
Off-Topic => All of all! => Topic started by: Nandez on March 14, 2010, 07:43:22 PM

Title: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Nandez on March 14, 2010, 07:43:22 PM
Ok say you like someone or loved them and care about them Let us call them B.
Say you don't like who they are with at all let's call them A.

Say you knew B cheated but you care about B and want them to be happy and hate A.

would it still be a good idea to tell A about it or shut up.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Cerebus on March 14, 2010, 07:56:40 PM
Seems like there's a lot of cheating on your surrounding!
I personally think cheating is one of the worst thing to do. No one deserve it (although there are some exceptions, just like for everything). B person is a bitch, in my opinion, even if you care for her/him. I guess you could tell A, but many people may come and say "mind your own business". I'm not one of them, though. However, telling A might screw a lots of things depending on the circumstances. I know a girl who cheated on her boyfriend (with two guys at the same time, mind you) but I know telling him could fruck it all... plus, with all the bullschnitz she and one of the guy told him, he would probably not believe me anyway. So I didn't, but some times I wish I had the guts to take the risk of messing all and tell him.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Nandez on March 14, 2010, 08:10:46 PM
Seems like there's a lot of cheating on your surrounding!
I personally think cheating is one of the worst thing to do. No one deserve it (although there are some exceptions, just like for everything). B person is a bitch, in my opinion, even if you care for her/him. I guess you could tell A, but many people may come and say "mind your own business". I'm not one of them, though. However, telling A might screw a lots of things depending on the circumstances. I know a girl who cheated on her boyfriend (with two guys at the same time, mind you) but I know telling him could fruck it all... plus, with all the bullschnitz she and one of the guy told him, he would probably not believe me anyway. So I didn't, but some times I wish I had the guts to take the risk of messing all and tell him.

Ah there lies my dilemma.
I have been cheated on before and yes I see it as the most sickening thing someone can do I want to be quiet and let A and B be happy because I don't think B would ever do it ago but I dunno if A should know or not still.
I don't like A but still.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: drenrin2120 on March 14, 2010, 08:19:57 PM
If I never cheated, I would've never graduated high school., wait...
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: zuhane on March 14, 2010, 08:28:19 PM
I think cheating is completely off limits no matter what the circumstances. Even if the person is unhappy
or isn't sexually fulfilled, they still shouldn't cheat. Anyone who does causes tremendous amounts of pain
to the ones they cheat on. Being cheated on, to me, is worse than:

1. Being knocked out at my Taekwondo competition.
2. My dog dying.
3. My parents breaking up.
4. The end of Final Fantasy X.

Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: drenrin2120 on March 14, 2010, 08:37:03 PM
How bad it sucks depends really: how long you been with them? How well do you know them? How much have you grown to care about them? How well they know your friends and family? How much of a whiny, immature, clingy bitch are you?... *insert list of variables here*

Yeah, just don't cheat on people. There really is no exception. If you feel dissatisfied with the relationship maybe it's time to evaluate the relationship. If the problems can't be fixed or the two partners involved can't come to a mutual agreement, then they should just break up. Of course, "just break up" is always easier said than done.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Nandez on March 14, 2010, 08:56:24 PM
How bad it sucks depends really: how long you been with them? How well do you know them? How much have you grown to care about them? How well they know your friends and family? How much of a whiny, immature, clingy bitch are you?... *insert list of variables here*

Yeah, just don't cheat on people. There really is no exception. If you feel dissatisfied with the relationship maybe it's time to evaluate the relationship. If the problems can't be fixed or the two partners involved can't come to a mutual agreement, then they should just break up. Of course, "just break up" is always easier said than done.

I ended up telling A against my better judgement but only because A was going to confront B by telling A I bought a little time. I hate A but I didn't want to hurt em. I only care about B but I feel like **** because I know B loves A or b pretends because A is close even after B told me they won't last to be extremely serious, eventually A will confront B and B will probally end up hating me also.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Razor on March 14, 2010, 09:10:59 PM
I think cheating is completely off limits no matter what the circumstances. Even if the person is unhappy
or isn't sexually fulfilled, they still shouldn't cheat. Anyone who does causes tremendous amounts of pain
to the ones they cheat on. Being cheated on, to me, is worse than:

1. Being knocked out at my Taekwondo competition.
2. My dog dying.
3. My parents breaking up.
4. The end of Final Fantasy X.

FFX had a great ending. The world was without Tidus.
The only way it could be better is if they made it so FF8 never happened in real life.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Nandez on March 14, 2010, 09:18:40 PM
L thinks you're stupid because you keep using letters instead of telling us who you're talking about and those letters do nothing but confuse us. Plus we don't even know who those people are. What could possibly go wrong if you said something like "my friend" and "his girlfriend" or whatever?

L dislikes me no matter what and I wanted advice with revealing others people lives like oh there names or that he or she is my friend etc. How does using a name and a letter differ?
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Cerebus on March 14, 2010, 09:23:40 PM
One thing is sure; if you love someone, you're not supposed to cheat on him/her. Right?
So if B says "Oh I love you, A!" then I say bullschnitz. Clearly didn't love him/her enough if s/he felt the need to cheat on him/her. So I'll go and say B just pretend to love A and stay with him/her for some reasons. And if B end up hating you then clearly s/he is a bitch, sorry to say. Especially if s/he comes to say "But I trusted you!" or schnitz like that.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: X_marks_the_ed on March 14, 2010, 09:27:13 PM
There are 1 on every 10000 cases where the people could be forgiven.

I'm guessing it involves money.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Cerebus on March 14, 2010, 09:31:28 PM
I don't think there are any reason why one should be forgiven for cheating.
"Oh I was confused" well screw ya, piss off, go get confused by who you want somewhere else. If I stab someone to death because I was confused, I doubt people will forgive me entirely. And you know what's completely retarded? "Ok, I will cheat you too so we'll be equal." What the heck!?
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Nandez on March 14, 2010, 09:47:16 PM
Now they are both scremaing at me. Ugh I knew the truth was a bad idea the truth is always a ****ing bad idea.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Cerebus on March 14, 2010, 09:52:53 PM
No, truth is rarely a bad idea.
They're idiot, then. Well... A is much more. You warn him/her about is boy/girlfriend cheating on him/her and s/he's mad at you? Then s/he's an idiot and enter the few exceptions that deserve to be cheated. B being angry is kinda normal, but s/he's still an idiot.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Ben on March 14, 2010, 09:59:28 PM
Lesson to be learned:

     Mind your own business.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Cerebus on March 14, 2010, 10:02:16 PM
When it involves friends and ruins the relationship between everyone in the group, then it's kinda your own business. Or something like that.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Nandez on March 14, 2010, 10:04:28 PM
B doens't know whats going on A is ugh..
This all ugh..sickening.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Cerebus on March 14, 2010, 10:06:48 PM
Yeah I meant in my case. But even though Nandez dislikes A, the little cheating can still fruck everything as many factors come into play.

Uh? If B doesn't know what's going on, then why did s/he yell at you?
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Nandez on March 14, 2010, 10:09:04 PM
Yeah I meant in my case. But even though Nandez dislikes A, the little cheating can still fruck everything as many factors come into play.

Uh? If B doesn't know what's going on, then why did s/he yell at you?

B doesn't know what they did wrong and knows I told A something but doens't know what it is and A is giving a chance for B to admit but B doens't know they did anything wrong or what I said.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Cerebus on March 14, 2010, 10:10:48 PM
Oh. It's kinda confusing :x
But I think I understood what you meant.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: zuhane on March 14, 2010, 10:22:20 PM
FFX had a great ending.

I meant sadness-wise! :p

***. I hope someone cheats on you.

That's horrible, Lucas. Why would you say that?
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Prpl_Mage on March 14, 2010, 10:40:31 PM
When you succumb to sexyness over love you're screwed enough to end up in an apartment with 15 cats.
That or the person didn't mean anything in the first place.
In relationships where sex is the core - it doesn't matter with whom you have the sexy time. You might as well screw that cute guy that looks like Edward instead of the guy you've dated for 4 weeks.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Nandez on March 14, 2010, 11:00:20 PM
They broke up they both hate me they both ignore me I feel horrible.

YAY! Mission accomplished I just ruined three lives woohoo!
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Archem on March 14, 2010, 11:33:39 PM
YAY! Mission accomplished I just ruined three lives woohoo!
Wrist cuttin' time! Whoo!
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Valiere on March 14, 2010, 11:35:07 PM
Lucas, I don't know if you're trying to be funny or cute or whatever with your constant harassment of this guy, but cut it out. This is the last time I'm going to tell you this, and I think you know what comes next.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Cerebus on March 14, 2010, 11:46:35 PM
They broke up they both hate me they both ignore me I feel horrible.

YAY! Mission accomplished I just ruined three lives woohoo!

If person A hates you, as I said already, then s/he is an idiot.
"What? You're warning me about my boy/girlfriend cheating on me? Fruck you!"
If person B hates you, as I said, it's quite normal. Well... I mean actually, it was quite expected. Either it will be temporary, or s/he will reveal him/herself an idiot and hate you until the end of time. S/he's the one who cheated, s/he should be angry at him/herself. S/he should be angry that you are an honest person. I'm pretty person A cheated on him/her and you told him/her, s/he wouldn't be as angry. Hypocrisy! I may be wrong, though. But s/he's still a bitch and person A is still an idiot.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Nandez on March 14, 2010, 11:52:21 PM
If person A hates you, as I said already, then s/he is an idiot.
"What? You're warning me about my boy/girlfriend cheating on me? Fruck you!"
If person B hates you, as I said, it's quite normal. Well... I mean actually, it was quite expected. Either it will be temporary, or s/he will reveal him/herself an idiot and hate you until the end of time. S/he's the one who cheated, s/he should be angry at him/herself. S/he should be angry that you are an honest person. I'm pretty person A cheated on him/her and you told him/her, s/he wouldn't be as angry. Hypocrisy! I may be wrong, though. But s/he's still a bitch and person A is still an idiot.

Nah they are talking about getting back together now think i'm the only one fucked in this now.
I'll lose B as a friend.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Cerebus on March 15, 2010, 12:01:27 AM
Oh wow... clearly they are retarded. You shouldn't even feel bad. Although losing a friend sure isn't nice...
You tried to be honest and they replied with a big "Fruck you". Screw them. You may be sad for now but you'll probably see how actually stupid they were, because people who can't handle honesty should just piss off. Leave them to their pathetic dishonest life and let them cheat on each others. Idiots... they go so well together.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Deathreaper on March 15, 2010, 12:25:28 AM
I'd have to agree with Cerebus here. You were just being honest, it's not like you did anything wrong by being so. If B wants to disown you as a friend because you were being honest, then you shouldn't worry about it.

Really, I hate this sort of thing in general. Like when you tell a friend about an actual problem they have or something, or if someone is cheating on them, they go all batshit insane and take it out on you. Honestly, I respect you for doing the right thing. I hope you feel better about it, since you didn't do anything wrong, really
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Nandez on March 15, 2010, 01:01:25 AM
Ok what is wrong with me I will still ending up losing B as a friend but i'm actually trying to help A and B fix their relationship because I know B loves A and I want B to be ok.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Prpl_Mage on March 15, 2010, 01:08:05 AM
I'm sorry but maybe you should tell B not to fruck with other people if she "loves" A. Because people who love each other don't fruck other people. Unless you've decided that you can - but I doubt they did.

And also, next time tell B that you know what B did and ask B not to do it again instead, Make B realize the flaws in B's own actions. Make B avoid unnecessary frucking with random people in the future. After all, telling A about B only led to conflicts.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Nandez on March 15, 2010, 01:14:27 AM
It seems A is more upset that B said she love this other person which B said she really didn't remember ever saying that I don't think she is lieing about that because I know B can sometimes be a horrible person but she mostly honest.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Cerebus on March 15, 2010, 01:32:25 AM
She might've been mostly honest, but she cheated on her boyfriend. And is apparently a horrible person some times. She probably lied about that "I don't remember saying I loved him" part.
Somehow, I expected B would be the girl...
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Nandez on March 15, 2010, 02:02:51 AM
Why did you expect B to be the girl but I guess I would have also.

I don't I think she was being truthful but i'm not sure according to whats going on A is being pretty cruel and thinks B still loves the other guy and always will.

Now i'm wondering can you ever be forgiven after cheating?
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Drakiyth on March 15, 2010, 03:47:33 AM
Ok say you like someone or loved them and care about them Let us call them B.
Say you don't like who they are with at all let's call them A.

Say you knew B cheated but you care about B and want them to be happy and hate A.

would it still be a good idea to tell A about it or shut up.

Cheating on somebody is considered Treachery which is the 9th circle of hell.  - Dante's Inferno.

   /ˈtrɛtʃəri/ Show Spelled[trech-uh-ree] Show IPA
violation of faith; betrayal of trust; treason.
an act of perfidy, faithlessness, or treason.

This should help you answer your question. Also, I will add my 2 cents into this. The best way to go about your situation is patience. If you like a girl who is with a guy and she wants to do something behind his back be a man and tell her you will only do something if she ends it with him first. I'm not religious but I do believe in Karma and I do believe in good and evil. I personally think if you're a coward in life and don't tell the truth and **** men/women behind somebodies back you said you "love" than you have waves of bad **** that is bound to happen to you in this life or the afterlife.

If there is a "HELL" I'm sure a lot of your "PLAYAHS" will be there.

Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Nandez on March 15, 2010, 05:47:39 AM
You do know I wasn't the one who slept with her right?
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: SaiKar on March 15, 2010, 08:12:08 AM
I think I missed the point where Dante's Inferno became an official holy text.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: fruckert on March 15, 2010, 08:19:09 AM
Sorry Sai, but I'm going to borrow this for a second:

Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: zuhane on March 15, 2010, 09:36:36 AM
You don't love your dog as much as you should.

No no no! My dog had already died! I don't want my current dog to die! I'm just being serious. It was one
of the worst experiences of my entire life, comparable to that of losing a pet!
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Drakiyth on March 15, 2010, 01:15:16 PM
I think I missed the point where Dante's Inferno became an official holy text.

Only way to get a gamer to listen is by making a point with a hell that's in a game duh.  Dante's Inferno is actually pretty spot on with some things about the sins though. Also, use your common sense, broski. You got Treachery which is evil and if hell existed it would probably be in there, yeah.

You should also watch the animation sometime. It's not just a game. It's a story about some really sad stuff and the consequences of your actions.

Don't forget that the bible had a lot of missing passages and King James is just scraps of crap thrown together.  Like I said though, I'm not religious. I just believe in Karma.

Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Prpl_Mage on March 15, 2010, 02:04:01 PM
Only way to get a gamer to listen is by making a point with a hell that's in a game duh.  Dante's Inferno is actually pretty spot on with some things about the sins though. Also, use your common sense, broski. You got Treachery which is evil and if hell existed it would probably be in there, yeah.

You should also watch the animation sometime. It's not just a game. It's a story about some really sad stuff and the consequences of your actions.

Don't forget that the bible had a lot of missing passages and King James is just scraps of crap thrown together.  Like I said though, I'm not religious. I just believe in Karma.

Read the book instead.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: drenrin2120 on March 15, 2010, 06:42:25 PM
My friend's relationships are all kinds of fucked up, I only intervene when one asks me for help or I know concretely that one cheated on the other. And when I know one cheated on the other, I approach the person that did the cheating. I never go and tell the person who got cheated on. That action belongs solely to the person who committed the crime. Because if they don't tell, it's going to come out sooner or later, and if it comes out not by their mouth it's usually a lot uglier.

And drak was just making a point Sai. Albeit, a strange and awkward point; a point nonetheless.

Gem was pretty much spot on, you really don't want to get involved in other peoples business. Even your friends. Because ultimately, for better or for worse, it is THEIR business. Of course, you can't just stand idly by and watch your friends do stupid things that only make everything else suck more and more. So what do we do? We can't get involved, we can't stand by... The only really helpful thing you can do that doesn't hurt anyone's stupid feelings(because I know people are anal all over the place) is try and point them in the right direction. Give them your opinion without declaring it a fact. After that, just hope they make the right decision. The world does have a funny way of working most things out on its own. Sometimes I little nudge is needed, but a great heave can throw everything into disarray.

So, are we done here?
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Nandez on March 15, 2010, 07:51:32 PM
So, are we done here?

Yeah, just F.U.C.K. people ingeneral.

Final Update: A and B are trying to fix their relationship now and B decided it was best if i vanished and wasn't in either of their lives even after I consoled B all night through this ****.
It is ****ing depressing and whenever something reminds me of B it makes me depressed but while I ****ing hate how things turned out it is almost a relief at the same time.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Prpl_Mage on March 16, 2010, 07:51:24 AM
You don't need slutty douche bags.
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: Cerebus on March 16, 2010, 01:56:13 PM
Exactly. They are worthless human beings!
Title: Re: Is cheating so bad?
Post by: zuhane on March 16, 2010, 02:23:13 PM
I always think that if you're hurt before even going out, imagine what getting with them will do to you. Move on!

You've got all of us, anyway! :D