Off-Topic => Archive => Old Game Discussion => Topic started by: Viewtiful on July 12, 2010, 10:05:17 PM
Please note, this is not my game. I'm posting it because it's truly an underrated masterpiece. The creator, DarkYoshi spent 5 years working on it. Below, is the original description of the game by DarkYoshi, Please try it out!
The long wait is over, here is the completed game!
This is a fast paced action adventure game made in RPG Maker 2003. Don't think these types of games can be made with it, come take a look.
Story Info
The story follows the path of a character we'll call "Sabin" for the hell of it, who just wants to live a normal life. But as events turn and his "destiny" calls, he is thrust into an epic battle of good vs. evil where the evil is as inept as they are powerful. During his travels, Sabin must find the 50 Crystals of the gods to stop an awakening evil, but will he do it in time or will he succumb to his own dark side? Along the way, he will encounter many new allies who will help him find these Crystals, but it becomes a race against time as a mysterious man backed by Demons from the past is also out to find the Crystals. Who is this man and why does he want the Crystals?
Most of the game's story revolves around finding these 50 Crystals, but the focus and method of getting them will change throughout the game. And what happens when all of them are gathered?
The Main Character (
He lives outside of Resource Town #1 to stay away from all the oddballs within it. The only time he comes to town is to get supplies and chat with his friend Jerry. He tries to think rationally and solve problems with the best outcome possible. He gets frustrated when listening to people talk for long periods of time and will verbalize this frustration. He isn't too concerned about the forces of good and evil and really just wants to be left alone. When something threatens him or his friends, he won't hesitate to kick ***.
The Main Character's Brother (
He has not been seen lately and not much is known about him. Supposedly he got in an argument with his brother and left home and was never seen again. His mere existence adds many questions as he breaks the continuity of Jerry's theories.
Jerry (
Jerry is very intelligent and has the awesome ability of knowing everything, though that ability is limited as it can only be used at certain times. Lately he has been studying up on how to stop an "upcoming evil force". He used to travel the world in search of answers to his many questions about the world, but one day he stopped and has lived his life in Resource Town #1 for the past few years. Much of his past is a mystery, but it is sure to come to light eventually.
Graimer (
An odd man who traveled the world with Jerry. He continues his travels, but for what, even he does not know. Graimer has a strong desire to do what is right and help the people of the world.
Frogbert (
The Keeper of the Warp Points. He looks like a frog, but is he really? He joins the main character in his travels and gets into many pointless arguments with him, as well as offer useless information and comments on many sights throughout the adventure. He seems to have some connection with Red Dude.
Red Dude (
No one knows his true name...and no one ever will. Like Frogbert, he joins the main character in his travels. He is intelligent and very knowledgeable on many aspects of the world. He seems to have a strong sense of justice and will speak his mind when he feels something is unfair. Red Dude has the ability to eat explosions. He is constantly concerned with how the main character reacts in situations.
Dogmeat (
No one knows his true name either...and like Red Dude, no one ever will, nor do they want to. He has been given the nickname, Nothing of the Nothing. He joins the main character in his travels and does absolutely nothing. Nothing more really needs to be said about him except that he creeps people out.
Zeriel (
A mysterious man who seems to be after the 50 Crystals of the gods. His motives for this are unknown. But it is known that he has summoned up demons from the past to assist him in this as well as an army of deadly robots. The demons he has summoned obey his every command and he is not afraid to use them violently. He has terrorized and imprisoned people from various villages. Most of the time, Zeriel doesn't really know what he is doing.
Abyss (
The first demon that Zeriel summoned. Abyss had a powerful seal on him that was removed by Zeriel. He now executes any task Zeriel sends him out to do. Abyss is an extremely powerful demon that doesn't tolerate failure. While he is serious most of the time, he tries to fit in by saying odd things.
The Combo System
Combos are done through a timing system. The basics of it is your typical 3-hit combo sequence. After the first attack, there is a specific amount of time you have to continue the combo sequence on the second attack, and the same with the third. Understanding this is key to the more advanced techniques.
Wave Attacks
These are your magic attacks. There are 4 main Wave Attacks. The most basic is the Straight Shot which fires from you in the direction you are facing. Another one circles around you, killing all close by enemies. I'll leave the others a secret for now. All Wave Attacks can be used in combination with other abilities to create new attacks. When your Wave Meter is full, any of the Wave Attacks that you have earned can be used.
When your Shield Meter is at max, you can use this to make yourself invulnerable to all enemy attacks for a brief time. It is also possible to use Shield Energy in other ways.
These serve as land mines and can stun enemies. They can also amplify the power of Wave Attacks.
If there is a gap or hole in your way, jump over it. This action, like many others, requires a specific item to perform.
This is used to quickly dodge an enemy's projectile attacks or get out of a bad situation quicker. Mastery of the dash system will become crucial later in the game.
The game flows much like "Zelda: A Link to the Past" does. At certain points in the main story, you will traverse dungeons that hold a special item that will give you new abilities which allow you to open up new areas in the game world. These dungeons are actually inspired/stolen (you pick :P ) straight from Zelda. Not the actual design, the dungeons themselves are unique. But they all have a map, compass, special item, boss key, and of course the boss itself. Each dungeon has a specific theme. There are 14 of these particular types of dungeons.
Difficulty Settings
This game can get very difficult at times, especially past the mid-point of the game. There are 3 difficulty settings that you can choose from in the beginning. Easy, Normal, and Extreme. If you are playing on Normal, you can switch to Easy at anytime during gameplay without losing any progress, but you cannot switch from Easy to Normal. Extreme is in it's own league, if you play on this setting, you cannot switch out of it.
The game is balanced for the Normal setting and I recommend this one since you can switch to Easy if the game is pushing you around too much. But go with the one that you feel is right for you. If you're a god at action games, and think Extreme is for you, then do it. ^_^
Also save often. I recommend using a different save slot if you are using the save option from the menu rather than from a save point. The save points are also usually safe areas and places to replenish health and bombs.
Here are various gameplay videos of it. None have sound however since my hypercam won't record sound.
File Front:;13113144;/fileinfo.html
Installation and Setup Instructions:
Game Guide (not complete):
Dev Blog:
If there are any questions, comments, etc, I made an e-mail for just this reason.
Wowzers! You've obviously poured a lot of time into this. I'll give it a go!
Looks actually like a lot of fun. I'll report back on this later.
Wowzers! You've obviously poured a lot of time into this. I'll give it a go!
Please note, this is not my game. I'm posting it because it's truly an underrated masterpiece.
Thanks for checking this out guys! Let me know what you think ;)
This looks pretty good but from what I saw on the trailer your character does the same attacks the entire game? This honestly would get boring very quickly for me even though you put a ****-ton of work into it. Well the designer did. I'm just basing off what I saw in the video so far. Imagine playing the Legend of Zelda and link did nothing but a few attacks the whole time. 50 crystals = 50 maps? So 50 maps of the same attacks? Just wow... After an hour if that of this game I would probably get bored out of my mind.
I meant that he spent a long time uploading it and signing up to Charas!
This looks pretty good but from what I saw on the trailer your character does the same attacks the entire game? This honestly would get boring very quickly for me even though you put a ****-ton of work into it. Well the designer did. I'm just basing off what I saw in the video so far. Imagine playing the Legend of Zelda and link did nothing but a few attacks the whole time.
No. Just like in the legend of zelda series your characters gains MANY new attacks and abilities during the course of the game. Trust me you will not get bored any time soon :)
50 crystals = 50 maps? So 50 maps of the same attacks? Just wow... After an hour if that of this game I would probably get bored out of my mind.
This game has over 1000 maps. I'm not kidding. This game is amazingly huge and awesome.
I strongly recommend everyone check this out, it's definitely worth a download.
I already encountered and played this amazing game a long time ago, but I had to stop because the difficulty was getting too rough at the near end, even after setting the difficulty to Easy. I also found quite a number of glitches in the game so PLEASE SAVE OFTEN OR YOU WILL REGRET IT.
This game has over 1000 maps. I'm not kidding. This game is amazingly huge and awesome.
You forgot to state that each map has its own awesomeness in it. All over 1,000 maps that is.
You forgot to state that each map has its own awesomeness in it. All over 1,000 maps that is.
lol yeah! ;D
RPG Maker games usually look boring and castle/queen/swordsman-related. This doesn't.
I must try it! :D
My God! Where do I start?
This is a really pleasant surprise. It's really, really polished and well made. Really funny. Great dialect. Clever combat system. Good grammar.
I really recommend it to everyone! And there's over 1,400 maps! Jesus Christ!
I'm not so fond of the fact the sprites are not custom nor do they match. And when the main character attacks, he doesn't change his pose? A random attack animation just flies out of no where while he just stands staring and that's how you fight?
I guess I'll download it and see for myself though. Sounds like alot of people like the game so far anyway.
thanks for trying it out and leaving some feedback zuhane!!! :)
@Muraiko cool let me know what you think after you play!
cool i like it :D
I think I'm going to download this. I'll get back to you ASAP.
right... So I played through the first part... Hmm... can't remember everything. I remember it was tedious and the square tile movement took away from the ABS feel. The boss was really lousy also. The only cool part was when you got to fire the missiles using numbers 1 through 9. That part was actually really simple but brilliant. Still, the ABS just sucked. I know the maker probably put a lot of time into this, but I just didn't enjoy it. I will say, the boss could have been better if there were more variations in his attacks and it didn't take so long to do damage. This is a really quick review, but I did say I'd get back to you on it. So, all and all?
I'll give it a 3/5. And I'm being generous here. Especially with scores that I just pulled out of my ***. Basically, it's exactly as good as you were hoping it wouldn't be.
Played and beaten awhile ago. I'm waiting for DarkYoshi to finish his DiversTravesty game now :3
This game Gets a 7/10
Review tiem?
It is a pardody, so I guess it can't be helped, but apply all the skills, menus, animations, and storyline
to a game with consistent graphics, it would have no equal in 2k3 ABS.
Using the Numpad gave this game excellent control. Allowing for many skills and attacks at fingers ease. With the many Shields, Blasts and Attacks, I feel you'll never get bored ( I myself didn't) It also has the most elaborate HUD and CMS I've ever seen. Even allowing you to change your controls, change HUD position, and turn of different HUD items.
The ABS of this game was near perfect, the only thing it lacks was character animation. With the ability to change the animation, you can remove some of the annoying flash default attacks to simple basic punches. The enemies we're too hard or too easy. It has many skills and attacks similar to one you'd find in a LoZ, but without having to change between set equipment.
Having dungeons ripped off of Zelda idea isn't all that bad, but he really could've went without using LTTP's dungeon music. It had great puzzles, and elaborate map schemes. But my favorite feature was the map, which really gave it a good ABS dungeon cruncher feel. The bosses are elaborate and increase in difficulty and challenge as you progress. Starting from the wimpy boss, to the Final boss [spoiler]Which has homing missles, giant Shoop da woop lazer down the whole middle, and many other non-sensical attacks.[/spoiler].
Lotsa crystals/Dungeouns/Evil lord. blah blah blah. The only reason it has a good story score, is the way it was played out with the random scenes of the antagonist, and Jerry.
hey I'm glad you enjoyed it Felix.
I'm looking forward to distorted travesty as well!