
Off-Topic => Archive => Old Game Discussion => Topic started by: ninji on August 09, 2009, 12:52:23 AM

Title: A New Threat
Post by: ninji on August 09, 2009, 12:52:23 AM
Putting my CV RPG on hold. A friend of mine's drawing new sprites (for characters, enemies, etc.). Prolly take a while... :dry:


A New Threat is sort of like a first person shooter, except it's an overhead view. There are other forms of gameplay within this game as well.

The game is divided into missions, and each mission has 3 phases.

SNIPER PHASE - During this phase, you take control of a sniper, to take out enemy guards. To fire, just press Z. As you progress in the game, you can use Upgrade Points to improve the bullet capacity of your weapon. Recommended firing button is the Z key. While in Sniper Phase, opening your status menu will show you your weapon's stats. BC is your bullet capacity. NNN/MMM is how it is displayed. N stands for the number of bullets currently in your magazine. M stands for the maximum amount of bullets your sniper rifle can hold per magazine. There is also SC, which shows your score. The score basically just shows how good you can do, but really doesn't make much importance til later in the game. Using an item called an Ammo Clip will restore your bullets, or you can just use the ammo box located next to your character in the Sniper Phase.
*EDIT* Along with shooting your enemies, you can shoot anything that's in view on the map, that includes shooting trees, the floor, bombs, or even your own partners.
Sniper Phase Screenshot:
You can barely see the crosshair, but is located on the enemy to the left's head.

STEALTH PHASE - Upon completing the Sniper Phase of the mission, you will enter the Stealth Phase. In the Stealth Phase,  you must infiltrate the enemy base and get to the enemy leader. If you approach an enemy from behind and press Z, your character will perform a neck snap, instantly killing your opponent. You must avoid enemy guards and security cameras and make your way to the leader. Bases can vary from 1-5 floors. Sometimes more.

BATTLE PHASE - If you are caught during the Stealth Phase or if you make it to the enemy leader, you will enter the Battle Phase. There are two different Battle Phases, one is Skill Battle and one is Dynamic Battle. Skill Battle has the normal RPG battle system, where you fight your enemy taking turns with your Agility Meter. You have an arrangement of guns in stock when doing this, along with a combat knife in case you run out of ammo (again with the BC). Dynamic Battle, however, has an Adventure Battle system (you know, the freeroam battle system thing). You use your combat knife during this, where the you and the enemy have a sword fight. There may be traps in these battles.

Upon completing all three phases of a mission, you are able to upgrade your sniper rifle, refill your ammo points, purchase items, and more. This is also where you save your game.

TOBIAS OLDREY - Tobias is a sharpshooter, hired by Commander Weston to take care to aid in the mission. He seems like he doesn't really care, and wants high payments for his jobs. He is the character you use during Sniper Phase, and when you walk around the field map.
SARAH - A woman hired by Commander Weston to aid in the mission, and helps out Tobias. She doesn't really show much emotion, and when she's given the order to kill, she'll do it without a second thought. She is the character you use during Stealth Phase, and Battle Phase.

Commander Weston and his squad began investigating a mysterious group of hostiles that had shown up out of nowhere. They'd snuck into the hostiles' base, and began reading some documents. They found out that the hostiles were to kill certain people, but before they could find out more, they were attacked. Commander Weston had barely escaped with few members of his squad alive. Running out of options, he decided to hire mercenaries.

One mercenary took the job as soon as he asked her. He didn't even get around to the payment. Then he hired a second mercenary, a sharpshooter named Tobias Oldrey. Tobias had completed nearly 200 jobs that had to do with killing, with only a sniper rifle. Weston's only hope was with these two mercenaries, and nobody knew if they could stop what could possibly be a new threat...

OTHER SCREENSHOTS: - Field Map - Opening Screen

I'll try to get a demo up as soon as I can finish up the first mission.
Title: Re: A New Threat
Post by: Red Fox on August 09, 2009, 07:34:11 AM
A New Threat is sort of like a first person shooter, except it's an overhead view.

That would make it a third person shooter.
Title: Re: A New Threat
Post by: ninji on August 09, 2009, 03:56:42 PM
That would make it a third person shooter.

I would probably say it's a third person, but it's kind of hard from the way the game looks.
Title: Re: A New Threat
Post by: zuhane on August 09, 2009, 05:44:10 PM
Did the font thingy work?
Title: Re: A New Threat
Post by: ninji on August 09, 2009, 06:09:42 PM
Did the font thingy work?

Sadly, no.
Title: Re: A New Threat
Post by: zuhane on August 09, 2009, 07:42:47 PM
Sometimes the fonts don't copy across into the folder for god-knows-why
reasons. If not then I'm sorry. I'm a bit confused.

EDIT: Apparently you have to double-click all the fonts once in there, it
kind of "activates" them.
Title: Re: A New Threat
Post by: ninji on August 09, 2009, 07:51:06 PM
EDIT: Apparently you have to double-click all the fonts once in there, it
kind of "activates" them.

Oh, ok. I'll try.
Title: Re: A New Threat
Post by: zuhane on August 09, 2009, 07:59:57 PM
Hope it works!
Title: Re: A New Threat
Post by: ninji on August 09, 2009, 08:15:22 PM
Hope it works!

-_- Nope...
Title: Re: A New Threat
Post by: ninji on August 14, 2009, 05:13:01 AM
I got some ideas from some people I know on the net, so I decided to place them into the game.

Upon completing the game, there is a secret shop (a shop where you can purchase new gameplay items). You better save your money up for this, because most of the good stuff is expensive. I'll only tell you what one of them is: Unlockable costumes (no, not colors, costumes. Something actual companies failed to do >.>).

Unlockable soundtracks: Copying the idea from my CVRPG (double soundtrack feature), except there are more than 3 soundtracks for this game. Don't like the music of the game? Fulfill certain conditions (given to you in subtle hints) and you can unlock different tracks.

STORY BRANCHES: At several points in the game, you can change what happens in the game, giving this tons of replayability. For example, you can take the job at the beginning of the game (making you join the military) or you can say no (making you stay a mercenary). There will be over 20 points in the game in which it branches, so you'll need to complete the game a lot to see every single detail (also there's like 15 endings).

If anyone else has got suggestions, tell me, and I'll see what I can do.
Title: Re: A New Threat
Post by: fruckert on August 14, 2009, 05:38:32 AM
Good luck on the fifteen endings, and this game.
Some interesting ideas though.
Title: Re: A New Threat
Post by: ninji on August 14, 2009, 06:15:55 AM
Good luck on the fifteen endings, and this game.
Some interesting ideas though.


And endings are the best parts of games in my opinion, so that's why there's so many. I try to make the endings cool (not like Urban Reign's ending).
Title: Re: A New Threat
Post by: warlock776 on August 14, 2009, 06:15:38 PM
Looks and sounds good..I can't wait to play it  :D
Title: Re: A New Threat
Post by: ninji on August 14, 2009, 06:17:07 PM
Looks and sounds good..I can't wait to play it  :D


But since I'm no good with ABS shooters, this game will take some time.
Title: Re: A New Threat
Post by: ninji on August 14, 2009, 07:16:37 PM
NEW CHARACTERS: Mysterious people have appeared. Are they friend or foe?

SHADIXX - A man who wanders Europe, holding a flag with a cross on it. Nobody knows what he wants or why he's there. He was given the name Shadixx by a man who saw that he had a dark aura.

HUNTER KAISI - A man who carries a bow and arrow. He also goes by "Hunte (pronounced like Hunt, not Hunt-ay)". He is searching for someone named Oldrey. It is unknown if it is Tobias Oldrey, or somebody else.

MAENA KATRINA - A young woman who joined the military alongside her friend Kazz. The two are currently trying to figure out what this new "threat" really is.

KAZZ SHANTO - The partner of Maena, and has a dark past. He wishes to redeem himself by aiding the people of the land.

HENRY CARTER - A business man who sells weapons to the military. Nobody knows how he gets his hands on the weapons, but he has become a very important person to them.

KYOKO - A young foreign mercenary. With her young, innocent face, her targets let their guard down around her, which is her chance to strike.
Title: Re: A New Threat
Post by: Moosetroop11 on August 14, 2009, 10:10:51 PM
Interesting game idea. Good graphics would really help it along though- the screens you have so far are super plain. You could really go to town on the sniper bit, for example, with people hiding behind bushes and all sorts of scenery. Otherwise it'll basically be shooting fish in a barrel and I can't see how upgrading your gun would give any advantage whatsoever.

Keep up the good work!
Title: Re: A New Threat
Post by: ninji on August 14, 2009, 10:50:42 PM
Interesting game idea. Good graphics would really help it along though- the screens you have so far are super plain. You could really go to town on the sniper bit, for example, with people hiding behind bushes and all sorts of scenery. Otherwise it'll basically be shooting fish in a barrel and I can't see how upgrading your gun would give any advantage whatsoever.

Keep up the good work!

Well, those aren't finished maps, but I might as well have shown you an idea of what the game is like.

Upgrading your rifle saves you from having to reload, and improves how far you can aim. At the start, you can't aim too far and your enemies constantly move out of range.

EDIT: The first mission may be complete before I leave, and I'll possibly put a demo up for it. I'm going to work on the mapping, try to make the military base look like a REAL military base, with more items and people. The upgrade system is going to take a while, as will the phase systems. The one I got down right now is the Stealth Phase. The first mission has tons of security guards and cameras. The Battle Phase is what I'll have to work on for a little, tryin' to get the ABS I found down. About the ABS, it's going to be sort of basic. I'll -try- to make it into my own thing, but all I'm really look for right now is a system that works. So, I'm going to put a lot of time into this, so when it's done, I want you guys to expect a really good (or good) game.
Title: Re: A New Threat
Post by: ninji on August 15, 2009, 06:47:00 AM
sorry 'bout double post

I have a thing for minigames, so I'm adding one already. It's called Ultra Gunner. What you need to do is escape from an enemy base with only your handgun, with limited ammo. There will be puzzles and fighting, and the limited amount of ammo will make this a challenging minigame. It will be part of the secret shop at the end of the game. If anyone has any cool minigames they'd like to see in this game, please tell me, and I'd be happy to put it in. :)
Title: Re: A New Threat
Post by: Fisherson on August 16, 2009, 03:43:36 PM
Otherwise it'll basically be shooting fish in a barrel and I can't see how upgrading your gun would give any advantage whatsoever.

O_O Shooting me in a barrel?! Why would anyone shoot me? Why in world would I be in a barrel in the first place? Seriously though. You need better chips, plain and simple. And Fish can long as you don't get pleasure from shooting me in a wooded storage device of one kind or another.... Try that place, alots of good chips there.
Title: Re: A New Threat
Post by: ninji on August 16, 2009, 04:49:41 PM
O_O Shooting me in a barrel?! Why would anyone shoot me? Why in world would I be in a barrel in the first place? Seriously though. You need better chips, plain and simple. And Fish can long as you don't get pleasure from shooting me in a wooded storage device of one kind or another.... Try that place, alots of good chips there.

Why is it "FISH in a barrel"? Why not ants or some other creature that nobody pays any mind to until they start eating you?

Oh, thanks.

EDIT: I think I might find good ones here, as long as I can get past the fact that it's in a different language.
Title: Re: A New Threat
Post by: ninji on June 20, 2010, 01:38:45 AM
Man, this hasn't been updated in like... almost a year!

A New Threat is actually coming along pretty well (but no playable demo yet). The rifle upgrades have been improved. Not only do you increase ammo capacity and aiming range, but now there's strength. There's 5 rifle levels. Every level, it takes less and less bullets to kill an enemy, you have more ammo in each clip, and you can aim a lot farther. That's pretty much the gist of the Sniper Phase.

Still not good at ABS, so the fighting phase thingy is going to take a while. If I could get someone to work alongside me, maybe it could be done easier, but who knows.