Off-Topic => Archive => RP Board => Topic started by: Prpl_Mage on October 07, 2010, 11:37:05 PM
Kanto, a region with a very special wildlife. And lately - another kind of wild life. The reformed Team Rocket who wreaked havoc across towns and routes alike.
They were strong and when they showed up - they did so as a gang with an Admin leading them, the result of a useful lesson from past mistakes.
Frank stood at the Poké centre at Viridian city, he'd travelled through an underground pass from Vermillion to get there all the way from Saffron where he heard the news. "The pokémon professor of Pallet town is held hostage in his lab by a mysterious group".
And here he stood, Frank the cooltrainer, a trainer who lost all of his hard work to those Team rockets.
Only his Murkrow remained and he had no money to get new balls.
In the distance he could see how a pair of grunts where blocking the entrance to Pallet and also the commotion beyond. There was probably at least a Rocket Admin leading the group over there, and he would probably carry one strong pokémon that would have the same strength as all those grunts' pokés combined. That was the way of the new Team rocket.
He wanted revenge on the rockets and this could prove to be a small and yet meaningful start of that fight. The good fight.
Frank couldn't let it go, how could he just stand there and watch team rocket bully people around? It was time for someone to act, so he took action.
He made his way towards the city entrance, past some ledges and tall grass. There was a group of upset people in the crowd gathered outside and Frank could notice at least some people with pokéballs of their own.
He made his way into the crowd when someone tried to get past the grunts once more only to the met by
-"This area is team rocket property right now, stand back or face a real beating your pokémon won't forget!"
It was burning him up, there were many grunts in the town at the moment, but the Admin must still be in the lab.
Frank knew it would be safe to battle as long as the Admin was inside, but he wouldn't be able to stand countless battles against all these grunts himself. He had to find an ally in the battle to come.
(Sorry 'bout the wall)
Sign up thread here: Pokémon RP, sign up and catch ém all! (
Chris stared at the TV. They were talking about Team Rocket again. "Their occupation spreads through Saffron, Vermillion, and Celadon." The anchor man said, he was standing in front of a huge building. SilfCo. "Now they've taken over SilfCo. It's been years since Team Rocket has been seen. They've been working underground for many years. Now they've finally returned, and they're not playing around anymore. Several trainers have reported their pokemon being stolen. There has even been multiple cases of pokemon being stolen right off of PCs. A system once thought to be of the highest security. Several people who have challenged a rocket have been severely beaten after the pokemon fight in what is clearly being used a scare tactic against future rebels. Reports indicate..."
The reporter prattled on. chris's eyes drifted away from the TV. Your mom prattled on. Something about how terrible those men were. She suspected that several gym leaders were gathering in secret meetings now, planning to overthrow Team Rocket. She was talking about the ones who had recently abandoned their posts as gym leaders. Vermillion, Cerulean, Saffron, Celadon and even Pewter City. All the gymleaders for those cities had turned up missing in the past few months. She was talking about Richard, her husband. Chris didn't have the same idea.
"Mom." Chris spoke quietly, but firmly.
"Yes dear? What is it?"
"I think I'll be leaving very soon."
Chris's mom, Elliot, was very quiet. The jigglypuff, Ploof, by her side became very sullen. Her pink mouth agape and quietly staring at Chris.
"I suppose... I mean..." Elliot began saying. Then, she abruptly dropped what she was doing and walked out of the room.
Chris didn't mean to hurt her. It had been a long time coming. They both knew Chris was going to leave soon. Chris didn't know why he hadn't left sooner.
That's when the Reporter interrupted Chris's thought.
"Breaking News out of Pallet Town!" he sang into his mic.
I'm posting the rest because I feel this is necessary. I'm sorry! I know it's a text wall, but this is an introduction post afterall, so lengthiness is too be expected.
Chris didn’t wait long to hear what the reporter had to say. He’d made up his mind. He didn’t know what he was expecting to see. Or what he was expecting to do. But he had to go.
He walked upstairs and into his room. He grabbed his favorite bag. It was a traveler’s dream backpack. It had a 1 L camelpack, slots for various tools, and was made out of durable material. He stuffed his secret stash of poke balls he rarely used in the ball pocket. 4 Pokeballs and 1 Greatball. “Some secret stash”, he thought to himself. He had one potion on him and an antidote. Other provisions included a sleeping bag and a pan for boiling water. “So damn prepared it’s ridiculous…” He mumbled. Elliot walked in.
“What are you doing honey?” she asked
“I’m leaving as soon as possible.”
“Where are you going?”
“I don’t know.”
“What are you going to do?”
“I don’t know.”
Elliot put her hand on her face as if in shock, staring at the wall as if it were the most interesting thing she’d ever seen.
Chris turned to her and finally started to feel bad for her, “I’m sorry mom. But I can’t sit around here anymore.”
“And why not?” she snapped suddenly. Chris was taken aback. His mom was usually calm and complacent.
“You think I’m stupid? I know the other gym leaders would never care about anything but their stupid training! I know the Pewter City Gym’s been locked up for 3 months now with trainers camping outside it waiting for Richard’s return!”
Chris felt awful. All he could do was hug her. “I’m sorry mom. I’m going to find him.”
She sobbed gently into his shoulder. There wasn’t much else to do.
Chris left that day. Elliot gave him 500 yen. He was headed south to Pallet town.
It was a short walk through Viridian forest. Only a few hours. It was getting late, all the annoying youngsters and their damned shorts had gone home for the night. There weren't even bug catchers around. Reaching the edge of the forest with the lights of veridian in sight, Chris set up camp. Why pay for lodging? He was limited as it was and he hadn't slept outside in a while. He chowed down on some provisions his mom had given him. Night was setting in fast as Chris curled up in his bag.
"After him!"
Three rockets ran up the rocky path after a wiry youth in a white coat. The leader of the trio seemed especially agitated. "Give me back that Pokemon!" They eventually came upon a cave at the top of the cliff side. Sure enough, the fleeing man entered without hesitation.
One of the trio stops the leader. "It's no use, you won't last against those Gravelers without any Pokemon. We'll get it back!" The leader gives a threatening look and goes in with the other two.
The trio look up from the entrance to a higher platform where the man stood. "You never cease to amaze me, Eddy boy. You know you can't win, so you have to stoop to snatching a Pokeball from right under my nose." The leader was enraged.
"I think your little dog needs to go on a walk, to the bottom of the lake. If all you intend to use it for is to make other lives miserable."
"We gave you a chance, but you had to play hero. If you had just joined us, I would have helped you get better." Edwin tossed the ball back at the leader. He catches it, never taking his eye off Edwin. "I have nothing to improve on. You and me, we settle this now."
One of the Rockets intervene. "We can't, we gotta get back to Cerulean. We could get an order any minute now." The three leave, the leader still does not take his eyes off of him. "Someday, we WILL finish this, you thieving bastard."
"I look forward to it, Rocket filth."
Outside it was a nasty sight. Team Rocket had taken over the town, and Joseph and his mother was stuck inside their house. Why did I have to move from Olivine at a time like this? Joseph though to himself. As they waited, they could hear yelling from outside. People were trying to get into town, but the grunts were having none of it. The invasion of Pallet Town happened very quickly. They barely had enough time to hide when Rocket Grunts had busted down their door. Luckily, they had a hidden closet behind the television and they thought no one was home. When Joseph had moved in he had asked about it.
'I don't really like the look of the closet... and its so small, what use could it have? That's why I hid it behind the television.' is what she told him. Little did he know that the closet hadn't existed until after Team Rocket had become a major threat.
Then they heard something outside, "This area is team rocket property right now, stand back or face a real beating your Pokémon won't forget!" At that moment, they questioned how they were going to get out Pallet Town.
"Quick, go through here!" Joseph's mother said.
"What is this?"
"Its a tunnel leading outside Pallet Town! Now go! I can't fit, please go!"
It was at that moment Joseph's journey would begin.
"Who's voices are that? Is someone in here?" a Rocket grunt yelled from another room. They hadn't left yet!
"Go! Now!" said Joseph's mother. Joseph crawled down the tunnel. As a door shut behind him, he heard his mother being taken out of the closet by the grunt.
"Who was in there with you?"
"No one! Honest!"
"Liar! You, take her outside. We'll deal with her later."
And that would be the last Joseph would see of his mother.
Realizing the mistake he made, Edwin decided that he couldn't just head back to Cerulean, so he started through the cave on the way to Pewter. He kept one of his Pokeballs in his hand, even though it was already attached to his belt. "Clefairy isn't strong enough for those Gravelers."
Luckily the cave was pretty barren, as the Rockets had already taken all that they could. The most one could expect was a Zubat or two. But the Gravelers here were too strong for even the Rockets who came through.
Hours later, he stopped and sat by a cliff wall for a short breath. He took out one of his empty Pokeballs and began to consider why he even had them in the first place. He was never any good at catching Pokemon. They just never seemed to stay in the balls. He decided to get rid of them, so he threw the one he was holding across the path.
Bad idea. A Zubat flew from atop the nearby surface and fluttered around in circles screaming at the top of it's lungs. Panicked, Edwin decided to flee past the noise maker, but upon doing so, it started following him, screaming as it gradually started to catch up. Edwin stopped and the Zubat flew right past him, turned around and started circling above him. Soon enough, Edwin could hear more of them. Losing focus, the one above him swooped down and tore into his arm. Without thinking, Edwin grabbed a blunt object and started battering the rodent with it. He had to silence it quickly, and he did. The object glowed and the Zubat was sucked inside. Ed dropped it. It was one of his Pokeballs.
The ball shook violently, and ready for it he sent out Clefairy. Just before Clefairy could even adjust to the darkness, the ball stopped.
Corey arrived from at Vermillion from the Sinnoh Region early in the morning.
Having battled with other passengers the whole trip he got very comfortable with his new Starly. He had decided to name it Ace, due to the fact he wanted to remember his old friend.
As he exited the boat it slowly started away. He saw a boy running from the area near the Gym, figured he must have lost to the Leader here.
Corey noticed a lot people walking in fear of these guys in Black uniforms with what appeared to be an 'R' on it. It reminded him much of Team Galactic that was seen around Sinnoh, though without the spacey outfits.
He sent Ace out of the Pokeball and let him rest on his shoulder.
"Ah, ready to start our new Life Ace?"
*Ace shakes his head in approval and caws (are we doing Pokemon Anime crys or game Crys?)*
A member wearing the black uniform comes over and notices Ace.
"Nice Poke you got there. Ain't none of them 'round here. I would like you to hand it over."
"What? I'm sorry I didn't understand you. It sounded as though you said you want me to hand over Ace?"
"Why yes, yes I did boy. So you going to do it peacefully?" *Rocket member reaches towards his belt holding his Pokemon.
"I'm sorry but I can't do that."
"Well, looks like you will have a short life boy!" *Sends out Scyther*
"Get him Scyther!! Use Fury Cutter!"
"Ready Ace?" *Ace shakes head*
"Ace use Quick Attack followed by a Wing Attack!"
*Scyther's Fury Cutter connects gaining power for the next hit.*
*Ace uses the quick attack to get around Scyther. As Soon as his back is visible Ace uses a Wing Attack*
"I may be new to this. But I learned from a few fellow trainers on the boat ride here that a bug can't take too many flying attacks. Looks like I have the advantage!"
"Haha, stupid boy. Scyther may be my only Pokemon. But he is a higher level than your little bird."
"You aren't going to be taking my Starly!"
"We will see. Scyther use Fury Cutter!"
"The same move again? What that the only one you got!"
"Boy don't you know? Fury Cutter gets stronger with each successive hit."
*Scyther Lunges and connects once more*
*Ace it unable to fly now, Wing Attack is useless*
"Ace. no!"
"Looks like it is bye-byes to you and your Starly. I'd take it but it is too weak for me.Scyther Fury Cutter!"
"Ace Use Endure!"
*Ace braces for the attack. It is successful, leaving him with 1hp but badly injured and unable to move*
"Ace, don't move. I'll get you"
"Oh looks like your bird fainted. (Rocket member clueless that Endure just saved Ace's life) Scyther use a Fury Cutter on this boy, let him know and fear Team Rocket!"
*As Corey turned to shield his Starly his was hit by Fury Cutter. Knocking him out. As the Rocket member walks away Corey vows to seek revenge on them*
*Corey blacks out*
*Corey wakes up to the feeling of being dragged. Still unable to speak or move he blacks out once more.*
Vermillion was lately a great place for many of Team Rocket's business. It had the best harbour in Kanto and was constantly used to export resources to the other parts of the world. Boats entered as well with young trainers who wanted to have a go with the Kanto Elite four.
But the truth was that few of those trainers would be allowed to leave Vermillion by boat since team rocket had most of the harbour taken over lately. If someone with interesting pokémon tried to leave - team rocket would probably suddenly stop the boat and board it right away.
But the truth is that most parts of Vermillion was theirs now. Even the Gym.
"Dude, I mean sir! We just received word from the Silph building." A rocket grunt entered the back room of the gym.
"Well speak up you toll." A Rocket admin - Arnel sat at the chair with his legs up on the table.
"A-alright, we've managed to bypass the first security check so the infiltration should continue as planned." The grunt said doing a late salute.
Arnel closed his eyes, Nodded and stood up.
"Brilliant, anything new about the port? Exports doing all right? Any interesting 'imports'?"
The grunt took a couple of seconds to think things through.
"All of the exports are going according to plan sir-dude. A new shipment is coming in later today with those stones from Mt moon." He then closed his eyes and poked in the air.
"We also had some new imports... Some common ones, some I don't know the name off.. And this Starleh bird, and an Awrron"
Arnel sighed and shook his head. "Starley and Aron?"
"Yes dude - sir. That's the one."
"Isn't Starley a Sinnoh pokémon? I heard that there are some strong and interesting specimen over there... Did he have anything beside the Starley?"
"Dude, I donno. I mean erhm... No sir, not that I'm aware of." The grunt scratched his head.
"What does 'intel' means you piece of Taurus turd. Sheesh - What do we even pay you guys for..." Arnel walked to the door and raised a hand.
"Send the word that operation PowerTraining is proceeding as planned. With or without any unique, rare or exceptional pokémon."
"Yes sir."
Meanwhile at Pallet town
The growlithe was sent flying a bit back by the force of the geodude.
A hiker was the one to throw the first blow against the Rockets at the entrance.
It didn't take long before the other guard assisted his shocked grunt-buddy. A Machoke now blocked the path in front of the guards.
"What are you doin' ya stupid pup?! Get up and fight dammit!" One of the guards said and yelled at his growlithe.
"What's your problem? Just get out a better one already!" The more experienced grunt with the machoke was clearly getting annoyed.
"Oh right.."
"Hey, what's the problem over there?" Another grunt joined the first two at the entrance.
"No problem at all, just some punk thinking he can break through." At the wink of a hand the Machoke unleashed a Mach punch in the gravelers face which tipped him over.
"Graveler!" The Hiker yelled and got down on his knees beside it.
The reaction was the same with all the trainers in the crowd - a wall of pokémon was sent out in protest and the tension was high. A Pidgeotto, a Gloom, Zubats, Geodude, Kadabra, Magnemite, Nidorino and few others.
The grunts looked at each other.
"Heh. You two take care of this for now." The third rocket said and walked out of town with all the trainers' eyes on him. Then as soon as he passed them, he ran.
The two grunts unleashed what they had. Another Growlithe appered next to the Machoke, poliwhirl, Fearow, Weezing, ekans, Houndour and Quilfish aslo joined the fight.
The battle soon erupted with more of the grunts stationed in town joining in.
The Hiker who were next to Frank called him over after his Murkrow took out a Kakuna in the middle of the chaos.
"Get that rocket who fled, he'll call for reinforcements. We can take care of this ourselves." The Hiker told his Onix to build his rage the moment after.
"This is where I should be, fighting the Rockets!" Frank said as Murkow returned to his shoulder.
"You're needed elsewhere now kid. Go go!"
Frank shook his head but began to walk the trail back to Viridian to find that Rocket.
He spotted two people in the distance, one looked like he was in trouble. He just hoped that the other guy didn't have any crazy-strong pokémon like Houndour or Muk.
Just at the north edge of veridian. Chris slept peacefully in his sleeping bag, cozy by the dying embers of the fire. Blissfully unaware of the drama erupting to the south of town.
Outside of the building in which Ed hid, he could hear the muffled shouting of the beast outside. It was angry that he had managed to flee. He was safe for now. The building was torn apart. Furniture strewn across the room, and only one working light on the ceiling. This was the Pokecenter. Unfolding his arms he had a look at his partner. She was still out. His attention turned to the machine behind the counter. Sure enough, it wasn't working.
Angrily, he pummeled the machine, flailing all limbs at it. It was in vain. But, the noise did do something. The Graveler shouted again, a few minutes later, another thud against the door. But, he could hear something else. "Who's in there!?" Clutching Clefairy, Edwin dove under the counter. A loud howl pierced into the building.
The door flew into the machine, smoldering and in flames. "I recommend coming out, or else I'll have to torch you out!" Edwin arose, knowing he'd find him anyway.
"You're the one Cerulean team called about?" Edwin nodded. He probably was. "Seems you don't know how to keep your mouth shut. Hand over your Pokemon before I take them." "I have no Pokemon of value. Just a Clefairy....and a Zubat."
"I don't care. Hand them over." It was hopeless. For what stood before him was not some common Rocket. This one wielded a full-grown Houndoom, and it looked ready to pounce. "You'll have to take them, then! Go, Zubat!"
The Zubat, sure enough, appeared. But it only made things worse. The rodent continued to fly around in circles in front of the Rocket. "Houndoom, Flamethrower!"
But it missed. Houndoom was having trouble keeping track of the thing, let alone hitting it. "I gotta strike back, if this thing can evade as well as that, I may stand a chance. If only I could remember what Zubats can do." Without any instruction, Zubat screeched even louder than before. Ed and the Rocket had to cover their ears, but Houndoom had to take it. Soon, Houndoom started tripping over itself. '....Supersonic!" The Rocket was angry. "Stand up, you worthless creature!" But it couldn't. "Zubat, Leech Life that thing while you have the chance!" Instead, the Zubat sliced by his arm again. "Dammit, it won't listen to me!" Edwin called it back and fled the building, leaving the Rocket to scold his Pokemon for 'falling prey to such petty tactics.'
Corey awoke in a white room. Still dazed he starting to look around the room. He saw his clothes sitting on a table to his right and a few books.
All of a sudden he jumped, and then cried out from the pain.
"Where is Ace...?"
Corey got up weakly and shuffled to his clothes. Searching though them he found only 5 out of 6 pokeballs.
"So they took Ace... Well at least I still have Spark ( A Shinx he captured right before leaving Sinnoh )"
Corey sends out Spark.
"Looks like we won't be seeing Ace anymore fella. Now, let's get going and figure out where we are"
Corey proceeds to get dressed. Repacking his bag after noticing it has been rummaged. He recounted his items.
3 potions, 4 empty pokeballs and 1 Greatball he found in a trash can on the ship, as well as some leftovers, though not sure what these were for. Also he found the empty TM Endure..bringing tears as he thought of Ace. He zipped the bag and Grabbed Spark's Pokeball.
"Alright boy come out. Let's do some searching."
He sends out Spark and goes towards the door. As he reaches for the handle it suddenly opens. Spark (I hoping everyone just oversees the fact the he already knows the move Spark though he is not a Luxio yet. **** Pickachi did in the anime haha) being startled shocked both Corey and whoever opened the door.
"Wow what a powerful electric pokemon you got."
"I'm sorry who are you?"
The person walks fully into the room with a bird pokemon on his shoulder. This person is elderly, way over the hill. He seems very full of knowledge.
"I'm Peter. I was the one who dragged you here. To recover. This guy here is Farfetch'd."
"Oh, thank you for saving me. But were thereany other pokemon with me. I am missing one. Did those Rocket guys take him. Where is he? Where? Please tell me!"
"Oh ho ho. Your Starly is fine boy. Still healing up though. I was able to grab him while that Rocket member walked away. Usually they steal the pokemon of the defeated. But he seemed to have more joy in cutting you up."
"Yeah I can tell" Corey winces in pain once again."Please take me to my Starly."
"I will boy I will. I just have one question. How do you plan to get out of Vermillion once you have your Pokemon? You are no where near as strong as these Rockets. And that has been proved."
"I don't know. But I will fight if I have to. To avenge what they did to Ace."
"And once your out. Do you plan on helping the others? This region is about to be completely overrun by these Rockets."
"I don't know again. I came here to start a new life not fight in a war. I just want to get that Rocket with the Scyther back for what he did."
"Oh oh ho. Well, in these times you have to think more than about yourself. Here, let us get your Pokemon and I will show you a way out of town. That should not involve fighting."
As they walked Corey noticed a lot of items relating to bird Pokemon. "I'm sorry, sir, but it appears your know a lot about birds."
"Yes, yes I do son. My boy was the Gym leader of Violet City in Johoto the last I heard."
"Wow. I have a question can you help me train my Starly. I don't want to lose him again."
"I think I can that for you."
Okay, I think we got a little confused with our times. I fell asleep the first day the same time Lucas passed out? Then he woke up the next day I'm assuming? THEN prpl mage's character came to Veridian? That's what i'm going with.
Chris yawned lightly and rolled over in his sleeping bag. He was half asleep, but clearly felt the stick jab into his side.
"Go away... I don't wanna go to school today..." Chris mumbled in his sleep. The stick jabbed him again. Chris came out of his sleep.
"Hey, what's the big idea!" Chris rolled over and groggily sneered at a little kid poking him in the side with a stick.
"Boy, you sure are strange." The kid replied. He was young, no more than 9 years old. He had short shirts and a bug catching net. "You've been out here all day," the young kid said, "I've passed you three times going back and forth from the woods. Aren't you gonna wake up anytime now? Lazy kid!"
Chris looked up and noticed the sun was high in the sky. He'd slept very late. "Huh, thanks I guess..."
The bug catching kid shrugged his shoulders and said, "I already got the early worm." then walked off.
Chris watched him go a bit perplexed. "... the hell does that mean?"
Within twenty minutes, Chris was ready to go. He'd packed his bag up, eaten the rest of the very limited provisions, properly covered the ashes of the fire, brushed his teeth, and was on his way south. It was a nice day, maybe a little past 11 AM, Chris judged by the angle of the sun. He walked through town a bit, venturing into shops and taking his time. Chris managed to buy some healing powder for only 100 yen at a farmer's market. He stored it neatly in the bottle it came in with his potion and antidote. Now, Chris thought, no more playing around, time to get to Pallet.
He hoped everyone was okay, but he couldn't imagine Team Rocket would find a need to kill anyone in Pallet town. He assumed they were there for the Professor. But why? The Professor was doing humble research. He had only a few pokemon these days which he kept around for company. He was an old man and his pokemon were just as old. They were no good for fighting so what did Team Rocket want?
Suddenly, Chris noticed figured up ahead on route 1 to Pallet town. One was on the ground, he was kind of lanky and wore thick soda cap glasses. A man was standing over him, "A rocket!" Chris said outloud, stunned. The rocket had a muk poised to attack the kid on the ground. The third man was behind the two, he hadn't been noticed by the rocket or the stunned kid on the ground. Suddenly the rocket looked up, locking his eyes directly on Chris.
"Hey you! The hell you lookin' at? You want some trouble too?" The rocket yelled to chris. The kid on the ground turned to look. Chris didn't say anything, he was shocked at just how brazen this rocket was. "What? You nervous?" He said again. His Muk was menacing and disgusting. The look in its eyes was as intimidating as its master.
The rocket grunted in disgust then shouted, "Fine then. Looks like you got some pokemon on you, care to hand 'em over? Muk, will you please disable that kid?" The Muk began to move towards Chris.
Chris knew he had the type advantage, but that Muk was powerful. One blow from its giga impact and his geodude was finished. He had little choice. "Dudley, go!"
"A geodude? What the hell. All you kids have the weakest pokemon! Muk, pound on that lump of rocks!"
The rocket's muk sprang forward with frightening velocity for a puddle of toxic goo.
"Dudley! Defend yourself with defense curl!" Dudley obeyed, curling up into a tight ball. The Muk's liquid body encapsulated Dudley. "Dudley!" Chris gasped
"Haha! C'mon kid, what are you going to do now?"
"Dudley, use your magnitude! Quickly!" Dudley heard, and the ground began to shake around the Muk. With some surprise the muk remove itself from the geodude. Not before the ground around it cracked and collapsed.
"Dudley, are you okay?" Chris rushed over. Dudley was badly poisoned. The Muk had taken some severe damage but was still rearing to go.
"Nice try kid, but muk here's a wall. He won't come down very easily." The Rocket was laughing.
Chris quickly used his antidote on Dudley. With the poison gone, Dudley was still feeling chipper. The physical attack on him while in a defense curl wasn't very effective, if he could just avoid Muk's powerful attacks and from touching it.
Hm... I seem to have misinterpretted prpl's post as having left to go to pallet town... muh bad.=\
The battle was fierce between the Rocket and the sudden trainer. A tactical magnitude put a stop to the Muk's charge but it still had a little fight in it. And to make things worse. There seemed to be some Black Sludge recovering the damages.
Frank realized that it would take some real challenge for the trainer to beat the Muk with the state his Geodude was in - he doubted that it would end well.
-"Murkrow, you ready to do some damage?" Frank said as saw his opportunity to finally score the kind of training the bird needed.
The Murkrow rose into the air and attacked the Muk from behind with a peck. The Muk wobbled a little before a slab of acid was sent in response to the meek attack. The acid hit Murkrow on the way back but didn't defeat it just yet.
-"By the love of Entei! Murkrow, can you do anything right?" Frank sighed as the Murkrow returned from the 'successful attack'.
Once more the sludge seemed to repair the damage it took.
-"Alright, new plan you. There's something healing the Muk, find it and grab it!" The Murkrow sent out once more against the Muk.
-"Hey kid! What's this? You some kind of leech hoping to score a big win? Guess what? Not gonna happen!"
The Murkrow dived once more, but it didn't peck this time instead it seemed to simply swoop by. But as it returned it did so with a prize - a blob of Black Sludge.
-"Hey hey hey! Kid whatcha' doin' you can't just steal from team rocket like that! Muk don't be a damn fool and get that damn bird!"
Murkrow let go of the Black sludge and Frank grabbed it.
-"Time to finally fight fair then. Murkrow astonish it!"
The Muk moved in closer but without the Black Sludge it didn't have much energy left, it raised an arm to pound Murkrow but a sudden sound flinched it. Astonished the Muk stared and the slimy arm retracted into the massive body.
-"Oh hell no. I don't like this one bit kid. Muk get your slimy *** back in the ball!"
The ball of the rocket opened up and was just about to send Muk back when Murkrow dived in and scored a surprise attack at the switching opponent. And something must've been Super Lucky since the Muk completely sacked over.
-"Kid, that's so cheap. This just burns me up!" The rocket was so frustrated and clenched his fist.
-"Cheap? I'm more impressed that I actually pulled this off.
The grunt looked around at what he faced, a trainer with a geodude who seemed eager to send in something else and that pesky cooltrainer with the Murkrow.
-"Go koffing!" The koffing appeared and Frank was just glad that it wasn't something worse like a Houndour.
-"Too bad I can't stay to chat but I gottago!" The grunt said as the air was suddenly filled with a thick black smoke.
By the time the smoke thinned out, the Rocket grunt was nowhere to be seen. Only Frank himself and the other two trainers.
-"You guys alright? Gonna head back down to Pallet and see how the liberation is going."
Chris watched as the lone trainer ran back south down route 1. Chris didn't even get to say thanks or goodbye, or even ask his name. Chris didn't want to generalize, but he was acting like a proper cooltrainer would. "hmph." Chris sighed a bit.
Then he thought about the fight. "Damn." He muttered, glancing over at geodude. "Black sludge?" Chris was decently educated with pokemon, but when it came to items, he was practically illiterate. "If he hadn't come along, we never would've beaten that Muk. I need to find some more info on held items. They seem cheap. Just like Rocket's style."
Dudley made a grunting sound, something like agreeing.
"Hey," Chris walked over to the kid on the ground, he was dusting himself off. "The name's Chris, you okay?"
The kid was adjusting his glasses when he noticed Chris had outstretched his hand. "Yes. Thank you. My name's Lucas. Who was that other trainer?"
Chris briefly scanned the south path, "I don't know. He was in a hurry though."
"Where?" Lucas asked.
"South to Pallet town, it's been taken over by Team Rocket."
"Hm..." The nerdy kid said, "No doubt they've kidnapped the Professor."
"Yeah." Chris started off south without saying a word.
"Hey! Where are you going?" Lucas asks.
"Oh, sorry!" Chris said, "I'm going to see what's happening. I'm sure you know, but you're pokemon are really hurt. You should get them to a pokecenter. Stay safe!"
"My pokemon?" It was then Lucas noticed the fainted Nidoran, who had inexplicably tried to protect him. Or perhaps just protect Aron. Chris waved to the kid and called Dudley back into his ball. Leaving Lucas to his own and taking off south.
Frank was stopped once more, this time at the same place the commotion took place before. But there was no commotion, just a nerd without Revives.
-"It's Frank. The coolest trainer you'll ever see. Did ya' ditch that other trainer back there?" He tried to avoid the puppy eyes of sympathy that the kid was giving away but couldn't stand it for much longer.
-"...So, you need a hand with that? Can't say I got anything to help you out with, this Black sludge will hyst make things worse... But sure I could carry one of your... erhm fellas." He looked at his choices, the purple poisonous bunny or the small egg shaped thingmajing.
-"I'll just grabb these... Ears right ... There." Frank grabbed the ears of the Nidoran and gave the kid a quick forced smile.
-"I have like NO idea why you don't just send them back into their balls but... umm... All the better without the weight huh?" Unknowingly what Aron was he felt like he'd done another good deed and returned his stride towards the gates of Pallet.
-"You better keep up the pace if you don't want to be left behind."
As Frank got closer he saw the smoke coming from one of the houses. Just as he was about to say something along the line of "Oh crap, some slugma just hit the fan" he heard a strange noise comming from a pair of bushes.
-"Hey kid, whatch'a doing over there?" Frank shouted at the kid.
The kid straitened up and appeared to be wearing an exercise outfit - like the one you would wear riding a bike and such.
-"Hey, I'm talking to you." The kid seemed distracted by the sight of Pallet in smoke.
He finally turned his head but gave the two trainers a strange look as they stood there holding two pokémon.
-"What are you doing with those pokémon?"
Frank realized that it must look pretty stupid and thought of dropping the Nidoran.
-"Carrying them... Since they fainted. Ask the kid for details. I'm Frank and that kid is Lucas. It seems we got here too late to help out." Frank managed a cocky nod and grinned.
-"I'm Joseph, Pallet is my hometown." Quick and effective.
-"****, I'm sorry kid. I'm pretty sure there are some people getting things under control by now though."
-"Not likely... You know what they say about Magikarp ... they're only good on opposite day."
Frank and the crew turned around and saw a woman dressed in an expensive looking suit and sunglasses stepping out from the smoke. But the suit wouldn't be complete without the red R emblem, and next to it a symbol that marked the Rocket Admins.
-"Oh crap, this ain't good." Thoughts raced through Frank's head but not a single good one came to mind.
-"The best part about this all is that we got what we came for... And you failed. Us, win. You, lose. Simple as that." She grinned and the smoke started to wear off. Revealing most of the trainers from before lying unconscious on the ground beside their pokémon.
-"All of them?" Frank asked mistrustful at the horrible sight.
-"All of them and three more." With a hand raised she sent out a Gyarados that occupied a large part of the town.
-"Kids, you better skedaddle quick if you value your pokés, 'cuz this can't turn up well. No matter how much we try it." Frank was holding the Nidoran back to Lucas when the Gyarados began to draw power.
-"You have one choice right now. Giving up and wait for the strike. Or let your pokémon do the talking." The Admin said and held out a hand to sign the challenge.
-"That's two choices?!" Frank shouted as the intimidating Gyarados raised its' head.
-"Not if I'll have my way."
Chris had been hiding in the tall grass to the side of the road when the three trainers came into view. "****. ****! no, turn around!" he whispered to himself vainly. But it was too late, the rocket executive had spotted them.
Chris had saw the smoke and rushed as fast as he could to Pallet. Arriving in Pallet, he walked around for a little bit. It was very quiet, but there was no sign of any Rockets. The Laboratory was ablaze. Chris had cautiously made his way towards the lab. Hugging close to one side of a nearby house, he held back the urge to charge in through the front door. Suddenly, the front door burst open, and Professor (someone else pick a name) fell out in a heap. He was coughing hard as he fell to his knees, smoke pouring out from the door. He had a pokeball in his hand.
From seemingly no where, the Rocket admin dressed in nice clothes stepped up to the wheezing old man and snatched the pokeball from his hand.
"You..." the professor hacked and wheezed, he could barely speak he was so weak. Chris wanted to run out and help him, but was too afraid. "You... don't know..."
"don't know what, old man?" the rocket admin leaned in close to the professor's face. "When to give up, perhaps?" Two more burly looking grunts appeared at the admins side. "Take him." She barked.
Seeing there was absolutely nothing Chris could do, he took off as fast as he could to get out of Pallet. Finding his way into the tall grass where he now hid. Chris recognized two of the trainers from the earlier battle with the Muk. As he was trying to get a better look at who the third member was, his footing slipped, kicking a rock down a small embankment. Immediately, the gyarados's eyes were on him.
"Oh boy..." Chris gulped hard. "Hey!" He said lightly, standing up. "Don't shoot!"
The Admin looked at him hard, "What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to become fish food?"
Chris looked awkwardly from the admin to her massive gyarados. He was silent for a while before plainly replying, "No... no."
"Get out of there!" the admin ordered impatiently. Chris quietly surrendered. Seeing no other recourse he joined the three other trainers. "Goddamn clumsy..." he muttered to himself.
"Man... we should be toast." Chris said. "There's no way that Gyarados missed by accident. That close?"
No one really said anything about it. All four trainers sat silent on the ground in a circle, exhausted and in a bit of shock. Frank stood up first. "Can we get this Nidoran to a pokecenter."
"Yes, and my Aron." Lucas said sadly, holding it.
"Yes... I think my Dudley could use some rest too." Chris said, getting up. He approached the third kid and said, "Hey, you okay?"
The kid didn't say anything for a while. He was looking south. Then he spoke suddenly, "Should we go back?"
"The lab is the only thing that burnt down. I think everyone else is okay." Chris said.
"But Pallet is my hometown." the kid said.
"Oh..." Chris was quiet. "I don't know if it's safe. I think you should come with us for now." The kid was quiet again. "What's your name?" Chris asked. "Joseph." He replied. "Well..." Chris said, trying to think of something to say. "Come on, the others are waiting up ahead." was what came out.
Joseph nodded and followed Chris as he met up with Frank and Lucas. All four walked into Veridian, headed straight for the pokecenter, quite a pitiful looking group of kids.
The two couldn't have been any older than 18. But here they were, in full Rocket attire. The one seemed to fondle the money as Edwin handed it to him. "I don't think I'd go out of my way to forge a mere fifty Pokedollars. Can I go now?" Edwin was getting impatient. "Sure, sure, man." He didn't even bother to look back up from the cash.
Fifty to enter, two hundred for the center, and fifty to leave - Owen claims to have never seen you in town. Owen was not like other leaders. A little human, but Edwin was sure he'd turn on anyone for a superior....or more money. That, and he was lazy. From the looks of it, you wouldn't even realize that Pewter was Rocket Territory in the first place, give or take the entrance guards.
Fully spent, Edwin journeyed beyond Pewter's walls and towards Viridian Forest. There's someone waiting for him. An old friend. Hopefully he has better news.
Next to the entrance stood an interesting sight. A wall of shrubs, but with a small hole, as if something once stood in its spot, but was now gone. Edwin decided to wander through the hole. On the other side was a cave. It was a shame he could not explore it, he would have to meet his acquaintance in an hour and a half. Instead, Edwin sat beside the wall of shrubs and decided to rest for a bit. He sent out Zubat.
It was even more energetic than usual, it probably didn't like how bright it was outside. Edwin just watched it shoot around the air in front of him. It'll tire itself out eventually.
I'm going to start this from the time you guys were fighting to when the admin leaves that way you know i'm on track with you guys ;]
Unaware of the battle that was raging in Pallet Town Corey trains hard with Ace and Spark.
Through the rough couple hours of training Ace grew awfully close to evolving. Spark as well. Training with an ex-gym leader was and is tough training. But Corey wished to do whatever he could to get the job done, all he saw was the downfall of that Rocket member with the Scyther.
"Now, your Starly know Double Team, Wing Attack, Quick Attack and Endure. You have a decent set of skills with him. As you know Double Team will raise his evasiveness, possibly saving him from a low accuracy move. This will come in handy when even going against that scyther. Fury Cutter does not always connect, and won't be powerful unless it does. Use this in that fight!"
"I will. I feel safe with Ace now. But I don't know what I should do now. Is this training over for now?"
"I can't help you anymore that is correct. There are matters that need my attention more and there are some that you should attend to. There is a battle going on right now in another town. It will most likely be taken over anytime, and the inhabitants will need help."
"Ho...How do you know this?"
"I have an informant at the scene. He has told me there are trainers there helping. Battling Team Rocket. But there is no way to be sure if they will survive or not. I need you to go and find them. There is no point heading towards Pallet Town. Go to Pewter City. Hopefully it is not over run by Rocket yet."
"Um..yeah sure. I said I didn't really want to fight though."
"If you want to get that Rocket back with the Scyther....I think you should do as I say. That person is no longer in Vermillion. He left shortly after kicking your butt."
"Grr....Alright I'll head to Pewter City."
Corey rushes to the door then suddenly halts.
"How do I get there?"
"I'll show you here, take this map as well."
Peter leads Corey to a cave and tells him that it will lead to Pewter City.
Corey sets off towards Pewter.
-------Inside the Cave-------
The cave was dark but Corey could still see. Surprised by the fact this was called Diglett Cavel and yet none were in sight.
The tunnel was longer than he expected, every time he rounded on of the turns thinking to see the exit, there was just more dark tunnel.
As he walked he noticed markings of what looked like a recent battle and a Pokeball sitting on the ground. He picked it up, not checking whether or not is had a Pokemon in it or not.
At long last he saw the end of the cave...but to his surprise there was a rope ladder leading to the exit.
"Wait...why is there a ladder when they could have just made steps....whatever." Corey sends out Spark and Ace.
"Alright guys, this is it, soon we will be in Pewter. You are both stronger from the extreme training we had went through but I don't want you guys to be heros, I don't want to lose one of you when I shouldn't."
Spark fur dazzles with electricity showing approval.
Ace nods and flaps his wings.
"Alright let's go!!" Ace and Spark are sent back in to the respective Pokeballs.
Corey climbs the ladder towards Pewter, one rung closer to his revenge, one rung closer to possibly helping save this region.
"Here goes to starting a new life."
Viridian City, a quite quiet place. Home to a gym and the closest town to the Indigo plateau but nowadays - there wasn't much traffic with the impossibility to gain the badges.
But today it was also home to a group of young trainers. A bunch of young trainers who were happy to have gotten out okay.
-"Well kiddos, we got out allright." Frank said at the awful quiet group of people sitting at the hall of the pokémon centre. Kinda cozy with the trademark music going over and over again.
-"Name's Frank by the way. Murkrow is the only thing I got left after a Rocket scam. And that's Lucas the guy with the egghead pokémon which doesn't look local. And I understood that your name was Chris seen your Geodude in action and admires it. And last we have Joseph who recently got out of Pallet safe. We're one pathetic team huh?" Frank grinned and the others showed a mixed feeling of irony and annoyance.
-"We couldn't save Pallet." Joseph said and looked at Frank.
-"How could we when a real rocket admin wrapped things up like that? If she wiped out all those trainers who tried to liberate the city - how can we expect to do any better." Frank said and shrugged, there really was no surprise that things went down the way they did once the admin showed up, those where crazy-strong.
-"What about the professor?" Lucas asked.
-"It all depends on really. I guess we could try to return once team rocket moves out, but that won't be for some time I guess. They have a whole laboratory to go through."
That's when the newscast flashed once more.
"This is the Kanto newscast, I'm Maria with today's breaking news."
The news anchor looked down and turned to the camera.
"Our latest news is concerning the Pokémon professor and Pallet town. Recent reports state that Pallet was indeed attacked by the local crime syndicate Team Rocket earlier and their actions shocks many."
The newscast kept going for a moment with citizens saying what they thought of team rocket before coming back to the news.
-"We also have a witness claiming to see team rocket members taking the famous professor to the water of Pallet and leaving by sea. We have no reports whatsoever concerning the whereabouts of the professor. Our team rocket expert have said that we can expect team rocket to demand money or services in exchange for the pokémon professor." Frank thought it sounded a bit too extreme, they wouldn't use the manpower they had if they just wanted to preform a kidnapping and then demand a ransom.
-"Next up, how can you tell that your Parasect have been infected with leech seed?..."
-"I guess we won't be able to save the professor any time soon then... Frank said and leaned back.
-"Shouldn't we do anything to help him?"
-"I can't think of anything we can do, no water pokémon that can surf, and even if we did - we have no idea where we are supposed to be going." He sighed and shook his head.
-"I think we're better off here resting up before we set out again. There's a gym in this town but I'm not sure we can take it. So I think I'm either gonna head up to pewter to check on the events there. Or I'll return through the underground tunnel to Vermilion and look for traces of my lost party."
-"But we'll stay here for now." He added.
Someone was watching the group from the shadows of the centre before stepping out and walking towards them. He'd listened to their conversations for the last hour or so and finally decided what to do.
-"Excuse me sirs. I heard you where at Pallet?"
Frank looked up and saw the man who dressed even more nerdy than that Lucas kid.
-"What if we are?"
-"I'm one of the professor's researchers I was ordered to escape the moment Team rocket entered town."
-"Why didn't you just let the professor escape?" Frank asked with a grin.
-"Um... Well, he wanted to take care of the research for as long as he could. Like his pokémon cataloguing for example."
-"The pokédex?" Lucas asked.
-"Yes, the pokédex, but the latest model. One which lets you know the weaknesses and strength of pokémon instead of just habitual information. Really."
-"No surprise Team rocket showed up when they did then..." Frank stated and shook his head.
-"Well yes, with the information from the new pokédex Team rocket could really optimize their work. Not only where they can find the pokémon but also how they evolve, strengths, weaknesses and much more."
-"No kidding, hell I'd like one of those."
-"That's actually my request... The professor separated these from the main CPU and tried to override the system."
-"I hope you realize that what you just said makes no sense to a guy like me..."
-"Oh yes. Of course. All the information that's gathered by the dexes are sent and stored in a large CPU um computer. And these versions will not send the information there. Instead it will be stored locally BUT could be shared among people wireless."
-"Okay, and the professor tried to delete the information on that computer so the rockets can't get their hands on it? Good professor."
-"Yes, and that's why most of our work has gone to waste, I hope the professor will return to us soon and when he does I don't want him to return to nothing."
-"So you want us to take these dexes and gather the information about pokés, the information you hopefully lost back at Pallet?"
-"That's correct. I have this package with 7 dexes in it. I want you to take it. When the professor is returned to Pallet I want you to return there so we can take care of the research you've collected."
-"Sounds like something that will make both of us happy then. We get one of these new dexes that will gather a crazy amount of information and later on you'll get the research."
-"Yes, that's correct. You don't have to do this for the professor but you could do it to resist those pesky rockets. I think I made the right choice, so I'm leaving them here with you.
Phew, I can finally move around without the fear of getting jumped by the rockets... um... I'll contact you later, good luck and may your effort bring research."
And with that the man walked out of the centre leaving the packade with the dexes behind on the table where the 4 trainers sat.
-"Now, this was an interesting turn of events..." Frank said and grabbed one of the dexes from the package.
Corey pops his head from the whole where the ladder was. He scans and sees no one around. He then leaves the cave entrance.
Upon exiting the cave..
Corey runs south to a fence and a little tree. Ignoring the tree he hops over the fence.
"Why would someone plant the tree there?"
He spys a house. It looked abandoned. He rushes inside to stay safe. Trying to not to get noticed by whoever had the Zubat.
He stares through a window and notices someone...the trainer with the Zubat. He sees that if he just hugs the eastern side of the woods that trainer shouldn't see him.
"Damn, a real life pokedex." Chris said to himself. He also reached into the package and grabbed one. Lucas and joseph followed suit. All four of them sat examining the pokedex for a while.
"Hey, just so you know there's no gymleader at pewter." Chris said to frank.
"What? Why not?"
"He disappeared a few months ago, just like the other four gymleaders." Chris replied.
Frank frowned in disapproval, "that doesn't make sense. The other four gymleaders were in rocket central. What could possibly be so important about pewter?"
Chris winced a bit at that last statement, "you wouldn't have been able to beat him anyway." Chris laughed a bit.
"How do you know?"
"Pewter is my home town. Gotta love that museum!" Chris said facetiously. "So anyway, that leaves only three gymleaders who you can fight for badges. Veridian, fuscia and cinnabar. Veridian forest is a decent place to train."
"Hey, do any of you guys have cell numbers?" Frank asked.
They all did and they sapped numbers. "Just in case we get separated or uh, something."
A loud screech shortly followed.
Edwin's watch was going off, five minutes to meet her. He got up and called the scared Zubat back into the ball. Edwin shortly after entered the Viridian Forest. It wasn't as big or confusing as he thought it would be. He followed the path of trees into a split, where a woman was standing.
"Edwin, nice to see you."
"You too. Any word from father?"
"No, sorry. He still hasn't returned any calls or requests."
"Does he even know about mother?"
"We don't know. He never responded to those letters either."
"I see. You'd think with the activity, he'd do something about it."
"Reports say he continues to play every tournament taking place, regardless."
"No problem. How is Claire?"
"She's fine. We had a snag for a while, but we're fine."
"A snag is not fine. Your mother's will clearly stated that if she falls into danger, she's to be placed in better hands."
"I said I'm doing fine."
"I hope you are. I still recommend staying in Viridian until she's ready for cerulean. Speaking of which, I need to see her to confirm your statements."
Edwin complied and sent out Clefairy. The woman then pulled out a sheet of paper. She studied it carefully, taking peeks at Clefairy. "I thought so." She walked over and grabbed Edwin's arm. "I'm gonna have to take you in."
"You've been meddling in their affairs haven't you? Not only are you putting this Pokemon in danger, but yourself as well. You'll have to come with me."
"You joined."
"I had to."
Edwin pulled loose, grabbed Clefairy and ran for it. She did not follow. "You're making a mistake! He won't stop until he gets you back!" While running, Edwin juggled Clefairy and the Pokeball, eventually returning her to it. Now the forest was a maze.
Frank faced a problem. He now had a pokédex, a neat piece of equipment that would make his life a lot easier. No more studying old pokémon literature and magazines to read about weaknesses, pros and cons of his enemies.
It was a comfortable addition to his trainer life but the problem was that he still didn't have any pokéballs to catch anything with.
The nerd - Lucas went outside to fight himself. If what he said was true . None of the pokés where captured so it was a miracle they were as passive as they were. It would be one hell'uva prank if Frank got himself a pokéball and captured the kid's Aron. Hilarious.
The other two stayed inside at the pokémon centre for now. Joseph seemed to be in a better mood now but didn't seem to care too much about what to do, he seemed quite comfortable as it were.
Frank decided that if he couldn't capture any new pokés at least he could attempt training the Murkrow of his. But he already knew it was a lost cause, the bird knew a few moves, but many of them were useless. The classic bird Peck, the sneaky Thief and the more or less useless Atonish attack. It did come in handy against the Muk earlier but still worse than the pesky Pursuit which scored a clean hit in the previous battle.
He wandered around thinking about if he should enter the Woods or not. It would probably be full of bugs, and bugs would easily fall. But fighting one trainer would probably be 20 times as effective as poking bugs for hours.
-"Hey kid!" Some old man was walking towards him.
-"Huh..? Me?" Frank was surprised that the guy could even see.
-"I know that look in your eye. You want me to teach you newbie how to catch a pokémon?" The old man just seemed to assume that Frank was new with this whole pokémon business.
-"Erhmm Actual- Yeah sure my good sir. Please show me how to capture the pokémon, I'm new on this journey and have little money to get balls of my own." The guy was probably senile and would be dead in a week or two unless he tripped and fell right away. Why refrain from using the opportunity?
-"Well don't you worry son, I'll teach you!" The old man made his way to a patch of grass and began scouting for a wild pokémon.
About 2 hour later Frank finally left the patch of grass. He questioned his own decision to ask the old man for help since it took him ages to do anything.
But now he "knew how to catch pokémon" (yeah- like people didn't learn that in kindergarten) and also got 3 balls as a gift. A kind gift indeed when one is a trainer without any money and not a single trainer in sight.
He wanted to sit down, sit down and sigh 'cuz his head hurt from the endless ramblings but he still walked. Up ahead was a sign that said "Indigo Plateau, home of the Elite 4" Frank was certain there was something wrong with the sign but it unfortunately brought back some flashbacks of his old awesome party. The one he lost because he wanted to fight this Elite 4. It would take him ages to reach the same kind of quality party again he realized and wondered where or how his old pokémon were.
If they were here he would've entered those doors and challenged the Elite 4. Although according to that Chris fellow, one needed the gym badges to gain entrance. And with the gyms pretty much barred up he would still be standing here with or without the old party.
Something had to be done with team rocket so he might as well start the building of a new strong team that might just be average compared to the last one once he is free to enter the Indigo Plateau.
Franks daydreaming came to a halt as he noticed a beige creature moving in the grass. He tossed his ball and Murkrow appeared.
-"Just attack it will ya?" Frank said and shoo'd the Murkrow at it.
With the kind of slow gliding it always used Murkrow swooped down and pecked the creature. The creature looked up and seemed frustrated. It wasn't something Frank could remember seeing in Jotho.
It lashed out against Murkrow with a series of furious swipes but each of the swiped luckily didn't deal too much damage. The Murkrow rose into the air and dived once more, but the creature leaped to the side and avoided the attack. With Murkrow's back clear it used it's arms to Scratch it. (not the kind way)
Frank knew that his bird couldn't take more of this beating and grabbed one of his free balls.
-"You better be worth this you ugly ape!" Frank stated before letting go of the pokéball and watching it flying in an perfect arc against the creature. It connected and swallowed the pokémon in a bright light.
The ball wobbled a little, then it wobbled more fiercely, then it stopped.
Frank walked up and grabbed the ball, he sent it out and let his pokédex do the thinking.
"Mankey, pig monkey pokémon. Fighting type.
Light and agile on its feet, and ferocious in temperament. When angered, it flies into an uncon-" And that's when the interest faded. The dex continued to give away unnecessary information so he stashed it.
-"Looks like both of these could use some medical help..." Frank realized and went back to the pokémon centre.
At the door the group looked up at him and he simply stated; "Did some catching. Nothing good though." as he lended over his balls to the woman at the counter.
-"I'm heading out again, gonna check out the woods. Might just find something useful in there although I doubt it." He declared as the balls were returned to him.
He stashed them and went over to the table with the other guys.
-"I'll be back in a bit. Give me a call if anything comes up".
Without any more delays he made his way towards Viridian forest.
Wow i'm dumb haha
Corey awoke to darkness.
"Shoot. I must have dosed off. Stupid training"
Peeked outside and noticed no one was there. He grabbed his things and left for Pewter.
**Not noticing he had went the wrong way he was actually heading south towards Veridian City. No direction from Peter besides go to Pewter did little to help this Sinnoh boy know where he should head.**
Corey walks into town and spots the Pokecenter. He sees a group of trainers sitting at one of the tables and another at the counter complaing about useless Pokemon or something.
Corey walks over to the table.
"Hey here fellas. I'm new here, I just wanted to know if you guys knew anything about this town and Pallet town."
Not sure if you realize cory, but we're in veridian. :x
Thisll be quick, ill update it later.
" Spare pokeballs? Yeah, sure, I have a few." Chris half reluctantly rummaged through his bag and handed them to a very greatful nerd.
"Thanks chris!"
"Its fine, I'm not interested in catching any pokemon round here."
"Spare balls" How could anyone have spare balls these days?
On the other hand, he didn't capture a lot back in the days when he had his old party. There was just no need when the party he had rocked the Barboach out of most trainers.
Frank left the centre as another guy entered, that guy smelled odd. Kinda like how the Lucas kid did.
They didn't smell like pine trees and fresh air like himself, neither did they smell like wet dog (which kanto pretty much smelled like), Lucas had more of a salty aroma - a mix of kelp and ashes. This guy on the other hand smelled like... well kinda like something damp. Interesting indeed
As he was outside the centre he could hear the nerd mention something about caring about pokémon. But what's the point in caring for something that's useless? It's not like a caterpie will stand a chance against a Butterfree. No matter how loved it is. It was although obvious that it can from a kid who had two uncaught pokémon following him around like stray dogs.
He passed a house that said "Trainer centre" which apparently were a place to fight strong trainers, but it was unfortunately closed at the moment. The thought of challenging the gym came into mind but getting whipped by strong trainers with the pansys he carried didn't fall well with his coolness.
-"Viridian forest it is." Frank said and sighed.
-"Oh boy, I can't wait to bomb some kakunas." He said with as much irony as he could and got his Murkrow out.
Might as well let it do as it wanted once he got there, there were bugs and Murkrow was a bird.
After walking for a couple of minutes he arrived at the entrance of the woods. the sign said "Viridian forest. Watch out for dropped items lying on the ground."
He went inside and it didn't take long before Murkrow fond a couple of Caterpies to fight. The moment it struck one of them - the other fled. Murkrow kept flying around swooping at caterpies and Frank followed it around. Wouldn't like to lose it just like that.
It was a large and bushy forest after all, one with many trees that more or less blocked out the sun. It was kinda cozy and yet at the same time creepy. In other words; he liked it.
Chris had two pokeballs left and one great ball. He didn't feel too bad though because he knew Lucas really needed them, so atleast they were going to good use. He watched as Frank wordlessly left the group. He had a good idea of Frank's type. Quiet, strong, and a loner. Or if not a loner, too cool for his own good. But Chris noticed he didn't seem to like his pokemon very much. There was something else about Frank Chris couldn't put his finger on.
Chris looked at his cell, it was 2:30 PM. Hm... Just then, another kid approached the group. Chris noticed that he, Lucas, and Joseph were the only other trainers around, Frank had left somewhere. The new kid introduced himself as Corey. He was a little timid, but everyone was nice enough to him. He warmed up quick though. The group struck up a conversation. Chris had things on his mind though, his mom was probably worried sick. And he really didn't feel much like sitting around considering what he'd seen in Pallet.
"Hey, look." Everyone turned to Chris as he stood up suddenly. "I think I'm gonna take a walk."
"Don't you want to try and fight the gym leader here?" Lucas asked.
"Yes, I do. But not right now. I need to train some of my pokes." Chris said. He was thinking of his Sandshrew, the one that didn't like him very much. He knew the veridian city gym was the Earthbadge, he wondered if his pokemon would be enough.
With that Chris walked off to Veridian forest. It was the only decent place to train around here. The path through the forest was very straightforward, but if one were to venture off the path, getting lost becomes a very real possibility. When Chris was out of ear reach of the others, he got out his phone and called his mom. "Hey, I just wanted to let you know I'm alright."
"Goddamn! I'm so glad you're okay!" She responded, "I was watching the news, they said the whole of Pallet was on fire!"
"No, just the lab." Chris said.
"Oh, no. Is the professor okay?"
"No, the rockets kidnapped him."
"I'm sorry mom. I don't know why this is happening."
"You okay?"
"I'm fine, I just hope he's okay. Someone has to do something. It's like these damn rockets can do whatever they want! The police don't stop them! And even the strongest trainers seem beaten down by them!"
"Yes, I know."
"Well, I gotta go. What's your plan?"
"Me? I think I'm going to take the gym challenge."
"Oh, Chris..."
"I know, but if I can get strong enough to fight the gymleaders, I should be able to fight team rocket. I'll find dad and the professor."
"I gotta go now though. Bye mom! Love ya."
"Bye sweetie, you stay safe! Visit me before you leave for good!"
Chris was deep in Veridian forest by now, he was surprised he'd had service as long as he had. He sent out his sandshrew. "Go sandy!" a stream of light flashed and then Sandy appeared. She stretched and yawned loudly. Chris was a little nervous about this. "I have an idea Sandy." The sandshrew grunted at him questioningly. "I'll let you stay outside of your ball as long as its safe." The Sandshrew sounded interested, but shot Chris a disbelieving look. Chris had heard of pokemon becoming more fond of their trainers by walking with them, he hoped it was enough to turn Sandy's heart around.
He pointed his pokedex at it.
I edited my last post to fit the direction of the story.
Corey looked around. The groups friend Frank was gone. Chris whom he just met was gone. Both apparently heading for Veridian forest. Which was north of their current location.
The only ones who were left were Lucas, who carried two Pokemon with him an Aron and Nidoran weird that they weren't in Pokeballs. He eyed the one he found in the Diglett Cave.
Maybe I should let him use it I mean, it isn't mine nor do I need it
The other trainer was Joseph, whom Corey hadn't talked to much. Corey looked around again. Lucas was sleeping and well, snoring very loudly.
I wonder if he knows how loud he snores
None of the trainers seemed to want to talk about Pallet town much. It seems they were there during the fight. None had recalled seeing a Scyther though. Everyone also seemed to be heading to Pewter. Corey was shocked to have not noticed that he went the wrong way but figured he would stick around with this group. They each had a Pokedex. It seemed they had extras but Corey didn't want to ask for one, he figured he would just wait until one was offered.
"Well, I guess I'll go train some or possibly catch a new Pokemon," he said seemingly talking to no one.
I don't know how powerful these guys are. But I may need a new addition to the team or get my guys leveled more to stay on par.
As it was now Ace was level 13 and Spark was level 11. Peter had told Corey during training that Ace would gain levels faster due to being a trade from his friend. Peter also had noted that Spark had learned Spark before he technically should have, most likely due to living with a pack of tougher Luxio and Luxrays.
Corey left the Pokecenter and headed to wards the North. He spotted a path to the west and decided to head there. Seems that this place wasn't taking him to the forest but he noted the patch of grass and entered.
He took a few steps and heard a rustle coming from behind.
He turned.
Corey kept walking hearing more noise and cry that sounded like a monkey.
"I wonder what that noise is. I know it can't be a Chimchar or anything."
Suddenly what looked like a monkey pig jumped at Corey.
"Shoot. Go Spark. Use Tackle!"
The attack hit the wild Pokemon dead on. Seemed that this Pokemon was a way lower level than Spark as it started to limp.
"Tackle again!"
This time the Pokemon was able to to move a little but Spark had clipped it.
The wild Pokemon began to scratch Spark but did major damage.
"But it looked weak! Still I don't think it could take another attack"
Corey tossed a Pokeball.
It enveloped the Pokemon in red light.
The ball fell to the ground and shook.
It shook more violently
The ball stopped.
"Yes! A new Pokemon. Let's take it back to the Pokecenter and heal it Spark. Maybe someone else knows what it is."
They headed back to the Pokecenter and Corey healed everyone.
He turned around and saw Joseph.
"Catch anything Corey?"
"Yeah this.." Corey sends out the Pokemon"Do you know what it is?"
Joseph pointed the Pokedex at it.
"Yeah that is a Mankey. It is a Pig Mokey Pokemon. Seems to have an ability that allows it not to fall asleep under Sing, Sleep Powder and such. Also looks like it gets an attack boost when hit by a critical hit. Yours seems to be a male and about level 4 with Low kick, Scratch, Covet, and Leer."
"Wow, thanks Joseph. That certainly explains why it did so much damage when Spark attacked it. Man wish I had one of those things. I think I'll name you Thrasher how is that?"
The newly caught Mankey looked at Corey, gave him a quick kick to the shin and bounced around.
"Owwww! Well, I take it you don't like the name?"
The Mankey scratched him this time and made an agnry face.
"Oh you do like it. Well I'll have to wear shin guards around you if you like something."
Corey returned Thrasher to his ball and sat down waiting to see where the group went next.
Sorry, Lucas, I somehow skipped over your post. =X
thanks for the entry.
"You're a tough pokemon, says here level 8. With a brazen/unruly nature. Huh... I wonder how it knows that. I wonder what level that Muk was at." Chris said outloud, reading the pokedex entry for Sandy. (I'm just going with pokedex telling us pokemon levels cuz it makes its way easy to compare strength and such.)
Chris kept exploring the settings of the pokedex. He came across a note in regards to level tracking. "Level tracking is a number 1 out of a 100 that is used to place a pokemon in a range of known strengths and abilities. However, level tracking isn't entirely accurate. If a trainer decides to use level tracking, he/she should use his/her experience in reference with level tracking to gauge how powerful the target pokemon really is."
Chris sent out his Geodude and pointed the pokedex at it.
"Found in fields and mountains. Mistaking them for boulders, people often step or trip on them. It uses its arms to steadily climb steep mountain paths. It swings its fists around if angered. When Geodude sleeps deeply, it buries itself halfway into the ground. It will not awaken even if hikers step on it unwittingly. In the morning, this Pokémon rolls downhill in search of food.
Personal specs:
Level 15
Nature: Calm, reserved."
"Hm." Chris pondered, "I could really get used to this pokedex.
Chris brought Dudley back into his ball and began scouring the forest with Sandy at his side. There was really no trouble fighting the bug pokemon, a couple of caterpies, some weedles, occasional pidgey. They were all low level and with Sandy's type advantage, were easily ground to dust. Sandy was merely perfecting her technique rather than strength training. After a few pokemon though, Chris pointed the pokedex back at Sandy.
"Personal specs:
Level 9"
"Oh, wow!" Chris said jubilantly, "You've gained a level, Sandy! You're such a good pokemon!" Sandy seemed pleased with herself. Chris went to hug her, Sandy took it with a grunt. She squirmed unhappily in Chris's grip, he let go. "Okay, so you don't like hugs. No problem then."
Just then, there was a rustle in the grass behind them. Out of no where a Hoot-hoot dive bombed Sandy, mistaking her for an easy meal.
"Watch out!" Chris cried.
Sandy curled into a tight ball and took the pecks and scratches of the Hoot-Hoots talons. Realizing it had picked the wrong potential prey, it began to fly away. "Let's get 'em, Sandy!"
Sandy and Chris charged off after the Hoot-Hoot, following its noisy cries. They found it in a large tree. "Sandy," Chris ordered, "Knock him out of there with a good sand-attack!"
Sandy obeyed, kicking hard as he could, a stream of dust and dirt started kicking up into the tree at the Hoot-Hoot. The bird began squawking up a storm. Just as it began to fly away, Sandy kicked a rock into the tree. A loud yelp of sorts pierced the forest followed by a thump as the Hoot-Hoot collapsed to the ground. Sandy and Chris ran over to it. Sandy was about ready to jump on it with her claws. When Chris commanded her to back down, she ignored him. "Sandy! Leave it alone!" Sandy continued to ignore Chris. Just as she was about to pounce, the Hoot-Hoot livened up and released a wave of Hypnosis on Sandy. Sandy immediately stumbled over on her side, asleep. The Hoot-Hoot was too weak to fly away, so Chris threw a pokeball.
It bounced off the surprised Hoot-Hoot then sucked it inside with a red flash of light. The ball trembled lightly, then stopped. Chris walked over to his dozing Sandy and pat her on the head. "Silly, I told you to leave it alone." Calling her back into the ball, he pointed his pokedex at the ball the Hoot-Hoot was in.
"#163: It has a perfect sense of time. Whatever happens, it keeps rhythm by precisely tilting its head in time. It begins to hoot at the same time every day. Some trainers use them in place of clocks. This pokemon has even been reported to possess psychic capabilities, though it is not a psychic type pokemon."
Personal Specs:
Level 7
Jolly Nature
"Interesting, I wasn't planning on catching you but I like the way you fought. You fought smart." Chris put his pokemon safely on his belt and began walking towards the path out of Viridian Forest.
HAha, I skipped that part of the post, works well anyway since it should go before dren posts anyway
Corey was bored sitting in the Pokecenter he had no need to sleep since he rested in that house. He headed for the the forest again.
"I think it is about time I evolve Ace and Spark. I should call my good friend Ace, he should know when these two evolve"
*ring ring*
"Yo Ace, its Corey. Gotta question for ya."
"Hey man, yeah what's up what do you need?"
"I was wondering when Starly and Shinx evolved."
"Umm, both are at level 15 if I recall. I held my Starly back. Haha man that was so long ago, he is now like lvl 65 or something.
I heard some bad stuff was going down there in Kanto is that true?"
"Yeah, I seem to be in the middle of it. Yay haha. Alright I gotta get off here. I need to get my guys level up."
Corey entered the forest. I the distance he saw Chris.
Joseph looked at Lucas sleeping.
Man, he's quite a sleeper. I don't even think a dream eater attack could wake him up.
He hadn't said much since he got with the group. He wondered what had happened to his mother and if she was alright. He hated to think what could be happening to her right now.
Joseph realized he hadn't sent out his Totodile since yesterday, and it probably needed some exercise. With a flash, the pokémon came out of his pokéball.
As it landed on the ground, Totodile let out a cough and began to look around. Finally, when it set its eyes on Joseph, it ran around the area.
Wow, he seems to be enjoying himself.
Just then, Totodile noticed Lucas sleeping away. Totodile sneaked up slowly and shot some water at his face.
"Gurgle gurgle gurgle, hey!" Lucas said annoyed.
"Sorry, he doesn't like seeing people asleep when he's not tired."
"Can you please keep him a little contained?"
With that, Joseph asked Totodile to stay close to him.
Where did the others run off to? Oh well... they hopefully will come back soon. What can I do to pass the time? ...the pokédex!
Big Jaw Pokémon
Water Type
It has the Torrent ability
Its well-developed jaws are powerful and capable of crushing anything. Even its trainer must be careful.
Level 7"
Level 7? Well, I haven't had any real battles with him yet, so it makes sense...
Frank was sitting at a tree stump and watched his Murkrow wasting time on beating up Caterpies when his phoen went of with the trademark beeping.
He quickly grabbed it from his pocket and unfolded it in his hand.
-"Yeah Frank here."
-"Good afternoon Frank, this is the Jotho Registry for trainers. We have just processed your application for a new PC account and Passport."
-"Sounds like great news alright."
-"Where are you at the moment?"
-"I'm at Viridian, in Kanto."
-"Okay, we'll send you your new account and password for the PC but you'll have to pick up both your ID and the passport from the closest pokémart. Where would that be?"
-"I bet it's Viridian City."
-"... Okay, we've sent out a delivery to meet you there later today. I hope you have a nice day."
-"Thanks a bunch."
Frank folded the phone and placed it in his pocket again. He would finally be able to use the box system again... But he had nothing to stash there. Although the passport could be handy.
Murkrow landed on his shoulder as he sat there and looked kinda beat up. He looked up and saw one of those pesky Pikachus in the grass.
-"Fighting caterpies was all dandy with your advantage, but the moment you face a stronger enemy you end up running away?" Frank called Murkrow back and sent out the Mankey.
-"Alright, time to prove that you are worth training now..." Frank said and motioned the pokémon to attack the pickahu.
The Mankey walked forward and was suddenly zapped by a thundershock. The rage triggered in the small creature that began to lash out with swipes and scratches against the Electric rodent.
It tried to give back some beating but a Low Kick finally sent it flying into a tree. With the creature obviously beaten Frank had to call Mankey back to avoid any unrewarding fighting.
-"Well I'll be damned. I think I just found my fighter." Frank said and smiled an honest smile for the first time in ages.
He picked up the phone to let everyone know he was heading back when he heard footsteps.
After he realised that the woman wasn't chasing him, Edwin began to walk, taking huge breaths. He wanted to head back to Cerulean, but he knew he was getting close, as he had already fround another Pokeball and a bottle of antidote still half-full. Clefairy was out again, and kept at his side. For a forest, the Pokemon here were refreshingly weak. After the Graveler incident, it was evident that Clefairy was in dire need of more training. He couldn't expect to rely on Zubat's Supersonic.
The sky was getting brighter, the entrance was near. He stopped only for a moment to watch a trainer beating up Caterpies with a Mankey, then continued onward and out of the forest.
Almost immediately, Edwin began looking for the center. Most of them have couches for weary trainers. Unfortunately, none for him. So, he walked over to a far corner, and just sat there before drifting off, Clefairy at his side.
On his way back to viridian city, Chris crossed paths with Corey.
"Hey! It was.... corey, right?" Chris said.
Corey: "Yes, and you were Chris?"
Chris: "Yes, were you looking to train your pokemon a bit?"
Corey: "Yeah, I'm pretty excited! I think both my pokemon are close to evolving."
"Really?" Chris was surprised, "how can you tell?"
corey: "I can just tell, they've both been training real hard."
Chris looked around and sat down on a log. He was kind of tired. Kind of wondering what the hell he was doing here in Viridian Forest. There was some silence, then Corey sat down on a stump. It was the only thing in the sunlight within the area.
"So," Chris began after a bit longer of awkward silence, "What's your story?"
"Huh? oh," Corey began, "Nothing really much. I'm from Sinnoh, just came here recently. I wanted to start a new life, see some foreign pokemon."
"Wow," Chris said, "Sinnoh's pretty far from what I've heard. How long are you here for?"
Corey: "I don't know, as long as I need to be I suppose. I'm not too sure if those Rocket guys are gonna make my plans very easy. haha."
Chris simply nodded his head in agreement. There was a longer silence than before when Corey finally asked, "What about you?"
Chris: "I lived in Pewter my whole life. My family is pretty good friends with the professor in Pallet, so when I heard about Rocket being there, I wanted to make sure he was alright."
Corey: "Oh, I hope he's okay."
Chris: "Me too, I saw that Rocket Admin giving him a hard time, then they took him."
corey: "Damn..." Corey didn't really say much else.
Chris: "Yeah, hopefully they get what they want and let him go."
Another short silence preceded, "SOOO, anyway!" Chris said.
Corey: "Yeah, how are you Pokemon doing? Training going well?"
Chris:"Yeah, nothing but caterpies and weedle families here though. And a possible Pikachu if your lucky.
Corey:"Caterpie and Weedle? I've seen a few Pikachu but never those two. Maybe I should let this Mankey go at them."
Chris: "They are good for low level Pokemon."
Corey:"Alright, well I'll get walking and battle some. Thank for the help. I'll see you guys back at the Pokecenter."
And with this Corey set off to train his Mankey Thrasher.
Joseph thought about Lucas's request for a bit.
Should I? I can't face his Aron, because I'll destroy it easily with water gun... Surely Lucas can see that. I would look cheap. I could face his Nidoran, but if it gets Totodile with that barb, Totodile is going to be feeling it... and I don't want Totodile to get poisoned. I guess the Pokémon Center is right here but... what Pokémon...
"Uh, sure. I guess Totodile needs the exercise." But which Pokémon to fight?!
"Well, which of my two Pokémon should I use then?"
"Um, er... I want to battle your... uh..."
"...Why don't I use my Nidoran?"
"Oh.. well, alright, I guess..." I've never faced someone I've known for less than a few days before... what if I lose? I know this is a training thing, but can I handle having a battle record of 0 - 1? The athletic person in me says no, but the laziness in me says it doesn't matter... Too much inner monologue! I can't think!
"Are you ready?"
" I'll ever be... I guess..."
"What was that?"
"Oh! Uh, nothing. Let's... er... go..." and get this over with.
You would. Ugh.
"Totodile! Try to dodge!" Come on Totodile...
Totodile doesn't know what to do! Oh no!
"Totodile!" It hit! Darn it! Totodile is poisoned now! What do i do?!
"Nidoran, Double Kick!"
"Totodile, Use water gun!"
'Toto-diiiile!' It hit! Now if Totodile can keep this up...
"Double Kick, Nidoran!"
"Totodile!" The poison is slowing him down! "Dodge the double kick Totodile! ...Totodile!"
It hit! Can't I get a break! Totodile's not getting up! I better get him to the Nurse!
Corey had been training for roughly two hours or so.He wasn't sure as he didn't wear a watch and his Poketech didn't have one.
Well so far, Thrasher still knows the same moves. But it seems as though he is trying to attack the enemy a few times before the enemy makes a turn.....Maybe a new move? Seems as though he doesn't have it down yet though. Some more training and he should have it down pat.
Corey continued to train. He didn't bother bringing out Ace, he was taking these bugs out too easy. Corey decided to just wait until Thrasher got better with this new move and maybe send out Spark to even out with Ace.
I'm getting a little tired of writing huge posts haha.
Chris was exhausted. It'd been a long day, though it felt like nothing had really happened. It was around 6 PM when he finally made it back to viridian city. He was starving. Walking to the pokecenter, he went to the little cafe they had set up there. "Gotta love pokecenter, heal your pokemon, eat, sleep. They're practically truckstops for trainers!" He thought to himself.
After grabbing a bite to eat, he went outside and decided to let his pokemon out of their balls so they could interact with eachother. Sandy was standoffish. Geodude was constantly trying to play with her. And poor Hoot-Hoot didn't receive any attention from them. "Jeez, you guys are quite the gang." Chris said rubbing the back of his head nervously.
"What am I gonna call you, Hoot-Hoot."
Hoot-Hoot was very friendly to Chris. He hopped right up on Chris's lap and to his surprise, his shoulder. Chris played with his pokemon a bit, trying to get them comfortable with eachother. After an hour or so, he put them back in their balls and went back inside the pokecenter to stake out a place to sleep for the night. He knew he should probably be training his pokemon, but he was tired. Training could wait until tomorrow.
Once Totodile was treated, he was back to normal. After a few minutes of chasing him around the Pokécenter, he finally got Totodile to settle down and sleep.
"Thank god."
And with that, Joseph fell asleep.
"Sir? Sir..."
Edwin awoke reluctantly. "What?" he said grumpily. Before him stood the nurse who normally stood behind the counter. "Your phone has been going off for a while now. I think it might be important." Who in the world would want to call him? But, he checked out of curiosity. The phone said that he missed 3 calls from a number he didn't recognize. He decided to dial it and find out what the fuss was about. He remained sitting on the floor because he didn't feel like getting up.
The other end rung three times before the receiver picked up. "Hello?"
"Hey, you called me a few times, what's up?"
"Is this Edwin Stalberg?"
"Yeah, why?"
"I was ordered to deposit something into your PC and then tell you I did so. The girl told me to tell you it's a package from a friend."
"Oh, her. Tell her to leave me alone, Clefairy's fine."
"Will do."
Edwin hung up the phone. But, upon hearing her name, Clefairy wouldn't stop staring at him. He then got up slowly and walked over to the PC on the other side of the Center. With a bit of typing, he took an empty Pokeball marked "FOR POKECENTER USE ONLY" and pressed it into the groove on the machine. After some whirring, Edwin released whatever was in onto the counter and returned the ball to the bin from which it sat. Inside was a purple CD with the number 29 written on it and a letter. "...what the hell is this?" He spent a good amount of time observing it from all angles. He put it in his coat pocket and read the letter that was in the envelope. All it said was "Before you learn the hard way." He threw it in the garbage can.
Edwin had a look around the Pokecenter. The only other people in the building were the Nurse and two sleeping trainers, so Edwin decided to head out and see if he could get his Zubat to cooperate. Once outside, Edwin sent out Zubat. For once, it wasn't darting around the place and remained pretty calm. Upon observation of it's new surroundings, Zubat also noticed Clefairy and decided to perch on her head. Clefairy was not amused, but they headed over to the patch to the west. He passed by a kid who was playing with a Nidoran and some sort of walking toaster.
He had never seen anything like it before. Maybe he was a foreign kid. "What's he doing all of the way out here? There ain't anything interesting out here besides the local Gang of Jumpsuits and a few Caterpies."
Frank barged into the pokémon centre once his two underlings had enough from all the fighting. He wouldn't waste money on any potions and then waste the potions on them. They would heal up at the centre accordingly.
He looked around and noticed that a lot of people were missing now. He picked up his phone, unfolded it and called all of the trainers that added him earlier.
*beep beep*
-"Frank here, just wanted to let you guys know that I'm taking on the gym challenge here." He had no idea what it was or how strong they were.
He didn't want to end up in a lengthy conversation and hung up as soon as the message was received.
He turned back around and caught his recovered pokémon and walked over to the resting people. The first thing he noticed was the package with the dexes, he grabbed it and the 3 dexes that were left in.
-"Guys, gym challenge anyone?" He asked the two but didn't get much a response. He shrugged and walked out.
The pokémart laid pretty near the centre and he simply stepped in when the courier noticed him.
-"I can see that you're Frank." The deliveryman said.
-"As true as it can be." Frank answered and wanted to take the parcel from him right away.
-"This is yours... Please sign ... here." Frank grabbed the pen and signed.
-"Thank you. I hope you have a great day Frank." The deliveryman said, lifted his hat and began his way back.
-"A great day indeed..." Frank mumbled as he unpacked his Jotho passport and his new shiny Trainer ID.
Without any hesitation he walked out without buying anything and headed towards the gym. The Mankey had proved useful, and Murkrows apparent advantage against the bugs strengthened the fighting spirit a lot. No more messing around, it learnt a thing or two about battling.
The doors of the gym stood before him. The moment of truth, but he knew his chances to win. 50% he declared to himself, either he lost or he didn't.
Chris was snoozing pretty heavily when frank barged over to him. "Gym challenge anyone?" he declared proudly. Chris absentmindedly rolled over and mumbled, "sleeeep."
Then out of the corner of his eye, he noticed frank snatch something then walk away. He noticed Lucas got up and followed frank out. Chris didn't think about it for a while. He almost fell back asleep before snapping back into reality.
"gym challenge?" Chris stood up erect. There were no other trainers in the pokecenter, BESIDES JOSEPH WHOM I'D FORGOTTEN ABOUT ;D. Who was coming out of his sleep. It was around 7 PM and the sun was still up but going down fast. "Did I heard him right?' Chris asked to no one in particular, more himself. Then Chris noticed the pokedex were gone. A peculiar thing those pokedex, he thought. Who had the right to hand out the leftovers? Clearly Frank thought he did.
Angrily, Chris got up and left the pokecenter, headed for the gym. "I don't think I'll mind watching this kid lose, plus I can pick up on some tips watching the gymleader fight."
It's up to you purp whether or not the gymleader allows anyone to watch the battle.
EDIT: GODDAMN, I've edited this post 6 or 7 times and I keep finding grammatical/spelling errors.
Dren posted before me. Darn it. Haha. Well, I guess he just didn't see my character.
Joseph woke up to find that Lucas had left. Where did everyone go...? I guess I was sleeping where no one would notice me...
"Alright Totodile, I guess we could use this time to go train. Nurse, if those other kids come back, can you tell them I just went out to train? Thanks."
With that, Joseph headed over to a patch of grass right outside of town.
"Alright Totodile! Let's find some pokémon." Do I even have any pokéballs? Hm... let's see, I have a pokéball, Totodile's netball, a timer ball, and another pokéball. Huh. Well, I guess that should be enough for a while. I wonder what kind of wild pokémon live around here? Where is that pokéd...
"Look! A Pidgey! Huh. Let's see..."
Tiny Bird Pokémon
Normal Flying Type
Among all the Flying Pokémon, it is the gentlest and easiest to capture. A perfect target for the beginning Pokémon Trainer to test his Pokémon's skills. Pidgey's Gust power creates tornadoes. It also has a Sand-Attack
"Alright. Let's do this. Totodile, use leer!"
*Pidgey Cried out and used Sand Attack*
"Totodile! Quick, use water gun on the sand!"
The sand fell and mixed into mud. The pidgey is stuck in it!
Totodile, use water gun on Pidgey!
"Alright, let's use this pokéball!" Joseph threw the pokéball. It shook vigorously, and suddenly stopped. "Yes! The first pokémon I've ever caught! Wow! I can't believe it!"
Joseph picked up the pokéball. I probably should get this pidgey back to the center... Joseph then made his way back to the Pokémon Center.
Corey had finally finished his training. Thrahser had finally learned a new move. Corey came to find out it was called Fury Swipes. Low power attack from what he noticed but once in awhile they would land critical hits.
While Corey was leaving he noticed something shining off the beaten path. He stepped over to find what looked like a Pokedex, it was broken from what he could see, and a Pokeball. He decided to grab the other Pokeball he had found too.
He pushed the button on the ball he found in Diglett Cave.
He then pushed the button on the ball he just found.
"Nothing. Well, you could always hope. I mean not like a Potion or TM could have been found in a Pokeball or anything."
He stashed the odd broken Pokedex and the two Pokeballs and walked into town. He spied a trainer over near where he caught Thrasher. He looked to his left and saw Frank and Lucas heading into the gym.
"You guys wanna try the gym?" He said speaking to the Pokeballs he carried knowing they couldn't answer.
"Well, let's follow and see what goes on."
Rock john was sitting in some grass taking a break from training and eating an apple. Both his Raticates were out of there balls and fidgeting around.
Looking up he could see two guys eyeing the Gym Doors. One Cool looking guy and some Nerdy Kid.
"Hmmm... this might be interesting" he said outloud to himself.
"Gotta be respectful of the Gym... Back to the Balls boys..." Rock john returns the Raticates to their respective pokeballs and stands up.
He Trails behind the two guys hoping to watch any Gym Battles.
"If they get destroyed, i might be able to help them train..." he thought to himself on the way over.
"Cut it out!" Edwin flailed his hands at Zubat, trying to keep him off of Clefairy's head. All it wanted to do was just sit around. "I told you to Leech that Caterpie, now get off your blue butt and attack!" The Zubat instead swooped past Edwin and starting circling around the Caterpie screaming. He put his hand to his forehead to think.
"It probably thinks it is still in Mt. Moon. It's trying to call other Zubats. But how do I get it to just do as I say?"
The Caterpie, finally feeling threatened fired a string shot at Zubat. Its flailing causes Zubat to tangle up his wings and fall to the ground. Edwin rushed overt and brushed off the string. "For the last time! Leech Li...." Zubat shot over to Caterpie and bit at the air, causing a wave of shadows to form in front of its mouth and sink the teeth into Caterpie.
While Zubat went on its slaughter of the local Caterpie, Edwin couldn't help but notice the group of kids heading towards the Gym. He hoped the tough-looking one was the one challenging the leader there, or else they were in for quite a beating. Shortly after, a strange-looking fellow started following them. But Edwin was suddenly brough back to reality after Zubat flew back at him and started screeching in his ear. After covering them (a little too late) for a bit, he heard a voice nearby. "Hey! What do you think you're doing to my Pokemon?" Edwin turned to see a young girl sheltering a Magby. "I could ask the same thing."
"You sicked that Zubat on Maggie without even asking to battle first!"
Edwin tilted his head a bit. "Looks like I took out the Magby without asking for a battle first." She looked at the Magby, sure enough, it was out! "Ahh!" Edwin returned Zubat. "Blame the Zubat, not me. I can barely control the thing." She got up and returned the Magby. "I want a rematch!" Before even getting an answer, she stormed off to the center. Edwin and Clefairy followed the strangers into the GYM instead.
Pokémon gyms. The place to meet challenges, to prove your strength before a leader. But only a few dojos was accepted like gyms. Back in the days the Fighting gym of Saffron was replaced by the Psychic Gym after a fierce battle.
Frank entered the hall of the Gym followed by some of the others. He absorbed the atmosphere (and the smell of sweat) and walked onwards with a confidence. There was a stair up to the actual battle platform where the leader was and a couple of trainers sitting there watching him fight.
As soon as Frank began to climb the stairs the trainers reacted and stood up.
-"What's your name?" The person in front asked.
-"Frank is my name." Frank answered without any doubt but a start of annoyance.
-"What is your quest?"
-"To become the strongest trainer there is."
-"What is TM26?"
-"Hell do I know?"
-"Then you must fight!" The trainer pulled up a pokéball and sent out a Sandshrew.
Frank sighed and went down a few steps before sending out Murkrow.
-"Just deal with it, easy and simple." Frank said as Murkrow left his side.
The sandshrew was getting ready for the traditional peck when his opponent suddenly tilted slightly to the left and attacked with the spread wing. The force was strong and the Sandshrew weak. It was pushed of its' feet and landed on the back.
Frank could see that look in the trainer's eyes. The look of disappointment followed by a quick swap of battler.
-"Murkrow, Pursuit!" Frank shouted and the dark lit in Murkrow.
The trainer lifted his arm and sent out the beam to recall his Sandshrew shouting. "Get back Sandshrew!".
But as the beam was about to take Sandshrew back - Murkrow intercepted it with a sudden attack that took out what little fight it had left in it.
The trainer looked shocked and shook his head. "Damn, he was already done ya' bastard!"
-"It ain't over 'till it's over." Frank said mockingly and grinned.
-"Bastard. Go Sandshrew!" The trainer shouted and sent another Sandshrew forward.
-"Another one? Sheesh there's just no brain in you is it?" Frank shook his head and grinned. It was good to be back.
-"Get him!" The trainer shouted and the sandshrew went for Murkrow. It attacked with it's claws and scratched at Murkrow. IT was buffered by the attack but had more in it than that now.
The sandshrew saw the attack coming and used the Defense curl as Murkrow swooped downwards against it, it was stronger than the last one but they were not equal in power.
The moment the attack was over sandshrew tried another scratch against the Murkrow but the seemingly docile bird suddenly shrieked and turned over which startled the Sandshrew and made it stop its' movement. Without any hesitation Murkrow left the Astonish tactics and stroke the Sandshrew with its' wing. It was another one of those lucky hits that dealt a critical amount of damage.
-"Sandshrew, blind it quickly!" The trainer shouted at it's weakening pokémon.
The sandshrew shoot a cloud of sand into the air against Murkrow and the trainer cheered as Murkrow was hit.
But the dust had barely faded when Murkrow came at the sandshrew with full speed striking it as it passed.
A shout of dismay could be hard from a top the stairs as the trainer cursed his luck.
-"Godamn unfair, it was blinded and yet it hit? Stupid... so stupid."
Frank saw the sandshrew fainting and recalled Murkrow. This trainer didn't have anything on him.
-"Alright, you've made a fool out of yourself, I'm getting the leader." Frank said as he continued up the stairs once more.
-"Okay okay, but just don't underestimate the guy." The beaten trainer said and shook his head.
-"Yeah, we got nothing on the leader." One of the other trainers said.
-"Just testing ya' to see if your even a worth wasting time on."
The trainers made way for him as he passed by and slowly began up the stairs again to return to where they were.
Once at the top of the stairs Frank scouted across a rather large battle platform. Enough space to fit most contestants, and in the middle was a teenage boy training a pack of Digletts.
The boy wore what looked like mining gear and came across as a rather confident trainer.
-"Where's the leader?" Frank asked as he entered the platform, although it seemed rather obvious.
The boy turned around and faced him with a pair of dark eyes.
-"I'm the leader." He started speaking proudly. "I am Josh of Viridian City, the leader of this Ground type Gym." He said and walked forward to meet him.
-"Name's Frank, came from Jotho. Long story short - I'm here to win." Frank grinned as the boy seemed shocked by the straight-forwardness.
-"Very well, right to the point. If you were able to beat my friends then I guess you can be worth the trouble. I've trained since I got my first pokémon so I know a thing or two about the ground type. If you really think you have what it takes to beat me then so be it. I, Josh of Viridian accepts your challenge trainer Frank."
Gonna continue this in a bit. Felt like I flooded the message box.
Rock john finds a spot on the wall to lean. He has watched josh battle many-a-time and was expecting a bad turn of events for the trainers.
Rock john attempted this gym before and was beaten. But that was before his Second Raticate and his Sandslash! Things might be different this time.
As the Cool trainer battled, Rock john was heavily judging all his actions in battle. He was impressed so far with this seemingly low level trainer. Back when Rock john was a beginner he was no where near this good.
As the Leader and Trainer were about to battle rock john decided to pipe up. "Watch out! His Diglett's are powerful and tricky!"
Josh the Leader looked over and yelled "Hey stay outta this!"
Rock John clenched a fist and grit his teeth. "I can tell hes already planning to take advantage of this guy" he thought to himself.
Rock john stayed leaning against the wall to watch the battle.
Chris looked to see the guy that had yelled. He was leaning against a wall opposite of them. Chris's eyes went wide and he nearly fell out of his seat. He whispered to Lucas and Corey (who had joined the group moments ago on the benches) "Look at that guys HAIR. Where the hell do you find industrial gel to keep THAT mess maintained!"
In spite of his hair, the guy was entirely menacing. He was older and Chris judged he was an experienced trainer. He obviously knew the gym leader here one way or another. "Jeezum, Frank's attracting a lot of attention for this gym battle."
"well, might as well give it a shot. What's the worst that could happen?" Chris said
"Exactly. If I lose, I go train my pokes and come back again for a more informed second round."
Chris thought about this for a while, but kept to himself. He figured he could let Lucas and Frank fight him then make up his mind. "Ground type," he thought. He took out his pokedex and had it ready to examine the trainer's pokemon.
"Dudley's a rock and ground type, does that make him weak too ground?" His pokedex said yes. "Hm..." Chris frowned, Dudley was his most powerful pokemon. He hadn't even trained Hoot-Hoot. It didn't seem like a good idea to fight him. Unless sandshrew could stand his own against fellow ground type pokemon.
-"Face to face. Two trainers using completely different types of pokémon."
-"I sure wonder what the next pokémon will be Bob!"
-"Oh wow, look it's a Tyranitar Sam! This just got interesting!"
-"I can almost feel the tension of the trainers up here Bob. The sparks flying in this heated battle."
This was nothing like the large events back in Jotho, this was a challenge between trainer and leader. No large publicity race, a battle to prove to himself that he could do it.
-"I will warn you once more, this battle will hurt." Josh - the leader said and called out a diglett.
-"Don't worry, I know what I'm getting into." Frank said and called out Mankey.
The tension, there was always a tension just before the battle actually started, pokémon facing pokémon, trainer facing trainer. And around him some of the people he got to know gathered to watch.
Mankey didn't waste a moment as it dashed out to strike the diglett. The diglett seemed happy to battle and waited politely.
He gathered force in his hand, leaped and bashed the diglett's head with a Karate chop the moment he got closer. The damage seemed great but the force pushed the Diglett into the hole and it resurfaced elsewhere. Mankey looked around and finally found it.
Frank wondered what the tactics could be here, he tried to read the leader but got nothing.
Mankey leaped once more to strike the Diglett but was suddenly pushed back by a mud-slap. Frank knew this was bad news since the Karate chop would probably miss now.
-"Try the fury swipes!" Frank yelled, knowing that one of the hits could hit was enough.
Mankey let go of the rage and lashed out against the Diglett that nimbly avoided all but two attack. The Diglett suddenly whipped up a cloud of dust around it and Mankey was sent back from it. It must've attacked with its' claws while cloaked in the dust.
-"Get up already and snap out of it!" Frank shouted at his Mankey which wasn't used to getting beaten. The rage was building up inside.
The Diglet moved around in the ground now as Josh gave him the signal. The Diglett disappeared underground and the ground began to tremble.
-"Mankey, Focus your Energy!" Frank shouted as he noticed how frustrated it was getting.
It obeyed just fine. It closed its' eyes and began shaking then breathed out. It looked pumped, ready to deal some damage.
-"Great." Frank mumbled at the success.
It all happened in a matter of seconds.
The Diglet moved underground and blasted its' way through the ground at Mankey. In the midst of the dust that erupted from the hole, Mankey turned around and took the blow like a man. And before Diglett had fully dived back down into the ground - Mankey unleashed a critical Karate Chop against the exposed Diglett.
The dust settled and Mankey looked pleased, the Diglett's head soon appeared which was given a Low kick before it had the chance to react.
It slowly sunk into the hole it made as Josh called it back. "Too bad Diglett, you'll take him next time."
-"All you got are Digletts? I bet you can do better than that." Frank said and quickly inspected his Mankey, it was damaged but it only built his rage.
-"Digletts are my vice, I have more of them but you seem reluctant to face something different. I will grant that wish." Josh smiled, that was just a test and it almost took one of his two pokés.
-"Bring it." Frank said and shook his head nonchalantly.
-"Go, Cubone!" Josh said as he flung his ball.
Mankey was raged, the Cubone was calm. Frank knew the power would only increase from here so Mankey better start making damage before he fainted.
-"Face it power with power Cubone." Josh said and waited for Frank's reaction. Would he take the dare?
-"Focus on quick attacks Mankey, you can do it." Frank knew that Mankey was still pumped up and ready to go. Switching him out now would only make him lose edge.
Mankey set out with a dash once more to gain close quarter as fast as possible. The Cubone on the other hand stood still and lifted its' club into the air. It flashed once before he tossed it at Mankey.
Mankey saw it coming and avoided it as it came. He got closer to the Cubone who simply stood there. Mankey leaped into the air and lashed out with his claws when something struck him in the back.
Frank sighed as his pokémon was his by the Boonerang on its' way back.
Cubone quickly grabbed his club again and came at the Mankey, it stroke against the Mankey which managed to dodge the attack and scratch the pokémon. As Cubone staggered Mankey sidestepped and readied his fist for a Karate Chop.
The attack struck Cubone hard and clean with such a force that the Cubone fell back. But Frank noticed it right away. Rage, the real kind. The blow hit hard and dealt damage but it also made the Cubone stronger.
-"Careful Mankey, focus on strong attacks only!" Frank shouted and Josh glanced over at him looking impressed.
Cubone moved in closer, and Mankey gave it another blow with the Karate chop, this time it wasn't as critical but the Cubone seemed to grow weaker.
The cubone raised his club into the air to strike so Mankey stepped to the side, but it was a feint and the Cubone scored a Headbutt at the unsuspecting Mankey.
"This is it" Frank thought as the Mankey was hit and shook his head. "Still too weak."
But it got up, rage burning in his eyes.
-"Try to finish it off with a Karate Chop!" Frank shouted knowing that his pokémon couldn't last much longer. But something was wrong with the Mankey, an Anger point had been activated.
It ignored the order and went close with fury swipes, attacking the Cubone countless times and finishing it giving it a scratch which sent it flying. The Cubone looked weak now, Josh was fumbling with his ball.
-"Try to finish it off Cubone!" Josh shouted. Frank wanted to support his Mankey right now but knew he couldn't reach it.
The Cubone raised his club once more all while Mankey gained ground. He tossed it and it passed by inches from Mankey.
-"He missed!" Frank said happily as the boonerang went around in the arch and headed back.
Mankey leapt, raised his fist and stroke down with a powerful Karate Chop against Cubone's head. The skull it wore cracked a bit and the returning Boonerang struck it afterwards. It was done.
-"Great job Mankey!" Frank shouted and grinned. He couldn't hide his feeling when things went so well.
-"Wow, that's a pretty good pokémon you got there. But you should really send him back before he faints." Josh said from across the room as Cubone returned to him.
-"It's fit to fight. It can take your next one on." Frank replied and grinned.
-"You must learn one thing, battles aren't determined simply by the pokémon... We trainers play a greater part." Josh said and looked more mature than before.
-"Whatever." Frank wanted this to end now.
-"You rely too much on your pokémon, you let them make you. You should make them. Go Donphan!"
-"Just wait 'till you get beat up kiddo!" Frank shouted and noticed his Mankey already on the move.
Donphan was a strong pokémon, he knew it since it was rather local where he came from.
Mankey greeted the Donphan "hello" with a critical Karate Chop straight on. The Donphan winched a little but got back up.
-"Oh crap..." Frank realized as his strongest attack possible didn't leave his enemy dangered.
Donphan drew power now, the ground around him began to vibrate. Mankey leapt up into the air to give it another Karate Chop when a strong wind pushed him back.
Sand and pebbles suddenly brewed up from the ground and filled the arena with a personal sandstorm. It became hard to see in the strong winds but Mankey was up once more.
The pebbles and rocks struck Mankey as it moved forward and gave the Donphan another go of his Karate chop. Three attacks and three critical hits and it finally showed that it had been touched in the first place.
-"End it." Josh said from across the room, with a hint of amusement.
Donphan raised itself on its' backlegs and then pushed himself down quickly to the ground once more which caused a serious tremor followed by a local earthquake at the arena. Mankey stumbled back and forth taking damage both from the sandstorm and the Earthquake before the ground finally opened itself under him and beat him back.
-"Earthquake?" Frank said surprised. The strongest ground move out there in this simple Gym amazed him.
-"Get back!" Frank said and called the Mankey back to its' ball. It was defeated and only Murkrow remained.
-"Had enough?" Josh shouted from across the room.
-"Not in a lifetime!" Frank replied but knew that this would get tough. The Donphan was damaged but still had a pile of strength remaining.
Murkrow appeared beside him as he called it. It was along shoot but it had to work.
-"Let's do this Murkrow..." He said and the bird began it's travel through the fierce sandstorm.
Donphan seemed confused of what to do as the bird came closer, so did Josh.
-"Donphan bring it down!" Josh yelled and the Donphan tried to shoot mud at Murkrow, the mud couldn't reach it though Murkrow dived.
It dived through pebbles and sand, it was distracting but he would make it. He swooped down and stroke it with his wing, then flew high again.
Josh wondered how Frank could hope to outlast his Donphan like this with the sandstorm dealing damage and Donphan being the rock he was. But he also noticed something odd about Donphan, something was depleting his strength but he didn't know what.
Murkrow landed slightly at the ground near Donphan which tried another earthquake. As Donphan was on his way down with the legs - Murkrow took off and watched the ground below tremble and crack.
Murkrow continued to attack Donphan from above while it tried to reach it time after time. But it only became weaker and weaker.
-"Good job Murkrow." Frank thought as he watched the Donphan growing weaker, if this continued he would indeed outlast it.
-"Is it... Poison?" Josh mumbled as he couldn't understand why his Donphan began to shake. The battle had passed and the Murkrow had shown signs of weakness. But his Donphan even more so and he didn't get why. All he knew was that his Donphan wouldn't be able to hit the bird with Mud slap any more, and with its' depleting strength he could no longer joke around.
-"Fury attack Donphan, bring it down!" He shouted as his Donphan made the effort to see Murkrow.
As Murkrow passed he lashed out hitting Murkrow once but missing the rest.
-"Dang, I hoped he couldn't reach him." Frank mumbled as he saw the Donphan being on his last legs. But he also knew that Murkrow couldn't last much longer. Did he wish he had brought some potions? Yes he did. But he was a cooltrainer, he would succeed.
He would succeed as long as the Black Sludge was stuck on the unsuspecting Donphan.
-"Finish it!" Frank yelled as the Donphan began to sack over, his legs weak and his body tender.
Murkrow swooped down, weak and damaged the wings ruffled and body sore. It dived and put all its power into the attack striking the Donphan across the face. As the attack connected - Murkrow landed and stumbled.
-"Murkrow!" He was so close, now was not the time to lose.
And then the sandstorm faded.
-"I hate to admit it... But great job!" Josh said as the Donphan returned to the ball.
Frank looked up and saw his Murkrow on its last legs and the black sludge lying next to it. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.
-"I did it... Even with a weak party like this." Frank mumbled before smiling.
Huh, they're not back yet. I wonder.. they must've gone the gym challenge here! I'm not strong enough to take on a gym challenge yet... Maybe I'll be able to take the one in Pewter? Joseph walked outside the Pokémon Center. There's the gym, I wonder if they are still there? Just as Joseph walked into the gym he heard Lucas tell a Nidorino to use Poison Sting. Poison Sting, on a ground Pokémon... wait... Nidorino?! When did he get one of those? Joseph finally made it to the arena in time to see the gym leader giving the badge to Lucas. Is that kid the gym leader...? He must be... I can't believe I missed it! Darn...
Wow these battles are great. Thrasher and Ace would do great here. Spark not so much. Maybe.....maybe if he has any left I'll take him on. If not maybe the next gym.
"Where have you been Joesph?"
"Seems like everyone forgot me."
"Haha, probably. You did miss two good fights. Seems like he doesn't have many Pokemon left or I would challenge him. I know my Mankey will do great after seeing Frank's fight. And I know Starly being the Flying-type will do well also. But I'm getting tired of this town and really just want to focus on training right now. I'll come back here later when at all possible."
"Hey, that's all well and good, but its pretty late now. How about we stay here for the night at the pokecenter?"
Chris was uneasy about saying much more. He wanted to say they could sleep at his house in pewter, but he barely knew these guys. And they wanted to travel together and beat team rocket? Like some of pokemon crusaders? it was happening rather quickly. Of ocourse, chris had to admit, it was what he had wanted as well.
" Oh, and another thing. I lived in pewter all my life and have only seen the stray rocket. They in no way run that town."
The party went back to the pokémon centre. Josh had the chance to heal up and his trainer buddies tried to comfort him and tell him how awesome he was.
-"So... Taking the spoils are you?" Frank asked Lucas as they were heading back to the pokémon centre.
-"I got to fight his optimal team and you got away with some... Diglett, fair deal huh?" Frank grinned but still weighed the badge with pride.
-"Actually I think he had more pokémon, even stronger ones perhaps somewhere. But the Gym leader's job is not to run over trainers, they are supposed to test the abilities and thinking of trainers. When they feel proven they concede." Lucas but his arms behind his head and looked at Frank who obviously didn't like that idea.
-"I could've taken them on as well." He said shortly and went ahead to heal his Murkrow and Mankey as they walked through the door.
They all stayed at the pokémon centre and the day grew late, tomorrow they would set out for Pewter city and hopefully find a way to earn themselves a badge.
Frank watched the others from the counter. Lucas was just a nerd but it seemed like even for a nerd he had some trainer qualities. Or maybe it was luck. But he knew his stuff and his pokémon obeyed him, he even beat the same gym Frank did.
Could there be anything in what Josh spoke of? That the trainer is what matters and not the pokémon... It certainly did. Frank won with two weak pokémon. But those weak pokémon did a great job when listening to him. And at the same time Lucas won with both pokémon weak to the ground type. Lucas had knowledge and based it all on that. Frank on the other hand was just awesome as it was.
He also weighed the TM disc Josh handed him - Sandstorm apparently. He put the disc into the TM machine and watched the socket for the pokéball in it. He put in Mankey's ball and watched the error message at the display "Not able" He clicked the start button anyway and watched the next error message "Mankey and Sandstorm are not compatible".
-"Better find something better for him then..." Frank mumbled as he took the ball out and turned off the TM machine.
Frank was happy with it all. He had earned his first badge and proved himself good enough. He just had to expand his party a little now and keep training. There was no point in crying over spilled moo moo milk - he had a new party going. He was what mattered - not them.
As Edwin left the Gym, a few minutes after kids did, he was confronted by the crazy girl. "Hey! I said we were gonna have a rematch!" "I don't have time. I gotta leave, kid." It was too late, her little Magby was already out.
"Fine. We'll make this quick. Clefairy, Doubleslap!" Clefairy ran up to the Magby, but the Magby fired an Ember before she could reach it. "Maggie, Smog!" Clefairy was struck with a blast of smoke. "Clefairy, try another Doubleslap!" Clefairy ran back at the Magby and struck it with her hands four times before grasping her left hand in the other. "What!?" "Maggie, Ember!" Clefairy fell with the last attack.
The Magby then adjusted the pink neckerchief that it was wearing, as if it was more interesting than what just happened. "Go, Zubat!" Without even returning Clefairy, Zubat was out. "Zubat, Bite it!" It did so and Magby fell right away. Edwin returned both Pokes. "Shoot. I still couldn't win." Edwin took out the cd in his pocket. "Before you learn the hard way." Is this what she meant?
"Maybe you should've used that on your Clefairy."
"It's a TM. You use it to teach Pokemon moves."
"Just use it on them. It's simple."
She retrieved her Magby. "Rematch?"
They both went in the center and handed the nurse their Pokeballs. Edwin hoped no one saw his horrible defeat at the hands of such a little girl.
The ship had barely finished its postdocking procedures when the woman hopped the side rail and landed gracefully on her feet. She cracked her neck and streched her arms. It had been a long journey. She never did enjoy sea travel. It was good to be on dry land again. It was especially good because she had an objective and was already late; the incompetant boat captain had insisted on not letting the journey conclude until someone found his granddaugther. It had been tempting to start trouble over that, but she was already fighting off seasickness most of the trip, so decided against it.
"Halt! Halt in the name of Team Rocket!" came a cry.
She looked lazily towards the customs office. A grunt was shouting as he ran up to her, a growlithe and a grimer right beside him, and behind him another grunt with a fearow and a houndour had noticed the commotion and was heading this was as well. They were using definate upgrades from the last pathetic effort Team Rocket had made in Kanto. Still, she didn't need the delay.
"What do you want?!" she barked.
"Just proof of your credentials, miss."
Her eyes bulged. "The big, obvious R on my shirt is not enough for you?"
"Standard procedure," the grunt said. "It could be a fake."
By now the other grunt had caught up. His houndour had started barking fiercly, and the growlithe joined in. It was a racket. Ugh. She haded dogs.
"Credentials," she said, letting a cruel smile form. "Fine. I will show you my credentials." Her hand bent towards her belt and the six Pokeballs it held. Which would be the best? Will, it barely mattered really.
Short, fierce, embarrsing moments later, the four opponets were defeated, lying fainted or exhausted on the ground. She recalled her victorious Pokemon to it's ball. What a joke. She wouldn't even have to bother to heal it.
The first grunt glared as his cohort prodded his fallen houndour. It had been an sad defeat for them both. She hadn't even tried to take them seriously. But, it had been effective; he knew his place.
"Credentials accepted," the grunt said between cleched teeth "Welcome to Vermillion City, miss, uh..."
"It is Saiar. Administrator Saiar. Do try to send word that I will not enjoy being stopped by my underlings again."
Before the grunt could even agree, she swept past them both, heading north towards the edge of the city.
sidenote: personally, I don't know why, but I'm having a damn hard time keeping track of everyone.
Chris was groggy when he woke up. The other trainers had roused from their sleep. Corey came over to Chris, "Hey, did you see were Lucas went last night?" he asked worriedly. You didn't even have the time to process the information before the nurse from behind the counter came over.
"Did you ask about your friend?" She said
"Yes, did you see him?"
"Yes, he left early this morning. He wanted me to tell you he'd meet you guys at Pewter city pokecenter."
"hmph, little nerd like him walking through viridian forest alone at night..." Frank said.
God, this kid... This kid! Chris couldn't help but think the gym badge had gone to his head. Chris still didn't feel very attached to the group, so once he got up he left them standing in the pokecenter talking. "Where you going?' Corey asked.
Chris looked back surprised, "Um... Pewter? Maybe a grab a bite to eat first?" On second thought, Chris wasn't going to be getting anything to eat, he had little to no money.
"Well, wait up, I'm ready to go too." corey said.
Corey snatched his bag and what little supplies he had.
Corey-"Wait aren't you gonna grab a bite to eat?"
Chris-"Nah, I don't have much money."
Corey-"Well, here I'll pay this time. Don't worry about it."
Chis-"Oh, alright thanks."
They grabbed the breakfast and headed out. The other trainers made no attempt to follow as far as he could tell.
Well, everyone is going to meet up at their own pace I guess.
And with that Chris and Corey started for the forest.
"You plan on taking the gym challenge here Chris? I'm possibly thinking about it, but I'm not sure. With all this Rocket nonsense I think I'm better off waiting till they are kicked out, whenever that would be."
Chris hadn't told anyone about his dad yet. Or the situation in Pewter. He just hadn't felt like bringing it up. Now with Corey asking him directly he felt kind of bad. The two of them were making decent time. At their pace, a slow walk, they'd make it to pewter in 20 minutes to a half four. It was a nice day, though you could tell it rained over night. "Huh, I hope Lucas didn't mind being in the rain." Chris said, unwittingly changing the subject.
corey: "huh? Oh yeah, the grass is still a bit wet. I guess it did rain."
Chris: "Yeah, so anyway. Look, the gymleader in Pewter's been missing for a good three months. There won't be any challenging of gymleaders in Pewter." Chris had been staring up at the foliage with his hands behind his back, he turned to see Corey's response.
He was just kind of looking down. "Damn. Team rocket again?"
Chris looked straight ahead, "No one knows."
They walked on in silence for another five minutes when Chris got an idea. "Hey, why am I not training my pokemon right now?" Chris took out the ball Hoot-Hoot was in and sent him out. "Alright, it's time to give you a name! I've been thinking, how do you like Owl Pellet?"
Hoot-hoot looked very offended. Chris laughed and pat it on the head. "I'm just kidding, that's no good. What do you think Corey?"
Corey looked very confused, "I... uh... I have no idea."
"How about... Konfucius.... with a 'k'" Chris was kind of excited about this. Corey pretended it was a great name. Hoot-hoot however, loved it. "Alright Konfucius, do you mind Kon for short? Kon, I want you to make a mockery of all the caterpie and weedles you see!"
Konfucius was delighted. He hooted happily and took off in the air ahead of them. "Why Konfucius? And why with a K?" Corey asked.
"Well, I heard that some hoot-hoot naturally learn confusion, but the whole species, including the evolution Noctowl, doesn't take on psychic type traits." Chris said.
Corey: "Oh, well that's valid. and the k?"
Chris: "... I don't really know why the k..."
They continued to walk on and were just coming out of the woods when a kid in cool-*** looking short shorts came running up to Chris and Corey. "Hey!" He said, "You're that lazy sack of potatoes I saw sleeping in the woods yesterday!"
----SMALL BATTLE AHEAD: Text wall is not really that important----
Chris remembered the kid instantly. "C'mon, with these shorts, there's no way I can lose against someone as poorly dressed as you!" The kid antagonized Chris.
Chris: "What? What the hell's wrong my clothes? Alright, show me your pokemon kid. Go, Konfucius!"
"Ratatta! Get 'em with your tail whip!" The little kid sent out a ratatta, so predictable.
"Watch out Kon! Use your flight advantage to avoid his attack!" Kon did so and narrowly missed the ratatta's vicious tail whip. "Now counter and repeat!"
This went on for a little while. The ratatta would try to bite or tackle Kon, but Kon would fly up and out of his reach then dive bomb him with a flurry of pecks. Kon wasn't the fastest bird of feather though, and eventually was hit with a nasty bite. Kon fell to the ground. Cool smancy fancy short shorts kid's ratatta was a little exhausted by this point, "Go get 'em while he's down ratatta! Tackle 'em!"
Chris: "Kon, use your hypnosis technique!" Just as the ratatta was about to tackle, Kon unleashed a wave of hypnosis. The ratatta slowed down, then slumped over asleep. "Kon, finish him!" Kon agreed and pecked the living daylights out of the sleeping ratatta. Before it could regain consciousness, it fainted. Short shorts kid called it back. kon returned to perch on Chris's shoulder. "Good job, Kon! You're a very good bird!" Kon cooed softly as Chris gave him a pat.
The short shorts kid looked defeated and depressed. He held his head down in shame, not sure what to do or say. Chris felt terrible now. "Hey, look, cheer up. Your pokemon fought real hard. Keep training, he's a good one!" Chris said in an attempt to make him feel better.
Suddenly, the kid looked up and shouted at Chris, "Ahh, whatever! My shorts are so damn comfy! Atleast I dress nice!" And with that the kid stormed off south into viridian forest. Chris was stunned.
"Well, that was a good show, Kon." Corey chimed in, having watched the whole thing. "What a weird kid though."
"I really don't know why those short kids always obsess over their shorts."
"I like your Hoothoot. Seems he seems strong. From the looks of it my Starly has a little higher attack and speed though."**
"I don't know just saying really."
"It is a nice day out I think Ace would like to go for a nice flight." Corey sent out Ace. He flew around then landed back on Corey's shoulder.
Ace seemed to notice Kon and eyed him. After a few minutes of this the two birds flew around being playful with one another. Each seemed to be test the other.
I guess Kon heard me say something about Ace being faster.
**Had to check but Starly does have a higer attack and speed. Just had to make sure before I went posting something not true.
----Back during Frank's Gym Battle----
Rock john's jaw dropped when Mankey appeared. "Wow a Mankey! Im amazed that kid managed to find one!"
He was completely blown away by how well that cool kid did. Very Impressive.
Then the nerd kid starting battling. "Heh, this wont last long..." he thought. But low and behold he managed to best the Leaders pokemon. Again his Jaw dropped.
"Whats with these kids? They are such skilled trainers! They Look like amateurs but they battle with such knowledge!"
Rock john followed behind the kids. He Stopped the Cool kid.
"huh?" Frank looked who tapped him on the shoulder.
"Great battle man! I Gotta say i was really impressed!"
Frank Grinned. "No problem."
The two chat for a bit.
"Well see ya around" Rock john decided to head back to his Dojo. While leaving he could hear the other guys talking about heading to pewter. He Rubs his chin thinking he might go with them.
----The Next Day a few minutes after chris and corey left the pokemon center----
Rock john was bringing his rattata in to heal up after training intensely all day. Entering the Poke center Rock john could see frank. "Hey a familiar face he thought" and headed over to say hi. While Frank and Rock john were chatting briefly Lucas entered the Poke Center.
"Jeez i cant beleive that beedrill. I mean i seriously wasnt expecting Beedrills in that tree." Lucas was rambling while heading to the counter.
As Lucas approach the counter the doors to the Poke center Swung open banging really loudly. There were several other trainers in the poke center also and everyone looked up at the doorway. There were 3 Men in trench coats, they had large Red R's. Obviously members of Rocket. They were holding Automatic Rifles.
"Alright Ladies and Trainers..." one of the men announced "were here to take all Pokemon! Put them in the bag and there wont be any problems!" they all had bags hanging off their belts.
Rock john started to get angry... "These cowards he thought..." he reached for his pokeballs. Lucas stood with a terrified look on his face while Frank just sort of held his ground.
One of the Rockets started pestering an older lady. "Give me the balls lady" he said while pushing her and ruffling through her purse.
"THATS ENOUGH" Rock john yells. All attention switchs to him. He throws out most of his balls. Both raticate's, his Sandslash and his Squirtle all pop out and appear.
The one Rocket points his gun over at Rock john and starts to fire. Everyone dives for the floor. Rock john rolled to the side and rushed one of the other Rocket members. He jump kicks the gun out of the Rockets hand and punchs him in the face sending him to the ground. The other rocket continues firing bullets all over trying to hit Rock John. Thankfully hes more spraying bullets than aiming. Rock john looks over, his 2 raticate's and squirtle are near the 3rd Rocket member.
He yells "Squirtle Water gun!, Raticates bite!!" The Squirtle makes a face and uses scratch on the Rocket. The Raticates try to bite him but miss and crash into a table. The Rocket member cocks his gun and points it at the Squirtle.
"Damn it... why doesnt that squirtle ever listen to me!!" Rock john thought to himself while taking cover behind a couch.
Lucas peers up while cowering from the bullets and sees the squirtle in danger. Lucas yells "Squirtle Water gun!!" by a gut reaction. The Squirtle uses Water gun and blasts the rocket guy knocking him into the wall and knocking away his gun. Lucas smiles.
The Last rocket's Machine gun runs out of ammo... Rock john notices and points at him "Raticates!! Hyper Double Fa...." but while yelling a Mankey flys over and Chops the Rocket knocking him out cold. Frank Grinned.
Everyone inside the Poke center stands up and looks around. Bullet holes everywhere.
Rock john Thanks Lucas and Frank for the Help. He looks at Lucas. "Hey... that damn squirtle actually listened to you... Ive had him for years and he still wont do a damn thing i ask him. Honestly if you want him, you can have him. He seems to really like you..."
Vermillion City. Once an open port to the outside world, now a Rocket stronghold. Barricades replaced the open routes to the north and east. Cruise liners gave way to cargo ships transporting smuggled and stolen goods on huge margins. The gym was closed down and had become little more than a Rocket hangout. Lt. Surge hadn't been seen in years - if he was even still alive.
Saiar frowned. The city reeked of weakness.
Yes, there was a lot of money to be made. Huge, almost unbelievable profits. Profits that she had seen the fair share of during her time. It made Team Rocket's dreams possible. Money made the world go down as much today as it ever had. But there was more to it than that. This was Team Rocket! There was supposed to be pride here! The old regime had focused on nothing more than profits and general crime and had fallen swiftly to some damn kid and his Pikachu! It had taken them years of planning, decades even, gathering resources and finding ways to strike. Finally things were in motion. On the outside it looked good. But on the inside...
Rotten to the core!
Not morally speaking, of course (Team Rocket didn't care about morals on principle) but in terms of strength. It was a facade - a threat, no, more like a bluff. There was no real strength. Nothing like the kind of power she had.
Saiar passed two grunts battling. It was a lopsided battle; a houndour was beating up on a koffing that seemed unable to defend itself. Koffing wasn't the strongest Pokemon by a long shot, but this one seemed poorly trained to boot. It still had that crazy grin on its face even as it started getting wobbly and lost altitude.
"Stupid thing! So weak!" the grunt yelled, kicking it as it settled to the ground.
"Kid!" Saiar yelled at once. "Who the HELL told you that sort of thing was okay?!"
The grunt whirlled around, a face of anger. He was no doubt ready to shout something nasty when he caught wind of Saiar and her obvious Rocket Admin uniform.
"I... ah... what?" he stammered.
"That Koffing you were kicking. Who said it was okay to do that sort of thing?"
The kid looked completely blank. Saiar ground her teeth. This was history repeating itself, all over again. That nasty, diseased attitude of evil for evil's sake instead of for money, power, and control.
"Listen up, kid. When your shirt is dirty, do you tear it to shreds? No, you wash it. When your saws are dull, do you break them and throw them away? No, you sharpen them. So why, when your Pokemon fails you, do you beat them up?"
"Screw that love and respect BS," the grunt spat.
"When did I say anything about love and respect?" Saiar shot back. "This is Team Rocket, not an afterschool special. I don't give a damn about love. Pokemon are tools; a means to end. They are our weapons. Weapons that we use to gain many things. Power. Wealth. Glory. Respect. Control. Do you think you're going to get any of that with a broken-down Pokemon that's badly trained and has no real power?"
The grunt looked uncertain and said nothing. Several more were wandering this way. Saiar paid them no mind. She was soapboxing.
She continued, "When Team Rocket fell so many years ago, it was because we were weak. Our Pokemon had no power. Our trainers were fools. We didn't care. We thought it was cool to be mean, to kick things like this koffing because it failed when it was our own damn fault for not making it strong. And it will happen again. It only took one kid last time. How many kids out there have we pissed off? How many legitimate trainers are just waiting to get involved in the fight if pushed hard enough? Are you going to stop them? You can't stop them. You couldn't stop me either. I have a dozen Pokemon on me, and I could take out your entire teams with any of them. There are trainers with real skill, and Pokemon with real power, and if they came this way you couldn't do a damn thing about any of them."
Silence. Well, they were just dumb kids anyway. Didn't care about any of this stuff. Probably just joined because it they were small-time bullies and Team Rocket was a way for them to be mean without reprisal. She'd have to get to the root of the problem.
"Where is the Admin of this town?!" she demanded.
Nobody spoke, but half a dozen fingers pointed towards a building on the water. A lone man was standing in the door. He stepped back inside shut it without a word. There was no way he was getting off that easily. Saiar sent off, fully intent on making this a horrible day for that guy.
With nothing left to do here, Edwin decided to head back to Cerulean. Despite his newfound popularity with the Rockets, he could not abandon the Gym. As useless as he was at battling, but every member counted. He could not let his friend down. After recieving his Pokeball from the nurse, he turned and walked to the PC. There seemed to be a slot for a disc, as he had assumed. He took the disc out of its sleeve and put it in the machine. It whirred and popped up the message "TM29 - Psychic, Insert Pokeball." The disc was for Clefairy, so he placed Clefairy's Pokeball in the slot. The Pokeball glowed a bit purple, and Edwin chose to get rid of Sing. A moment later, the ball stopped glowing and the screen stated "Complete - Remove Pokeball." He obeyed.
He waited for the disc to come out. It never did.
Peeved, Edwin left the center anyway and made his way towards the forest once more. On the way, he was stopped with a "Hey!" It was Josh, the Gym leader. "I saw you with those kids, but I don't think you've ever gotten my badge. Why didn't you take the challenge when your friends did?" Edwin was surprised at the sudden invitation to battle. "Sorry, I have something to do back in Cerulean."
"No time for even a quick battle?"
"No, sorry."
"Shame. My sis said you had some kind of freak Zubat. I really wanted to see it. Come on, really quick. One Pokemon on one?"
".....fine, but shouldn't we do this indoors?"
"Nah, it's fine. Come on!" Without waiting for a response, he sent out his Cubone. "Does he know that Zubat's pretty much immune to ground moves?"
Edwin sent him out anyway. It started with it's usual screaming and flailing. Without warning, it dove into Cubone and used it's fearsome shadowy fangs on it before the Cubone could even ready itself. "I guess she wasn't exaggerating. That thing's nuts! Cubone, Bonemerang!"
Dead on. The bone nearly knocked Zubat out of the air, but at just the right force for Zubat to flee out of range of its return. Zubat screeched even louder, but Cubone was able to cover its ears, not so much luck this time. Cubone retaliated with another Bonemerang, it seemd all it could do against Zubat was throw it's bone, as Zubat was only close enough to it for a few seconds at most. After a bit of bone chucking and quick Bites, Cubone was down. Both trainers returned their Pokemon.
"It's a wonder that thing doesn't try to take your arm off."
"Sometimes it does." What followed surprised Edwin. Josh handed him a badge. "But I only beat one of your Pokes."
"Keep it. Thanks for losing to my sis, it really helped her self-esteem." As Josh left for the center, Edwin replied "ummmm....sure."
Corey and Chris made it to Pewter city around before 10:00 AM. Chris looked up from his watch and observed the town. Quiet as usual. "Quite a nice little city." Corey managed a smile. "Where's the gym?" He asked.
"It's down the road a bit, behind the pokecenter. Trainers have been camping there on occasion, waiting for the gymleader to return." Making his way past the gym, Corey said, "I want to see it. No one occupies it?"
Chris scrambled for something to say, "Uhh, um... well, it was maintained by the family. They just locked the doors recently though."
Walking down the road, Chris caught a glimpse of the building. "That's odd. No trainers..." There was no one camping near or around the building. Chris felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. He couldn't fight the feeling rising in his stomach. He suddenly took off running.
"What?" corey asked, surprised. "What's the matter?" Corey began to run after him.
The building came into view. There was no trainers alright. "The chains!" Chris exclaimed. The chains he'd used to lock up the doors had been removed. Wordlessly, he took off towards the doors, Corey trailing behind him, not sure what was going on. "I thought you said the place was locked."
Chris opened the door and ran into the arena, searching frantically for that figure he knew so very well. The tall, strong figure he hadn't seen in months. Chris walked past the boulders that had been carried there by machokes years ago when the gym was established, onto the rocky field that made up the interior arena. Underneath the rocky gravel arena was not the building foundation, just the ground, allowing pokemon like onix to move freely through the soil. Half the arena was not lit. A voice came from across the otherside of the unlit arena.
"Another trainer?! You kids are relentless! I've beaten three of you today! It's not even noon!" The voice was feminine. Chris recognized it immediately.
Elliot, chris's mom walked out from the shadows into the light of the arena. Chris immediately felt his nerves settle and his adrenaline drop. He was breathing kind of hard. Corey spoke up, "You okay, Chris? Who's this woman?"
"That's my mom."
Corey was taken aback, "Your mom is the Pewter City gymleader? but... now I'm confused."
"Sorry, I'll explain later." Chris said walking over to his mom, "What are you doing?"
Elliot had a playful look on her face, "I thought you'd be gone for longer. I wanted to get started right away. I felt just awful leaving this gym locked up like this. There's only three other gyms in Kanto still open and functioning. It just isn't fair to keep it locked up like this. "
"So you're... battling? I didn't know you had any pokemon." Chris said.
"I do, you're father didn't take all of his pokemon with him when he left. So I figured I'd use his pokemon until he returned."
Corey began to piece it together. Elliot continued, "Consider me regent of this 'Rock Castle'." Elliot seemed to love the analogy. "I want to show you something." She said.
She released one of her pokemon from their balls, she only had three. In a flash of bright red light, a wigglytuff appeared. "...Ploof?" Chris said. The wigglytuff immediately recognized Chris and charged him and hugged him.
Elliot: "Apparently, she was so upset at your leaving, she evolved. Not sure if that's really why she evolved, but she definitely did!"
Chris: "I'll say she did."
Elliot walked back with Chris and Corey to the pokecenter, where Lucas was waiting. After that, Elliot suggested, "why don't you and your friends stay at the house while you're here?"
Chris: "I don't know..."
Elliot cut cross off, "Nonsense! You're home! Why should your friends have to sleep in the lousy pokecenter?"
Chris: "Well, if you insist..." Elliot didn't know what she was getting into and just how many new friends Chris had acquired. "Alright," she said, "I'll be getting back to the gym now. There's a lot of things to do around there. You didn't keep it very tidy!" With that Elliot went back to the gym and Corey and Chris walked into the pokecenter.
As they walk into the center Corey asks Chris," Do you have a problem with us staying are your place?"
"Well, yeah sorta. You are all great guys, but I don't know any of you that well."
"I understand, I don't want you to feel awkward about it, I'm sure everyone will behave. Just hope that dude with the crazy hair don't show up."
"Oh jesus, yeah I don't think my mom would even let him in."
"Haha. Yeah. So. Do you have any tips to battling your mom?"
"....Yeah. No, I'm not gonna help you beat my mom."
"Oh I see. Well, that is fine. I think I'm gonna do some training before the Gym though. I'll see you at your place later?"
Corey had noticed Lucas wasn't at the center yet. Maybe he got sidetracked.
Corey decided to head towards the opposite route that they came he was tired of fighting bugs.
As he walked he saw Lucas. "Hey, Lucas. Chris is at the Center if you are heading there, no one else has showed up yet though. I'm gonna do some training. Not in that forest though over that way towards the mountains. Come join later if you want or come get me if the group is gonna do something collectively."
"Alright, I'll see you later....wait you got a number right?"
"Yeah, here it is."
They exchanged numbers and went separate ways. Corey was stopped by a towns person before entering the next route.
"Have you been to the gym yet?"
"Well...yeah, but not battled."
"Well you must come with me and see it."
"I'm sorry but I'm going to train, bugs can only get you so far. So I'm not going to follow you."
"But, you must go see the gym."
"Alright, no reason to get snippy. But let me know if you wanna go see the gym."
Corey just walked away as the person kept asking everyone and everything it saw if it had seen the gym yet.
Corey didn't spot many trainers and avoided one of the crazy short kids. Are they some kind of club? I mean it is a little chilly outside
He rounded a corner and spotted some grass.
"Well, this is just a good of place as any."
Corey sent out Spark. He hasn't been out in a bit and decided to battle with him. Corey battled quite a few Spearows. Spark made light work of them and wasn't tiring at all. He would keep going for a bit until he saw Spark getting tired.
Chris handed Kon to the nurse. He was fine, but a few scrapes from all the weedles and caterpies he tangoed with earlier. It wasn't long before Chris got him back. Chris hadn't let Sandy or Dudley out of their balls today. He made a mental note to get them all training today. He sat down and decided to wait for a little bit, see if anyone else showed up. Corey had left to go train his pokemon. Chris felt bad about what he said to Corey. He didn't mean to sound so rude, the question just surprised him. He was always surprised to find out he was more transparent then he'd thought. Chris just knew his mom wasn't expecting, what? Chris had to count. Lucas, Corey, Frank, Joseph... Joseph. Chris wondered if he would be coming or going back to Pallet. And then, of course, Ed. Meh, five kids wasn't too bad he supposed. As long as that guy with that hair, dear lord, as long as he didn't show up.
Today was a big day. After all the events of yesterday, he was beginning to get a clear idea what he wanted to do. Rocket and his father. It couldn't be a coincidence. His dad left so suddenly. And now Professor Gary (Yes, I went there). Gary used to be a really good trainer, apparently my father learned everything from him. But Gary was old, 62 to be exact. (Chris's father was 49)
Chris let out a sigh. He couldn't do anything if he wasn't strong enough to fight Team Rocket. And then it clicked. Neither could he fight Team Rocket alone. Just then, Lucas walked into the pokecenter.
"Hey! Looking for me?" Lucas said.
"Damn man, did you get lost? How did I manage to get here before you?" Chris said.
"I took my time. Why the hurry, ye know?" Lucas had a point. Chris always seemed to be in a hurry.
"You hungry?" Chris asked, "'Cuz I'm starving!" It was around eleven. Lucas agreed. Chris lead Lucas back to his house and they ended up talking about how Chris's mom was temporary gymleader for Pewter. Chris made some food and they both ate it. Lucas thanked Chris and Chris replied no problem. After that, Lucas suggested they bring some to Corey, who had left without eating, and meet him up towards the mountain to the east to train. Chris liked the idea. Both of them left and headed east towards where they suppose Corey was.
The weird guy standing at the beginning of Route 3 said hello to Chris as they walked by. Chris whispered to Lucas, "Ignore that guy. Him and his family have a long... strange... tradition."
Sorry Lucas, I don't know if you want to go to mt moon. If you don't, I'll change muh post.
ALSO: That was brilliant, Corey. xD
Psychic made things a lot easier for both Edwin and Clefairy. She was finally able to fight back without putting herself in danger. The two barely skipped a beat, Clefairy taking out the insects as they walked past them. They were halfway through the forest by that time, Edwin could make it the rest of the way with ease, as long as there weren't any other trainers out. It was earlier than Edwin was used to, so he too, was a little groggy. He didn't even notice the buzzing him at first. But once he saw Clefairy run past him he knew something was up. He looked back.
Three of them, all after Clefairy. In defense, Edwin sent out Zubat. "Zubat, Supersonic! Clefairy, Psychic!" One Beedrill stopped flapping and fell to the ground. A purple bolt fired out of Clefairy's forehead and struck one of the two remaining Beedrills. It didn't stop the other from rapidly striking her. The third one quickly got back up and was able to get itself in the air once more. "Clefairy, keep using Psychic! Zubat, Bite!" Zubat instead tried perching on Clefairy's head and was hit by the Psychic. Zubat was flung back and onto the ground. It twitched a bit, but it could not get back up. Edwin called him back.
One of the Beedrills struck Clefairy as hard as it could twice, knocking her to the ground. She got back up but winced in pain. She was poisoned. Edwin pulled out his antidote, but a second Beedril knocked it out of his hands. The third glazed at Clefairy, locking its eyes on her. As Edwin pulled out her ball and called her back, the Beedrill bolted at her, knocking her out completely as the red energy covered her. The Beedrills weren't done yet, they began striking at Edwin, until he himself was on the ground. As he lay there, he saw it. In the distance was a tree where several Kakuna lay beneath it.
Corey let out Ace so he could flap his wings let Spark and T( he had decided to shorten Thrasher's name, just got too long to say when training, ofcourse T responded by giving him a good kick in the shin showing approval) walk along along side him. T occasionally hoping on Corey's shoulders.
After so long training with the three Chris and Lucas showed up with his food. He decided to eat it while walking up behind them.
Corey-"thanks for the food. I forgot all about eating."
Chris-"No problem. Lucas suggested we bring some to ya."
Lucas-"Yeah couldn't let you go without eating. No need for the trainer to collapse while training."
Corey-"You think the guys will know that we went to Mt. Moon?"
Chris-" I guess not. I got their numbers let me call them really quick."
Chris gave each member a call. Strangely Ed didn't answer. Joseph didn't really reply they figured if they saw him they would. Frank...well Frank was being Frank.
The three stopped at the Pokemon Center outside of Mt.Moon.
Corey-"Hey let me run in and heal my guys real quick." He sent all three back in their balls and went in to heal them. As he was waiting a man approached him with an offer.......
Outside the center Corey ran towards Lucas and Chris.
Corey-"Hey hey hey, guys I just got this pokemon from this guy in the center. He was trying to sell it for 1200, but I knocked him down to 500. He seemed happy that I bought this guy here."
Chris looked puzzled then remembered something about this place.
Corey proceeded to let the Pokemon out. Lucas and Chris stared at it then back at each other and just sighed.
Lucas-"Um. Maybe you don't know this since your from Sinnoh...but he isn't that great....yet."
Chris-"Yeah, sorry man but you got jipped. I forgot to tell you not to buy a Magikarp from that guy. He has been running that scam on new trainers for a long time."
Corey, mad and let down just stared at the Magikarp flailing on the ground. He called it back.
Lucas-"Though the good thing about it, it does evolve into a strong guy. But you'll need to battle with him and one of your other Pokemon. He won't be able to defend himself very well yet."
Corey still said nothing. He turned around and walked back into the center. Chris and Lucas just looked at each other.
A few minutes later Corey came back out with a grin.
Chris & Lucas-"What did you do?"
Corey-"Got my money back."
That is all he said, but the other two noticed he had a fourth pokeball clipped to his bag strap.
"Here, sure. Take this Pokeball. I had found one in Diglett cave and one int the forest too. So I never had to buy them. I was planning on giving you one when I saw that neither of your Pokemon were in Pokeballs."
"Thanks Corey."
"Anytime. Anytime man. Don't worry about getting me one to replace it I can get more later."
Just after I decided to go to bed haha. But here you are.
Joseph was running. Sheesh, they left without me! Ugh. Running through this forest wasn't easy, he was a triathlete and everything, but this was just ridiculous. He stopped by a very large tree.
"I need some rest. This would be a good time to train Pidgey though... Go, Pidgey!"
The pidgey stretched out a bit, it had been cooped (get it?) up in there for a while now. Just then, a pinecone fell from a tree.
"What was that?" On further inspection, it turned out to be a pokémon. Joseph pointed the pokédex at it.
the Bagworm Pokémon.
Bug type
Appears calm as it hangs quietly on tree branches, but it will self-destruct at the slightest provocation."
"Interesting... Pidgey, use Sand Attack!"
As pidgey let out the attack, the Pineco used Protect.
"Huh, this might be a bit challenging. Pidgey, use Gust!"
This time the Pineco wasn't ready, it hit full force and knocked it over.
"Pidgey, quick, another Gust!"
The Pineco couldn't handle another attack and rolled a bit before stopping.
"Pokéball time!"
The ball rapidly twitched until finally coming to a stop.
"I got it! We did it Pidgey! Hm, we should hurry to Pewter... it might be just the woods, but it looks like it will be dark soon."
Joseph picked up the pokéball and began to run again with Pidgey flying beside him.
---- Back after the Poke center shoot-out but before Lucas leaves for pewter.... (again) ----
Lucas: I appreciate the offer... but i prefer to earn my own Pokemon.
The Squirtle sprays water in Rock john's face.
RJA: Damn squirtle!
Rock john points the pokeball at squirtle and makes it return.
"Well the offers there if you change ur mind." Rock john looks up at Lucas who is already a ways up the path. "Jeez what a rush."
---- Present ----
Rock john thought about the others heading to Pewter but after seeing how well they battled was a little worried. Maybe his Ego was better than his skills. "Its time to Train!"
He calls out both his Raticates and his Sandslash. The 3 Pokemon and Rock john spend the next 4 hours training, going over routines and practice fighting.
"phew" rock john sighed and whiped his forehead. "What an intense routine..." He looked over, both his raticates and Sandslash were passed out on the ground, completely exhausted.
"I guess its time to head back. Maybe a stop at the poke center is in order." He Calls the 3 pokemon back to their balls and starts heading back to town.
While heading back to the path that led to the road he noticed something. It was over by that stream. He ran over to investigate. It was a weird blue pokemon with a swirl.
"Ive never seen this before!" Rock john whips out the Poke Dex.
"Poliwag, the Tadpole Pokémon. It has no arms, but its tail makes it a good swimmer." The Dex spoke out loud.
"Interesting... WHOA! Look at those evolutions! They would make awesome fighters!" Rock john grinned and reached for one of his raticates. "O wait... they are drained... Alright well Rattata can do it"
He Throws the Ball and Rattata appears. "Alright Zikkrit... use your..." The sound of a Pokeball opening fills the air. "SQUIRRTLE!!!" The Squirtle flies out of its pokeball.
"What the hell are you doing Squirtle!" Rock john yells. The Squirtle sprays him in the face with water.
The Rattata was looking at Rock john for a command when the Poliwag used Body Slam crashing into Rattata sending him rolling along the ground. It fainted.
Rock john looked over and saw his rattata out.
"ALRIGHT SQUIRTLE!" Rock john grabs squirtle by the sides of the shell and lifts him above his head. "USE HEAD BUTT!!" He throws Squirtle as hard as he can at the Poliwag, the two connect crashing into each other. Both pokemon faint. Rock john looks around... then throws a pokeball at Poliwag capturing it. He then heads back to Town for a good rest and recuperate.
Edwin awoke in the Center. For a bit, he thought he was still in Viridian forest, but he slowly remembered backtracking to Viridian after the incident. His arm started to sting again. He looked quite a mess. His entire left arm was wrapped up, as well as several other parts of chest. Luckily, the Beedrills lost interest pretty quickly after he fell, according to what the nurse told him. He had decided to spent that night at the center to let his wounds heal a little before he left for Cerulean once more.
"Oh, you're awake." He turned his head to the nurse. "I noticed you were with those kids, I think this belongs to you." She handed him a Pokedex. "They accidentally left it here."
"What is it?"
"From what I've seen, it gives you information on Pokemon you point it at. At least, that's what they were doing with it."
He sent out Clefairy and pointed the device at her.
"Clefairy, the Fairy Pokemon. This Pokemon is in high demand among those who wish for a family Pokemon. They were once found in Mt. Moon, but the population has been vanishing due to its appeal. Rumors have it that several Clefairy will gather together and dance under a full moon. The wings on its back are not strong enough to lift it for more than a few seconds.
This Pokemon is a Normal type, so Fighting type Pokemon will be a danger to it. Ghost-type moves do not affect it at all. Because of this Pokemon's ability to keep focus, it can use moves that would normally hurt the user without hurting itself. As the Clefairy are pretty docile creatures, it is common for fellow Pokemon to feel guilty upon trying to strike it, and to cease further hostle activites towards it."
"Not a lot of good info there." He did the same for Zubat.
"Zubat, the Bat Pokemon..."
Edwin had to facepalm.
"...Zubat's excellent ability to use Supersonic waves makes up for its lack of eyes in nearly every way. However, it is known to have problems in wide spaces or in sunlight. Zubats prefer to be in the company of plenty of other Zubats for safety reasons.
Zubat is a Flying Poison type Pokemon. This makes it weak to Electric, Psychic, Ice, and Rock type moves. Zubat can resist Poison and is immune to Ground moves. It also posesses strong resistance to Grass, Bug, and Fighting Pokemon. Zubats are incapable of flinching whenever hit."
Now he knew how Clefairy could take it out in one hit. He packed up his Pokedex and Pokemon and headed out the door. Before he knew it, he was back in the forest. This time, Clefairy would have to stay in her ball. He kept a look out and eventually he found the tree full of Kakuna. No Beedrill around, but he sidestepped it to be safe. As he approached the exit, he saw a couple of kids with nets battling each other. One was using a Kakuna, the other a Metapod. He managed to sneak by while they shouted their commands.
Success! He managed to make it out unscathed!
Frank woke up realizing that everyone had left. He checked his bag but he had everything on him it seemed.
Pokédex, pokégear, the badge, his balls ect.
All was well.
He looked around and saw a cute nurse standing over him. "Sup'?" He said as she seemed uncertain of speaking.
-"Oh, well the small important-looking kid left earlier and asked me to tell you all that he's waiting at Pewter."
Frank closed his eyes.... Lucas, that's the one.
-"Why thank you.... But where are the others?"
-"Oh they left once the heard. I bet they're already at Pewter by now."
-"I see. Well thanks a lot."
Frank raised himself up, winked at the nurse and got out.
-"Back to the forest huh?" He said after checking the digital town map on his pokégear.
Frank strode through the forest with his Murkrow diving back and forth against the common bugs.
Suddenly he heard a familiar sound, one he had heard last time he was here. Kinda like a Zubat... Odd.
It seemed to be "challenge the first trainer you see-day" because there seemed to be a youngster or bug catcher around every corner. Well... Around every tree.
Mankey could handle the most before falling to the poison where Murkrow performed excellent.
One by one the trainers fell and they gladly gave him prize money for the victory. An odd tradition he really didn't mind. He wouldn't need to trick old men in the future, he could just buy his own balls.
Later the same day is started to rain and even later he found Joseph in the forest. He had another addition to his team - a Pineco. Odd creations that did little good before they evolved - according to Frank at least. He didn't like Bugs, they were weak and pretty much all evolved into being batted by fire, ice and thunder. Which were common types when fighting the battle towers...
-"So, expanding the team are we?" Frank said as he walked up to the kid.
-"Oh hey, yeah. Pretty neat huh?" Joe said and seemed exhausted from a lot of running. Apparently he'd taken a lot of detours in the forest. Frank didn't blame him. It was a godamn maze. And then again, maybe Joe avoided the trainers?
-"You heading to Pewter as well?" Frank said and tried to navigate where the exit might be.
-"Yeah, it should be close. Wanna race?" Joe smiled.
-"You're on!" Frank said and grinned.
-"On your marks... Get set... G-" Frank pushed him aside and started running at the start signal.
At the exit of the forest he could see two trainers having the hardcore-harden battle. He really wanted to let his Murkrow give both of them a Wing attack and watch the face of the trainers but Joe caught up.
-"Hey, what gives?" He said and knocked Frank on the shoulder.
-"Well... You tripped, can't blame me for that can you?" He grinned and continued his stride again, just a route before reaching Pewter according to the map.
In the distance he was certain that he saw someone he'd seen earlier. Was in in Viridian? He wasn't sure, he seemed to know where he was going and seemed very confident about it all.
Frank hoped that he was heading to the centre as well so he could check him out better.
-"C'mon Joseph, we're meeting up the others at the centre. Chris said the Gym is down either way."
Rocket Admin Arnel was pretty pissed. This woman was making a scene. First knocking out a bunch of Pokemon at the pier (and humiliating the guards, no less) and then starting some sort of impromptu rally on town about how doomed Team Rocket was. Yeah, that was f'ing great. Vermillion was a smuggling and trading port, not some kind of hardcore enthusiast club. Arnel kept control through fear by never giving the grunts too many ideas. Well, so much for THAT cunning plan.
"There's, uh, someone to see you, sir," his hapless grunt said from the doorway.
"Yeah, well, okay. Let her in."
Saiar strode into his office. The room was full of enough Pokemon gear to make even a veteran's eyes bug out of their head, but she barely gave it a look before settling her gaze upon Arnel. She's always glaring, he thought. Must wake up on the wrong side of the bed every day of her life.
"Nice speech," he said, trying to keep cool.
"I meant every word."
"Before this gets too weird, mind telling me who the hell you are?"
"Administrator Saiar Karat."
"Never heard of you." Which was true.
"I'm new," she said simply.
"Where you from, Saiad?"
He repressed the urge to say whatever. "Very well. Saiar."
She shrugged. "Why do you need to know? Are you planning on writing a biography on me? I am from across the sea. The boss called me in to dig you out of the hole you are in."
Arnel couldn't help but give out an incredulous laugh. "Are you out of your mind? In a hole? We're making money hand over fist here!"
"You heard the speech."
He snickered. "I see. You were serious, it seems. Well, I'll be sure to tell the lookouts to keep watch for an army of 11-year olds that are going to come busting down our operations."
"You do that," she said dismissively. "I am not actually here to police this little town. I have got bigger fish to fry. The boss has assigned me to hunt the legendary bird trio. With them under Team Rocket's control, we'll be invincible."
This is getting completely ridiculous, he thought. The legendary birds of Kanto - Arctiuno, Zapdos, and Moltres - were the ultimate wild goose chase. Sure, there were confirmed signings a few times a year, even minor property damage. But nobody had ever managed to actually catch the blasted things. And now the boss was sending crazy hardcore trainer admins after them? Geez, what a waste of resources.
He had the feeling this was all some sort of practical joke. On the other hand, Arnel wasn't a gambling man; there was a reason he turned down that job running the gaming corner in Celadon, after all. If this woman really did have the boss's ear, it would be best not to cheese her off. He decided to say, "What do you need from me?"
"Personnel. Six of your trainers. With standard issue gear and pokemon for grunts."
"I can do that," Arnel agreed. Finally, a chance to get rid of some of these useless kids. There's penty of dead weight around here. "In fact, I'll give you eight."
"No, you will give me six," she said, glaring again.
"Six it is, then. It will take me a bit of time to find the, uh, best candidates and sign the forms. They'll be ready to go tomorrow."
"That's fine. I'll be in the Poke Center. I expect them ready at 7 AM." She turned to leave.
"You know, you can stay in the gym. It's our main rocket barracks now and-" Another glare from just outside his office cut him off. "Right. Poke Center. 7 AM."
She nodded and left.
Arnel sighed. That had been a bit upsetting. Just what was the boss up to, hiring crazy women from across the sea?
Chris was surprised that Lucas had seen that. The lighting inside Mt Moon wasn't bad (for a cave) but it was still very dark. "Damn, nice catch Luke!" The three trainers continued on a little farther before coming to the deep shadows of the cave. Chris frowned.
"This is as far as I go. Without a flashlight or some form of light, Mt. Moon will take you and never let you go."
"Huh?" Corey asked.
"You can get lost in the twisting tunnels real easily and never find your way back up, or fall down a shaft you didn't know was there. It's just not safe or smart without a light." Chris said.
Corey and Lucas both looked into the darkness. In the distance there was the faint echo of water dripping onto stalagmites. The eerie sounds of pokemon, mainly zubats, could occasionally be heard reverberating off the walls in the distance.
The Pokémon center of Pewter was pretty much calm. As in - calm.
Frank sat with Joseph and wondered where Lucas, Chris and Corey were.
-"Didn't they say to meet us at the center?" He asked Joe next to him.
-"Yeah, at least that's what the nurse in Viridian told me."
-"Seems like they went missing since then... Rocket trouble perhaps? Rocket members taking our friends away." Frank asked with a grin.
-"I hope not." Joe replied and it seemed like Frank took it a bit too far.
-"Erhmm... Gonna head out and look for some... punching bags. So I'll catch you later, just give me a call if they show up." Frank said and walked to the door.
-"Oh, and sorry." He said one with a forced smile before heading out and towards the plain to the south.
He was certain that he saw that trainer once more. The one with the casual look and yet such a confident walk.
Once at the route he sent out his pokés and began training. Viridian Gym was pretty lucky, if the Gym here had it's maintenance- or whatever fixed. He had to get his party in good shape.
"Training sounds like a good idea." Joseph had been sitting there for a few minutes after Frank had left. After sending out his pokémon, he used the pokédex to check what moves they had.
"Hm... well, Totodile will be fine in the gym here, but I might have some trouble with Pidgey and Pineco... Wait, Bug Bite should be fine if I can get Pineco to use it. Maybe we'll get lucky and the gym leader's pokémon will have a berry? Alright, let's go train some. What items do I have anyway...?" Joseph checked his bag. 3 more pokéballs, a potion, a pokéblock that he had in the mail from his grandparents to give to Totodile and an antidote. Not really sure why I carried around a pokéball... maybe I was just hoping I'd see a pokémon on a bike ride. Although, I never went on those very often...
At the base of Mt. Moon were a lot of trainers. Joseph didn't want to battle any trainers yet, so he hid behind bushes and climbed up ledges to avoid them. Finally, he made it into a grassy area. Maybe I can find a good pokémon in here? After an hour of looking and battling some small bug pokémon, and the occasional Rattata, he saw a Jigglypuff humming quietly. A Jigglypuff! Wow! I've never seen one in person before. I always would fall asleep to my grandmother singing its tune. I miss my grandparents... I hope they're okay... Oh right, Jigglypuff! Here I come!
"Go Pidgey, use sand attack." Joseph said in a whisper. He didn't want the Jigglypuff to know he was there until Pidgey used Sand Attack. "It worked! Alright Pidgey, quick attack!" The Jigglypuff didn't know what to do, it stood there and took the hit. Joseph felt sorry for attacking it. He walked over and put his hand on it. The Jigglypuff was crying.
"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you cry. Here, take this." Joseph handed the Jigglypuff the pokéblock he had been saving for Totodile. "My grandmother told me it raises cuteness!"
The Jigglypuff took a sniff and quickly grabbed the block. It stopped crying and hugged Joseph. "That's better. Do you want to come back to the Pokémon Center with me and fix you up?" He saw some cuts and scrapes as if it had been attacked by a wild pokémon not long before.
"Puff! Jigglypuff made a happy nod and jumped onto Joseph. "I don't think this is going to work well... I can hold you though!" Joseph laughed. It was nice to have a little fun with a pokémon after all that has happened in the last two days. On his way back, he battled a few weaker looking Bug Catchers with ease. Pidgey's gust attack worked fairly well. He even managed to get his Pineco to use Bug Bite properly. Today was a good day. After finishing up a battle with a kid in short shorts and his Rattata, he saw three trainers walking in the distance that he recognized.
Edwin took a moment to look at the line of bushes again. On the other side was that cave he didn't bother checking last time. He decided to instead stock up on some Potions, as he did not want a repeat of the Beedrill incident. He continued on to Pewter.
He was surprised that the Toll Twins weren't around. But he didn't complain, more money for potions. He walked past the Center and into the shop. Ever since the Rockets came, shops in most cities were unable to recieve new item shipments, so whatever remained is all they had to sell. This particular shop had only two potions left, so he bought them both. He was down to his last 50PD. Afterwards, he decided to check the Center for the kids like the nurse had asked him to.
No one was there. He decided to ask the nurse if she saw any of them. He could've sworn she looked just like the nurse in Viridian, they must be twins. "I think they all left, but from the sound of it, I think they'll be back for the Gym challenge. You can wait for them here if you'd like." Edwin took a seat and let Clefairy out to keep him company.
"So, do you guys maybe want to have a mock battle one of these days? Maybe before doing the gym?"
"Up to you." Chris said.
Lucas agreed as well then in the distance he saw a figure,"Hey does that look like Joseph to you?"
Corey looked,"Yeah it does. About time someone else made it this way."
They all walked and greeted Joseph and saw his new Pokemon. They talked about how training was making them stronger and Core could sweat one of his guys would evolve soon.
Lucas thought Maybe that is why he is so eager to battle before the gym.
Frank mowed through the tall grass south of Pewter, there were no interesting pokémon there at all.
Mankey had a blast when a girl appeared.
-"Hello." She said and moved closer with a happy look on her face.
-"Err.. Hey." Frank answered and looked at her suspiciously.
-"I'm Maya." She said and kept smiling, she seemed young. Well not a child but still young, like those other trainers he hung out with nowdays. On a second notice she looked like the classic Lass.
-"Frank." He said and waited for her to cut to the case.
-"I know, I saw you battle Josh in Virirdian, he's my friend and he's so strong. But you beat him. And you did it with such style. You're cool."
-"Nothing I didn't know." Frank said and grinned. But inside he felt the urge to run away.
-"Anyway, you wanna celebrate your badge? I know a great place here in Pewter where we could go."
-"Oh, sorry. I'm kinda in a hurry here. Gonna meet up my friends up ahead." Frank said and started to feel uncomfortable.
-"Oh okay..." She tilted her head down and seemed to think real hard.
-"How 'bout a date then?" She exclaimed and seemed real proud of coming up with the idea.
-"Whoa, too fast." Frank said and gestured a "slow down" with his hands.
-"Oh, I get it. You're gonna beat this Gym as well! I won't interrupt your mental preparing then Frank." Somehow she wouldn't get picture here.
-"You know what..." She started and reached down her pack. "Take these potions. My grandpa back in Viridian used to give them to his pokés all the time. But nowdays he's too old for that. And I got a Chansey so I don't need potions." She smiled and held out the potions.
-"Well... I guess." Frank said and took the potions. He just hoped that this girl wasn't the grandchild of the old man of whom he got pokéballs from.
-"Thanks, not sure I'll use them though."
-"Ah, you're really treasuring them." She said dreamily.
-"Well, here's my number. "She held out a piece of paper to Frank who reluctantly took it. "I'll be there cheering for you Frankie! See you around!"
The girl walked away and towards the city, Frank tried to understand what just had happen when Mankey fell against a butterfree or something. He kept staring confused in her direction and sent out Murkrow to deal with it.
-"The hell... I think I just got myself a fan." Frank mumbled and turned back to the training as Murkrow landed on his shoulder.
A few minutes later Frank decided that it would be wise to return to the center for now. He hadn't received any calls from Joe or the others but he just couldn't force himself to call them and ask them where they were. That wasn't something Cooltrainers like himself did.
Once at the center he healed his party and took a seat in the coach, he could bet that he saw that guy again. And this time he saw his poké. A clefairy.
"Must be local" He thought, the only place he knew where to find Clefairy's was Mt.Moon after all.
After sitting for a good fiften minutes, Edwin about ready to look for the kids himself when he notcied someone walk in. It was the scary-looking one. He really hoped he wouldn't have to talk to him, but decided that he should get it out of the way so he can get on to Mt. Moon. "Hey..." The kid turned to him.
"The nurse at Viridian said you forgot this at the center." He showed Frank the Pokedex.
"It's not mine. It must be one of the extras."
"Don't you need it?"
"I don't believe so. Keep it."
"Thanks." He put the Dex away and started out of the center, as he left, he couldn't shake the feeling of that guy. A shiver ran up his spine, causing him to shake a bit as he opened the door. "Who are you?" Edwin turned to face Frank. "I've seen you a few times, are you following us?" "I thought THEY were doing the following."
"No. I'm on my way back to Cerulean. If you're heading the same way, I suggest you stock up on what you can." Frank seemed satisfied, so he finally left the center.
He started up the path to Mt. Moon, keeping an eye out for the Rocket from before. He noticed the group of familiar trainers as he passed by them. Soon, he was up at the old Pokecenter, ready to try the cave once more. He checked to make sure Clefairy was just as prepared, and went inside.
The next day, Saiar was leading her rag-tag little group north from Vermillion. The six grunts that had shown up outside the Pokecenter looked bleary-eyed, confused, and scared.
"I have got bad news and good news for you punks," she had said. "The bad news is that you are the six worst trainers in all of Vermillion."
"Hey!" one of the grunts had exclaimed.
"Shut the hell up. I asked your admin to give me six trainers. Do you think he gave me his best, the ones with the strong Pokemon? Heck no! He gave me his worst, the ones he hoped he'd never see again. That is you lot. I see I got the rejects from the docks and the koffing-kicker. Do not tell me your names; I do not care."
She paused to let it sink in. The grunts looked throughly miserable.
"But, I did say there was good news. And the good news is that you are going to actually learn how to gain power. Arnel is a paper-pusher. He knows how to make Team Rocket money. He does not know how to fight. If you had stayed in Vermillion, you would have been nobodies with nothing. With me, I will break down all the useless things you have been taught and drill some actual sense into your fool heads. This is not some grand adventure. We are not going to go around challenging gyms. It is going to be boot camp. You may grow to hate it and you may grow to hate me. But, by the time I am done with you, you will be stronger than you ever were. Maybe stronger than Arnel. When you come back and kick your old boss's ***, it will all be worth it."
Arnel having been in earshot of this statement made it even more awkward, but Saiar didn't seem to care.
"I want to take on the gym leader here, but I don't think I have the best pokémon for such a challenge," Joseph said, "What do you guys think?"
They had been walking for a few minutes and were heading back towards Pewter.
"Your Totodile should have no problem here since it is a Water Type," Lucas said, "Just let him use Water Gun a few times and you'll have it easy." He also seemed like he knew everything. Why does he even need a pokédex? Doesn't he have all this in his mind? "However," he continued, "if you rely too much on him, it could prove disastrous. Especially since none of your other pokémon know moves that are good against rock types."
"That is what I was thinking was going to be the problem." Joseph had known all of this already, but he was hoping Lucas had more to say.
"If you can use your Jigglypuff to sing their pokémon to sleep, you might have a chance."
There. Joseph hadn't thought about his new Jigglypuff. The pokémon had been snuggling in his arms for a good ten minutes now and seemed quite comfortable.
"Jiggly?" Jigglypuff had heard its name.
"Yes, you Jigglypuff." It only snuggled closer to Joseph. I never thought I'd ever get to touch a Jigglypuff let alone hold it. Wow... this adventure is where want to be. I finally feel happy. It only took a few new friends, and a few new pokémon. All of the sudden a group of Lass and Bug Catchers blocked their path.
Frank leaned back. The casual guy spoke to him. The kid seemed to have potential but he wouldn't know for real unless he watched him fight.
Lucas showed a lot of cunning which made him a great trainer. The other kids in the party also had their own characteristics that made them good.
That was the world of pokémon battling. So many ways to succeed.
He checked the package and realized that one of the pokédexes indeed were missing, no wonder that guy had one. He took his phone and forced himself to add the girl's number. Maya was it? Yepp.
As he folded his phone and put it back he realized that he never caught the trainer's name. But hey, he wasn't following them around. He had his own business in Cerulean apparently.
He got bored of waiting around and walked out.
Once outside the center Frank headed for the Gym, Chris had mentioned something about it being locked up but apparently there was a flow of youngsters going in and out of it.
As he got closer to it he could see Maya on the road scouting.
-"Well crap." He thought and shook his head. Those young girls could be a pain... Stalking in a cute fashion. Well, no one would take care of it if he complained at least.
He decided to take a different route to the Gym when someone suddenly ran into him.
-"Watch it!" Frank exclaimed as he turned around, on the ground was a scientist who looked up at him in fright.
-"S-s-sorry!" He stumbled and quickly began to retrieve all the files and items that fell out.
Frank eyed him as he started running again in the opposite direction.
Frank shook his head and wondered why he was in such a hurry when he heard a squishy sound under his foot.
He quickly stepped back and picked up the object.
It was some kind of Old Amber, looked pretty big and there was something inside.
Next to it was a small box which lid was open and some folder. He put the amber in the box and locked it.
Frank wondered how the scientist could've forgot it and tried to see him. But he were nowhere to be found.
He shrugged and kept going forward when he realized that a bad turn had taken him to a museum instead of the Gym.
He decided that a dusty old town like this probably had some kind of history. He knew there was a place called MT.Moon that had Clefairys and Moon stones and that the casual guy was heading there. But that was it.
He hoped that he could find any information, perhaps a map over the mountain so that the travel through it could be done more smoothly.
The museum was pretty boring, the lady at the counter charged him for entering but Frank decided that it was worth wasting a bit of what he earned to look like a big-shot here. There was rocks, bones, more rocks, some mining gear and some more rocks.
He noticed a bunch of scientists standing by a door and walked over to them, hoping that the other guy who dropped the box and the folder was one of them.
-"Hey!" Frank said as he stood behind them, all four turned around shocked.
-"Yes sir?" One of them said and closed the door shut behind him.
-"Some nerdy guy like yourself dropped these outside." Frank said and held up the folder and the box.
The scientists moved closer and seized the box as well as the folder and started checking them.
-"It's not damaged much." The one with the box said as he inspected the amber.
-"All files are here." The one with the folder said.
-"I assume there was some trouble by the way you're reacting." Frank said and grinned at the person who seemed to be the head scientists or such nerdy title.
-"Yes, a thief disguised himself and broke into the lab." The scientist began and pointed on the back door. "He took some valuable research and took off. We tried to catch him but a team rocket member stopped us." He said and sighed.
-"Good thing I retrieved some of it then." Frank said and shrugged. Nerd-problems.
-"You are a trainer correct?" One of the scientists asked.
-"What gave me away?" Frank asked and grinned.
-"We want to repay you." The head scientist said and fixed his glasses.
-"What for?" Frank looked expectant at them. What could they give him? A shiny pen, or a pokédex entry? Oh! Maybe an old rock?
-"You returned this Old Amber and the most vital files that explains how the resurrecting of fossils is done. I'd say it calls for a favour in return." The scientist said and opened the door.
Once inside the lab the the scientists went about doing their things. The head scientists told Frank to wait and not to touch anything.
Frank actually didn't touch anything. It looked kinda dangerous, like a bad horror movie.
He hard a strange noise, and the light flickered and then the head scientist returned.
-"The Old Amber you retrieved holds an ancient pokémon - Aerodactyl and incredible powerful flying and rock type pokémon which attack dominates most." He said as he walked over to Frank.
-"In this small lab we can return Fossils of pokémon to actual pokémon, such as your reward. This is what we give you - As a thanks for your help." He said and handed over a pokéball.
Frank grabbed the pokéball and was about to release it when the head scientist stopped him.
-"Please! Outside, this is very fragile equipment. Please use your resurrected elsewhere." He made a shooing gesture and Frank got the picture.
-"Take care kind trainer!" The scientist said and closed the door behind him.
Frank smiled. An Aerodactyl, that's awesome. He remember stories of an elite four champion having one once.
He stepped out of the Museum and released the ball.
He expected the shape of an old dragon-like creation screeching its' way out of the ball. Instead he was looking at a flat brown rock-thingy on the ground.
He stared at it and finaly let go of those creepy blank black eyes on the top and pulled out the pokédex.
He had finally managed to change the options so it now sounded like a real sci-fi female robot computer thingy.
-"Kabuto, shellfish pokémon. Rock and Water type."
"This Pokémon was regenerated from the fossil of an ancient creature. It protects itself with a hard shell."
"Battle armor- this pokémon have no apparent vitals that can be struck for critical damage."
Frank stared at what apparently was a shellfish and returned it to its' ball again.
-"Bloody nerds ripping me off..." He mumbled and walked back to the pokécenter in hopes that his detour would have drawed the others back there.
Corey ashed Chris is his mother would fight with that Wigglytuff they saw.
"Not sure. Possibly."
"I want to battle in the gym first. Last time I wasn't able to because the leader didn't seem to have any left. I want to make sure I get atelast one badge from the last remaining gyms."
"Alright, if you want to fight that bad."
Corey paused. "Hey want to do a mock-battle right now Chris?"
I'll leave this up to you Dren. Whatever the battle decides as well I won't be on for a little bit. But don't use the mystery one yet. I plan on using him in the near future
"This new admin is really weird," one of the grunts was mumbling from a safe distance behind Saiar.
Another grunt said, "She's crazy strong though. Took down Alec and I at the docks no problem with this crazy koffing."
"What, a koffing?! Those things are so weak!"
"I know right! But this one just pounded the crap out of us"
"Hah! Like that's hard to do!"
"You shut up! I'll beat you any day!"
"Bring it on!"
"Hey," a third, a girl, chimed in. "Where do you think we're going?"
"Beats me. Who knows with these admins. Crazy people, marching us everywhere."
"Keep quiet! She looks like the type that would beat you half to death for saying stuff like that!"
Behind the main group, a girl walked alone. She was the "koffing kicker," as those other idiot grunts had started calling her. The whole incident pissed her off. Everyone in Team Rocket beat up on their Pokemon, but because she had been the one doing it when Saiar had stormed into town, somehow she was worse than the rest. The other grunts mocked her, and she hated them for it.
Hey, what was that in the bushes...
"Hold up!" she yelled.
Saiar whirled around. "What is the problem?
"I... I think I saw a magnemite!"
Saiar looked nonplussed. "And?"
"And... and I want it! Team Rocket takes what then want!"
The girl looked defiant. Finally, Saiar said, "Make it quick. And I hope you've got something other than that koffing if you want to take down a steel-type."
She nodded and dove into the bushes and out of sight.
A grunt snickered. "Yeah, I think she has a pidgey. That's gunna do real well." And the other grunts laughed.
"You shut your fat face!" Saiar snapped, shocking them. "If there is one thing worse than a weakling, it is a weakling that thinks he is strong. It is no wonder I beat you so badly at the docks - you will never get stronger if you think you are strong already. At least that girl understands the need to stand up for herself and get some new pokemon when hers are too weak."
"Oh, what do you know?" the grunt mumbled.
In a single, fluid motion, Saiar reached for her belt and released a Pokemon. Her koffing appeared beside her in a flash of light. But it was not a normal koffing - it tough skin was blue, and the smoke pouring out of its many vents a light purple. The midmorning light flashed off of it dazzlingly, as if it were made of metal. It hovered next to Saiar happily.
"Koffing!" it said, fairly predictably.
"Do I need to remind you how weak you are, that you cannot defeat a single, unevolved pokemon with your entire team?"
The boy hesitated, unwilling to meet the challenge that he knew he couldn't win. But, before he had to, a cry filled the air:
A middle-aged, plump man was on the path in front of them, a ratatta at his feet. He was pointing at Saiar. He said, "I, Joey, shall defeat you today!"
"What." Saiar said.
"You heard me! Your days are numbered. This ratatta is in the top percentage of rattata!"
"What, is this a joke? This would have been cute if you were like 10, but you're an adult. Come on."
"S-shut up!" Joey stammered. "You going to fight or what?!"
"Fine," she grumbled irritably. "Kophy, use... oh, hell, I don't even care. Just kill it."
"KOFFING!!!" Kophy cried happily. He flew closer to the ratatta and started gathering light."
"Wait, no!" Saiar exclaimed. "Not that, you stupid suicidal bag of-"
An enormous, foul-smelling explosion filled the air. Saiar reflexively covered her face with her arms to shield herself from the blast. When could see again, she saw that Kophy was down, the rattata was down, Joey himself was down, and most of her grunts had been knocked prone.
"Unbelievable, Kophy. Freaking amazing. You could not have just sludge bombed it, nooo, you have to always go for the explosion."
"Koff..." Kophy said weakly.
"Yeah yeah," Saiar said as she recalled the barely-conscious Pokemon. Turning to her grunts, she said. "Throw this guy off the path. Literally, pick him up and throw him. Maybe onto some sharp rocks or something. He deserves no less for that 'top-percentage' nonsense."
From out of the woods, a magnemite wobbled and collapsed. Behind it, the girl emerged with her pidgey, both also dirtied from the explosion. She threw a pokeball at the weakened magnemite, capturing it.
"Got it," she said with a grin.
OOC: oh God, what was I thinking, making a party of seven people. Now I have to think of names and personalities pokemon and crap for these goons. Also, I'm dealing with HGSS pokemon placements, so there are magnemites on route 6 even though they aren't there in RBY.
Chris thought for a second about Corey's offer. They'd reached the edge of Pewter city. Chris couldn't remember what pokemon Corey owned. He knew two of them were foreign pokemon.
"Alright, let's do this!" Chris said tossing a ball.
Corey responded by throwing a ball as well. Simultaneously, Chris sent out Kon(Hoot-Hoot) and Corey sent out his Shinx. Chris whipped out his pokedex and scanned the pokemon.
"Shinx: Electric type." It rang out 'matter-of-factly'.
Chris's eyes went wide as Corey ordered, "Spark!"
"Ah, ****! Kon, watch out! Reflect! or something!!!" Chris yelled, but it was too late. Kon flew into the air and was struck with a powerful spark from the Shinx. Kon fell out of the air like a rock. Chris called it back. "Hmph... I'm sorry, Kon. Electric type, eh? Get 'em Sandy!"
And Chris sent out his Sandshrew. "Get 'em with Scratch, Sandy!" Sandy listened in her usual way, obediently but without excitement. Everything seemed to disinterest her. However, when she moved in close to the Shinx, she pounced with ferocity. Shinx attempted to dodge it but received a nasty scrape along its side. The shinx retaliated with another spark attack. Sandy was completely unaffected by it.
Corey: "You're gonna have to forget about your spark move, shinx and get physical with him! Tackle and bite him!"
Shinx and Sandy squared off. Shinx fought valiantly, but Sandy was more of a physical built than Shinx was. Sandy easily took her foe's blows on her hard outer body and countered each attack with a menacing claws and an occasional sand-attack. Soon, it was over, Shinx fainted. sandy seemed more than ready to face her next opponent.
"Yeah! Way to go Sandy!"
"It's not over yet!" corey said as he called back his Shinx and sent out Starly. Chris did a quick check on his pokemon. Nothing special, just normal bird pokemon. Not good news for Sandy, though.
"Starly, Wing Attack!" Corey's Starly came screaming at of the sky, striking the unprepared Sandy with its powerful wings.
"Sandy, use your defense curl to counter its attacks!" Chris commanded.
Sandy obeyed, but the onslaught kept coming. "Sandy, knock it out of the air with sand-attack!"
Sandy stood poised as the starly prepared to strike again with wing-attack. Just as Starly came into reach, Sandy struck it with sand then dodged out of the way. The Starly's attack missed and the sand-attack had caused it to fall out of the sky. Sandy jumped on the opportunity to deal critical damage with its claws while it was down. Soon, however, starly was back in the air. It was hurt but was in better shape then Sandy.
Starly came down for a fourth wing-attack. Sandy's sand-attack missed, allowing the Starly to hit with its most powerful wing-attack yet. Sandy fainted.
"Get 'em, Dudley. You got this!" Chris said, calling back Sandy.
Dudley made short work of the Starly. As soon it came close, Geodude tackled it to the ground, causing it to faint. Corey called it back and sent out his Mankey.
"Watch out for its fists, Dudley!" Chris was nervous. This could be it. If dudley couldn't keep out of the way of that Makey's swinging fists, it would be all over.
"Dudley! Magnitude!" In an impressive show of force, Dudley smashed the ground hard with its fists, causing the ground to shake around the Mankey. This only seemed to anger the Mankey as it staggered and fell to its feet. Unfortunately, the quake wasn't very powerful. Mankey charged Dudley, who couldn't get out of the way nearly fast enough. "Defense curl!" Chris ordered in futility.
Corey: "Use your karate chop!" And so Mankey did. With one, powerful blow, Dudley rolled over unconscious. Chris called him back. He felt a little embarrassed to have lost. "I guess I have some more training to do!" Chris said half-laughing.
"Nonsense, that was a close match!" Chris and Corey shook hands.
OOC: kinda spammin', but I wanted to get this moving.
An unearthly scream woke Saiar up from a sound sleep. It was a pokemon's cry, and not one she recognized. She tapped her Poketech on her arm. It had recorded the sound. She ran a quick search.
"Pokemon cry not in database," came the reply a second later.
That was something, all right. Saiar had seen a lot of pokemon in her life. She shivered. Nervous anticipation of the unknown? Perhaps a bit, but no, she realized; it was actually cold. She stuck her head outside of the tent. It was snowing! In the middle of summer! Unlikely!
She had scarcely taken a step outside the tent when it happened. A massive, majestic glowing bird flew directly overhead. Its body was the purest blue, its wingspan was humongous, and icicles fell from its long, flowing tail, peppering the camp with icy nails.
Arcticuno! ARCTICUNO! She hadn't even dreamed of a sighing this early in the hunt. This was incredible luck!
"Rockets! Rockets! Awake!" she yelled. Their tents were dark, but a few lights came on. They were going to be too slow. She couldn't wait. Taya, her espeon, was curled up by the fire, acting as a night watch and barely awake.
"Espe?" Taya the espeon replied weary.
"We move! Follow me!"
"Esp!" She lept to Saiar's side. Good old reliable Taya.
There was no more time to wait for her grunts. She had to go if she had any chance of catching up with Arcticuno. If only that idiot Kophy hadn't blown himself up - he'd have been a useful wall to soak up damage while Saiar assessed its capabilities. Well, she'd just have to make due with her others.
She was well off the beaten path by now, running blindly through the woods in the darkness away from Route 6. The bird himself (herself? She had no idea - nobody had ever captured it!) was long lost from view, so she had to make due trying to follow the trail of ice. It was a pretty futile search, but she had to try.
Just to be safe, she decided to call it in. She flipped her poketech over to the radio app and found a secure Rocket channel. "Code one inception! Repeat, code one inception! This is administator Saiar. I have located Arcticuno west of Route 6. Am in pursuit, alone. Any available backup would be greatly appreciated!" She set it to repeat. She considered looking for a compass app or something before almost crashing face first into a tree. Right, she was running. Probably better to concentrate on running through a dark, snowy forest.
Cresting a ridge, Saiar saw it - huge, terrifying Arcticuno. A legendary bird true to the letter. It must have stopped for some reason, as it was pulling up out of a dive, but it was flying away from her again. Now that she got a good look, she could see that it was indeed the source of the blizzard. The bird itself was a hole in the storm, which raged on around her. Saiar was openly shivvering now, partly from the cold, but mostly from exhiliration.
This was it! The real deal!
Still, it's way faster than I am. Gotta get it's attention... "Taya! Psybeam that thing"!
"Esp!" Taya launched a psybeam. It was ridiculously out of range for any sort of accuracy, but Taya manged to hit the beast straight in the back. Not the strongest attack, but it got the beast's attention. It swooped back around.
She was going to have to go all out for this one. Saiar reached for her belt to bring out some more of her team. It was at roughly this point that some conscious thought broke through her adrenaline rush - she had awoken from a sound sleep and ran off into the woods without a second thought. She wasn't wearing her belt. In fact, she wasn't wearing much of anything at all.
Arcticuno let loose its horrible, amazing cry again. Fighting back panic, she stared back at it. Dressed in nothing but her underwear, with only an espeon at her side, against a legendary bird. It was gunna be a long night.
( (
(click for double size.)
No promises on ever doing something like this again.
Rock john was training as usual with his Pokemon. He was putting most of his efforts training Poliwag hoping to evolve it as fast as possible.
Rock john's Cell phone starts to ring and he answers... "Hello..."
"Yes Rock john? This is Ben." The voice said.
"Excellent! Whats the good news?" Rock john's face lit up with excitement.
"Well..." said Ben, "They said no again."
"Blast it all!" Rock john looked angry.
"The Pokemon league also suggested if your really serious about creating your own Gym that you First collect all the Badges to prove your skills. Just because you have a Pokemon Dojo doesn't make you a Pokemon Master." Ben explained.
"Ya ya... i realize..." Rock john rolled his eyes. "Thanks again for trying Ben. Although i was hoping you could watch my Dojo while i go get these Badges."
"Ofcoarse. I would love too. My Pokemon are in need of some training also, so this works well." Ben accepted the Offer.
Frank was clinging on the walls now. He'd spent so much time at the Pokémon center that he now knew the name of the nurse there. What her hobbies were and that she for some reason adored the Gym leader's son. - Whoever that was. He could actually see the flow of time passing him by as he sat around in a couch doing nothing.
He'd taken out the Kabuto at one point and poked it with a pencil at safe distance. He also had a staring contest with it but those abyssal black eyes never blinked once for 3 hours.
He was pretty certain that a day had passed as well. He'd slept for a moment and could bet that the sun had switched side by the time he woke up.
He had enough and wanted to get things done.
The nurse had told him about a place to the east where some demented person wanted to show everyone the gym and the path to MT.Moon. He really doubted that the kids had gone into the cave and also that they've gone to the gym or whatnot.
-"Anne, I'm leaving!" Frank exclaimed and rose to his feet.
-"Take care out there!" The nurse replied and continued with her job.
-"If you see a nerdy kid with glasses and a huge chunk or iron, or this artistic fellow, or the guy I entered with - let them know that I went to the east and that they call me if anything come uo." Frank said in the doorway and made a quick bow.
-"Sure thing..." She mumbled from behind the counter.
Frank was happy, there were trainers here. Well trainers and trainers. Let's rephrase that:
Frank was happy, there were youngsters with rattatas, sandshrew and nidornas here.
Everywhere he looked - bam! shorts.
For some reason they all wanted to battle him. Frank liked that, battling trained pokémon always seemed to do better than fighting those in the wild. Mankey slapped Rattatas silly with his lethal Karate Chop and Murkow filled in when Mankey needed some rest.
After some time, all trainers ceased to challenge him, so he headed over to the first field he could find and train there. There were no interesting catches here either. Some Jigglupuffs and other cute weaklings that easily fell with a well aimed low kick.
Mankey had a blast but over time the small amount of damage many times took its' toll on him and Frank retrieved him for now.
He was about to send out Murkow again when he decided to try his stone(Kabuto).
The brown stone appeared in the grass, not moving or anything. Frank was about to give it a nice soccerkick when a Mankey appeared in the grass.
-"Oh crap, rocky's gonna get a beating of his lifetime..." Frank mumbled as the Mankey moved forward to score a kick on his Kabuto.
But as he attacked - Kabuto suddenly lunged itself upon the Mankey and started scratching at it.
Frank stepped back in shock as he noticed the claws under the rock-like shell.
He moved closer as the carnage continued and caught a glimpse of the red eyes on the inside.
It then leaned on closer and seemed to absorb the energy of the Mankey before crawling off it.
Frank stared at it and those creepy black eyes on top seemed to stare back.
-"You're one devious backstabber... I think I like you." Frank declared as he saw the stronger pokémon lying in the grass not far away.
As he walked through the cave, Edwin kept on the lookout for any Gravelers. Nothing but Zubats. Clefairy took them all out with ease. Shortly into the cave, he spotted another person coming his way. Edwin was ready for him, but as soon as he came into view, the man shouted "Don't 'tack, I'm spent!" Edwin loosened up. It was nothing more than a common hiker. "Sorry, I thought you were a Rocket."
"S'okay. I would've done tha same thin'."
"So, I'm guessing all of your Pokemon are out?"
"Yeh, mah poor ol' Onix."
"What got it?"
"Rockets, 'leive it or not."
"Up ahead?"
"The exit, my boy. Or, in ma case, entrance." He seemed to pause for a moment. "'at a Clefairy?"
"Ah, they're gonna snatch 'at right up."
"Aren't you worried about traveling through here without any Pokemon?"
"Nah, Onix does just fine here. He's just a bit scratched up by those two."
Edwin handed the hiker one of his potions. "Here, use this."
"Oh wow, thanks, my boy." The Hiker sent out his Onix. It was covered in holes and dents. As the Hiker sprayed it with the potion, the damage seemed to vanish. Edwin pulled out his Pokedex and pointed it at the Onix.
"Onix - Rock Snake Pokemon. Onix are known for being very aggressive towards anything they consider to be a threat. As hinted by their snake-like body, Onix can regrow any part of their body that is seperated from the head. These Pokemon prefer the darkness of caves and underground tunnels that it burrows.
Onix is a Rock and Ground type Pokemon. This makes Onix succeptable to Ice, Fighting, Ground, and Steel type moves. Onix is also incredibly weak to Water and Grass type moves. Normal, Flying, Fire, and Rock do little to nothing to it."
Just as he was about to put the Dex away when he noticed something was flashing on it. A message came up "Your Clefairy is attempting to learn Follow Me. Learn it?" "Follow Me? What could that possibly do?" He decided to take the risk and remove the now obsolete Doubleslap. Clefairy stood still for a moment, then looked up at Edwin. Nothing really happened.
"Hey!" Both Edwin and the hiker looked straight ahead. A Rocket stood before them, and with him a Houndoom. It was him. "What? Oh, it's you! I've been looking for you! Now you'll pay for what happened the other day! Houndoom, Fire Blast!" Houndoom lobbed a large fireball at Clefairy. "Clefairy, look out!" She dashed behind a rock,dodging the blast. The hiker was taken back. "Leave 'im alone! Onix, Rock Throw!" Onix pulled several stones out of the ground and lobbed them at the Rocket. With grace, Houndoom dodged each one. "The rubble pile wants to play, right? Well, Houndoom will play any game you want! Houndoom, charge a Solar Beam!" Houndoom started to glow a very bright green. "Solar Beam!?"
"Clefairy, while it's busy, hit it with Psychic!" Clefairy obeyed and fired a blast from its forehead at the Houndoom. A purple enrgy surrounded it, but quickly vanished. "It didn't even budge!" Edwin pulled out the Dex again.
"Houndoom, the Dark Pokemon. This Pokemon is known for its speed and agility. The fire it creates is due to toxins within its body, and burns from it are very strong.
Houndoom is a Fire and Dark type Pokemon. This makes Houndoom succeptable to Water, Fighting, Ground, and Rock type moves. Fire, Grass, Ghost, Dark, and Steel type moves do little to nothing to Houndoom. Houndoom is immune to Psychic type moves."
"Houndoom, Solar Beam that Onix, and get it out of the way!" Houndoom started to glow a bright green.
"No! Onix!"
Clefairy, noticing this, ran out from behind the rock and up to Houndoom. She slapped it. Everyone stood around for a bit. "Is that all that thing can do?" The Rocket sneered. "What? No! I said hit the Onix!"
Houndoom had fired the Solarbeam at Clefairy, who took the entire beam, but was still barely standing. Shortly after, she ran from the Houndoom who was now chasing her down. "No, stop!" The Rocket shouted. A boulder struck Houndoom. "Good 'un, Onix!" Houndoom got back up and continued to chase Clefairy. "Are you daft, Houndoom? That Onix just hit you dead on! One more hit like that and..." Houndoom was hit again. It couldn't get up, but it continued to snarl at Clefairy, who was now taunting it.
The small creature had been enjoying a sweet berry on Route 25 like it did everyday when it caught sight of something floating amongst the waves. Placing it's half eaten dinner down, the blue fuzzball got up and made it's way cautiously to the shore. He was a curious little thing.
Approaching the girl with her face buried beneath the sand, the Piplup tentatively poked her in the head with one of his wings. No reponse came. Tilting its head, he spoke lightly, "Pip...lup?" and yet there was still no response. Thinking for a moment, he finally decided to do what was needed. In a moment there was poking and prodding along with some screaming yet nothing would wake this girl from her slumber. Tapping it's webbed foot on the floor, Piplup crossed its arms and thought some more.
"Ugh...f-five more m-minutes.." came a groggy voice which caused Piplup to jump and hide behind a nearby berry bush. Slowly he poked his head out and watched the girl roll over with her hands shielding her eyes. "W-where am I...?" She asked to no one in particular. Sitting up, Myrin looked at the waves dying against her feet and gripped her cloak closer, "C-cold..."
"Piplup, Piplup, Piplup!!!" A little form came crashing into her side and proceeded to hug her. For a moment she was in shock but then she looked down to see the creature attached to her side. "Piplup!" The Pokemon smiled at her with a tilt of its head.
Some time later...
Determined, Myrin attempted to walk without looking back. She had been walking for over an hour and yet the damn thing was still following her, dancing behind her and singing a song she couldn't understand because she did not speak Pokemon! She had attempted to ditch it twice already and still the Piplup would not leave! First was an attempt to throw food one direction and run another which she had thought worked until she saw it standing in front of her, berries in hand. Then she attempted to yell at it, scare it off yet the thing refused to leave her.
For whatever reason, this Pokemon was following her and now it was getting dark and there was still no town in sight. Her stomach grumbled causing her to clutch her stomach. It was a reminder that she had not eaten since the night before. With a sigh, Myrin looked around and took a seat near the path. Bringing her knees up to her chest, Myrin buried her face and whispered, "Mom... please be alright..." as trembling sobs took over. Piplup danced around her, running in circles carelessly when a snapping twig bought their attention. Jumping, Myrin shouted, "Who is there?!"
With a growl, Piplup lunged into the nearby bushes and disappeared. Great, now the Pokemon's left me alone! She thought while taking a step backwards, her hands gripping the tree's bark in fear. "Whoever you are, show yourself or you'll be sorry!"
"Ow!!" A voice cried and then there was shuffling and soon a young man fell out, Piplup attached to his ankle. "Call him off, please!" He yelled.
"U-uh... T-that's enough." She said, a bit uncertain of her own words. Happily Piplup let go and proceeded to run around the duo, carefree again. What a weirdo... She thought as the stranger proceeded to get up, "Who are you?" She asked.
"Eh heh... I should be asking you the same thing, shouldn't I?" Standing up, he proceeded to dust himself off and met Myrin's stoney face. "No sense of humor then? Very well. My name is Veles." He offered his hand to shake and was again met with a stone face. "Eh listen, I'm sorry for intruding. Honestly, I heard what sounded like crying and I was just trying to make sure no one was hurt. You weren't crynig, were you?" With each word, Myrin's eyes got narrowerer and with a gulp, Veles looked around. "Right, well... of course you weren't."
"Leave." She said.
"Pardon me?" He inquired.
"Leave me..." She said quietly.
"Oh... Uh yeah, sure thing. I'll just leave you with your Pokemon then." With a meek smile, he turned to leave.
"Wait." As he stopped, she continued, "It's... not my Pokemon..."
Veles turned back to her, "Really now?"
"Yes, really. It keeps following me, I don't know why. I don't even like Pokemon!" Shaking her head, Myrin looked at Veles, "Please... get rid of it."
"Oh well, Ms. Um I did not get your name actually... I don't think that's possible, ya see for whatever reason he's mighty attracted to you." With a hand gresture, they saw Piplup had stopped and was now watching the two intently. Its round face was showing dislike towards the man as the seconds passed. "Me on the other hand, well...I'm guessing he dislikes."
"Why me?" She cried, falling to the floor with her hands clutching her rumbling stomach. With a smile, Veles spoke, "Me and my Pokemon, Light, were just about to have some dinner. Would you like to join us?"
"Oh anything..."
Changed my fan's name to Maya to avoid confusion with Myrin
At Saffron city
-"Sir, we've made a breakthrough in one of the Silph labs!" A grunt said and walked over to the stationed Admin with a salute.
-"What is it?" He asked bored of the time it took to access the Silph building.
-"Well it's based on the technology from the Devon cooperation and the Jotho Apicorn techs actually and-"
-"I don't care what it's based on to be honest. I'm interested in the breakthrough." The Admin snapped and looked at the grunt sharply.
-"Yes sir. We're calling this invention "Obedience Ball", it's the same principle as the Luxury ball with a touch of the Green appricon." He corrected himself.
-"Obedience sounds well and all. But what does it actually do?"
-"Well, one of our major problems is that us Rocket members aren't recognizes as strong trainers by pokémon. Which often result in some embarrassing moments when a strong pokémon is given to non-admins."
-"I'm well aware of that."
-"The luxury ball of Devon is known to make it easier for the pokémon to gain affection towards the trainer, this ball on the other hand will make it easier for them obey."
-"Have you tried it yet?" The admin seemed impressed of what he heard.
-"The pokémon caught with this ball has shown discipline despite strength. We're still trying to complete the ball conversion-device of which we can transfer our strong pokémon to this ball type and test them on grunts." The grunt said as he read from a small computer display.
-"Any ideas if it will work on the Legendary birds?" The Admin asked and grinned.
-"No sir, no data concerning that yet. But I really doubt that the grunts will be able to catch or control any of them if they ever manage to find it anyway." The grunt answered and nodded.
-"Inform the Boss and the other admins about the ball and make sure that we can reproduce them in short. You're free."
-"Yes sir, thank you sir." The grunt answered and strode away.
-"Maybe waiting here for all this time will actually pay off..." The Admin mumbled and grinned as he looked down on the people at the lobby.
Saiar stared down Articuno in naught but her undies. What had started as an exhilarating chase unexpectedly showed signs of becoming a potentially deadly conflict. Her modesty aside (in retrospect, maybe it was better that the grunts hadn't seen her like this), she didn't have her belt with her other Pokeballs attached, nor her robe that held her inventory of powerful healing potions and other combat gear. All she had was her one Pokemon.
She took a look at Tara, her espeon. The poor creature was visibly shaking with fear, but training rooted it in place at Saiar's side. She would not flee unless ordered. Good, loyal, trusting, possibly very stupid Taya.
Been through worse situations than this, Saiar told herself. I can get out of this one. Wait, was that even true? Well, there was that one time when she had been swimming in the ocean and had gotten so fed up with being attacked every 5 seconds by a stupid tentacool that she had gathered a bunch of Team Rocket's electric-type pokemon to shock the whole lot of them. Whew, the smell! And it turned out there were a LOT more tentacools than she had thought. She and her pokemon had been swarmed by hundreds, maybe thousands, and Saiar had only escaped by the skin of her teeth by flying away on a dodrio.
She looked at Taya again. Nope, still no wings. Damn! Why had nobody ever figured out how to get an eevee to evolve into a flying-type?! That would have been really handy right about now. That had to be in that weird little creature's genetic code somewhere. What good had all that research old Professors Oak and Ash and Elm and all that done the world. Not a damn bit of good!
Articuno let out another earth-shattering cry, forcing Saiar's thoughts back to the present.
Right. Need a plan here. Well, there was always the decoy lamb tactic. Saiar had no idea how strong Articuno actually was, but Taya was unlikely to go down in a single hit no matter what it could dish out. It could buy her the time she needed to escape. Of course, since Saiar didn't have Taya's pokeball, or any pokeballs period, she couldn't recall the espeon after it had fainted and it would likely be killed or eaten by the rampaging bird.
On the other hand, she was here to capture Articuno. Few people had ever seen it in their lifetimes, let alone been able to engage it in combat. It would be a terrible loss to pass up the opportunity. The only problem was that Taya was many things, but a dedicated fighter she was not. She fought to overwhelm the opponent before they had a chance to do the same to her. If Articuno did not go down easily, which seemed very, very likely, than Taya would battle to her death and Saiar would almost certainly join her shortly thereafter.
For any Rocket but Saiar, it would have been an easy decision - sacrifice the pokemon and run like hell! It was still tempting. But dammit, she had put a lot of time and effort into training that espeon. Love and care, pah, but it was a strong weapon and one she was loathe to throw away under any circumstances.
She made up her mind. "Taya. We fight. Light screen!"
"Es-espeon!" Taya stammered, though through fear or through cold she couldn't tell. A shimmering, psychic wall appeared around Taya that would protect her from energy attacks.
The Articuno responded with a barrier of its own - Reflect.
It is cautious, Saiar thought. I'm not sure if that's very good or very bad. But a physical barrier is the wrong choice against an opponent like Taya. Maybe I have a chance here!
She seemed to have the iniative, so it was time to push it. "Taya! Psychic that thing!"
Waves of psychic energy ripped outward from Taya's face jewel thing, distorting the area and scattering the snow. The Articuno took the blast straight on. It seemed distressed, but held firm. It flapped its wings harder, flying in a tight circle at speeds no bird was meant to fly.
That was agility. There goes the speed advantage... "Taya! Psychic again!"
The espeon turned to track the mighty bird, but before she could strike, Articuno let out an ice beam. Even from its amazing altitude, the beam struck home with pinpoint accuracy. Taya's light screen scattered a lot of the energy, but what looked like a painful amount still got through, and she winced in pain. She retaliated with another psychic barrage. Articuno flapped and squacked, but seemed to be in no real peril.
"Again! Psychic again!" Well, what else could she do? If I get out of this, I'm changing up her moveset somehow...
Taya prepared to attack, but another icy beam strafed the ground. Taya screamed out in pain. Another direct hit, and worse, the ice buildup encased the poor espeon completely.
Shiiii---- ... I... I don't know what to do!
Her one pokemon was incapacitated and Articuno looked ready to strike again. Would the bird finish off defenseless Taya, or would it come after Saiar herself?
"Taya... good luck!" she cried, preparing to flee.
"Magnemite, thundershock! Koffing, smokescreen! Pidgey, sand-attack!"
Dust, smoke, and a bit of electric shock flew towards Articuno unexpectedly, catching it completely off guard. The damage was minimal, but the dust and smoke lingered, causing the bird to flail with anger.
Wh-what?! It's that koffing kicker grunt! She and her Pokemon emerged from the trees. She ran over to Taya and poured some sort of salve on it that melted the ice. Taya immeiately responded with her somewhat delayed psychic barrage, further upsetting the mighty bird.
"Administrator Saiar!" she said. "Reporting for duty!"
Saiar yelled, "Kid! Are you crazy?! That's Articuno! Get your head down!"
But Articuno was having none of it. Half blind and staring down now four pokemon, albeit three very undertrained ones, it decided enough was enough. With a final snow-scattering blast of its wings, it sailed off into the woods. The blizzard followed it, and the snow stopped.
"Are you all right, administrator?" the grunt asked.
"I am fine," Saiar snapped.
"That.. that was a legendary bird."
"I know."
"Why did you attack it like that?"
"Because that's our task. We hunt the legendary birds."
"Team Rocket takes what it wants."
The explanation seemed to satisfy her.
Saiar said, "Come on, let us return to camp. We will talk more about this in the morning."
"... okay."
They turned back into the woods, four pokemon trailing behind. With Saiar's compass poketech app, they wouldn't have any trouble getting back to camp.
"Oh," Saiar said. "Hey, kid. What's your name?"
"... it's holly."
"Holly," Saiar mused. "Well, Holly. Nice work. Team Rocket rewards the strong. I will have something for you later."
In the darkness, Holly beamed.
Rock john waited at his Dojo for Ben to arrive. All his Pokemon were out and about.
The door opens. "Im here" Ben announces as he enters.
"Finally! I feel like ive been waiting days for ya!" Rock john exclaimed.
"O pish-posh. Its been an hour maybe..." Ben looked at Rock john. "When did you get a Poliwag?"
"Hes my newest find! Im really trying to make him a Poliwhirl!" Rock john gets out his Pokedex and flips to Poliwhirl. "Look at those wicked arms! He should be able to fight really well!"
Ben looked at it briefly. "You realize hes not actually a fighting type right?"
"Bah! With the right training he can do anything!" Rock john stood proud.
"Right... well you wanna have a quick battle then?" Asked Ben.
"Oh? You have pokemon worth my time?" Rock john snickered.
Ben throws out a Pokeball which opens to reveal a Geodude. "GEEEOOO!!" It yells as it arrives.
"Still a Geodude eh? All these years and it hasnt evolved?" Rock john asked.
"Battling hasnt been my priority. Like i said earlier by pokemon need training." Ben answered.
"Go Raticate!" Rock John throws out a Pokeball which unleashes one of his Raticates.
"Still with the Raticates huh?" Ben Mocked.
"Shut up! Raticate Keep moving quick but Tail whip him to soften him up!" Rock john yelled.
"Geodude try to tackle him!"
Geodude rushed forward and used tackle missing. Raticate was running circles around Geodude. Everyone once in awhile he would twitch wildly and slap geodude with his tail. Geodude looked annoyed.
"Good now bite him!"
"Geodude defence curl!"
Geodude went to use Defence curl but it was too late. The Raticate's bite hit Geodude causing heavy damage. Geodude Flinched from the Bite.
"Perfect! Raticate finish him with a Hyper Fang!"
The Raticate used Hyper Fang causing Geodude to Faint.
"Well that wasnt even a contest" Ben laughed.
"I have been training for many years. I should hope i would beat you!"
"Well it definately shows..." Ben calls back Geodude to its Ball.
"Alright well im going to destroy the Gym here then return to ready my supplies. Then ill be off on the road again!" Rock John throws his Fist in the air!
Ben face palms. and with that Rock john grabbed up all his pokeballs and headed towards Viridian Gym.
Corey had decided he would take the gym on today. He did some last minute training with his four Pokemon while everyone was away.
Lucas and Chris had gone back to his house to get some more sleep. Joseph joined them, happily holding his Jigglypuff.
"Alright guys, I think we are ready for the gym."
He walked back into the house and told Chris and Lucas he was heading there.
Chris's mom had already left for the gym. From what Corey could tell, atleast one of them would be a Wigglytuff while the others may be Rock types. He knew his Shinx would not be able to do well with Spark thus taking out the move Charge as well. So the only other moves he could use would be Tackle and Bite. Mankey's Low kick, Focus Energy, Karate Chop would come in handy. Fury swipes not so much. Starly would be able to use Wing attack to get some hits in, and Endure would help him from a K.O. Otherwise he had quick attack and growl.
Corey proceeded to walk up to the gym doors.
Frank had enough. He'd spent so much time going back and forth to the Pokémon center now that he was certain that the other guys were dead. Yepp, dead as in DEAD. No way they had been able to avoid him for all this time.
He'd waited at the center as they decided, he'd trained, got a Kabuto that he wanted to brag about, ploughed through an never-ending flow of youngsters and bug catchers and then settled for training at that one field with tall grass.
Mankey had grown a lot since he left Viridian, he was certain that it could assault Josh's Donphan pretty badly if he ever returned there. Rattatas here and there, some Raticates, Nidorans, Butterfrees ect ect. Mankey was able to single handily KO them if he used the Karate Chop.
Murkow had learned some new nasty moves and Kabuto proved not to be useless.
He'd spent hours here, this field. Unleashing his Mankey against the wildlife and returning to the centre when none of them had the strength to execute their good moves anymore.
He went back to the pokémon center once more. Anne looked up and shook her head as he entered, still none of his underlings in sight.
-"Another hard days job?" Anne asked as he handed over his three balls.
-"I've had it, those guys better be dead by now or I'll kill them for ditching me like this." Frank said bitterly and kicked back.
-"Why don't you just call them?" She asked as the machine started flashing.
-"Nah, not my style. I don't call people asking where they are and how they're doing. They are the ones calling me." He said and grinned.
-"I can handle on my own, I've always done. It was just nice to see trainers evolve for once, learning some new sides of battles and possibly a future opponent." Frank said as he retrieved his balls.
-"Just admit that you miss them already."
-"You'll never hear me speak those words darling." He grinned and she grinned back.
-"What's this gym like by the way?" He asked her before it got awkward.
-"Rock type, the leader is a woman who took over the gym after her son left. And he took over the gym after his father." She said dreamily.
-"Rock type huh? I bet a Karate Chop will break those boulders in two. My little imp has turned into quite the pushover." Frank said and grinned.
-"We'll see about that." Anne replied and did one of those creepy nurse smiles.
-"Well I better be off then. Thanks for everything Anne, it was nice to get to know you." Frank said and bowed.
-"Saying that 'I hope to see you again!' would be a lie Frank, take care." Anne said as he strode through the door.
Frank was just about to enter the gym when a piercing "FRANK!" was shouted from behind him.
He rotated quickly and saw Maya, his fan happily heading his way.
-"Hey there Frankie, you entering the Gym now?" She said with a permanent smile on her face.
-"Eh... Yes, yes I am. Epic battle awaits me." He said realizing that no matter how he tried, she would follow him in there.
-"That's so cool Frankie. Hey I got a good luck present for you." She said and started digging through her pack.
-"Here you go!" She held out a pink ball that looked rather girly.
-"Err, thanks..?" Frank said and grabbed it after a while.
-"It's a love ball." She said and smiled.
-"Neat." Frank said and stashed it.
-"You can use it to catch my heart any time Frankie." She said dreamily and winked at him.
-"Yeah.... Well I'm heading - inside you know." Frank said and quickly turned his back on her and headed through the doors.
Frank sighed the inside of the Gym and the leader in it.
He knew enough about the rock type. Strong against Fire and ice. And also flying and bugs (Another reason why he thought bugs bites). Rock's weaknesses would be grass, water, fighting, ground and steel. He had a fighting type with him, also Kabuto probably woudn't take much damage and knew how to Absorb life.
-"This might just be a great battle" He said as he prepared himself to challenge her. No one else was in the gym yet so he must've been early.
"Thank you for your report, Administrator Saian."
"Saiar. It's Saiar Karat," she said, a bit exhaspirated. She was in Saffron talking to another no-talent admin, chosen probably because of a combination of buisness skills and general ill intentions. He likely knew nothing of training. Further signs of weakness within Team Rocket's structure.
"Sorry. Can't say I've heard of you, which is a bit alarming... shouldn't the boss be telling us if he is appointing new admins?"
Saiar shrugged.
The Saffron admin continued, "Anyway. Seems like you had a pretty fun night. An actual battle with Articuno. Very good. We have next to no reliable data on the legendary birds."
"I know."
"We spotted it flying over Saffron last night. Didn't have time to engage it." Couldn't be bothered to, or were too scared, she thought bitterly. He continued, "It was flying at a pretty good pace. At that speed, it couldn't have kept up for long. Probably needed to rest somewhere to the north."
"North..." Saiar mused. "Cerulean, then, or maybe the area around it. We will leave at once." She stood up.
"Cerulean isn't exactly in our normal, ah, "sphere of influence." Really, no reason to take the town. Not much money to be made there. You may be attacked by the local trainers."
Saiar gave him a look. "If they are stupid enough to try anything, I will take them down. Besides, I have six grunts with me."
"True, true. Good hunting. Oh..." the admin said with a wicked grin. "If you're going to start trouble in Cerulean, do try to keep your clothes on this time."
Saiar glared. "You have heard about that?"
"Heard about it? Darling, the whole town knows. They're probably talking about it in Sinnoh right now."
Saiar said nothing and headed for the door.
"Oh, don't leave mad," the admin called. "Actually, we're working on something that may help you on your hunt. It's called an Obedience Ball. Supposed to help tame wild pokemon. Not done yet, but when it is, I will let you know."
Saiar halted momentarily. Obedience Ball. She had heard the name somewhere before.
Without another word, she left the office.
"Pack it up, grunts. We're leaving in ten minutes for Cerulean."
The grunts groaned. She had been pushing them pretty hard since last night. They'd barely gotten into town and had a chance to heal their pokemon. Well, that was the sort of pace they would have to get used to. Articuno waited for no man.
"Are you going to make the trip in your undies?" one of them said with a laugh.
Saiar walked right up to the kid and slapped him hard enough to knock him down.
"AAGH!" he cried.
Saiar raged, "Where the HELL were you last night?! You heard me yell out - it was Articuno!"
"We had to get dressed and get ready!"
"And yet you never showed up at all. Of course, if you had, you would have seen your admin running around undressed. But perhaps that does not interest you? I suppose the company of your fellow boy grunts suits you better. One wonders."
"H-hey!" the grunt yelped, and others laughed.
"What are you lot laughing about? You did not come either. Only Holly here bothered to get her lazy *** out of bed and join me in battle. If you had all been there, we may have actually captured Articuno, but now, he has slipped away!" That was probably untrue; it was unlikely that the weak pokemon the grunts had could have made a difference in the fight. But Saiar didn't mind rubbing in their failures even if it was somewhat of a lie. "Team Rocket rewards the strong. Holly, take this." She handed the girl a plastic chip.
"What is it?" Holly said, confused.
"Maybe a gym badge or something?" another grunt asked.
Saiar sneered, "A gym... a gym badge? What the hell? It is a credit chip. A thousand bucks are on that thing. Plug it and it will transfer the money to your account. Maybe you guys will start taking this seriously if you realize there is cold, hard cash on the line. Now pack up! Ten minutes!"
While heading to Viridian Gym he could hear nearby sounds of fighting. Intrigued Rock john sped over towards the sound. After turning the corner of a house he could see about 12 people standing around and a few pokemon battling. Although it looked like the fight was pretty much over. A Spearow and a Pidgey were fighting a Weedle and a Caterpie.
Just as Rock john approached the crowd the birds swooped in striking the Bugs. Both Bug pokemon had fainted.
"Ahh thats not fair" one of the boys yelled as he returned his Weedle.
"Hah! We are the unstoppable duo! No Pokemon is a match for us!" The Spearow trainer boasted. The Pidgey trainer stood next to him laughing at the bug catchers. Rock john thought about it, but he was just about to get his first badge in over 12 years of pokemon training!
"Well?! Any other trainers think they can stand up too us?" The Spearow boy yelled to the on-lookers.
"I will take you both on!" Yelled Rock john as he pushed infront of the crowd. "I wont let your ego go unchecked any longer!"
"O is that right crazy hair guy?" The Pidgey boy laughed.
"Hes prolly got a Rattata or something pathetic!" Both Bird trainers laughed.
"Ill show you a Rattata! HEE-YA!" Rock john did a crazy spin then throws both his Raticates out. The balls explode and both pokemon announce themselves with a menacing roar followed by intense twitching.
The Boys continue to laugh even harder. "Alright spearow Peck them!" "And Pidgey use Gust!" The Boys ordered there pokemon.
"Alright, Battle Routine C" Rock john yells to his pokemon.
The Raticates quickly rush next to each other then pause briefly. Spearow comes swooping to use Peck while pidgey starts to agitate wind and dust. The Raticates simultaneously dart in seperate directions just as Spearow approaches then they quickly stop, turn around and use Quick attack against Spearow. The Spearow was a sloppy flyer and was unable to react in time. Both Raticates connect with Quick attack sending the Spearow pummeling to the ground. The Ratticates land and quickly shift there gaze. The Pidgey unleashes a gust attack but the raticates again run in 2 different directions. The Gust hits the ground where the raticates used to be.
"HYPER DOUBLE FANG!!" Rock john yells. Both Raticates eye's start to glow red.
"Alright pidgey use quick attack! Be fast and dont let them hit you!" The Pidgey trainer ordered.
The Pidgey swooped down moving at very high speeds. The Raticates propped up into attack position ready to strike. The Pidgey flew past and attempted to quick attack one of the raticates but missed. The Raticates both dived forward using Hyper Double fang but the pidgey was long gone. Both Raticates connected with each other using their ultimate attack. Both Raticates land on the ground completely KO'd. Rock john's jaw drops. The Bird trainers and the entire crowd watching start to laugh.
"Are you serious..." Rock john Stammered. "This couldnt get any worse..."
"O God... not no---" the Squirtle sprays Rock john with water. "Cmon Squirtle not now!" Rock john returns both his Ratticates then calls out Sand Slash.
The Sandslash finishes the Pidgey with a well-timed slash and ends the match.
"Well good fight mister." The Spearow trainer said. "But that Squirtle was just too funny"
"Ya Definately" the Pidgey trainer laughed.
"I cant really control him to well..." Rock john explained. "Wait a Second!" He rustled through his pockets. "That damn squirtle took my wallet!!"
Rock john runs after the Squirtle who was running down the street holding the Wallet above his head with both hands.
"Get back here!!!" Rock john Yelled at the Squirtle.
Ben poked his head outside the Dojo's door just in time too see Rock john run past him yelling. Ben Face Palmed again.
Chris, Corey, Joseph, and Lucas finally made it back to the pokecenter. Chris handed Anne his pokemon, "Hey! Good to have you back." She said with a wide smile, "Are these your friends? I've never seen them before." Anne said.
"Yep, I met them in Pallet."
"You were in Pallet? Jeez, Chris. Just like your father. Always wanting to help."
"Well, it was Gary. I had to go make sure he was okay."
"How is he?"
"..." Chris was silent for a bit, "They took him. Team Rocket."
Anne covered her mouth, "What? Why?"
"I don't know. But I've got a group of friends more than willing to tackle team rocket."
"Someone ought to! Those damn rockets have really been pushing it. They've caused more havoc then ever before. Oh, your pokemon are ready." She took the pokeballs off the machine and handed them back to Chris, "stay safe Chris, I don't know what I'd do, or your mother, if anything happened to you."
Chris just nodded. As Luke approached the counter, Anne eyed him suspiciously. "Nerdy..." She said.
"E-excuse me?" Luke said, kind of offended.
"Sorry! Do you know a Frank, by chance?"
"Yes, was he here?"
"YOU'RE walking around with THAT guy? He's such a tool!' Anne exclaimed. Everyone got a good laugh out of that. "Well, regardless, he went to the gym to challenge your mom, Chris."
"Thanks Anne! I'll most likely see you again before I leave!" Chris said. Anne visibly blushed a bit then hurriedly said, "Well, gotta get back to work!" Everyone got their pokes healed up and headed over to the gym. It was getting late in the day. They'd spent a significant amount of time at Mt. Moon, training and fighting kids in shorts and such. Joseph was feeling very confident. He was excited to fight in a gym where he had the advantage.
"Damn't!" He suddenly exclaimed.
What's wrong?" Lucas asked.
"I just realized something. If Frank fights the gymleader before us, she won't have any pokemon to use! You said," Joseph was talking to Chris, "that you're mom only had a few pokemon."
Chris: "Yes, but we've got our own healing machine, similar to the one at pokecenters. I don't know why Josh didn't have one either. I always assumed it was gymleader standard equipment."
They arrived at the gym, a small crowd of Pewterisians had formed inside. They were awaiting the beginning of an intense battle. People were clammering about this wicked cool trainer who had beaten all the local trainers without a drop of sweat.
"He's so cool! I want to be just like him!"
"He gave my rattatta a pounding!"
"Ohh... so dreamy!"
"He doesn't even wear shorts!"
Pushing through the crowd, no one seemed to notice Chris, who was the local cooltrainer before Frank. It's how he'd gained Anne's adoration. In the months following Richard (Chris's dad) disappearing, Chris's popularity plumetted. When he shut the gym down for good, it sank to the bottom. Now Frank was soaking up everyone's adoration. He offered what Chris had been unable to do. Or atleast, what Chris had been unwilling to do. It didn't matter that Chris and Frank were closely matched in skill, Frank was putting on the show Chris had refused to do.
Chris ground his teeth a bit in frustration. "I know this is what Frank does, but Pewter is my town." He thought to himself.
Upon arriving at the benches, Chris, Lucas, Joseph, and Corey took seats at the benches on the sidelines, not in the spectator stands. The crowd wasn't huge, there were still plenty of empty seats, but there was a lot of noise inside the gym. The appearance of Chris had caused a wave of silence to go through the crowd, they were all murmuring to eachother. Where'd he come from? Who was he with?
The excitement in the building began to build up again. People gossiping about the possible turn of events. Was Chris going to fight his mom? Was Chris going to finally step up and be a trainer? Were the other trainers with Chris as skilled as Frank? This was going to be an exciting night of events!
The Rocket was already gone by the time Edwin and the Hiker had calmed down. "Thanks for the help." The Hiker smiled and shook his hand. "na' a problem, my boy. I owed ya for ta potion. Name's Bradley."
"Oh, so you 'ere ta one ta Rocket was after."
"Yeah, apparently, he didn't take losing to Supersonic too well."
"Here, boy. I might as well give ya this." He handed Edwin a strange rock and started on his way behind Edwin.
"What's this?"
"A Leaf Stone, my boy. Gotta get these stones to tha Professor. I assume ya gots a grass type fer Pewter Gym." And with that, he was gone. (Note: Edwin is unaware of the Pallet event)
Edwin pocketed the stone. Despite the Hiker's good intentions, he didn't have a grass type to use it on. Edwin used his last potion on Clefairy and continued through the cave. Once again, Clefairy was feeling quite confident taking Zubats down one-by-one. But it was short lived. The exit stood before them, a good distance, but visible, including a couple of shadows moving around in front of it - more Rockets.
Edwin sent out Zubat and approached the two shadows, but only one of them was a Rocket. The other a girl no younger than he was. The two were locked in battle. "Nidoqueen, Earthquake!" Edwin was nearly knocked off of his feet. The Rocket's Machoke was not looking too well. Edwin decided to just ignore the two. The Rocket spotted him.
"Hey, where do you think you're going?"
"Cerulean. I don't think there's anything you can do about it." Edwin pointed at his Machoke, down on the ground. The girl laughed and retrieved her Nidoqueen. The Rocket was not amused. "I'll stop both of you right here, go Venomoth!" The girl was taken back, and sent out Nidoqueen again.
"Venomoth, Psychic!"
The Nidoqueen fell right away.
"And now're the Clefairy guy!" The Rocket retrieved his Venomoth. Edwin was confused. "Bruce has special orders to leave you for himself."
"Bruce, huh? Just the Rocket I wanted to see. Where is he?"
"Leader Bruce is in Saffron. Until then we're to make sure you don't leave Cerulean."
"I don't think you'll have any problems with that. By the way, Bruce is just a Rocket like you are, at least until the Big Guy decides to take the town. Until then, I believe you're supposed to sit on your jolly asses all day and keep a low profile."
"... if I weren't told to leave you be, I'd take you in for even knowing that information."
Edwin chuckled as he followed the path to Cerulean, the girl already halfway down, dashing towards the center.
It suddenly got quiet. Just as Frank was on his Ace of insult & brag someone interrupted him.
The kids entered, his old crew that suddenly vanished out of thin air.
-"About time they showed up." Frank mumbled as he saw them take their seats.
-"You were saying something?" Elliot reminded him and he turned back.
-"Oh yeah." He said raising his hand into the air.
-"I was just waiting for my apprentices to watch the humiliation this will become." Frank said and clenched his fist at the word 'humiliation'.
-"I see... Well this will hardly be a humiliation from your side if you already think you've won. This trainer won't buckle under easily from a pushover." Elliot responded and smiled one of those lecturing smiles mothers sometimes went on with.
-"Please gramms, don't make this more of a spectacle than it already is. Making yourself sound like a big shot will only make the downfall greater. You don't seem like an experienced trainer after all. Hell I heard you only took this job 'cuz your lousy son ran off." Frank said and grinned, he was pretty certain that a weak spot or two would've been hit by now.
-"How dare you? That's such a rude thing to say! Where's your sportsmanship?" She asked taken aback by the accusation.
-"And if I heard right, he was second in line which makes you the third in line to run this gym. Not the best of references if you ask me."
-"That's it! No more taunting, I Elliot of Pewter city accepts your challenge. Let's fight!" She didn't wait another second and Frank couldn't stop grinning, A Gym leader with such an obvious weakness.
Frank was actually surprised. He was expecting a Geodude - the most basic of the basic rock type pokémon but faced an Onix. Onix was generally a stronger pokémon than the Graveller - the evolved Geodude but not as strong as the rare Golem. Still, it showed some kind of dedication.
-"Onix Rock slide!" Eliot shouted from across the room.
Frank wasn't sure if he even had to do something, his Mankey was a killer; a cold blooded breaker of pokémon that had learned to seek and destroy. Frank loved that.
It set out in pursuit of the Onix the moment it left the ball and could feel the heat of the battle. The roaring crowd, the tense staring contest of trainers. It was in the air and Mankey fed on it.
His pokédex had told him that Onix was a speedy pokémon and it didn't lie, the rock slide hammered down against Mankey and stopped his advance for a second before he shook it off and continued his dash.
Once up Eliot ordered her Onix to dig but Mankey managed to score a Karate Chop before it managed to get into position.
A rain of pebbles fell to the ground as the attack connected and the Onix staggered backwards. Mankey quickly followed it with a Low kick but didn't get the chance to finish it off before his opponent dived underground.
-"You know the drill Mankey, same as last time. Find it and brace yourself!" Frank said calmly as the ground shook and the Onix disappeared out of sight.
The Onix moved around underground, Frank noticed how the ground vibrated and smaller stones rolled a bit as it passed underground.
Then it came up, extremely speedy and directly below Mankey it launched itself into the air and knocked mankey with him. They went up high into the sky and time seemed to stop as gravity was starting to take its' toll on them now. But then Onix crashed into the ground with an extreme power that made a large crater on the platform.
As the dust faded away, Mankey stepped of the cracked head of the Onix with a satisfied look.
-"Good job Mankey, couldn't have gone down any other way." Frank said and nodded in response to his pokémon, some damage was taken but Onix' strength wasn't quite enough to take Mankey out yet.
Elliot returned the Onix and sent forth her next pokémon. Frank watched her, she seemed distressed by it all. He just hoped the Onix wasn't her trumph card.
A blue pokémon with a shell appeared, Frank could bet it was a water type before he scanned it with his pokédex. Omanyte - a rock and water type apparently. Nothing that a Karate Chop couldn't take care off.
Mankey made it's way forward when another Rock slide hit it, but it kept going. It was quite the fighter.
One Karate Chop fell against the Omanyte but it seemed strong. Omanyte answered the attack with a creepy Leer, Mankey didn't seem to worry too much though.
Mankey gave the Omanyte another Karate Chop and seemed to make a difference. Omanyte seemed weaker but answered with a rain of Rock slide upon the mad Mankey.
The hit was critical and Mankey started to heave, but his Anger point was awoken, driven by rage he set out to land another - much stronger Karate Chop at the Omanyte and hopefully sink it.
It attacked but a Protective barrier blocked the attack, Mankey leaped back and stared at the Omanyte with loathing. It dashed off again as soon as the barrier faded.
But with just a meter between them Mankey's face was covered in a Mud Shot. The mud blocked parts of his vision and the attack missed. And shortly afterwards - Mankey fainted.
-"I wonder what the difference was there." Frank sighed as he called his Mankey back, two clean Karate Chops and the Omanyte was still standing.
Rocks would bring Murkrow down, instantly it didn't matter how strong it was. It would still be downed by a Rock Slide. so Kabuto it was.
-"Look it's a battle between the pre-historical pokémon!" Lucas exclaimed from the seats. Yeah, of course the nerd knew that.
Kabuto hid under its' shell like it always did. Omanyte on the other hand seemed more eager to fight. Weakened but eager. Frank liked that about Pokémon, especially his Mankey.
-"It's a rock type Omanyte, use water gun!" Elliot shouted from her side.
-"Of course... I should've watched her closer." Frank mumbled as he remembered the obvious advantage.
The water gun hit Kabuto who shuddered as it hit.
-"Go get it will ya?" Frank shouted at the Kabuto which obeyed and lifted itself up and started it's stride towards Omanyte. Another water gun hit Kabuto on the way and it seemed like the end of it.
Frank kicked the ground and cursed the weak shellfish when it leaped on top of Omanyte and started Absorbing the energy of it.
It regained its health and things started to look brighter.
-"Keep doing tha, it's great!" Frank shouted and felt better, he looked over at Elliot who on the other hand looked distressed.
The battle went on slowly from there. Omanyte used water gun over and over against the Kabuto that was stuck on it and Absorbed its health. Although each water gun brought Kabuto closer to defeat - each absorb regained a large part of the damage lost and brought Omanyte closer to defeat.
And in the end. That's what happened. The Omanyte just stopped using water gun and Kabuto seemed to feed on it.
-"Get back!" Elliot shouted and the Omanyte returned to the ball.
Frank almost fell asleep there. Almost like Hardcore-harden battles.
The next pokémon on the other hand was a shocker. Wigglytuff.
-"You sure about this? You didn't just threw the wrong ball huh?" Frank mocked the leader who looked back at him seriously.
-"Just asking." Frank decided that Murkrow could have a little fun and swapped his fighter.
The Wigglytuff looked as harmless as one could look. Murkrow on the other hand had been hardened from all those battles.
Murkrow quickly started the battle by dashing out attacking his opponent with a Wing Attack. The Wigglytuff seemed displeased and shook a bit before releasing something. Frank recognized it but it took some time for him to get it. Disable, the blasted move that stopped the most powerfull move from being abused.
-"Switch over to Pursuit and Thief!" Frank shouted knowing that Murkrow would only end up looking like a fool if it tried to use Wing Attack again.
And Murkrow did just that, first it swooped down ipon Wigglytuff with Thief and managed to steal a berry. The Wigglytuff answered by Pounding Murkrow, but the damage in that was pathetic.
Next up Murkrow used Pursuit and took off shortly afterwards. Wigglytuff used Disable once more and Murkrow was down to two choices.
-"Murkrow, don't use Night shade, it won't work, keep batting it with Thief!" Frank shouted as the Murkrow got closer to his opponent. It swooped down once more and got a clean hit. The Wigglytuff fell forward and got up with effort.
-"Now!" Elliot shouted and the Wigglytuff leaped into the air and crushed Murkrow under a Body Slam.
Murkrow fought a bit to get away from the ground and rise into the air again where it directly attacked once more with Thief.
-"Finish it!" Elliot shouted and Wigglytuff started singing.
-"O crap..." Frank mumbled as he saw Murkrow falling from the sky.
-"Use your advantage to Body Slam it!" Elliot shouted and the Wigglytuff did so. her pokémon was weakened but it would at least get one free hit.
Once, twice and three times it crushed Murkrow under its' weight.
Frank shook his head and thought bad thoughts about his Murkrow.
-"Goddamn it Murkrow, you've been attacked like 3 times already, time to end the sleeping business!" Frank shouted, luckily he did wake up.
Frank noticed that it was rather weak but it quickly consumed the berry it stole earlier. Strength returned to it and it nimbly dodged the next body slam when taking off into the sky.
-"Finish it Murkrow!" Frank shouted, it was time to end it. A weak Wigglytuff wouldn't be able to do much either way.
-"Now!" Elliot shouted at the same time.
Murkow dived to use Wing attack from a height.
Wigglytuff leaped into the air to flatten it.
As they got closer, Murkrow closed its' wings and fell downwards, then quickly spread it's wings doing a loop and comming up behind Wigglytuff where it spun around and stroke the opponent with its wings.
The Wigglytuff crashed and Murkrow landed upon it.
-"YEAH!" Frank shouted and turned to the crowd which was cheering at him(one certain fan more than other).
He gloated in his glory for a moment and then turned to his opponent.
-"Congratulations, you've proven yourself to be quite the trainer." Elliot said and walked towards him.
-"I know." Frank said and grinned.
-"Is a handshake too much to ask?" Elliot asked not sure what to expect.
-"The fight is over, so of course." Frank said and reached for her hand.
They shook hand and Frank nodded.
-"For defeating me, Elliot of Pewter city I present to you this badge and this TM." She said and handed them over.
Frank honourably accepted them and made a quick bow.
-"The TM is Rock Slide, a strong Rock type move that -"
-"I know what it does. Seen it, used it, beat it." Frank said and shrugged.
-"Very well. You fought well Frank. I hope that your journey takes you close to Team Rocket 'cuz they could need to learn the word 'fear'." Elliot said and smiled in that motherly fashion again.
-"Ma'm, fear is my middle name and Rocket is toast." He grinned and hit himself across the chest.
As he walked off the battle arena, the crowd cheered for him and he could feel himself feeling stronger. Another proof of his skills.
-"Look alive friends, you're up next!" Frank said as he walked to the kids on the side.
Corey watched the fight. Amazed by how well Frank did.
hope I can do this well
Corey got up
"Great job Frank! Now it is your turn to watch me!"
Frank looked up and grinned.
"Don't make it too boring before you get K.Oed!"
Corey considered that a compliment.
Corey arrived on the battle field.
"Well, hello Corey nice to see you here," Elliott said.
"I figured it was about time to battle you. I don't have a single badge yet."
"Well, let me heal my Pokemon and you shall see if you get one."
-------5 minutes later-------
Elliot returned to the field.
"You ready now Corey?"
"Whenever you are." Corey looked up at the stands and saw Frank was already sleeping. Lucas had his Pokedex out ready to read what other Pokemon Corey had.
Elliot sent out Omatye.
"I was expecting you to throw Onix out."
"Gotta keep you on your toes," Elliot responded.
Corey sent out Spark, his Shinx.
"Let's do it! Spark use Tackle then Bite!"
Corey's Shinx took off. He was fast and was able to get up to Omatye quickly ramming into it. It did little damage and to the enemy. Omatye responded with a Water gun. Shinx was able to shrug it off and landed a hit with Bite.
The opposing Omatye went to attack but couldn't move.
"Spark he Flinched! Use this time to Charge!"
Spark's front paws began glowing as Omatye was struggling to move. Soon Spark. was so bright he was blinding Corey.
"Now finish it with Spark!" And after this battle I will try to teach you a new electric move
All you could hear were the sounds of the electric move hitting Omatye.
As everyone's site was regained they could see both Pokemon still standing.
"Last minute Protect saved his life that round. Sorry but this battle won't be that quick Corey,"Elliot said.
"Use Spark until you knock it out!"
Spark ran around landing a shot here and there. The Omatye was stronger than Corey's Shinx. It was able to hit his Pokemon with a few Rock Slides then it came down to both Pokemon heaving...well as far as Corey could tell, hard to see what Omatye was doing under that shell.
"Get in close for another Tackle then use Spark one last time."
Corey's Shinx began to run forward and was then enveloped with rocks.
"Spark!" Corey started to move forward and then saw white light coming from between the rocks. The light stopped and the rubble began to give way. A new pokemon was standing there.
It was so silent you could hear Lucas' Pokedex going off.
"Luxio the Spark Pokemon. Evolved form of Shinx. It is said it can communicate by resting its legs on another Pokemon and using electrical impulses from its claws. The site of this Pokemon causes the opposing Pokemon's attack to lower. And when in site of another Pokemon of the same gender it's attack is raised 1.5 times."
"You evolved! It seems you have fight in you still use one last Spark!" Corey grinned as he loved seeing this new Pokemon.
The Omatye protected itself ,but after using the move most of the battle it failed. The Spark landed and Omatye fainted.
"Return Spark! You did great."
"Great job Corey. Ready for the next one?" Elliot said.
Elliot let out Onix.
"T. Go!" Corey knew that his Mankey would fair well in this battle.
Onix let go a Rock slide upon the site of the Mankey.
"Onix I didn't tell you to use that!"Elliot screamed.
Apparently Frank's Mankey must have enraged this Pokemon.
"Mankey Low Kick!" Mankey brushed off the Rock Slide and landed a clean Low Kick. It did massive damage as the move was based on weight (From what Lucas told him) and Onix was so heavy.
The Onix fell and squirmed its way back up right.
"T. get ready for a Karate Chop."
Onix began to curl up and wait. Elliot smiled upon seeing this, she knew he was using Rage.
T. landed the Karate Chop which ended up being a critical hit. Onix took and and waited.
Corey had no idea what the onix was doing but decided to let him have another Low Kick.
T. obeyed and hit Onix again. It did massive damage. Onix was taking the hits but couldn't last long he was weak to these fighting moves.
Elliot smiled again,"Onix Rage!"
Onix uncurled and slammed T. hard! He could barely stand after that.
"T. use Focus Energy and then Karate Chop!"
Mankey got into a meditation pose and focused. Onix sent out another Rock Slide hitting T.
Mankey shrugged it off and nailed Onix.
After the dust stopped Onix was out.
T. stood waving back and forth and he fell.
"Looks like your mankey can't battle anymore neither can Onix. So just one for me and I see two for you."
"I hopefully will only have to use one. Ace go!"
Corey sent out his Starly against Elliot's Wigglytuff.
"Ace use Growl then Quick Attack!"
Ace let out a Growl lowering Wigglytuff's attack. And before Wigglytuff could attack he hit with a Quick attack.
"Oh, nice hit. He is strong,"Elliot said.
"I wouldn't be so lucky for him to evolve though."
Wigglytuff used a Pound and nailed Corey's Starly.
"Ace Wing Attack!"
Ace flew up high in the rafters and swooped low into Wigglytuff landing a hit.
This time Wigglytuff used Disable.
Crap no more Wing Attack
"Ace use growl!"
Ace once again lowered the attack of his enemy.
"Ploof use Rollout!"
Oh Crap! This is going to hurt if it hits
One rollout landed. Ace felt it but kept flying Corey ordered him to use Quick Attack since that was all he really had.
Another Rollout landed. Ace was starting to feel it now. Another quick attack.
Third time Rollout landed. Ace was having trouble flying could stay aloft long but was able to land another hit. Wigglytuff wouldn't be able to take anymore of this much longer.
Elliot knew she could do nothing since endure lasted five turn. But Wigglytuff has two turns left it would only need one to finish the bird.
"Ace use Endure!" Ace braced for the next attack. Corey knew it would have K.Oed him otherwise.
Elliot looked shocked to see Ace still able to fight, she couldn't tell Ploof to use sing now.
With little health left Ace regained use of Wing attack.
"Ace! Use your last Wing Attack."
Ace connected as the last rollout hit him. Ploof and Ace both fainted.
"Well darn. I should have used sleep before rollout. well congratulations on beating me. Sorry to see two of yours faint though,"Elliot said.
"I got my first badge, they fought well. Thanks for the battle."
Corey rejoined the group on the stands.
He had no use for the TM yet. But he kept staring at the shiny new badge.
"Who's next?"
Frank laughed about half the battle.
-"Luck, plain luck..." He mumbled and sighed. It pained him to see these guys apparently fly through combats compared to how it felt to fight for him.
-"Hey, who made her the leader anyway?" Frank asked the guys as her Omanyte fell.
-"I get that she took on the family trade but shouldn't there be someone more suited for this task?" He grinned and watched the Onix fall, it was a reminder of his own Mankey on Onix action.
When the Wigglytuff finally fell Frank actually clapped his hands - once.
-"Good job kid, one step closer to manhood!" Frank said and gave Corey a light punch on the shoulder.
"Lesson three: learn the rules, then break them," Saiar lectured.
"Learn the rules, then break them!" the grunts shouted back. Saiar had been giving these little speechs for over an hour now. The grunts seemed to be soaking up the wisdom pretty well, and it distracted them all from the long, tired march up Route 5 towards Cerulean.
Saiar continued, "Lies and trickery can be a path towards power. If you can confuse or control your opponent, you influence and control their actions. You can make them do what you want. You can disarm a stronger opponent and get yourself in a better position to be victorious."
"The best lies are 99% truth. Keep your lies simple. It makes them easier to remember. Truth sounds real and lies sound fake, but if 99% is true, it will sound true, even if it the 1% lie that matters most. The best lies are also attractive. Make your opponents think you are giving them things they want. Think about what YOU would want. Disarm them with compliments, by pretending to be weak, or by making it seem like you are in awe of them. Girls, you can really mess with a guy's head by pretending to be into them."
Holly and the other female grunt giggled.
Saiar said, "But, most importantly, know when to lie and when to reveal your hand. Never lie merely to lie; lie to get yourself into positions of strength, and once you are there, drop the act and smash your opponent good."
The grunts went silent. Maybe this was all a bit too vague? An example might help...
"Cerulean City is not Team Rocket territory. It will be very different from the Vermillion City you know where you could just do whatever you wanted. Powerful trainers hang out in Cerulean. We may be attacked, or we may need to battle trainers for our own purposes. But, we have a major advantage - trickery. The Pokemon League has ruled over this area for a very long time, and the rules they set down bind the trainers' actions. If they believe their opponent is honorable, they will agree to battle one-vs-one, one pokemon at a time, with no outside interference. This limits their strength, because they believe honorable victories are more valuable. Does Team Rocket care about honor?"
"NO!" the grunts yelled at once.
"Damn right we do not! Honor and 200 bucks will buy you a pokeball. Team Rocket cares about victory, and the power that comes with it. BUT, by pretending to be honorable, we can trick powerful trainers into fighting us by their rules. We can do so as long as it is advantageous to us, and then once we have the upper hand, we break the rules. They will yell at us, call us dishonorable, but these insults will not help them when their pokemon are broken on the ground, defeated."
She let that one soak in for a bit, knowing that it would probably be very useful in the next day or so.
"Hey, that was an abra!" one of the grunts yelled, pointing at the bushes.
Another said, "I think I saw a gloom!"
Saiar turned around. The grunts looked like they wanted to dive into the shrubs. Well, it had been a long day so far. "Fine," she said. "We'll take a few minutes for a rest break. If you want to spend that time throwing pokeballs at teleporting abras, feel free."
Five of the six took off immediately. Only Holly remained.
"Not going to join them?" Saiar asked.
She shook her head. "No, I don't need more pokemon. I need to make the ones I've got stronger."
"You could just ditch the koffing and the pidgey and get new ones. Might be easier."
"I could, but..."
"But? You have made a mess of those two, koffing kicker. They are kind of wrecks. If you only hold onto them because you feel sorry for them, then that is a sign of weakness and you should push it from your mind. An old, rusted knife may beloved, but it will not cut no matter how much you care for it."
"That's... not it." She was visibly upset.
"Then what is it?"
She looked defiant. "I want to prove I'm a better trainer than I was! I want to train them to be strong! I screwed up before. That was how everyone treated their pokemon, but that doesn't make it right. So I have to do better!"
Saiar said nothing, shocked.
Holly looked like she was going to cry. "And you're just going to tell me that this is some stupid pride thing and that that's weakness and I should forget it. Ugh."
"No. No," Saiar said quietly. "One cannot become strong unless they are willing to make themselves stronger. No, that is not weakness."
"So... so it's okay?"
"It is okay. Still, I do not think you are an experienced enough trainer to repair these damaged pokemon."
Holly looked absoutely miserable. Saiar almost sighed. Oh, I am going to regret this one, she thought. But, she couldn't have nervous wrecks of underlings, could she?
Saiar said, "I will help you become a better trainer. I will give you the tools you need to grasp power until you are able to get it yourself."
"Yeah. Rule number one. Never kick that koffing again."
It was an awkward, but only for a moment. They both laughed.
Cerulean was the same as it was when he left. Edwin wasn't sure if Clefairy took any damage from the Zubats, but it couldn't hurt to be sure, so his first stop was the Center. Inside was surprisingly full of people. Many trainers lined in front of the nurse's desk, one of whom was the girl he saw earlier with the Nidoqueen. The rest were mostly fisherman restoring their recent catches back to life. Rather than stand around, he decided to take a seat and wait for the line to thin out. He pulled out and began fiddling with his Pokedex. "I wonder what else this thing can do?" Indeed, it did have listings of both Clefairy and Zubat's moves. Pretty useful. His attention was turned to a television monitor hanging on a stand in the far corner.
"...stay inside during the entire storm. The cause of the phenomenon is still unknown, but many claim to have seen some kind of bird sort of 'leading' the storm towards our area. Again, citizens are urged to stay indoors during the period of the storm. We will have more information about it as it arises. We now return to your regularly scheduled programming."
Some kind of storm? Edwin missed most of the information. But, it explains the line. This also means that it'll be a while before big, bad Bruce comes back to town, and that he'd be spending the night here. Eventually, the line was down to just the girl, so he got behind her as she was getting her two Pokeballs back. She turned and left the center. Edwin handed the nurse both of his Pokeballs and did her usual thing. Meanwhile, he had quick look around the center. It was so much cleaner than the other centers. Not that they were dirty, it was just that this center seemed almost "sterile."
He took his Pokeballs and headed out. Sure enough, anyone who was inside the center was on their way inside. Edwin figured he had some time to do one of the things he came here for.
The Gym was just as clean as the center, probably due to the fact that there were four pools around the room. Almost as soon as he entered, he heard a familiar voice. "Ed! You're back!" A scrawny man in a light blue coat ran up to Ed an patted him on the back. "I see you've finally got one!"
He was talking about his new Pokemon. "Yeah....Lyle, it's not a water type, sorry." Lyle was disappointed. He had this weird habit of tapping his head whenever he was thinking, he was doing so at the moment. Edwin thought it might be a redhead thing. "Yeah, I thought so. I had someone else go out and get you one, he should be back any moment now."
"Wait, if he gets it, how do we even know it'll listen to what I tell it to do?" Ed already thought of his Zubat, but Lyle doesn't know about that. "Well, it's either get you one, or wait until you finally get one yourself. I think you know why we're in a bit of a rush here."
"They didn't attack while I was gone, did they?"
"Nah. I doubt they will for a while. Those guys seem content with picking fights with the local schoolkids. But when they do, we can't be held back by you just because your water Pokemon isn't up to par."
"Any reason it HAS to be a water Pokemon?"
"Because it's a water Gym. It's tradition. Besides, if you really want this job, you're gonna need one. We're testing these kids for a badge showing dominance of Water types. It's all big wig stuff. So, if this new member of your posse isn't a water type, what is it?"
"A Zubat."
"... you're kidding me?"
"It kinda happened by accident." Lyle face palmed, then continued to tap his head as he watched the ceiling. Soon, he stopped and opened the door to a hefty fisherman. "How did he hear him coming?"
"Did you get my friend here something good?"
"Sorry, boss, the storm's got the fishies spooked, but I was able to catch one." The fisherman showed Lyle a bright blue Pokeball. Edwin had never seen that type before.
"Great. Let me guess first - a Goldeen?"
"A Poliwag?"
"Not a chance."
"Don't tell me you got him a Magikarp."
"I'd never even think of it, sir."
Edwin was getting bored. But the fisherman activated the ball. It was the strangest sight Edwin had ever seen. What came out was not a Pokemon, but a small whirlpool on the deck of the pool. Shortly after, a small, gray fish came out. "....what is it?" Lyle laughed at Edwin's obliviousness. "Oh boy, you got yourself a real good one, buddy. That's a Barboach."
"The storm must have knocked it off course, normally they're a bit south from here." The fisherman chimed in. Edwin just stared at the fish just sitting amongst the tiny whirlpool. It wasn't gasping for air or anything. "How's it doing that?" he asked.
"It's this special ball. For too long we've been limited on land battles, but ever since theses babies came along, we've been able to punish our rocky rivals with much more ease." The fisherman returned the Barboach and handed Edwin the ball. "It's yours now, so treat it well." Edwin just stared at the ball. "So, Eddy boy, you gonna stay here and train it a bit, or are you headin' out again?"
"Well, I can't really go because of the storm. I was gonna hunker down in the Center for a bit."
"Nonsense! Stay here, we got sleeping bags." The sleeping bag argument won.
"Give me five minutes to restore my pokémon whoever wishes to challenge me next."
-----5 Minutes Pass-----
Joseph was ready to fight. He had been waiting for his first chance to get a badge, and this seemed like the gym to do it. Alright, she has a Wigglytuff, and Onyx, and an Omanyte. So, Normal, Rock, and Rock/Water. Right? Hm... So, my Totodile should be okay against Oynx... Jigglypuff and Pidgey could take Wigglytuff... and Pineco is my best bet against Omanyte, I think. I wish I had Lucas's knowledge. Ugh...
"I, Joseph of Olivine Challenge you!"
"I accept your challenge."
----1st Round-----
"Go, Omanyte!"
"Alright then, let's go Pineco!"
"Pineco? Interesting choice... Omanyte, use Rollout!"
Joseph had to think quickly. "Oh, uh... Pineco, quick, Protect!" Better get it while its caught off-guard, "Pineco, use Bug Bite!" Pineco spun at the Omanyte and used the attack. Unfortunately it didn't have a berry, so it didn't have much of an effect. "Crap. I was hoping she had put something on it..."
"I'm lucky I didn't have time to restock my berries! Omanyte, use Constrict!"
"Pineco... Wait! I know, but... poor Pineco... quick, use self-destruct while it has a-hold of you!"
"Co! *Booooooom*"
"Omanyte! Come back!" Elliot recalled the Pokémon.
"Pineco, return! You did well." Poor thing...
----2nd Round-----
"Well, Go Wigglytuff!"
"Wigglytuff? Well, I guess this is my best choice right now... Go, Pidgey!"
"Wigglytuff, use Double Slap!"
"Pidgey fly up and dodge it!"
"Wigglytuff, Sing it down to the ground!"
"Pidgey, no! Wake up!"
"Wigglytuff, Double Slap until it faints or wakes up!"
*Slap, Slap, Slap, ...*
"Pidgey! Wake up! Pidgey! Wake! Up! Pidgey, can't take any more of this... Pidgey!"
"Pidgey! Hurry, fly up!"
"Wigglytuff, Try to get it before it climbs too high!"
Luckily for Joseph, Pidgey made it up before Wigglytuff could get to it.
"Pidgey, use Tackle! Just keep flying up and then use tackle!" Wigglytuff was looking weak, and Pidgey wasn't ready to give up the fight.
"Wigglytuff, use Disable!" Pidgey's Tackle was disabled, but it didn't matter.
"Ah! Pidgey, use quick attack!"
Wigglytuff couldn't take another hit.
"Wigglytuff, you did well."
"You too Pidgey, come back!"
----Round Three-----
"Go, Onyx!"
"Alright, you got the advantage, go Totodile!"
"Hm, this is going to be tough, Onyx, use Dig!"
"Totodile, use your water gun into the hole that Oynx just dug!"
"Great Totodile! Flood him out!"
"Onyx, get out of there!"
Onyx finally made it out, and was very injured.
"Great Totodile, finish it with another Water Gun!"
It was easy, Totodile took it out in one more hit.
"I see. Here you are. You've earned it."
"Thank you!" My first badge! I can't believe it!
"Whoever is next, give me a few minutes..."
Frank sighed another two times.
What the hell was wrong with this leader. He'd won and all seemed well and dandy. But now Corey, Lucas and Joseph also beat her. Where was the challenge in that?
Was she really that bad? Or maybe they'd started to catch up? Could it be that his ragtime team of trainers left him for all that time so that they could train harder? So that they could be strong enough to defeat him?
Frank couldn't have that, he would never have that. No way, no friggin' way that he'd lose to the nerd or any of the other. He needed a plan, a plan that would make his pokémon stronger, and do it quickly.
Only Chris was left and he seemed most worried.
Frank stepped over to him and looked over as Joseph returned.
-"Hey kid, don't you worry about this battle. She lost to all of us so far, there's no leader qualities in this trainer. I'll pay for dinner next time if you even have to break a sweat to beat a silly Onix, Omanyte and Wigglytuff." Frank said and grinned. Unknowingly of the mother and son-relationship that he actually faced.
In Saffron City
-"Sir, apparently the gym in Pewter reopened." A grunt said and walked up to the admin in command at Silph.
-"Again? They just can't make up their mind can they?" The Admin said and shook his head.
-"Just though you'd like to know sir."
-"And I appreciate that. Darn gyms giving those young trainers hopes to accomplish things." He mumbled as he watched over the landscape outside the window.
-"What do you make of Admin Saiar?" The grunt asked insecure, he'd got in her way once when she visited and it was nothing he wanted to do again.
-"Well, she doesn't seem like the kind of person that runs operations, it seems like she's more of the type that becomes the operation. A lot of will and dedication in that stunning body." The Admin said and grinned.
-"Yes sir. I thought so as well." The grunt said and nodded. Well at least the last part... The admin thought.
-"Sir!" Another grunt entered the room.
-"You're excused." The admin told the first grunt.
-"We've received an interesting report from Pewter."
-"The gym is back up, yes I know..."
-"Yes sir but no sir. That wasn't the news."
-"Then get on with it."
-"Well, do you remember the Elite Four scam we ran some time back?"
-"The one with inviting foreign trainers to participate in the Elite four and then steal their pokémon?" The admin asked and remembered how he and Arnel had cooked it up together despite that Lynn mocked them forever for it.
-"Yes sir, that's the one. Most of those trainers end up leaving or becoming small talk while we walk away with their hard work. But there's one of them that is currently in Pewter." The grunt explained as he eyed the report.
-"So..? Is he so dumb that we can take his new pokés or what?"
-"Well no sir. Apparently the trainer is doing pretty well. Mastered the gym in Viridian and Pewter. And should be heading to Cerulean next if the intel is right."
-"Yeah... and?"
-"And... We have his old pokémon stashed here. The ones he carried as he entered, and then some other - weaker ones that we extracted from the box system."
-"Please, get to the point already."
-"I was thinking about sending out one of us with his team and fight him. Just to peeve him a little."
-"And the point will be?"
-"Err.... Well, it's fun? He might join us in exchange for his old pokés?" The grunt asked and attempted a smile.
-"Naw... Pass on that. Won't give away strong pokémon to some guy we stole them from. Strong pokémon belong with Admins.
-"But sir, the Obedience Ball will change that either way. We might just -"
-"He's small talk, 2 out of 8 badges when most of them are down - nothing to worry about."
-"But sir the report say-"
-"And I don't care what the report says!" It's a waste of time. Let the kid run free for now, best thing is that he runs into our lovely Saiar and faces annihilation. Either way - if he ever become a threat we know where the Hercules' heel is." The admin said and shook his head
-"Archilles' heel sir?" The grunt corrected him.
The admin sighed, this damn lack of respect.
-"Go back and see how the breaching of the upper labs are going... You're dismissed." The admin said and shooed him away. Why would team rocket go with such an unnecessarily stupid villainous plan like that? They had better things to worry about.
Rock john was still chasing squirtle down the Street. He tackled it to the ground and quickly snagged his wallet back.
"Finally... damn squirtle... your making me a laughing stock here..." Rock john wasn't impressed.
Squirtle sprays more water in Rock john's face. Rock john Bonks the Squirtle on the noggin. "Squirrr..." It rubs its head.
"Alright thats enough, time to go back in your Ball..." Rock john reaches on his belt and takes out the ball. The Squirtle turns and using his tail bats the Pokeball out of Rock john's Hands. The Ball flies a few feet and lands in a bush. The Squirtle giggles.
"Grrr..." Rock john turns to walk over to the Pokeball but Squirtle sprays his back with water. He picks up the Pokeball and returns the Squirtle.
"Ugghh..." Rock john was dripping wet but it didn't matter! Today was Badge Day! The Beginning of his badge journey. His first true step towards having his own Gym.
"RRAWWWWHHH!!" Rock john yelled out loud then took off running towards Viridian Gym.
He Approached the doors and pushed them open. "This is it!" he thought to himself. But he could hear laughing behind him. He looked and spotted the Bird Trainers having a chuckle at his expense.
"Did you get your Wallet back?" The Boys yelled while having a grand ol' laugh.
"Ill show them" Rock john thought. He proceeded to enter the Gym ignoring the mocking from outside.
Inside the Gym it was dark and Rock john was unable to see anyone. He cautiously stepped inside.
"You again?" A voice rang out. Josh stepped out of some Shadows on the far side of the Room. "What do you want interloper!"
"I am here to defeat you!" Rock john proclaimed.
"Then i accept your challenge. This official Gym Match will be 3 One-vs-One's. Each Pokemon will only battle once. Win or Lose you must choose a new Pokemon for Each Battle. Understand?" Josh explained. Rock john nodded. He was so ready for this battle, the excitement was almost overwhelming.
"Ill start it off easy" Josh said a bit cocky. He threw out a Diglet.
Rock john grinned and threw out a pokeball. "Go Raticate!!" He yelled. The Pokeball opened and an unconscious Raticate appeared.
"o ya..." he said quietly. He forgot both his raticates were still KO'd from fighting the Bird Trainers. Josh looked at him Puzzled.
"That one doesn't count..." Rock john returned his Raticate and threw out his Rattata.
"Going down an evolution eh?" Josh chuckled.
---- Rattata Vs Diglet ----
"Diglet use Sand Attack" Josh yelled.
"Keep moving quick Rattata. Avoid the Sand and try to get a quick attack in!" Rock john ordered.
Rattata tried to run circles around the Diglet but caught a face full of sand. The Rattata stopped moving and started coughing.
"Now Diglet! Mud Slap it!" Josh Ordered. The Diglet connected with Mud slap sending Rattata reeling from the attack.
"Cmon Rattata! Quick Attack!" the Rattata flailed around blindly compeltely missing the diglet which Mud slapped the Rattata again. It rolled backwards but struggled up to its feet again.
Diglet used Dig and disappeared under the ground but quickly popped up hitting the Rattata. The Rattata fainted.
"Looks like thats one to me" Josh smiled then threw out his next Pokemon which was a Sandslash.
Rock john grinned. He knew his Sandslash was stronger! "Go Sandslash!" He yelled as he hurled the Ball unleashing his Sandslash.
"Hah! You think your pitiful Sandslash can compete with mine?!" Josh Questioned.
---- Sandslash Vs Sandslash ----
"Try to Poison Him then Use fury Swipes!" Josh Ordered.
"Extreme Routine B, Sandslash!" Rock john was confident in his Sandslash's training and fighting ability.
The two Sandslash rush each other meeting together with a Slash. Their claws ricochet off each other. Rock's Sandslash quickly makes a Scratch attack while the other Sandslash was still recovering from the Ricochet. Both Sand slashes jump back away from each other. Josh's Sandslash tries to use Poison sting but Rock's Sandslash uses Dig and pops underground.
"Get him Sandslash!" Josh yells. His Sandslash also uses Dig and dives underground. Cracks erupted from the ground while the Sandslash fought underground.
All of a sudden one of the Sandslash bursts out of the ground and flies into the air. Rock john knew it was his. The Other Sandslash popped out of the earth flying towards the other but Rock john's was ready and used Poison sting hitting and poisoning the other Sandslash.
Both Sandslash land on the ground but quickly rush back at each other. Claws flew all over. The fighting was extremely quick paced. Josh had a really hard time keeping up with the Combat while still distinguishing which Pokemon was his.
Again both Sandslash jump back from the intense exchange of attacks. Josh's Sandslash was starting to look drained, the poison was taking effect.
"Sand Attack now!" Rock john yelled and his Sandslash did just that. The Sand pelted Josh's Sandslash who raised his claws to shield his face.
Rock john's Sandslash took full advantage of this and used Roll out. Rolling into a Spiked ball he rolled into Josh's Pokemon sending it flying and crashing hard into the ground. Josh's Sandslash had Fainted.
"Drat one Each..." Josh mumbled. Rock john just grinned while returning his Pokemon.
"You wont win this one!!" Josh said as he threw out his final Pokemon. The Ball burst open to reveal a Mighty Dugtrio.
"Oh no..." thought rock john who whipped out his Pokedex to Scan Dugtrio.
It Spoke out-loud: Dugtrio, Extremely powerful, they can dig through even the hardest ground to a depth of over 60 miles.
"Well i guess i only have 1 Pokemon left..." Rock john thought to himself. "Well here goes everything... GO POLIWAG!!" He throws the ball and poliwag appears. It wags its tail happily.
"Alright Poliwag you can do this! I believe in you."
"This will be over fast... what a joke..." Josh commented.
---- Poliwag Vs Dugtrio ----
"Sand-attack it to Hell Dugtrio!" Josh Quickly Snapped. Rock john was on the defensive this fight for sure. How was his Poliwag ever going to win?
"Use Water-gun on the Sand!" Rock john barked!
Both Pokemon did as commanded. The Dugtrio blasted sand and Poliwag sprayed it with water turning the arena into a sloppy mud pit.
"You cant fear this thing Dugtrio! Get in there and Scratch it down!"
"Poliwag... use that Tail Trick that i taught you!"
The Dugtrio plowed thru the mud slop and tried to scratch Poliwag but he jumped backwards resting on his tail. Then Poliwag tenses his tail, catapulting him forward crashing into the Dugtrio with his Legs. The Dugtrio Reels back from the blow, it was not ready for such an attack.
"Now Water Gun!!"
"I dont think so! Quick use Dig!"
The Dugtrio pops underground as the water pelts the ground.
"O no! Not dig!" Rock john thought to himself. "I know!"
"Quick Poliwag, fill the arena with Bubbles!" Rock john had a plan! The Poliwag proceeded to spew bubbles all over the arena.
The Dugtrio busts out of the ground right into a bubble. It pops mildly wounding him but his Dig attack still smoked Poliwag sending it rolling away.
"Finish it with Sand Tomb Dugtrio!" The ground below poliwag starts liquidifying turning into quick sand. Poliwag struggles to stand and sinks deeper and deeper.
"Flap your damn tail Poliwag!!!" Rock john roars! So much is on the line!
Poliwag flaps its tail like crazy and squirms. He starts to rise out of the quick sand.
"Now! Use water gun on the Quick Sand!" The Poliwag does one last powerful tail flap then whips around and sprays water gun into the quick sand. It sprays all over spewing mud everywhere. Mud hits Josh and Rock john.
"Finish this Dugtrio!!!" Josh yells as his Dugtrio Sludges forward. Poliwag is able to slide around the mud as if it was water. He flies past Dugtrio Tail Whipping him. Poliwag slides into the edge of the arena and springs off sliding very quickly toward Dugtrio. Dugtrio turns and prepares a Scratch. The Poliwag Collides with Dugtrio at the same time as Dugtrio Scratchs Poliwag. Both Pokemon go flying back from the Blows and splash down in the mud.
Rock john and Josh look at each other.... unsure what happened.
"So we tie?" Rock john asks. But wait! Poliwag wobbles to its feet. "HAHAHAHA You did it!!!" Rock john runs over and hugs poliwag.
At that moment a Blinding flash of light consumed the room.
"POLIWHIRL!!" The New Pokemon Yelled
"Yay!!" Rock john cheered while hugging his Poliwhirl.
"Well fought man." Josh said to Rock john. "You earned this!" He handed Rock john the Earth Badge.
"Yess! Thank you!" Rock john bows to Josh.
"Also i have this TM you can have" Josh offered.
"No thanks. I have my own TMs i can teach. But Thanks. Well i must be going." Rock john looked at his first shiny badge and smiled.
"uhh. By the way, I think your Squirtle just stole ur wallet." Josh pointed.
"DAMN IT!!" Rock john chases after Squirtle.
Frank just looked at Chris, misinterpreting his resentment for nervousness. "You haven't said a damn thing since you got here, Chris. What the hell's the matter with you?" Frank looked over at Elliot who was waiting for Chris. "C'mon, don't make her think she's even got a chance!"
Chris stood up, "What the hell's the matter with you? Those aren't even her pokemon! If Richard were here..."
Frank cut him off, "Jeez, Chris. I'm just making a point. It's not like she's going to put in you in time out for agreeing with me. Besides, If Richard's such a good gymleader, why'd he abandon this gym to his lousy son... Hmm... and even he couldn't keep the place running..."
"That's it Frank, I'm that lousy son. And this lousy son challenges you, right here, right now. So everyone can see you fall, hard."
Frank's eye opened a little wider. He was still processing the information in disbelief. Chris was Elliot's son? "Oh, jesus, Chris. Calm down! I didn't mean anything by-"
"No. It doesn't matter. This is my town, Frank. You don't insult my family, in my town, in my gym and get away with it."
Corey looked at the others. They all seemed shocked.
"Uh guys if your gonna fight using Pokemon atleast go down to arena. If your just gonna duke it out, well still go down I don't wanna get any blood on me. Just saying."
Corey got an evil glare from both Chris and Frank.
He sat back down mumbling "Just saying s'all."
"Fine!" Frank shouted, "If you want to be embarrassed so badly in front of your hometown, then let's do this."
Chris merely nodded. There was no handshake. No "may the best trainer" win. It was personal. Frank's attitude had returned from shock. He was cocky as ever. He was eager and confident.
Chris made his way to one side of the gravel-laden gym. Frank placed his pokemon on the "healer" machine. After a few minutes, he was standing on the opposite end of the gym. They both stood there a while staring at each other. A silence pervaded the audience, the tension was palpable. That's when Chris noticed a news crew had made it into the gym, he didn't know how long they'd been there. They must have seen all the commotion.
"So, are you going to stand there or send out your pokemon!" Frank was grinning as he shouted across the gym.
Chris sneered at his opponent and confidently made his choice.
"Sandy! I choose you!" A myriad of red lights escaped from the ball and there stood the Sandshrew. "Sandy! He dares to mock our family. Don't fight for me, fight for Richard!" The sandshrew's attitude suddenly became serious as it nodded and focused and prepared for battle.
"Wow! That appears to be Chris, the gymleader, Richard's, son! Well folks, we're in for a tremendous show down it seems as Chris defends his absent father's honor!" THe reported was shooting live on the scene. The audience behind the lens, watching at home, hadn't seen a good gym battle in a long while. With Team Rocket suffocating travel, trainers simply challenged gym leaders less and less. But here it was, it seemed, a mighty battle of pokemon. This was more than just a regular trainer battle. It seemed the first real exciting, good news to come out of Kanto in a while.
Sighing deeply, Myrin watched the fire crackle for a moment. She was seated as far away from Veles as she could be without leaving the warmth of the flame. Eyelids fluttered closed from time to time and she would wake abruptly at the sound of a far of HootHoot or various sounds of the night. Smirking, Veles continued to carve the skin off an apple with a small pocket knife. "Why don't you sleep?" He asked, "You look dreadful."
Shaking her head, Myrin glared at him, "Why? So you can rob me blind? Or murder me?" With a glare, she spoke again, "Ha! I think not." Turning away from him, she caught sight of Piplup and Light sleeping soundly together. How could they sleep so peacefully? She thought.
"Well, I wouldn't kill you. Young ladies aren't my cup of tea and the sight of blood makes me rather squeamish." Taking a bite out of the apple, he smiled before swallowing, "And I would say you don't have a dime on you just by looking at you." Nodding, he swallowed. "Now, why don't you get some rest Ms. um....well, you still haven't told me your name." Finishing the apple, Veles tossed it to the side and leaned back against his pack while placing his hat over his eyes, "If you're not going to sleep, I will."
Within a few moments, Myrin muttered her name."Myrin? What a pretty name..." He replied with a yawn which was soon followed by light breathing. Myrin looked at him before lying on her side against the blanket he loaned her, "Mom..." she said before falling asleep. Tipping his hat up a bit, Veles frowned at the sight of such a sad girl. What is her story...? He wondered before closing his eyes.
A few hours later...
"Mrphm..." As she turned, Myrin yawned lightly before opening her eyes slightly at the sight of Piplup and Light looking down at her. Opening her eyes widely, Myrin screamed and jumped away from them. "Will you quit doing that!!?!" She yelled with her hand over her pounding heart. Laughing, Veles through his pack over his shoulder. "It's about time you woke up. We're late enough as it is." He proceeded to kick dirt over the dying fire.
"Late...? Late for what?" She whined, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes and producing another yawn. "And why is there a we in that comment?"
"Well, it's pretty early and this is the time where most Pokemon come out to eat." He looked around, "I wouldn't want to be here alone with no Pokemon experience." A beep alert sounded from his wristwatch. Looking at it, a frown crossed his face as he turned it off. "Well, it's up to you on whether you want to come or not." He said before whistling to Light who came clumsily to him, "Ri Riolu?" It pondered with a glance at Piplup before following Veles.
Piplup looked from Veles to Myrin and tilted it's head curiously, "Piplup...?" It asked.
"Oi... alright! Alright already!" She yelled, "Wait for me Veles!"Getting up, Myrin dust herself off and ran after the leading man. "Don't you try any funny stuff. I've got my eyes on you." She threatened while making an eyes on you hand gesture.
Raising his hands innocently, Veles smiled, "Wouldn't dream of it." as Piplup and Light ran around the duo.
They walked for a good 20 minutes in silence before Veles turned to look at Myrin who was lagging behind, " there any reason you're afraid of Pokemon?"
"W-what!? I'm not afraid of them!" She exploded, "I-I just don't like them..." Looking down, Myrin became lost in her own thoughts.
"What a strange girl." He mused lightly.
"I heard you." She whined.
"Oh I know you did."Veles teased.
"Tch...Where we headed anyways?" Jogging up, Myrin caught up with him.
"We're on our way to Cerulean City which shouldn't be too far from here. Look, you can see some of the building tops from here." And he pointed over the trees, "I'll race ya there."
"W-what?" She had been distracted by the sight of buildings but when she looked to her left, Veles had gone and was ahead of her, waving, "Com'on, slowpoke!" He yelled.
"H-hey! That's cheating!" She yelled. But neither him nor the Pokemon paid her any mind. He's more immature then I am she thought.
Frank was taken aback earlier.
-"Chris was a gym leader for a while? Chris' mom was the leader I spent the last hour or so backtalking? Well no wonder he'd looked so down." Frank mumbled as he walked over to the healing machine. He didn't feel bad, hell no. But he felt something.
-"If you challenge Frank, you'll face the terror and fury of his team." He mumbled and grinned widely. There was no backing down.
Sandshrew VS Murkrow
Chris began with a Sandshrew. Frank knew them well but was unsure what to spare and what to sacrifice.
-"Get him Murkrow!" Frank shouted as the black bird ominously rose from the ball.
This would be very little a battle of strength and more about will.
Chris actually had more of it right now.
-"You know the drill, stay away and slide in." Frank said and the bird shortly took off.
-"We know how they fight Sandy, keep your eyes on the sky!" Chris yelled in response.
-"Hmm, being the most active trainer in the group has its' downsides then..." Frank thought as he saw the dedication in Chris.
The sandshrew quickly started to prepare with Defense Curl, blasted thing for long battles.
Murkrow began to dive against the sandshrew and stroke it as it passed, but it didn't get far before Sandshrew Scratched it.
-"Trick him!" Frank shouted and crossed his arms, this could be annoying.
Sandshrew prepared another Defense curl as Murkrow dived.
It got closer and Frank saw Chris smiling, apparently he thought that Frank would use the same tactics twice.
Murkrow began its' rush to attack, Sandshrew began to prepare the scratch to counter. But just before Murkow's attack hit - he disappeared in a dark fog.
Sandshrew seemed confused but Christ noticed it, but too late.
Murkow struck from behind with Pursuit and did so with that famous luck that his Murkrow seemed to have - well maybe it was the jinx that his enemies faced.
But the Sandshrew was still standing, of course it did after those Defense curls.
-"Sandy Mud slap and then Defense curl again!" Chris exclaimed from his side.
Sandshrew gathered mud and unleashed it against Murkrow, luckily it wasn't bound to the ground and soared upwards to avoid it. But while he was busy avoiding the attack - another Defense Curl strengthened his opponent further.
-"Dammit." Frank mumbled. "Keep it up Murkrow!"
Murkrow landed on the ground, attacking from air seemed too apparent and there was no real point since the damage dealt was too little now.
The sandshrew - surprised rushed to attack with Scratch, Murkrow barely dodged the attack and swiped Sandshrew as it passed. Thief just wasn't as much fun when the opponent didn't have anything.
Sandshrew turned around and Scratched again this time hitting Murkrow which took off to avoid any further damage.
-"Get down there and fight!" Frank shouted and the Murkrow followed suit. It dived, stroke with the wing and landed behind Sandshrew where it used Pursuit once more. Unfortunately Sandshrew managed to protect itself with Defense curl after the Wing Attack.
-"It's no use... Too much boost..." Frank mumbled as he could see the attack dealing next to none damage now. Luckly the earlier attacks had wearied it down. Problem was that Murkrow was also damaged, and he would take more damage than Sandshrew.
-"Sandshrew! Keep using Defense curl!" Chris shouted.
And the blasted rodent did. After a while it was done and during that time - Murkrow could do little to nothing to stop it.
-"Switch over to Night Shade Murkrow - take off!" Frank shouted and Murkow created a distance between himself and the opponent.
Murkrow folded it's wings, began to shine and then unleashed the terrible force of Night Shade.
The air vibrated, felt odd and the Sandshrew looked terrified. Then all the ghostly powers in the room imploded upon it and pushed Sandshrew up in the air.
It seemed hut, a lot.
-"Night shade's damage is actually based on the power of the pokémon using it. And that alone." Lucas explained in the back. And Frank knew it, it didn't matter how strong the opponent was or how weak your own was - it would always make a good his. Like his good old Psywave.
Murkrow moved in close to attack the Sandshrew in mid-air when it suddenly recovered and Scratched Murkrow to the ground.
-"Goddman it Murkrow, get BACK and attack was the order!" Frank shouted as Sandshrew landed upon it and used sand attack.
Murkrow struggled its way out and took off.
-"Stupid bird..." Frank mumbled as it was an unnecessary damage and also a lowered accuracy.
Murkrow unleashed Night shade once more but the implosion of the force created a large shot of dust instead of hitting the Sandshrew. Frank kicked the dirt and shook his head.
Sandshrew leapt and stroke Murkrow once again. They landed close to each other but Murkow took advantage of Pursuit this time while on the ground instead of taking another attack. After the attack Murkow took off to avoid more damage.
Both were very damaged now, especially the sandshrew but damn! That poké was a fighter. Respect!
-"Finish it off!" Frank yelled, no way he'd let Chris have first blood.
Murkrow flew back and started to take in power again for Night shade.
-"Interupt it with Scratch Sandy!" Chris yelled and the Sandshrew leapt off the ground and stroke Murkrow before it had the chance to unleash the attack.
But it wasn't Murkrow. The shape vanished in a dark cloud and Murkrow suddenly dived from above and pushed Sandshrew to the ground. And before Sandshrew could get up and stop him - the world imploded around it and sent him flying.
It tried to get up but just couldn't. Chris got a sour look on his face as Murkrow painfully landed on the ground.
-"That's one." Frank said calmly as the crowd erupted in a mix of cheering and booing. He quickly fed his Murkrow one of the potions. It was far from enough, but he'd rather see the bird fight a little more while it was hot.
I feel okay about this ending.
"Damn" chris muttered. He had wanted to ditch the murkrow early in the battle. He hadn't expected the night shade, which totalled his defense wall. There was only one clear choice as much he knew the eventual onslaught of mankey it would incur.
" Geodude! Wrap this up!" Geodude came rushing out of his ball.
"Murkrow, watch out for its-"
But it was too late, geodude wasted no time using "rock throw". Murkrow was hit once and was down.
"Hmph." Frank mumbled, calling back his murkrow. The next decision was too easy. Frank thought for a moment. Mankey would demolish geodude, chris had to know this. Even if his hoothoot took down mankey, kabuto would make short work of it. Frank shrugged.
I knw its short but I'm typing this on my phone. :/
Not even a single hit. But hey, what could you expect Murkrow to do against a Geodude?
Chris was no fool, this game just turned into Rock, Paper, Scissor and they both knew it.
-"Mankey, crush him!" Frank shouted as Mankey appeared from his ball.
It looked around, took in the heat of the battle and had a rock falling down upon him.
-"He knows of course." Frank thought, "the moment Mankey got up to Geodude - it would pretty much be done."
Mankey got up and set out with a dash.
Geodude began to use Defense curl, just like Sandshrew before him.
Mankey made it's way forward and leaped but when it stroke - it missed. The crowd roared as the Geodude sent it flying with a tackle.
-"The hell Mankey, just hit it already..." Frank mumbled.
Mankey got up and set out to score that hit when Geodude managed another Defense curl.
Mankey's fist suddenly crashed down upon it with Karate Chop and the geodude slided backwards by the force.
-"That's two!" Frank shouted but noticed Geodude getting up, the crowd cheered.
-"Give it another go." Frank ordered Mankey, it didn't have much left - those defense curls must've just saved it.
Mankey dashed but stumbled suddenly, the ground below him began to shake and Frank saw Geodude's hands down in the ground causing this Magentude.
Mankey stumbled back and forth as the earth under him bulked upwards and toss him into the sky.
-"Aw, C'mon!" Frank yelled as Chris seemed pleased with the outcome.
-"Do it right Mankey!" Frank shouted and kicked the dust.
Mankey got up, rage burning then it dashed on again, heading towards the broken geodude, all it took was one last hit and it was done.
Geodude tried to stop Mankey with a barrage of rocks thrown from where he stood but Mankey intercepted them with his hardened fists as they came close. He was a real fighter that Mankey getting forward step by step while watching out and parrying rocks.
With only a few meters left Geodude put his hands down into the ground again. Frank saw this and ordered Mankey to leap and use Karate Chop, it quickly pushed itself into the air and went for Geodude in an arch - sure to avoid the magnitude while it lasted.
-"Now Dudley!" Chris yelled and pointed with his arm.
Franks eyes widened as he saw Geodude holding a large Rock in his arms and throwing it against his small fighter.
-"A good feint." Frank mumbled and grinned, unsure if he was to be proud or devastated - it was all up to Mankey.
Mankey soared through the air as the large rock was thrown against him, there was no way to dodge it mid-air.
Chris watched as the large rock flew through the air like in slow-motion.
It rotated slowly and got closer and closer to Mankey which moved in the opposite direction.
Then a cracking sound was heard echoing through the arena.
Pebbles erupted from the stone and the stones slow-motion movement seemed to halt a little.
The rock cracked in two with Mankey's fist pierced a way. The fist continued and the rest of the pokémon followed with a determined look on its' face.
Chris tried to order geodude something but all sound was meaningless as the time suddenly went back to normal and Mankey's fist crashed down upon Geodude pressing it into the ground.
-"Good job Mankey!" Frank shouted and raised a fist as he looked upon his battered pokémon. It couldn't avoid the damage of that last Rock Throw but it took it hella' cool.
-"Now THAT's two!" Frank said mockingly knowing that the remaining poké would probably beat his Mankey, but at the same time he knew that ol' mom's TM would come handy against the owl.
The crowd cheered but a large part of it still booed at him. There was just no change of heart when it came to the local hero.
This was it. Chris's last pokemon. He had confidence in Kon. He'd gotten a lot of training in today, now was his time to shine. "Go Kon!" The nimble Hoothoot stood in front of his foe. Frank knew this could go badly for his Mankey, but he also knew that Hoothoot wasn't the strongest bird pokemon. If Mankey could use his speed and strength against him, it would be a quick match.
"Kon, avoid his fists. Stay airborne as much as possible!" Kon took to the air, hovering just out of reach of the Mankey. "Knock him out with hypnosis!" The hoothoot obeyed, but it failed. He'd have to move in closer to it for it to be effective. "Try again, a little closer!" Hoothoot moved into the danger zone, mankey was ready for it. Before it could use hypnosis again, Mankey's claws did their damage. Recovering from the attack, hoothoot used his hypnosis again. The mankey charged Kon, then slowly came to a trot, falling down asleep right at Kon's talons.
"Yes! Peck the living daylights out of him!" Chris exclaimed. Kon felt more than obliged. "Hoo! hoo!" Kon was pecking at the mankey for all it was worth, scoring multiple powerful hits against the mankey's weakness.
"Goddamn it, you fool! Wake up!" Frank was furious that he could lose to such a small bird like this. "Wake the hell up!"
Immediately after this, the mankey snapped from its slumber and jumped to its feet with a suddenness that startled everyone watching. "Seismic Toss!" Frank yelled, realizing the moment of surprise.
Before Kon managed to escape, the Mankey had it in its grasp. The move proved effective, scoring a critical hit on the defenseless owl. Hoothoot lay in a heap on the gym floor.
"no..." Chris's breath escaped him. "not this easily! Get up Kon, you've got more in you!" The hoothoot was responsive but took a heavy blow. "Come on!"
"Well... I think that calls the end of the match."
From the sidelines the rest of the gang watched in disbelief. "How could that happen?" Joseph wondered.
"Kon has advantage over fighting but no resistance to the type." Lucas stated.
"Wow, I guess that's really it." Joseph said, turning to Corey. "Corey, what are you looking at?"
Corey was looking out the window. The wind had picked up and was occasionally shaking the pane. As Joseph turned to look at what Corey was watching, rain started to pound against the glass. It was light at first, but quickly whipped into a frenzy.
"That's odd... I didn't know we were expecting a storm."
"It looks like our local hero, Chris, has been beaten by this up and coming Cool Trainer, Frank." The reporter began, "It was a good fight, but Chris's hoot-hoot just couldn't take the physical strength of Mankey... Wait, what's this? Agh!"
All eyes turned back onto the gym floor. A white dazzling light was emanating from the hoothoot. It was growing. When the light dissipated, a new pokemon stood in its place. "Kon...?" Chris looked on in awe. "A Noctowl! Alright!"
Kon was still a little beaten up, but was looking a lot stronger now.
"What a turn of events, it seems Chris's Hoothoot has evolved right on the battlefield!" The reporter exclaimed excitedly, imagining the viewers at home jittery with excitement.
"Use its Confusion ability!" Lucas exclaimed from the sidelines.
"Hey! Shut the hell up!" Frank said annoyed.
The noctowl spread its wings majestically and rose into the air. Before mankey could react, a powerful psychic blast struck him. Mankey pitched over instantly. It never had a chance against the Confusion technique. Frank called it back grumbling. "Of course... everyone's pokemon evolves at just the right time... Not mine though. Nooo." Then his voice got louder as he addressed Chris, "It's not over yet! Go Kabuto!"
The small, seemingly insignificant shellfish appeared on the battle stage. It had proven itself already as a formidable opponent not to be taken for granted. Kon swooped down to peck at Kabuto.
"No! Stay clear of that little leech, Kon!" Chris exclaimed.
"Umm... ma'am, you should take a look at this." The cameraman whispered to the reporter.
"Greg! We're in the middle of a live shot here!" The female reporter put her hands on her hips.
"I've got the camera focused on the battle, just come here!" He led her to the doors outside. It had suddenly grown dark and sheets of rain were pounding down on the poor town of Pewter. "What the hell? Those damn meteorologists! Never get anything right!" She said. Just then the wind began to pick up tremendously, shaking the door and all the window panes in the gym.
Everyone inside, even Chris and Frank looked up as what sounded like a hurricane picked up outside. "The hell?" Frank said. Then the lightning came. Powerful and loud. The thunder was so intimidating, the two battling pokemon forgot that they were fighting and began to look around nervously. The windows lit up with flashing light. Then a powerful gust slammed into the building, blowing out all the windows. The vicious winds began to wreak havoc on the crowd inside, shards of glass flying everywhere. Next, the power went out, plunging everyone into complete darkness. Both Chris and Frank called back their pokemon.
"Are we still rolling, Greg?"
"We sure are Sarah!"
"This is Sarah, reporting living from Pewter City," Greg turned the camera light on illuminating Sarah, "Where a sudden thunderstorm has destroyed the windows in Pewter gymnasium." The wind picked up, knocking the reporter down. "Jesus!" She said out of character, "Is this a goddamn tornado! Ahhh!"
The stormed raged for a few minutes, then as suddenly as it came, it left. The dark clouds that had blotted out the dusky sun faded, leaving the people of pewter terrified but generally okay.
Chris said no words as he stood up breathing heavy. Lucas was running out the door yelling, "It couldn't... No... Oh my gosh!" Chris followed him and the rest of the gang did the same.
"Look!" Lucas excalimed, pointing Eastward in the distance. It was hard to believe, but it was clear as day. In the distance was the sudden thunderstorm in stark contrast to the clear, calm sky. Leading the whole parade of wild nature was a gigantic yellow bird, bathed in lightning.
"I think I want that bird. Even if I can't control it. I would just once like to see it up close,"Corey said.
Corey decided he would ask Lucas more about these birds later on when there was time. RIght now he wasnted to see the end of this battle.
After all the commotion died down, the reporters jumped out of no where. They wanted to know everything there was to know about the five trainers, Corey, Joseph, Frank, Chris, and Lucas.
"How did you meet?"
"In Pallet? What were you doing there?"
"Some of you fought Josh of Viridian?"
"Are you going to take the gym challenge?"
"What are you going to do about Team Rocket?"
Frank stepped up to this question and answered clearly and boldly, "Absolutely nothing. I'm here to get those badges and kick some Elite Four royal tush." Everyone was kind of surprised by this. Even the reporter, Sarah, who was fixing her wind-blown hair and trying desperately to compose herself while asking the questions, seemed startled by the responsive. Turning her attention to Chris she asked, "You're Richard's son, right? Do you know anything at all what happened to him?"
"No... I don't have any idea."
"Will you be taking over the gym in his absence?"
"My mother seems to be doing a much better job of that than I could."
"What about your battle with the cool trainer? I heard rumors he was insulting your family."
"I... I'm not really interested in a battle right now." And Chris walked away from the reporter. Chris made his way back inside the gym while Frank stared off eastward, towards Cerulean, where the legendary bird had gone.
Lucas, who wanted to see the battle continued, looked back and forth at the two, "Come on, what about the fight?" He asked to no avail. Chris disappeared into the torn up gym, Lucas shrugged his shoulders and went over to Frank.
Chris saw his mother standing in the center ring of the gym. "Well, who would've guessed this would happen?" He said to her.
"I heard the kid with the glasses say it was Zapdos. Unbelievable."
"Yeah, I don't know what to make of it. Team Rocket... Pallet... Zapdos... Things are getting crazy."
Elliot was silent then said, "There have been sightings of Articuno as well." Chris looked at her in surprised, "I heard it on the news. They've never been so violent before. Why the wake of destruction? What's the purpose?" She wondered.
Chris wondered too, it didn't really make sense. He'd remembered reading a little bit on the legendary birds, but couldn't remember anything about violent storms following them in their wake. "I'd hate to watch what Moltres would leave in its wake." Chris raised his eyebrows at the thought.
Elliot turned to Chris and grabbed his hand firmly, he felt something cold and metallic fall into his palm. She closed his fingers around it, "You deserve this, Chris. You've deserved this for a while."
Chris opened his palm and found a Boulder Badge shining brightly in the quickly fading dusk light. "Mom, I can't take this. They'll think I got it just for being your son."
"Screw what they think. As a gymleader, even a regent, I recognize your capabilities as a trainer. It's only right this be your first badge. Wear it proudly, son."
Chis looked up, smiling.
"Sooo..." Lucas said, "Did you really mean what you said back there? Bout Team Rocket and all?"
Frank laughed a bit, that silly grin coming back to his face. "Of course not. I can't just go on national TV saying 'I'm gonna bring down Team Rocket'."
Lucas nodded his head, understanding. "Right! 'Cuz then Team Rocket would come after you."
"No!" Frank said as if surprised by Luke's response, "Can you imagine all the annoying fan girls that would cling on to me?" He looked at Lucas seriously for a few moments, then started to laugh. Lucas chuckled a bit as well.
"So are you gonna make it up to Chris?" Lucas finally asked.
"...I think he got it out of his system for the most part." Frank said, "but who knows."
It had been a long day's march, but not an awful one. The grunts had snatched up a few new pokemon and they had picked up on Sai's promise to train Holly. The conversation turned away from Saiar's lectures on twisted Rocket morality towards tips for trainers. Really basic, almost insultingly simple stuff, but Team Rocket had never taught the kids even the first thing about how to properly raise a strong pokemon, so there was lots of rough territory for Saiar to try to smooth out. For the first time in the several days since their meeting, the grunts seemed to be getting along as a unit instead of a bunch of punk kids. Even Alec, who had been giving everyone lip since the beginning, seemed to be getting over his ego a bit.
The crew arrived at the outskirts of Cerulean just before nightfall, tired from the long march. Nearby townsfolk and trainers stopped what they were doing when they saw them approach in their Team Rocket uniforms. They got out of the crew's way, staying a healthy distance away, murmuring to themselves.
"What's going on here?!"
"Stay back! They're dangerous!"
"More of them?"
"I can't believe this"!
"We can't let them get away with this!"
Saiar frowned. This wasn't the type of reception she was used to from the locals. And did someone say "more?" Rockets? There aren't supposed to be any other member of Team Rocket in this town...
"I don't like they way they're looking at us..." Holly said, letting the smallest bit of fear into her voice.
"Keep quiet," Saiar said under her breath. "Look menacing but say nothing."
Saiar led them straight to the Pokecenter. The lobby was empty except for a lone nurse behind the counter.
"Two rooms, please," Saiar said, trying to act normal.
"I... um...," she stammered.
"We will pay. 100 a night and we'll be here several nights. It's a fair amount of money."
The nurse didn't know what to say. She was obviously mortified by the idea.
Saiar's patience for this had run out. "Look. You know who we are. I can take what I want by force. But I and Team Rocket am not interested in this town. You play nice, we play nice, nobody gets hurt, we eventually go away on our own. Saavy?"
The nurse quietly put two keys on the desk. "... second floor." she mumbled.
Upstairs, in their rooms, Saiar quietly locked the doors.
"What the hell!" Alec yelled. "You take all that crap from the people in town and you offer to PAY for a room?! Team Rocket takes what it-"
"Shut up!" Saiar snapped. "Are you blind and deaf, boy? Did not you feel the vibe in the town? Something is going on here, and I am willing to bet it has something to do with some other part of Team Rocket."
"Don't mean you should have taken any lip..."
Saiar shook her head. "Have you already forgotten lesson two? "Only fight from a position of strength, and only fight as long as you need to win." There were a lot of trainers out there. And, from the looks on their faces, they were one push away from attacking us en mass. The last thing I need is to be taking on a whole town while trying to protect six kids."
"Stop treating us like kids!" Alec cried.
"Stop being them then," Saiar said coolly. "At your highest, you are novices. You have a couple, fairly weak pokemon. They are untrained at best, trained detrimentally at worse. Yes, I will help you unravel all the stupid mistakes you have made with them and make them stronger, but that takes time. Time we have not yet spent. You are in no position to be fighting a lynch mob full of hardened veterans!"
Alec still looked definat, and a couple grunts seemed to agree with him. Saiar wanted to put it in plainer words, but knew the truth would scare them: I may have just saved your lives!
Saiar said, "Forget this town. Cerulean is nothing. It is not worth Team Rocket's time and effort. It is a base camp while we search for Articuno, nothing more. I am going to go find out if the bird has been sighted lately. Stay in your rooms for tonight."
She left quickly.
"Well, what do we do?" one of the grunts said moments later.
"We don't stay here, that's what. Let's go see what this place has to offer," said Alec.
"She's gunna be mad..." Holly said quietly.
Alec sneered. "So what? Are you a Rocket, or are you some teacher's pet? Come on guys, let's go."
They all filed for the doors, and Holly hopped up to join them.
The Gym, despite being so big, was pretty empty. Just him, Lyle, and two fishermen occupied it. The fishermen were enjoying a game of blackjack while Edwin watched. No sense risking his last fifty Pokedollars. Lyle was busy shutting all of the windows for the upcoming storm. "Hey Lyle, I missed it, what kind of storm is this? High winds, rain?"
"Snow. Maybe hail." He responded without missing a beat. "What? It doesn't snow around here."
"It will tonight. Say, while we're waiting for this thing, how about we work on your Barboach?" No arguments there. Might as well see what it can do. Edwin sent it out. The whirlpool first, then the Pokemon itself. Upon seeing the fishermens' Goldeens in the closer pool, it seemed to swim forward through the air, the whirlpool following on the ground until it left right into the pool. It would be a while before Edwin would get used to that. He pointed his Pokedex at the fish from atop the pool deck. "Water Sport, Water Gun, Mud Bomb, Amnesia."
Soon, Lyle wandered over and released a strange Pokemon into the same pool. "It's a Gym favorite - Starmie."
"Don't be intimidated. It's not as powerful as it looks." All the same, Edwin took its information just to make sure. "Alright, have your Barboach use water gun on it. Starmie, keep recovering." Barboach obeyed and repeatedly sprayed the Starmie with water as the Starmie glowed each time it was hit. "Are you sure this will work?"
"It won't teach Barboach any new moves, but it should get him used to using Water Gun, which you'll probably be using for a while." Suddenly, the door opened. In walked the girl. The one with the Nidoqueen. Lyle spoke first. "Here to try again, Sally?" She nodded her head. "Don't worry about this, Ed. She's proven she's ready, just not quite good enough to beat me. We'll just see if today's any different."
He retrieved his Starmie as both of the walked to the upper platform on the North side of the gym. Lyle put Starmie's ball on the table next to him. "Same as before, Sally, one Pokemon and the badge is yours."
He picked up another ball from the table and sent out its owner. A huge fish appeared and made a huge splash as it landed in the closest pool. Sally sent out her Nidoqueen. The fish itself frightening Ed. It had huge eyes and an even bigger mouth that seemed to always be smiling. "Whiscash, Earthquake!" The Nidoqueen was already on Whiscash's back, it delivered two kicks and rammed its head (and spike) into the fish's back, jumping back onto the pool deck before it dove under. The fish smashed its entire face into the bottom of it, not flinching at all. Edwin turned back to Nidoqueen, but it was gone. "Nice work, you're getting much better at this." Ed was lost, the fisherman watched the fight, cheering on the girl. The ground shook a little from where he stood, but he was a good distance away. "Go, Weepinbell!" Whiscash, almost as soon as the Pokemon came out of the ball, leaped from the pool right into Weepinell, knocking it into another pool. "Hey! You can't do that!"
"He just did. Whiscash, Surf!" A tidal wave flew out of the pool, carrying Whiscash who seemed to be riding it rather than being carried by it, and Weepinbell, whom was caught inside of it. Weepinbell landed on the pool deck as Whiscash landed back into its original pool. "Now, Weepinbell, while you still can! Giga Drain!" The Weepinbell created a large green orb of energy at it's mouth while another appeared underwater in front of Whiscash. As Whiscash turned, it started to slow down pretty quickly. It still surfed right into Weepinbell once more, knocking it into the other pool to take a third Surf right away. The Whiscash seemed to be breathing pretty heavily, but Weepinbell was out cold. "No! I was so close!" She retrieved it and turned to leave. "Not even gonna try Nidoqueen again, Sally?" "No thanks, I gotta get Weepinbell stronger." And with that, she was gone.
Frank was proud, no denying that. Chris fought well and handled the situation like a man.
Maybe it was for the best that the battle was interrupted as it was, Chris still had his dignity. He didn't have to lose against the amazing Frank in front of national tv and his mother. He still had a tough job melting the fact that they were related though. Elliot had strong pokémon but she didn't seem like quite the trainer soul that Chris was.
Then it was the reporter, a pretty lady who asked stupid questions. Not like he wanted to become Kanto's new hero - he wasn't even local. Sure, collecting badges and kicking Elite Four's *** was definitely on the list of things to do but Team Rocket was even more so.
With every major battle that Frank faced - flashbacks of his past self returned to him. The heat of battle, the tension. The Moves, abilities, tactics ect. It was like a drug, pulling him in.
But he knew, the pokémon didn't make him. He made himself strong. And with all that experienced packed and a fair share of luck (only a little) he would become stronger now.
-"Lucas, we're going to Cerulean." Frank said shortly as they passed the poké center.
-"Yepp, I've made up my mind. Another gym to fight there and a Legendary bird heading there. Can't go wrong in any way at all." He said and grinned, a determined grin for once.
-"But we can't fight or capture Zapdos Frank, it's too dangerous." Lucas said and stopped in front of him.
-"You said that it can be caught nerd. The only problem was that it wouldn't listen. But I'll tell you this - I'll make it listen. One way or the other. That bird - "Frank pointed his arm in front of him and poked Lucas' chest with every word -" Will be mine."
-"But you're not strong enough." Lucas said sceptically.
-"Maybe not, but I won't let that bird out of my sight. I'll hunt it down and train on the way - once I'm ready I'll fight it. And mark my words - I will win." Frank said and looked up towards the storm in the distance as he clenched his fist.
-"You're just crazy..." Lucas said and shook him head.
-"Nonsense. I'm going ahead towards Cerulean and if you want to wait for the other guys - so be it. But I won't torment Chris or this town any longer. Hell I've already beat all the trainers here." Frank said while holding a hand over Lucas mouth as the nerd started rambling the names of all those trainers he didn't beat.
Then he started walking towards Cerulean and entered Mt.Moon just as the sun settled.
Frank strode through the dark cave. It was really dark.
From time to time one of the boulders came alive as Gravellers but they barely had the time to roar before a Karate Chop knocked them out.
Mankey was enjoying this and Lucas looked for Zubats.
There was 3 things Frank hadn't thought about when going inside this cave.
1.It was night, so there was barely any light and pretty cold.
2.He didn't have anything beside his Pokégear to light the path, and the light it gave off was barely 2 meters in front of the display.
3.He had a nerd with him who liked to go on about every small thing.
-"Did you know that Zubat evolves into Golbat and becomes much larger but barely gains any weigh?" Well duh?
From time to time there was a Hiker nearby when they took detours. They were kind enough to point them in the right direction after getting beaten by Frank's Mankey though. There was just no match between chunks of rock and a crazy ape.
They walked for quite a while and finally saw something outside, it was storming and the common lightning strikes lit up some parts of the cave.
-"Key kids, no getting past here!" Shouted a voice from up ahead.
-"Why not?" Frank asked back but didn't stop walking.
An eruption of fire lightened up a pair of torches.
-"Team rocket customs." A man said up ahead with a Houndoom at his side.
-"Well, it makes little difference to us right kid?" Frank said and nodded Lucas forward.
-"You want to fight unfair? Allright, I can handle it..." The rocket said and shook his head.
-"Dude, some more people looking for a fight here!" He shouted and another grunt came along.
-"Hey, you're the guys from tv!" He said and smiled.
-"They are the ones?" the first one said mistrustfully and grinned.
-"Yeah, big bad trainer bringing down gyms without a sweat. That's me." Frank said and crossed his arms.
-"It'll be a pleasure to kick your *** of that throne." The other grunt said and sent forth Venomoth.
-"Lucas, what does the pokédex says about their levels?" Frank asked and got ready for battle.
-"No, this can't be!?" Lucas said and was taken aback.
-"What is it?"
-"It's pretty dangerous..." Lucas said and shrugged.
-"Weaknesses strengths? Just the useful stuff." Frank said and Lucas' nerd glasses shone from the light of the display.
-"Houndoom, attack with fighting, ground, rock or water. Venomoth, attack with flying, rock, fire and psychic." Lucas said and took out his Aron.
-"You take the bug then? Bugs suck." Frank said and grinned as Mankey entered the battle.
-"This ain't a safe bet we should organize a safer strategy and -"
-"No buts Lucas, we fight battles."
-"Let's do this." Frank said and grinned.
-"You guys are stupid, Houndoom fire blast!" One of the grunts said and launched a large burst of fire against Lucas's Aron.
Aron barely escaped the blast but was pushed forward against Venomoth.
-"Damm accuracy!" The grunt exclaimed as Aron made it out okay.
-"Fire Blast misses 4 out of 10 times, you can't rely on power alone." Lucas said in his nerdy fashion.
Mankey leaped out of the dark of the commotion and Stroke down hard on the Houndoom with a Karate chop, the others had been so busy that he even managed to use Focus Energy before the battle started. It was a great hit and the Houndoom staggered backwards.
-"Aron use your Metal claw!" Lucas shouted and Aron leaped up to attack Venomoth, but before the attack had the chance to connect - he was pushed back by the force of Psychic.
-"Goddamn thing getting in the way!" The grunt mumbled at his venomoth.
-"Mankey finish that Houndoom quick!" Frank yelled as he regained his position.
Mankey dashed against Houndoom to chop it once more but was met with a crunching Bite.
-"Now Aron!" Lucas exclaimed as Houndoom left its' back open.
Aron sent his new Rock Slide against the Houndoom which quickly buckled over from the force.
-"That's cheating! I had the upper hand!" The grunt shouted and stomped the ground.
-"Type alone isn't enough to win when your opponent also have an advantage on you." Lucas said and fixed his glasses.
-"About friggin' time!" Frank shouted as the grunt sent back his Houndoom.
Mankey was covered in the same light he'd had to notice a couple of time before. Evolution, at last.
It lit up the entire cave before fading away leaving his Mankey very fuzzy and larger.
-"I hope this only made you better champ!" Frank yelled and grinned as he swiped his pokédex over it.
But the joy was short as Venomoth's psychic completely ruined it.
Primeape fell to the ground in one hit and Frank shook his head.
-"Still too weak."
-"But it was psychic it don't matter how -" Lucas began but Frank stopped him.
-"Battle Lucas, Focus." He said and sent out Murkrow, he knew Psychic couldn't do Muk against his dark type bird.
The grunt borrowed his buddy's Machoke and sent it out. Yeah, team rocket did that.
-"Break that chunkybutt apart!" The grunt ordered the machoke which really looked like it could give a beating.
-"Aron bring down venomoth with Rock slide now that it don't have the advantage!" Lucas shouted.
-"Distract the machoke, Wing attack and night shade!" Frank said loudly before his Murkrow took off.
Aron pulled weight and sent more rocks flying , this time against the moth. The rocks crashed down upon it and it twitched a little before getting back into the air.
At the same time Machoke run with determined steps against Aron but was swooped by Murkrow.
It kept up its' phase and reached the Aron.
Lucas closed his eyes for the beating but watched instead how Machoke performed a Seismic Toss on Aron.
Aron landed hard but it didn't faint.
-"Seismic Toss' damage is based on the user's power, therefore it does not gain a boost against types." Lucas lectured but received a punch from Frank.
-"That's the second time today you reveal that fact. Stop repeating yourself." Frank said but his eyes never left the battlefield.
-"You heard the nerd, do something else!" The grunt with the Venomoth shouted as its' psychic struck Aron, it was barely standing now.
-"Hey, tell it to use Karate chop or something like that!" The venomoth grunt told him.
-"What's that?" He asked as Murkow swooped down on machoke hard with that luck again.
-"it's a great move, just use it!" The grunt shouted as rock slide struck Venomoth.
-"Okay okay!"
-"One last time!" Lucas shouted as Venomoth's wing movements began to become laggy.
Murkrow dived down and struck but it kept going charging its' fist.
Aron let loose his Rock Slide but was struck just before he could hit Venomoth, Aron sacked down pretty hard and Lucas returned it.
-"We have a problem. Venomoth can bring down both of my remaining pokés." Lucas said and looked over at Frank.
-"Pick whichever you want." Frank said and grinned.
Lucas sent out Nidorino and the venomoth grunt laughed.
-"I kicked the hell out of Nidoking earlier and you bring me this?"
-"Go Kabuto!" Frank shouted and quickly changed his fighter.
-"Blast it with Psychic!"
-"Use that karate shop against the stone!"
Nidorino charged the Machoke quickly and blocked it's path as it headed for kabuto, at the same time no one noticed how Kabuto suddenly sent Rock Slide against the Venomoth which fell flat on the ground.
-"How is that possible?! Two pokés with that damn move?" The grunt yelled angrily and kicked dust.
-"Blame the leader." Frank said and watched Nidorino stopping Machoke with the horn.
Machoke quickly gave Nidorino a Karate Chop to answer but also hit one of the spikes and became poisoned.
Machoke was weak and faced two trainers with more pokés waiting.
-"Feast on it!" Frank shouted and Kabuto leaped of the ground and grabbed onto Machoke's back and began absorbing it.
-"Nidorino, use Double kick."
The two pokémon slowly wore Machoke down. Posion, leech and kicking bunnies was nothing it could handle.
The grunt called it back and gave back the ball to his comrade.
-"Well that sucked..." The grunt said and Frank grinned widely wishing to do something with those two.
-"Hey what the hell is that over there?!" The other grunt yelled and pointed.
-"WHAT THE! ITS ZAPDOS THE BIRD!" The other grunt yelled.
Lucas and Frank quickly turned around to face the bird but saw nothing. A second later the torches in the room was extinguished.
They both stood there in complete darkness once more and the eyes started to adapt.
-"I think we got tricked." Lucas said and petted his Nidorino.
-"Yeah... Well if you tell anyone about it - you'll be sorry." Frank said and took back Kabuto.
-"Let's move on.."
Rock john returned to his Dojo. He showed Ben his first badge then grabbed his packed travel bag.
"Im off to Pewter!" He waved to Ben.
After a Quick stop at the Pokecenter he was off. It started to rain while he traveled but it didnt stop him. He continued on.
After some time he could see Pewter city in the distance. He grinned and quickened his pace.
Chris left the gym, Joseph and Corey were chatting outside. The sun had finally sunk below the horizon. It was dark in powerless pewter. Only lamps, candle light, and the moon dimly illuminated the city. Chris almost didn't notice Joseph and Corey.
"Hey, what's up guys?" Chris asked.
They turned to face him in the dark, "Hey! That was a great battle!" Joseph said.
"Yeah, I'm bitter you guys didn't get to finish it." Corey grinned.
"Haha, yeah, speaking of which, where is Frank?" Chris peered into the dark. He couldn't see anything. "Hm... and Luke for that matter..."
Corey and Joseph looked around, surprised. This was the first they'd noticed Frank and Lucas's absence. "I... I don't know."
Chris noticed the News Van was parked at the pokecenter. He ran inside and found the reporter and the cameraman sitting on the couch. The cameraman was inspecting his gear. The reporter was fussing with her makeshift bed on the couch. The whole place was lit up with oil lamps and wax candles. "Hey, did you guys see where that cooltrainer and the nerdy guy went off to?"
The reporter turned, surprised someone was addressing her. "Oh... umm... I didn't notice.. Did you, Greg?" She turned to the cameraman who looked up, squinting in the dim light.
"Yeah. I saw them." He said gruffly.
"Where are they?" Chris asked, suspecting he already knew the response.
"They headed up East, towards Mt. Moon. I don't know what the hell they were thinking. It's dangerous up there at Mt. Moon at night." The camera man turned back to cleaning his camera.
Joseph and Corey had been listening, they'd come into the pokecenter after Chris. "Well," Corey began, "What the hell do we do now?"
Chris looked kind of irritated. "Not much we can do. Besides, they seem pretty content handling themselves." He said briskly. He turned to Corey and Joseph, shrugging his shoulders, he let out a sigh and let the tenseness in his voice dissipate, "Look, if you want to go after him, I understand. If not, you're more than welcome to stay the night at my house. I've got an extra bed and a couch one of you could sleep on. I'm setting out for Cerulean first thing in the morning. I'm not running out like an idiot to Mt. Moon during the night."
I'll leave this to you AFL and Corey, I don't know if you guys want to set out together over night.
Corey thought about it.
"I'm all for an adventure...buuuuttt, I'd rather sleep and let my guys rest a little."
Joseph agreed. In the morning they would set out for Mt. Moon and their fellow friends...well Lucas at the very least.
"Off to bed I'm beat".
Two very long days at work means very little posting from me.
Chris and the people who agreed to stay at his place went there and greeted Elliot.
They had a nice dinner before heading to bed.
Tomorrow would be a great day.
-"Umm, sir dude?" The grunt said as he walked into the Vermillion gym
-"What is it now?" Arnel asked and ordered his Lanturn to zap one of the magikarps.
-"Yeah well that Saiar Admin totally found Articuno right?"
-"I'm aware of that."
-"Well, some grunts at Pewter said they saw Zapdos heading for cerulean as well right?"
-"Yes, those were the report, and hell we could've watched that broadcast otherwise."
-"Yeah whatever, but can we let that Admin really get both birds?"
-"I doubt she'll manage."
-"Yeah but dude, what if she captures one or both. Then we will be the laughing stock of Kanto."
-"Shut up..."
-"No but you totally gave her some of the grunts stationed here but she's the one taking the credit. You should go yourself."
Arnel stared his grunt for a moment.
-"I'm training my pokémon, hell the humiliation would be worse if I bum in and tries to play hero then fail in front of that B and my old goons." Arnel said and poked the grunts chest.
-"Okay, sorry dude. Just saying."
-"It's still sir..."
-"Yeah whatever, sorry sir."
-"But you have a point..."
-"Is my brother still in Saffron?"
-"Yeah, he's totally there getting bored in the Silph building."
-"Well send him word that he's heading out, make sure he gets a nice team and then send him to Cerulean. He'll report directly to me, and if anyone asks - he's there to conduct research on TMs."
-"Yeah dude, will do sir."
The grunt walked out and Arnel shook his head. Those damn grunts.
In Saffron city
-"You wanted to see me sir?" Darren asked as he entered the Silph office.
-"You're Arnel's brother right?" The admin asked as he eyed his papers.
-"Yes I am. Any problems with that?" Darren eyed his superior trying to read his reasons for this sudden chitchat, he knew that he and his brothers worked together in the old days. But hey, they were both greedy slackes.
The admin sighed, Darren had an attitude problem while Arnel pretty much slacked his life away.
-"No, there's no problem. I just heard that you were heading out with some TM research."
-"That's right, I just got the news. Would've been away already if I wasn't sent up here."
-"Yeah... Well, I have a favour to ask." The admin began and leaned closer.
-"I want you to check up on Admin Saiar in Cerualean once you're there, just observe what's being done and report back to me."
-"Sure thing. Wouldn't mind observing the undie-lady." Darren said and grinned.
-"Yeah... Well we'll equip you with an average team. But I heard that you're doing pretty well so there will be few restrictions."
-"Yeah well sir with all respect - the stored pokémon for grunts suck."
-"I know that, that's why me and Arnel decided to promote you."
-"About time."
-"Respect Darren, Respect!"
-"Right... Thank you sir!"
-"You're new status will now be Agent, you'll take orders from me and you carry them out.
-"Sir?" A grunt was at the door.
-"We're kinda in the middle of something here grunt, please leave." Darren said and grinned with superiority.
-"If it is important, just give us the quick version." The admin said and eyed Darren.
-"Oh, sorry sir. I was just updating on that trainer from Jotho wh-"
-"I told you that I have no interest in that unless he becomes a problem." The admin interrupted.
-"Yes sir, but we have reports from Cerulean saying that he broke through the 'border' last night."
-"Still no problem, Saiar will probably deal with him if he decides to stir up trouble in town." The admin said and shooed him away.
-"No wait!" Darren shouted and the grunt turned around as he walked up to him.
-"What is this trainer?"
-"Just some jotho cooltrainer who battles well, we have his old pokémons stored here and one plan was to make him join us by offering his old pokés."
-"That don't sound like a good thing though." Darren said and thought about it.
-"The second plan was to peeve him by wooping his *** with his old trusting pokémon."
-"Now that has some value." Darren said and grinned. Sounded hella' fun.
-"Is it okay if I grab his pokémon when I set out?" Darren asked his boss.
-"What? You're falling for this stupid unnecessary plan?"
-"I sure am."
-"Fine! I'll allow you to take some of them, but not all. I'm pretty certain that some of them are above your level either way Darren. But if you do - make sure that you give him the offer as well." The admin said and leaned back.
-"I might do that." Darren said and shrugged.
-"Well, you're both dismissed - inform me if anything comes up.
Joseph woke up rather early the next day. The sun was shining and it seemed like everything should go right today. There weren't any clouds in the sky. This should make the trip through the cave a lot easier... They ate a quick meal and said goodbye to Elliot before leaving the house. As they passed through town, then could see the wreckage of yesterday. The storm had done a lot of damage to houses, and buildings like the Pokémart and the Pokémon Center. It would be weeks before the damage was fixed.
"All from one Pokémon..."
They were silent for the rest of their trip through Pewter. As the passed through the exit of town they battled their way through a maze of bug catchers, youngsters and lass. They made it through with their pokémon weakened a little bit, but they could manage until they made it to the cave entrance.
When they finally made it to the entrance of the cave, they sat down and had s snack. It had been a decent hike, but it was still early. A few clouds had appeared, but it was still very nice out. As they healed their pokémon at the Pokémon Center right outside the cave, they discussed how they were going to go through the cave.
All three of them had flashlights. After they had finished their light meals, the three of them headed for the entrance to the cave, flashlights shining. Mt. Moon had a well traveled and posted path to get through to Cerulean. Chris had always wanted to explore deeper though. There were other exits that lead to higher points on Mt. Moon. Of course, now was not the time to consider making such an adventure.
As they followed the worn path and marked trail, a paras appeared. "I got this, guys!" Chris sent out Sandy. Sandy made short work of the untrained wild pokemon. "That's it Sandy! You're getting stronger every day!" Chris went over to hug Sandy, who had been very warm to him after the fight with Frank. All last night, Sandy cuddled at the foot of Chris's bed. Whatever Sandy had against Chris, she seemed to have gotten over it.
But as Chris approached Sandy, congratulating her, Sandy stared off ahead into the distance. Noticing this, Chris asked, "What's wrong, Sandy? What's up ahead?"
Sandy's ears twitched. It's black eyes focused hard in the dim light. It's nose eagerly sniffed the air. Chris just looked forward in confusion.
"Is she okay?" Joseph asked, concerned.
"I don't know, she-" Sandy bolted off into the darkness before Chris could finish his sentence. "Sandy!" Chris ran after her. Following the Sandshrew's frantic scattering of dirt and gravel as it pattered along at a rapid pace through the winding caves. But Sandy was too fast for Chris. Chris stopped and put his hands on his knees. "Damn it!... *wheeze**cough*"
Joseph and Corey came running up from behind. "Wow, I've never seen a pokemon do that before..." Corey said...
Chris said nothing as he turned around and walked back to the marked path. The trio continued through the dark cavern.
Lyle was closing up the shutters while Edwin watched. "Hey, Ed, do me a favor and grab five sleeping bags from the closet over there." He tilted his head in the direction of what was actually a set of lockers. One of which was labeled with a sheet of paper "Utilities". He assumed that was the one he meant. Inside was, among other tools and such, a stack of folded up bags. He grabbed five of them like he asked and passed them around. He ended up with two, though. As he started on his way back to the locker, the door opened once more.
Outside, the wind was picking up. A gentle roar was rushing by. Sally stood in the doorway. "Welcome back," Lyle said in his usual cheerfulness. "The Center is packed. Mind if I stay here instead?" Lyle nodded. "Sure, Ed here's got your sleeping bag for you already." So he did. He handed one to her. "The storm's gonna last until morning, so I think we can expect more soon, as it picks up. Near hurricane-speed winds, the news says." He then gestured to his healing machine. "Heal your Weepinbell if you need to, Sally." She walked towards the machine, but kept glancing back at Ed. Suddenly, as soon as the machine stopped beeping, she picked up her Pokes and ran back.
"Now I remember! You're that Clefairy guy the Rocket was talking about!" Edwin was startled by her sudden giddiness. "Can I see it?" Hesitating, Edwin eventually released Clefairy. Sally scooped her up and hugged it. Clefairy was nearly scared to death. "Ohmygod! These things are soooooooo cute!!♥" Edwin turned his attention setting up his sleeping bag. "When are you gonna evolve it?" He stopped. "Evolve Clefairy?"
"Yeah!" Clefairy was struggling to get out of the girl's crushing grip.
"Well, I didn't know Clefairys evolved." Sally was shocked. "Oh my gooooooood!! Are you serious!?" She started digging around in her bag, clenching Clefairy with one arm. She pulled out a shiny, black stone. "Don't you have one of these?"
"I... don't think so." But he remembered something. He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out his own stone. "OH! MY! GOD!!" Edwin actually flinched at that one. She nearly dropped Clefairy on her head as she got closer. "That's a leaf stone!"
"That's what the hiker said."
"Bradley!? Oh my god! Bradley is such a nice guy!!♥"
Edwin reached for Clefairy, and the girl seemed to drop her into his reach. By this time, Lyle had wandered over. "Hey guys, what's going on over here?" Before Edwin could speak, Sally was already mid-sentence. "We both bought our evolution stones from the same hiker! Isn't that sooo cool!?" Lyle laughed. "Yeah, sounds like a really cool coincidence."
"Hey Ed, let's trade stones!" Considering that he had no use for Leaf Stone, he agreed and the two exchanged stones. "Yay!♥" Without hesitation, she whipped out Weepinbell and placed the Leaf Stone against it. Weepinbell began to glow, so bright Edwin had to squint a little. When he re-opened his eyes, what stood before him was not Weepinbell, but a bigger and more vicious-looking creature. Sally hugged the monstrosity. "Victreebel." It said, bluntly. Edwin looked at the stone and then at Clefairy, whom was clenching his coat tightly. He wasn't sure if she was scared of the Pokemon or the girl.
"Well, go ahead. Use it on her like I did!♥" She was eagerly awaiting the Pokemon's transformation. The last thing Edwin wanted was for his mother's Pokemon to be turned into some kind of monster, so he pocketed the stone instead. "I'm still thinking about it..."
"Awwwwwww..." Ignoring the girl's sudden change in mood, he was ready to sleep in anything but a Pokecenter floor for once. He took off his coat and squeezed into the bag. He wasn't tired, but he just wanted to be comfortable. He laid his coat on top of the bag and Clefairy walked over and sat next to him. Lyle was on his way back to his bag on the battling platform. He was talking on the phone, which was unusual for Lyle. "...some hiker named 'Bradley'.....okay....bring me back two water stones.....see ya."
It was dark when Saiar went outside. She didn't expect to get any real legitimate sleuthing done that night. She mostly just wanted a reprieve from the grunts. Sure, they were coming along okay, but man was it a handful keeping them in line. When she had asked for personnel, she hadn't expected a half dozen kids that belonged better in a middle school classroom than on an expedition to hunt legendary Pokemon.
She shook her head. "If only he was still here... he'd have known what to do," she said to nobody in particular, which was convenient since nobody else was around.
The wind howled, cold and icy. "Articuno is somewhere nearby..." she murmured, looking around at the night's sky. It was a useless search - the sky was pitch black, completely clouded over. In the east lightning glowed, briefly casting shadows all around, but the occasional flash light wasn't enough to see anything in detail. The only thing she could see was what looked like a rough storm coming in fast from over Mt Moon.
The wind picked up even more, whistling in the swaying branches, and a few drops began to fall. Saiar had to hold her clothing down over her legs. "Lousy slutty admin dress..." she mumbled. It didn't take long for her to have had enough.
She found the grunts in the Pokecenter's lobby, playing ping pong and arcade games and making the rest of the storm's refugees feel very uncomfortable. They'd disobeyed her command to stay in their rooms, but at least had the sense not to leave the center. With a look she sent them upstairs and followed them quickly. It was a bit early to be going to sleep, but she had the feeling that tomorrow would be a very long day...
The trio had been walking for a long while inside the cave. Chris looked at his watch, it read 8 AM. It was around 7 AM when they entered the cave. Chris and the gang were tired, so they stopped for a rest. Joseph and Corey were chatting up a storm. Chris was beside himself. Just when he thought he was making progress, Sandy just up and ran away. Was he a bad trainer? He hadn't thought so, until now.
"I'm sorry about Sandy." Corey said, snapping Chris out of his thinking.
"Oh, uh... thanks."
After a couple minutes, they got up and started walking again. They battled a few hikers, but otherwise, there wasn't a lot of people on the trail. One of them was kind fellow, he didn't want to fight. "Ah'd be careful iffin I was y'all three." (god I'm awful with accents xD)
"Why? What's wrong?" Joseph pressed for more information.
"Ya see," he began, "Thur be a Rocket roadblock at thee end o' this here tunnel. They ain't been lettin' a soul through wit'out givin' 'em a 'ard time."
"Thanks, what did you say your name was again?" Chris asked.
"Bradley! The name's Bradley. As a matter of fact, before ya go. Any o' you be int'risted in buyin' an eevuhlewshun stone? Only 1500 yen a whack!"
No one had that kind of money to blow on them, which was sad, because it wasn't really that much. The trio thanked Bradley for being so kind and continued on their way. The first sign of trouble was the lights that had been inextricably hung to the ceiling of the cave by a crude network of electric cables. "Only Rocket would think of something so crude..." but it was effective. They all shut their flashlights off and walked through the now illuminated cavern with caution.
"How do you like the lighting? We put it up recently, got tired of people sneaking up on us." A rocket stepped from behind a huge boulder. This was the teams first encounter with Rocket since pallet.
"What do you want?" Chris said, actually sounding annoyed.
"Just for you to pay the toll, just like every other good citizen... or else." The Rocket flexed his fingers then brought them down to his belt where various pokeballs lie attached.
"I guess you're going to have to 'arrest' me for not being your toll." Chris said and sent out Dudley.
"Geo!" It cried excitedly.
The rocket laughed. "You think I'm scared of your stupid Geodude? Jeez kid, I'm stealing people's money not asking for donations. What kind of pokemon do you think I'm wielding?" With that he threw a pokeball. Out of it came a formidable Graveler. The rocket laughed again, "Rock against Rock! This should be interesting! Got any money to cough up now?"
Chris clenched his fist. He was about to say something when the ground began to shake. It was very slight at first, but began to grow exponentially more violent and louder. "The hell?" Yelled the rocket. Corey and Joseph looked behind them, it seemed to be coming from where they just came. On second thought, it could be coming from behind them.
"What the hell kind of trick is this, kid?" The rocket was furious. A few other grunts had showed up by now and were unsettled by the light quaking. Then, it suddenly stopped. Everyone stood silent, not sure what was next. Then out of a while in the wall, dozens of sandshrew poured out and surrounded the graveler. The rocket nearly screamed in terror. "Get out of here! Goddamn shrews! Aiyyeee!" He screamed like a little girl when one of them came up to him and threw sand in his face.
The others were making short work of the Graveler. All of them were working together, using mudslap, to take down the giant beast. The Graveller fought back valiantly, but there were so many of them. Finally, the rocket called back his Graveller. That's when the sandshrew turned on the rockets. A familiar sandshrew seemed to be leading the attack. They all lined up facing the rocket and the grunts. Chris, Corey and Joseph watched in astonishment as the sandshrews charged the unsuspecting rocketeers.
"Ahhh!" They all screamed in unison and ran away from the wave of mudslaps.
The three kids stood in shock for a few minutes, then finally, Chris said, "Was that-?
Corey: "Yes... some how... the answer is yes."
The three kids started running up ahead. Around the corner was sunlight and fresh air. The rockets were nowhere in sight. The gang of sandshrew stood at the entrance to Mt. Moon. None of the trio knew what to do. Chris made an attempt. "hey... uhh, little sandshrews!" They all turned to look at him. Chris got on one knee, "thank you so much! That was awesome!"
The sandshrews didn't say much, just looked at eachother and clammered. One of them came forward, the leader of the charge of mudslaps. Chris recognized her, "You! You little devil. Sandy, I had a feeling it was you!" Chris hugged Sandy and Sandy seemed to do her best to give Chris what would be called a "sandshrew" hug. When they left their embrace, the whole gang of Sandshrews was headed back into the caverns of Mt. Moon. Sandy looked on anxiously. A single young Sandshrew pup, not more than 6 months old stood staring at Sandy. Sandy's eyes were locked on its. Chris picked up on this quick. "Sandy... you're a mother? I had no idea..."
Chris sat fully on the ground and thought about this for a moment. "Sandy. You need to do what you feel is best." he said to Sandy, who looked at him now. After a few more moments, Sandy went over to the pup and turned to look at Chris, who was waving at her. "Sandshrew!" It said quickly, then bolted off into the dark after the mob of other sandshrew.
Chris was happy to be in the sunlight. Everyone else seemed to be in a good mood, too. They'd made it through Mt. Moon without having to fight team rocket. It did come at a cost though. Chris only had two pokemon now. He needed to catch some new ones, maybe take this chance to diversify his team. The three kids entered Cerulean and the pokecenter.
Frank had gotten some nice sleep and were sure that he saw some odd people at the centre when he arrived. But he was too exhausted to care much for that, he got himself a room on the second floor and escaped the presence of people.
The next day Frank woke up refreshed, he greeted the nurse and watched Lucas sleep like a baby. He walked over to him and wrote a note on the kid's arm.
-"Call Frank." Then he stepped out into what he thought was a beautiful morning.
But it wasn't.
Outside raged a torn storm, it was chilly and it was damp, the sky felt looming while the wind pushed and pulled.
-"Goddamn birds ruining my morning..." Frank mumbled with a Grin as he searched for them. Frank thought that Zapdos would be the only trophy he was hunting. Hell, few people had seen one of these birds - Lucas thought there would be another one."
Frank walked north of town, he could see the Gym but didn't feel like checking in, according to the sign outside it was a gym for 'Superior Water types'. And Frank didn't carry grass or electric types.
He walked on a bridge when an odd man wearing a coat and sunglasses walked up to him.
-"Hey hey hey! Care to take a challenge?" The man said and stopped Frank.
-"What is the challenge?" Frank asked and put his hand on his balls.
-"It's easy, you defeat all of the trainers on this bridge and win a prize."
-"That's all?" Frank asked and grinned.
-"You have to defeat them in a row." The man said and shrugged.
-"No sweat" Frank said and watched the trainers in the distance, they didn't look strong at all.
-"When do I start?" Frank asked and sent out Primeape.
Pokémon advantages had worked in his favour. Bugs, plants, rats and rocks didn't really stood a chance against his party. His grown Mankey shown even more rage than before and liked to deliver a beating. Frank liked that.
The trainers fell one by one until only the man stood there. He grinned and looked uncomfortable, maybe he didn't think someone would get that far.
-"Good job. I guess you're a strong trainer."
-"I'm simply the best." Frank said and looked annoyed .
-"Y'know, we usually give people who lose the offer to join us to become stronger. But I'm giving the same offer to you." The man smiled and picked up a nugget from his bag.
-"Will you join us?" Frank looked at him suspiciously.
-"The bridge buddies?" Frank asked and grinned.
-"No, team rocket." The man said and looked more serious this time.
Frank stared at him for a moment. They did have his old pokés and could probably get everything he needed. He could easily get more powerful with all those Bitter items they could use, he could fight the elite four and get back home. Also, battling wasn't a hard thing and he pretty much already bullied youngsters around as it was. And maybe, just maybe he would...
-"No." Frank answered calmly and took the Nugget from his hand.
-"All right, no problamoz. Just remember that I did ask you. The offer still stands" The man said and gestured with his hand.
-"Get out of here." Frank said shortly and the man disappeared.
Frank spent the morning training past the bridge. Sometimes he'd see Abras in the grass, but he had no interest in a pokémon that couldn't fight. They blinked around to avoid damage but spent little time doing anything. Sometimes his Murkrow managed to pin them down though.
There were no new interesting pokémon here either, some Oddish, some Bellsprout. But from experience he knew that the moves they learned wouldn't be enough to beat the gym in town just like that. Absorb and Vine whip were two pretty useless moves when everything came around.
And that's were he spent his morning - training and experiencing the worst storm of his life. He hoped that Lucas(or anyone else who passed the sleeping nerd) would notice the note on his arm so he had a reason to return to town.
"Still as stubborn as ever, Eddy Boy. What's this, four to zip? You should just accept the fact that it's useless." The boy smirked. His friend outright laughed. "I wonder what we should do with it." He turned to the laughing friend. After a while, the hyena started tapping his head. "Maybe we can feed it to teacher's pet."
Edwin nearly drowned. "Wake up, Eddy Boy!" Lyle was standing over him with an empty bucket. "Really!?" Edwin stared angrily at his wet clothing. Lyle turned to one of the fishermen. "Told ya he would be mad." Lyle helped Edwin up and out of his sopping wet bag. Edwin took a look at his clothes, and then at Lyle, noticing that Sally was still asleep in the corner. "I get to do it to the girl, then." He took the bucket from Lyle. "Shame on you." Ed was confused. "She doesn't need to be up this early. But you do."
"What for?"
"The Gym will be opening soon. And as a trainer of this gym, you'll need to be ready to test these newcomers. Today we're doing things a little differently because of the storm, though. It wouldn't surprise me if a bunch of new applicants are shoved inside the center, ready to get going. So, I decided to wake you up now."
"What time is it?"
"6 AM." Edwin facepalmed. "Normally, we don't get up until 7, but today's a special case." Ed handed the bucket back to Lyle. "Where's Clefairy?" Ed looked around. "Oh, she's over there, by the platform." That was not Clefairy. This thing had pointy ears and was much taller. "What?"
"I'm pretty sure that's it." Ed walked up to the creature. "Claire?" She turned her head towards him. He put his hand on her head. He could do so now without having to kneel. "I guess it's her." He checked his pocket. The stone was gone. The door to the gym opened up. "Looks like this is your first run, Eddy. Remember, it's a water gym, so only use Barboach."
"Too bad about Sandy, Chris. But it is good to she will be doing fine here."
The three had entered the Pokecenter after Frank and Lucas had left not knowing they were there.
"So, was I the only one to see the fish out there or what?" Corey asked.
"No I saw it too, weird. If Lucas were here he would know why they were on land," replied Joseph.
"The little guys with the antenna on the sides of their head were neat looking. I may go after one later, what about you Chris?"
Chris was just sitting, stuck in thought it seemed. He looked up when asked the question,"Well, I need to go catch a new Pokemon."
"Want to go out I saw a bridge on the way in, looked to be an area where Pokemon would be over there, and possibly that area before Cerulean outsitde Mt. Moon."
"Well, I'm heading out to do some training and possible catch a new Pokemon."Corey said.
Joseph paused then asked, "Wait how many do you have? Three?"
"I have four, but you guys have only seen three."
"What is the fourth one?"
"No idea."
" do you not know?"
"I don't know what it is, I've never seen it before, it isn't something common in Sinnoh."
"Well send it out and let's take a look." Joseph was excited.
"Well, alright. Let's go outside and head to that bridge. You coming Chris?"
"No, I think I'll do something on my own."
"Alright." With that Joseph and Corey left for the bridge.
There were trainers there. Corey looked at Joseph "Well I guess I'll see you on the other side. I'll go first, let me know how you did when you get there. I'll wait."
Corey's Starly 'Ace' took care of the bugs, he was getting stronger and even learned a new move 'Featherdance' it seemed to lower the attack of the opposing Pokemon. It helped a lot.
Corey's Mankey 'Thrasher or T." took care of anything Ace couldn't. It hadn't learned new moves yet, but seemed to be trying out that 'Seismic Toss' that Frank's Mankey was doing.
Corey reached the end and the last trainer.
"So you beat the bridge?"
"Yes, yes I did."
"Great job. Normally I would ask people like you to join our team, but we are currently trying to recruit the last person who came through. So we are all full."
"Well, I don't think I would have joined anyway I'm just traveling with some friends I don't need to be a part of your group. I wouldn't want to satnd on a bridge in the freezing cold all day."
"Fine, well, go on I have no time for you."
Corey went on ahead and waited for Joesph.
"Alright, let's see how this goes."
He had been able to see the pokémon the first few trainers on the bridge had and thought of some ways to take care of them quick. Pidgey did well against the Bug types, and whatever was left, Jigglypuff put to sleep and pounded them until they couldn't be pounded anymore. If that didn't work, his Totodile finished them off. When he made it he saw a man waiting, all he did was hand Joseph a nugget and told him to scram. Joseph didn't complain, he was very creepy and didn't seem very friendly to begin with.
"Alright, where do you want to head off to then? I hear the creator of the Pokémon storage system's house is around here. I wonder if he is still alive?"
The head of the "bridge buddies" watched as Joseph and Corey walked away. Shortly afterwards Frank returned back to town.
The rocket member Nigel (who was the guy handing over nuggets at the end of the bridge) picked up his phone.
-"He's comming back now."
-"How was he?"
-"They didn't lie about him that's for sure. He got a pretty odd team of pokés though. Nothing that evolves anytime soon."
-"I guess. You asked him"
-"Yeah, he seemed to think about it actually."
-"Really now?"
-"Ya, he did."
-"Well, I've obeyed the boss's orders. Now for my own fun, and after that I might do my brother's favour..."
-"So yeah, he's heading back to town now."
-"Anything else up there?"
-"Well, there was this trainer who used an uncommon bird, but overall he seemed like a weak version of the guy we're after. Also this kid with a Totodile - guess he's from Jotho as well."
-"Allright, great great. So, if we move in - will you hold them off?"
-"Send me some backup and we got a deal Darren."
-"Still that weak huh? But yeah sure, I'll send someone to back you up. But try to keep that tentacruel under control this time Nigh'."
-"No problamoz, I got one of the Obedience balls earlier. This will be cake."
-"Change of subject. What of Saiar and her goons?"
-"The lovely admin is hogging a Poké center. She doesn't really seem to be much for the taking over-business. I think I've seen her grunts around though."
-"Great, I bet I can get their backup. I'm not a schemer like my brother, I'll use force. And it's about time that I can do it the right way for once."
-"Well you know me, I prefer to-"
-"Yeah yeah, this ain't some gossip hour man. I'm leaving! Talk to ya later."
He closed his phone and pulled his coat closer. The kid was right about standing on a bridge freezing. Wasn't the best of missions.
Darren closed his phone and called his grunts over.
-"Alright stupids, captain speaking We're moving in. I got a visual of the man we're after. Also, we're taking this place over." He said and enjoyed his new power, especially getting called 'captain' over and over.
-"Why?" One of the grunts asked.
-"Why? Well, how 'bout... We're team friggin rocket!?"
-"Chillax already captain." Another of the grunts said and gave him a friendly smile.
-"Fine... Here's the mission. Find the guy; beat him up. Get attention of the town's trainers; beat them up. Find the gym; beat it up. Find the legendary bird and beat it up."
The grunts stared at him for a moment.
Darren looked him sharply and shook his head.
-"We fight you morons... We all have pokés, so I'd say we use them. We stride in, declare our reasons and we fight.
-"But what if there are good trainers in town?"
-"Then we'll fight them." He felt very repeative.
-"But what if they kick our ***?"
-"Then I'll fight them..." He raised his fist as a signal of attention.
-"We're moving in. And when we do, you can take care of all the small fry and mediocre trainers. I'll deal with the one who actually pose a threat. Hell, Tyranitar is one helluva' pokémon." All 4 of them nodded.
-"Got it memorized?"
-"Yes captain!"
They were the very word 'grunt' personified, 4 people with less-than-average pokémon. They'd take care of the youngsters, but he'd need more help to beat actual trainers. Well not him, he did just fine with the new team - but they needed it. Luckily, there were more grunts in town.
They began their stride towards town and received a lot of attention. Trainers looked at them sleepily and Darren was amazed that there even were trainers out in this blasted storm.
-"You're not welcome here!" One of the trainers shouted as they passed the gym.
-"Yeah! The team rocket quota is already filled in this town!"
-"Go back to Saffron ya' creeps!"
Darren smiled a villainous smile as trainers began to block their path towards the mart and center.
-"You dare to get in team rockets way?" He asked calmly and gave the first trainer the evil eye. He knew that the awesome updated black outfit with his red hair made him the very stereotype of Rockets but it was good.
He also knew that at the slightest sign of trouble he'd just have to yell "For team rocket!" Or something like it and Saiars goons would slip out of their hiding spots no matter how disciplined she thought them to be.
His target was in that center and he had possible back up inside.
It was a great random happen stance. He got all these trainers locked in a pincer trap without them knowing.
-"Bob, get up to the bridge and help Nigel." Darren said before he made his move.
Corey and Joseph set off to the Storage creator's house. It was a little weird that there were no trainers here.
Though Corey did stop to read a few signs. None offered help in the direction they should head only saying things that were irrelevant to what they were doing.
In a short while they made it to a house; it appeared to be the only one in the area. They went towards the door and Corey knocked.
The door creaked open, Corey decided to push the door open and go on in. Joseph paused and then followed on in behind Corey.
There were a bunch of computers and two giant machines with a door. A computer was still blinking over on the left side of the room.
Corey went over and inspected it.
[Pokemon Transfer System Initiation Sequence]
----ERROR 104: Organic Blockage
[Transfer could not be completed please assess situation]
Corey and Joseph looked at each other.
Corey--"Um what? Organic Blockage?"
Joseph--"I'm not sure, I heard of him doing a lot of weird stuff. One kid heard that he once got stuck in a Pokemon's body and needed the help of a passerby to get him back to normal. In return he got a gift."
"Well, let's go check out what is inside those two machines, I'll look in the left you look in the right. OKay?"
Corey inspected his....Nothing.
"Joe! You see anything?"
"There is something come here and look."
Corey proceeded to walk across the room and see what Joesph was looking at.
"Shh..Don't make a lot of noise,"Joseph instructed.
Corey peered in and saw a a sleeping family of Pikachu and Pichu.
"They seem peaceful must have wandered in during the storm. But this couldn't be the blockage. Should we give them some food? found some berries on the way hear." Corey couldn't keep his eyes off of the sleeping animals.
Joesph reached into Corey's bag and grabbed out the berries, they put them down next to the sleeping group.
While Corey and Joesph were watching the small electric mice something began moving towards them. It was slimy, had no shape and came from the pipe in between the two machines.
Corey stopped for one second and turned from the animals. He spotted the mass coming towards them.
"Joseph get ready, something is coming."
They stood up and readied their Pokemon, Corey sent out his Starly 'Ace' and Joseph sent out Pineco.
"We have to protect this little family."
With the small amount of light in the room they could barely see what was coming. It was dangerously close before they could identify it.
The battle was about to begin.
Edwin was not down about being beaten so easily. He barely knew how to use this new Pokemon. After using Lyle's machine, he decided to head out and work on it a little. Even he knew that Pokemon fresh out of the wild don't stand a chance against hardened opponents, regardless of experience. Before he left, he saw Lyle playing with the kid as he normally does to his opponents. He nodded his head. Lyle noticed and nodded back. That way he knew he'd be back.
Almost as soon as he closed the door behind him, his phone started ringing. "Hello?"
"Hey, Eddy boy." It was him. "Guess what? It's happening." He had his suspicions, but he asked anyway. "What's happening?"
"Cerulean. It's ours now." Edwin's eyes grew twice their size. "Now?"
"Now. I think I'll start with a visit to my favorite little runt and his twitchy little friend. Bowser wants to say hi to his long lost playmate, too. Especially after that little stunt at Mt. Moon."
"I'm surprised you even keep that mongrel around, you rat. You've got Pokes twice as strong as that thing."
"All just to piss you off. Can't wait. Tell Lyle he can start packing his things now to save time later."
"Leave the gym alone!"
"Can't do. Orders from above me. Well, we're approaching Cerulean now, see ya in a few minutes." He disconnected.
Sure enough, he could see them approach up the hill. A few townsfolk noticed this and tried to get them to turn around, but to no avail. The one who appeared to be the leader pointed at the bridge and issued a command to one of the Rockets, who started down towards the bridge. Edwin just stood there waiting for one of them to try for the gym. It seemed that the group was more interested in the Center.
"He's not in this group. Is another one coming?"
The nurse screamed when she saw the mob of rockets outside the window, moving closer. Chris had stayed inside the center when Corey and Joseph had left. He'd taken a nap and now was rudely awaken by the nurse's screech. He stood up and looked out the window. There had to be at least ten of them. There was no way he could fight off that many. Let alone with only two pokemon.
"Hey! Is there a back entrance to this place?"
The nurse looked at him and said, "Yes! Come this way!"
There was only one other trainer in the center. He was young, maybe 15. He stood his ground. "You're just gonna run like that?"
Chris turned to him, "There's no point in fighting a battle you can't win. They'll take your pokemon after they humiliate you. How will you do anything then?"
The kid just huffed, agitated. "Run then. I'll distract them." He said solemnly.
"Kid!" Chris pleaded, but he was adamant. The rockets were moments from bursting through the pokecenter. There was no time to argue. Chris ran behind the counter and into a back room just as the rockets entered. He listened for a moment. He heard the familiar swoosh of pokemon being sent out of their balls. There was some yelling. The sound of furniture being scattered around as pokemon fought.
Chris turned to the nurse, who was terrified. "Come on, where's that door?"
She led him to the back of the pokecenter where they stored boxes of things. Chris noticed a box of potions and Full Heal. "I'm taking some of these."
"Hey!" The nurse protested, but Chris ignored her. He quickly stuffed what he could into his bag. (4 potions, 3 full heals) "You can't do that!" She exclaimed.
"Better me than Team Rocket." Was all Chris said. The door burst open from behind them. The rockets were yelling now. "Go!"
The nurse opened the door and Chris and her escaped. She clearly didn't know what to do with herself. Chris grabbed her by the hand, "Follow me!" But Chris wasn't entirely sure where he was going to go either. Were there more of them? Would they infiltrate Cerulean entirely? Had they already? Chris wasn't sure. But he was willing to bet by how brazenly the Rockets had taken the Pokecenter that they wanted to take Cerulean entirely under control.
The nurse was slowing Chris down. He couldn't run too fast and was almost dragging her around. Not sure where he was going, he found himself in front of the gym. At the entrance stood a familiar figure. "Hey... We've met before... right?" He said to Ed.
Edwin had barely any time to respond to the question when the kid inside the gym came back out. "You two are in that group with the Murkrow kid, right?" Chris nodded his head. "Well, where is he? He likes to fight, get him here."
"I think he's in the center." Corey pointed to the ruckus going on inside. Edwin opened the gym door and peeked inside. "Lyle, they're here!" He looked over from his machine. "Rockets!?"
"Yeah. They're in the center now." Lyle just looked at him. "I'll keep the gym safe, you go take care of them." He didn't know what to say. Lyle just went back to his machine. "We'll be fine here. Just take care of the center." Ed nodded and closed the to the gym. He turned to Lucas and Chris. "We're on our own."
"The leader's not gonna help us?" Lucas already had his hand on the door. "No. He says he wants to protect the gym."
"Then we gotta help Frank!" Lucas was already halfway to the center. Ed followed close behind. The center wasn't that far from the gym. If anything happened, he'd be able to see it from there. As he ran, he sent out Zubat. "Gotta save Claire for old Bruce."
"Zubat! Supersonic!" The Zubat screeched loudly, turning the attention of the Rockets in back towards both him and Lucas. Aron was out as well, but it seemed unaffected by the shrieking. He was not its target, but half of the rockets' Pokemon were, and both an Arcanine and Graveler started stumbling over themselves.
Things happened very suddenly.
Frank entered the pokécenter and noticed Chris, unsure of how Chris felt he avoided him and managed to sneak upstairs. Great move he thought and wondered where the nerd was at.
He walked over to his room and heard some heated voices , he didn't mind and closed the door behind him. That's when he realised that whatever it was were getting out of control.
-"Graveler magnitude!" Shouted a voice outside and people exclaimed in reaction. Afterwards there were several pokémon noises and battles going on.
Frank packed his stuff and looked out, there were rockets in town.
He betted that they were after Zapdos or whatshisface.
He was about to go down and do his annual mockingly speech when he heard the cry of a Tyranitar, those things were huge. Huge and awesome. And beside the huge and awesome part - they were strong, and durable and almost impossible to beat. He knew from own experience.
He was unsure what to do when there was shouting downstairs. Frank ran up to the stairs and watched as Chris and the nurse sneaked out back. They left a kid there, your classic youngsters.
Frank watched his raticate getting obliterated by a Persian and shoved aside.
-"There he is!" The grunt yelled as he saw Frank in the stairs.
-"Who the hell did I piss off this time?" Frank wondered loudly as he sent out Kabuto.
The persian nimbly made it up the stairs and Kabuto began fighting claws with claws.
-"This is too slow!" The grunt below shouted as he noticed the ineffectiveness of Persians claws against Kabuto's shell.
He sent out another pokémon, an ekans which attacked as well.
-"No guts!" Frank shouted from above and eyed the trainer as he sent out his Primape.
Then in the middle of the battle his phone rang.
-"Huh, hey man. Whats up?"
"We have a situation." Frank said as he gestured his pokémon to do right.
"Where are you? Need any help?"
"Center. And nope, but you might want to work out a little." Frank had the situation under control but the kid could use some more practice.
"Eh... Sure, I was going there anyway. Just a second."
Then he hung up. Frank glared at the phone for a second before folding it and placing it in his pocket again.
The Primeape made short work of the Persian and they both brought Ekans down afterwards.
-"Hey buddy!" Frank shouted from upstairs.
The grunt looked up unsatisfied as he recalled his pokémon.
-"You should of course know this already but Team rocket sucks!" Frank shouted down at him and grinned.
But he really shouldn't.
A door busted up down the corridor and a team rocket grunt appeared.
-"The hell?" Frank said worrisomely as the grunt sent out a Mareep and sent him to attack.
Frank sent Kabuto to deal with it, it had some good moves.
At the same time he noticed that the previous grunt was heading for the healing machine downstairs.
Frank didn't waste a moment and called his Murkrow.
-"Stop him quickly!" Frank shouted and focused back on the battle against the Mareep. He had made a crucial mistake - Kabuto was water, and rock gave no protection whatsoever against electric attacks.
He was taking heavy damage and was barely moving.
The grunt - Albert, only had about 2 steps from the healing machines when the shape of a Murkrow appeared in front of him, it was blocking his path and it had a dangerous look in his eyes.
-"Allright, calm down birdy..." Albert said and backed a little and tried to find his revives.
He just found them and were about to use them on his Persian when someone crashed down behind the Murkrow. It was that trainer, Frank. He gave Albert a scary look before placing his balls in the machine.
Albert began hurrying up with his reviving and was about to do something about it when a Scarmory dived down upon Murkrow.
-"Whoa!" Albert said and backed a little looking for the owner of the Scarmory. Upstairs stood another grunt, but not of his team. He remembered this one from Saffron earlier, one of the grunts travelling with Admin Saiar Karat.
-"Who are you?" The grunt asked as he noticed Albert.
-"Team rocket is taking this place over. Let the word get out!" He shouted at him and grinned.
The trainer looked distressed and needed a way out.
-"Primeape now!" Frank shouted and lifted Murkrow's ball up.
His furry ape leaped and gave Sarmory a nice Karate chop to the face. It staggered backwards and loosened the grip of Murkrow.
Frank quickly returned it to his ball and inserted it into the machine as he took out his healed Kabuto.
-"Rock slide them!" Frank shouted as Alberts Persian was out now as well.
Rocks rained down upon the bird and the cat but Frank knew that the bird in question was a real pain in the -.
Godamn thing. Weak to fighting but flying prevents full damage, weak to rock but steel prevents that as well. Godamn combination of suck...
Primeape gave Persian a taste of his fist and it fainted again.
The Scarmory rose into the air and dived like an arrow against Kabuto striking it with it's metal wing.
Kabuto buckled under the strength.
-"Steel vs rock..." Frank shook his head and thought he heard more footsteps.
Frank needed help, and he needed it soon. He could heal all he wanted but this bird wouldn't go down any time soon.
Chris gritted his teeth. "I guess I don't get to choose when to fight." Even with two pokemon, chris had lucas, ed and frank on his side. There really wasn't much of a decision to made. Chris followed lucas and ed as they made there way into the back of the center. The nurse had gone inside the gym.
Chris pointed out the boxes of items to ed and lucas. "Potions, full heals. Oh! And some revives."
It didn't take long for the Arcanine to straighten itself up. While the Graveler remained confused, Arcanine's owner sent out a Mightyena. "You know what to do, make sure that thing doesn't get a chance to breathe!"
The Arcanie sprayed a jet of fire at Zubat, but it dodged quickly. The Mightyena just watched. "Zubat, bite it till it's down!" Zubat tryed to propel itself at the the beast, but it just swiped Zubat down. Almost immediately, Mightyena slashed at it with a shadowy claw. "No pesky Zubat's gonna break my team! Arcanine, Helping Hand!" The Arcanine shot a blast of fire at the Mightyena, setting it ablaze, but it seemed to like it. "Mightyena, Howl until you can't no more!"
"I gotta stop him, what was that move that kid did? Maybe Zubat can do it too. Zubat, Astonish!" The Zubat began spinning around like a top in midair, on top of that it spun around the Mightyena, striking it with it's wings at random intervals. The Mightyena had barely enough time to react. "Arcanine, Flamethrower!" Regardless of Mightyena's position, the Arcanine sprayed a blast of fire at both of them. The Mightyena lept through the flames, tackling Zubat on the way out. The Graveler came out of nowhere with a tackle right into it. Zubat was down for good.
"If that's it, scram before we..." Edwin had already sent out Clefable and Barboach. "Sorry Bruce, I'll have to get you back later." He knew there was no way he could take them all on.
"And now, our hourly weather update. Cerulean continues to be ravaged by a strange icy storm. It is commonly believed that the legendary bird Articuno is to blame, though there are no reports of any actual sightings. The coldest temperatures, where the birds is thought to be roosting, are centered around-"
Saiar gritted her teeth. The sounds of battle were beginning to piss her off. It sounded like that other group of Rockets had finally done something to cheese off the locals. It was none of her damn problem. Cerulean was nothing. None of this mattered. Find Articuno, capture Articuno, and then, and then...
Wait a minute, she thought. Did the trainer just yell out to command a Lapras? Lapras was a rare Pokemon - even in a city with a water-themed gym like Cerulean, it was a very uncommon catch. Team Rocket tended to snatch them if at all possible. The only Lapras Saiar knew of offhand was being trained by her own grunt Paige.
Saiar looked out her room's window onto the street below. A Rocket grunt was chasing a retreating trainer with a Lapras. A female grunt with red hair. If it wasn't Paige, it would have to have been her twin sister.
"What in the hell?" Saiar said, blinking. "Why are my grunts..."
Saiar dialed Holly's number on her poketech. "Yeah, sup?! I'm a bit busy!" came the reply through the sounds of battle.
"Holly," Saiar said. "What's going on? Why are you guys fighting?"
Her reply was barely distinguishable from the background clashes. "Some new Rocket guy came in, said we were taking over the town! Asked for our help! The other guys here are helping too! It's a pretty big fight!"
"Are we winning?"
"Uh... MAGNEMITE, Thunder Wave! Don't worry, he can't scratch your metal body. Now Supersonic! Yes, that's it! ... hey, sorry. I dunno. I'm winning, I think. Heh, this is really exciting! Team Rocket's takin' over the world!"
"Holly," Saiar said, trying to keep her voice even. "Try to find the others, and gather them around the Pokecenter. You'll do far better as a group. Don't forget the things I told you."
"Did that gloom just use poison powder on my magnemite? Wow, kinda stupid! Can't poison a steel Pokemon! ... hey, you say something? Something about a group?"
Saiar sighed. "Forget it. Good luck out there."
Saiar hung up. She shook her head. "Damn it Rockets, what are you doing? I didn't authorize this..."
Grabbing her gear (and making doubly sure she was properly clothed this time) and left the room. The center was in no less chaos than the streets below. Saiar got a good look at watching Kato lose both his pokemon to some nerd and...
Her heart stopped when she saw the other trainer downstairs. It had been years, but he hadn't changed much at all. Same breezed back hair, same cool demeanor. And, by the looks of it, he had gotten nothing but better. He and the nerd exchanged a few words and left the center, not having seen Saiar peeking from around the corner.
"Frank," she said, her voice thin and barely above a whisper. "Frank is here..."
----Back at Bill's House----
Before they could react the Muk sent out blood curdling screech that seemed to make both their pokémon vulnerable.
"Ace! Double Team!" Corey's Starly became hard to see and caused the Muk to be disoriented for a short time.
"Pineco, quick, Bug Bite!" The Pineco obeyed, dealt a good hit, however it was poisoned by the Muk's slime. The Muk did not enjoy the last attack and retaliated with Sludge. "Pineco, Rapid Spin away from the sludge!" It missed and almost hit Corey's Starly.
"Ace, quick attack!" It hit, but Ace also became poisoned. This was not going to end well. Both trainers could see their pokémon being weakened from the poison. "Ace, use Wing Attack!" The attack hit and the Muk looked slightly weakened now.
"This is our chance! Pineco get underneath the Muk! I know its not a great place to be, be we might have a chance!" The pokémon reluctantly obeyed his trainer. The Muk quickly buried it underneath its slime. Joseph's Pineco wouldn't last long like this. "Pineco! Now, use self-destruct!" The large explosion from underneath the Muk tossed it back into the wall. It wasn't fainted, but it was greatly weakened.
"Pineco, great job, return! Go, Totodile!"
"Ace, use another Wing Attack!" It hit, but the tiny bird couldn't handle anymore and fainted. "Good work Ace, Come back. Go Spark!"
"What if Totodile soaks it with a Water Gun attack and you get it with a Spark attack?"
"Sounds like a good idea, go for it." This could work.
"Totodile, soak him the best you can with your Water Gun attack!"
"Diiiiiiiiiile" The Totodile gave a good soaking. The Muk was not pleased. It slowly began heading towards the two trainers and their pokémon.
"Spark, use spark attack, now!" It obeyed and the Muk got quite a shock. The noise must've woke up the sleeping pokémon because they too began to shock the Muk. With all thier strength, the Muk finally oozed out of the building, leaving its old domain.
"It worked!" Joseph said with glee. He had never been known to have many good ideas, but this was one of them. As they were celebrating, one of the Pichu walked over to Joseph and climbed on him playfully.
"Hi little guy!"
As the said goodbye to the family, the Pichu from earlier became sad. As they were leaving the little Pichu began to follow them until finally Joseph picked it up and sat him on his shoulder. It seemed that Joseph didn't get to catch many pokémon as this is his second one that joined him willingly. Joseph was happy though, he had gained a new partner and this time it was an electric type.
Frank noticed the trainer from Pewter. He was about to ask how his clefairy was doing when the Clefable appeared.
There was just no point in talking when a battle was to be fought.
-"Well finish the punching bag already!" Frank shouted at his Primeape which set out for the Graveler. But before he was able to conect his fist - Lucas' damn chunk a' rock took the credit.
Primeape looked frustrated and set out against Mightyena with a series of kicks and punches.
Arcanine burned Lucas' poké pretty badly but it fell afterwards.
Primeape noticed the turn of events and quickly felled the Mightyena with a karate Chop.
-"No sweat." Frank said and watched as the grunt angrily walked away.
Grunts moved around and Frank greeted them all for a moment. Chris didn't seem to mind their earlier quarrel anymore and Frank was actually glad about it - there were far more important things to do right now.
Frank healed up Kabuto with some of the medicine from the pokécenter. Stupid nerd blew their endless supply of healing...
He scouted the area and noticed a few Grunts busy fighting local trainers. They could use a little extra hand here and there.
-"Guys, I'm going in." He started and gave the others a salute. "I bet I can beat more grunts that you guys" He said and started off into the chaos.
He rounded some trainers and noticed a trainer with an Arbok. The arbok was about to finish off a Tangela when Murkrow's Night shade knocked it backwards.
-"There's a healing machine in the gym, retreat there." Frank told the trainer.
-"Oh crap, I'm screwed!" The grunt said which took Frank back a little.
-"The hell is your problem? I thought you team rockets would be ruthless..?" He said and eyed the trainer.
-"C'mon, one on one please. You beat one of mine and I walk away, no point in hurting my darlings is there?" The grunt said pleadingly.
-"Hell man, you seem to be in the wrong kind of business." The tangela trainer said as he made his way to the gym.
-"What do you say?" The grunt asked and looked at Frank.
-"Um, no? Not gonna happen, skip the act already."
-"If it isn't an act - it's simple experience for my team. Man up and let's see your pokémon!" Frank shouted and the expression of the grunt quickly changed.
-"Heh. Fine, it worked on some of the trainers." The grunt said and snorted.
He sent out a Paras to fight alongside his Arbok.
-"Murkrow deal with it." Frank said as he nowdays actually had a little, just a tiny bit of confidence in his bird.
Murkrow quickly dispatched Paras which was replaced with a Kakuna.
-"Don't even bother with that - take the snake!" Frank told his Murkrow, poison could be a B.
Murkrow went offensive as Arbok stood it's ground using Stockpile and Spit up.
But Murkrow's power was above that of the Arbok and it fell slowly.
Kakuna kept using the Hardcore-harden tactics and wondered if it even was worth it. Murkow did attack it twice and it buckled under.
-"They're too many!" The grunt said as he returned his kakuna and ran off.
-"Godamn wuz." Frank said and grinned.
He saw a Grunt with a houndour and Fearow. It was his next target but the difference between the trainers seemed to differ a lot. This one had obviously had better practice.
Frank healed up Murkrow and set out to defeat Dan.
-"Captain?" Kinkerly called on a safe distance from the battles.
-"What is it?" Darren asked annoyed over the phone.
-"The target is out of the center, moving against your position - kinda."
-"Good news, did he beat you up or what?" Darren asked with a laugh as Tyranitar took out another pokémon with Stone edge.
-"Yeah, I even used the trick that Paige girl gave me, he didn't fall for it."
-"Good, sounded like a lame trick to me." Darren said and smiled at his victories, strong pokémon were rad.
-"Well you se-"
-"Kinkerly, no time to talk. Regroup with Albert, he needs some healing done." He said and hung up.
-"This is getting bloody amazing." Darren said and grinned, as his Tyranitar roared. It was a beast indeed and Frank would taste it.
"Admin! Admin!" Kato was calling.
"What." she replied flatly.
"Town is gone crazy! Other group of Rockets up appear, decide attack! Now locals fights any the Rockets! Fights big!" His English was deplorable, but the basic message came across clear enough.
"Yes, I know. Man up. This is what we trained for. You handled yourself pretty well in that battle."
Yeah... still, mareep lost, skarmory cuts minor." he was looking at the broken Pokecenter healing machine.
"Oh..." Saiar mumbled. She flung a few healing items at him. "Get them back in fighting shape. This is what you get for only having two pokemon on your team."
With pride, Kato said, "Johto pokes best! Hard find in Kanto, even steal okay!"
"Sure, sure..."
She stepped outside the center. The violence was worse than she had imagined. Many buildings showed damage from the fighting, and a few were even on fire despite the still raging snowstorm. The storm that reminded Saiar of her true purpose in Cerulean to begin with. Distrations...
"Rocket, you're going down!" a trainer yelled, with a kingler at his side.
With a glare of contempt, Saiar plucked a pokeball from her belt and released its beast. A gigantic rock worm 30 feet tall appeared before her. Similar in shape to the Onyx, but this one was covered in shiny metal. It gave a roar that sounded like a train wreck.
"Rusty," she said, with a glare at the kid, "kill."
The steelix seemed to interpret this command as free reign to do what it wanted. Before the terrified kid or his kinger could react, it swung it's massive heavy tail straight into the crab, delivering a powerful iron tail attack. The kinger was unconscious before it hit the ground. The kid fled at once.
"Hmph," Saiar hmped. Steelix is not the best pokemon to use in a town full of water-type trainers, but its massive size aught keep away the riff raff.
"That Pokemon... Rusty once belong to leader team Jasmine Olivine. See contest as kid!" Kato said, shocked.
"That is right. This is the same Rusty."
"How get you?"
"Team Rocket takes what it wants."
Kato just blinked.
"Come on," Saiar said. "I think I know where Articuno is. We have to find the others. Who knows what trouble they will have gotten themselves into."
"Surprise, Eddy boy!" A blast of silver struck Barboach, sending it out of its whirlpool. The whirlpool, taking a life of its own, shot after the fallen fish. Edwin turned to see him. His short, spiked hair, the big rocket jacket, and his twisted grin. Beside the monster stood a large blue tin can with red eyes on its belly.
"Bruce!" "Not now!"
"Nickel, Gyro ball it again!" Before Edwin could retort, it fired another blast at Barboach. It was down. "Hey Ed, mind if I try out for a Cascadebadge?" Without response, he strolled into the gym. Edwin tried to follow him inside, but the two grunts he came with stopped him. "Just hold tight until he gets back. He wants that thing you have with you. But after he's done inside here...." The one looked over. "That's Admin Saiar!" The other looked in the direction he was pointing.
"What's she doing here?"
"I dunno. Hey, did you hear about what happened to her in Vermillion?"
"No. What?" The original Rocket started giggling as he spoke. "Apparently, she saw one of the birds and ran after it..."
Edwin had snuck into the gym by that point.
Chris, Lucas and Ed were left in the pokecenter as Frank went out to wreak havoc on team rocket grunts. The three of them ran outside. Trainer battles were erupting all over Cerulean. "Should we split up?" Chris asked.
"I don't see why." Lucas said, "The gym is the only place with a pokehealer. And we have that under control. If we lose that, we lose Cerulean. If we can fight off Team Rocket long enough, they'll be forced to turn around."
Ed nodded, "So we defend the gym at all cost."
Before he could say more, they watched as an angry kid challenged a clear rocket Admin. Was the kid stupid?
"You're going down, Rocket!" He said confidently. The admin was less than enthusiastic. She sent out her pokemon. A massive Steelix. The Steelix took out the kid's Kingler with ease. The Admin walked away without saying another word, an awkward grunt following her in her tracks, the one with the Skarmory.
"Wow." Lucas muttered, "Was that? I swear I could recognize that pokemon from somewhere..."
The three of them took off for Cerulean Gym. There were trainers fighting Rockets outside the door. Chris sent out his geodude and engaged a rocket with a Beedrill.
"Dudley! Rock throw!"
"Geo!" It cried as a shower of rocks came down on the grunt's beedrill. The beedrill was knocked unconscious immediately. The rocket was infuriated, but wouldn't physically move out of the way of gym's entrance. He sent out another beedrill. A second grunt joined in, sending out a mankey.
Luke stepped in to send out his Lairion. "No, don't worry!" Chris said, "This is perfect!"
Chris sent out his Noctowl. "Kon keep mankey occupied. Dudley, make short work of this other Beedrill!"
Dudley let loose another rain of rocks upon the hapless bug pokemon. But this one was stronger, it was severely weakened but managed to survive. "Get that damn bird, Beedrill!" The grunt order. "Poison Sting!"
With lightning speed, the beedril lunged up at Kon, dealing light damage to him. However, Kon was now poisoned. "Kon, use your wing attack!" Kon did, knocking out the beedrill. However, this distraction had allowed the mankey to close in on Dudley.
"Karate Chop!" The other grunt ordered and the mankey obeyed. Dudley was well trained though, he quickly curled into a defense ball, blocking a lot of the damage.
"Damn..." Chris said, "Kon, help your buddy out!" Out of the sky, the Noctowl came screeching. "Wing Attack!" Kon obeyed, dealing a lethal blow to the otherwise, poorly trained mankey.
"Ha! Piece of cake!" Chris was satisfied. But the action wasn't over, Geodude was glowing. After the shimmering light died down, a Graveler stood in its place. Chris ran over to it. "Hey! Look at you Dudley!" Dudley let a cry out proudly. Chris was feeling great about this turn of events. He called both his pokemon back and the two grunts fled.
The battle raged on in the also raging storm.
-"You sure you wanna do this?" Frank asked Dan mockingly, it wasn't the first insult. Dan had been annoyed by his very presence even before he spoke.
-"Team rocket takes all, and I'm no stupid grunt. You say another word and I'll let you have it." Dan said and pointed an accusing finger at Frank.
-"Word." Frank said calmly and watched Dan's ferocious response.
The fearow entered the field almost instantly and Frank responded with his Kabuto.
-"Get it from this range." Frank told his Kabuto as the Fearow rose into the sky.
Kabuto drew rocks together and aimed them at Fearow. Fearow took the blow and Frank was almost certain that it was over already.
But the fearow continued its' flight.
-"Whoa. That's strong..." Frank mumbled as he watched the Fearow go on and land a drill peck on his Kabuto.
-"Charge up fearow! Sky attack!" Dan shouted from the opposite side.
-"Sky attack?" Frank asked unsure what to do about it.
Kabuto sent out more rocks against the Fearow which took the hit but still flew.
-"This is bad..." Frank thought and was seriously thinking about looking for an alternative solution. As soon as the bird would get the opportunity - it would dive down on Kabuto and seeing the power of it. It would probably be enough.
-"Aqua jet!" Frank shouted and Kabuto quickly cloaked itself in water and crashed into Fearow in the air. Kabuto fell, and luckily landed on its' feet. Before it could defend itself correctly Fearow began to glow and dived with an incredible speed and struck Kabuto from above. The shellfish was sent sliding towards Frank who stopped it with his foot.
-"Get in there and finish that bird you lousy rock!" Frank said and kicked it back into the fray. There was energy left in Kabuto but not that much. But he'd be damned to lose a battle against a weak type.
Kabuto drew upon rockslide once more and scored a great hit this time. Fearow fell for a moment and finally landed on the ground.
-"Get on it!" Frank yelled at his Kabuto which quickly leaped on top of Fearows back and used his absorbing.
-"You're getting weak Fearow, use roost!" The grunt exclaimed and the bird relaxed.
-"I know this is the nerd's job... But all resistances of being in the air is lost when you land like this." Frank said and watched how Kabuto's efforts gave more than before.
-"No! Wake up fearow you lousy bird!" Dan exclaimed realizing his mistake.
-"Finish it Kabuto." Frank said calmly as Kabuto had regained his strength.
Kabuto drew power, Fearow was starting to rise into the air but was still weak. The rocks smashed into it and it fell down again and struggled to get up.
-"Again." Frank said and watched how another barrage of rocks rained down in Fearow.
It was done.
-"Dammit. Get back!" Dan said and looked at Frank.
Next up was Abra. It came out and Frank sent out Murkrow. He expected it to teleport away as in the wild but this one was a little more of a challenge.
-"Protect yourself from damage!" Dan shouted and Abroa created a barrier around itself. Murkrow tried to breach it with Pursuit over and over again.
When he felt like he was in danger - Abra blinked to another position. But at first he didn't even seem to fight back.
-"Just embrace defeat if you're gonna be like this." Frank shouted at Dan who looked back at him angrily.
-"Go Houndour!" He yelled and Houndour entered the field as well.
-"That's more like it." Frank said and was happy that he could speed things up.
-"Get him." Frank said and released Primeape.
"Now!" Dan shouted and Abra let out a Psywave against Primeape. Primeape was pushed backwards but got back on his feet.
-"What the hell?! It's a psychic move - it should've knocked him out!" Dan shouted and seemed really angry now.
Frank knew better than to spoil the secret behind the move like Lucas did.
Houndour tried to take down Murkow with fire and bites while Abro continued to launch Psywaves at Primeape.
Murkrow lured Houndour away from Abra for just a second so that Primeape could finally get a clean hit. And once it did, it was a critical as well. The hound rolled across the ground but got back on its' feet slowly.
-"Blast them!" Dan shouted and Houndour gathered a lot of power before releasing the wide Flamethrower against Frank's party.
-"Murkrow finish that damn nancy!" Frank shouted as Abro his Primeape once more with the Psywave.
Murkrow dived against Abra which reacted by teleporting away. But Murkrow had forseen it and abused Pursuit against it. The attack struck and pierced the barrier. Abra fell and it was both Murkrow and Primeape against Houndour.
-"Godamn it!" Dan exclaimed as he started to look for a potion or something.
-"Finish it quick." Frank said and scouted the area around him for the next trainer to fight.
Murkrow drew back, pulled it's wings together and unleashed Night Shade against Houndour. the attack struck and Houdnour was flung into the air weakened. Primeape quickly grabbed it mid air and performed a Seismic toss. It hit the ground hard and didn't get up.
-"Great job." Frank said and called them back without even looking at Dan.
-"What the hell went wrong? Why didn't Psywave finish that fighting poké?" Dan questioned no one.
-"Learn your moves before you even fight. There's no use using the same move unless you actually know what it does. Learn from your mistakes and don't be such a miserable prick." Frank said and was ready to walk away.
-"That's what Admin Saiar always says but I guess that I a little to learn. But when I do, I'll find you and you'll pay for today!" Dan said before hurrying away.
Frank was stunned. He didn't move. Lucky him that the grunt didn't see his face because it was shocked.
-"Saiar? An admin?" Frank mumbled before looking around hastily.
-"If she's that guy's admin... Then she must be here as well." He though and stared up into the snowy sky.
"Hey, you!" Chris was about to enter the gym when a voice caught his attention. He turned around to face a Rocket kid, "You aren't getting away that easily!" Chris stepped away from the door and firmly grabbed his raging balls.
"Come on! Fight me!" The kid barked.
Chris had only two pokemon, he didn't want to be the first person to throw a pokemon out. "You're the challenger, let's go then!" The incentive didn't seem to work on the kid. He merely grinned, waiting for Chris to send out a pokemon first. The two stared at each other for a while longer.
"What are you afraid of?" The rocket taunted.
"Fine then!" Chris said with a grin and threw a ball on the field. As soon as he made this movement, the Rocket sent his pokemon out. A grimer oozed out of the ball into the battle. The ball Chris threw opened up and fizzled. There was no pokemon in it. It was Sandy's old pokeball.
"Hey, what the hell kind of trick is this?" The rocket demanded.
Chris didn't say a word, instead he sent out Dudley. Chris couldn't help but marvel at how well that worked. Now he had the type advantage. Chris's powerful graveler rumbled onto the battlefield. The rocket gritted his teeth, "Think you're smart? I'll wipe that grin off your face! Grimer, Minimize!" The grimer curled itself into a tighter and tighter ball.
Chris recognize the problem right away. Grimer had made himself harder to hit. "No amount of strategic defenses can protect you from Dudley's magnitude!"
Dudley brought its fists down to the ground, shaking the earth. The rocket and Chris had to brace themselves as the ground shook and snow flew up in the air. Unfortunately, Dudley's attack narrowly missed the Grimer. The rocket grinned, feeling more confident, "Grimer! Hit him with your Mud Bomb!"
Chris nearly facepalmed. For some reason or another, it didn't occur to him that grimer would learn a move like that. "Goddamn pokemon knowing goddamn different type moves..." He grumbled to himself as Graveler took the hit. It was super effective.
Alec grinned as he reached for a second ball and tossed it out. Chris barely had time to react before Alec shouted, "Sleep powder!"
The grimer looked back dumbly at its trainer, unaware that its trainer was not talking to it. The gloom that came out of Alec's pokeball, however, had heard the command. Before the red gleam of the pokeball faded away, a cloud of white powder rocketed out of gloom's flowery head. The powder gently mixed with the snow in the air, seemingly disappearing. Alec became concerned unsure if it hit.
Chris was furious, "Damn dirty of you." Then his Graveler began to rock back and forth. Finally, it pitched forward and fell on its face, asleep. Chris's eyes went wide as Alec made his next command.
"Gloom! Absorb!" Alec's grin grew maniacal as its gloom began to suck the life energy out of Dudley. Chris grabbed his last ball and flung it onto the battlefield. "Kon! Hypnotize that Gloom!"
"Grimer! Mud Bomb!" As Chris's Noctowl moved into a range for a Hypnosis attack, a ball of mud and icy debris flew into the air. The addiction of ice on the ball of mud made the impact that much harder. Feathers scattered as Kon shrieked and took the hit. He plummeted to the ground, flapping its wings wildly. The Grimer moved in to inflict it's foe with a poisonous touch.
"Kon! Get up! Confusion!" Kon couldn't recover fast enough from his fall from the sky. The grimer moved in close and began to encompass the noctowl with its slime. Finally, Kon was able to focus enough to use its confusion attack. Kon's eyes glowed a wild yellow as psychic waves emitted from its body and penetrated the grimer. Grimer immediately tried to flee, taking severe damage. It couldn't get away.
The noctowl's confusion attacked didn't cause it to faint, it did however manage to drive it seemingly insane. "Grimer! Ah, ****!" Alec facepalmed knowingly. The grimer ignored any order given by Alec, it was confused. It launched a mud bomb straight into the air. "Grimer! What the hell are you doing!" The grimer merely watched as the ball of mud reached its zenith then began its descent back down to earth. "Grimer!" Alec screamed in vain. Just as the mud bomb was about to collide with the grimer, Alec called it back, huffing agitatedly. The Mud Bomb exploded in the direct spot where grimer had been.
While this was happening, the Gloom had managed to weaken Graveler to the point of fainting. Chris called back his graveler, agitated it had not yet woken up. "You'll be hurtin' when you do." He whispered to the ball. "Kon, come here!"
Kon retreated back to Chris. Kon was suffering from the poison grimer had inflicted on it. Chris hurriedly pulled a full heal out of his bag and used it on Kon. Kon looked better but was still beat up. "You have the advantage of the air, finish him off, Kon!" Chris wasn't sure, but was almost positive Alec didn't have anymore pokemon on him.
The gloom was healthy, Kon was not. "Kon! Prepare a barrier!" Kon obeyed.
"Gloom! Use your Stun Spore and stop him in his tracks!" Gloom obeyed. A mist of yellow spores flew into the air. Kon's only advantage had just been taken away from him.
"Kon! Avoid that stuff like the plague!" Kon avoided area where the spores had been sprayed. In the wind and the snow, the spores didn't last long. They'd been in the air for a little while, then they be carried away by the wind or taken to the ground and buried by the snow. For a few minutes gloom would shoot spores at its target. When the spores settled, Kon would move in and peck his foe. Kon couldn't get in close enough to use Confusion without risking being afflicted with spores and other nasty powders.
Gloom was growing weak. Every time he'd use his stun spore, Kon would be just out of reach. Then Kon would swoop in and deliver a single peck before Gloom could built up enough spores for another attack. Alec was agitated, Chris was feeling confident again.
"Damn it! Don't just stand there, Gloom!" But Gloom was too weak by this point. Alec called him back in disgust. "All you had to do with stun him!"
Chris jumped with excitement, "Yes! Way to go, Kon!" The noctowl landed next to Chris, tired, but triumphant.
Alec grinned. Chris's Noctowl was weak. This would be an easy battle for his growlithe. "What are you so excited about? This ain't over yet! Go, Growlithe!"
Chris was shocked. He really didn't think Alec had any more pokemon. How did he miss that. Quickly, Chris took a potion out of his bag and used it on Kon. Kon was greatful but it only did so much. "Hopefully that's the edge you need." Chris smiled at Kon as the Alec's growlithe approached.
Kon's barrier had faded. "Kon, rebuild your barrier!" Kon obeyed.
Alec grinned. "Don't even waste your time! Flame Wheel!"
The growlithe braced itself against the ground and opened it maw wide. A powerful wave of fire shot out of its mouth, heading straight for Noctowl. "Kon's barrier won't have any affect..." Chris whispered to himself.
The snow growlithe was standing on melted as its body began to heat up to extreme temperatures. There was nothing Chris could do, it happened too quickly. The rotating blast of fire collided with Kon.
Kon barely made a squawk. Growlithe closed its mouth, ending the attack. Out of the smoke, Kon dropped to the ground. The battle was over.
"Hah!" Alec cried triumphantly, "I save my best for the last."
Chris got that sinking feeling. The same feeling he got when he was beaten back in pewter and closed up the gym. Tunnel vision set in. Sounds became unnatural to him as the rocket flaunted his victory.
Corey and Joseph started to head towards town. They could hear the sound of battle.
Something was going on and they were missing it.
"Joseph let's hurry!"
This is all I can do gotta go to work now.
Frank noticed that more grunts had joined the fight.
And from the way they were fighting - at least three different parties of Rocket.
The admins in control of the grunts had a great effect on them. And if Saiar was one of the Rocket admins - things could get horribly hard in the future.
His Primeape returned to his side as he punished Alfred's Growlithe and Rattata.
-"Nice try." Frank said and grinned widely at Alfred as he sighed and returned his pokés.
-"Yeah I got him captain." Alfred said in his phone and Frank looked at him alarmed.
-"Sure thing captain." He said afterwards and looked up at Frank.
-"Captain wants to see you. He's over there." Alfred said and smirked.
Frank spun around and noticed a woman in the distance, he'd knew that hair anywhere. The next second a large pokémon blocked his sight.
-"Long time no see!" Darren said and walked up to greet Frank. Frank showed no signs of recognition.
-"What? Who the hell are you? Some youngster I beat a couple of years back or what?"
-"As if! Not me. Him." Darren said and pointed at the Tyranitar.
-"What?" Frank said and looked at the mighty beast in front of him.
-"This is your old Tyranitar, did you give it a cute nickname or something that I should call it by?" Darren asked and grinned.
-"The hell, my old Tyranitar... Is this a trick, how did they even know? Oh right, they did take my trainer ID and passport of course they'd know me." Frank thought as he stared at Darren.
-"Nicknames are for sissies." Frank said and stayed adamant.
-"No tears? No hugs? You must've missed this cute darling." Darren said and didn't get the reaction he expected. He wanted a devastated trainer begging to have it back.
-"It's an unstoppable force." Frank said and came to a realization.
-"If this is indeed my Tyranitar, then I'm in a lot of trouble...." He mumbled and wondered what the best thing to do was.
-"Allright, fine. We'll start of easy then. With some other of your pokémon. How 'bout facing your Graveller and Butterfree 2 on 2. And hey, I haven't even had to use them yet thanks to this guy." Darren said and pointed at the Tyranitar before taking it back.
-"He's overconfident, I like that." Frank thought and knew something about those two that this guy obviously didn't. But then again, with his Tyranitar he'd be bound to be overconfident.
-"Allright, it pains me inside to do this. I'm sorry Graveler and Butterfree." Frank acted and sent out Primeape and Kabuto.
-"Let's get this party started you pathetic cur!" Darren shouted and pointed his pokémon to attack.
Graveller moved close to Kabuto and used Strength. He pushed with all his might but the attack barely left a scratch. Next up was Butterfree which used gust against Primeape - neither this did anything good at all.
-"What the hell is wrong with you guys?" Darren asked and looked at them with disgust.
-"Take 'em." Frank said calmly and watched Primeape bolt of and striking out Graveler with a single blow.
-"Use psychic then or something?" Darren shouted at the Butterfree which simply looked confused before getting smashed under the power of Rock Slide.
-"What the crap?" Darren exclaimed and obviously lost his focus.
-"There was a reason those two were collecting dust in the PC." Frank said and watched the rocket feeling clearly humiliated.
-"What the crap were you doing with them?" Darren asked disgusted at the sudden weakness.
-"Graveler was used to climb Mt.Mortar and the Icy path. Butterfree.... Well, Butterfree just plainly sucks.
-"The hell did I even get those. Oh I'll punish the boss for this." Darren noticed Frank looking rather amused and keeping a silly grin.
-"What's the matter? Can't fight on your own? Do you have to rely on the work of others?"
-"Screw you man. We're here with a suggestion and you'd be wise to take it." Darren calmed down and closed his eyes for a second.
-"Again? I already turned you down once." Frank said and crossed his arms.
-"If you join us, we'll let you have your pokémon back. You'll be a part of Team rocket and can even become an ambassador in Jotho." Darren said and stretched out a welcoming hand.
Frank thought for a moment. His old strength, his Tyranitar, bitter medicine, protein, power, money, excitement, battles and perhaps even his old flame.
-"I can see it in your eyes. You want this power back, you're sick of being the lousy underdog. You want to be able to simply wave your hand and have your pokémon run over all competition." Darren said and grinned hoping to swap Frank's side.
Frank remained silent and stared at Darren. And he was getting uncomfortable, this wasn't the plan. Time to get back on track.
-"Too bad, too late!" Darren said and Frank snapped out of his thoughts as Tyranitar emerged from the ball.
-"There are people who want you." Darren said and grinned.
-"But I'm not one of them. I rather not hand over this awesome power just like that. I'll beat you and prove that you're just another failure."
Frank knew the danger he was in. Tyranitar poses a great threat without doubt.
-"Primeape beat it up quickly!" Frank shouted and watched the Tyranitar bowing it's head.
Primape leaped but was flung backwards as a sandstorm was whipped up.
-"You gotta be kidding me..." Frank thought and watched how the weather basically was tearing nature apart.
-"Hey kid! You think a snowstorm, thunderstorm and sandstorm is the best goddamn combination?" Frank shouted through the whizzling storm.
-"Hell do I care, I'll win." Darren said and Tyranitar gathered power in his jaw and struck Primeape with Ice fang.
Primeape fell and crumbled instantly
-"Kabuto charge it!" Frank yelled and Kabuto let out Aqua Jet against the beast. It barely flinched and curled together a little.
-"You're screwed." Frank said to his Kabuto before the Earthquake struck and his Kabtuo helplessly were crushed.
-"No, man. You're screwed!" Darren shouted from the other side and laughed.
-"How does it feel to be at the other end of the food chain huh?"
Frank gritted teeth as he knew that he was right. Murkrow would fall as quickly as it got out of its' ball.
He did it anyway, he had a plan.
-"Murkrow use thief!" Frank shouted hoping that noone had went through his old pokémon with care.
Tyranitar stood its' ground when Murkrow swooped down and took of with a prize.
-"Blackglasses." Frank said calmed and ordered Murkrow to keep it.
Darren told his Tyranitar to hold as if just enjoying the moment of Frank being completely at his mercy.
-"Murkrow use night shade, no point in attacking it dead on." Frank shouted.
Night shade struck Tyranitar but it didn't even flinch.
-"Stone edge!" Darren called and a powerful stalagmite struck Murkrow from below. It fell and didn't get up.
-"This is no time to be useless!" Frank yelled at his bird and sighed.
-"Not so cocky now are you?" Darren said and let Tyranitar stand there as a momentum of Frank's weakness.
-"You're nothing without power Frank. You'll never be. You're just a lousy underdog hoping to achieve the impossible. But guess what? You won't defeat us. We're just to strong for a nobody like you!" Darren laughed a malicious laughter and made his Tyranitar stomp the ground which pushed Frank back into the dirt.
-"That's we're you belong." Darren said and walked up to him.
-"Tyranitar and this whole town - is mine now." Darren said and grabbed his phone.
Frank got up from the dirt and watched his Tyranitar, there was no way in hell he could've defeated it. Team rocket was just too strong for that.
He started walking backwards and then ran. Ashamed of what had happened and filled with an strange desire for power. There was no use in these new pokémon, they just couldn't match the power of a real trainer, and real competition.
He made his way back to the Gym and noticed the grunts outside. He stayed there in that exact spot filled with a strange mix of feelings of failure and hate. And he would make sure he'd never had to feel the same way again.
Corey and Joseph came upon the bridge.
They were stopped by the man that gave them a nugget and let them pass.
Nigel- "Sorry but you are not allowed in town."
Joesph- "Why not?"
"We Rockets have taken over and do not need any interference from little twerps like yourselves."
"Then we will have to just fight!"
Corey looked to Joseph."If you wish to fight him go ahead, I will try to head in town and help the guys."
Joesph stood like a rock."Go I will do my part here."
Corey snuck past them as they were battling, he went over the side of the bridge and ran on the route underneath it.
He arrived in town, it was in ruin there were people fighting everywhere. He spotted Frank and decided to head his way.
"Admin! Admin!" Their cries could barely be heard above the swirling winds. Saiar had to brush her long hair from her eyes to make out the frames of Holly and Dan were running up to her, looking upset. "Not a moment's notice..." she mumbled.
"Admin! I got beat by this guy!"
"Me too!"
"Kept lecturing me about stuff!"
"Man, he was this total prick..."
"Kind of cute, though..."
"Why do I even have an abra! Totally useless!"
"SHUT UP! Shut the hell up!" Saiar snapped. "Remember your fights. Analyze them, fret over them, learn from them. But later! This is a damn war zone!"
The grunts had their mouths hanging open, shocked into silence.
"Where is Paige? Alec? Either of you know?"
They shook their heads.
"I'm here." Paige called, running up to meet with them, her Lapras trailing behind on some sort of weird floating cushion of water.
"Were you defeated too?" Saiar asked.
"Nope. Actually I did pretty good. Why? These goons get their faces smashed?" Paige asked, grinning.
Saiar shook her head. "Never mind. No sign of Alec? No? Okay. Kato, your team is in good shape. Go find Alec. Get him out of whatever hole he's dug for himself. Meet us east of town, on route 9. The rest of you, with me."
Kato nodded and ran off.
"Where to?" Holly asked. "Gunna help the Rockets secure the town?"
"F that," said Saiar. "What are we going to do, sit around in this dump and protect a Rocket flag? No thank you. No, we are after Articuno, of course, because that is our task! I have been analyzing the weather patterns and am almost certain it is roosting to the east, somewhere on route 9 or 10. But before leaving town, I need to find someone I know."
"Someone you know?" asked Holly. She stopped, thinking about it. Now that she considered it, none of them really knew anything about Saiar's past.
"Yes," Saiar said. "Someone from a life long in the past that I never expected to see again. Well, one can not run from their ghosts forever. It is time to see how Frank is doing for himself."
Edwin could not believe what he was seeing. The entire gym was prepared for a fight. Lyle seemed the most prepared, as his Starmie was already spinning around Whiscash, whom was visible above ground for once, resting on its giant whirlpool. In the pools closer to the door where three Goldeens, a Seaking, and a Seadra. Looking out of place were a Nidoqueen and a Victreebel. Their owner sat in the back with Lyle. But Bruce looked as confident as ever. Lyle shouted at the top of his lungs. "Attack, now!"
Bruce's Bronzong was struck with sprays of water of varying sizes. It was completely covered to the point where it could barely be seen. After the spraying stopped, the Bronzong remained unmoved. "Again!" The front two pools again sprayed it with everything they had. "Clowns." Was all Bruce said. "Nickel, Charge Beam the pools." Amongst the spraying water, the beast began creating a large ball of electricity. "Retreat now!" Lyle commanded. The fishermen held up their Pokeballs and called them back just as the electricty was split in two and fired into the pools. One of the goldeens was a little too slow and took a hit, but it managed to return with the rest.
"Whiscash, Earthquake!" The Whiscash slammed itself through the whirlpool into the ground, shaking it violently. Edwin could feel it much more now. Bruce adjusted himself, but never took his eyes off of Whiscash. As the fishermen prepared to sent their Pokes back out, Bruce finally acted. "The fish." He pointed at Whiscash, and the Bronzong pointed itself towards it.
"Block." Bronzong complied and fired a beam at the giant fish. It didn't flinch but now it was covered in a red aura. "I had no intention of retreating against you, Whiscash Surf!" The Whiscash shot towards Bronzong as a flood of water surrounded the ground beneath him. Starmie was still spinning around it, thought faster to keep up.
The Fisherman sent their Pokemon out into the front pools at last. "Assist him, all of you." Just as the wave and the jet hit Bronzong, Bruce simply stated "Charge Beam." As it charged the beam, the jolts covered the oncoming wave, right into the front pools containing the Goldeens and such. Whiscash remained unaffected as well as Starmie. The fishermen were all out. All that remained were Whiscash, Starmie, Nidoqueen, and Victreebel.
Frank arrived at the gym and saw how Chris were on the ground with a Rocket flaunting his victory.
-"He lost as well." Frank mumbled and recognized the look and posture of Chris.
-"Frank!" Corey shouted and came up to him. Frank straightened up and greeted him.
-"What's going?" Corey asked and Frank raised an eyebrow.
-"Isn't it pretty obvious? Rockets in town." Frank said but wouldn't bother grinning. He didn't feel like it all.
-"Is that Chris?" Corey asked and watched Chris in the distance.
-"Yeah. Want to take care of some Rocket trouble?" Frank said and tried to sound as enthusiastic as possible
-"We gotta get Chris." Corey said and nodded.
They both set out and Frank quickly grabbed his medicine to restore his pokés.
-"Godamn nerd ruining the healing machine..." Frank mumbled as he and Corey walked up to Alec.
-"Hey!" Frank shouted and got the grunts attention. He saw the two trainers getting close and realized that he was in a bad spot.
-"You okay Chris?" Corey asked as the got up to them at the gym.
-"Alec! The boss wa-" Kato started before stopping mid-sentence when seeing Frank.
-"I remember you. You fight me in center!" Kato said and stepped up to Alec's side.
-"Mareep and Scarmory." Frank informed Corey as they got ready for battle.
Pokémon left their balls and the fight had begun.
-"Zap that damn bird down or my weaklings will get annihilated." Frank told Corey just as the battle began.
They were all healed but he knew that all of them beside Murkrow would fall to Scarmory without much effort. And he refused to lose again. Never that he would lose against team rocket. If they fought unfair then he would return the favour in the future.
Leaving this open for either Corey or Sai.
The gym seemed to be where the resistance was headquartered. Trainers and rockets alike were swarming around the area; trainers with tears in their eyes and rockets with smug, somewhat stupid grins. Is Team Rocket winning? Saiar wondered. At what price victory? We do not even WANT Cerulean... I never asked for...
A fancily-dressed Rocket was standing outside the gym's door. He said, "Ahh, you must be Admin Saiar. A pleasure. Your grunts have fought in your name admirably, if their results were a bit sadly laking. Ah, but I am being rude! I am Agent Darren. I have been sent here to accompany you as well as take the city for Team Rocket. It will be a pleasure working with you."
Ignoring his introduction completely, Saiar said, "I do not need company. I am looking for a certain trainer. Purple coat, wind-blown hair, cocky demeanor. Have you seen him?"
"Ahh, old Frankie boy? Had a run in with him earlier. Think he's cowering in the gym now."
Saiar glared. "You fought Frank?"
"I seem to remember doing something like that," Darren said, grinning. "You can thank me later. He was a high-priority Rocket target and his team is in pretty bad shape now."
"Frank is mine, you hear me. MINE! Mine to deal with! Not yours!"
"What the hell? He an ex-boyfriend or something?" Darren joked. Saiar's glare deepened, but she said nothing, and Darren gasped and said, "Wow, I didn't really think... though, now that you mention it, you do have a bit of the same vibe going on. Well, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, I suppose, and you are certainly full of fury."
"Say something like that again and they will be the last words that come out of your fat mouth. Now move it. I am going in."
"I would appreciate it," Darren said, with a big of a smug sniffle, "if you would show me a bit more respect than your average grunt. I will have you know that I am an Agent directly under the Saffron home office."
"I do not give a zubat's dropping what your title is. You are in my way, therefore you are nothing."
"Bitch!" Darren yelled, finally losing his temper. "Now I see why they sent me here to keep tabs on you. You're a loose zap cannon if there ever was one."
"You will move," Saiar said sternly.
"I don't take orders from spoiled brat bigwig daughters that get promoted because of their family!" Darren yelled, throwing down a pokeball and releasing his tyranitar.
"You bastard!" Sair raged. "That tyranitar! That is HIS tyranitar! Rusty, iron tail with everything you have! We are taking this thing down!"
"Tyranitar, destroy this worthless snake!"
As the battle began, the citizens, trainers, and rockets watched in horror and fascination. Some mumbled, "Wait, now they're fighting eachother?!"
Edwin had to help, but with only Clefable, he wouldn't be able to do much to that beast. "Eddy boy. Give me a few more minutes. Then, we can play." He really wanted to have another go at Bowser, but he couldn't just let this thing go on. "Claire, Follow Me!" Clefable ran up to the tin can from behind and lept up onto its head. "Lyle, attack while you can! It won't be able to fight back!" Bruce looked over at the angry trainer. "Fine then, we'll play now." He grabbed his only other Pokeball and released it.
Bowser looked as fierce as ever. It purple fur matted in all directions, it was experienced. Upon seeing Clefable, it lept at it. Clefable jumped off of Bronzong just as soon as the Granbull lept at her and ran, knowing that not only was her "playmate" chasing her, but the newly enraged Bronzong as well. Lyle saw the opportunity and shouted "Whiscash, Surf!" It (and the spinning Starmie)crashed a quick wave right into the three of them, against the wall, bouncing all five into the closest pool. Shortly after, the pool was filled with electricity. Edwin ran over to the pool and pulled Clefable out of the pool. She was fazed, but okay. Starmie vanished back into Lyle's Pokeball at the back. "Sally, you gotta help Ed. I'll take care of the tin can myself. Whiscash, volley!" Bronzong shot out of the pool and landed into the one across the walkway from it, Whiscash lept over, following it as well. Sally came running over to Ed with her two Pokemon.
"Is she alright?"
"Yeah, where's the dog?" As soon as he asked, the dog crawled out of the pool, and charged Clefable. Tackling her and it started rapidly striking her with punches that were too fast to even see. Ed could hear Bruce issue his commands in a relaxed tone. "Close combat, close combat, close combat." "Claire, fight back!" But it couldn't, the punches were too quick. Suddenly, it picked her up and threw her into the nearby wall. She was done, and returned to her ball almost immediately.
"There. Now sit in your little corner and watch like a good boy. You, girl, you going to fight or just watch? Bowser's not done yet, so keep him busy, will ya?" She just stared at it, shaking.
That was it. Same as it ever was. He looked at Bruce, who was turned back to his Bronzong. "Stop playing around and destroy it, Nickel." The whole time Whiscash was lobbing the hunk of metal from one pool to another. Suddenly, as it was landing, Whiscash was blasted by a bolt of silver from beneath the pool, launching it back onto the walkway. The Bronzong lept back out of the pool. It began charging another ball of silver energy. "Whiscash, stop it! One more hit and..." Nickel fired. Whiscash was down.
Bruce retrieved both of his Pokemon. "Done." He then turned and left the gym.
Luxio - or Spark used the move with the same name against Kato's blasted Scarmory.
Frank had to use Murkrow for this battle and it did little good against Growlithe and Scarmory.
But there was just no point in using Kabuto or Primeape until the bird was gone.
-"Growlithe use Flamewheel!" Alec shouted as he were trying to take Luxio down.
The attack connected but Luxio still stood up.
-"Dammit Murkrow - it's your friggin job to take that blow!" Frank said upset and looked at his useless bird.
-"Spark again!" Corey shouted and the bird reacted to the hit. It was finally going to work.
The attack came suddenly but not unexpected, Murkow was finally slapped out of the sky and down on the ground by the steel wing of Scarmory. He wanted to defeat Frank's other two.
-"Dammit." Frank said as he returned Murkrow and loked at Corey.
-"Get it down now, please." He said annoyed and sent out Kabuto.
-"Growlithe use bite!" Alec called and Frank reacted.
-"Aqua jet, now!"
Kabuto dashed towards the Growlithe and stopped it before it reached Luxio which would've been the end of it.
-"Good." Frank said simply and nodded as the Growlithe buckled backwards.
The Scarmory moved in to use steel wing on Kabuto once more but Luxio stopped it an inch before it reached it. The spark struck the Scarmory hard and it seemed severely weakened now.
But even though it was weak - it struck kabuto which sacked completely and Frank returned it annoyed.
-"Primeape." He said with content in his voice.
Kato smiled at this and ordered his Scarmory to attack the Primeape as well but Corey was faster and Luxio took the Scarmory down with the last Spark. Unfortunately - growlithe also managed to strike Luxio at the same moment with Fire wheel which sent it backwards.
-"C'mon get up!" Corey exclaimed but Frank simply said:
-"Don't bother - get the next one."
-"I'm out." Alec said as he returned his Growlithe. He'd lost it all to these trainers. Although a healing break between these battles would've done wonders - too bad he didn't bring any medicine before leaving the room.
-"Go Mankey!" Corey said and sent out the Mankey. Frank liked mankeys.
-"Get 'em Mareep!" Kato said and sent out his remaining pokémon.
The battle ended not that long afterwards. Mankey was downed since all attacks were focused on it but Primeape managed to deal the finishing blow before the sheep had the chance to zap Starly down.
Frank was amazed that the sheep hadn't evolved already since it seemed obviously strong.
-"Not again!" Kato said and looked at Alec.
-"We'll see you guys around." Alec said and lifted his cap a little.
-"I hope so, could use the sparringpractice." Frank said and grinned as the two walked off.
He'd returned some self-esteem but hoped that the battle would've gone better.
-"Great job Corey." Frank said as they left.
-"Really?" Corey said surprised - it was not the kind of thing he'd expect Frank to say.
-"Well... Y'know." Frank said and handed over some of the stolen Medicine to Corey. Both his Luxio and Mankey were downed in that battle. But Frank noticed a 4'th ball. He wondered what was in it since Corey decided to use Starly.
-"Maybe he just knew the battle would be over soon." Frank said and was about to use his pokédex to scan the ball when he heard roars and commotion nearby.
"Thanks for the medicine Frank. Sorry I was late getting back, Joesph and I had a run in with a wild muk, or so it seemed it was pretty strong, and a familly of Pichu and Pikachu."
"Where is Joe now?"
"Last I saw I left him to battle the guy on the bridge, the one that was at the end of the five fighters."
"Oh...him hmph."
"You had a run in with him too."
"Yeah. Now let's go see what the commotion was."
"Hey! Don't just leave me here. I'm coming with you guys!" Chris had gotten up and was running to catch up with corey and frank. It was better than being alone with rockets around every corner waiting to snatch your pokes.
Edited: added Chris to the group. Sorry Dren.
Chris, Corey, Frank, and Lucas exited the gym straight into a battlefield. Saiar, surrounded by five grunts, was commanding a steelix against a weakened tyranitar.
"No, damnit. I said earthquake! Why thrash again?!" Darren was yelling pathetically.
"As I suspected," said Saiar. "Rusty, enough of this. Finish it off with a giga impact!"
"Normal attack against a rock pokemon?" Darren said, sneering, but his face fell as his tyranitar did as well.
"That was just for show, of course. Your tyranitar had no strength left. A gust could have knocked it over."
"Bitch," Darren spat as he recalled the fallen Pokemon. "You cheated somehow. This stupid thing wouldn't obey me at all."
Saiar grinned. "Having issues with disobedient pokemon? You know, I hear gym badges can help with things like that. Maybe you had better pretend to be a 12-year old boy and go on your first real pokemon adventure and take the gym tour."
"I hate you with every fiber of my being."
"I do not care," Saiar said. "Okay, enough games. Get out of here. If you do not, well, I am not entirely sure what a steelix eats, but I feel confident that eating a rattata like you will not upset its stomach one bit."
"I'm telling the Saffron admin all about this! He's gunna call the boss, and you'll be out of Team Rocket before tomorrow! Just you wait!" He sent out a Duduo and hopped on board, using Fly to soar into the sky.
"Kay!" Saiar called after him. "Be sure to explain how you launched an unauthorized attack on an unimportant town somewhere in that rant too! There is a good boy!"
Corey said, "Geez, even the Rockets are fighting amongst themselves now."
"With any luck, maybe the tough trainers will take eachother out," said Chris
Lucas said, "Infighting is not uncommon within Team Rocket. They are a morally corrupt organization, after all. Several months ago, there was a big story about-"
"Shut it." Frank snapped. "Anyway, I'm glad someone beat that ***hole, even if it really should have been me."
Saiar recognized that voice. Turning around, she saw Frank and two other trainers just outside the gym doors. Emotions and memory flooded into her mind at his apperance, but she quickly forced her face back into her usual expression of cold indifference.
"Frank," she said.
"Saiar," he replied, equally chill.
"How you been?"
"Oh, you know. Pretty much like usual. You?"
"Good, good..."
Awkward silence.
"Who's this?" whispered Lucas to Frank.
"I will tear your goddamn head off if you say one more word in the next five minutes," Frank barely whispered back.
Lucas took the suggestion to heart.
Saiar asked, "What are you doing here?"
Frank shrugged. "Kicking ***, taking names. Actually not taking names really."
"Well," Saiar said, giving her best tough-gal voice, "as an Admin of Team Rocket, I seem to take objection to that."
"Hey, yeah, what the hell is up with that? I thought you hated Team Rocket."
She shook her head. "No. How could I, being who I am? It was the Pokemon League that destroyed my career and forced me to abandon my dreams of the gym. I never had a chance of being one of the good guys."
Frank scoffed. "Yeah, the big bad league. It's sure not the Rockets that are destroying the world. Looks like the gal I knew has succumbed to her own propaganda. Pity. She was a pretty rad chick, way long ago."
Saiar now had no trouble maintaining her stony glare. She said, "Shikam. Enough. I do not care about the town. This attack was unauthorized. Beat off the grunts, I care little. But your little crusade against Team Rocket ends today. By tomorrow, I want you gone and never want to hear about you messing with Team Rocket again."
"You gunna make me?"
"You know I can," she said, plucking a Pokeball off her waist. "Unless you think you can take Kophy?"
Frank hesitated, aggitated. He knew he couldn't, not with his current team, and a beat up team from a day's worth of combat at that. He had to try to stall for another way out.
He said, "If you don't care about the town, then why are you even here at all? What do you even care what happens?"
Saiar paused, but evidentially saw no harm in telling him. "I hunt the legendary bird."
"Ah, Zapdos. You always did think big."
That threw Saiar off her game. "Wait, what? Zapdos? No, Articuno. It roosts to the east."
"Articuno is here too?"
"What do you mean, too?!?"
A massive bolt of lighting crashed down onto a nearby house, setting it ablaze. The flash lit up the darkened sky and all could see the form of a massive yellow bird flying overhead. Its wings were made of sharp angles, as if the sky itself had been cut to pieces and rearranged in avian form. Electricity seemed to arc across its massive wings as they beat, sending it soaring directly overhead, flying to the east.
"Hey, nerd," Frank said. "Weren't you rambling about the birds back in Pewter or something? What happens when they meet?"
Lucas was uncharacteristically silent.
"Hey, listen up man! This is serious!"
"I do believe," Corey said helpfully, "that you ordered him to be quiet under the pain of a horrible death."
"FOR FUCK'S SAKE! I don't-"
"Destruction," Lucas said quietly. "Absolute destruction. It is said that the confrontation between the legendary bird trio has the power to devistate the world, unless their master Lugia intervenes."
Saiar and Frank locked eyes for a brief moment before they started off at a full out sprint to the east.
"GRUNTS, we move! Our hour has come!" Saiar barked to her team.
"Dudes, keep up!" Frank yelled to Lucas, Corey, and Chris.
Saiar glared over her shoulder at Frank as they ran, saying, "Why the hell are you coming?!"
"Cuz this is gunna be awesome. Just like old times," Frank said, grinning.
"I am going to beat you-"
"No, you're not," Frank yelled, cutting her off. "You don't have time. Stop to mess me up a bit and those two will meet up for sure. And if there's any bit of who I knew left in you, I don't think you want that to happen."
Saiar was silent for a moment. Then, she said, "If you get in my way at all, AT ALL, I will strike you down without a second thought to our past. Your only warning."
Frank's smile deepened. "Yep. Just like old times."
What have I got myself into?
"Tentacruel, make this quick."
A Tentacruel?! What do I have that can even challenge that thing?
"I'm waiting, kid!"
"Uh, I choose you, Pineco!" What can Pineco do?! This is going to be tough..
"Tentacruel! Use supersonic!"
"My ears! Pineco!" Pineco was disoriented and hurt itself in its confusion. "Pineco! Use protect!"
"Tentacruel use Acid!" Pineco had protected itself!
"This is not good, Pineco, use Rapid Spin!" Pineco tried, but it hurt itself again. Pineco couldn't take much more of this.
"Tentacruel, get him while he's down!" With that the Tentacruel used Constrict on the bug pokémon. It was just too much. Joseph recalled his Pineco. How can I get out of this?!
"Go, Pidgey! Use gust!"
"Pih!" It was a valiant effort, but the Pidgey was hit by the Tentacruel's tentacle and was weakened by its poison.
"This is a piece of cake." He looked at Joseph struggling to find a way to beat him. It was amusing. Joseph was losing focus and couldn't handle a battle at this level with the pokémon he had. They just weren't strong enough.
"Pidgey! Come back!" Pidgey had fallen from the sky. This is not what I had in mind for a pokémon battle today... "Arrrrgh!" Joseph screamed in frustration.
Bruce heard the whole thing. He only a few feet away. "What?" He ran up to Darren, whom was in the middle of storming off. "We can't retreat now! The gym is down! I had to do it without any help, and you're gonna leave just because she told you to?" Darren ignored him. Suddenly, a coat smacked him in the back of the head. It was Bruce's. Darren watched as he too, stormed off in his own direction. "Who was that?
Edwin finished using up Lyle's machine. The place was quiet until Lyle finally spoke up. "What now? We were decimated with a single Pokemon." Edwin had to glance at Sally, whom sat in the corner alone. Both of her Pokes were back in their balls. Suddenly, one of the fishermen shouted back at that group, as he stood next to the window. "Hey guys! He left! The rocket left!" Everyone looked at him. "He threw his coat at one of the admins and left." It didn't make anyone feel better. If Bruce wanted, the gym would've been his. "Does this mean that the other Rockets are gonna leave?" "Dunno."
With all of his Pokemon healed, Edwin headed out of the gym. "Hey, where're you going?" He turned back to Lyle. "I'm gonna get stronger. I'll defeat him someday, but I won't get any better here." After a while, Lyle nodded in agreement. He spoke again. "Besides, you have someone else who could be your third man, or girl." He closed the gym behind him.
Outside was pretty quiet. Almost as if everyone left the area shortly after the Rocket Admin did. He decided to head up the bridge to check out the rest of the town.
Frank followed Saiar and her goons. Behind him were the other kids.
He really didn't have the time to cheer everyone up for the upcoming battle - he shouldn't have to in a moment like this. Legendary birds were up ahead after all.
The storm raged even more now, the rain and wind proved to be very annoying but he was also glad to loose all that snow - even for only some time.
He watched Zapdos for a moment before looking down ahead. Unfortunately he couldn't keep his eyes off a certain something and raised his gaze towards the bird again.
One part of him wanted to catch the bird - but there was no way. One part wanted to see Saiar catch the bird but for what reason would that be? The third part of him wanted to stop her for catching the bird. She wouldn't be able to concentrate as well even if they were just riff raff.
But the very last part of him just wanted to beat the bird. No capture or something, just beat it to prove his strength.
But he wouldn't know 'till they reached it.
-"Hey Nigel!" Bob shouted from a distance as he walked up to the bridge and the man in charge.
-"Bad time, doing battle." Nigel answered and watched Joseph in frustration.
-"Darren said that all threats been taken care off. And most trainers have left town by now." Bob said and looked at the tentacruel.
-"Okay, okay. Just a little more, pretty please?" Nigel said and looked at Bob.
-"I'm just a grunt." Bob said as to show that he wasn't in charge - no responsibility on his shoulders.
The kids that used to line up on the bridge were gone, meaning a smooth walk into the northern half of Cerulean. The snow was all powder up here. In maybe an hour or two, it would all be gone. "There have to be SOME Pokemon up here to train on." He sent out Clefable anyway. It had been killing him to get some information on the new Claire, but he was so busy with the Rockets, he nearly forgot.
"Clefable, the fairy Pokemon. Evolution of Clefairy via Moon Stone..."
According to the Pokedex, she was definitely stronger. And if that were the case, Bowser would've beaten her before even faster. She definitely needed more training. The two walked as they scoured for any sign of life. If anyone was out here, they must've still been in hiding from the Rockets. Suddenly, Ed heard a noise. "Finally!" He ran towards the source of the noise and came across a small house. If anyone was inside, he might as well let them know that the Rockets fled town.
The door was slightly open, so he wandered inside. "Hello?" The only response was some rustling. The house looked abandoned. Amongst the set of computers, he noticed something moving behind a desk. "Claire, get ready." It came out and walked up to Clefable. It was only half of her size.
"Pichu, the Tiny Mouse Pokemon..."
Clefable picked up the tiny creature, and both seemed pretty pleased. Since the inhabitants were harmless, he decided to have a look around the building. In the center of the room were two giant vessels, one of which seemed to have been forced open, showing signs of damage on the door, the floor of the vessel was covered in some purple gunk that Edwin didn't want to even look at.
After some scrounging, he found something unusual. It was a Pokeball, only broken. The top, red lid slightly off from the white half, leaving gaps half the size of his thumb on each side. It looked like the ball was thrown, and not just dropped. When he went to check if it was empty, the Pokedex freaked out. "Unknown error has occurred." He decided to pocket the strange Pokeball. Maybe he could find someone who could fix it. It's not like he could hope to buy any more with his lack of funds. As he finished up his exploration, he called Claire back. She (probably) said her farewells to the three Pichus with her and both left the house, on their way back towards Cerulean.
Corey had no words for the situation. It was eerie that there was no chaos, and the three birds just sitting staring. Yet at the same time it was peaceful.
Corey hardly noticed Saiar throw the pokeball. All he wanted to do was look at the birds. He yearned for one but knew he could never control it.
Saiar stared with disbelief, fascination, and horror. They were witnessing a legendary event, possibly something that would not be repeated in their lifetimes, or maybe a thousand years, if ever. A meeting of the three legendary birds. Were they here to protect the world, or to destroy it? It seemed like kind of a gamble to hope solely on the former. She gritted her teeth. If I had a whole group of competent rockets, we would be three legendary birds richer in an hour, and the Pokemon League would be in flames by tomorrow... But she forced the thought from her mind. Had to make do with what she had available. As always, it didn't feel like nearly enough.
"Just what the hell is the plan here?!" Frank yelled above the roaring winds.
Saiar yelled back. "Catch Articuno. Possiby prevent apocalypse. In that order."
"Mmm hmm. That's not really a plan, you know. Kind of a goal. Or maybe a prayer."
Saiar responded by throwing a pokeball. Out came Rusty.
"Sup Rusty." Frank said, grinning. Rusty responded with a metalic cry. "Moltres is gunny melt him pretty bad though."
"He's not going to be fighting Moltres. You're going to use him to hold off Zapdos."
"ME?!" Frank yelled, shocked.
"Yeah. I can't command three battles at once. You're probably the best trainer here. And I'm keeping hold of the Pokeball, so if you do somethign stupid like try to run, I'll just recall Rusty."
"I can feel the love. You think I have a shot at catching Zapdos?"
"I dunno," Saiar said, shrugging. "But I do know we have no chance if we allow them to fight together."
"What about Moltres?"
Saiar sighed. "Yeah..."
She turned to the rest of the group, still staring wide-eyed at the birds. "Hey, listen up!" she snapped. "If any of you kids wanna prove those gym badges you're toting around mean a damn thing, you will help me against Moltres. I know you probably do not have strong enough teams to actually catch it, but keep it busy as long as you can. The fate of the world is in the balance here. Paige, you have the water team, and you are basically unscratched. You have command of the Rockets. Here are my battle items. Use as many as you need to stay in the fight."
She took off her pack of items and tossed it to Paige. Even so, the chorus of complaints began almost immediately.
"Are you freaking CRAZY?!"
"I don't think I can..."
"Um, my team is not exactly optomized for taking fire attacks here."
"I'm tired."
"Isn't attacking a legendary bird some sort of sin?"
"Hey, got anything to eat here?"
"She's gotta be freaking crazy. I'm tellin' ya."
"Look, what do you want out of me here?!" Saiar cried, exasperated. "I can't coordinate a battle against three legendary birds all by myself!" She pointed at Lucas. "You said that that the birds would fight, and it would destroy a lot of the world. Well, we gotta assume that is just moments away. Look, see?!"
The birds, having lost interest in the trainers, started eying eachother. Zapdos squacked at Articuno, letting a bit of electricity fly its way, and Articuno responded by flapping up some snow.
"Reporting for duty, admin." said Holly with a gesture that may have been some sort of salute. She sent out her koffing and pidgey - wait, no, it was a pidgeotto now - and stepped forward to join Saiar. Saiar couldn't help but smile. The girl had nerves of steel, that much was sure.
The others didn't look so confident. Addresing the rest of the trainers, she said. "Run if you must. Fight if you can. This is the day destiny promised. How tomorrow will look depends on what we do here. I am going in with both eyes open."
She turned her back on the group. The birds were lifting off. Battle between the three seemed only seconds away. Yeah, we will see about that...
"Kophy, Taya! Our target is Articuno! Open fire!"
Articuno swooped towards Zapdos but was struck in mid-dive by a wave of psychic energy and a gunky ball of sludge. It squawked in indignation.
"That got its attention!" Saiar said with a wicked grin. "Hello, you stupid thing! Remember me? I'm ready for you this time!"
Saiar had no idea if she could bluff a legend. She certainly wasn't ready. But it was do or die time. With all of her efforts focused on fighting Articuno, she could only hope the others would distract and delay Zapdos and Moltres long enough...
The door was locked. Edwin looked inside. The nurse was there, reading a magazine. He tapped on the glass, and she came over and unlocked the door. "Sorry about that, I forgot to open back up."
"No problem. Would you mind having a look at this?" He showed her the broken Pokeball. "I figure there has to be something here for this sort of thing. I don't even know if there's a Pokemon in there." She picked up the ball and analyzed it. "There must be." She pointed a name on the ball that Ed hadn't noticed. "Rachel". "Is that the owner or the Pokemon's name?" She shrugged and lead Ed over to the main desk. She walked behind it and pulled out a small machine from under it. "You have any empty Pokeballs?" He handed her one of his Pokeballs. "Hopefully, the machine will accept it in this condition." She placed the broken ball on one end, and the empty ball on the other. She then keyed in a few things and the machine started whirring.
After a while, it dinged. "The machine says that the Pokemon inside was also damaged and that it attempted to 'repair' it."
"Repair it?"
"Some memories lost, or.....something becomes deformed."
"What happens in that case?" She shrugged again. He picked up the Pokeball that used to be empty. "The machine said it transferred safely, so I'm assuming this one is empty." She picked up both of the balls and handed them to Ed."
"I'll keep it just in case." He picked up the new ball and sent whatever was in it out. It was a success, at least he thought it was. He held his Pokedex to the Pokemon.
"Eevee, the Evolution Pokemon..."
The nurse seemed very excited that it actually worked. Clefable walked over and observed the strange Pokemon. Ed reached down and patted it. No signs of hostility, so he picked it up. "Rachel?" It looked up. "That's your name, I guess." He turned to the nurse. "Thanks, miss."
"You're welcome."
Edwin left the center with his new Pokemon in hand. The trio began heading east. Once outside Cerulean, he decided to let Rachel run around on its own, so he could make sure it was alright.
Corey couldn't decide what to do. HE stared in amazement as he watched the group fight each bird. He saw as Lucas's Paras put Moltres to sleep.
"Well, I guess it is time for everyone to see 'all' of my Pokemon."
Chris stared,"Wait your actually gonna use whatever you have? I forgot all about it."
"Well, yeah. It seems that I should all my others are sorta weak."
He grabbed the Pokeball and threw it.
Once the light left the area everyone just stared.
"THAT is what was inside the pokeball,"Chris couldn't believe that Corey had just thrown out a Gyarados.
"Why? Is it good? I had told you guys I didn't know what it was."
"How did you get it?"
"Remember when I went back in to get my money back? Well I was so pissed that I just beat the crap out of the fat man. I told him I would send out Spark to shock him until I got it back. He stopped me said sorry and just handed me the ball. Saying 'If you would have just waited this is what you would get. Things are never as they seem'. And I left."
"Wow...I don't know if that is a good story or it sucks. Either way we can use him in this battle."
"Ohh, well I'm willing to help out any way I can. Lucas what could I do with him?"
Lucas hadn't said a word but his mind kept racing trying to find a plan.
Corey waited to be told what to do. He looked back.
"You guys gonna help too?
I'll leave it here gonna take my daughter trick or treating.
Frank liked to control a strong pokémon once more. It could take blows and it dealt damage. Just a shame that of all things - it was fighting the electric type. He'd preferred to smash Articuno with Iron tail.
-"Rusty use Rock slide!" Frank shouted, it was important to shout at those pokémon who didn't recognize as their trainer. That's why he loved to train his own team. They learned tactics and when to utilize what after tons of battle experience.
But strength - strength is good.
The rocks rained down upon Zapdos which looped to avoid more damage. After it did - it let out Extrasensory but it did little against the massive Steelix.
The battle raged on and Frank had to throw Rusty a potion or two during the fight as he watched how Lucas put Moltres to sleep and the grunts cheering.
-"We need to clam them down" Was the words of the nerd. But what did he know about the legendary birds? He'd just read legends, these were not legends but very well and alive birds with awesome powers. He wouldn't lose this chance because of a hunch.
-"Do it again Rusty!" Frank shouted and grinned as the Zapdos looked weak, Rock slide did a great job but it took a while for it to wear the great bird down.
The rocks struck and the solid facial expression of the steel snake matched Franks. A grin of supremacy. He'd just bested the Electric bird of Kanto with the very thing it could not defeat. It was like fighting a midget and holding him an arms length away.
-"Might as well give it a try..." Frank mumbled and grabbed one of his pokéballs.
He threw it against the bird which were sucked into the ball. But it barely took a second before the ball broke and the bird erupted again.
-"Oh well, Rusty... We're taking it down." Frank said and pointed his arm against the bird as if objecting.
Rusty pulled force, raised rocks into the air and sent them flying against the awesome bird. It was strong, it was great but it had taken too much damage by now.
The rocks struck and the bird fell down. It crashed to the ground and breather heavily.
Frank knew that it was done and walked up to it. Series of Rock slides and a lengthy battle such as this. Poor bastard didn't stand a chance with the pride or honour it felt towards fighting only the enemy before him.
-"It's your weakness." Frank started as he were just a couple of meters away from the bird. The air was heavy but there were no static.
-"You obey the rules and fight with righteousness. But what you fought was a loosing battle. You met an enemy you couldn't bring down with the powers you grasp and kept fighting instead of turning your attention towards a different opponent. That's your weakness." Frank said and realized that the same applied to him. The bird looked at him sleepily.
-"We lose with honour. But who'll remember the honourable sucker who rushed alone into the enemy's army for doing the right thing?" He reached out his hand towards the bird but felt the static returning. He quickly leaped back and watched as a bright light erupted from the bird. It looked furious but rose into the sky with a single flap of its' wings. Frank covered his face as dust and dirt swished past him. Behind his arms he grinned, the bird wasn't done.
-"So, you still have some fight in you left? Let's take you down this time as well then!" Frank yelled at the bird.
But Zapdos simply locked his eyes on Frank and let out a Discharge.
Everyone was taken back. Everyone was damaged.
Even Moltres who awoke from its' slumber.
-"Dammit!" Frank exclaimed as he watched the others. But by the time he looked back at Zapdos - it was flying away from the battlefield at high speed.
-"Godamn birds fleeing..." Frank mumbled and watched as it disappeared. For now. Frank would get the blasted bird one day. He grinned and looked forward to the battle but realized that Steelix wasn't his. He sighed and remembered that his own team was ages away from that fight and ran up to Saiar.
-"Honey I'm home!" He said and stopped a few feet behind her. She gave him a quick glare before he informed her.
-"Zapdoz left the battlefield. Where he went is unknown. Can't tell where is where in this blasted weather."
He could see them in the distance. Two giant birds. A spiky yellow one and one on fire, they were both flying in his direction. He quickly pulled out his Pokedex.
"Zapdos, the Electric Poke..."
Before it could finish, he pointed it the other one.
"Moltres, the Flame Pokemon..." He would check them out later. All of a sudden, he heard a loud whine. He looked down and saw his Eevee glowing and morphing shape, but it looked like it was in pain. This was nothing like Clefable's evolution. Ed ran up to it and shielded it. The glowing stopped and Eevee panted a bit. He watched as the bird passed him by. When he was sure that they were out of range, he took a look at his Eevee underneath him. It seemed unharmed, but it was very exhausted. He looked at Clefable, who was unaffected by the appearance of the birds. This must have been what the nurse said about mutations.
It had been a tough battle for them all, but the plan had roughly held up. The other birds had been distracted and had fled to parts unknown. Articuno was still here. Her team was a mess. Taya was out cold - she had put up an admirable fight against Articuno, but had been hopelessly outclassed as far as defenses went. Rusty was frozen solid. That was unexpcted and bad. Kophy was holding his own, but it wouldn't last. Her battle items were with Paige, who had likely eaten a lot of them up to keep Moltres busy as long as the Rockets had. Well, that was what her task was, ever all. She'd done good.
"Looks like it's time for number four..." Saiar said, throwing a pokeball. Out came a gengar, its squat, devilish, gostly form grinning in the setting sun. "Eclipse, your moment is here. Shut this bird down! Confuse Ray and Hypnosis!"
Frank squawked, "You have a Gengar! Why the devil didn't you bring it out before now?"
"Cannot fight its way out of a wet paper bag..." she mumbled. "With all the pyrotechnics flying around, he would not have lasted. But now Articuno is alone and focused on Kophy so he can work his dark magic."
Eclipse the gengar got to work. His first confuse ray was wide, but the second seemed to hit home. He began to fire off hypnosis beams, but Articuno was resisting admirably. Still, it hadn't noticed the little ghost, and was still trading blows with Kophy, who was holding up to the onslaught far better than any weak, unevolved koffing had any right to.
"What's up with that shiny koffing?" Lucas dared ask.
Totally caught up in the battle, Saiar forgot her general disdain for the other trainers and answered, "Special Rocket project. They eased its power level up past the point where it should have evolved without actually changing its form. It took on that weird, blue shininess as a result. The thing is a wall. Dumb as a rock still, but what can ya do."
Still not put to sleep, Articuno seemed to grow tired of beating on Kophy, who had focused his moveset into rests and smokescreens. If lifted off to leave the battlefield.
"Oh no you do not!" Saiar yelled. "Eclipse, mean look! Kophy, toxic!"
Eclipses eyes flashed, and Articuno turned its attention to the ghost just in time to get blindsided by the deadly poison.
"Kophy! Buy me as much time as you can! Protect Gengar!" she yelled. Would that even work? Kophy didn't seem to know any protection-ish moves. Well, it was all the strategy she had left.
Its power will weaken quickly now, Saiar thought, but as soon as Eclipse goes down it will try to GTFO... better get to work!
She reached for her dusk balls, pokeballs that worked better at night. It was literally only dusk now, but she hoped it was close enough to count. Who knew how these things worked, anyway, or why they worked so much better at night. Whatever, they were her weapon of choice at this point. She whipped one at Articuno, but the bird smashed it to pieces almost at once. Another ball, another miserable failure.
"Geez, you're actually gunna try to catch it..." Frank yelled, eyes wide.
"Uh huh..." Saiar said, throwing balls three and four. No luck, not even close.
"How many of them do you got?"
"Ten," she answered as ball 5 broke to pieces. That one had managed to hold Articuno for a second, but not nearly long enough.
Gengar was taking a beating. Articuno was pretty messed up from the confusion and toxic poison, but was still able to clip an ice beam on the ghost. Eclipse was responding with shadow balls, his single actual attack move, with only moderate success.
She threw ball six. Damn damn damn!
Articuno blasted gengar with a mighty blizard attack, fainting the ghost and ending the mean look effect.
"Kophy! Above!! HOLD IT!" Saiar yelled as ball seven shattered.
Using levitate, Kophy attacked from above as Articuno tried to flee. Articuno swooped up to attack the koffing, finally KOing it, and shook off ball eight.
"Come on, COME ON!!!" Saiar yelled. Articuno was lifting off. She lobbed ball nine at it. It held it for a moment, longer than the others, but broke as well. The pieces fell down from above.
It was almost out of sight. It didn't matter that this was her last ball - it would have been her last chance anyway. "COME ON!!!!" Saiar gave a mighty lob that would have made a baseball pitcher proud and hurled the dusk ball into the inky blackness.
There was a mighty flash of light, and Articuno screamed out in what seemed like anguish. Moments later, a single dusk ball fell to the ground, its locking mechanism still glowing as they sealed. Saiar picked it up. She held it in her hand, saying nothing, her face blank in total disbelief.
Their pace slowed down a bit. Eevee was tired, but not ready to go back inside the ball. Especially after being cramped inside one for so long. Ed kept his eyes open for any more strange birds. After a bit of walking, once again finding the land barren of other Pokemon species, he spotted the group of kids in the distance along with some Rockets. Assuming the worst, he charged over to them.
"Oh hey, it's Ed." Lucas said as he approached. "You're a little late to the show, there." Frank said in usual matter-of-fact tone.
"We just possibly saved all of Kanto. The 3 legendary birds were here. If they were to fight each other, it might've been disasterous. But, we stopped them."
"So, that's why you all left Cerulean so quickly."
"Yeah, but we'll probably have to head back to the center for a bit, I think we're done here."
"Alright. I'll come with you guys." Edwin and Lucas shook hands.
-"That's so hot." Frank said and stared at the ball in Saiar's hand. He wanted to take it from her really badly. But he also knew that he wouldn't get far.
For a moment he wanted to congratulate her after the heated battle and the teamwork of all. But he remembered the fact that she wasn't who she used to be anymore. She was now the very thing he fought against - Team Rocket.
Frank didn't know how to feel. Team Rocket had just captured the legendary bird Articuno and not just any Rocket - Saiar Karat of all the admins.
-"Lucas, guys. We better be off." Frank said as he turned to them. He didn't know what Saiar could do these days. Finding her as an admin was odd enough as it were.
Frank knew that Cerulean would be crawling with rockets by now and saw no point in returning there. He didn't have any reason to fight that gym without anything to take on water and he didn't want to stirr up trouble when there was a captured Articuno nearby.
He started walking down the path back towards town and then turned around.
-"I'll head back towards Saffron, need to find something - anything stronger than what I have now. You got my number so call me when you need a hero of the day." He said and pointed in the kids' direction.
-"And miss Karat. I'll see you soon." Frank added and winked before walking away.
He wasn't sure what he was doing but he needed some time alone for now. It was almost night but he didn't mind, it would be easier to sneak into Saffron under the nightsky. He needed to train and catch a stronger team after all.
Frank walked up to the gates of Saffron but barely had the moment to step inside before they were shut.
-"What's going on?" Frank asked the grunt who closed the gate.
-"Some stupid trainers are brewing trouble. We decided to lock this place up till later." The grunt said and walked back to his post.
-"Terrific..." Frank said as he looked through the bars.
-"So there's no way for me to leave town for a while?" Frank finally asked and got a shaken head in response.
Frank walked into town and wondered what would happen to the other kids now when he wouldn't be able to protect them for a while. Also, what would happen to him if that blasted Rocket Agent noticed him in town? He had been infamous around the rockets in less than a day and someone thought it was a good idea to assault him with his old strength.
He needed a plan - either to infiltrate team rocket or to escape town.
He thought that the others could have some use in knowing that Saffron had been locked up and called Chris.
-"Sup? Are ya' missing me already guys?" He started and walked down one of the streets.
-"Just thought you should know that Saffron has been sealed off for some time. Apparently some trainers stirred up trouble. No idea if that's us - ME or someone else, but rockets seem to be getting here from the South at least. So yeah, it's pretty thick here and the gates are closed. I'll let you know when the situation changes." Frank finished and hung up.
As the phone was folded and stashed in his pocket he set sight for the Silph corp building and the current storage of stolen pokémon.
While some of the others went back to Cerulean to heal, Edwin was busy training Eevee and Clefable. He watched as the two took down what little they could find hiding under the melting snow. Eevee didn't show any more signs of pain, but he decided to see if the Pokedex had any information on it. Instead, it acted as though Eevee was a different Pokemon each time he used it.
"Eev.....eon, the Fresh Evolution Pokemon.... species error." He hoped the nurse could help him when we he would head back and meet with the others. In his journey eastward, he eventually came to a small shoreline. Nearby was a Pokecenter, but it was abandoned. Just like the one by Mt. Moon. He decided to head inside and see if the machine inside still worked. Inside were plenty of different Pokemon. "They must have hid in here when those birds came and started that storm." Though they were mostly all bug types, he couldn't pass up the chance. "Eevee, Quick Attack! Clefable, Psychic!"
The tiny building was surrounded with the sounds of battle. Now that she was much stronger, Claire kept the bigger Beedrills away with Psychic, while Eevee struck anything that got too close. One by one, the foes fell. Some were sneaky enough to get a few hits in, knocking Eevee down. Edwin pulled out her Pokeball and tried to recall her, but it didn't work. Clefable was starting to give way. "Go, Barboach!" Out came the whirlpool, pushing the foes away for a bit, and then the fish. "Barboach, water gun!" As the group of foes came closer, Barboach got scared and instead fired a large blast of water from its whirlpool into the crowd of bugs, riding it across them. Ed laughed. "Lyle, you and your Surf." With Barboach taking down the majority of them, the foes eventually either fell or fled until the commotion died down. Ed recalled both of his Pokemon.
He looked at Eevee. The ball, once again, didn't work. The dex wasn't any help either, giving its usual garbage. Ed leaned over, picked Eevee up and left the center. As soon as he left the center, he heard a loud screech. Above him was one of the birds from the center. "Not now! It was flying right towards him. Before Ed could turn and get back into the center, the bird swooped down, barely missing, sending a heap of snow onto Ed and Eevee. She began to glow again. "No! Stop!" He quickly placed her on the ground and shielded her like before, but this time, she wouldn't stop. He looked up at the bird. It was turning to swoop down again. Ed reached for Zubat's ball when Rachel shot out from underneath him, only she looked very different. She watched as the bird started another assault. Ed quickly pulled out his Pokedex.
"Pidgeotto, Bird Pokemon."
"Not that one!" He shouted at the device.
Chris returned to the fringe of Cerulean city. His pokemon were still in need of healing. He didn't want to use up all his revives just yet, but he knew he may have to if he was challenged to a battle. After watching the epic battle between the birds and Saiar, Chris was still in a bit of shock. His phone vibrated. It was Frank sending a mass message. "Saffron locked up. No one allowed in or out. Troublesome trainers. Rocket on the move again."
"Damn, Frank, you're quick," Chris thought. The kid never stopped.
Chris pondered this for a while. There were a ton of Rockets swarming around Cerulean. Some were shoveling mountains of snow to clear walkways. "What a bunch o' good Samaritans..." Chris thought sarcastically.
He crossed Nugget Bridge, hugging the northern boundaries of Cerulean city. Chris took out his bag in front of him, digging to the bottom for what he hoped was there. "Aha!" Chris pulled out an old, worn map. On it were the cities of Kanto and all the routes. Chris knew the routes, but he was wondering about the pokecenter. Not all pokecenters were located in town. To the east of Cerulean there was another Pokecenter, placed strategically before Rock Tunnel, which lead to Lavender.
"Lavender..." Chris thought. He'd never been there. And he could heal his pokemon before venturing into the cave. That's when Lucas came from behind him.
"Ah! You startled the crap out of me! Where'd you come from?" said Chris
"Sorry! Didn't mean to! Hey, what are you looking at?"
Chris showed Lucas the lone pokecenter to the east. "If we can get there, I'm sure there's no rockets. There's no need for any rockets to be there."
Lucas examined the map for a moment. "There might be. Do you know if the rockets have taken the Power plant?" Chris wasn't sure.
"Well, that pokecenter's a junction for Route 9, Rock Tunnel, and Route 10, which leads to the Power Plant. But it is a fairly quiet area in Kanto."
"Well, I'm heading there. If you want to tag along, I wouldn't mind the company, especially through Rock Tunnel."
Lucas thought about it for a while, then...
Whatcha gonna do Lucas?
-"Check out this golden Rattata!" A voice said from an alley as a Rocket Grunt passed.
-"Whoa, really?" The rocket replied and foolishly walked into the alley.
Frank walked out of the alley wearing the uniform of a simple Rocket Grunt. With all the people "immigrating" from Vermillion it wouldn't be hard to be accepted as a Rocket Grunt now. The people from Saffron would assume that he was new in town and the people from Vermillion would assume that he was a Saffron grunt.
Gotta love distractions.
Frank began his stride but remembered to adapt his posture to his new role - rocket grunt. No real power, just confident in the power behind him. Some of the higher ranked rockets looked his way as he passed but luckily made him out to be a newcomer as planned.
He reached the doors of the Silph Co and entered while greeting the two grunts standing guard.
Inside was a huge lobby, he passed a couple of grunts and had to pass an ID check where he used the grunt's card key. He was happy that all it took was a Card Key and not some kind of code for it. The card key opened most doors within the right level.
He walked into the wrong room from time to time and greeted the rockets that passed him while taking in the latest gossip.
-"... Trainers beating us in Vermillion 'cuz of that old fool."
-"What was Arnel up to all this time?"
-"We beat the crap out of Cerulean but lost Vermillion?"
-"I heard ol' Darren got his butt beat by Saiar."
Beside gossip he also learned about this new ball called Obedience ball and it was actually thanks to it that Frank even found out where the main storage was.
He walked through the corridors and saw some nasty experiments, he also made sure to avoid all contact with higher ranked people who perhaps could demand some sort of proof that he was indeed a rocket.
Once at the storage door he realized that he needed a password to get in.
He sighed and set out to the break rooms and such to snap up various clues to what to type.
He first learned that one part of the password was "Slow" after getting a scientist a coffee. Frank claimed to have forgotten about it and just needed some of it to remember the rest.
Another part was won after a game of cards were the loser should be named the last part of the password - "Tail".
And the last part he needed was "Poke" which he had to do some bad things to get.
But with all three parts of the password he went back to the storage and entered the code "Slowpoke tail". It worked and the door beeped and opened.
The building was quiet now since it was evening or night (he couldn't tell because of the lack of windows) but he walked into the storage and came upon a large mass of organized stacks of pokéballs in all kind of shapes and colours.
In front of him was the main computer that he accessed with the card key.
He started a search for his own name and a machine up ahead started spinning and there was movement among the lines of pokéballs. A tray of pokéballs was placed in the glass above him and the display showed the contents of it.
Frank grinned widely as he saw the result of his past lives. The Sneasel, Gengar and many more were still there waiting to be extracted.
He didn't waste any time and ordered the pokémons to be withdrawn.
But the very moment he picked to take out Sneasel the machine showed the error "Unauthorized withdrawal! This pokémon is not authorized to be used by Grunt R3".
Frank gave the machine a slap and realized that it probably was some kind of protection against Grunts getting their hands on too strong pokémon.
He sighed and thought things through. Should he go back out and find the Card Key of a higher ranked rocket? Or maybe even an admin... Yeah that seemed okay.
But before he even had the chance to put his plan into action the lights were turned on and 3 people entered the room.
Frank turned around and saw Darren with Alfred and Albert on his sides.
-"I was told someone was accessing Frank's database and thought to catch Admin Saiar in action breaking the rules. But aren't I surprised to find the very person with his label on that box eh Frank?" Darren said and ordered Alfred to close the doors.
-"You again." Frank simply said and pulled off the Rocket cap. No need to pretend otherwise.
-"Yeah me again, you remember what happened in Cerulean? Well, I won't use Tyranitar this time but I promise that I took some of your other precious pokémon - and thank you very much - I actually checked them out before agreeing on taking them this time." Darren said mockingly and sent out a Tauros.
-"I remember that one." Frank said and stared at the brutal poké in front of him.
-"Well then, let's see your weaklings again shall we Frank?" Darren said whereon Alfred and Albert laughed.
-"I was thinking..." Frank started to buy more time, he'd put the machine to withdraw all the pokés in the box and just waited for the balls to be delivered.
-"I don't even know your name yet." Frank said and raised the ball of his Murkrow and sent it out. Although hopeless it would be able to avoid some of the attacks.
-"Where's my manners?" Darren said shocked and nodded at Albert.
-"Captain Darren, destroyer of trainers and Rocket Agent." Albert said and saluted.
-"What he said. I'm Darren and you should remember my name, 'cuz my name will be synonymously with 'defeat' for you." He said and ordered the tauros to attack.
As the tauros attacked and all their eyes were focused on Murkrow Frank opened the hatch of the machine and grabbed 4 of the balls inside. He hadn't been able to get any more than those. But four was better than nothing.
He scanned the first one and sent out Electrode behind the trio of grunts.
They all turned around shocked as Frank shouted at it to use Explosion.
-"Run away!" Alfred shouted as they dived for cover.
The pokémon exploded and the blast pushed the rockets away from the door and even made a hole in the door itself.
Frank didn't waste time and put on his hat and leaped against the exit. He turned around and withdrew Murkrow and turned around when Tauros charged him.
The large pokémon pushed him out of the room and into the wall on the opposite side. His body ached but he noticed that the explosion drew attention, a grunt stared at Frank as he covered his chest and eyed the Tauros stuck in the door.
-"What's going on!" The grunt exclaimed and looked at Frank.
-"Some trainer in there who's trying to steal our profits!" Frank answered and got up and began to move away from the door.
-"Where are you going?" Another agent asked as he passed him.
-"That crazy trainer beat all my pokémon and now he's cleaning out the storage." Frank lied and continued to move out.
As soon as he passed the corner he fixed his posture despite the damages and ordered the closest group of grunts.
-"Hey! You better get to the storage, some trainers broke in!" He said and they all rushed there bored of their sleepily duties in the Silph Co.
With people's attention set on the storage and whatever was inside behind that Tauros Frank managed to get out safely and quickly dumped the rocket outfit.
He knew that it was just a matter of time before they would start searching for him. And they would probably find him. He had to get out. He was looking for a way out when his phone ringed.
He picked it up and took the call from his fan - Maya.
She started to ramble about stuff when Frank asked her were she was. She said that she just got to Cerulean and saw the results of what happened.
-"Could you get down to Saffron's north gate?" Frank asked her.
-"Sure thing, but isn't it closed?" She asked back.
-"That's why I need your help." He said and hung up.
With all that planing done he was glad that he made it out okay and that he got some pokés with him.
And that's when he remembered that he didn't know what he managed to withdraw. He pulled out his pokédex and scanned the balls.
-"Sentret" The android voice called from inside the pokédex and Frank cursed that he even caught one.
-"Rhyhorn" It continued and Frank sighed and realized that it would be doable.
-"Dunsparce" It said afterwards and Frank slapped his face just as an impulsive reaction. It was not a bug but more useless than one.
-"At least I got Electrode out." Frank stated but at the same time realized that he only carried 6 balls.
-"Aw crap.... Must've dropped it" He mumbled but knew right away. Back at the rocket storage when the tauros charged him.
He didn't need time to think. He just put his safety in line to break in and all he could get was a Rhyhorn and two silly and totally worthless pokémon. He'd just dump those two with the other kids 'cuz he had no use for them whatsoever.
"Glaceon, the Fresh Snow Pokemon..."
She stood proudly over the fallen bird. Ed was just relieved that the Pokedex was finally giving him answers. But if evolution was that painful, did Clefable go through the same thing while he was sleeping in the gym? He tried the Pokeball again, and fortunately, it worked. He decided to head back to Cerulean to ask the nurse about the incident. She probably didn't know anything, but if anyone did, it would have to be a nurse.
As he walked through the winding fields, he came across Lucas and Chris. "Hey Ed, where are you headed?" Lucas asked.
"Back to Cerulean. I got a few questions for the nurse there." Almost as if he had insulted him, Lucas was taken aback. "I'm sure if you've got questions, I can answer them just as well as any nurse." He almost seemed proud of that fact. He seemed to leer at Ed as though it were a challenge. Hesitating, Ed sent out his new Pokemon. Immediately, Lucas spoke. "That's a Glaceon. But, they're really rare here. Where did you get it?"
"I found it in that house to the North of Cerulean. But it was in a broken Pokeball." Chris seemed surprised at this. "You mean Bill's house?"
"I guess so. I took the broken Pokeball to the nurse and she put her in one of my Pokeballs. But she said that the Pokemon may be 'mutated', as she put it." Lucas' expression didn't change. "I believe there was a similar case in which someone's Machoke went rampant on its owner after its Pokeball broke. It's probably like sustaining a head injury. It messes with you in bad ways."
"Well, these two bird flew over us, and she started glowing and was in pain. It happened again when a Pidgeotto, I think its called, threw snow onto it. Then it became this."
"I'm guessing the damage it took messed with its sensitivity to the elements, as Eevee can evolve with many different elements, I'm guessing it just because extra sensitive to the elements."
"Is there anything I can do?"
"Well, I don't think you'll have any more problems. Glaceon can't evolve, so she should be fine."
"Thanks." Ed struggled to let that sentence slip, as Lucas seemed to have a superior look on his face, as if he had just battled a wild Tauros with his bare hands and won. Chris chimed in. "Where to, then?"
"Well, I have to go back to cerulean. My Pokes get a pretty bad beating in the Pokecenter down there."
"What? What were they doing a center?"
"It was abandoned, apparently. But I didn't get a chance to look around. Maybe the nurse just fled." Chris' expression lightened up a bit. "Well, let's go see. Maybe it still has a working machine." "Why not? I pretty much cleared it out anyway." Ed agreed and the three went on their way towards the Pokecenter.
Corey saw three members of the group heading towards the east.
"Guess it won't hurt to follow."
Corey gathered his things ang began trailing the three, hoping to eventually catch up.
Somehow, the birds had scared off the Rocket battling Joseph.
"Whew" Joseph recalled his pokémon. It was close call. As he walked back into town he looked through the rubble. He saw Frank as he was leaving town. He tried to catch up, but by the time he came close he had gone into the entrance to Saffron.
"Hey! My friend just went in there! Why can't I?" It was too late, the gate was shut and there was no way getting in. "Darn it!" Joseph sat there trying to figure out what to do. During the battle Joseph's phone had dropped on the bridge and was lost. All by himself he released his new Pichu.
"You're a brave little guy aren't you?"
"Pih!" Joseph let the little pokémon play for a while. It was getting late, and decided that he should just camp here tonight. He gathered some sticks and Pichu used an electric attack to give a spark. Luckily, the wood here was dry. After the fire was built Joseph sent out all his pokémon and enjoyed a few pokéblocks he had left while he made due with a cereal bar he found in one of the pockets of his bag.
I wonder where everyone else went off to?
Frank waited at the gate next to the fence, it was dark outside and only rockets walked the streets. He sighed and noticed a campfire on the other side of the gate. Apparently people waited to get into town.
-"Frankie!" A voice called from the other side of the fence and Frank turned his head there.
-"Heya. Glad you showed up." He said and watched Maya his trustful fan on the other side.
-"Great battle in pewter, too bad that silly bird interrupted you kicking the old leader's butt." She started and Frank interrupted her before things got worse.
-"Hate to say it, but I'll need your assistance." Frank said, 'help' was such a strong word.
-"Sure thing, anything for my prince." She answered happily.
-"OH MY! Look at this blissful Togepi!" Maya said really loud a couple of meters from the gate.
The rocket heard this and got up.
-"Girl, don't even bother with that. It's the worst thing you can get. Bastard won't evolve for Muk and even when it does - it's useless." he said in true rocket fashion.
-"Oh okay.... Umm... What's this?" She paused and thought really hard.
-"A Dratini?" Maya exclaimed and the rocket stared out into the darkness.
-"What, where?" He said and lit his flashlight.
-"What's going on?" Another rocket said and stepped up next to him as he scouted the darkness.
-"Some girl saw a Dratini outside... But I can't see-"
-"Out of the way, that's mine I'll get promoted from this boring gate duty!" The other rocket said while unlocking the gate and running out.
-"Oh hell no, I saw it first!" The gatekeeping rocket said and ran out after him.
The two rockets returned through the gate and looked disappointed.
-"How the hell can you mistake an Ekans for Dratini?" The first grunt said annoyed and punched his buddy on the shoulder.
-"Don't blame me man, you were the one who rushed out before I actually spotted it.
-"Thank's a bunch." Frank said as he meet up with Maya on the other side.
-"No problem. But you owe me one now." She said and winked at him.
-"Yeah... Well I'll repay you later." He said and headed for the campfire.
-"You can do better than that Frankie, just don't be so shy and show some appreciation."
Frank sighed.
-"Fine, how 'bout dinner at a campfire under a starlit nightsky?" He said slowly and instantly regretted it.
-"That's so romantic!" She said dreamily and walked really close to him, which he really didn't like.
Frank mentally facepalmed but noticed Joe sitting at the campfire. Frank thanked his deity for his luck.
-"Hey Joseph." Frank said and crashed down around the fire.
-"Frank?" He said surprised.
-"Yeah, just got out of Saffron, beautiful place. He said and thought about his two worthless pokés.
-"Wow, that's great. I was... Just camping here."
-"Seems like it, great that you're letting us stay here.
-"Well -"
-"I have a gift for you Joseph, It's a really powerful pokémon that will blow your mind." Frank said and tossed him the Dunsparce ball.
-"What is it?" He said confused.
-"It's a secret."
Maya simply sat there and eyed Joe who apparently got in the way at the campfire for whatever she expected.
-"So, where are the other guys? And where are we going?" Frank asked and took stared into the fire to avoid Maya's seeking gaze.
-"No clue."
-"Then we better make up a plan, eh Joe?" Frank said and laid back on the ground.
Great success. One worthless pokémon disposed of, one to go. He just had to find someone to give it to. Maybe that Lucas kid, the nerd seemed to like a lot of weird pokémon so maybe he would be able to find at least one use of a Sentret.
"Do you mind if I... check it out?" Chris asked Ed, implying to his Glaceon. Ed nodded it was okay. Chris waved his pokedex in front of Ed's ball.
"Glaceon, Ice type pokemon." a picture of the Glaceon pooped up on screen. Chris couldn't help but admire it. "Wow, that's a really awesome looking pokemon!"
"Thanks." Ed said flatly.
The three had been walking down the road, east towards Rock Tunnel. The artificial snowdrifts caused by Articuno gave way to dry, warm grass. The farther they walked, the rockier and more mountainous the trail became. A winding path through a seemingly deserted route.
"huh, not a lot going on this side of Kanto." Lucas commented.
Just then, the sound of an engine gently purring was heard in the distance. As it got closer, the gentle purr became a rumbling roar of an old, diesel engine. The party turned to find an industrial looking truck bearing down on them, and fast. It had a large flatbed, covered by a high canopy that was flapping wildly as the truck sped along. There was a man wearing all black driving it.
"Oh, ****!" Ed shouted as the truck showed no signs of slowing down. The three ran hastily to the side of the path as the truck flew by them. Looking up the road at the truck, the three noticed the back of the truck was full of Rockets.
"Where the hell are they going now?" Ed wondered.
"The pokecenter, maybe? I did destroy the machines back at Cerulean." Lucas offered a solution.
"Hm... That was a heavy duty truck." Chris said.
"Yeah? and?" Ed said.
"Well, the power plant uses trucks just like that. And I think I saw the symbol for the Committee of Kanto Energy on the side."
Lucas was thinking again, "Well, the rockets seem to have their hands all over everything. If they're running silphCo., the most powerful industry in Kanto, it makes sense that they may have extended their power to controlling the power plant... what for though?"
"Well, let's get on our way to the pokecenter, it's getting dark. I don't want to be out on this mountain path at night." Ed said.
Making their way the rest of the route, they ended up in front of the lonely pokecenter just before sunset. The three entered and had their pokemon healed. There was no one else inside. The nurse seemed excited to have visitors.
"Oh! Hello!" She said, "You're the first visitors I've had all day!" She smiled at the three of them.
Chris never got over how similar they all looked. They all looked like Anne from Pewter. It was creepy.
"Will you be staying the night? It'll be getting late soon." She asked.
Chris had made up his mind, he had no interest being in Rock Tunnel at night. "I think we'll be staying here until the morning!.
"Well, whatever you decide, I can pull some cots and blankets out for you guys. Just let me know!" Anne... err, her twin, smiled at the group.
Corey was nearly hit by a truck that was speeding down the road.
"Jesus what was that?"
He had been hoofing it trying to catch up with the others. HE was very tired by the time he saw a Pokecenter.
He walked inside and saw the group sitting there.
"Thank god I finally caught up with you guys."
"Why didn't you call? You have my number,"Chris said.
"Oh, yeah heh. My bad. How is everyone?
All said good in one way or another.
"Your Ed right?" Corey said pointing towards the vaguely familiar person.
"Yeah, I believe we have met before."
"We may have but can't remember with all that craziness we went through."
Lucas looked up,"So how are your Pokemon doing? That Gyarados doing well?"
"Tell you the truth I haven't messed with him too much, no real battles yet. Not even sure I can handle him."
"Well, we will see in the morning when we go through the tunnel."
"I've heard it was dark in there my Shinx should be of some help, he can make his body glow, normally used for self defense but he should be able to do it and light up where we are walking."
"Sweet deal!" Chris said, "I only have one flashlight. Going through tunnel with a single flashlight would have been a bummer."
All four of them stayed up talking for a bit. Eventually, it got pretty late. The nurse had pulled out the cots she'd promised. The blankets were thin, but the pokecenter itself was warm. Everyone snuggled up in their cots and prepared to get some rest. Before hitting the hay, Chris couldn't help but ask the nurse her name.
"Anne-Marie!" She said. Always so happy.
Chris just smiled, "Any relation to Anne from Pewter?"
Anne-Marie looked a little confused, "No..." Was all she said.
The group fell asleep around 10 PM. Early night in for an early day out.
-"Darren..." The boss of Saffron said in his ordinary stern fashion.
-"What is it now?"
-"You let an intruder escape from the storage with pokémon belonging to Team rocket..." He said after reading the report.
-"Yeah, so what? At least I noticed it." He said and made a face.
-"...But you failed to stop him even with the party you were given."
-"As if! The guy aimed a pokémon at us trainer, no fighting by the book y'know."
-"Neither do we, we're team goddamn rocket. Act like it, we invented every false swipe there is - you better learn how to act Darren."
-"Also... There had been a complain from upstairs..." The boss said and attempted a caring smile.
-"What about?" Darren asked excited.
-"What about that B?"
-"Well, we got reports that she attacked you right?"
-"Yeah, she did do that."
-"And I believe you... But the people upstairs rather turn the story bizaro-style and make it be you attacking her since she caught
-"I can't believe this!" Darren exclaimed and rose to his feet.
-"I know... We all want her out of the way, but right now she's in favour of everyone not in Kanto." The boss said and sighed.
-"So what will happen to me?"
-"We'll have to confiscate the pokémon belonging to that trainer. That includes the Tyranitar." The boss said and made a finger
gesture of him to hand over his balls.
-"Fine!" Darren shouted and tossed the belt on the desk.
-"You will still be considered an agent, so you're new team will not be down on Grunt standar again at least."
-"But I do have a mission for you."
-"I'm all friggin ears."
-"That rocket stationed in Cerulean reported that some trainers were heading towards that cave that leads to Lavender."
-"Rock tunnel? What about it?"
-"Apparently they are from the resistance in Cerulean. And we don't want any funny thoughts reaching Lavender with the radio tower
and all."
-"Just seal it off then."
-"I don't pull those ropes Darren..."
-"So what then?"
-"You and your team will go to Lavender and meet up with Lynn, she's coming up from Fuschia just for this."
-"The crazy Gyarados lady that pulled of the Palett operation?"
-"Yeah. She'll inform you on the situation and your team will enter the cave from that end."
-"Sounds fine."
-"And Darren, use any means. We are team rocket after all."
-"Whatever. Things would be cake if I had that Tyranitar..."
-"You better get used to it..."
I'm gonna assume that your night in the pokémon center is the same as my and Joe's night at the campfire.
Ed observed the new addition to his team. He repeatedly used the Pokedex on her, expecting it to go haywire at any time, when it finally dawned on him. The broken Pokeball had no use now. He pulled it out and looked at it again. Chris' voice woke him back up. "That the broken Pokeball."
"Yeah, I kept it in case she didn't come out alright."
"Well, if she's fine, why don't you get rid of it?"
"That's the thing, I have the feeling that I shouldn't. As if the moment I do, she'll vanish into thin air or something."
"Well, is it empty?" The thought never occured to him. What if there's something still inside of it. Some small part that didn't transfer? He decided to pull out his pokedex and point it at the ball. It didn't read anything. As soon as he put it in his pocket, it went off. It didn't make any understandable sound, just a couple of beeps and and whirs. He pulled it out and had another look. After a few seconds of a blank screen, it simply said "Empty Ball."
"See?" Ed wasn't convinced. He decided to keep it around for a bit until he was sure that Rachel really was fine. Besides, he had bigger things to think about. Why would the Rockets attack Cerulean? Sure, they had their eyes on it for some time, but what finally pushed them into it? If anything, it was that kid. The one like his own father. So proud, strong, and arrogant. Kids like that usually get on the nerves of the wrong people. He knew that as long as he kept with his friends, he'd see the kid again, and the Rockets will follow. He returned Rachel to her ball and began to curl up with his blanket. It was still better than sleeping on the floor.
Frank woke up, it was a neat morning and Cerulean wasn't far off.
He kicked Joe to wake him up and stared at him.
-"Morning, we're moving back to Cerulean now. If you want to take the gym challenge then be my guest I rather wait till we reach some electric type pokémon, and no - I don't want a pichu or pokachu those rodents don't even deserve to be caught." Frank looked at Joe and Joe looked like he wanted to stay exactly where he was - sleeping.
-"I got you breakfast..." Frank finally said and tossed him a sandwich.
It took some time for Frank to realize that Maya was gone, but 'luckily' he found a letter from her.
-"Dear Frank, I'll be waiting for you when you fight your next battle. You are so cool but I can't help being in the way of your coolness when I'm around. I'll let you and your friend spend some time together (psst, beat him up from me) so you can get stronger and put on an even better show.
I also left you some great balls. Use them wisely!"
Frank shrugged and pushed the letter down in his pocket before checking the great balls, those balls were great indeed.
He pocketed them and made sure he had everything with him before looking at Joe.
-"I hope you got everything packed now 'cuz we're leaving." Frank said and grinned at Joe.
Frank spent the morning letting his team run wild in the grass, they bashed and pounded wild pokémon left and right and seemed to have regained fighting spirit even though that horrible defeat at Cerulean.
When he met Darren again in Saffron he'd panicked. He refused to lay down and get beat up like Zapdos did during that odd odd day. He used an Electrode to get rid of people - it was not the way trainers did. It was wrong in every way. But he did it because he refused defeat.
And it worked, he got out okay and he felt no regret about it. If thats what it takes to remain undefeated then so be it.
He saw Cerulean up ahead and called back his pokémon. He looked at Joe and asked him what he planned to do.
Frank needed an electric type, and he knew that there would be some over at the power plant.
Darren ans his team sat around in the Rock Tunnel, they'd made a really elaborate trap and just waited for those pesky trainers to arrive. Problem was - there still hadn't been a single person going down into the cave.
-"Hey captain! We've been down here for like a week now... Where are they?" Alfred asked looking really bored.
-"No clue...." Darren answered.
-"Maybe they just have a life and does something more important?" Albert followed.
And they laughed, oh how they laughed.
I feel okay about this ending.
It brings a tear to my eye. All rps should end with this post.
"Lucas! Wake up! You're having another wet dream!" Chris shook lucas violently.
"Nah. Bro... Nah, bro..." He mumbled, wetting himself profusely.
Then he got up and grabbed his balls. Ripping them from his rucksack, he sent all the legendaries he had caught with only two mega-always-get-'em-balls.
"Damn, those are some big balls, lucas. Where did you find them?" Corey asked, shocked and awed.
"Find 'em? What do you mean?" Lucas said.
...And the future refused to change.