
Off-Topic => Archive => RP Board => Topic started by: Prpl_Mage on December 21, 2010, 12:42:13 AM

Title: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: Prpl_Mage on December 21, 2010, 12:42:13 AM
Alright fella's we'll start a new story right here right now.
Another fictional world.
Another 400-something familiar pokémon.
New gyms, more nostalgia.

Johto is the place. Home of Mt.silver, Lake of Rage, Whirlpool Island and the ancient ruins of alph.
Now a recovering country after the grip that Team Rocket once held on it, Gyms are reopening and the Elite Four is once more gaining its' position as a strong faction.

The region of Kanto is still being "cleaned" as the resistance group Sacred Ash is hunting down the remaining Rocket hideouts and facilities.
Hoenn is still in quite the chaos since the looming rivalry made it impossible to go about the common life while Sinnoh only has its' battle frontier open.

A lot of work needs to be done before the old elite four organization can he held there again which have made quite the tourism into Johto lately.
Unfortunately not everyone can travel since their Trainer ID's were stolen when Team Rocket still had power, but those with the ambition have been able to travel to this calm region of Johto and begin their adventure anew.

What about this for a setting?

A few years ago, Team Rocket managed to overtake most part of Kanto's assets and pretty much ruled the pokémon business.
They had all the strong pokés and the latest items. They took over gym after gym and made them teach kids that strength is the only thing you should rely on. That trust and care means nothing,
One of the members of Team rocket decided to defeat the Elite four and start the new "Rocket Tournament" in its' place.
The elite four fell and a team rocket was pronounced the winner and best trainer in Kanto(and Johto).
The leader didn't stop there but went to Hoenn and Sinnoh as well and all of a sudden was the best trainer in the world.

An island became the fortress of the Team rocket where they held the Rocket tournament. People travelled from around the world to participate but the rules and strength there was always in the favour of the rockets.

In the end Sacred Ash - a rebellious group, managed to hack into the Rocket box system and transfer most of the pokémon away from them with the help of a computer geek called [NAME].
When their supply of pokémon came to a halt the rocket leader challenged the Sacred Ash's trainers and their leader [NAME2] to a fight.
The trainers emerged victorious and the leader - ashamed to have lost to kids fled the island and was never seen again.

The Rocket tournament fell apart with the leadership of Team rocket gone and old gym leaders and elite four members found the guts to once again claim the right of titles such as "Emperor of Electric types" or "Strongest Rock user".
The old gym system was re-established and the Elite four managed to regain respect. Especially since some of the new leaders were part of the Sacred Ash back in the days.

This day all regions but the Kanto region is completely free from Rocket control and the Sacred Ash is working hard and long to hunt and capture the remaining Rocket members and stop all rocket activities before they grow too strong again.
The Elite four of Jotho is finally admitted as a professional Elite four organisation and the old traditions and ways of life is slowly catching up. Most things are as they were but some rocket compounds and facilities still remain.
This is where you enter the world. A new beginning for all trainers.

NOTES: The rockets' rise to power happened directly after the events of Gold and Silver or such.
Which should - perhaps land us in a time somewhat earlier than when our last RP took place.
Also note that the last RP is in a different universe where Lucas is flying around on Articuno and catching every dragonite he sees.
BUT there could always be a nice time paradox that makes some of the members of the Sacred Ash be called and carrying the same pokémon as our last heroes. Also, there might be a slight chance that the team rocket leader who took on the Elite four was indeed called Saiar.
But I won't dwell too much on it.
It's just that making this take place 10 years after the last RP would make me expect hovercycles, mass produced master balls and teleportation system between towns.

Use whatever pokémon you like, but please be consistent and don't be OP. No one wants to be nerfed after all.

Also avoid the B/W pokémon, they still don't have western names. I assume that most people know these 2nd generation pokémon and their habitats. But don't be afraid to find something rare. Just not too rare.

Sign up!

And sign up people and we'll get this show on the road.

Pokémon list:
Barry - Oddish, Lombre, Shroomish, Onix
Lucas - Pichu, Electabuzz, Parasect, Sentret
Joeseph - Chicorita, Teddiursa, Flaaffy
Lando - Umbreon, Flareon, Azumarill, Schyter
Corey - Girafarig, Wynut, Sableye
Rocko - Vulpix, Gulpin, Xatu, Porygon2
Basil - Mareep, Marril, Natu

Signed up people:
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Jotho Stories, Sign up
Post by: Prpl_Mage on December 21, 2010, 12:51:42 AM
Name: Barry
Trainer type: Pokémon Breeder
Description: Barry was born and raised at Lavender town, he quickly found out about pokémons' mortality and grieved them greatly as a kid. Later on he left town with his trusted Oddish ; Shiddo and lived in Celadon City were he became a gym trainer.
As the time went by trouble brewed and more and more pokémon went bad. Barry helped out with the Pokémon day care and the people in Celadon to take care of and raise their pokémon. As the battles between the rockets brewed Barry thought about joining the Sacred Ash but chickened out.
Now, a few years after the Rocket incidents his help as a pokémon shelter was no longer needed and he didn't have a gym to return to.
With little regret he left his town and took the first ferry towards Johto to find new challenges and raise pokémon.
Pokémon: Oddish, Lotad, Shroomish.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Jotho Stories, Sign up
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on December 21, 2010, 01:10:06 AM
Name: Joseph
Type: Camper


Description: Now that Team Rocket is mostly gone from Johto, his family is allowing him to finally start his pokémon journey.  His dream is to catch and train some of the rarest pokémon he can find.  He almost was given the title of a Pokémaniac, but he thought it was a little too creepy.  He starts with the pokémon that his family has kept as pets for the past few years.
From: Cherrygrove City
Starting Pokémon:
   (    (      (
Chikorita, Teddiursa, Flaaffy
Starting Inventory: Two potions, his pokédex, trainer card, a sun stone given to him by his grandmother from Blackthorn, three pokéballs, a great ball, and a dusk ball.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Jotho Stories, Sign up
Post by: drenrin2120 on December 21, 2010, 01:47:04 AM
Name: Lando
Type: Sage
Age: 46
Description: Grew up in Johto, was a strong, young trainer years ago. Now, he resides in Ecruteak City and helps to maintain the dance studio for the Kimono Girls as well as the Bell Tower. Has tried for years to organize an effort to rebuild the Brass Tower. While some progress has been made; clearing out the burnt wood and creating a foundation, when Team Rocket took control, they seized his assets and thus, all the funding for his project. Lando spent the time under Team Rocket's rule with a small group of other sages, protecting the Bell Tower and providing a place for the Kimono Girls to practice without Team Rocket interfering or heckling them. Lando is a young for a sage and has a 16 year old daughter who doesn't want to be a Kimono Girl. Lando dislikes this, as it's sort of a time honored tradition in his family.
Pokemon: Umbreon(male), Azumarill(female), Scyther(female), and Flareon(male).

Name: Gwendolyn
Likes to be called, Gwen.
Type: Undecided
Age: 16
Description: Is Lando's daughter. Wants to travel the countryside and take the pokemon league challenge. While she has a lot of respect for her father, she strongly rejects the family tradition of becoming a Kimono Girl. She is a skilled dancer, as she was trained to be since she was young. Gwen has no relation with her mother. She disappeared during the Rocket Takeover. Lando never wants to talk about it and simply insists that her mother "abandoned them".
Pokemon: Eevee (female) and Growlithe (male).

Also, no promises that I'll play a huge role in this RP.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Jotho Stories, Sign up
Post by: drenrin2120 on December 21, 2010, 02:11:38 AM
Whoops, not sure why I didn't think of that.

Title: Re: Pokémon RP Jotho Stories, Sign up
Post by: drenrin2120 on December 21, 2010, 02:19:11 AM
Suuuure. Also, added another sub-character. Your characters can come up with whatever wacky nicknames they want to.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Jotho Stories, Sign up
Post by: coreystranick on December 21, 2010, 03:53:00 AM
    * Name: Corey
    * Trainer type: Artist
    * Age: 21
    * Desc.: Travels the world studying Pokemon and drawing them. Or rather he had until the Rocket takeover. He is a normally calm guy and tends to not express much feeling. He lives in Ecruteak and had always watched as a local Sage tried to rebuild Brass Tower. He planned on doing an art piece on it when it was done. But now it cannot happen. He plans to compete and start his own gym to fund the rebuild. His team is made up of Pokemon he thinks are beautiful and artistic in their own way. Others may say ugly.
    *Pokemon: Girafarig (male) wynaut (male) Sableye (shiny/male)

(dren hope you dont mind me linking mine to yours)
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Jotho Stories, Sign up
Post by: drenrin2120 on December 21, 2010, 04:05:39 AM
I don't mind at all. That works perfectly.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Jotho Stories, Sign up
Post by: coreystranick on December 21, 2010, 03:01:11 PM
Just notcied part of my description was cut off fixed that.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Jotho Stories, Sign up
Post by: X_marks_the_ed on December 21, 2010, 03:41:30 PM
Name: Rocko
Age: 15
Trainer Type: Pokemaniac
After hearing that the gyms were once again open, Rocko decided to put his hobby of collecting strange Pokemon on hold. As he had just started out only a few months ago, he was having trouble earning the respect of his fellow trainers without something to confirm his talents. These badges would be the key to finally earning the respect he deserves, and will finally stop the others from treating him like fresh meat.
Pokemon: Porygon2, Vulpix, Xatu, Gulpin
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Jotho Stories, Sign up
Post by: SaiKar on December 24, 2010, 07:08:52 PM
Name: Basil the 3rd
Age: 16
Trainer Type: Rich Kid
Description: Rich, bored, and ambition-less. Basil's family weathered the Rocket takeover with most of their wealth intact; the rumors that they were secretly supporting the Rockets are largely unproven. Being set for life and not needing to do anything for himself has caused him to become extremely listless, so he sets out with a few Pokemon mostly to relieve the tedium, even though he knows next to nothing about them.
Pokemon: Mareep, Marill, Natu

Age: 52
Description: Basil's teacher, bodyguard, and overall instructor. Richard has devoted his life to serving Basil and his family and rarely speaks of his personal past. He accompanies Basil on his parent's command.
Pokemon: Primeape, Hitmontop

Hey, look at me; NOT having a single girl character! It's a bloody Christmas miracle!
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Jotho Stories, Sign up
Post by: Prpl_Mage on December 26, 2010, 03:18:26 PM
Gonna wait some more days before starting this. I hope that's allright with everyone.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Jotho Stories, Sign up
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on December 26, 2010, 09:30:04 PM
Just finished my edit for my trainer sprite.  Whoo.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Jotho Stories, Sign up
Post by: RockJohnAxe on December 27, 2010, 12:31:44 AM
alright sweet!! Can i join again?

I would like to be the same guy (Rockjohn Axe) with an updated story. basically from when the last one ended, he would have 6 badges and 4 dojos.

Learning of the new Jotho region, he hopped a boat over for adventure.

his Party is mostly the same, plus or minus 1

also i wont be able to post that frequently, so i wont stick directly with the party much.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Jotho Stories, Sign up
Post by: Prpl_Mage on December 27, 2010, 01:21:53 AM
The last story didn't really happen. Although some parts are the same.
But the Kanto gyms closed down and the Elite four was blasted into pieces so I doubt that he was able to gain all those badges or gain the permission to open dojos in Kanto. Seeing how team rocket took over the role.

So shrink the numbers down a bit and you're free to join!
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Jotho Stories, Sign up
Post by: RockJohnAxe on December 27, 2010, 03:07:20 AM
is Jotho a real area?

and My dojos have nothing todo with Pokemon league. They take payment from trainers to help them train. They can teach more common TMs. Atleast thats what i was thinking.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Jotho Stories, Sign up
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on December 27, 2010, 07:49:40 AM
Its the region for the 2nd gen pokemon games... Its not new at all really.

Basically, everything from the last RP has been scraped or changed, so the dojos you created in the last one don't exist, plus, what I think Prpl is trying to get at is that in this RP, Team Rocket had control of all of the regions.  To have anything that related to battling, gyms, or pokemon, Team Rocket was there to have their hand in it.  Its not practical for anything new of that sort to have been created during this era without them being a part of it and controlling it.  And how we set it up, is that they basically got rid of all gyms.  If you think about it, the gyms could pose a threat to Rocket control if people got too strong.  And the same would go for a Dojo.  They help people train, and the Rockets didn't want that.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Jotho Stories, Sign up
Post by: Prpl_Mage on December 27, 2010, 08:18:58 AM
is Jotho a real area?

and My dojos have nothing todo with Pokemon league. They take payment from trainers to help them train. They can teach more common TMs. Atleast thats what i was thinking.

As Joe here said, Jotho is the region to the left of Kanto - in other words the place where G/S/C took place like 1 year after B/R/Y was released. It has also been remade a year ago as pokémon soul silver and heart gold.

Also, I must have been mistaken I thought Rockjohn wanted to defeat the kanto gyms to prove to the elite four that he was worthy to start new dojos last time. Might just have been how I read things.

In that case, you can own as many dojos as you want but make it reasonable.

And a little on the track of what Joe said as well. Since team rocket pretty much used Kanto as their playground(more like farming country but still) all gyms were closed down there and all threats removed. Team rocket is defeated today but their hold over the Kanto region is still there but slowly fading. Jotho is the only region with gyms open again and an elite four in effect.

So I guess you could say that any badges earned before the Team rocket "invasion" (which still lasted some year) would be void now that the Kanto Elite four is no more. Kinda like owning a medal of a tournament that no longer exists - the bragging rights would kinda fade with it.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Jotho Stories, Sign up
Post by: coreystranick on December 28, 2010, 02:30:31 PM
I can't wait for this to start
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Jotho Stories, Sign up
Post by: Prpl_Mage on December 28, 2010, 06:19:24 PM
Same. Is everyone alright with this starting after new year?
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Jotho Stories, Sign up
Post by: drenrin2120 on December 28, 2010, 07:12:52 PM
yes, I'm fine with that.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Jotho Stories, Sign up
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on December 28, 2010, 09:03:12 PM
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Jotho Stories, Sign up
Post by: drenrin2120 on December 28, 2010, 10:16:25 PM
Also, I think RJA was poking fun at your spelling of "jotho".
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Jotho Stories, Sign up
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on December 28, 2010, 10:38:45 PM
Well, I was more concerned with the Team Rocket part.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Jotho Stories, Sign up
Post by: Prpl_Mage on December 29, 2010, 01:18:25 AM
Also, I think RJA was poking fun at your spelling of "jotho".

Oh, I actually never thought of it...
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: fruckert on December 29, 2010, 02:17:23 AM
Doesn't the H come before the T?
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on December 29, 2010, 02:29:06 AM
It does.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: Prpl_Mage on December 29, 2010, 08:29:45 AM
And now the thread knows it as well.
Glad you pointed it out though, man must have looked like a total nerd to write it wrong. Like writing Kanghaskhan instead of Kangaskhan.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: drenrin2120 on December 29, 2010, 03:00:38 PM
I'm nhot shure hif "nherd" whas the whord hi whas lhooking fhorh.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: RockJohnAxe on December 29, 2010, 10:57:30 PM
sry i was outta town. back now.

Ya i thought Jotho was a new area with Black and white or something. I only ever played R/B and emerald. I love the theory of Pokemon.

Maybe rockjohns 1 dojo gets destroyed.

how about team rocket desrtroyed my dojo, and threw me and my pokemon out at sea. I awake on Johto, my Poliwhirl and stupid jerk squirtle saved me. My 2 raticates and rattata and sandslash are lost.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: Prpl_Mage on December 29, 2010, 11:19:20 PM
Anything you like.

Keep in mind that team rocket was defeated some year ago, that's all.

Just remember that last rp isn't 100% cannon so you can swap anything you like.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on December 30, 2010, 12:37:44 AM
I'm nhot shure hif "nherd" whas the whord hi whas lhooking fhorh.

I just got this. XD
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: Prpl_Mage on December 31, 2010, 02:24:41 AM
Oh right.
Since Johto was mighty paralyzed when team rocket struck the shared Elite 4 of Kanto / Johto they decided to build their own.

So Johto's Elite four is now at Mt.Silver.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: Prpl_Mage on January 02, 2011, 02:44:54 PM
Starting it up now.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on January 02, 2011, 10:39:46 PM
Completely didn't realize Ed and I were coming from the same town until I read his post. haha
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: X_marks_the_ed on January 03, 2011, 01:31:32 AM
It was bound to happen.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: drenrin2120 on January 04, 2011, 07:28:04 AM
I'll get in on this tomorrow.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: coreystranick on January 04, 2011, 11:40:57 AM
I'm gonna wait to post once everyone has posted. I'm only 1 route away from the first gym anyway since Ecruteak is next to Violet minus the Sudowoodo
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: Prpl_Mage on January 05, 2011, 06:26:22 PM
I kinda decided that there is no National Pokédex working. There are the regional pokédexes such as Johto and Kanto but there National needs to be compiled.
That's what you get when team rocket ruins Pallet town and the server stationed there and the trainers who saved the world didn't manage to get info of every pokémon in the world.

So it's basically the same thing as last time. Upgraded version (but not as fancy) that will be used to store additional pokémon data.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: Prpl_Mage on January 07, 2011, 01:57:29 PM
Nooooooooooooooo! My town intro!
It's cool.

Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: coreystranick on January 07, 2011, 02:44:59 PM
Haha my bad man.
I just thought it would be wierd if the town were introduced after people already entered.
I'll stop posting now so everyone can catch up *eyes dren*. Plus I gotta bullshit around work.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: drenrin2120 on January 07, 2011, 09:37:10 PM
Surprisingly, I've had no time to post yet. My characters will probably take a more relaxed roll in the RP. I will post as soon as possible. Since I haven't read a word yet, anything happen in Ecruteak yet?
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: coreystranick on January 07, 2011, 11:17:10 PM
Yup that's all that happened there. I just got up and went to Violet.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: drenrin2120 on January 08, 2011, 06:43:02 AM
Just want to say, **** Exploud. That's all.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on January 08, 2011, 07:26:38 AM
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: coreystranick on January 08, 2011, 01:31:43 PM
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: coreystranick on January 09, 2011, 03:41:17 PM
Ok I'm just gonna post. Damn you Dren.

EDIT: BTW I'm taking into account that me traveling up and down the tower is long enough for most of you to reach town.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: Prpl_Mage on January 11, 2011, 03:23:11 PM
I was just wondering, do Bellsprout actually learn Leech life? Isn't that what zubat does?
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: coreystranick on January 11, 2011, 04:17:56 PM
They can get it through breeding
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: Prpl_Mage on January 11, 2011, 04:20:04 PM
Well that explains it.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: coreystranick on January 11, 2011, 05:33:24 PM
it was a messuo on my part when i wrote it. i decided to just see if anyone noticed it. I meant to put wrap
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: coreystranick on January 18, 2011, 01:33:49 PM
Yeah, double post, so what.

Had this turned into just me lucas and purp doing this?
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: Prpl_Mage on January 18, 2011, 04:01:19 PM
I think Dren is still biding his time in a dark den somewhere. And the others haven't even posted lately so.
Guess they're busy with other stuff.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: coreystranick on January 18, 2011, 05:05:13 PM
Haha figures, well I think the three of us can keep it going.

Dren is probably trying to find a NES
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: coreystranick on January 18, 2011, 07:42:42 PM
haha.....ahhh....yeah I stupid. Trying to work and post at same time. Whatever, i'll change it later....maybe.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on January 18, 2011, 09:22:25 PM
Sorry, I just moved back into college, and classes started today.  I'm gonna write a nice long post at the ruins soon.

Also, Falkner's a douche.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: coreystranick on January 20, 2011, 08:08:48 PM
We are waiting.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on January 21, 2011, 02:57:29 AM
Sorry.  Apparently my computer doesn't like to load Charas main page and today I tried to go directly to the forum main page and it worked, so I'll get on that now...

EDIT: Oh.  Yeah, If someone doesn't like what I've done to the ruins, I can change it before someone else posts.  I though it was a good idea at the time of writing it...
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: coreystranick on January 26, 2011, 05:14:12 PM
Ok, so I would have done a big post but i'm at work.

I'll do something later.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: drenrin2120 on February 02, 2011, 10:06:10 PM
If people still care about this, I may jump in soon. I experienced a strange lack in care for pokemon in the last month, but its slowly coming back.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: Prpl_Mage on February 02, 2011, 10:09:36 PM
If people still care about this,

Of course people still care about this. But I figured I wait for those who haven't post yet so that noone feels left behind. One of the critism from the last time was that we moved ahead to fast. So I'm doing my best not to post as much as last time.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on February 02, 2011, 10:34:57 PM
Yeah, I'm planning on finishing up the Ruins story soon, but you guys can still head that way if you want.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: Prpl_Mage on February 02, 2011, 11:25:03 PM
Barry is at the ruins if you want to include him in what you're doing there.
Title: Re: Pokémon RP Johto Stories, Sign up
Post by: drenrin2120 on February 02, 2011, 11:37:25 PM
Well, my opinion, if people haven't even started posting after you guys began, then go on without 'em. Me included. Cuz we can always jump in, in the future. Even if we have to use different characters.