Off-Topic => All of all! => Topic started by: A Forgotten Legend on March 14, 2010, 09:41:24 PM
Hm. Just kind found this while looking around. Looks interesting. Looks like VX, for the DS. English release? I hope so.
EDIT: Had the wrong link. Fixed.
English release?
I feel like the English releases for RPGMaker are doing poorly, because A: They're ungodly expensive when you come down to it, and B: RPG2000 and 2003 are practically abandonware now and are used so widely still that quite a niche of people don't feel the need to pay money to get a slight update. As such, they probably don't see much of a purpose to release that over here.
That one for GBA never came out of Japan, so I expect the same for this one, but it'd be great if it did. Only thing though is that I doubt you can import resources. On the PSX version, all you could do was create charsets and it took a whole lot of time. I did enjoy, though.
I'd be interested in a DS RPG Maker, so long as they didn't make the same mistakes RPG Maker 3 for the PS2 did. That was the 3D one, and it was pretty cool to be able to make a game with 3D graphics...but sweet Lord, the limitations. For some inexplicable reason, you couldn't activate switches in battle, so every attack could only do damage/heal/lower enemy stats/raise ally stats, strictly, no exceptions. And when you COULD activate switches, they could only do a short list of things (I wanted to make it so you could change forms, but they absolutely would not allow you to change the hero's sprite)...Let's just put it this way: RPG Maker 3 was only good for making joke games, because anything serious would be boring as crap.
Old. There's been rpg makers on consoles before there were any on PC. Only one I think made it state sides, and it was one PSONE
I could be wrong about that tho.
I'd be interested in a DS RPG Maker, so long as they didn't make the same mistakes RPG Maker 3 for the PS2 did. That was the 3D one, and it was pretty cool to be able to make a game with 3D graphics...but sweet Lord, the limitations. For some inexplicable reason, you couldn't activate switches in battle, so every attack could only do damage/heal/lower enemy stats/raise ally stats, strictly, no exceptions. And when you COULD activate switches, they could only do a short list of things (I wanted to make it so you could change forms, but they absolutely would not allow you to change the hero's sprite)...Let's just put it this way: RPG Maker 3 was only good for making joke games, because anything serious would be boring as crap.
None of the rpgmakers for playstation were that good.
Actually, I did like the first. However, now that I've played PC versions, I might not like it as much as I did.
Pre-made maps were good, because they weren't as square-ish as usual chipset-made maps. The music were quite good, too. And the treasure event was something I liked and wonder why they didn't keep it for PC ones.
And there was a little "Animation Maker" with anthropomorphic animals you could make, which was quite fun.
Not being able to import anything sucked, creating a charset was awfully long, longer RPG's took all your avaiable space and writing texts took a long while too with no keyboard.
...The release date for this was 3 days ago...
What was the one that came out in '92 called? The earliest one I knew of was in '95
Actually, I did like the first. However, now that I've played PC versions, I might not like it as much as I did.
Pre-made maps were good, because they weren't as square-ish as usual chipset-made maps. The music were quite good, too. And the treasure event was something I liked and wonder why they didn't keep it for PC ones.
And there was a little "Animation Maker" with anthropomorphic animals you could make, which was quite fun.
Not being able to import anything sucked, creating a charset was awfully long, longer RPG's took all your avaiable space and writing texts took a long while too with no keyboard.
and then no one could play it unless you gave them your cd and memory card.
Oh yeah, there was this part, too.
RPG Tsukūru Dante 98.
I read about that. Odd that the year is 98 though.
He's talking about all console rpg makers, not just the ds one.
But he's wrong.
The first PC RPG maker came out in 92, while the first console one was in 95, for the SNES.
My mistake, but I am actually talking about how long this is been around. The DS RPGM; Gonintendo has kept track on it since like conceptiluzation(sp)
I will love this if there's resource importing allowed. They should take a tip from flash cards and allow a slot for sd cards to import files. You'd only need 1 gb and thatd suffice, and the game would be atleast twice the hit, guaranteed. If they don't, hopefully someone feels so inclined as to make a patch or something to allow graphics and other resources to be imported.