for Giant to kick your *** this is like what the second time you insulted him for trying to help?
but yeah if your looking for voice effects for Ichigo sprite database has some for Ichigo and Hitsugaya
look in the bleach dark souls section
are you all retarded he was trying to start drama over a forum because i didnt know something
well i wouldnt post things like that if people were actually trying to help not start drama because i didnt know something
If you want sound effects, you're looking in the wrong place. Wav files are what you need.
What do you want? If you want voice effects I highly suspect that the files in question were not midi files.
That you cannot get midi files like the kind you want.
What is a midi exactly and where can i find cool ones for rpg maker 2k3?
nothing i think they would have lol i was looking for bleach sound effects like ichigos voice and stuff like that
my friend knows a website were he got midi files like the ones im looking for but for what he needed in his game
They were megaman voice effects he said they were midis not `100% there but thats wh i was told
well i wouldnt post things like that if people were actually trying to help not start drama because i didnt know something
May I ask how he didn't help you?
You asked "exactly what a midi is" and where you can find midis.
It's a type of music file. It is distinct from other kinds of audio in that it does not actually contain audio data, but a sequence of commands which the computer's audio hardware must interpret. Think of it like sheet music that the computer must read as opposed to specific sound information. On the plus side, this makes midi files much smaller than other types of audio file, typically a tenth of a megabyte in size. The downsides are that midi files can only play notes with a hundred or so instruments and cannot contain any complex sound. It would be impossible, for example, to render speech in midi like you want. Additionally, since the computer must interpret the midi sequences itself, the songs can sound vastly different depending on what machine you're playing them on.
If you want sound effects, you're looking in the wrong place. Wav files are what you need.
But has a ton of midi versions of songs from commercial video games. And of course, there are plenty of midi files in Charas' own complete resources section.
Red's post included both those things.
He even explained to you that SOUND EFFECTS are in WAV and not MIDI,
If you want sound effects: you need to look for WAV files.
If you want music: you look for MIDI.
You're friend could've recorded the sound of a playing MEGAMAN game or whatever.
But that would be all the sound in the entire game at once. Background music, sound effects. voices. You name it. A mess of sounds. possible recorded as MIDI. But my bet is on WAV there as well.
That bleach game is for DS right?
So you need to find the voices of the DS games. I'm not even sure they have a format of their own but asking about midis won't get you the voices you need.
And why didn't you go to the site your friend was at?
Also if sprite database doesn't have the things your looking for try riping them from the game. Which is basicly what Prpl said. They do have Ds emulators right? Also, try not to act like a $*% to people cause otherwise they won't help you at all which is what is happening right now.
You're quite wrong there, Myownpath, people actually did help him by explaining it and all. And I don't know why they bothered helping him, to be honest... I guess they're just a bunch of good guys, helping people even if they get insulted for trying.
Quite the opposite of the requester.
Whatever then i was an *** who cares if you really get offended by something said over the internet then your lame but i said nothing very insulting so its over with unless you people really find the must to carry on...
Ah, of course it's not insulting to call people retarded or stupid *** douche bag, it's actually quite nice!
Anyway... let's... carry on, yeah.
...then your lame but i said nothing very insulting...
You contradicted yourself
My leg doesn't work
I consider the term "lame" to be very insulting indeed
I was also abused with douche bags, and am slightly retarded
You never know, dude.....statments should not be taken seriously, or truthfully...
wow if you really wanna continue on with this and be this pathetic your taking it to an extreme now kid i said whatever it was done and you just have to have a last word ?
You only have yourself to blame.
Your attitude is at the bottom of a snake-filled pit.
Try to shape up and act mature instead of spewing insults all over the place like a-12year old playing CS.
Your request was answered on the first page as soon as Red Giant made his post.
And you seemed to have been insulted as Red Giant questioned your reading abilities by asking if you had ADHD.
Lonewolf got dystelexia, we don't blame him for that. At least he's not letting it be an excuse for bad behaviour.
But after that question, you started calling him a retard and claiming that he was starting drama.
A simple question is not drama when the receiver of the question didn't seem to get what he had written in his post.
Red Giant explained everything in detail, everything your request was about and a little bit more.
But for some reason you didn't seem to care about that but instead went on by talking about your buddy.
It's like if you were denying the very fact that MIDI is music files and not sound effects.
And once he stated that, he also wanted to make sure that you didn't have any reading&learning difficulties to make sure that he wouldn't have to write the thing again but in simpler context.
I suggest a thread lock here.
The request have been answered a page back. All that remains is stupid arguments.
Maybe were your from but here its pretty rude and insulting to ask someone if they have adhd and suppose i had adhd that would have been a offending comment but in the since i dont have adhd it still an insult because he basically called me a retard because i didnt know something about something im new at and as for whoever you said had dystelexia what about it where does that even come to play here and how can you even act like your being mature this entire forum section is immature were arguing over the internet you Prpl are very immature for the simple fact that you care so much about this arguement that had nothing to do with you til you brought yourself into it and half of you had nothing to do with this at all if anything it was between me and red which im sure he notices this even why anyone else even came into this is beyond me
You contradicted yourself
My leg doesn't work
I consider the term "lame" to be very insulting indeed
I was also abused with douche bags, and am slightly retarded
You never know, dude.....statments should not be taken seriously, or truthfully...
So then you were offended by something i said over the internet if you read the whole line smart ***
and then if you really were offended then you are in fact lame
Your stupidity is baffling. You keep jumping between claiming you've insulted no one and calling everyone on the site idiots like a scared rat. Hell, minding how many other cliches of the idiot on the internet, I'm surprised you haven't excused your behavior with "I'M ONLY ___ YEARS OLD THOUGH". For the sake of EVERYONE on the site, please just get out and never look back, I beg that of you.
I can only laugh at this. Ha ha ha.
[...] here its pretty rude and insulting to ask someone if they have adhd and suppose i had adhd that would have been a offending comment but in the since i dont have adhd it still an insult because he basically called me a retard [...]
So then you were offended by something Red said over the internet if you read the whole line smart ***
and then if you really were offended then you are in fact lame
I've come to realize charas is like a nest of killer bees. A person shouldn't go throwing stones at a killer bee's nest.
Yeah, exactly. Making honey for you when you ask politely.
Be nice to the bees.
And we only have one/two females. Whenever there is one, they become our masters.
Bees are apparently the perfect metaphor for Charas
Maybe were your from but here its pretty rude and insulting to ask someone if they have adhd and suppose i had adhd that would have been a offending comment but in the since i dont have adhd it still an insult because he basically called me a retard because i didnt know something about something im new at and as for whoever you said had dystelexia what about it where does that even come to play here and how can you even act like your being mature this entire forum section is immature were arguing over the internet you Prpl are very immature for the simple fact that you care so much about this arguement that had nothing to do with you til you brought yourself into it and half of you had nothing to do with this at all if anything it was between me and red which im sure he notices this even why anyone else even came into this is beyond me
Maybe were your from but here its pretty rude and insulting to ask someone if they have adhd and suppose i had adhd that would have been a offending comment but in the since i dont have adhd it still an insult because he basically called me a retard because i didnt know something about something im new at
ADHD is NOT the same thing as retardness.
ADHD means that you cannot comprehend what is written or told to you.
ADHD means that you have trouble learnign because you cannot concentrate an a task and/or reading.
Trying to sort things out wherever or not you have ADHD is not offensive in any way.
You barely use punctuation, you barely switch rows. You don't use capital letter. Your grammar is off.
Those are very common things with ADHD people.
Trying to find out if you're a lazy bum or if you did in fact have any kind of concentration-liabilities is NOT offensive.
It was a question, stated: "What, do you have ADHD or something?"
and as for whoever you said had dystelexia what about it where does that even come to play here
Lonewolf got dystlexia and he've helped you with some of your request. That was a point. You CAN't and SHOULDN't at any occasion claim that lonewolf is a retard you childish ****. He's just as good as anyone else and even better at most occasions. Saying a disadvantage like ADHD or dystelxia is the same as restardness is the dumbest thing ever said.
how can you even act like your being mature this entire forum section is immature were arguing over the internet you Prpl are very immature for the simple fact that you care so much about this arguement that had nothing to do with you
You're right about one thing:
This have nothing to do with me.
1. We're not the immature ones. Red helped you and you just rambled. That is imamture.
Instead of saying thanks and asking about something else you ended up calling Red things.
2. We're not the ones starting drama here. You were the one who started calling people neames because you felt insulted from his ADHD question; and then claims that a person is lame if you get insulted at the internetz.
Your insults made this thread what it is.
3. How can I be immature for trying to clear things up?
I tried to make you understand where you misunderstood everything and started to insult people instead of writing real posts.
I tried to make you see how flawed your arguments were and how much you fall into your own traps. Everything you've written can be reclefted back at you again.
I came here to help and sort things up. You on the other hand kept going.
I try to make things work here in the request section but your kind are making it really hard and tedious.
I switched my standing after you kept going. Do you really blame me?
Saying "Whatever" is not an excuse. You could've apologized to Red for your brash comment or something. That would've ended things. But you just said "Whatver, I was an ***. It wasn't very insulting."
Red never made fun of you for not knowing about Midis and WAV.
Red was the very person who wrote that wall of text that would explain it to you.
Red asked you if you perhaps had ADHD.
You lashed out calling him things.
People reacted to your attacks.
People questioned your reasons for it.
You started calling them names.
People tried to make you see how you were responsible.
You continued the attacks and then blamed someone else.
This is what the thread have come down to.
Moderators close this thread. I beg of you.
A midi is a low-bit sound file.
Also...OP is a faggot
This thread has pretty much served its purpose (and then some). Locky locky! (