Game Creation => RPG Maker => Topic started by: Shady Ultima on November 17, 2009, 09:57:29 PM
First and foremost, I'd like to thank Valiere for this beautiful title screen!
This game has been in development for a very long time, but finally is starting to really come together the way I envision it. I've added some new screen shots, and I am working on completing all the systems. Once they are implemented, I will likely release a technical demo. After the technical demo, expect a demo shortly after.
Circle of 13
It began on a dark stormy night. Leonard rides into the small village of Taran. He makes his way to the inn, and meets a
crazy, flamboyant man named Cromwell. His journey has only just begun, and everything changes soon.
The story is long, and has many, many twists and turns. It also has parts that are different based upon your actions.
ABS 100% (and upgraded)
Includes damage counters, misses and critical hits.
CMS 75% complete
Titles 100% complete
- Bow
- Bombs
- Boomerang
- Various magic spells
Day Night System (100%)
Clock system (100%)
Lunar System (100%)
Morality indicator
A completely unique leveling system
Weapon level ups
Screen shots: All brand new
It begins on a dark and stormy night
Introducing Cromwell
He's only a bit crazy.
Combat System:
Oops! You missed!
Haha! He got you!
Got him! Once at least (Don't get too cocky kid)
Breaking rocks in the hot sun.
The new menu!
Fancy Pants I know!
The Journal
The Journey Begins!
The Item Menu
That was a pain to make btw!
Yay! More heals!
Like I said, more heals!
Stats Menu
Titles, morality, what more could you want?
Menus in menus I tell you!
So, where am I?
Hmm... Never heard of it before
Ah, finally a map!
But wait... it's blank?
What good is a blank map??
Well, at least there's something...
A cute little town, really.
Now, what's that all about?
Ahhh, it makes sense now!
So that's how it works!
This is gonna take some time...
Hopefully this won't be seen too often.
Not sure why the sizes seem to jump back and forth, but ah well.
Endowments... err...
Combat and features look very SNES-era Zelda-ish, which is actually an extremely favorable comparison since that game was amazingly fun. But in a system like this it all comes down to how much the control system and hit detection match expectations. But you're Shady Ultima: you can probably pull it off. Good luck, totally rooting for you, let me know if you need any sprites or anything.
Thanks Sai, I appreciate the support.
The battle system runs a lot smoother than my previous attempt, but I'm debating redoing it a bit, just to make it a little more tight, not sure yet.
My inspiration is a mix of Zelda (especially LTTP and OOT) and Crystalis, taking a mix and adding some original features.
Endowments are a part of the leveling system.
Looks neat.
Looks really good shady.
Looks good so far.
Are the 10 different weapons as in knife, sword, axe ect?
Or 10 different swords? (Which it is probably the first one).
And with the shields, is there going to be a block system?
Yeah, I'm really liking the screens keep it up! I think you might want ease up on the tint a little in the sunset pictures though.
Heh, from 10 - 6 am it's a little too dark, I'm thinking about changing that
The different weapons are mostly swords, but the bombs, boomerang and bow are counted.
I'd have axes and such, but I don't have the graphics to do that right now.
Definatly looks alot better than your first ABS attempt.
All of the features sound fun to try out. Good luck with the project!
The day and night system, kudos on actually managing to make one btw, reminds me of Brave Fencer Mussashi's. ^ ^ That alone makes me interested.
I'll check it out once I get the tower fixed up and have an easy way of switching my hard drives (my slave cable doesn't work that well).
It looks good mate.
Still toiling away at this. Almost have my leveling system in, and Prplmage has been great in the charsets he has been giving me so far.
The game is back! Although I have no internet access at my house right now, I have been working on this project offline, figuring out how to do some new and even more advanced things...
Keep an eye on this! I'll be revealing updates as they come, as well as finally finishing many of the ideas I had originally.
I'll be needing some beta testers to give me a hand. All I have is a technical demo, mainly showing how the main system will work.
I'd be more than happy to test..
After my Windows computer stops screwing up.
New intro scene has been added, after watching the intro scene to Linkforce's Carpe Diem (if Link reads this, I didn't rip your idea off, I just realized that I need an awesome opening cutscene too)
First mini-dungeon has been completed, and first dungeon is underway.
Also, some new features are being tested, including weapon, armor, and shield hitpoints.
I'm also looking for an artist to design me a title screen. If you might be interested, please, post, or shoot me a PM.
Am I missing something? Where's the screens!?!?
I took them down temporarily, as major changes had been made. New ones will be up very soon.
Update. Valiere is super awesome and created me a fantastic title screen.
Update. Valiere is super awesome and created me a fantastic title screen.
Valiere is really ultra awesome! She made me most of my menu for my game!
So I'm looking for opinions here. I do not plan to change the name of my game BUT, with the way the game ends, I could make a sequel. I was thinking of making this the first game in a series. So instead of just being Circle of 13, it will be
Legends of Libanthia : Circle of 13
What do you think?
As someone awkwardly working on Control of Destiny 2 when there's no real CoD1, I'd advice you to totally forget about even the concept of a sequel until you're writing the very last scenes in the game. Becoming interested in the "next" project is the best way to lose interest in this one.
That said, the name is fine enough, I guess, if a bit generic-sounding with the "Legends of" thing.
I know it sounds a bit generic, but seeing as I also wanted to go for some alliteration, I like how it sounds. Just thinking about what everyone else thinks.
I don't think I'll lose interest in this project, because I'm determined to finish my first game EVER. When it's done, I'll being the development on a sequel. I've already completed most of the story, and am working on a script that will be used in the game.
Anyways, I apologize for the lack of updates lately, I don't actually have access to my official version (on my wife's comp, and she can't figure out a way to send it). I've been trying to figure out some new mini-games and I've also been working on extras, that can be quickly and easily ported into the full project file later.
I think if you're going to Add Volume titles, you should think about Shortening "Circle of Thirteen"... There seems to be a lot of three word titles for amateur RPGS...not to mention 'of' is then used twice, and makes the title seem contrived. Alternatly you could stick to shorter volume titles...But for being an amateur RPG, I think if your series title were a one or maybe two word title, it would be more approachable.
Honestly, I would shorten your series title, and rather then giving titles to volumes, I would number them...much like a graphic novel. Anything you can do to make your product more recognizable would help. Titles of the nature you;ve proposed are literally EVERYWHERE...every rpg making community has had multiple titles of this structure, and very literally NONE of them are memorable outside of their respective communities. I think Branding your game a bit more efficiently would help it stick in peoples memories. The added alliteration in the volume title cranks the cheese factor up as well...
It can all be broken down to a simple forumla to avoid
X1 OF X2 : A OF B
X1 and X2 being rhyming or having some alliteration or phoenetic similarity
A and B Being Some manner of title
OF is used far too much to be of any consequence
Example....On charas alone
Apathy of Angels....Formerly Ghosts of HearLake
Control of Destiny
Tears of THe Night
Legends of SYmeria
Mystvale : Legend of the Twelve
even as far back as my own
Cronicles of Genia
Do what you want....but its super unoriginal stuff...try streamlining it. I Avoid Games with OF and Colons, and forgettable titles like poop
Hmm, I see what you mean. But of is a super common word, it's kinda hard to leave of out of a title sometimes. I like Circle of 13, but I may see if I can figure out a different series title that doesn't use the word of, or maybe even Legends...
New intro scene has been added, after watching the intro scene to Linkforce's Carpe Diem (if Link reads this, I didn't rip your idea off, I just realized that I need an awesome opening cutscene too)
I'm curious to see this screen lol
I may make a video of it to post soon.
How about 13 Point Circle? Or maybe even Constellation 13, if stars are involved?
Other phrases to consider:
Circumference 13
Radius 13
Diameter 13
Pi 13
Ellipsis 13
or variations thereof.
None of those have the ring or the same meaning. 13 Point circle MAY work, but it just sounds cumbersome.
I agree. That was the only actual suggestion, the rest was just a joke.
I think I'm going to leave the name as it is, just circle of 13.
But if I ever make a sequel, I'll use the series title 'The Libanthian'
New screen shots will be up around February 20th! Expect a short demo by the end of February!
So I lied about the date. But I did get the new screenshots up. There will be more to come shortly, including a few of my CMS.
Awesome. Awesome. Cool screenshots dude! Love the custom title screen and gameover screen. The HUD looks neat as well.
Looking mighty spiffy, there. I especially like the title screen. Did you draw that yourself? The HUD is also a nice touch. ^^
Nah, Valiere created the title screen for me. The HUD is important, as it is an ABS.
It's been a long time, and this would normally be considered a bump... however!
I wanted to come here to inform all of you that I am still alive, and that I have NOT abandoned this project. I have been working on a new storyline, new maps, an entirely new menu system (influenced by Fable 2) as well as even more features than originally were planned. I'll be around to update when I've got something to show
Cool, I never saw this before; must've been during my absent period.
Looking forward to it.
I said there would be new updates, and I didn't lie! Check it out!
Looking good, not sure about the chibi-like status pciture though.
Haha, I also think it looks a bit odd against the rest.
Everything looks like it's coming on though! It's nice to see you still working on it XD
Give this one a go. Been working a bit on status screen/character information sprites.
Thanks dude! Yea, the chibi sprite was the only thing I could find that worked. It wasn't what I was aiming for. That does look a lot better. I'll just alter the graphic to show that instead.
And just a heads up, there will be more soon. I'm almost done all the coding of the systems, although I constantly have ideas that I want to implement, which alters things a bit.
Lookin great, man! Love the menus!
Fascinating looking little project you have here. Like the look and all the custom resources. Very cool! I don't usually go of action battle systems but this looks fun to play! Keep up the good work.
Looks like a lot of effort went into this. Great job so far.
Thanks for all the support. Meis, you have NO idea how much work I've put into this. I posted a few new/updated screen shots. As you notice, I've been working on my spriting skills and am attempting to make attack and damaged poses for ALL enemies in the game.