Off-Topic => Archive => RP Board => Topic started by: Prpl_Mage on October 03, 2010, 08:35:28 AM
It might sound like a stupid idea. But I'm actually serious, rather this than FF7.
The RP has started!
Pokémon RP, The adventure begins. (
I'm pretty sure that everyone at least played one game so at least the first 150 of the 490 should be common.
All you need to do to sign up is writing this:
- Name
- Trainer type, 'cuz I assume that people prefer to RP as trainers rather than pokés in a Mystery Dungeon-fashion.
- What your character is like and the classic RP introduction.
- Where you're from - make up a town for the heck of it unless you guys prefer to play in a set in-game world.
- Your starting poké OR "pokémon-less" if you're gonna get/ catch one soon.
If you discovered this after the Rp started - you can always join in along the way, it's a big world after all.
Note: Please don't include too many of the Black and White pokés since I'm pretty sure that the Japanese names will change and that most of us don't really know much about them.
Things that would be nice to know though:
Where should this take place? I want people's opinions on this since some people like more freedom than others. We don't want someone catching a Dragonite in Viridian Forest and 4 other people throwing a tantrum over it.
How much story do you want? Same here, some people like to go about their own pace and story while others prefer a more story-thick RP. I'm ready to do both while avoiding too many of the TV-show clichés.(Although I only watched the first season the pokémon tv show.)
If we want a story-based rp, would people prefer to travel as one group to begin with or do you prefer crossroads?
Things that you should know!
Will take place in a fictional Kanto (The place where Red,Blue and Yellow took place.
A really malicious team rocket is currently exploiting the Kanto region.
Gyms, contests and such will not be available until the area is free from oppression (in most cases, it all depends on).
I will be understanding with people breaking habitants and behaviour of wild pokémon.
Be aware that levels and such are relative. I won't be all "You can't beat Lt.surge with a low levelled poké like that!" if the story takes us to Vermillion city and people want to challenge the gym.
[spoiler= Facts about Team Rocket]
A malicious team as mentioned before, under new management they have increased their horrific behaviour and is nowdays doing more wrongs than before.
Examples of criminal activity:
- Fraud: fooling people to get their money. If it is "special medicine", rage candy bars, slowpoke tails, shuckle shells or online trickery you can be pretty sure that the team is behind this.
- Exploiting: digging fossils, copying TMs, farming parasects or turning the safari zone into a huge pokémon breeding facility. They really like their money.
- Business: The team is behind a lot of fun in Kanto, the game corner, the lottery, the contests, pokéathalon and even betting in battles and tournaments. They also like to sell fossils and stones to scientists, space related contents to the Hoenn region, any ancient stuff to Jotho and everything that can become energy including bug pokés are a nice export to Sinnoh.
But the largest market they have at the moment is raising and selling strong pokémon. Tournaments are held outside the Elite 4 jurisdiction where trainers really can go all out. Rich people like to bet at trainers here and strong pokémons are a must if you want to make it far. There are many ways to make money by legal means but there is most likely something dark and rotten hidden beneath the nice outer. - Usurping: The team likes to abuse people and make their ways harder. They are known to steal research, steal pokés and even steal air time on the radio. They are pretty much in control and can do what they feel like to expand their wealth.
- Violence: When the team meets resistance they rarely faces it "mano tu mano" they wouldn't risk a public humiliation so they like to take the hard way around the problem and use people's weaknesses. Imposting, kidnapping, stealing, blackmail or just threats in common will make the citizens stay inside and ignore whatever is happening
Some basic rules lads:
- Feel free to use any NPC with only your fantasy(or decency) as the boundary.
- Try NOT to use a "connected character" that one of your fellow participants created. If it is someone's father, brother, rival, daughter. Let them be as much as you can allow yourself to avoid upsetting someone. Of course. Some people won't mind if you add a little personal touch the the whole thing (like me).
- Try not to control other player's characters too much. If you want a change of scenery write something along the lines "And then they went to...", this does not point of specific people doing something, so if someone object - he can claim that he stayed behind or went somewhere else.
It's interesting that people get to know each others characters so well that the story seems to go well with people controlling each other from time to time. Might not need any rules after all.
I might have to make up new rules as we go if people have opinions about what others do.
If you have any wondering or such, feel free to send me a PM.
[spoiler=Kanto map]([/spoiler]
[spoiler=Trainer catches and current location]
Murkow, Primeape, Kabuto, Rhyhorn, (Sentret)
Route North of Saffron
Totodile, Pidgey, Pineco, Jigglypuff, Pichu, (Dunsparce)
Route North of Saffron
Aron, Nidorino, Paras, Qwillfish
Pkmn Center before Rock tunnel
Clefable, Zubat, Barboach, Glaceon
Pkmn Center before Rock tunnel
Geodude, Noctowl
Pkmn Center before Rock tunnel
Starly, Luxio, Mankey, Gyarados
Pkmn Center before Rock tunnel
Rock John
Raticate, Raticate, Rattata, Sandslash, Squirtle, Poliwag
Pewter City
Route 25
Route 25
Koffing, Espeon, Steelix, Gengar, Articuno
[spoiler=Synopsis_Part 1]
Team rocket attacked Pallet town and tried to get the professor's research. Trainers came to fight Team rocket once the news spread. People finally revolted against the team rocket in Pallet town when one of the rockets escaped. Frank a cooltrainer from Jotho was sent to stop him.
As he thought he was out of harms way the Rocket bumped into Lucas who were travelling with his Aron. The Rocket attacked and beat Lucas.
Chris the son of Pewter city gym leader Richard were heading down to Pallete when he found Lucas in distress and battled the Rocket. Midway through the battle Frank showed up and took the credit.
They all headed back down to Pallet only to see all the trainers defeated and also found an escapee from Pallet.
A Rocket Executive appeared holding them away as the Professor was taken by sea. The Executive's Gyarados fired a Hyper beam which sent all of them running.
They regrouped at the Viridian City Pkmn centre were one of the professor's aides asked them for a service. To recollect the data of all pokémon which the professor deleted from the Pallet CPU.
Corey arrives by boat from Sinnoh when he's attacked by a rocket, he's defeated but saved. He sets out to find the rocket who did it and heads to Pallet through the Diglett Cave. When he arrives at Viridian he finds out that Pallet has fallen and that the Professor is missing.
Edwin is on the run from Cerualean and ends up with Rocket trouble, he escapes them and meets his contact in Viridian Forest where he's advised to surrender. He runs instead and end up in Viridian City.
The trainers rest, level and stock up before continuing their adventure.
Lucas: Nidoran (m)
Edwin: Zubat
[spoiler=Synopsis_Part 2]
The trainers got to know each other a little better and discussed future plans, after training and catching some pokémon the team feels ready to move on.
Frank decides to challenge the Gym and wins after a heated battle against Viridian City leader Josh. He was awarded with the badge and the TM Sandstorm.
After the battle Lucas decides to take Josh on as well and fight his reserves, after proving himself knowledgeable in battle Josh decides to declare Lucas a winner as well.
The rest of the party decides to wait with Gym challenges for now and the team decides to move on to Pewter city. Lucas left early and left the others behind, Corey and Chris followed and Joseph tried to catch up. Frank catches Joe on the way and they all arrive at Pewter city where the gym apparently is up and running again.
RockJohnAxe is a small dojo master who tries to run a special dojo. He watched the team fight the Gym and was amazed by their cunning. He gave the trainers some battle hints and advice before going out to catch a Poliwag.
Edwin trained his pokémon when he got on the nerve of a local girl. Some time after the fight he bumps into her brother who happens to be Josh the gymleader. After proving his strength Josh hands over the badge and thanks him for entertaining his sister.
While travelling through Viridian forest Edwin gets a nasty run-in with Beedrills and ends up fainting. Once back at the center he is given one of the pokédexes left behind and is informed that the other kids are waiting in Pewter. He travelled safely through the forest this time and ended up at Pewter, looking to head for Cerulean.
Frank: Mankey
Chris: HootHoot
Corey: Mankey
Joseph: Pidgey, Pineco
RockJohnAxe: Poliwag
[spoiler=Synopsis_Part 3]
In Pewter city most of the team heads over to Mt.Moon and makes some new catches and trains.
Frank starts training his pokémon when a lass named Maya walks up to him. She recognizes him as a strong trainer and decides to become a devoted fan(stalker).Frank later bumps into a man that drops an Old Amber, he returns it to the museum but is given a Kabuto for the trouble instead of Aerodactyl which was the pokémon inside the amber.
After many attempts to find the team and after a lot of trainer he heads to the Gym to fight the leader.
Edwin visits Pewter and stocks up - he bumps into Frank and tell him about the pokédex but is told to keep it. He then heads over to Mt.Moon where he finds and team up with a Hiker. They bought fight against team rocket before emerging victorious.
Edwin then carries on to Cerulean where he meets up with Leader Lyle and gets a Barboach as a gift.
Rock John is having trouble with his squirtle back in Viridian but also decides to hand over his dojo to his friend. He then sets out to best the other gyms to grant his dojo a place within the Elite Four jurisdiction. He starts of with the local gym Leader Josh and beats him after a heated 3 on 3 battle.
Myrin wakes up at a beach with a Piplup scaring her, she can't ditch the pokémon but finds it useful after it chases out a man from the bushes. The man is called Veles and got a Riulo and food.
They talk some and eat, and the day after they set out for Cerulean city.
Frank backtalks Elliot - the leader of Pewter city as the battle is about to begin unknowingly that Chris is Elliot's son. He makes a name of himself in Pewter after a heated battle and let's the rest of the team fight her. He can't hide the fact tha he thinks Elliot is weak and keeps mentioning over and over for each party member that defeats her. When only Chris is left - Frank crosses the line of insult and gets challenged to duel by Chris.
Frank accepts with his coolness at stake and the two brawl it out (with pokémon of course).
When the battle is about to be wrapped up it is interrupted by a sudden storm, at the head of the storm is one of the Legendary birds - Zapdos. All attention is drawn there as the static and thunder leaves Pewter in a mess.
The team of Frank, Lucas, Joseph, Corey and Chris all walks off with a badge in hand.
The tv station gains interest in the battling team and does some reports. Frank lies saying that he isn't out to fight Team Rocket but hides his true agenda from the public eyes.
In the end, Frank decides to chase after Zapdos which headed to Cerulean dispite Lucas' warnings.
Frank: Kabuto
Lucas: Paras
Corey: Secret
Edwin: Barboach
[spoiler=Synopsis_Part 4]
Frank and Lucas ventured through Mt.moon. Frank went training and Lucas defeated the gym.
Chris, Corey and Joseph travelled through Mt.moon where Chris' Sandshrew ran off. Upon arriving in Cerulean Corey and Joseph travelled up north to the old pokémanic's house where Joseph found a Pichu.
Edwin takes his place as a gym trainer but gets beaten by Lucas who later defeats Lyle.
Frank returns to the pokécenter and finds Team Rocket invading town. He and Lucas fight their way out and meets up with Edwin and Chris.
Joseph and Corey bumps into Nigel who guards Cerulean Bridge. Joseph stay behind to defeat the rocket while Corey runs down into town.
They all fight the rockets and emerge victorious most of the cases when Frank suddenly stand face to face with his old Tyranitar. He fights Darren of Team rocket who is equipped with Frank's old pokémon but can't beat Tyranitar for the heck of it. He runs away and bump into a returning Corey and helps Chris.
When Frank, Corey, Lucas and Chris exits the Gym Frank meets up with an old flame - Saiar who explains the situation. They see Zapdos flying overhead and the chase begins.
Frank gets Saiar's Steelix to fight Zapdos while she takes care of Articuno and the rest of the riff raff takes care of Moltres. It is done to prevent chaos with the three birds getting together again.
Lucas and the grunts manage to put Moltres to sleep and rejoice.
Frank beats Zapdos with the very superior Steelix. But after fainting it - the bird rises again and takes off.
Moltres wakes up and follow Zapdos.
Articuno on the other hand is captured by Saiar after a heated battle.
Lucas: Qwillfish
Joseph: Pichu
Corey: Gyarados
Edwin: Eevee
Saiar: Articuno o.O
Team rocket tries to capture the three legendary birds. While on this quest they attack Pallet town, steal the research and kidnap the professor. Admin Lynn is taking care of the operation and has a run in with some trainers stirring up trouble, but few things can match a raging Gyarados.
Back in Vermillion Admin Arnel is having his sweet life with pokémon going in and out of Kanto without so much as directive from his side. His goons are incompetent but he still manages to hear the latest news.
One of those news were Admin Saiar from across the sea sent by the Boss to get things done. She confronts the goons of Vermillion and lets them know that treating pokémon like crap ain't good. But it has nothing to do with love and care. It's about keeping the blade clean before cutting. A broken sword won't do good when someone breaks it further, it needs to be sharpened.
At the same time, the operation to secure the Silph building is going according to plan.
Administrator Saiar sets out with 7 grunts after heated discussion with Arnel.
The team is Alec, Koffin-kicker Holly and 5 other guys.
She learn the incompetent grunts how to train and use their pokémon when she is awoken in the middle of the night by the passing Articuno.
After following the Articuno she ends up fighting it with no gear and a single pokémon. One of her grunts - Holly manages to catch up and interrupt the battle which made the Articuno flee.
Admin Saiar and her henchmen arrives in Saffron after the recent creation of the Obedience ball (Luxery ball with obedience instead of affection) and has a talk with the stationed Admin in charge of the Silph building.
They carry on North towards Cerulean City where the Articuno was last seen heading.
A grunt in Saffron tries to get a proposition about peeving and tempting Frank with his old pokémon team but gets the "thumbs down" from the stationed admin.
Admin Saiar trains and educate her grunts as they make their way towards Cerulean.
Once there she is met with hostility but have told her crew to remain calm, they stay at the pokémon center for the night but her grunts sneaks out despite orders to keep out of trouble.
Arnel and the boss of Saffron sends out Darren to observe Saiar, interrupt with the Articuno catching so that they can take the credit, Extend the Rocket hold and his own personal mission - make a fool out of Frank with Frank's old pokémon. He gathers some grunts and head to Ceruelean where one of his friends Nigel is handing out nuggets at the Cerulean Bridge.
In Cerulean Darren meets trouble and starts battles. Saiar's goons hear the commotion and participates in the battles. They all fight for control and Darren is having a blast with the Tyranitar he got.
He find and beat Frank where he rubs it in his face a bit. Although two of his pokés were beaten.
After the battle he bumps into Saiar who seemed mad of his presence and his treating of Frank. They battle out and Darren is left in the dirt. He flees the battlefield but continued to watch Saiar from a distance.
Saiar and her goons team up again after some battles. Some of her team got beaten but some made it out okay. They also bump into Frank and c:o but are interrupted by the knowledge of Zapdos and it's very appearance.
They chase it and engage it in battle together with the other two legendary birds.
Saiar lets Frank handle Zapdos with her Steelix while she takes on Articuno. Her grunts and the remaining trainers get to deal with moltres.
After a heated battle her grunts and trainer Lucas puts Moltres to sleep who is awoken by Zapdos department.
Moltres follows and they flee.
Saiar continues to fight Articino and manages to catch it in the end. A great Rockety success!
Signed up people(9):
Prpl_Mage *
Lucas *
Ed *
Drenrin *
Corey *
.* Profiled
Added some basic rules
Started the RP
A map in a spoiler tag
"Player statuses" in a spoiler tag
Synopsis of the "part 1 events"
Synopsis of the "part 2 events"
Synopsis of the "rocket events"
Synopsis of the "part 3 events"
rather this than FF7.
I'll gladly join if enough people want to as well. Still needs a bit more background before I can come up with something for my dude, though.
I may actually do this. But, mayhap there should be an... RP mod? Someone that determines probabilities without bias. Like a ref? Those probabilities being catch rate, who wins a match, things like that.
Someone that determines probabilities without bias. Like a ref? Those probabilities being catch rate, who wins a match, things like that.
Well, if we did that, then it's more like Dungeons and Dragons than an RP. I'm sure most of the participants would know that conflict with failure is more interesting than success at every turn.
I've not really done much RP before, but this sounds like my kind of plot and characters. =D
Name: Joseph
Starting Pokémon: Totodile
Trainer Type: Triathlete
Attitude: Joseph is kind of a lazy triathlete and fails at everything he attends. "Surf? Who needs it when you could swim! ... Actually, Surf sounds like a better plan. Swimming is hard work."
Story: Joseph recently moved to Pallet Town to live with his mother after living in Johto's Olivine City with his grandparents. He got his Totodile as a goodbye gift from his grandparents. It loves eating and play, being a perfect match for the trainer. After living a few months in Pallet Town and not making many friends, he decided to head out on a journey and see the world on his bike. On his Pokémon journey he hopes to overcome his laziness and one day become a master at Pokémon and riding a bike. Of course, he may need to learn how to get the training wheels off first.
<-That is him
Is that good? Whats funny is I have never used Totodile before. I'm more a Cyndaquil kinda guy.
I may actually do this. But, mayhap there should be an... RP mod? Someone that determines probabilities without bias. Like a ref? Those probabilities being catch rate, who wins a match, things like that.
If people think that we need this then we could get one of them. The question is just how very cannon the ref should be.
And I think that people would realise that catching a chansey on the first ball isn't very reasonable from personal experience, but it depends on.
Also... Will this be set before or after the games? Aka, has a ten year old already beaten the most powerful trainers in the world, and is the badass pokémon mob in hiding because a kid kicked their boss's ***?
Depends on if people want the classic team rocket and all that, we could always introduce a new team of baddies and ignore the fact that Red Ash ever existed.
And yeaah, maybe keep it just to the pokés that you can actually find or at least make sense. No catching a Dragonite in Viridian Forest, but maybe make it so we can find Beedrills in there. We can't find them ingame, but all those Weedles gotta come from somewhere, plus those Kakunas gotta evolve some day.
Yeah, sure. If one of the pokés from an evolution lines can be found in a place, maybe the others would as well, but I don't want people cathing a bunch of butterfrees and beedrills the first thing that happens, nor gravelers and golems, Nidoqueens and nidokings. There's gotta be some sense since those pokés would probably whip all of us together.
Also, I suppose the basic story will either be the classic:
"Pokémon professor is too lazy to do his cataloguing of pokémons himself and sends out a bunch of kids to do it for him. A fantastic story that stretches beyond time and place."
"An evil team of baddies is wreaking havoc around the land and stops a bunch of eager trainers from completing their goals of becoming the best trainer in the world. An amazing tale of following your dreams."
"Since the evil team of baddies have taken control of most towns with force and also stopped gyms and leaders from fulfilling their duties, a bunch of trainers decide to fight the evil team no matter where the battle takes them. An epic story about doing what's right."
Simply something else, more detailed and thought-through.
EDIT: Why not make those things what people can base their characters on? I assume that people would like some Team of Baddies-action no matter what the story is about. Those roads would probably intertwine into one big group with one shared goal but different dreams to fulfil.
I'll join this. Sounds fun.
I like the story of the towns already been taken over. One that isn't used in every single game. But I'll go with either story.
Name: Corey
Starting Pokemon: Starly
Trainer Type: Artist
Attitude: Hates seeing people in need. Will more often than not do what is right, but is not always perfect.
Story: Corey never trained Pokemon during his time in Sinnoh and since he was 20 years old most of his friends got on him hard about it. He generally just draws Pokemon that he sees and has always admired Smeargle wishing to have one. He decides to start a new life in Kanto and plans to become a good trainer. As a parting gift his best friend handed him a PokeGear(with his phone number already in it) and an extra Pokemon he had. That Pokemon was a Starly.
Name: Frank
Trainer type: Ace trainer (cool trainer)
Attitude: Awesome. Likes to battle hard and rough, healing items are for wuzzies. If the poké can't fend for itself - it's useless and needs more training.
Story: Never really got into the pokémon hype in Mahogany Town until he was attacked in tall grass, the day afterwards he imported (online) what he thought was a really strong legendary bird poké. It turned out to simply be a Murkrow.
But it was a start. Frank quickly caught a party of pokémon and dumped the Murkrow in the PC system since it was really weak compared to his new cool party. One day he received a ticket from the Kanto Elite four inviting him to take place in the tournament. But once he arrived by train the customs declared that the pokés he was carrying had to be scanned and checked before being allowed entrance into Saffron City...
Frank realized that something was odd when he was left at the station with no passport, money nor pokémon. He hurried to the nearest Pokémon centre only to realize that someone had used his ID to trade all of his strong reserves to an unknown receiver. Left in his box was nothing more than the very first poké he got. A neglected Murkrow.
Now Frank has to start anew from square 1 in Saffron City, the city of cities with a dream to become strong once more and to find out who duped him so badly.
(PS: Frank quickly got himself a new account and asked for a new passport, but both are still under production.)
Starting Poké: Murkrow
So, this is the plan:
Kanto (where the rp will take place to begin with) is currently under the "occupation" of a malicious team that tries to get their hands on the strongest of pokémon (But no, they do not do that by raising Rattatas, Zubats, Ekans and Koffings).
Their current objective is to find the whereabouts of a "Legendary Bird pokémon" that was seen landing somewhere in the Kanto region. Of course, since they have most of the place locked down - they take the advantage to use the people Team Cypher-style. Everything from kidnappings/pokénappings , threats, force, dupes, blackmail - you name it.
They want to fulfil their goals and they will stop at nothing.
PS: The team does not have a name yet, I need to come up with something suiting.
I won't be a bitch about finding what where, if you feel like catching a rare specimen of Schyter in a forest, or finding a Ledyba in a grassy field I won't mind. The pokés and their habitants changed a bit between R/B/Y and G/S/C after all.
What I'm trying to say is that I understand that people does not want to be limited to where we are right now. But keep in mind that it is also part of the charm so try not to abuse it.
Do you guys want me to make a list with all pokés where we can scratch the pokés we catch? /supernerding
Do you guys want a RP-ref that decides wherever or not it's probable that we win/ catch / encounter *pokémon*?
I'm gonna give you guys some more days to object to anything you feel is crazy.
The like the idea of an RP ref. *fixes format of original post*
I can't believe I forgot this.
Name: Edwin
Starting Pokemon: Clefairy
Trainer Type: Ordinary Guy (Battle Revolution, apparently)
Attitude: Edwin is defensive about what others say and think about him, and is quick to strike back, though not very effectively. He is not above accepting help, but one can expect his eyes upon them at all times. He also rejects any complement towards his father.
Story: Al Stalberg is known for being the greatest trainer to come from the Tin Isles, but he was a lousy father. He left his family to further his skills shortly before his wife, Sarah passed away, leaving a small boy and the family pet to be relocated time after time for several years. With what remains of his family, Edwin decides to find his father and show him what had happened, and to punish him for the years of suffering they had endured without his care.
This is getting pretty darn fine guys.
I'm still gonna wait a day or two to see if anyone else wants to join and see if Dren posts a profile.
And I will simply assume that people like what I've decided since no one is complaining.
I agree with Lucas. Seeing a Team Rocket grunt with a Grimer isn't as scary as seeing one with a Sneasel or something.
I'm okay with or without a ref. It was just a suggestion to keep things fair. But we all know each other and I'm pretty confident we're not gonna be dicks about this. Also, I will post a profile tomorrow. I need more time to think about it.
I like prpl mages plot. And I think, for reference, we should just stick to the best of our knowledge where wild pokemon are and aren't. I feel like a pretty big nerd saying this, but I know pretty damn well where kanto/johto pokemon are.
I feel like a pretty big nerd saying this, but I know pretty damn well where kanto/johto pokemon are.
It's not like you're the only big nerd around here then. I got a pretty good idea of where to find most pokés. Remakes or not.
It's not like you're the only big nerd around here then. I got a pretty good idea of where to find most pokés. Remakes or not.
I knoww, but still, I just get that feeling like, "wow, really?"
Okay! I hope this isn't too much. If people don't like this, then I'll change it. I wrote it on the basis that this story was not taking place during the same time frame as red/blue.
Christopher Lennick
Age: 19
Hair: Brown, short
Eyes: Brown
Body Type: 5 feet 7 inches. Kind of lanky. Lean but in shape.
Bio: Son to Richard Lennick, Pewter City gym leader. As an only child, Chris has big shoes to fill. He often doesn't feel like he'll ever be ready to become a gymleader. He loves pokemon and training them, but is still learning. His father has taught him a lot about pokemon types, battle strategies, caring for pokemon, etc. But experience is what he lacks to set the knowledge in his head. Chris knows the pokemon around where he lives, but is mostly unfamiliar with pokemon in farther regions.
Chris has been raising a Geodude since he was 16. His father, Richard, gave him one when he felt it was time. Thought most kids start off at a younger age, Richard wanted to make sure Chris was entirely ready to take on the full time task of raising a pokemon properly. Since then, Chris has caught a sandshrew, which doesn't seem to like him much, and a jigglypuff, which became more attached to Chris's mom, Elliot. Chris hasn't really bothered training the jigglypuff.
Chris's Sandshrew:
Nickname: Sandy
Gender: Female
Nature: brazen, unruly.
Chris's Geodude:
Nickname: Dudley
Gender: Male
Nature: Calm, reserved.
Nickname: Ploof
Gender: Female
Nature: Carefree, happy.
Richard has been missing for 3 months. No one knows where he went or what happened to him. He did however, leave the boulder badges behind. Chris did his best to maintain the gym and turned challengers away. Until one day, a stranger came that demanded someone fight him for the boulder badge. The unknown man insulted Richard, calling him "a lazy and careless gymleader who should be stripped of his title". Chris, feeling obligated to defend his dad's honor, fought the man and lost to a single powerful pokemon. The man took a boulder badge and left. Chris closed the gym after that. He locked the doors and wouldn't even go inside.
I don't mind it, got a brilliant idea on an event from this.
But having the father's name in there kinda confused me, I kept thinking it was the character itself. Might be because of AFLs character... Maybe not.
Yeah, I just noticed AFL's character name, so I'm gonna change while I still can!
This would be my first serious attempt at rping, so I hope adding some back story in with the father wasn't some form of "godmodding" or some other big no.
This would be my first serious attempt at rping, so I hope adding some back story in with the father wasn't some form of "godmodding" or some other big no.
Not at all, I have no problem with it.
Gonna start a new thread for the actual rp pretty soon. Trying to keep all discussions and new arrivals posting here. Might as well summarize a synopsis as the time passes.
Some basic rules lads:
- Feel free to use any NPC with only your fantasy(or decency) as the boundary.
- Try NOT to use a "connected character" that one of your fellow participants created. If it is someone's father, brother, rival, daughter. Let them be as much as you can allow yourself to avoid upsetting someone. Of course. Some people won't mind if you add a little personal touch the the whole thing (like me).
- Try not to control other player's characters. If you want a change of scenery write something along the lines "And then they went to...", this does not point of specific people doing something, so if someone object - he can claim that he stayed behind or went somewhere else.
I might have to make up new rules as we go if people have opinions about what others do.
If you have any wondering or such, feel free to send me a PM.
The RP was started!
Pokémon RP, The adventure begins. (
It's funny how I can make this text purple but not my title....
Just some ideas to consider.
-I propose setting this a good 20 or 30 years after red/blue. So, this is a neo-Team Rocket, if you will. And they've done far more damage then they ever have before. Atleast, that's what it seems to me is the direction we're heading.
-We've got characters here that clearly just want to become pokemon masters. That's another idea to keep in mind.
-If Team Rocket is so big and powerful, why doesn't the elite four step in and whoop their ***es? Unless, the obvious happens. The Elite Four of this time are controlling Team Rocket.
-Also, if we decide on a good 20, 30 year gap. Professor Oak should be dead. So who does that leave??? Professor... Gary?
Just some random blurbs of ideas.
EDIT: OOO! I have a great idea. A darker take on Pokemon. In the twilight years of pokemon, all pokemon seem to have been discovered. The relevance of pokemon research is waning, becoming more specialized to scientists rather than adventurers. Whoever the professor is decides handing out pokedex is a futile venture, since most pokemon have already been documented. I'm not sure where to go from there, just a proposal. Something will have to happen to spark the new professor's interest. Also, more creative ways in attaining pokedex's.
That makes sense too. I could be down with that. Team Rocket would be using "dishonorable" tactics, sending three or four pokemon on one. I'm not too concerned with the timeframe after red/blue. It's just a suggestion.
All my ideas can easily be denied if you guys don't like them. I really won't be offended. They're just ideas
Professor... Gary?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes YES.
I'm gonna start by saying that it's a fictional Kanto, it's based on Kanto but might not be the same as the game or the anime. Don't get to stuck on the time or place; proceed as you want.
With Elite four controlling team rocket - nope I didn't have that thought - it would be too much like the manga I assume. Let's face it, what did Lance and the rest do when the Silph scope building was occupied in R/B/Y? Not a single thing. Gym leaders and Elite four aren't some kind of police. They are strong trainers. And strong trainers do what strong trainers want. Also, one of the elite four might not be enough to defeat a whole gang of team rocket members. It might take more than 2 even. And who will remain at the Indigo Plateau and take care of their profession - being the elite four?
And with the pokémon master aspect, it would be no fun if they could become masters easily. Gotta make them sweat a little on the way. With team rocket controlling areas and affecting the locals, things won't always flow so fluently. It's the effort that makes the goal.
Edit. Drats, Lucas kinda wrote what I was thinking about the E4.
Okay, so Team Rocket is just really powerful. The Elite four might be able to stop them, but since they're comparable to modern gangsters then we'll equate the elite four and gym leaders to professional athletes. They're powerful, but they're just celebrities nonetheless.
As for the pokemon master, I completely understand this. I think my point was more so that some characters won't be interested in becoming a pokemon master. But that's all in the RP to be discovered, soooo kind of a useless point to make. =P
For some reason, I really like the 20 to 30 years after red/blue (if only for Professor Gary). But I also like the "fictional kanto" that prpl proposed. I like them both for the same reason: a familiar region with different people and (maybe) some familiar faces.
EDIT: Also, a question. Can I post in an RP a part of the story my character is going through if it's completely unrelated to what another or all the other characters are doing? Or should I wait for an appropriate time to post info?
The first posts is usually an introduction post. I explained how my character got to where he was, Lucas did the same. Like every story first introduces the character to the audience.
If we feel that something is irrelevant we'll probably just skip that part of the post.
Everyone writes in a unique way so I won't tell you how to write. Write like you feel like writing.
P Drats, no easy way to make the pokéyen sign.
Okay, had some errors, but all is well now! Seems like a good start, I like it so far.
I neglected giving names to the gymleaders that way they'd be open to other people's interpretations.
Heh, my characters name is my name so... yeah...
Time for me to post I guess!
I just made my Starly nod for now. Next post he will make noise YAY!.
I was planning on meeting you in Diglett Cave. But assumed that since Starly is not a Kanto Pokemon he would have been noticed early on, and assumed Diglett cave may be more hidden than "take a right off the dock and BAM you see it".
What noise you decide that things can make is up to you. If you like 'em to say only the letters of its name - so be it. But for example the game - it would be a lie to claim that pokés say their names. Like Golbat.
So it's highly personal. you don't have to write "eeeeeeeeeh" or "graaaauuuwr" unless you really want to. It's enough to write that "Zubat let out a screeching cry" or something along the lines. Personal way of writing.
perhaps we should create a timeline? Just to clear up some confusion of when and where these events are taking place. Something simple, like, for example, at the beginning of prpl's first post would go "DAY 1, Route 1". THAT simple, and if a day passes, then we're on DAY 2, referring to the amount of days since Rocket invaded pallet town, since prpl's character's story began.
Well, nothing says that my character arrived at Viridian the same day he heard the news in Saffron. And since then I haven't made any notice to what time of the day it is.
I don't know when your stuff takes place since you started out with a lot of back story. And I don't know what day or time of the day Corey and Lucas arrived in Vermillion.
If someone feels that the exact time is important for a certain event - I suspect they will tell. But what we're doing on our own and how time passes just don't affect other people that much. Well until people meet up, then you have to be in the same present.
If people think we should have a day count. Just say so and we'll introduce it. I'm just afraid that we suddenly realize that the Rockets have owned Saffron for 2,5 years after a while.
If someone wants to get my character with the little group, that'd be awesome. I won't have time to get a proper post until Monday.
You want to be included into our little party? That could be done, but you will kinda tag along like a guest then without any say in the matter. Although you could add thoughts and feelings afterwards if you want.
Well, nothing says that my character arrived at Viridian the same day he heard the news in Saffron. And since then I haven't made any notice to what time of the day it is.
I don't know when your stuff takes place since you started out with a lot of back story. And I don't know what day or time of the day Corey and Lucas arrived in Vermillion.
If someone feels that the exact time is important for a certain event - I suspect they will tell. But what we're doing on our own and how time passes just don't affect other people that much. Well until people meet up, then you have to be in the same present.
If people think we should have a day count. Just say so and we'll introduce it. I'm just afraid that we suddenly realize that the Rockets have owned Saffron for 2,5 years after a while.
That's cool, I wasn't sure if the day was really important to someone or not. And I get what you're saying about everyone realizing what needs to happen with rocket. Atleast with my character, there is a reason he's headed to pallet town, and it's not to stop rocket.
If anything, this seems to be, judging by people's writings, a time of increased violent rocket behavior. That's how I'm taking it. Like, Rocket has been on top for x amount of years, but has recently become very active, kidnapping, stealing pokes, beating up trainers, frequently.
Assumptions is what makes life interesting.
I'm planning on meeting with the group most likely after the Pallet event. No point in everyone meeting early in the story ya know.
Hey dudes, can we tone down the Rocket force a little? We're getting too ambiguously efil here. They are still human.
Yes... I feel this too. We're getting a little carried away. I'm guilty too... A lot. haha... ha... oh. Um, I agree.
Weird how while I was writing, Ed posts something almost relating to me. Looks like I may see him when I exit the cave haha.
I hope I'm not making them too evil. I'm more looking for bad like Michael Jackson bad. (I know you can picture a bunch of rockets dancing that there dance).
I have my principles like pokés not attacking humans with physical attacks if they ever do. 'Cuz it's kinda worse than unleashing an energy attack like hyper beam or elemental stuff like hydro pump, whirlwind ect, ect.
Also I don't feel that pokés could kill other humans just like that. Which is why people end up unconscious when resisting team rocket.
But write me a PM and quote the unnecessary evil if you feel that something is stepping over the line.
I know I made that scyther hit me. but that was only due to him shielding his starly
I know I made that scyther hit me. but that was only due to him shielding his starly
It wasn't directed at you. I was just stating what personal rules I like to play with. Wouldn't be fun if the Gyarados would've used Ice fang or Bite. Kinda hard to explain how we got out of that one.
Also, Lucas seemed to understand how this "new" pokédex works. Think of it as Bulbapedia or sites like it. Most information you'll need about a poké.
Lucas: Yes, I know.
I took it as the admin wanted to scare the **** out of us more than kill us. So the Gyarados purposefully missed.
haha, wow late night thought you were in Pewter.
All of a sudden people start catching thing. Updated the list thingy on the first page of this thread so you can check if in doubt.
Also, let's assume that people can filter out information with their pokedexes, no point in writing every single thing(at least not me) Frank don't have the patience to listen to a lecture every time he saps by a pokémon and prefer just the basic non-duh information that gets stored.
name, "title, type, the description and maybe weaknesses. What else is there to know when you're too cool to care?
yeah, I'm sure "the professor" has put options for customization on his pokedexi. Just because my pokedex says all that crap, doesn't mean yours will or has too.
True true.
I'm thinking of training that damn Mankey haha.
I've always had trouble with them, not once have I owned a Primeape.
Thus why he kicks me for enjoyment haha.
I personally like levels for comparison, it sounds odd, but I'll make sure all level references come from the pokedex. So, never shall you hear Chris say, "Dear God! That Mudkip's at level 47!" So yeah. And I agree with the evolution and training thing. Hence why my Sandshrew grew only one level after a bit of training. Also, I was considering for the first gymleader, which I'm assuming will be the Earthbadge. He could be a younger trainer, like falkner and brock, similar in that there pokemon aren't ridiculously strong, but are strong in contrast to beginner trainers.
That may or may have not been obvious, I'll just see how this turns out.
I like threat levels. They sound so abstract and yet so rewarding.
Caterpie, threat level none
Onix, threat level low
Or After evolution
Steelix, threat level moderate.
Finding a salamence in the woods
Salamence, threat level deadly
Golem, threat level challenging
Dragonite, threat level high
Might just be me, but making it all about numbers will probably make it too number oriented Like how we are in Viridian and some pokés are rather high already if you compare it to the game. Would be odd if a trainer half way through have to carry a lvl 80 poké to be a challenge.
But I will let everyone do as they wish, I won't write what level my crew is unless everyone else starts to.
But none have seen any rockets around have we?
So we're till in the early stages of figuring this rp out. I'll gladly change a few things around in my post. I like the threat level idea too, I hadn't even thought of that. To keep things simple and fair, from now on I won't refer to levels. But I did change some numbers around in my previous post. Geodude is level 15, Sandy is level 9, and the hoot hoot is level 7.
I'm just trying to say that I love when people assume things and read things in a certain way. It will bring birth to new ideas that could be used.
You are all as much part of this rp as the rest of us so go with the thing you're thinking about, there's no real "right & wrong" after all.
Okay. I understand. I'm merely trying to not mess it all up and piss anyone off. I may be too worried about this. I'm also beginning to realize how hard it is to stay in character as well.
Yeah, I don't really watch the anime, so as I'm writing I'm thinking of how it would be in the game. I don't really grind much in the games though either.
I like the threat levels though, definately fits better. I'll go with that from now on, whenever I get my Dex that is or when I have others use theirs on mine.
So how is everyone else keeping track of there pokemon? I've got my avatar changing every time I catch one. Possibly gonna get a line up or something in my sig maybe not a trainer card.
I like the trainer card a lot. I don't think I'll need to keep track of more than six pokes.
i don't know if I'll get a total of six or not.
Still deciding really.
EDIT: Yeah trainer card much better. And if new people join they don't have to look far (if they miss the spoiler in the first post) to see what everyone has. I may add the nicknames to mine too. Plus it makes it easier for Purple to update.
Heck yes for starting a trend! I never do that! Haha.
My guy looks like he's got a yamaca(sp?) on. =X
AFL got a unique trainer card here compared to the rest of ya.
And well, the reason why I wanted to have it on the first page was to keep order. And I just don't want people to feel depressed for catching pokés if it would mean updating the trainer card.
But I love the trainer card idea. Gonna make one myself later on. I just don't want people to think that they have to have one.
I just noticed I'm the only one with one pokemon that has a trainer card. I should get on that... Hm...
I don't see the point until I decide to get more. Two Pokemon aren't that hard to remember. (Plus, if my brother were to see that I'm even posting in the RP, I'd never hear the end of it.)
I thought about getting that one, but I liked the one I got better.
Still, same design.
And I will continue to update the list on the first page wherever or not everyone gets a trainer card. Sometimes people get too lazy to update.
I don't see the point until I decide to get more. Two Pokemon aren't that hard to remember. (Plus, if my brother were to see that I'm even posting in the RP, I'd never hear the end of it.)
I just want to be cool and fit in. =P
EDIT: Also, I support the updates.
Haha, nice.
I'm so confused. What time of day is it now? I feel like its been the same day for a while now.
I didn't even think about items... i'll just keep a notepad of those, 'cuz those go like dollar bills at Anthony's...
True, I forgot about that. I keep trying to imagine what pokemon would be like if it were real.
Gotcha! Plus, I want to watch the battle. and by "I" I mean Chris. =P
EDIT: Also... You and Joe were in the center,not me. Joe is still there. :P
Yeah, haha, oh well, I put in mine that I had been sleeping in a hidden spot.
EDIT: Also... You and Joe were in the center,not me. Joe is still there.
true, but you were there when he woke us up. And then you got and followed him out, which is what I was describing.
"gym challenge?" Chris stood up erect. There were no other trainers in the pokecenter.
This is the error that confuzzled me.
I'm bringing beige back.
This is the error that confuzzled me.
oh, well I guess I forgot about you.. xD sorry, i'll fix it.
Haha. I was like, did I leave? I don't remember leaving...
So, what are these gym trainer's gonna hold?
Normally they have really strong Pokemon since they are the last gym.
Alright ive been fighting it long enough, but this looks like fun.
Name: Rock john Axe (First name: Rock john, last name: Axe)
First Pokemon: Rattata
Trainer Type: Martial Artist
Attitude: A Very honorable and respectful person although stern and fair.
Story: Rock john has been a trainer for many years. When he was young he found a wounded Rattata and nursed it back to health. As he grew older he became very obssessed with the Rattata family and decided to open his own Dojo which he calls "Ratta-Dojo". The Dojo was designed to help trainers toughen there pokemon and learn new techniques. Rock john is very dedicated and spends the majority of the day Training with his Pokemon or helping others at his Dojo.
He has applied many times to the Pokemon League in hopes to turn his Dojo into a Full-on Gym with its own Badge but has been denied every time. One day he hopes to have his own Gym.
Extra info: Rock john Rarely keeps his pokemon in there ball. He also isnt shy to step-up if trouble is brewing. He has been very busy opening his Dojo and hasn't acquired many badges yet.
Pokemon Info: The Rattata currently in his group was hand picked from several rattatas. It greatly out-performed the others. Rock johns first 2 Rattata's have become Raticates.
Sandschrew was found shortly after opening his Dojo and was trained to a Sandslash.
The Squirtle was a very lucky find. The Squirtle has an attitude but still obeys Rock john.
Pokemon Names: Earthquake and Crusher are his 2 Ratticates, his Rattata is named Zikkrit, his squirtle is named Splash and his Sandslash is named Sandslash lol.
Special Techniques: His 2 Ratticates when fighting together can use a move called "Hyper Double Fang" which causes considerable damage.
Goals: To capture a Scyther or a Machop and evolve it.
Edit: Lets say the Dojo is in Verillian since thats where everyone is atm.
Welcome aboard. But you do have quite the advantage compared to the rest of us with 3 evolved pokés.
Also, you can have your dojo anywhere. It's not like people don't travel.
OH MY GOD YOU ACTUALLY STARTED THIS?! I thought it was a joke!
... tempted to join...
Oh Sai, haha. This has been going on for almost a week.
Maybe I'll just be an aloof ***hole gym leader NPC-ish type person. You know, sort of like I normally am, except with Pokemon.
Why not join the Rocket side of life? They like power.
And yes, I started this after writing that I would start this. And look - we're seven people doing it.
Why not join the Rocket side of life? They like power.
And yes, I started this after writing that I would start this. And look - we're seven people doing it.
Damn, you know I hadn't even thought of that. =P
Rocket side of life
Rocket's can be menacing to beginner trainers. It takes some stretch of the imagination to understand how my geodude managed to survive.
EDIT: Also, if everyone's okay with this, I have a great idea for the Pewter City gymleader. So when the time is right, I'll reveal it.
Erhm.... Guys I'm sorry 'bout that there post that suddenly became two posts... Got a bit carried away.
Regarding the leader battle that is... If someone for any reason missed it.
Why not join the Rocket side of life? They like power.
Not a terrible idea. Though it does mean I have to read all this nonsense to make sure I'm starting myself in a sensible place.
I think I made a pretty good summary of rocket action as well as a synopsis at the first page of this thread. I also have a list with all the characters , where they are and what they are carrying.
Otherwise you could ask me. Here or with a PM.
Oh wow. I wish my pokémon were stronger... I would go over to the gym, but I feel like just my Totodile wouldn't be enough to handle those pokémon. I'm pretty sure I'm a few levels behind you all. Haha
Well, I imagine Totodile to be about level 8 now, and Pidgey I caught just outside Veridian, so its probably only a level 5 max.
I don't think I'll take this gym on. Been in Veridian long enough haha, I wanna get out of this town haha.
I don't feel like my character would be ready for a gym challenge, I mean, his mother was just taken by Rocket. Surprise I even made him catch a pokemon.
Where do you get these trainer cards, anyway?
I just googled "trainer card" and there a bunch of sites that let you make custom ones.
Apparently some site where you just choose the colour, the pokés, the trainer sprite and the name.
First link when you type "trainer card" into google search. :)
really? damn i edited mine from in-game backgrounds.
I edited mine (its a gif, so behind the pokemon is really transparent.) but I'm thinking of doing a custom one once I find a good rom to download.
Sai, you know, you never made your profile.
I'm a bad guy. I don't go around sharing information to a bunch of kids. Since I'm kind of playing the forces of darkness here I wouldn't want to give away all my secrets too quickly!
I guess I can do the basics, though you'll have to understand that certain information is ommitted for plot-related reasons
Name: Saiar Karat
Trainer type: Rocket Admin
What your character is like and the classic RP introduction: cold and ruthless. Has some very different ideology on Pokemon training and what Team Rocket should be doing than most of the other admins or grunts, but none of this makes her in any way a good person.
Where you're from: "across the sea" - she refuses to specify
Your starting poké: she has many, but uses a standard team of 6. I'll reveal them all eventually, but for now I can safely say that there's a Koffing and an Espeon on the team. The Koffing is sort of hax in ways that will eventually become more clear.
No no, not pokemon related haha. Just a different background picture other than a trainer card.
Yeah, sorta but from a different game. Looking at a few right now.
If this RP goes places and is awesome, rocket admin Sai'Kar needs to get herself drawn.
Cool idea.
I thank Lucas for reminding me of my hardon for the Mother series.
Yess!! a Koffing! Welcome Aboard Sai'kar. Having a Rocket player is gonna be cools.
No offense man, not trying to be rude, the post was ridiculous. And not in a good way. :/
Eh, just roll with it I guess.
Wait wait wait.....I thought Lucas had left for Pewter....So confused. And guns.....alright but that post was kinda WTF o.O.
Lucas left before everyone else did. Is no one actually reading the posts before them? haha
Wow. Good thing I turned invisible for the gun fight.
I wasn't there either!
... I feel a bit left out :(
Don't let them push you around, nerd!
Sai, your posts a so enjoyable to read. haha. I feel like I was being taught a life lesson.
Wow. Good thing I turned invisible for the gun fight.
Stop being such a Mary Sue. Jeez
Stop being such a Mary Sue. Jeez
o ok
I was just kidding, ed. :-[
I was just kidding, ed. :-[
eh, i was just trying to spice it up. I barely know any pokemon passed the first 150, so im a bit limited.
And ya, i made lucas come back because i wanted to give him the squirtle.
Lucas, can you atleast awknowledge my squirtle offer (yes/no) and then say you headed back towards pewter.
He looks at Lucas. "Hey... that damn squirtle actually listened to you... Ive had him for years and he still wont do a damn thing i ask him. Honestly if you want him, you can have him. He seems to really like you..."
Haha, you could have done that in Pewter when the gang reaches the center.
i was also trying to establish how desperate the rocket's are getting. Since they arent getting power thru pokemon battles (well some...)
Haha, you could have done that in Pewter when the gang reaches the center.
I have somethnig different in mind while u guys are at pewter. and i wanted to lose the squirtle first.
Heck i already removed him from my card ><
I... don't know how you think the rockets ever sounded desperate in this story. They seem to be rockin' it pretty hard where ever they please.
.... FOR NOW
maybe desperate wasnt the right word, but machine guns will force people more than some poorly trained pokemon when trying to steal from seasoned trainers.
and for rockets, machine guns are a pretty extreme measure.
Well, we can't fight machine guns period. At least, not without steel pokemon >_> Probably better to keep real weapons scarce.
edit: drenrin, love the mom gym leader plot twist. Really didn't see that one coming. :D
I have somethnig different in mind while u guys are at pewter. and i wanted to lose the squirtle first.
Doesn't your dude have a dojo in Viridan? Couldn't you give it to one of your students? Then you'd have something to re-use in the future for DRAMATIC EFFECT.
O ya i got a students to watch it when im out. Also working on spreading the Ratta-Dojo Chain to more cities.
You know I really wanna keep a magikarp, but I think I am gonna hool off on the story about the fourth pokeball and what is inside. So I own't update the trainer card yet. I wait a while before you guys get to see what is in it.
Holy crap guys, I go to bed right after marching band and I'm a whole town behind! Ugh.
Sai - Nice sig, love the sprite.
Also, Rocket got the upper hand here with really strong pokémon compared to the average trainer. So machine guns.... nah. I didn't really like that. I can get batoons and whips but anything that can cause bleeding seems like a hard thing to explain. We can't dodge everything.
And I kinda felt that it was everyone's reaction.
And I updated the catch and location thingy on the first page. Should be more correct now.
Thank you for picking me up. Also, I caught Pidgey on Route 1. :)
No, location as in - where the characters are.
If anyone wants The Squirtle let me know. Hes up for trade, but my guy would give him away to any of you for free. Hes fed up with that squirtle.
I get it. Thanks. Haha
Geez, some of you guys are beelining. I was hoping to meet you at Cerulean but some of you are already outside Mt. Moon. I'd better step up my pace.
Yeah, mt moon is a stone's throw from pewter. Actually going through the tunnel is a mission that will require planning. I haven't trained my pokemon too much, so mt moon is perfect for them. Plus, I want atleast one gym badge before heading to cerulean.
haha, Ima garden that hoe up..
Yes, agree'd. I'll take the line "they had gotten a lot of training in already." as mentioning a lot of training/battles gone unmentioned.
EDIT: I also regret naming my pokemon. I never name pokemon, but I figured people in real life would to form a stronger bond. I'm terrible at coming up with a dozen nicknames .
Haha same. After I wrote up Thrasher for mankey I was like "...Really, that's all if could think of?" Same thing with Spark the shinx. I mean in battle I will have to tell him to use Spark.....I totally forgot that he learned that move.
I think I established that something's going down in Cerulean that might hold us up a bit, being the reason I'm going back in the first place.
(Leaving what "it" is to be built up as we go along.)
I think I established that something's going down in Cerulean that might hold us up a bit, being the reason I'm going back in the first place.
(Leaving what "it" is to be built up as we go along.)
Well, I'm not sure if we're talking about the same "it" here, but I plan to have a run-in with THE PLOT around Cerulean.
Maybe you two should "corroborate" while the rest of the "gang" dicks around in pewter.
AFL: By the way, I'm pretty jealous. Pineco is BA.
I've never owned a Pineco either. Haha. I have wanted one though. I am going to challenge the gym here since Totodile has some advantage I guess. Although, I'm out o' luck if Totodile faints haha.
I kind of want to train a forretress. If you use them right, they could be a nasty wall/annoyer. Plus, they can learn Rapid Spin. Which I've recently learned the value of.
I assume it falls on its side and rolls.
In the 3D games they spin around and jump. Like slow-motion jumps forward after attacked.
BAAWWWW. Frankster has a girlfriend!
Aww.... Shut up.
Anyway. Sai and Ed should pm each other about their cerulean ideas if you guys haven't already. Don't want people running over each other.
And... I'm doing a bad thing. don't hate me for it.
That was interesting.
Did we ever decide how much time has passed? I need to know if certain characters from the games would be still alive / still acting as trainers.
Personally, I'd go with no more than 5-10 years after the HGSS games.
Well, according to Dren's post - Gary is 62.
And well, it's a fictional Kanto so some trainers and people migth never have existed and so on. And some could be born later as well.
But no real time has been decided, Lucas wrote something earlier in this thread though.
I'm pretty sure they kinda decided on 20-30 years after or so...
But hey, I don't care about time and place.
That's kind of a long time. A lot of interesting characters will have been retired. Ah well, I can wing it.
Just add them either way. Not like the game told us how old they were anyway.
I had the old man that teaches you how to catch stuff.
Someone had the Magikarp seller ect ect.
Well, I think the joke I did this post worked better with the character having aged a lot. But okay. Fluid, questionable time is a go.
Anyway. Sai and Ed should pm each other about their cerulean ideas if you guys haven't already. Don't want people running over each other.
For the most part, my activities in Cerulean aren't very big. Cerulean is the home of Edwin's rival, now a rocket stationed there as well. (The rocket whose Pokeball he stole in the beginning.) Then, there's that other Rocket out for Edwin for humiliating his Houndoom.
That's all I have. I'm also juggling around another idea, but the two Rockets are enough for me at the moment. I'm more interested in what SaiKar has up his sleeve.
EDIT: Gotta remember, Rocket is a proper noun in these posts. >.<
EDIT 2: Sai, we agreed that as long as the Pokemon was plausible at the location, it can be found. We're not limiting ourselves to strict RBY.
Well, you guys can do whatever you're going to do in Cerulean before I show up as long as you don't leave the area entirely before I get there. My "plot" is going to be coming with me, so to speak. My next post should make everything clear what I have planned.
I loved your post. Joey deserved nothing less.
bahaha. I can see it now. A girl throwing a Gulpin at it. Priceless.
I enjoyed that post Sai.
Listen, NERD. Watch what you say in the future, or I'll break your little protractor.
Yeah, as long as the nature matches the location of the pokémon I really don't see a problem with finding them there. Although the chance that we find a Larvitars in Mt.Moon seems kinda off.
And I'm not sure how long it will take for people to move to Cerulean. Ed might get there soon, but since Lucas, Joe, Chris and Corey are stuck at route 3 - I doubt the gym challenge will happen any time soon.
Frank stepped back in chock
Frank stepped in chock
lol i know what u meant to say but it still made me laugh
Oh right. Spelled with a S in English yeah... but I guess it's a real world since Firefox didn't throw a red line at me.
Gotta say frank. Mad jealous of your kabuto.
In regards to the gym, I think some of us could challenge the gym today, and the rest the next day and then be off to cerulean. By today, I mean the day so far in the rp.
I don't get it... oh! Shock. It took me a good ten minutes to figure that out.
I was just saying that Sai didn't have to feel stressed out about getting to Cerulean.
I'm pretty certain we'll get stuck in Mt.Moon for a while as well. Just a hunch.
Also, Kabuto is pretty cool. I remember the Red/blue sprites not showing the underside of him. Took a long time before I realized there was another pair of claws and red eyes.
<<... >>....
Character One:
Name: Myrin
Starting Pokemon: Piplup - An inexperienced but very friendly pokemon.
Trainer type: The reluctant Trainer.
What your character is like and the classic RP introduction: Myrin tends to have a bit of a cocky attitude however this all comes to a stop once a Pokemon is too close. That's right. She's afraid of Pokemon for reasons that will be shown as the story progresses. Poor Piplup.
Where you're from: Teacup Town.
Character two:
Name: Veles
Starting Pokemon: Riolu - A ball fo energy who is strangely faithful to Veles.
Trainer type: The conflicted trainer.
What your character is like and the classic RP introduction: There was a point in time where Veles believed in what he was doing. When he knew where his path was going, yet now... Now he's not so sure. "At what costs must we pay to get what we need?"
Where you're from: Patterson City.
WHUDDUP DAWG? (bropounds Sai)
Welcome aboard.
The more the merrier!
Okay, so Articuno is heading toward Cerulean, so anyone who wants to have an encounter with that can feel free, though you'd better have a strategy for dealing with a level 60-ish bird. It knows agility, barrier, ice beam, and roost.
Incidentally, I'm also training a psuedo-rival team for you guys, and I expect there will be a pretty big showdown when we arive in Cerulean with our R shirts. Saiar herself is way out of your league (I don't like assigning levels, but her team is probably high 40s, and she does have 6 even though she's only used 2 so far), but the grunts with her will always be a level or two below you so you can probably beat any of them in a fair fight, but if they team up 2-vs-1 you're probably screwed without really sneaky tactics. Holly has a koffing, pidgey, and magnemite. Alec has a growlithe and a grimer. A third, unnamed boy has a fearow and a houdour. I have no idea what the names or the pokemon of the other three are. These characters are sort of "free game" - you can name them, describe their personalities or their pokemon, even recruit them away from me if you really want to.
Tell me how to spell an espeon's cry and I'll consider it. >_>
"Hhooowww-heeahh" ?
What difference does it make?
It's Pokemon.
They are known for saying their names. They're not animals... they're Pokemon.
"Espeon!" Taya said.
"I'll translate," said Saiar. "I think Taya wants you to GTFO out of my writing style."
<<... Ilu?
Ilu your face.
But seriously. I like the name thing. If nothing else, I think it helps keep track of what pokemon are what species, especially with nicknames. "Taya" doesn't automatically make anyone think "espeon."
In the games, lots of Pokemon say their names or parts of their names when you talk to them though.
Lucas, just stop nitpicking. Seriously.
Let's just enjoy the game without assuming things and nit picking. Thank you.
This took longer than I expected, mostly because I couldn't remember where the pokemon sprites are in HGSS. I found a Miltank ("Moo") and slowpoke ("Yawn") that support you, but a polywrath ("Poli poli!") and an abra ("Aabra...") that supports me, and a Machop ("Guooh gogogoh!") that made an attempt at actually spelling his cry, though there's no way in hell I would have gotten that out of his noise.
I'm saying it's enough of a mixed bag not to worry about it.
ya i dont see an issue. I think the Pokemon can either say there names or a generic noise.
Really its Role playing. Anything can really happen as long as it makes some sense or is done in with some kind of story/background to explain it.
I can also recall playing through Emerald and talking to some of the Pokemon standing around on the map and they said their name.
Edit: Most of my Partys level is in there Early-mid 20s if you wanted an Approx Level.
Also can i create a Pokemon? I basically wanted to create an off-evolution of Raticate that uses a Dark Stone todo. I would make the Sprite :D
*slaps lucas*
We had this discussion earlier.
And I'll say the same thing now as I said then.
I don't give a friggin crap about how people write.
If someone likes to add actions within "*...*" -marks then so be it. If someone wants to write from an individual perspective like "I packed my bag and headed to Cerulean city, on the way I noticed a chick in her undies and I had some bad thoughts..." then so be it.
Everyone have their own way of saying things, writing things and spriting things. Let them have it like that.
None is an expert when it comes to this. And no one will be an expert.
I also said earlier that writing "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh" like Ed does with his Zubat is okay.
I also mentioned that writing "geo, dud dud - geodude!" is cool
And I also said that simply mentioning the sound is okay. like "Articuno let out an ear deafening howl".
So let it rest dammit.
What noise you decide that things can make is up to you. If you like 'em to say only the letters of its name - so be it.
@RockJohn : No, I personally wouldn't like if you created your own pokémon. I would however agree to let it pass if you had a miss-coloured pokémon with like one special move that it really shouldn't be able to learn.
So, Dren and idea what you mom is using before I battle and just give her random rock types? Besides the Wigglytuff that you mentioned earlier
So, Dren and idea what you mom is using before I battle and just give her random rock types? Besides the Wigglytuff that you mentioned earlier
Yeah I wanna know this too.
By the way, You can go first if you want Corey. I kinda stole the show last time so.
@corey: she has an onix and an omanyte, and of course, wigglytuff.
@rock: hey, you still wanna trade that squirtle?
definately send me a PM if u wanna work out details.
Man, I love all your guys's characters. Frank is just such a jerk, perfect cooltrainer. And Rock John is so goofy. I'm always laughing at his posts. This RP is awesome.
I love your posts too Sai. I cant wait until i get my force ready to take you on some day.
Corey! What happened in your post? Did we go back to my house and fall asleep without meeting frank? What happened to joseph?
Corey! What happened in your post? Did we go back to my house and fall asleep without meeting frank? What happened to joseph?
That's how I read it.
But I guess Joe tagged along, only that he was forgotten to be mentioned. He was hanging out over with Lucas last time I checked though.
And I'm gonna give Corey some time to see if he wants to challenge the leader before me (Assuming that he's outside the Gym after Frank entered it with Maya).
Also, I kinda love the troupe of rp'rs we got here. You guys are all doing a rad job.
Dren, that post was awesome in too many ways.
Hm... sorry, I kind of made that decision for Corey and AFL, and Luke. =\ It does make sense considering Frank's character though. Hope you don't mind.
And RockJohn, whatever way it works out is fine by me. If it's not in the cards then it doesn't happen. We'll just keep rp'ing and if the time is ripe and it makes sense in context of the situation, then we'll make it happen. I would love a squirtle though.
Word of the day: Pewterisians
*anticipates epic Rollout spamfest*
Yeah its cool. I don't even remember writing that haha. Wow.
Well yeah its fine if Frank takes them on first. I'll go second, or whenever possible.
Ed, I'm confused. Is Bruce the admin in Saffron that I talked to and didn't name? And why does Ed know stuff like that? Is he a Rocket or something?
Bruce is a Rocket promised to become the Admin of Cerulean once whoever's in charge gives the order to take over Cerulean. For now, Rockets are just stationed there. So no, he's probably there to harass some upper levels.
Ed was given the offer to become a Rocket by Bruce, which he rejected so he could "play hero."
I did not know this. I am really glad I asked. It's going to make a major difference as to what happens when I roll into town. I better reread some old posts...
Yeah its cool. I don't even remember writing that haha. Wow.
Well yeah its fine if Frank takes them on first. I'll go second, or whenever possible.
Yeah, I included in my post that there is a "pokeHealer Machine" at the gym. So everyone could fight Elliot if they wanted to. She's no push over though.
Here's her pokemon in a little more detail:
-Omanyte -
Moves, they have them.
-Onix -
Moves, they have them.
-Wigglytuff - Nicknamed Ploof -
Moves, they have them.
Well, to be honest, I'm going by this:
"Cerulean isn't exactly in our normal, ah, "sphere of influence." Really, no reason to take the town. Not much money to be made there. You may be attacked by the local trainers."
Since I had already created Rockets there to begin with, the best way to make it fit was to have it "considered" by the Rockets, but not worth fully taking over.
Kay. We can make this work.
Yeah, I included in my post that there is a "pokeHealer Machine" at the gym. So everyone could fight Elliot if they wanted to. She's no push over though.
Here's her pokemon in a little more detail:
-Omanyte -
Water Gun
-Onix -
Rock Throw
-Wigglytuff - Nicknamed Ploof -
Too bad I didn't read this before I made my post. I'll stick with Onix knowing rock slide though, and I kidna figured that Omanyte would as well since I made her hold the tm for it.
I hope I didn't ruin anything.
Oh yeah. Sorry for another long Gym leader fight post.
Nah, whatever, I'll just scrap that post. It's really not a big deal what moves they know.
I think I gave them:
Rock Slide
Water gun
Rock slide
Body Slam
But you can all just forget that you read what moves it knew and stuff like that. Or make it know more news / new moves / another set of moves.
I'll battle her next. Be prepared for another wall of text.
I forget, does Frank know that Chris is Elliot's son?
Also, I'll go last.
I forget, does Frank know that Chris is Elliot's son?
Nope, he's not aware of that.
You guys ditched him so fast that all he knows is from the Nurse in town. And he knows that father left, son took over then the mother. And that the nurse fancy the son. But not that Chris has any relation to the gym - since it was never told.
So he taunted her freely without thinking about anyone else. Feel free to be pissed.
Ten thousand pokebucks and a free pass into Team Rocket for the first one of you that punches Frank in the face :)
It's looking more and more like I may be ten thousand pokebucks richer. =P
Loved the Gym Battle Prpl!
Are you writing that post now Corey?
Just curious.
Jsut finished. man....I had to get off in the middle of the onix fight so I wasn't as into it after that when I got back on. First real battle seen so I hope it is some good.
And you didn't reveal your mystery ball either. Darn.
Epic gyms are epic.
Prpl, lol'ing so hard at Frank. Maybe I should offer HIM the Rocket job. Might be able to get him back the pokemon we apparently took from him...
Cookie to whomever guesses who Lyle is. (Besides obviously being the Gym leader).
Not sure, but it does clear up me wondering of ol' Misty was still in town.
I call dibs on fighting Holly when we get to Cerulean. :P
Holly will kick your *** :p No seriously, I don't mind you beating up the Rocket goons as long as you try to do the characters justice. Holly is really spooning up Sai's wacky hardcore rhetoric. She's still pretty much a noob, but she's a fairly clever, resourceful noob for what crappy, badly-trained pokemon she has at her ready.
Alright, I'm going for it.
Cookie to whomever guesses who Lyle is. (Besides obviously being the Gym leader).
Your brother?
Misty's mysterious boyfriend from G/S?
Misty in drag?!
And darn it Prpl, was hoping for a second there that the rockets would try their (admittedly ridiculous) scheme on you. Though it did give some interesting insight into why your character is so pissed at them all the time.
I was actually thinking about doing it.
Then I realized that if he would face his old team - he'd get pretty crushed. And I didn't have any good character to wield the old team. A nameless grunt wouldn't be fun. And the Admins are a bit too boring.
So as they said there, they'll wait with the plan 'till he actually becomes a Twineedle in the ***.
Oh and Dren, if Chris lets all of Frank's comments about your mother pass - I'm gonna be a bit disappointed.
No, they will wait until I actually become something worth noticing. Can't have team rocket stalk every short-wearing youngster out there can they?
sry my turn to Gym battle. Sry for the entertaining wall :D
Also im never ever doing a battle with 2 of the same name of Pokemon again lol. So much extra clarification so you know which trainers is which.
I was going to punch Frank in the face, but I figured that was too predictable.
o sweet, player duel, very excite!
Cant wait to see this play out.
Trying to add a few laughs before the showdown between the two haha. Plus I was bored.
You're on my friend. Well if I can heal mine before we start.
well there is a station there that you could use.
Hey Corey, I think your card's out-of-date. Just saying.
I hope my posts are fine cuz tbh I am not planning on doing the whole gym thing. <<...
Whatever you want! Free reign!
Dun worry, I may not get all into the gym thing either. I don't even have any badges either and now I'm fighting Frank instead of getting a gym badge. =P
(Uses Entei to destroy the world!) FWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAA!!!!
Oh Dren, <3 =3
I'm updating my card now Ed. Using a different style and its animated so taking me longer.
Your mother could be like "Oh wow great battle have a badge"
true, I was thinknig something to that effect.
I never saw the anime, but I read some recaps. Didn't Ash only win like one or two badges through actually beating leaders in combat, and got a bunch of the rest by performing various do-gooder acts for the leader/town? So yeah, totally possible.
Stop getting hung up on the small details. Sheesh.
Get badges - don't get badges. Before this gym, only I, Lucas and Ed got a badge. Now everyone's getting them.
Some people will go traditional trainer style and get badges, some will fight team rocket (which actually was the plan for Frank to begin with... But the whole walking up to Indigo Plateau in Viridian- remembering his old team - lit the fighting spirit in him.
All is cool as long as you do not release a Legendary pokémon to ruin/rule the world.
Intentionally not posting until epic battle of epicness is epically completed.
its animated
Oooooh, fancy. =D
Intentionally not posting until epic battle of epicness is epically completed.
Same here.
That, and since I'm apparently waiting for the night in Cerulean Gym, there's not much I can do until another day can pass. X)
Hey, it was fun while it lasted.
Who wants to do a digimon rp now?
All is cool as long as you do not release a Legendary pokémon to ruin/rule the world.
WHAT?! Goddamnit! Harvey lied to me D':
Ooo Digimon would be fun. haha
Digimon is pretty badass.
The firsts, yes. Didn't enjoy that one where the character transformed into Digimons.
I already know the digimon I would pick.
dorumon. he is my favorite. And turning into them was weird. The newest series is kinda cool but they are all machine looking.
"Hm... My earth badge looks like a feeather I wonder if I flap it really hard Im gonna be able to fly"
then lucas flapped it really hard and managed to fly. far away he saw an articuno and was like "omg an articuno, go aron fight it i want that bird!"
aron got out of his ball and evolved into aggron they started fighting
articuno was strong but aggron was awesome and had help of paras (now a parasect) and nidoking who were also awesome and together they managed to beat it with their awesome tri beam attack of poison earth and steel
"i caught articuno now I can be the best trainer in the word1!" said lucas and started using articuno to fly around and catch other legendary pokemons
a few days later he had caugh enteir, raikou, suicune, groudon and arceus, and he used their combined poewrs to start ruling the word by altering reality
he said "i am god now" and everyone listened to him because he was god now
"team rocket i dont want u to exist" and then arceus made them not exist anymore and soon everyone was happy "thank you lucas for ending team rocket we like you lots!"
lucas was happy that he could rule the world but he did not forget aobut his friends
"chris, for you i will give a celebi so you can travel through time!" thanks man you are awesome, he said
"edwin, you can have suicune because you like water and want to be a water gym" and then edwim became water gym
"corey you can have this smeargle he will teach you to paint more better" wow thanks dude he seemed hpapy
"frank u are an ***, you get a magikarp" and frank said "oh wow thanks a lot, this is what i deserve, thank you lucas"
And then lucas had defeated team rocket and everyone was happy because of his victory. he ruled the world for a thousand years with his god pokemon and everyone liked it and they all lived happy forever
I love Frank's part in this.
Signing off for tonight, sleep tight my apprentices.
Kk, sorry bout my short post. My next post will do it much more justice... In an hour.
As long as Digimon stays way the hail away form this RP, I'll be a happy admin.
Just changed my trainer card, and noticed a box around on of my sprites.....damnit.
Ahhh, fixed. Stupid Starly page.
I'll have a items one up there soon. The menu is from a game called Shadowgate, I edited it a bit where the Pokemon site, there wasn't that little border on the inside. And as far as badges go if it isn't colored in it means that someone in that group has it but I don't.
Took a long time to just get starly and shinx looking right with minimal colors.
EDIT: Just noticed another error, but whatever I'll fix it when I have to change it again.
I love the animated card!
Damn you Lucas, you posted right when I was going to post mine.
Funny thing, you pretty much wrote close to what I was going to write. Weird......
Its fine. It is funny though you wrote just about the same thing I did with me asking what the bird was.
Just remember before charging off to mt moon, the powers out and night is coming. If you guys want to go at night, I'm fine with it, but maybe call it quits for tonight? give people a chance to catch up on the reading, cuz there is a LOT.
Where is Jospeh?
That's a very good point, I have no idea. AFL hasn't posted in a while it seems... well, yesterday?
Gotta make sure he isnt forgotten again haha.
haha, yeah, plus rockjohn is on his way. And I would imagine that after such a long day, people would wanna rest and set out in the morning. just sayin though.
I'm right here, oh wait, the character. He is in the Gym with all of you or outside it I guess. And yes, don't forget me. Haha. I've been caught up, just haven't felt the need to post anything yet. I will sometime tomorrow for sure.
Good Lord guys. Not only are you guys celebrities, but you've thrown Zapdos into the mix. AHHH this Cerulean encounter is going to be so amazing! I'd better finish setting it up on my end before you get here.
Good Lord guys. Not only are you guys celebrities, but you've thrown Zapdos into the mix. AHHH this Cerulean encounter is going to be so amazing! I'd better finish setting it up on my end before you get here.
Just a news report. =P I may have made it sound more important than it actually was.
I aprove of the animated sig and all. But I really doubt I'l put that effort in it myself.
Also, events turned out good so time for another synopsis on page1.
A roleplay succeeding on charas? Holy **** good job guys. Forum roleplay isn't really my bag anymore, but still, I'm impressed. I thought every RP on charas was doomed to die forevermore.
Anyway, carry on.
I am basing my posts on the fact that Professor Gary is a "wheezing old man."
Aww, here I thought we'd have our tenth member.
Lucas almost ended it last night, but we weren't really 100% happy with the way things went down in the end.
And yeah, surprising that a Pokémon RP of all things was such a hit.
Glory to Gem for making the joke that made me start this.
A roleplay succeeding on charas? Holy **** good job guys. Forum roleplay isn't really my bag anymore, but still, I'm impressed. I thought every RP on charas was doomed to die forevermore.
Anyway, carry on.
You know, I thought the same thing. But this RP is just so easy. We all know the subject matter so well that there's none of that awful bog-down-where-nobody-knows-what-is-supposed-to-be-happening nonsense.
Join. You know you want to. Needs more Rockets.
I need to find a way to make my battles shorter...
Although the Rocket said "Nidoking" instead of "Nidoqueen", but I doubt a real Rocket would know or care for the difference.
EDIT: I just realized that both Zapdos and Articuno are both headed for Cerulean. That's gonna be one hell of a storm.
What are you talking about? If all three birds showed up at the same place bad things will happen.
And we could probably just barely beat one of them if we teamed up all 5 of team Frank.
We still have some way to go lad.
Holy crap! I need to post soon. O.o
Oh, Saiar is going to attempt to fight Articuno again sometime soon. But with Zapdos also in the area, and the Superkid trainers heading my way, and Cerulean already aggitated because a first group of Rockets is using it as a base camp for the Mt. Moon stuff and now Saiar's group is in town too... well, it's gunna get messy. I expect major, major battles before we leave town.
Edit: also, Over 9000 parody was awesome
dont check it for a day and im an entire page 1/2 behind! Jeez.
Wow, left behind again? Ugh.
Yeah, I haven't left yet either. Dun worry, I gots you
I think just the Frankster and Lucas ditched town, yeah? Though Ed and I are already in Cerulean, so you better hurry your butts up!
Totally related:
Join. You know you want to. Needs more Rockets.
Kinda lost interest in forum RP after I discovered Garry's Mod RP. It's just a format that suits me better, I guess. I'm even had my own community at once point (which I am in the terribly slow process of rebooting)
Totally related:
LOL that vid was awesome!
Quick! Somebody post something! It's about to go a full 24 hours without being updated!
I've been basically buming around waiting for the kid wonders to show up in town.
I just don't want to go marathon with Lucas since some people are getting behind. RockJohn finally got to pewter and everyone's leaving.
Also, AFL haven't had the chance to post the last pages or so.
And I write too much, so I'm being a good boy waiting a bit so peoples' eyes don't start to bleed.
I could write another Rocket entry though... And I did.
Also made the "people who agreed" go to Chris and sleep, if anyone wants to do something else an "earlier that evening" will be enough.
And I assume that Rockjohn entered the town the day after we fought the gym? Or did he get there before we left?
Guess it don't matter. ={ AFL has us heading to Mt Moon before meeting up with Rockjohn. I don't think he knew that was <i>kind of</i> the plan though.
But I wanted a squiiiirtttlllleeee....
I guess I'll just have to make due with a different water poke.
You could always forget something and walk back. Or claim that the other two left you behind.
I did not know the plan. Sorry. I made that in a rush. You can head back, but I think I want my character to stay and train a little bit if you do.
I agree. Sorry to say, but if certain people can't keep up, then either they're going to get dragged along as an extra or they're going to be left behind. It's not like there is anything forcing you kiddos to stay as a group anyway.
I used the alt+3 code to make the heart character, so if anyone can't see them, that's what they're supposed to be.
Consider it an experiment.
Worked for me. ♥
AFL, its cool. There will be other opportunities. Besides, rockjohn's squirtle seems unruly... At best. :P
And ill make a post tonight bringing us out of the cage. I gotta resolve that sandy issue anyway.
I'm working on a moderately sized post that brings my little group out of Mt. Moon, through the rocket barricade and to Cerulean. The time we are arriving is around noon, the night after the storm. This is actually ahead of you guys, so if anything is suppose to happen before noon, lemme know. If not, then okay.
I've got only one thing planned before that time, but it can be mentioned any time afterwards, so no problems here.
Nothing is "supposed to" happen before noon, though I may have another post in the morning to set the stage.
Done, now I'm in Cerulean.
Quote of the day: "Goddamn shrews!"
Okay, so here's how my end of the scenario is going to go down. The Mt. Moon Rockets based in Cerulean have already made the townsfolk a bit upset since they're Rockets and therefore jerks. Then Saiar comes in with her group, and Darren comes in with HIS group, and the town figures they're about to be taken over like the other nearby towns. Since there's actually a fair amount of good trainers in this town, when something happens that sets them off, they decide to attack and fight off the Rockets. Big fights all over town. If any of you guys wanted to fight my grunt trainers, that would be a pretty good time. I haven't quite figured out how the birds play into things, or who will win and what will happen when they do, but we can work those into the action when it seems like a good time.
Sorry been a bit hard for me to keep up past few days, been working a lot.
Since Lucas asked, I should probably post this:
Lucas says:
-Any restrictions for his pokés?
X_marks_the_ed says:
-Lyle likes to keep it down to one Poke (Whiscash), but if things go really badly, he'll use Starmie as well. But the thing is, Lyle fights dirty despite his personality. I think I established this with him striking Weepinbell before it was barely out of the ball.
-He loves to exploit the pools and Whiscash's immunity to electricity.
Lucas says:
-He doesn't have any pokés that stay on land?
X_marks_the_ed says:
-Not really, but Whiscash uses the same ball as Ed's Barboach, so it can go up on land if it needs to.
-But really, I'd only expect Frank to actually face his Starmie.
Lucas says:
-So everyone else has to lose?
-make sure to post it on the thread then
X_marks_the_ed says:
-No. It's entirely up to you, but if the battle is long and it's pretty equal on both sides, he'll be satisfied with just using Whiscash, but knowing Frank's power, Lyle would probably be motivated to use his Starmie as well.
Lucas says:
-Oh, I see.
-So I beat Wishcash, and I win?
X_marks_the_ed says:
Lucas says:
-Great, great.
So, a one on one and my Electric type won't do squat. Yay good thing I didn't go to the gym yet.
Up to you on to that Corey. I just took myself across the bridge.
Wha... you guys are doing gym fights? What happened to the Rocket showdown?
[quote]Darren comes in with HIS group, and the town figures they're about to be taken over like the other nearby towns.[/quote]
Darren's not in Cerulean yet, is he?
Okay okay. Well I've been busy for a while with wacky forum-related issues. Maybe purple should write Darren's arrival.
YA Sorry guys.
Ive had alot of Project deadlines coming up lately and have been busy like crazy. There have also been some Deadline changes to this weekend, so this week is gonna be fairly hectic.
I was hoping Dren was gonna grab Squirtle when i arrived at Pewter but i guess Chris didnt get a chance.
Hopefully by the weekend i can catch up and continue. Rock john will be training in Pewter for a bit until i post next.
O i LOVE the Rocket Card Saikar :D
Who, me?
Yeah sure. I was waiting for them other people to arrive in the actual town before getting all Rocket on their butts but let's get this party starting then. Ed will have to wait a little longer in the gym then I suppose.
BTW, how many moves did your Qwillfish know? Rollout, Minimize, spikes, stockpile, harden and revenge.
O i LOVE the Rocket Card Saikar
Doesn't have the elegance of the other sigs, but I have six times as many characters so space was at a premium. I think it came out okay. Forced me to man up and name / fill out the teams of these guys. Fun fact: all five names of the grunts are options for naming the characters in Earthbound!
[quote author=SaiKar link=topic=27070.msg350296#msg350296 date=1288009330]
all five names of the grunts are options for naming the characters in Earthbound!
And I call myself an Earthbound fanboy...
BTW, I won't have to wait for long if the Rockets try to take the gym.
Yepp, I made them want the gym as well so that you and Lucas can get some action.
I'll just write some grunts basics here and at least one pokémon they're carrying just in case you're lost.
Darren - in town wreaking havoc
Tyranitar, Butterfree, Graveler, Pidgeotto
Nigel - at the bridge blocking Route 25(?)
Carries a Tentacruel, Tentacool and Meowth.
Bob - Nigel's backup
Carries a Wobbufet and spams potions like mad.
Albert - Darren's backup
Carries a Persian and likes to use thief
Alfred - Darren's backup
Carries a Growlithe and is Alfred's brother
Kirkley - Darren's backup
Carries an Arbok
Rest is up to you. Just remember that these grunts are worse than Saiar's team. A lot worse. Kinda like an appetizer for the real battle.
So yeah....
Joe and Corey is past the bridge, so should Mid's characters be. So to get to town they'll probably have to fight Nigel and Bob unless they find another way.
In town is Darren, Alfred, Albert and Kirkley waiting for hell to break loose. There are also a bunch of local trainers pissed off about all the rocket immigrants.
In the Gym there should be a Lyle, Edwin and Lucas as well as the girl I can't remember.
In the center should be 1 Frank and 1 Chris. Including the Karat Troupe of 6 grunts and the admin herself.
Also expect the toll division of Mt.moon to go where the action is.
Yeah, looking at it it does seem weird that your pokemon couldn't do something that it did know just because you learned a new move.
But again another preference thing.
EDIT: I'll do the battle later I got stuff I got to do
The tension is rising.
shiiit, was Frank in the pokecenter and i didn't realize?
Leaving it up to dren whether or not he wants to run or fight.
shiiit, was Frank in the pokecenter and i didn't realize?
He was upstairs. Good thing posts can explain past events.
Btw, I'm fighting Albert and Kato.
Ill let lucas and ed decide if they want to take some items before we bust in and kick some rocket grunt ***.
who's in the back room?
A goddamn arcanine?!?
EDIT: Sorry, I'm just way too confused as to what's going on and who (the rockets) is where.
Dammit Corey! You had to pick the pokémon with all physical moves. Haha. Well, let's see how this goes.
Dammit Corey! You had to pick the pokémon with all physical moves. Haha. Well, let's see how this goes.
I don't even know what slimy poké you're facing.
I do. He told me in a PM.
AGGGH you guys don't post like at all during the weekend and now that it's Monday you go wild! Don't you people have jobs or anything?!
I'm struggling to keep up. As far as I can tell, the only one of my goons that's been soundly defeated is Kato, and I'm still a little shakey on how you guys took down his skarmory by crashing a bird into it.
Maybe it's like firing a cannonball at an airplane.
Albert and Kinkerly is out of the picture by now.
I'm getting Dan.
And yeah, Lucas ran like a silly girl after scaring the Scarmory. Kinda realized that only electrics would make that thing drop dead. Well, fire as well. But we're kinda lacking on both those departments.
Lucas is gonna get Holly but he's busy for 10 minutes ahead.
make it 30minutes...
Just saying.
I'll just write some grunts basics here and at least one pokémon they're carrying just in case you're lost.
Darren - in town wreaking havoc
Tyranitar, Butterfree, Graveler, Pidgeotto
Nigel - at the bridge blocking Route 25(?)
Carries a Tentacruel, Tentacool and Meowth.
Bob - Nigel's backup
Carries a Wobbufet and spams potions like mad.
Carries a Persian, ekans
Carries a Growlithe, nintetales and rattata
Carries an Arbok, Paras, kakuna
All right. Wow, this is crazy with six characters.
For reference to everyone, in terms of lowest power to greatest, the ranks go:
Darren's and the Mt. Moon based grunts < local angry Cerulean trainers < my named grunts < you guys (and probably that gym leader Lyle) < Frank, cuz he's cooler than j00 < me, suck it. < OMG LEGENDARY BIRDS
Okay, I'm posting now.
Hey, you guys know that dude my character keeps bitching about? He's here. Just so everyone's cool with that. Oh, and he brought his Bronzong.
I'll let you decide when to bring him up.
Oh, and he brought his Bronzong.
Well, to be honest, I'm burned out on creativity (lawl) for a bit, so this gives me an excuse to be absent from the main battle for a bit.
I knew you'd love it.
Eh, I'm pretty content. I'm getting my blood in the streets.
Bronzong is the bane of my existence.
Well, with only two weaknesses and abilities to protect those weaknesses well, I imagine it's the bane of all Pokemon trainers.
Attacks aren't that great, and it's slow. But yeah, I trained one in platinum >_>
It learns both Psychic and earthquake. Enough to take care of most enemies that learns moves which is in fact its' weaknesses. Also calm mind and Nasty plot. Oh and don't forget trick room which makes it act first.
Godamn hate the Bronzomgs.
Damnit Dan, way to fail with the Psywave. Or maybe way to fail by fielding an abra to begin with. Either or really.
Thats what everyone else feels like all the time. Haha
Saying that I once again overdid it wouldn't be an exaggeration would it?
These posts only get longer and longer.
This is...
I'm kind of not seeing the point in continuing. I didn't realize that you guys were going to play ultrapowerful pokemon by the 2nd gym. I had this idea of Saiar stomping you guys, possibly all of you at once, but I'm not even sure she could win one vs one against any of you at this point the way your teams are powered and evolving. There is no F'ing way Frank should have won that battle with the riff raff he has.
Basically I don't want to just set myself up to lose repeatedly for your amusements. Might just abscond into being an NPC.
This is...
I'm kind of not seeing the point in continuing. I didn't realize that you guys were going to play ultrapowerful pokemon by the 2nd gym. I had this idea of Saiar stomping you guys, possibly all of you at once, but I'm not even sure she could win one vs one against any of you at this point the way your teams are powered and evolving. There is no F'ing way Frank should have won that battle with the riff raff he has.
Basically I don't want to just set myself up to lose repeatedly for your amusements. Might just abscond into being an NPC.
Against Tyranitar?
It was a 2 on one.
There was a barrier up. (only takes 50% damage)
Tail whip was maxed out (decreases defense by 75%)
Fighting deals 4x damage against it.
Focus energy.
Low kick deals a lot of damage (Tyranitar weights about 445 lbs and that gives low kick 120 power) compared to Karate Chop's 50.
And Anger point maximizes Primeape's attack stat.
I figured it what the only way to defeat a beast at lvl 55. To turn all possible things against it.
But I apologize. I didn't realize it appeared like I was overpowering. He pretty much lived on the edge with Chansey healing him up each time.
I apologize and will change my post shortly.
Even with all that, it's an ape you caught like two days ago vs a known strong pokemon that you had apparently trained with for a large part of your career. And it's not just you, though you're doing it too, but I never really got the sense that any of you have remotely even close to been in a dangerous spot. And I'm slightly upset with how absolutely pathetic my team has done. These aren't just rocket goons - they're my characters, but Dren had Alec attack a gravler with a grimer when he had a gloom just chillin'. Even without knowing type advantages (and I'd assume the grunts know the basics) he should have been fighting 2 vs 1 just out of spite. Lucas was the only one that did his fight justice, and that's mostly because Holly has a notably lousy team, but even she managed to KO something with an exploding koffing!
But yeah. I feel like you guys are playing the game where you just sorts breeze through every encounter. And I'm not very willing to just be another easy fight. I and my characters have lost every fight, except the Joey one but that was more of a gag than anything, and we're probably going to lose again to Articuno. So eh. My heart is starting to fall out of this.
I changed my post so the whole Maya incident never took place which made things turn out as they really should. It also felt better reading it afterwards.
I admit that i let my pride get in the way of the earlier post. And I apologize for that.
Also, Sai you should write some battles. 'Cuz when we pick our battles we kinda do it out of the hopes of winning. That's why I picked Dan. He had nothing that would be super effective against me. And Neither Houndour or Abro would do well against Kabuto in the beginning so he stuck with Fearow(which never really learns any good moves)
If you pick your opponent and play the battle, you'll be more likely to do the trainers justice. We've never seen them in action.
Match 1 (implied by intro): Lost, stole Pokeball out of spite.
"Match" 2 (vs. Zubat): Caught.
Match 3 (vs. Graveler): Fled into abandoned Pokecenter.
Match 4 (vs. Houndoom): Confused, then fled.
Match 5 (vs. Viridian Forest): Caterpies and Weedles, no contest.
Match 6 (vs. Magby): Victory?
Match 7 (vs. Magby again): Clefairy gets owned, Zubat one-shots it again.
Match 8 (vs. Josh): Pity victory.
Match 9 (vs. Viridian Forest): Owned by BEEEEDRILLS. (Side note: Zubat KOed itself)
Match10(vs. Houndoom): Clefairy becomes bait while Onix owns it.
Match11(vs. Lucas): Barboach loses.
Match12(vs. Arcanine, Mightyena, and Graveler): Zubat is owned. Clefable does nothing. Barboach squirts at last second.
I demand an exception to this. I didn't spend 14 pages making sure Clefairy was labeled useless just for this.
I feel pretty bad about this myself, giving up now would be a shame tho.
I can edit my post a bit too. In my defense, I try to play conservatively but it's a lot harder to write your own defeat then I thought it would be.
Hey, this is my first serious rp, give me another chance! Pweeeeease! *puppy face*
It is hard to accept defeat. It really is.
But this was an eye-opener for me. I've realized that you can't get away with everything. Sometimes you gotta lower your guard and take the punch like a man. 'Cuz black eyes are cool.
I just think we need to think out our posts more thoroughly and honestly. I knew the kid had a gloom, but I didn't want to lose, so I had him run.
That's pretty much what it comes down to. I convinced myself the kid was just scared. But that's just dumb, he's a rocket after all, and he'd only lost one of his pokemon.
Also, Sai, pokemon evolve at low levels. It doesn't mean they're strong. Especially my team. Both Noctowl and Graveler evolve at low levels... Thouuugh, I get maybe my hoot-hoot shouldn't have evolved so soon. STILL, my team wouldn't stand a chance against Espeon, Steelix, or that weird Koffing you got. Never mind what else you have.
AND in regards to my fight. This sounds silly, but I honestly wasn't sure what to do here. I wasn't sure if it'd be practical for trainers to switch out pokemon in fights. I mean, it works in the games, but how would this work in reality? People would be switching out pokemon left and right trying to gain the type advantage. I could've done two on one. I'm not sure why I didn't.
What was Alec's third pokemon? I forgot. =X
Oh dear.
Alec's third pokemon is a growlthe. Which wouldn't have helped him against the graveler. Lol @ fire type being basically the worst type in the game.
I've decided to man up, quit my bitching, take out my thunderous wrath at the next one of you kids that gets in my way, and then continue onward.
I'm glad to hear that. It haven't been a day and we already missed you.
Feel free to kick asses. With Sai or her apprentices.
Okay, I updated my battle with Alec. I do feel better about it. And I'm glad you changed your mind, sai. =D
So who all is been defeated and such?
I mean by all means Sai you can just whoop me up I'm on my way in town.
Okay, I think my post is correct with the context of what's going on. Alec is still fighting Dren and Paige didn't fight any of the named characters. I don't want to move around your characters but I don't know where anyone is at actually in the town. Saiar is now actively looking for Frank. If any of you want to be there when she meets up with him, try to make that happen in the next post or two. If you want to write the confrontation Prpl, that's okay. Saiar speaks mostly in somewhat pointed, complicated sentences. She doesn't use contractions very often (though occasionally I slip up when writing her dialog and forget to check for them) and kind of has this air of confidence without being cocky. Well, if you don't want to write it, I'll write it myself.
Also, quote of the day: "Chris stepped away from the door and firmly grabbed his raging balls." (with thanks to Lucas)
edit: defeated and such:
* Holly - team KO'd
* Alec - in combat with Dren
* Dan - team KO'd
* Paige - minor scratches
* Kato - fully healed by leeching items from Sai
Chris is over by the entrance to Cerulean gym, just got beat by Alec.
Also, what happened to Mid?
Corey found Frank, and Frank headed to the gym.
Chris is beaten at the gym by Alec.
Edwin is in the gym watching Bruce and lyle.
Lucas was off fighting Holly.
Joe is up on the bridge fighting Nigel with the tentacruel.
Paige, Holly and Dan should be with Saiar.
Darren and his team beside bob is securing the town with fighting. Although Darren is pretty satisfied with the battle with Frank.
I'm gonna make me and corey challenge Alec and have Kato run into us I suppose.
Either corey or Sai can take care of the battle. It's a double battle after all.
And Sai, I'd prefer if you'll do the meeting of Frank and Saiar. You're a much better writer than me and my character is kinda easy to mimic.
I have much more planned for the Gym battle, but can't type it due to a certain someone in my household being very annoying.
I can't type any more for the rest of the night. I got places to be and things to do. Chris is in a bit of shock, but he'll be alright. Do whatever you guys want to with him.
Do whatever you guys want to with him.
I delayed myself on purpose, and also because Darren really is an ***hole. Gives you guys time to clear the gym out of goonies before Saiar and Frank meet up.
Sounds good to me.
We'll let Ed post his Bruce post since he had a lot more on that. Or Frank could leave the gym after the battle against Alec and Kato with Corey. So that those events does not have to synchronized. Also gives Ed more time.
And yeah, Darren is an ***hole. Frank is prick but Darren is an ***hole.
I could go with the whole Team America-explanation here but I'll leave it.
And I'll have to leave it like this for tonight. Happy writings.
Match13 (vs. Bowser): Owned.
I did say he was promised the Admin position of Cerulean.
I'm posting the battle against Alec and Kato now.
Just letting you know.
Also, I'd love to beat Bruce's bronzomg but there's just no way I'd ever could.
That really shouldn't have taken as much time as it did. but we're ready for action now.
Quote of the day: Frank liked mankeys.
Yeah, I'll get THE CONFRONTATION up sometime today
Sorry guys been slacking working long days. Sorry all
I'll post later tonight.
Chris stepped away from the door and firmly grabbed his raging balls.
Wait, what?!
Sorry guys been slacking working long days. Sorry all
It's coo'. We all some of us be pretty busy peoplesz.
Lucas, make a game or something, damnit.
Anyway, THE CHASE IS ON. Sorry I had to sorta move your characters a little bit, but I hope nobody minds getting you involved directly in this last part of the Cerulean events.
It isn't until recently that I realized that my character was oblivious to the birds this whole time. Gotta sync back up quickly, then.
Wait, who're you calling busy? Because I am an unemployed dude who sits around doing nothing all day, you know!
Because I'm pretty much done with Lyle unless someone goes back to get a Cascadebadge:
Lucas says:
Who's Lyle?
X_marks_the_ed says:
The water gym leader. :/
Lucas says:
oh no I know
But after you introduced him
You said something about people having to guess who he was
as if he was an existing character
X_marks_the_ed says:
Yeah, shame you guys never got it.
Lucas says:
X_marks_the_ed says:
Let me gather the clues I left.
Lucas says:
X_marks_the_ed says:
"Edwin thought it might be a redhead thing."
"It's a Gym favorite - Starmie."
"I am basing my posts on the fact that Professor Gary is a 'wheezing old man.'"
Lucas says:
Misty's son?
X_marks_the_ed says:
Lucas says:
I was thinking way too hard into it.
X_marks_the_ed says:
*hands Lucas a moldy cookie*
Oak should be more of a koffing old man.
*Ba da bump*
The the pun must be too awesome for others to post after you Sai.
By the way, I think I might quote you in my sig because it is so awesome.
If this is you sucking up because of that Charas Heroes thing, well... I think I might be able to get used to it.
Okay, so, like. Apparently I am told that everyone's waiting for me to do the Articuno battle, under the vague hope I have some plans. I don't really. I'm just trying to set up interesting events for us, but it's not like I'm trying to run the whole show. If you guys reeeaallly can't get this going without me, then I'll do something this evening, but we're talking about most of another day passing here.
I'm so far behind in reading some of these posts its ridiculous. Luckily I'm completely separated from everyone at the moment.
Yeah, but no matter who writes it, it's gunna need to involve one person doing dialog and actions for other players. I mean, most of the cast is there, after all. Pretty unavoidable.
Yes, I'm pulling a Corey, but it won't last long.
Haha, I keep forgetting I have that thing, eventually I'll do something about it.
You were going to show me, but we got distracted by Bill's house. =P
I'll show it when I actually write a battle haha. No time really it should be shown probably during bird fight or after.
It's no less than you deserve for making the next action absolutely dependent on me by having me throw that mystery pokeball :p
Yes yes, now everyone knows what it is and can use it in whatever situation they want. The story sucks but gotta rush, figured everyone should know what it is now.
If you can't guess what happens in the next exciting episode of Eeveelution Z, I feel sorry for you.
... please don't kill me for this. If everyone protests, I'll alter the ending, but I think it's okay. Needless to say, Sai will be in a pretty good mood for a while, so I wouldn't expect anyone to get threatened by her for a while.
I like it. It makes sense. I feel like eventually you should get all of them and from that we see the final battle or something of the sort. =D
I want to yoink that so bad...
I guess we should just back out slowly and avoid team rocket alltogether for the moment huh.
Time for a new synopsis though. Damn this part was fast.
I blame Lucas harassing me for like a week. And yeah. I was originally planning on having the pokeball fall to the ground, but I knew one of you bastards would make a lunge for it.
Also, what happened to Mid?
Something like...too much posting and me not being able to concentrate or keep up. >>... Sorry, =/
Finally part of the group.
Any ideas on our next little escapade?
Whoever hasn't gotten a badge prolly wants it. And Lucas keeps ranting about a Vermillion post. I don't have any plans though. I played puppetmaster for this city - someone else can take a turn for the next couple.
Okay, posted. Saffron should now have 50 more grunts, and another admin. Seems like we will be heading there, or at least Frank. This should be pretty darn difficult. And Team Rocket will now be more careful, to prevent what happened on Vermillion to happen on other cities that they control. So people in Saffron right now are pretty screwed. Unless we go there and save them!
Chances to liberate the city with most rocket influence is rather low.
Frank just didn't feel like going through the dark cave like some 10 year old without Tea.
Lucy says this RP is dying. Let's prove him wrong, guys.
I'm done letting that guy order me around D:
DAMN LUCAS. That was an epic post.
Sorry for not posting at all the past week. I just haven't had the time or the heart to do it. But I can get back into it after Lucas's post.
It's not dying. I'm just letting people catch up. Kinda noticed that some people got left behind and didn't have the chance to catch up so I figured I'd give it some time for the recent events to sink in.
But if you don't want any more waiting I'm making Frank bust out of Saffron and start the next chain of events.
It's fine, we don't have to move a millions posts a second. Maybe a more leisurely stroll is what this RP needs.
However, I'll adjust accordingly.
My character may or may not be being court marshaled or something. We'll see.
So, Frank did what he was supposed to do in Saffron.
Now I gotta figure out how to get out of there and what to do with those two new additions to his team that he don't want.
Onward to Lavender, to see if we can't get the ghosts to leave.
Should I assume that Joe is still there when Frank returns to the gate?
Saying that it's dying just because it went two days without a reply won't fix anything.
Actually posting in it will.
Yeah, the pace definitely slowed down, but come on guys. There's nothing wrong with a leisurely pace. :P
EDIT: @Ed, what pokecenter are you talking about?
It's almost weekend (well it is today) so chill out lucas and solve the problem if you have one.
EDIT: @Ed, what pokecenter are you talking about?
The one by Cerulean Cave.
The one by Cerulean Cave.
Dark cave?
Dark cave?
Rock Tunnel, apparently.
wait... Three different caves...
I think I got it now.
Mt. Moon = DURR
Cerulean Cave = The one with Mewtwo in it.
Rock Tunnel = The one to lavender.
I don't think I mentioned it as "Cerulean Cave" in the RP, so no editing needed.
Oh right, Dark cave is where you find Dunsparces.
I feel like Joseph would know a Dunsparce since he's from Johto originally, but I'll play along since there is a chance he never went to that part of Johto.
I'll get to posting eventually, but I've had some medical troubles [Ear Infection since the beginning of last month, and I had an allerigc reaction to the medication, and so forth] and I've been trying to catch up on my work.
Frank never told Joe what it was, he just gave it to him and said it was secret.
Feel free to toss it on someone else.
Also, don't it kinda suck to be a marching band guy and get ear infections?
It does. -.-"
I actually got it from being marching band. There were a few practices that were really windy and rainy, and my ear was inflamed...
Anyway, I was saying for when he does see it. But I'll just have him not know what it is.
god im so sad ive fallen behind on this. Like im trying to catch up, but i still got a couple pages togo
Well, the group has split up, so you can go to cerulean then saffron or then to the rock tunnel with an epic long post. Or you can kinda take it easy and go your own way and eventually meet up with us. Jussayin
look at me postimg. amazing haha
Just pointing out that if someone wants a certain something to make an appearance, the broken Pokeball just might make it possible. Feel free to make it happen at some point in the future.
But first, Rock Tunnel.
First, I have no idea what your talking about, Ed.
Second, damn you purple! Making plot twists and interesting conflicts. Curses!
Seriously guys, where you at?
Inactivity discouraged me from posting.
You bastard! I was just about to post an epic revival post!
Oh you were not :P
"Wasn't gonna" my ***...
Wow... Just wow, I'm proud to indirectly have breed this awesomeness.
Let me know when you guys want to continue this though. I kinda miss it.
Or should we leave it like this for a while and call it end of Season 1 with the new year coming up and try something different?
I'm up for both. Either way haha.
Zerl has a thing?
... save the obvious dirty remarks until at least clarifying, please. Then go wild.
Okay, I was reminded by Dren's game and I just skimmed through this again, and I kinda miss doing it. That Cerulean battle was so epic. Would anyone want to continue this madness?
*after walking in tall grass* (
Locked due to being dead and also because it's a targeted thread by a spam bot.
It's mostly because of the latter.