Off-Topic => All of all! => Topic started by: forgetaboutit on October 26, 2010, 02:52:59 PM
Damn the French ruining the best Anime ever for all the French kids ( No wonder they're all gay. (just the song btw, video is unrelated)
That sad song was also used in a big part of Europe. Heard it ages ago, but now I decided to let you guys hear it, and open a thread to discuss similar things in other cartoons.
Oh, and of course, the American opening ( sucks equally hard. For different reasons though.
European version was aimed at five year olds, and American version was aimed at American kids, that, from the look of it, can't memorize more than 3 words in a song.
Brazilian opening (, of course, wins. And the Japanese opening as well, because the Brazilian Portuguese version is translated directly from it.
I honestly believe that the two lame openings might've ruined Dragon Ball for a lot of American/European kids. But thats just me.
So, anyone knows of any other openings that suffered the same sad fate of being translated by a retard mentally ill person?
To tell you the truth I always hated direct translations. They suck balls.
But since the spanish DBZ intro is my childhood nostalgic memory, I love it. (which is also a direct translation)
All lyrics aside, the American version is awesome. You've just put down the only thing I ever liked about this horrible anime.
The Brazillian theme was nice and all...but it was a bit poppy for my tastes. French
The guitars in this song used to make my inner child's vagina moist....And then when the thunderlizards song kicked in It dried up like the serengetti part that kicks in when Eek falls down the hole from the bedside.
The terrible thunderlizards theme should be ignored. Alice in Chains sucked, and so did anything that sounded like it. It killed the awesome that was coming from the Eek theme, and thats what saddened me
The guitars in this song used to make my child vagina moist....
Ive read some pretty weird sutff here, but WTF?
Wait, Spanish? Aren't you like American?
Also, I'm not 100% sure of Portuguese version being a direct translation. I know the music is the same, but as for the lyrics... Yeah, no. Can't really speak Japanese. :P
Dude I am Mexican.
Wait, no, I am German. 1/8 German.
Next thing you're gonna tell me is that you don't know who Kijuki is. old are you in charasverse again?
Who the heck is Kijuki?
And whatever he claims about this heritage, he's a japaniphile at heart.
I've never seen that American intro. However, in the related videos is the one I remember from childhood. Funimation, apparently. Godzilla sound clip and everything.
All cartoon intros make me sad. All intros of shows makes me sad actually 'cuz I've proably seen them a thousand times already.
Like How I met your mother, Burn notice, Simpson, Chuck and the rest.
The only show that I've seen which didn't do this is Heroes - they simply had a 5 second screen showing the logo and the directors name.
Yes, the French intro of DBZ... I've seen it a few times, before. Gay isn't even the word to describe it.
But the intro didn't ruin DBZ for me. I just didn't enjoy scene where they would throw thousands of punches per second with their face not moving at all, for minutes and/or scene where they just yell for minutes. I've always preferred the book to the anime. And well, maybe the -unwordable- intro actually did help ruin it, yes.
No lame intro comes to my mind right now, but I know I've seen many.