Off-Topic => All of all! => Topic started by: zuhane on February 18, 2010, 10:46:47 PM
The government/superiors have put so many measures in place to prevent global warming, racism, and even he prevention of deforestation. These
are important, and they deserve our attention. However, as resources are kept in good measure, and as the world progresses, I've not seen an
attempt at someone forming a good band in quite a while. Okay, there's a few exceptions: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Aphex Twin, Electric 6, etc. But
overall, I think the "sik init" rappers and "you're so beautiful" frat boy prick RnB singers are winning.
Is it me, or does every song recently on the radio just have a monotonous resonating noise in the background with a rapper humming over it? Look at my theory:
1969 - - An instrument is actually used.
1985 - - Instruments still used, but electronic devices are taking over.
2002 - - No talent. Talking is referred to as "rapping" is a muscular black man does it.
2009 - - Not even a background tune. A buzzing noise and talking.
Possibly 2020? - - The future of music?
This is called "deteriorating". Am I predicting the future? I hope not. :p
Everyone hates new music as they get older. Somewhere perhaps not so far deep inside of you there is a bitter old man just waiting to tell some kids to get off his lawn.
I wouldn't even class it as music!
I so agree with you there. Plus, it shows how creative they are when they remix a good old song into crap...
I totally agree! The trademark theme tune from Pulp Fiction got remixed by the Black-Eyes Peas into
some awful mess of a song. Grrrr!!!
In comparison to modern music, though!
Yes modern music sucks balls. All lady gaga songs are the same. She records some lines. Some geeky guy mixes it all and makes it sound like she's singing and all that crap.
It's like brittney spears she doesn't even sing herself during live performances since she can't sing it.
Today's music can only be performed live by rock groups and barely then. All other people are to busy using new machines to **** up their voices and imitate music.
2009 - - Not even a background tune. A buzzing noise and talking.
The fact I can still conclude this song is in A minor, and switches between F and D chords at some intervals means that it's still music. Thy post fails; your tastes just aren't well adjusted to today's musical style.
Then again, I can agree it's sort of like rythmic rhyming with just chord tones of 'boom boom boom' to back it up, but we are never going to lose the roots of what music should sound like, because people might have ( other ( (sometimes terrible ( musical ( taste (
I'm not a huge fan of todays music... But it's still music. That' pretty much it.
This is why you don't listen to the radio, folks! Develop your own taste, preferably not around mainstream music, and you'll be a lot more satisfied!
(yeah, I'm sick of people resampling old songs, too. Misirlou was somewhat tolerable, You Spin Me Right Round was hemorrhage-inducing, Hide and Seek was suicide-inducing. Man, the only reason many people listen to those songs is because they like the catchy riff and don't know that it was originally a much older song...)
What was Hide and Seek based off of? I know the other two.
This is why I'm a music geek. All (actually most) the other music geeks are aware how bad music is today, and listen to good stuff.
Like Diablo Swing Orchestra.
Yes, I am in love with that group.
That, or go with damn ( awesome ( classics ( Similar things.
On a slightly related note, art itself is going down the shitter as well.
You know you're in a slump when people can put four slightly different colored squares on a canvas and trick other people into believing it's "art".
Stop being paranoid. There's no real definition for music. Besides you're being genre specific, which is really disturbing.
I just read your whole post and seriously, i can't take it seriously. What you put down as points of argument are as good as monkey doodles.
On a slightly related note, art itself is going down the shitter as well.
You know you're in a slump when people can put four slightly different colored squares on a canvas and trick other people into believing it's "art".
This isn't deteriorating either. There's still plenty of people who prefer realism or high-fantastic stuff.
<3 dick dale <3 one of my biggest guitar influences evar. his musics just damn sexy.
and I disagree on the statement music has no real definition. The best way I think its described as "concious organized sound" even "noise" bands are organizing the sounds.
and while I agree I hate a lot on the radio today, you can't believe that's all people are doing.
I mean, now, more than ever, people are putting out all kinds of music. with the technology spike we've had in the past 40 years, the ability to create music and record it has become more and more accessible.
its a good and a bad thing. good thing because you get to hear allll kinds of different sounds and influences. bad because it means saturation of the market. You have to literally dig through **** until you find what you like.
I don't think music is better or worse. I think music is music. Now...if you want to say pop culture's view on music is getting showier and overproduced...I think you got a good argument.
my opinon: dig around!
and I disagree on the statement music has no real definition. The best way I think its described as "concious organized sound" even "noise" bands are organizing the sounds.
I meant to say by today's standards. I know music has a definition, but there's no definition of music by today's standard and whiny minds. Lots and lots thinks their favorite types of music is the real music.
For some reason though some of the ones that seem to say music is poofing are only the people who liked stuff from 70s-80s
By those standards music has way have gone. Human's first experiences of music started with drum beats and shofars.
SO my statements still stand. Arguments started in initial posts are bogus.
I wasn't disagreeing about your point. just that definition. if anything I agree with what you're saying.
I know, I just spazz.
It's an opinion. I don't like this ( this ( this ( this ( this ( this ( and the list goes on.... but that's my opinion. All of it is still music. I can have more respect for some than others and I can agree that the digital age has taken a lot of the actual talent out of the equation, but like Carmen said, you take the good with the bad. If not for the digital age I would never have heard of some of my favorite bands.
So yeah, if you got a problem with mainstream pop culture bullshit, then go underground. But be warned, there's just as much **** and just as many shitheads down there too.
EDIT: And I really don't see what the government has to do with it. 0_o If anything, bomb the music industry.
That's why i listen to J-POP. LOL way to throw myself into a fire.
Actually, I do listen to a lot of music from different countries. Besides Japan, Chinese and Egyptian music have a lot of more context that some music from the States and Europe. In my opinion.
My only real problem was rap/hip-hop/etshitera's omnipresence. Now it seems less present, but I still don't like it and think it's crap, require no real talent and... is just complete trash. But... I guess that's just an opinion, yeah.
For my part, I enjoy musics from the 50's to present's, but I am quite "picky" at which ones I like.
its a good and a bad thing. good thing because you get to hear allll kinds of different sounds and influences. bad because it means saturation of the market. You have to literally dig through **** until you find what you like.
Your post sums it up. I'm just quoting this part because this phenomenon actually has a name (
Why does everyone keep referring to tvtropes.
Sturgeons are bottomfeeders.... huh, irony.
Why does everyone keep referring to tvtropes.
Don't you know I'm trying to steal your sou I dunno...
Yes you do, you commie.
That, or go with damn ( awesome ( classics ( Similar things.
This man speaketh the truth!
Why does everyone keep referring to tvtropes.
Are you doubting the amazingness of TV Tropes?
More like doubting the referral knowledge of charasians.
I don't listen to the radio anymore. Even the rock stations play crap. I can't even bear most of the music. But I have to admit Lady Gaga is quite catchy. *flinches* Don't kill me! My musical tastes are crazy I can go from listening to Lady Gaga to Bring Me The Horizon. But rap and country kill me. My music MUST either have gratuitous amounts of screaming or be super catchy. Everything else is suck. But I don't like classic rock at all. I'm a freak! :D
well now.
to each his own?
Lady Gaga? Waht in the- Oh wha-what am I doing here?
Makes me proud that I am a fan of a genre where the musicians actually write, record and play their music by themselves, and most likely deliver brilliantly live too. :Plight:
All lady gaga songs are the same. She records some lines. Some geeky guy mixes it all and makes it sound like she's singing and all that crap.
Gotta disagree with you here, despite my hatred for pop music. Contrary to popular (apparently) belief, the vast majority of pop singers sing all their stuff. And anyway, Lady Gaga is actually pretty talented, I just hate her for some of the stuff she says (No your music is not insipred by glam rock you idiotic twat)
Anyway, music is entirely subjective. I think techno is horrible, talentless crap, but honestly, if someone put ther enjoys it ( and a lot of people do), it by all means has right to exist. It doesn't affect you too badly.
I respect Lady Gaga, she is a pretty good musician, and plays piano in some of her live performences (whether she is playing or not, it looks real enough for me).
Some of her music has some really complex stuff melodically/harmonically.
Music isn't deteriorating. It's the people.
Gaga doesn't bother me. She's weird and eccentric, but she's also a songwriter and seems to be trying new things. I respect that a lot more than rapper #454 who sticks to the tried-and-true formula of money and hos.
Let's not lose sight of who the real enemy is here. Ke$ha.
Rappers poppers. And I dunno who Ke$ha is.
I lost interest in this topic now.
Hey look an avocado.
Radio is a sad excuse for a media outlet. Don't give it the attention it doesn't deserve, and you won't be complaining about the death of music.
Wyake up in the mwonin fyeelin lyike P. Diddy
Don't even.
The government/superiors have put so many measures in place to prevent global warming, racism, and even he prevention of deforestation. These
are important, and they deserve our attention. However, as resources are kept in good measure, and as the world progresses, I've not seen an
attempt at someone forming a good band in quite a while. Okay, there's a few exceptions: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Aphex Twin, Electric 6, etc. But
overall, I think the "sik init" rappers and "you're so beautiful" frat boy prick RnB singers are winning.
Is it me, or does every song recently on the radio just have a monotonous resonating noise in the background with a rapper humming over it? Look at my theory:
1969 - - An instrument is actually used.
1985 - - Instruments still used, but electronic devices are taking over.
2002 - - No talent. Talking is referred to as "rapping" is a muscular black man does it.
2009 - - Not even a background tune. A buzzing noise and talking.
Possibly 2020? - - The future of music?
This is called "deteriorating". Am I predicting the future? I hope not. :p
Eh, depends on the Genre of music man. You're showing everybody some rock n roll, to rap, to shitty ****ing crap like B.E.P's. honestly, there is a lot of good rock bands that use instruments even in our age you just need to find em. Rap has always been electronic for the most part.
Surely, the disnfranchised masses who like the amazing Zeppelin, Rush, Cream, etc, will play those
songs to death. Then what? THEN WHAT!?
On top of that, you can't avoid this music. Radios in shops, taxi radio, parties... just, urrggghhh. I get
angry at how you just need a six-pack or have to act whorish in the music industry, and how nobody
even really cares. Groups, such as N-Dubz, actually take themselves seriously in their image and with
their music. They believe that there's a high level of talent involved in what they do, in comparison to, say,
spending a decade becoming a fantastic guitarist.
I'm not that bothered about actual singers, such as Leona Lewis, because at least she's showcasing some
pure talent, as oppose to having a six-pack and going "Yo, yo, yo, ey, ey, ey" complemented with a backing track thrown together
in an hour.
On top of that, you can't avoid this music. Radios in shops, taxi radio, parties... just, urrggghhh.
Buy an MP3 player and/or get used to it. If I see architecture I think is ugly when walking down the street, I don't react violently. I just think "huh, that's ugly". The same thing could be likened to music. Or anything.
Maybe it's just me, since I'm pretty big on music, and I also appreciate how incredibly difficult it is
to learn an instrument properly, but how easy it is to go "Yo, yo, sik init, eh, A, I, O, U".
There should
be a different word for what they produce, such as... "Electric talking" or "Sequences of effects"... but
not music. Anything but music.
All artforms are subjective. You'll have to learn to accept that.
It's hard. Very hard.
Right now, I'm listening to something some people would consider art and others "wtf?" It's an album of ambient noise from Chernobyl, recorded and played back into the empty room. There's a church, gym, swimming pool and an auditorium.
And it's giving me goosebumps.
So smexy.
Seeing as some people are posting what they like, here's what I listen to most of the time...definitely not for all ears though ;) This band is pretty diverse, some of their songs are ambient, others are more mainstream electronic, but they're mainly aggrotech.
I also enjoy classical (only good radio station, haw haw), assorted metal (some power metal, symphonic black metal and death metal) and video game music, although that's a really diverse genre in itself.
What was Hide and Seek based off of? I know the other two.
Original ( (skip to 2:55 if you want)
'Remix' (
The government/superiors have put so many measures in place to prevent global warming, racism, and even he prevention of deforestation. These
are important, and they deserve our attention. However, as resources are kept in good measure, and as the world progresses, I've not seen an
attempt at someone forming a good band in quite a while. Okay, there's a few exceptions: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Aphex Twin, Electric 6, etc. But
overall, I think the "sik init" rappers and "you're so beautiful" frat boy prick RnB singers are winning.
Is it me, or does every song recently on the radio just have a monotonous resonating noise in the background with a rapper humming over it? Look at my theory:
1969 - - An instrument is actually used.
1985 - - Instruments still used, but electronic devices are taking over.
2002 - - No talent. Talking is referred to as "rapping" is a muscular black man does it.
2009 - - Not even a background tune. A buzzing noise and talking.
Possibly 2020? - - The future of music?
This is called "deteriorating". Am I predicting the future? I hope not. :p
Heh, this is already a genre, it's called 'extratone' and is part of noise.
I can listen to noise music, but I prefer the 'ambient' noise to the 'incredibly fast' noise. I can listen to speedcore too, which is much less extreme (at least it has some semblance of a beat).
Some speedcore:
So smexy.
I don't mind Prodigy, purely because it sounds great. In fact, it's verging on genius at times!
Guhawh, most of my favourite artists are hip hop rapperers these days anyway. Say what you like, ain't nothing like the sound of truly sick flows.
Thank God for that.
I don't mind The Prodigy, either. I enjoy electronic music, but I prefer industrial/aggrotech to whatever genre The Prodigy is.
Let's not discard all hip hop/rap as 'crap', there are some genuinely good rap artists - although you'd be hard-pressed to find any at all since the '80s.
I think the only recent rap artist I've liked is Joel Turner, he appeared on Australian Idol during the first(?) season and although he didn't win he has a bit of a cult following due to the fact that he and his entire band can beatbox, and usually use beatboxing instead of instruments (although they do use some instruments).
I haven't listened to this since the late '90s so I don't like it as much now, but it's better than most of the stuff we have nowadays ;)
Let's not discard all hip hop/rap as 'crap', there are some genuinely good rap artists - although you'd be hard-pressed to find any at all since the '80s.
Hip Hop "culture" is perhaps the most repugnant thing since, I don't know, Hitler. The glorification of greed, sexism, materialism and violence is enough to make most people with a shred of shame denounce the genre altogether. For the longest time I, too, thought I just didn't like hip hop.
I lissen to a lot of nerdcore, which is about a severe a subversion of hip hop convention as one can get. Love me some Optimus Rhyme. When one of your best tracks is on the subject of social anxiety, ( well, you're not in kansas anymore.
Hip Hop "culture" is perhaps the most repugnant thing since, I don't know, Hitler. The glorification of greed, sexism, materialism and violence is enough to make most people with a shred of shame denounce the genre altogether. For the longest time I, too, thought I just didn't like hip hop.
Well, yes. I was referring more to musical talent etc. more than the actual culture, though. Where did this come from, anyway? Has it always been around or did it just pop up within the last 20 years?
Congratulations for invoking Godwin's law! We've gone 4 pages without it so far! You win the thread! :w00t:
I was originally going to say 9/11 but I thought that might ruffle some feathers. Good old Nazis. If they didn't exist, we'd have no yardstick for evil.
Music isn't deteriorating your taste for new music is so you stick to the old.
Music changes people will hate or love it how it goes.
More band and Artists pop everyday with the same old cliche sounds and we listen and decide whether we like it or hate it.
Whether to go for the new or old or both at the same time.
Either way I think staying off and MTV and the Radio are good ideas therefore you cna make up your own mind and not get so sick of the same song playing 5 times in a row.
Wyake up in the mwonin fyeelin lyike P. Diddy
I actually like that song XD But theres a fan page on facebook called, "I think Ke$ha must be confused, please google Mick Jagger" LOL Failure lyrics. But it gets stuck in my head.
I'm totally joining that group.
EDIT: Bahahaha!
Yeah, that song popped up at Winter Ball, and I really wish I had a Palm Pilot or something that could hack into the computers they were using for displays so I could stick a picture of Mick Jagger on the screen.
EDIT: Wow, that made no sense.
Oh well.
Mick Jagger's a goddamn troll.
BTW, Joined that Facebook thing
I lissen to a lot of nerdcore, which is about a severe a subversion of hip hop convention as one can get. Love me some Optimus Rhyme. When one of your best tracks is on the subject of social anxiety, ( well, you're not in kansas anymore.
Sick dude, sick. I listened to this the other day and I was dying to know who was it from!
I really wish I had a Palm Pilot or something that could hack into the computers
*the most epic facepalm to ever exist on the face of the earth*
Hip Hop "culture" is perhaps the most repugnant thing since, I don't know, Hitler. The glorification of greed, sexism, materialism and violence is enough to make most people with a shred of shame denounce the genre altogether. For the longest time I, too, thought I just didn't like hip hop.
I lissen to a lot of nerdcore, which is about a severe a subversion of hip hop convention as one can get. Love me some Optimus Rhyme. When one of your best tracks is on the subject of social anxiety, ( well, you're not in kansas anymore.
I agree here. Some of the absolute rock pioneers and legends touch up on genuinely heartfelt subjects. RHCPs on racism and deaths, Led Zeppelin on heartbreak, Rage ATM on all sorts of controversial subjects.
Then some rappers and "sik init"s bring out songs about lollipops, weed and whores. It's just... pretencious... horse semen.
I don't know how they can rap about money and materialism when black people (and most rappers are black) are by far the most impoverished racial group in America. Isn't that basically rubbing it in their faces that they'll never have all these cars, jewelry, massive mansions, etc. that you have?
It's to explain how hard their life is.
Music shifts with culture. I'll bet people from the Renaissance were saying 'This is the end of music as we know it!' when people started writing harmonic music back in the day. Before that, everything was melodic. Then ragtimes come and all the white people are like 'Music is dying in front of us!' because it had rhythm. Then rock 'n roll came and everyone said 'Those vagabonds are killing everything we know!' because it was saucy.
Popular music changes according to culture. SO, it's not actually music that's deteriorating, but people's taste and our culture. Nowadays it's all 'Owl City' this and 'Emo' that.
EDIT: Mega-kick. Sorry about that.
I may not like rap but at least I can turn it off if I don't like it. What bothers me, the only thing I really can't stand about rap, is that a LOT of young kids listen to it. I'm not saying its the only reason kids join gangs or whatever, I'm not an idiot, but I doubt gangsta rap helps a ten year old kid form their opinions on the world.
Being in a credit retrieval class is not good for the sanity, music-wise.
I agree, more people should smarten up. But there will always be crime no matter who's in charge. Keeping the masses at bay through brainwashing entertainment ( a money making business in itself ) is just a bonus for the rich and powerful. I don't necessarily subscribe to conspiracy theories. But that's me.
If Beethoven could destroy women, then how does Fitty stand up?
I see what you're saying, there would definitely be less crime but its hard to say how much.
You know what I've always wondered? How many people have you heard say the government is a corrupt? Followed by, "there's we can do about." 300 million people in, disreguarding money constraints and bureaucratic bull ****, a democratic society and there's nothing we can do? I guess it goes back to it's easier to sit down and watch tv and drink beer than get hit in the head by a night stick and arrested. I know that's really off topic but yeah..
That's why its so frustrating! We all agree on pretty much the same thing but we get hung up on details and fail compromise.
Because doing something takes too much effort, so let's just watch TV and eat potato chips while complaining.