Game Creation => Requests => Topic started by: tmerrill420 on March 13, 2009, 04:31:02 AM
Of grimmjow and/or ulquiorra from bleach if possible? Please and Thank you
After all that? Ha, no.
The generator makes wonders.
And you can even edit the charsets afterwards with Microsoft PAINT if things doesn't quite looks well.
That's what I've done all this time.
I'll make it, if you make me a charset of a headless hobo with arms of chickens. Dressed in in a pirate cloths. Oh and his back should be a female front.
thanks prpl mage for the rest of you go **** yourself
A joke
What does a black man use to dye his hair?
thanks prpl mage for the rest of you go **** yourself
I love how you expect us to forgive you when you say things like that. Go die in a fire kthanx
kid your a loser why would you even post in a forum if you had no intentions on helping me out and being a dick i hope your mom klls your dad and then rapes you in the ***hole with a knife kthanks ****ing douche
Wait. Your not allowed to post in a any forum if one don't plan on helping you? Your logic is fail. Please go and die dick waffle.
kid your a loser why would you even post in a forum if you had no intentions on helping me out and being a dick i hope your mom klls your dad and then rapes you in the ***hole with a knife kthanks ****ing douche
kid your a loser why would you even post in a forum if you had no intentions on helping me out and being a dick i hope your mom klls your dad and then rapes you in the ***hole with a knife kthanks ****ing douche
Oh the irony. Seriously, I wonder why Prpl_Mage even bother helping your kind. You're a shame on humanity!
*shakes head in shame*
I love this thread.
I love this thread.
This thread scares me deeply.
Did you see all of his other threads?
Yes... and it creeps me that no warnings have been made, have they?
Yes... and it creeps me that no warnings have been made, have they?
We tried to warn him, as in: members.
But it took some time before his worst thread even got locked.
*sigh* I'll keep a watch then and tell any mods/admins next time.
This tmerrill guy is funny to watch.