Off-Topic => Archive => RP Board => Topic started by: Prpl_Mage on January 02, 2011, 03:12:37 PM
Johto, the sister region of Kanto and surprisingly one of the regions that got out okay from the Rocket overtake some years back.
Back in the days Kanto and Johto shared the Elite four but had individual gyms. When Team Rocket struck in Kanto they also made sure to close down the gyms. So the only way to challenge the Elite Four was through Johto gyms.
But it didn't take long before Team Rocket challenged and defeated the Elite four with powerful pokémon and left Johto paralyzed.
They still had their gyms but no Elite four to administer them. Leaders even ended up forsaking their duties in fear that Team Rocket would visit them.
But today Johto is the only region that have a running Elite four, building it up anew at Mt.Silver and offering a new generation of trainers to follow the traditional path of pokémon training instead of what happened during Rocket control.
This is where your adventure begins, you from foreign land or those who are finally given the chance - will you train and battle your way to the top? Or will you Black Out trying?
Barry enjoyed the sun in his face, Johto was a nice region and large parts of the wildlife reminded him of home.
He had arrived at Olivine City the day before and heard from a local lady about a certain person professor - apparently pretty old now but researching something about pokémon. Something that interested this pokémon breeder.
And here he was, New Bark town. A quiet little village which apparently also was the path towards the victory road. Interesting indeed. His Oddish wobbled around beside him and Barry was making sure that his Berry Pots were doing well. An amazing invention it was, it allowed him to grow berries and carry them with him at the same time. Sure beat travelling around half the world and remember where he planted his seeds.
He was in fact so busy with his checking that he bumped into a researcher and dropped his pot.
-"Oh I'm so sorry!" Said the researcher and bowed down and picked up the berry pot and dusted it off a little.
-"Hey man, no problem. It's still whole so don't sweat it." Barry said and smiled.
-"Well, thank you."
-"Hey researcher type, do you know where this pokémon professor is?" Barry asked and the researcher smiled.
-"Ah yes, I'm working for the professor myself. He lives and researches in that tall building over there." He said and pointed at a four stories building (the largest in town) and it looked like a pretty nice research facility.
"Thanks buddy!" Barry said and continued his stride.
He never had the chance to meet is local professor - Oak, so this would be an event to remember.
With his team fully restored and his bag packed, Rocko thought he should check up one more time before leaving.His sister was surprised to see him back so soon. "What? Did you get cold feet already? The world's a lot bigger outside of Cherrygrove, you know." He ignored the comment. "I came back to check my room one more time, so buzz off." He walked past her and examined the room in the back. He sure would miss it. It probably would be better to return to a clean room, but he just didn't have the patience to do so.
As he left, sure that he had everything he'd need, he was stopped. The tougher older sister handed him a Pokeball. "Take her with you. She's a lot more seasoned than your group. Who knows, she might just be all you have." He grasped it and hugged his sister for the last time in a while. "I'll take good care of her." But, without a second glance, he was out the door and out into Cherrygrove, ready to finally earn the respect he had always wanted.
Today was the day. Finally, he could start his journey. He had been waiting an extra few years before his parents would finally allow him to go. Cherrygrove was relatively large, compared to New Bark Town at least. It only took him a few minutes to get to a pokémon center.
"Hi, I'd like to register for the Johto League."
"May I see your pokédex?"
"Uh, yeah, here you go." The Nurse took the pokédex and put it into a slot and his information popped up on the screen. "It should only take a few seconds."
"That's so awesome. How many trainers are registered now?"
"Let's see... there have been 22 in the last year to leave from Cherrygrove."
"Wow. That's a lot of trainers!"
"You're all done. Here you go." She handed him the pokédex. He had got it 5 years ago from the professor in New Bark Town. Joseph wondered if he was still in New Bark Town. Maybe I should go look? Plus, I can see some pokémon on the way.
"Have a nice day, and be careful on your journey!"
As Joseph walked outside the pokémon center, he saw a pokémaniac walking out of a house. He was holding a pokéball in this hand. Joseph wondered if he should say hello.
Corey woke up from a weird dream. In it he was a young trainer battling Rocket members with an odd assortment of other trainers. One of those being a pain-in-the-*** Ace or Cool trainer type guys.
He got out of bed. Today was the day he would start his new quest....well his first quest really. He was going to start his first trek to the first town that had a gym, supposed to be some bird type leader. He planned to beat every gym and then open his own gym. Hopefully raising money along the way to help an acquaintance rebuild Brass Tower. Wasn't sure what kind of gym it would be but since he liked psychic types, that would most likely be the main type used.
Corey was and is still an artist known around Ecruteak for his painting and sketches of wild Pokemon. Though they don't sell for much he has made a living from it. With the money he gained from this and various odd jobs he had bought himself the supplies needed for this trip. They were all loaded into his bag now. He had:
6 great balls, 10 potions, Trainer Card, and a Pokedex.
He walked out of his house, and rounded the corner to look in the back yard.
"Hey Girafarig come here." His trusty Girafarig was grazing beyond the fence it trotted up to him.
"Time to go buddy." A red light light enveloped him and he was in the Pokeball.
Corey looked around he spotted Wynut playing in the small pond.
"Hey Wy-guy, time to go." Wynut looked up and hopped up and down as the light surrounded him.
Now where is Goldie......
Corey looked left and noticed two jewel-like eyes in his face.
"Jesus Christ Goldie. Quit that."
His Ghost-type Sableye was on his shoulder. It liked to scare him. This was his favored Pokemon, it was shiny.
"Let's get going."
Rocko pulled out his Pokedex and pointed it at the Pokeball. "Vulpix, Fox Pokemon..." He figured he'd get it out of the way. He decided to take it to the center anyway to make sure it was at it's best. Heaven knows the last time Sis went out and actually battled. On his way inside, he was stopped by another kid. "Hey, do you live here?"
"Yeah. But not for a while. I'm going to get those badges everyone else is antsy about." Rocko smiled. "Cool, me too. Just registered with the nurse a second ago!"
"Yeah. It's not a requirement, from what I hear, but it does help the community to know how many are into this new system. Lets these new gym leaders know how much activity they can expect."
"Makes sense, I guess." Both went quiet.
EDIT: Curse corey's post being right after AFL's. X)
Barry entered the research facility and gasped at it's awesomeness.
There were researchers walking about and several rooms with pokémon and collections of stones.
He continued to walk and saw all kinds of crazy machines and objects that he had never seen before.
"May I help you?" Asked a man behind him.
Barry turned around and saw a guy dressed in a much more fancy coat than the others.
"Yepp, I'm looking for this professor type person." Barry said and poked the man.
"Might that be you?"
The man smiled gently and nodded.
"Indeed, I am Professor Ethan Gold." Said the man and corrected his glasses.
"Whoa, I thought I'd find some old fossil buried here or something." Barry said and patted the man's shoulder.
"Well, you are a few years too late then. Professor Elm left his research to me when he retired." The professor explained and gestured for Barry to follow.
"In this research facility we conduct research of pokémon evolution. A very common dispute is wherever or not it is wise to evolve a pokémon as soon as possible or to wait it out." He said and showed him a room with a trainer and her psyduck which constantly interrupted evolution.
"Because the un-evolved pokémon can learn more stuff right?"
"Only in some cases, cases such as the exotic pokémon Beldum, or Abra for that matter it's the opposite. In their basic form they can not learn anything new on their own." He said and smiled while continued walking.
"Well, professor. I'm a pokémon breeder and I breed pokémon." He said and began to fumble with his backpack.
"I've been looking for a good way to make my pals here loads of stronger. I give them all types of poffins and pokéblocks. They sure looks tougher but they don't appear to get stronger at all." Barry explained and saw the professor thinking.
"In my youth I was a respectable pokémon trainer. And from my own experience I can claim that the best way to reach evolution - and strength with it.,." He pointed at the large window of the building and Barry turned around.
"Is through battles."
"Through battles huh professor?" Barry said and took in the knowledge.
"Indeed, fighting will make your 'pals' stronger and you'll bond with them easier. I spent most time with my pokémon outside their balls in my youth for example."
"But what if I lose battle then?"
"You must make sure that they know that they can trust you and that you can trust them back." Said the professor and looked at his pokégear.
"I'm afraid I have to go now, my presence is needed" he said and excused himself.
"Well, bye then professor Gold!" Said Barry and waved him off.
Barry returned to the entrance of the facility and through deep and hard.
"Walk with my pokémon... Fight with my pokémon and I'll get stronger." Barry pondered and stopped to look at his poffins and apricorns.
"What about the contests then? I've always lived for raising and competing."
"What about the Elite four then? Take some gym challenges or something?" Said someone behind him.
"Yeah! That's it! I'm gonna use my tough looking pokémon to defeat gyms and the Elite four!" Barry said and walked out of the building. Only realizing that someone beside himself had said it and looked back at the building.
"Oh darn, I think I missed some guy now."
Barry was on his way back into the lab when he bumped into a guy with a guitar. He waved at the guy and talked to him.
"Hey there, I'm Barry. I'm a pokémon breeder, I breed pokémon!" He said and smiled.
The guitarist was about to reply when Barry caught his eyes on the Pichu.
"Dude, a Pichu? I've seen many of those in my life and evolved a few as well. Some people claim that pokémon at daycares can't evolve with happiness but why shouldn't they be happy while at the daycare? I'd be happy if some guy trained me, gave me pokéblocks and could spend time with my brothers and sisters of the world" He chuckled and sent out his Shroomish.
"This little bastard have been with me for some time now. Great way to catch new pokés. Just a shame that you can't find any pichus in the wild huh? Gotta catch a Pikachu and breed it...hmm." Barry pondered for a moment and poked his shroomish in it's annoyance.
"Oh that's right. I'm a pokémon breeder. Problem solved!" He chuckled again but realised that the other trainer wasn't.
"Oh right, what's your name?"
But before Lucas had the chance to answer he was interrupted once again by the professor exiting the lab.
"Ah, there you are." He said and walked up to the two trainers.
"Hey there Professor-dude." Barry said and smiled.
"Yes yes, I'm wondering if you could do me a favour. My old friend Lyra - whos' voice you've probably heard on the radio already claims that her Marill breed a new type of pokémon. I've seen a bunch of Marills hatch from eggs so I'm interested in seeing this myself." He explained.
"It's a shame that Oak's research disappeared with him." Said Barry and remembered the stories about different pokémon appearing from eggs than what usually pop out.
Joseph said goodbye to his new acquaintance. He had thought about maybe sticking with him, but Joseph really wanted to go to New Bark Town and see the professor. Professor Gold was an old family friend, and during the Rocket invasion, he would stay a few nights sometimes. Joseph didn't really know why, but he always just assumed it had to be important. On his way outside Cherrygrove, he passed a very odd looking tree, but he ignored it. After all, who spends time looking st funny trees?
After a bit of walking he found a few berries and stopped to rest. He released his Pokemon, and they had some lunch. The berries seemed to be very good because his Pokemon couldn't seem to get enough of them.
"Do you like those? Heh, well, I had better grab some for the road." Finally he got up and said it was time to keep moving, they couldn't be far now, as it's easier to get there than to get back. Jump a few ledges and you're almost there. Just as he jumped a ledge he saw a wild Sentret in the grass not to far away.
"Go, Teddiursa!" With a flash of red light, the battle began. "Teddiursa, use scratch!" It obeyed and the surprised Sentret dodged it. "Teddiursa, use scratch again!" This time the Sentret was ready. It jumped into the air to dodge and quickly used a tackle. It hit Teddiursa from behind.
"Teddiursa, use leer!" The Sentret was hit, and it's defenses seemed to be lowered, "use furry swipes!" Teddiursa again caught the Sentert off guard. With a few swipes it was down.
"Great job Teddiursa! Return!" It was his first battle with a wild Pokemon. As he had his inner monologue, the Sentret got up and ran into the grass.
"Wait! I wasn't done yet! I wanted to catch you... urgh, note to self, throw pokeball instead of talking to self."
Corey had finally made it out of Ecruteak, it wasn't a long walk but he just didn't feel like walking fast.
He reached the fork in the forest that would either take you to Violet City or towards the National Park. \\
"Hmm...seems that Sudowoodo is finally good. Keeps coming back every now and then. I don't know why."
He took out Goldie. The red light disapeared and Goldie was no where to be seen.
"Damn it Goldie. Don't do this right now."
Corey took a few steps and then Goldie popped out.
"Jesus. Why do you enjoy this?"
Goldie appeared to be laughing, though with no mouth Corey wasn't sure where the sound came from.
"Alright, let's get going."
Professor Gold smiled at the mentioning of Oak and stopped Barry's rambling.
"We all suffer the loss of the research developed by the exalted professor Oak who had compiled most information about every pokémon. But since the rocket incident most of that data was lost with him." He said and shrugged.
"So some pokémon are still unknown?" Barry asked surprised and remembered the age before the rocket incident when people could simply use their pokédexes to get any information they wanted.
"Yes, and no. They are known but we do not have any solid data on them yet. Like Weavile for example. We know that they have been encountered or even owned, but no data on them have been transferred to the new - National Pokédex. We did manage to get the server for the Johto pokédex back online but for some reason it doesn't count pokémon such as Weavile." He said and shrugged while going through his pocket.
"What's that?" Lucas asked and looked at the professor's hand.
"These are microchip that will upgrade your pokédexes to the National Beta." He said and smiled.
"That's awesome, I still only own a Kanto pokédex." Barry said and chuckled as he poked the chip into his pokédex.
"So if you two could, perhaps... Hand out these chip to promising trainers, it will greatly speed up the development of the new pokédex system now that Team rocket are gone." Professor gold said and handed them a case with at least 50 more chip.
With that, the professor took off and left Barry and Lucas standing there.
"Did you know that a Stantler with thief makes one of the best gatherers?" Barry said as he talked on as always. "it can frisk out what items your opponent is holding on to."
"And if you find that TM 46 is hard to find you can always breed your Stantler with a Kecleon that knows Thief." He said and chuckled.
"Strange combination huh? But it will work as long as the Kecleon is a male, any TM moves it knew that Stantler can learn as well will be known to the Stantler appearing from the egg."
And many stories like it was told on the road.
Joseph had forgotten what he was heading towards for a few minutes after he lost that Sentret. He decided that he really didn't want that Sentret anyway. 'Too common a pokemon...' After all, a Sentret isn't good for much. And so he was back on his way to New Bark Town. After a while, he noticed the sounds of one person talking coming closer. He decided to hide behind a tree. As Joseph did so, two trainers walked past, one had a guitar, and the other wouldn't shut up about some breeding nonsense about why such a tiny pokemon like Skitty is able to breed with such a large pok... he was too far away by that point to for Joseph to hear. 'If I wouldn't have hid, no telling what kind of battle I was in for. By now, he was almost in New Bark Town when a man approached him.
"Do you want to learn how to catch a pokémon?"
"Uhm... no thank you. I'm fine, I think."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah... I'm sure"
"Alright then..."
The man when by the title "Dude" and was very strange. As he entered New Bark Town, he saw it. Professor Gold's lab. It was fairly large, and it was just as Joseph remembered it. As he walked in, one of the professor's aides came up to him.
"You didn't happen to pass by a breeder and a guitarist and they give you something did they?"
"No, they didn't see me as they walked by."
"Oh. Well, there is something they have to update your pokédex technology. I would suggest running after them and ask them for one. They didn't leave too long ago..."
"Uh... uhm... yeah! Thanks!" And with that Joseph ran off into the tall grass. 'They couldn't have gone too far'
Violet City
A town known best for Sprout Tower. This small town houses a PokeMart, PokeCenter, Gym, as well as a Trainer Academy.
The local Gym is mastered by a Flying-type Leader named Falkner. He took over after his father gave up the profession. In his beginning years he did not fair well and was always complaing about losing battles even though he used his father's Pokemon. Now that he is getting on in his age and has finally reopened the gym, he expects to lose more.
The Training Academy is run by Earl. Most beginning trainer's coming from New Bark Town stop here to gain some helpful information on status ailments.
Finally Sprout Tower, run by Buddhist monks who train Pokémon, all the while teaching people that all living beings coexist through cooperation. These monks mostly train Bellsprout, although occasionally use Hoothoot. People believe the tower was made from a 100 ft Bellsprout.
Corey arrived in Violet City, the trek did not take long but it was well worth it. Instead of heading towards the gym he made his way to Sprout Tower's entrance. He had to get some training in with his Pokemon. Had been some time since Gira, Wy-guy, and Goldie had fought in a battle.
(expect a battle scene next post, figured I'd be the first to Violet since I was a lot closer than anyone else. so sorry Prup if you wanted to do the town intro.)
Barry chuckled as the Pichu failed his conquest and was surprised at the strength of a Sentret that seemingly did well against a Thunderpunch - from an Electabuzz.
Electabuzz was one of those pokémon he barely had the chance to see in his line of work, few people wanted Elekids. Although there was one person who claimed that Electabuzz could evolve - with no proof at all.
He shrugged it off and went along with the idea of that Sentret being the top percentage of Sentrets.
As they walked on, Barry shared another one of his breeding stories but interrupted himself as he noticed an Apricorn tree. He ran up and picked the green apricorn and palced it in his case. He loved to pick apricorns, and berries for that matter. They could make Apricorn juice, poffins and pokéblocks with these stuff. Great for increasing pokémons' abilities - but apparently not anything related to actual combat.
Which now - for the first time - struck him.
He had never fought a battle before.
Sure he had caught wilds and he had trained pokémon, but there was no such thing as combat where he came from, none entered the Daycare expecting to battle. This was the very reason that he never tried to join the Sacred Ash.
No combat experience, and after all. Hurting pokémon for the sake of fun was wrong. He loved pokémon and thought that all pokémon should be able to live in harmony with each other and humans, he wished for a world of no pokéballs or rare candys.
It was then that he realized that they had entered Cherrygrove and Lucas went for the pokémon center, Barry cleared his mind and jogged up to the guitarist.
Corey entered the swaying building. A few monks were pacing around and a few travelers were inspecting the statues and taking pictures.
"Ahh, time to get some battling done."
Corey started his trek to the top. He went up the stairs in the upper left corner after nodding towards a monk standing near.
He crowned the top of the stairway to find nothing in his site. He had heard of some random Pokemon in this tower, mainly Gastly and Rattata.
"Hmm gotta watch for Gastly here, if they use Ghost moves Wy-guy won't be any good. Should stick with Goldie here since both Wy-guy and Gira are weak to any kind of bug move that these monks' Bellsprout may use too. It's been so long since I've had to remember any of this. Wish my Pokedex still held all the information it used to hold."
Corey came upon a monk standing near the next set of stairs.
Sage:"Hello trainer I am Sage Nico, pleased to meet you."
Corey:"I take it I must battle you to get to the top?"
Corey sends out Goldie.
"Alright let's go."
Sage Nico sends out Bellsprout.
"Goldie use Fury Swipes." Goldie slashes once, twice, and the weak Bellsprout falls.
"Oh I guess I'm stronger than I thought."
Sage Nico recalls the fainted Bellsprout and sends out another.
"Hmm, Goldie come back, Wy-guy go!" Goldie disappears instead of going into the Pokeball. Wy-guy is released.
Dammit Goldie where did you go? Always doing this
While Corey thought about Goldie the Sage attacked Wy-Guy with a Leech Life. Even though it was a weak Pokemon the attack did double damage to Wy-Guy.
"Crap!. Wy-guy use Mirror Coat!" Wy-guy took out the Bellsprout in one hit, inflicting double the damage it had taken from the Leech Life. There was nothing the Bellsprout could do.
Sage Nico took out his last Bellsprout. And the battle went as it had done before, Corey let the Bellsprout hit and then sent Wy-guy with a Mirror Coat.
After collecting his earnings Corey went ahead to the next stairs and the next challenge. Again a Sage with three Bellsprout stood before him. Corey took them out with Gira's Confusion.
The last floor was now where Corey stood. Three more stood before him. Corey took out the first's lone Bellsprout with an Encore and Mirror Coat from Wy-guy. The second was taken out with Gira's Confusion. The third was different. He had a Hoothoot.
Corey sent out Gira. Had him use Agility to raise his speed and then as the Hoothoot landed a Peck Gira retaliated with a firm Stomp. Right on top of the little round bird's head. Gira easily dispersed of the Bellsprout the followed.
As Corey collected the last of the earning from the Sage he turned and noticed Goldie sitting next to the Elder.
"Goldie! Come here! I've been looking for you."
The elder stood and said."Looks like even though this Sableye loves you, you still cannot control it. The badge from this city will help you with that. But first you must prove yourself to me."
"Um....ok. Goldie come your gonna fight for me."
Goldie disappeared and reappeared next to Corey. Even though it wouldn't listen all the time, it would still fight.
The Elder sent out a Bellsprout.
"Use Growth Bellsprout."
A light enveloped Bellsprout as it gained energy preparing for a Special Attack next round.
"Goldie use Night Shade." The Bellsprout was hit, not too much damnage was taken due to the Pokemon being somewhat weak.
Bellsprout returned the favor with a Leech Life.
"Goldie use Astonish this time." Goldie paused and was hit with another Leech Life.
"Darn it I forgot you always have to go last when fighting." Then just as it was said Goldie used Astonish.
The Bellsprout fainted. The Elder followed with another Bellsprout and the battle went as it just had. This time Corey ordered a Fury Swipe instead, taking the Bellsprout out in the first move.
"Oh, you are good, but we are not done. I now send out my last Pokemon. Noctowl!"
The bird was released and began flying high as it could and perched itself on top of a beam.
"Wait I was told you use a Hoothoot!'
"Hahaha don't you think after all the battles I have my Pokemon would evolve? I keep the Bellsprout just to fool trainers."
Darn it, Goldie is weak it may not be able to take this battle. I'll still have to try.
"Goldie...Do you think you can do this?" His favoured Pokemon looked at him, emotions were hard to tell with his big Jewel-like eyes, but Corey could swear he saw determination.
"Alright, use Foresight!" As Goldie took away any possible way the foe Noctowl could evade, it shot back with a Hypnosis.
Goldie took the hit, and fell asleep.
"Goldie, no. Return, you can't fight anymore. Gira it is your turn now." Gira came out of the Pokeball, stomping his hooves.
With his ablility to halve that time he sleeps this battle should be easy. And with Agility he can attack before that darn bird.
"Agility!" Gira focused and began moving faster able to get ahead of the next Hypnosis that was shot from the shrieking bird.
"Now use Confusion! Keep this up buddy."
The confusion nailed the bird halting his flying pattern for just a moment. Enough time for Gira to use another Agility.
"Again Confusion!" This time when the bird was hit, it became confused. His flying pattern now random, bumping into the pillar that held the building up.
The Noctowl came in for Sky Attack but was still confused. It ended up mistaking Corey for Gira and as he came in Corey jumped to the side and Noctowl slammed into the floor. It was unconscious.
"Hmm well it seems you are a good trainer, please take this TM FLASH. It will help for those pesky unlit caves," the Elder said recalling his bird.
"Take on the gym, I hope your journey fairs well."
And with that Corey gave thanks for the battle and began his descent downwards towards town.
Haven't battled in so long. I'm just glad I could win. I must train some more, maybe I need a different Pokemon that isn't psychic or ghost....
(BTW Sableye has the ability Stall which makes her attack after the foe no matter what move is used)
It didn't take very long for Joseph to make it back to Cherrygrove. A few battles with some Sentret didn't go too well, and his pokémon were weak. 'I need to head to the Pokémon center...' As he entered, he saw the two trainers from earlier.
"Hey! You two!" The two turned around confused." The aide in Professor Gold's lab said you had something to hand out?"
The breeder spoke. "Yeah, it's a pokédex upgrade. I take it you would like one?"
"I would."
"Take this then." The breeder handed him the upgrade.
"Do you need your pokémon healed?" The nurse smiled and took his three pokéballs.
The nurse came back with the pokéballs. "Here you are. Be careful that your pokémon don't get badly injured while you're out, and always carry some potions with you."
"Thanks!" With that, Joseph left the Pokémon Center. "Next stop, Violet City!"
Barry walked with the two chaps. Nice guys and all that, but they had such strong pokémon.
Barry usually sent out his Shroomish - Sishohorm against any pokémon he wanted to capture. The he let his enemies attack it since they would suffer from Effect Spores and his buddy would simply use absorb till the battle was over. But if the enemy was really strong Barry would be sure to give him a Lemonade or a Sitrus Berry he couldn't risk them disliking him.
Then he had a great idea, what if he caught something new? Something that could perhaps do better in a fight? Like that awesome Sentret? His party was super-duper loved and maxed with apricorn juices, berries, poffins and pokéblocks. But apparently none of that actually made them stronger.
"Sishohorm use Headbutt on that tree!" Barry called his Shroomish and the blobby fungus went all out on the closest pine. There was a large *smack* noise coming from the tree as Sishohorm bounced off and landed on the grass.
"Nice job buddy!" Barry said and chuckled as a wild Spinarak fell down into the grass.
"Now what is this? A spider? I haven't seen one of these before!" Barry exclaimed happily and chuckled as the pokémon got up from its back.
"Give your pokédex a shot!" Lucas called from the distance and Joe joined in.
"It will give you all kinds of useful information when you fight something!"
"Right!" Barry called back and fumbled with his pokédex and scanned the creature before him.
Unfortunately, his upgraded Kanto pokédex lacked the cool sound and voice option thatthe old version had.
He read the information and decided to let Sishohorm do his thing.
"Sishohorm wear it out!" Barry called and watched as the Spinarak tried its' best to defeat Shroomish and Shroomish silly attempts at stealing energy from it with absorb.
He decided to throw a pokéball and watched the Spinarak get sucked in; It barely closed before it broke open again.
"Darn, let's give it another chance..." He said and threw a new ball, the same thing happened.
"Try to wear it down with some real attacks or give it a status problem!" Lucas said as he and Joe stopped to wait for him.
"I guess I just have to wait for it to get paralyzed or something." He said and shrugged.
And as a blessing from above - Spinarak did indeed get a status abnormality - but as all fate knows - it doesn't always turn out the be the one you're hoping for.
"It's poisoned" Joe said and saw Barry's disappointment.
"I guess I can't rely on the status effect then..." He mumbled and exclaimed "Sishohorm use Headbutt!"
The fungus charged the spider and bonked it silly with it's enormous head. The Spinarak fainted.
"Darn it all." Barry said and looked at his Shroomish which looked just as bitter as he did.
"That's too bad Barry but you can't always succeed!" Joe said and and smiled friendly.
"Yeah.... I guess so." He said and called for his pokémon to follow him again as he ran up to his companions.
It didn't take too long before they saw the Bellsprout tower in Violet, Barry also noticed an apricorn tree next to a cave but the other two told him to stay the Muk out till he got something called Flash. After checking the move up on his pokédex he couldn't understand what good an Sand attack substitute would do in a dark cave.
Barry realized one thing. He didn't knew enough about pokémon. Sure, he knew what most pokémon could learn and how cool their moves looked while using them in contests. He knew abilities and he knew power. But what he knew was all facts, the meaning of what he knew about each pokémon was nothing.
He knew that effect spore could leave them paralyzed but last time they got poisoned. He knows that headbutt is stronger than absorb but didn't know it made such difference as it did last time.
In other words. Barry needed training, some education perhaps. Maybe he simply needed a mentor to let him know all about what a pokémon's type represented or what moves were good when and with what...
"Guys, I'm gonna go on ahead and see if there's something here that can help me train." Barry said happily and waved goodbye to the other two as he jogged the last bit to Violet City.
Violet city was a lot larger than Cherrygrove and New Bark town, but not as much a city as Celadon where he spent most of his time. There were small houses, a large tower and some sign mentioning ruins.
He didn't care much for tourist attractions right now though as he noticed the sign that read "Trainer Academy - Pokémon School"
"I'll be damned, I think I just found exactly what I'm looking for!" Barry chuckled as he returned his party to their balls and entered the academy to learn something new. Something he could use to actually win battles and get stronger.
Corey had finally made it down the stairs of the tower. It seemed to take longer going down, than it did going up.
"Phew that was tiring."
Corey spied a trainer, looking more so like a breeder with his pale and all, walking up to the Training Academy and saw him make face as he read the sign.
Must be a new trainer
Corey headed off towards the Pokecenter wondering about his journey and his reasons for it.
I wonder how old man Lando is doing
Corey was sitting down inside the Pokecenter wondering about Lando.
Had been doing so for a while and just kept reassuring himself that this is what he needs to do to help the old man.
I have to find a Pokemon that isn't psychic or ghost, I'm going to get stomped at a few of the gyms if not. But what should I get, there isn't anything around this area.
Corey concluded his thoughts by deciding when he was done with the gym he would go and do some searching....or trading.
When he got done his thoughts on the present and future situation he noticed an musician walking in, one he vaguely noticed on his way out of the tower.
Barry spent a couple of hours asking questions and listening to lectures from the people at the academy, it was all pretty hard. But he did take notes on the effects of status problems and type advantages. He felt ready to go now since he kinda realized that this was all "battles in theory" and not actual battles.
He bought a book about the class that was held there and said his goodbyes.
Barry saw the large tower in the distance but decided to skip it, he wanted to try the gym right away. He knew that his grass type moves would have little effect against birds but lucky him that he had moves such as Headbutt.
He skipped the pokémon centre and went straight for the gym and gasped at the challenged ahead. It was time to prove that he was more than just a breeder; that he was indeed a trainer.
Joseph took his time looking around. For it being so close, he had never been in Violet City before. The tower looked like a good place to train, and the gym shouldn't be too bad with Flaffy... but the outskirts of town had something very intriguing. The ruins. He had read about them, and had always wanted to vist, but never had the chance. What mysteries were there for him to explore? He quickly left town towards the Ruins.
Barry was impressed by the trainer's performance. He just wished the trainer would play a battle theme next time.
"I guess I'm next" Barry said confident as he walked over to the gym leader after he healed his pokés.
The leader looked pissed and Barry was a bit nervous. Lucas used electric type moves and it had an advantage towards the flying type.
Barry had to use something beside grass moves or he wouldn't deal any damage.
"I'd like yo challenge you to a fight leader type!" He said and bowed.
"Another one?" The leader said and shook off his bitterness.
"Yepp, I'm hyped up and ready to go."
Barry sent out Oddish, he would try to use poison powder since he wasn't going for a catch and then tackle.
"Go Starraptor!" Falkner called as the large bird erupted from the ball.
It's sharp eyes pierced any bravery his tough looking Oddish might have shown.
"Use poisonpowder!" Barry called and the oddish began to chant.
"Take it out!" Falkner called and a moment passed before the bird slapped the oddish silly with its' wing.
"Aw darn it." Barry mumbled as he withrew Oddish and sent out Lotad.
"Tadol use Water gun!" Barry called but an Aerial Ace completely sundered the bouncy creature.
"Aw... Well, last try." Barry said as he shrugged and sent out Shroomish.
"I'm tired of games." Falkner said and waved at his Starraptor.
The bird soared high and dived right in front of the mushroom. Shroomish braced for impact but the bird crashed down next to it and clenched it's wing.
"I can't watch this..." Barry said as the Starraptor unleashed punch after punch with it's graceful Close Combat.
The Mushroom pokémon was far more than fainted as it collapsed to the floor - but Starraptor was at least poisoned.
"Well, that's all I could offer." Barry said with a sad smile, he thought it would go a lot better now that he knew more. But apparently there was more to fighting than just picking the right move to use.
"Thanks for the battle, I really needed that." Falkner said and walked up and shook Barry's hand.
"Oh well, it seems like you're just too strong for me." Barry said and flushed.
"You know what? Take this badge for the effort." Falkner said and held out a badge.
"What really?" Barry said and smiled.
"No, of course not..." Falkner said and grinned as he put it back in the pocket.
"Darn man, that's mean." Barry said and chuckled.
"Return here once you've trained your pokémon a little more, and perhaps get something aside from grass types. My Flying types will always have the advantage against them.
With those words Barry walked over to Lucas and shrugged.
"I guess I wasn't ready for this after all." He smiled and wondered that maybe he should just give up the whole elite four dream of his.
"You just need to get stronger, train like crazy." Lucas said as he played a familiar tone on the guitar.
"Would you teach me how to get stronger?" Barry asked and chuckled, then looked at Lucas pleadingly.
Lucas stopped playing right in the song and turned to the breeder.
Corey had finally gotten up from his chair in the Pokecenter.
"Well, guess it's about time to go to the gym and see what I can do."
Corey walked into the gym, he noticed two trainers talking that he had seen around town before. The breeder looked disappointed, must have lost.
"Well, do you wish to battle as well?"
"Yes, I've come to take down your birds."
"Well, we will see about that Staraptor!"
The Pokemon came soaring out of the Pokeball. Corey waited and decided to send out Gira.
"Gira Agility!"
"Close Combat Staraptor"
The bird came in close but with Gira's speed raised he was able to dodge.
Gira sent out waves of psychic power towards the bird hitting firmly on the head. Solid hit, but it did not confuse the bird.
"Brave Bird now!"
Staraptor landing into Gira's side. The hit hurt Gira but also the bird.
"Quick before it flys back out of range use Stomp!"
Gira kicked his back hooves, but just barely hit the bird before it flew off.
"Agility agian, we gotta get faster."
Gira raised his speed once more.
"Now use Confusion!"
"Close Combat again Staraptor"
"Great! Now that he is close use Stomp!"
The two Pokemon exchanged blows, but since Staraptor was already weakened it didn't take long before Gira was the winner, though a badly hurt one.
"Pelipper your turn."
"Gira use Confusion."
With the raised speed he was able to land the hit before Falkner's Pokemon could.
"Tailwind Pelipper."
The bird began to raise it's speed to match Gira's. Soon they were equal.
"Ice Beam."
The two beams smacked together, Gira couldn't hold on and lost, the ice beam knocking him out.
"Hmm, Wy-guy your turn. Use Mirror Coat."
Pelipper came in for another Ice Beam. It hit Wy-guy but Mirror Coat returned the damage two fold.
"Encore Wy-guy."
Pelipper began to use another move, but all of a sudden an Ice beam shot out.
"Mirror Coat quick!"
Wy-guy was hit, he wouldn't take much more but Pelipper was doing worse since he was taking double the damage he was doing to Wy-guy.
"Destiny Bond Wy-guy!"
Pelipper came in for the final hit, taking out the poor little guy.
Falkner smiled, but then a small ball of light came and hit Pelipper, both Pokemon were fainted.
"Nice move kid."
"Now for my final Pokemon. Pidgeot!"
"Goldie go!"
"Quick attack Pidgeot."
The bird came in and Sableye just stood there. Sableye was unaffected.
As the bird came in Goldie turned and his eyes glowed peering into the bird. He had taken away any evasion that was imposed.
Goldie was hit by a Wing Attack but the bird was taking hits as well.
"Now Night Shade!"
Pidegot took a lot of damage since it was a more experienced than the Bellsprout.
Goldie and the bird were both getting tired.
"Goldie as it comes in use Zen Headbutt."
Goldie took the Wing Attack that followed and hit the bird squarely on it's head.
Pidegot was dazed.
"Quick before it regains composure finish it with fury swipes."
Goldie began scratching the bird over and over.
"Use return"
"Zen Headbutt!!"
Both Pokemon hit, both fainted. But Pidegot just slightly before Goldie.
"You got lucky, I don't even wanna give you the badge."
"But I won!"
"By a few seconds!"
"It matters in races why not here!?"
"Because this is my gym!"
"Well no, it is your father's Falkner!"
"He isn't here, so it is mine and I won't give you this badge."
"What a sore loser."
Corey turned and stormed out, not even noticing if the other two trainers were still there.
The Ruins of Alph
The ruins have been a mystery for years. A strange group of pokémon were discovered here in the ruins, given the name Unknown. They seemed to be in shapes of letters. Joseph had seen a documentary on the rocket invasion of the ruins not too long ago. They were looking for the hidden secrets of the ruins, because they had heard tales of a powerful rare pokémon that inhabited it. These came from people hearing an interference in their pokégear radio. Apparently, they thought it was the cry of the legendary pokémon, Ho-oh. When they got there, they destroyed much of the ruins in the process. All that was left was one cave, and unknown scattered everywhere. The people who had been studying the ruins were forced to join Team Rocket, and became slave researchers at their bidding. Now that Team Rocket is out of Johto, they were able to return, and their research has begun again. Unfortunately, since most of the records of the ruins were destroyed, they have made little progress of late.
"This place is eerie..." The ruins had a mist all around. It seemed almost like a graveyard. From what he had heard, the place was crawling with ghost pokémon. "What was that?!" A pokémon came up in front of his face out of thin air. It looked at him, and then backed up. It looked puzzled as why Joseph was just standing there frozen.
"Duskull, the Requiem Pokémon. Duskull wanders lost among the deep darkness of midnight. There is an oft-told admonishment given to misbehaving children that this Pokémon will spirit away bad children who earn scoldings from their mothers."
"Duskull, eh?" The pokédex was very useful. He had never seen a Duskull before. "Go, Teddiursa!" Teddiursa got quick a shock when it saw the ghost pokémon. "Teddiursa, don't be scared! We can do this! ...Teddiursa should be okay as long as I don't use any normal type moves... Teddiursa! Use Fake Tears!"
Teddiursa started to produce tears, the Duskull became very uncomfortably, and looked open for an attack.
"Faint Attack!" Teddiursa distracted Duskull and hit it with the move. It was a good hit and the Duskull flew back a few feet. It took a bit of damage. It wasn't through yet. The Duskull used Night Shade, and quickly realized it had no effect on Teddiursa.
"Teddiursa, use Lick!" It didn't do much, but it did something at least. The Duskull used Disable before Teddiursa could get another lick. "Darn it! Use Faint Attack!" Again, it tried to distract Duskull. It worked, and Teddiursa managed to get another nice blow.
"Now use Fake Tears!" The Duskull used Astonish, but it didn't have any effect, and was caught off-guard by Teddiursa's tears.
"Give it another Faint Attack!" This time Duskull was having none of it. It used Confuse Ray just as Teddiursa got near. In its confusion it accidentally hit itself. "Teddiursa! Come back! Good job! Now what... let's try Flaffy! Go, Flaffy!"
The sheep-like pokémon came out of the ball and looked at the Duskull. Duskull was weak, and didn't have much will to fight.
"Flaffy! Use Thunder Wave!" Flaffy shot a shock of electricity, just enough to paralyze the Duskull. It seemed to almost give up. "Pokéball, go!" In a flash of light, the Duskull was in the pokéball. It moved once. Twice. Thrice. And another time before it stopped. "We did it! We caught a pokémon Flaffy!" Flaffy began to cheer along with Joseph. He returned Flaffy and released his newly caught Duskull. "So, anything cool around here?" The Duskull was still weak, but it bobbed happily and began floating towards something in the distance.
After a few minutes of walking, Duskull stopped. It looked like it heard something. A few Rattata rushed passed. I don't enjoy those things... the teeth just creep me out... Joseph looked at Duskull. It bobbed and began floating in a different direction. It was only a few more paces before he came to a old building. It seemed to have rubble on it from the explosions the Rockets used to destroy the ruins. He walked inside to find a working laboratory with a few scientist working. One of them noticed him and called for him to come over.
"I see you made a new friend, Duskull!"
"Huh? You know him?"
"He wanders in here all the time. He's quite friendly. Surprising for a ghost pokémon. I think he was brought here by a Rocket Grunt and released because he was too weak. So he would roam around the ruins of the ruins. I see you must have caught him. Good for you."
"Thanks...? What are you guys studying now, anyway?"
"Well, mostly why this fog appeared here. After the explosion, the fog set in and many pokémon began to appear. Lately there have been some sightings of a few pokémon not native to the region."
"It is. Do me to show you around the lab?"
"That would be really awesome!"
"Come on then"
Barry left Lucas and wondered where that other trainer had went. And he also realized that Lucas was stronger than him, who was weaker than Falkner BUT that cooltrainer was stronger than Lucas. It all made little sense. Barry thought that the gym leaders where the strong trainers.
He wanted to beat Falkner pretty badly but pulled out his notebook. "Flying beats grass, bug and fighting."
Turned the page. "Flying gets beaten by electric, ice and rock. NOTE: most bird types are also normal".
An electric pokémon like those Lucas had would do wonders in other words. Maybe if he breed the electabuzz to gain an elekid? Nah, he couldn't ask that of a complete stranger. Ice types then? Nope, probably none of those around...
That left one thing.
"Rock types, guys, we're gonna get a rock type!" He said as he released his pokémon from their balls so they could accompany him
He strode through the grass and meet a bunch of rattatas, when it happened he had to call back those not fighting to make sure that he had control of everything.
Shroomish fared best, seemed like he was the most battle-able of his crew. Then it was Lotad, it had been breed with water gun which made an amazing difference compared to Oddish Tackle.
He was learning and he would be better. Learning moves, what his opponents might know. Learning their types, learning move-types. His notebook was so littered with scribbles that he was getting dizzy.
He passed some sign that said "Ruins of Alph" And figured it was nothing good over there, why would anyone visit ruins after all?
He continued down and avoided trainers and some creepy bearded madman who stood on a hill and screamed his lungs out.
In the end he arrived at a cave. The Onion cave, odd name indeed. Then he realized that someone had drawn on the sign, the original name was Union cave.
He stepped inside and it was dark, he heard movements but his eyes adjusted at last.
He walked for a while and met Geodudes left and right. He knew that he had the advantage and let his Shroomish and Lotad do their thing. Water and grass moves were really good against these.
He stayed in the cave for a while and trained, he had plenty of Sitrus and Leppa berries that he handed out.
When he felt okay with the training he gave them all a haircut and started to head out.
But his Shroomish stayed where it was.
"What's the matter? You see another geodude?" But as Barry looked, there was a large rocky snake in front of him - Onix.
"Whoa, you sure you can fight that?" Barry asked and his Shromish answered with the useful bitter expression.
Shroomish steeled himself from the blow and took the Rock Throw with ease, the Onix was strong but it didn't do much against the fungus.
"Keep using Absorb took keep your health up if you want to!" Barry called as Shroomish charged his attack.
The onix was struck by the attack and parts of his energy slowly seeped into the fungal creation in front of him.
There was no reason for his behaviour the next couple of turns though. First it polished itself to make it move faster, then it increased its' defense with harden. But Barry now knew that Absord was a special attack.
"You're doing great!" Barry called as the Onix seemed weaker and weaker.
The he remembered.
"Oh yeah, I came here to find a rock pokémon..." And so he dug through his bag to find his pokéballs.
He weighted the ball in his hand and threw it at the Onix, it was sucked in and the ball wobbled, then it wobbled some more - but it broke.
"Drats, I guess it needs some kind of status problem then, huh? Don't do anything, wait for it to attack you with it's body so it can get effected by your spores!" Barry called and smiled at the Shroomish, who looked back at him like he was dumb.
Shroomish disobeyed orders and began charging an attack.
"Aww, c'mon, don't do this. I wanna catch that thing y'know?" Barry pleaded as he threw another ball at the solid serpent.
Shroomish unleashed his attack, but it was not an attack. Spores filled the air and struck Onix. He seemed to be restrained by some unseen force.
"Paralyze? But he didn't even hit you..?" Barry said confused.
The Shroomish hopped in place to signal Barry to snap out of it.
"Right, capture!"
He threw another ball and it hit its' mark, Onix was sucked into it and the ball wobbled, then it wobbled some more before a clicking noise was heard and it was stuck.
Barry leaped up in joy and shouted 'yay's, he cheered at his Shroomish and hugged it.
"Good job buddy."
And then he heard the sound of shrieks, lots of them. In the ceiling.
He looked up and saw a horde of Zubats waking up, he panicked - grabbed the ball and ran for the exit still hugging Shroomish.
Corey walked off from the Gym. Pissed that he could not get the badge he had to get another pokemon. Something that would do well against the birds.
He took off back towards Ecruteak. He had to try and find an Ice, Rock, or electric type.
Corey had remembered where he could find Magnemites. Near the port town Olivine. He decided to head that way.
I'll beat that man, maybe I'll go and stop by the gym in Ecruteak and talk with some old friends there, they can help me.
Barry strode with his new Onix and cherished the company of the large solid snake.
"So how am I going to train you guy?" Barry pondered as he felt himself filled with a lot more confident now that he had a somewhat more intimidating pokémon such as Onix. It was huge.
"Hey! I saw you through this tall grass!" A chilidsh voice called from the tall grass nearby. Barry turned around and saw a hat moving closer.
"Who goes there?" Barry asked friendly as he tried to make out the person.
Out from the grass stepped a teenager wearing the universal picnicker outfit.
"I'm Joy and I'm challenging you to a battle tall guy!" The trainer said and sent out a hoothoot.
"Really? Me? Wow, this is so exciting! My first battle against a trainer, I better not screw this up... who to choose who to choose..." Barry began as he picked up his notepad and remembered his training. Rock beats flying.
Barry tried to figure out what his Onix knew with the rest of his team called back.
"Wing attack hottie!" The picnicker called and the bird flew off excited. It struck Onix with the wing but it seemed oblivious to the attack.
"Can you create an earthquake? Or throw some mud at it? Perhaps a rock?" Barry asked uncertain of this new type of pokémon.
The Onix reacted to the last suggestion and pulled out a rock from the ground and coldly threw it right at the bird.
The hoothoot was struck and bashed to the ground by the large boulder - it didn't get up.
"Hey! Great job Onix!" Barry said and went on ahead to pat his boulderline.
"Hello? I'm not done just yet!" Joy said and glared at Barry.
"Oh right, erhm. Sorry just got a bit carried away."
She sighed and sent out a Marril.
"Okay, you seemed to have a good attack there. Throw another rock Onix." Barry suggested and the Onix did as he was asked. Another boulder was lifted and sent flying at the mouse pokémon this time. It struck and the Marril toppled over.
But it got up.
"Way to go Mary! Now beat that bully up!" Joy called.
The marril inhaled and then released a spray of bubbles at Onix. The bubbles hit hard and the Onix sacked.
"That thing took out my Onix?" Barry asked surprised and returned it to the ball.
"Well duh! It's a water type..."
Barry thought for a while and then it struck him.
"Water is weak to grass. And I have 3 of them..." He held his hand over his balls and decided to give Lotad another shot.
"Mary focus on Rollout, your water moves really won't bite on that thing." Joy called as barry learned something new.
"Well, water gun won't do you much good here buddy, so try that grass move you got."
Lotad charged power and used Absorb to drain energy from the Marril.
The Marril was struck but got back on its' feet, it raised the hands into the air and began rolling against lotad. It struck and the Lotad bounced into the air from the force.
"Keep using your move Lotad, you'll probably win this!" Barry called.
The lotad landed softly and quickly attacked Marril as it rolled against him.
The absorb struck and stopped the spin of the Marril for just a few seconds.
The struck again and made its' way back with a u-turn (not the move).
"One more time buddy!" Barry called and raised his hands in excitement.
Absorb struck marril but it kept going striking Lotad.
Marril fainted from the attack and Lotad was getting really hurt - then the energy recovered through absorb made it a little better.
"Allright! My first victory and my first successful capture in the same day!" Barry cheered and hugged the Lotad.
"Aw gosh, I can't believe that I lost to such a newbie." Joy said but stopped as Lotad began to wobble and shine.
"Whats happening buddy?" Barry said but chuckled as he realised it. Evolution. It didn't happen often but now was the time.
A blinding light erupted from his partner and a new pokémon stood in its' place.
"Welcome to the team Lotad... Although I guess I should say Lombre!" Barry chuckled and talked to Joy for a bit of advice on battles and how to pick opponents.
With all that behind him, Barry went back to Violet city to heal up and challenge the gym again. The he got off track, forgot about the gym and decided to check out the ruins.
Corey was on his way to Olivine City when for some reason he felt compelled to take a turn and head towards the ruins.
He saw the man with the guitar heading that way.
"Hmm, I wonder what he is up to."
Barry strode into the area where the Ruins of Alph were at. But it seemed that there was barely anything worth calling "ruins" left.
"Pretty darn worn out." Barry said as he and his Onix walked along the area, he noticed the lab and decided to check it out. Labs usually had research and any research or hints would make him a stronger trainer.
"Sorry guys, but y'know the rules. No pokémon indoors unless we're home." Barry said as he withdrew his party into their balls.
With that done he checked his Berry Pot and entered the lab.
There seemed to be work done in here but most scientists looked busy, then he noticed the guy from before. The Joe guy.
Barry waited at the doorsteps and tried to get some attention but it seemed like the other guy had all of that.
He decided to wait... Wasn't he supposed to find Joe either way? Or maybe it was something else he set out to do. Either way he wanted to check out those ruins, might just be some hidden paths.
Corey strode into the ruins not long after Lucas.
He saw Lucas and his Pokemon beating up on a few of the local pokemon and decided to leave him alone.
He diverted his attention to the trainer standing at the lab door. It seemed to be the same one he saw back in Violet that was heading to the school.
He walked up,"Hey there I have seen you a few times in the last town I believe you were in the gym when I battled, I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Corey."
The breeder looked as though he remembered, "I'm Barry, I'm a Pokemon Breeder, I love how you have a rare colored Sableye, finding Pokemon of a different color is rare."
"Yeah I know, I can't really remember how I found her either, but Goldie is my best friend, though she likes to play tricks. What are you doing outside?"
"I'm waiting for a friend who is inside the lab."
"Oh, well mind if I wait with you?"
"Sure sure I don't mind."
Barry stood around with the new trainer. The guy had a golden sableye and a Wynut. That was rare indeed, he'd only seen a few Sableye's in his life and after his visit about type advantages he'd learn that Sableye was one of 2 pokémon without weaknesses.
"I bet your Goldie is pretty good huh? Poor Shroomish had his fungal behind handed to him in the gym because of those type advantages." He smiled and Corey nodded in response.
"So a Wynut huh, I bet you had to breed that one, I haven't heard of a place that has wild Wynuts, and wubuffet is kinda hard to catch, did you know that they are rather rare and used as meatshields in battles? I read it in this one book about moves where it said that Wubbuffet could learn both counter and mirror coat."
Corey looked at Barry confused and Barry chuckled as he offered some Apricorn Drinks.