
Game Creation => RPG Maker => Topic started by: drenrin2120 on March 07, 2011, 04:46:43 AM

Title: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on March 07, 2011, 04:46:43 AM
This thread is specifically for posting screen shots from your current project for critical review. Not many rules, you may post as many screen shots at a time as you like, or over a period of time and other people will come and look at them and give your advice or praise.

The whole point of this thread is to showcase what you can do while receiving tips and feedback on your work. This also helps prevent cluttering up your own game thread. So, use it as much as you need to!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on May 11, 2011, 08:04:37 PM

Beginnings of a floating island map.  Meh.  Its a work-in-progress.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: fruckert on May 11, 2011, 08:55:40 PM
I'm imagining it falling off the island right now.

It's a funny mental image.

Still though, very good.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on May 11, 2011, 09:11:19 PM
That looks really nice. I want to visit it.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Natako on May 12, 2011, 02:59:31 AM
Looks sweet, AFL. The texture on the waterfalls looks a little strange to me (perhaps it looks better in motion), but other than that, the island (and the swan) are looking mighty sexy.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on May 12, 2011, 05:40:01 AM
Bahaha.  The swan... poor thing. I hadn't thought of that. XD
The waterfalls... are... well... yeah.  They look okay animated, but... yeah.

I was expecting it to turn out pretty badly since I haven't really mapped anything in about 2 months.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: SaiKar on May 12, 2011, 02:38:38 PM
Imagine it falling through one of those waterfalls, as the water from the pond is sucked into them. I can see it yelling and trying to fly as the water pressure makes his large body move through the small holes on the stone, slowly dismembering and killing the poor bird.
You being creepy aside, I don't think there's enough water pressure to suck something like a swan through. It's like draining a bathtub - you can feel the water moving, even feel a little suction if you put your hand near the drain, but that's it. If anything, the swan would block the hole and shut off the flow.

'course, bringing science into a screenshot with a flying chunk of land and a water pool with a waterfall and no source of fresh water proooooobably wasn't the sort of feedback AFL was looking for.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: SaiKar on May 12, 2011, 10:03:45 PM
It's in the old Games forum.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on May 13, 2011, 02:19:24 AM
I was gonna post in it, but I thought this one would be more appropriate.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on May 16, 2011, 11:22:46 PM

Demo coming out VERY soon.

For real.


I swear.

No, seriously, like THIS week. Like Wednesday or something.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: fruckert on May 16, 2011, 11:28:27 PM
That looks awesome.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on May 16, 2011, 11:52:27 PM
Fruck took the words right out of my mouth.  And my brain.  And my other brain.  Wait, what?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Natako on May 17, 2011, 12:06:58 AM
Looking great, Dren! I'm really excited for this demo!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: fruckert on May 17, 2011, 01:03:22 AM
I'm definitely downloading that come Wednesday.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: SaiKar on May 17, 2011, 01:37:25 PM
Do want.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on May 17, 2011, 01:59:52 PM
We should have a rule where an admin permanently bans Drenrin unless he keeps his promise! :D
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on May 17, 2011, 03:14:11 PM
Thanks guys!

And, I know I know! I make a lot of empty promises. But this WILL happen whether I finish fixing some of the graphics or not.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: fruckert on May 17, 2011, 04:40:15 PM
That rule would be very hypocritical.
I think I would've been banned 8 times over.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: SaiKar on May 17, 2011, 05:45:43 PM
I'd be so permabanned by now.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on May 17, 2011, 05:47:29 PM
Another light note. I'm in exam Hell at the moment, which is the main reason for my lack of posting!

I've now compiled an official "To-do" list of cool things I'll be adding.

-One thing I'm looking forward to doing is the EXP and coin system. Remember on ratchet and clank
where you collected bolts and they all flew to you? When you kill an enemy on this, EXP and coins
are gonna explode out of them on death and fly at you!
-I'm also working on the opening cutscene, which is gonna be made in flash and exported to an AVI
sequence. When I finish the opening scene, I'll post it in this thread for people to watch.
-I'm also adding a little extra touch to the battles to keep them fresh. I think people will like it :D
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Koomar on June 22, 2011, 11:59:42 PM
Hi everyone,

I finished recently the introduction of my game. The scene is composed by more than 80 charsets for animations (for to make animations, not as person charsets, lol).
The game is being developed in Spanish and English, with an engine system. Hope you'll enjoy :P
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on June 23, 2011, 01:05:34 AM
It looks pretty cool.  The one thing is that you should look into getting a native English speaker to fix some issues with the text.  For example, An "!" only goes after the statement in English compared to Spanish with it in front and behind.  There are a few other errors as well, but over all it was well done.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Koomar on June 23, 2011, 08:29:52 AM
Thanks :P! Well, I guess I'll have some errors in my english, so don't worry, when I finish the game, I'll look for a native English speaker to correct the english text.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on June 28, 2011, 09:04:54 AM
I might actually click one of the adverts... just for fun!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on July 20, 2011, 08:07:10 PM
Here's what I've been working on recently:

Just redesigned my debug room and neatened it all up. The men in hazmat suits are animated and were drawn
by me!

Try out the new character faces, courtesy of Val!

The new and final version of the main menu. The top-right shows your attack points, max HP and max MP.
You have your selections on the left side. The bleeper at the bottom left moves more rapidly and makes louder
noises if you're near a secret. Pretty nifty! The bottom left shows the 9 significant storyline things that need
unlocking, much like your 7 crystals Zelda equivalent but with 9 different rare bacterial cultures. The stats menu
available is what I'd like to show off!

It took an obscene amount of time and ruling equipment to make these numbers charsets instead of pictures.
It's completely 100% removed all menu lag and looks much better. The background moves too. I used a rather
complicated formula which instantly displays all character stats with no lag or errors! :D

Yet again, demonstrating Val's brilliant artistic skills here with this monster! Voice acting is now included, so the enemy
will say demeaning things when it hits you :P I showed this game to the Voice Acting Guild, and I've had a stupid amount
of auditions. Nothing like an ego boost! Haha :D

And of course, the game is still 100% custom. Every single resource has been made by me or as a request by one of the lovely
people on this forum!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: nickmasterx on July 24, 2011, 11:02:25 PM
Aptos Adventures 1: Complete Version
Clay enemies made so far:
( (

In a battle with some Poopies:
( (
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Natako on July 25, 2011, 03:04:40 AM
I see so many inappropriate things in those monsters.

Looking good. :D
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: nickmasterx on July 25, 2011, 04:39:02 AM
If you do it's unintentional! I need to up the brightness on the first couple ones I made, I was using my cell phone and it doesn't have a flash. For the latter ones I used my camera, that's why the ones toward the bottom look better.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on November 19, 2011, 06:52:22 PM

Experimenting with palettes and mixing chipsets.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on January 14, 2012, 01:28:01 AM
I dunno if those two tree types work well together, but the colors look pretty okay to me.  That brick like object and the plant make you look kinda mini though. haha

Experimenting with a new sprite style.  Its basically an edit of the male tamer sprite from Digimon World Dawn, but I had to do some major reworking with the front and back facing sprites because the sprites are an odd number of pixels and RPG maker kinda doesn't work well for that.  The side facing sprites I'm just going to deal with it though.

I only have the front face down right now.  The menu is a little system I've been working on almost non-stop since yesterday.  The cursor motion is complete, and I'm about to start working on the Bag system.  When I opened the menu for the first time with a sprite actually there, I noticed I forgot to lock the hero facing, so he was moving with the cursor. XD
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on January 14, 2012, 01:37:45 AM
Yeah, you're right. I can probably do something to make the trees match better. As for the mini thing, I think the sprite definitely doesn't match very well with the map... not sure how to fix that. Maybe brighten it up a bit?

And I really like that sprite, it looks great and fits with the map!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on January 14, 2012, 01:41:52 AM
Thanks!  It was a little tough getting back into doing charsets, but I like how it looks.  Still haven't got back into doing the hair too well yet. Haha.  I'm surprised that bandanna looks ok. 

Anyway, You might be able to hide it with some kind of overlay and a tint screen.  I fell like that is the sort of place that could be foggy or something.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on January 14, 2012, 02:39:09 AM
Fog. Why didn't I think of that? Well, you've encouraged me to do some experimenting.

without fog
with fog

All I did was revert to the brighter, more colorful tileset, and I edited the plant treeline and made the block small (which I actually like this way a lot better).
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on January 14, 2012, 02:49:06 AM
With the fog I think is a lot better than the without picture.  The size stuff looks weird still, but it might not be too bad when you're playing because of the other maps it will contrast with.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on January 14, 2012, 02:58:34 AM
That's what I was thinking when I said overlay.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on January 14, 2012, 03:04:51 AM
I just may. I got it to work in another map and it looks pretty damn cool. Finding good fog pics that wrap on all four sides is a little tough tho.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on January 14, 2012, 03:13:50 AM
I'll just use the same pic I used in the other map. Fog is fog, right? Besides, the other map has it set to 90% transparent... So you can barely see the fog anyway. Not entirely sure why I did that, but I did. So, I made the fog more apparent on this map annnnnnd...

I think this is ultimately why this game is taking so long to make. I'm lazy and indecisive.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on January 14, 2012, 03:18:09 AM
Haha.  I know the feeling man.  That map looks so different with that overlay.

Also, if anyone feels like it, I'll be hanging out in the Charas chat for a few hours while I work on stuff.  I had this sudden amount of creative energy for RPG maker this week. haha
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on February 14, 2012, 05:44:47 PM
dren, picture overlay is generally best for maps. The built-in fog effect is very poor for rpgm2000-2003.
Legend, if you don't mind going in and editing chips, adding a tapper to the land masses will make them look more like they are floating. The way you have it now makes it appear as though they are going into a flat surface, like water.

Due to finding some partners at college, and not having a creative outlet as of yet, I've decided to get back into game making.
Random screens with new mapping style:


Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on February 14, 2012, 08:26:22 PM
Well, would you look at that.

I'm really jealous, as always. Your maps are breath taking. You've taken editing a chipset to a whole other level.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on February 14, 2012, 09:23:21 PM
Yeah, I see that.  Thanks!  Welcome back to the game making world.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on February 15, 2012, 01:59:33 AM
Lovely. And welcome back!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on February 15, 2012, 05:24:37 AM
Oh god, it's you. We missed you, man. Or at the very least, I did. You were always among my favorite charasians. Hope you stay this time.

I'll stay as long as... uh, I forget his name. That one British mod... doesn't get his panties in a bundle :P
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on February 15, 2012, 03:30:02 PM
Oh my God! I joined Charas years ago because your mapping made me feel like this was a worthy forum! You probably don't
actually remember me :P
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on February 15, 2012, 06:19:54 PM
Geez with this fanboyism, although you're maps are brilliant.
Always gets me into the mood of actually trying to do something myself.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on February 18, 2012, 09:16:47 PM
(Demo of battle system and current stage)
(Demo of first town)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on February 18, 2012, 09:28:25 PM
Looks amazing, especially the battle... But how is the second one a town?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on February 18, 2012, 09:35:57 PM
Hmm, I realize now that I kinda failed to show any of the buildings (you get a glimpse of a tent though, as well as the incomplete shell store and the bridge that would take you to the chief's hut).
It is one of them hidden valley kinda things, but it does have buildings and a town feel.

I have other vids under that profile if anyone wants to watch those too.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: aboutasoandthis on February 19, 2012, 06:46:37 AM
Jesus christ dude. This looks beautiful! The battle video especially was astounding. Good luck to you.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on February 19, 2012, 09:01:40 PM
It's hard to believe you're actually on rpg maker. It's insanely good.

Very awesome and professional looking, mic.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on February 25, 2012, 02:31:15 AM
Very neat. I like that the fourth chara in line doesn't follow a linear path.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on February 25, 2012, 05:15:55 PM
Coool. Looks great.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on March 02, 2012, 02:33:56 AM
The diagonal movement is pretty sweet. Is there a way to make the characters phase, but not have them move under the hero automatically?

Also... I'm quite positive this might be the best map I've ever made:
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: fruckert on March 02, 2012, 02:42:09 AM
You are very talented at de-gridding the tileset.
There's a LOT going on, which is a little distracting, but it really breaths a lot of life into the map/world.

BTW, great ending.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on March 02, 2012, 05:02:36 PM
bitch got what she deserved.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Gaultjerry36 on April 10, 2012, 12:41:40 AM
hi everyone .. i'm a new member to this community.. what is up!!!  :hi: :hi:

i think it's fun in here.. :) :)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Collinsdennis57 on April 10, 2012, 07:28:16 AM
hi i'm Dennis just new here..hope i find company here.

thank you!!! :) :) :) :)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on April 10, 2012, 12:21:26 PM
The diagonal movement is pretty sweet. Is there a way to make the characters phase, but not have them move under the hero automatically?

Also... I'm quite positive this might be the best map I've ever made:

Whaaaa, I just suddenly felt horrible about myself.  Great job, the plant was my favorite part. haha
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on April 11, 2012, 10:56:12 PM



Yes, you can walk under the dragon's ribcage.

Yes, that is a stone face with a vine mustache.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on April 12, 2012, 02:38:09 AM
Your maps are unrelenting and fierce!!!!!!!! Good work, you sexy Man God!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on April 12, 2012, 03:17:00 PM
Damn... and I was all excited to post this... -_-


Just messing around. Experimenting with tiles and custom shiz. Still got a lot of stuff I want to make, like leaves, tall grass, molds/fungus, water, more flowers and plants. Then some butterflies or something.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on April 12, 2012, 06:22:21 PM
That looks amazing. Completely custom?
Love the trees and vines. The autotile rocks are pretty bad though. If you can find a way to widen and round them out more, that might improve them IMO.

Also, another awesome thing that makes custom tiles stand out a lot is if you make multiple grass tiles. The same grass tile every 16x16 titles looks marginally different than 4 different repeating grass tiles 32x32. Try it out.

You might say your jealous of me, but I've never been able to make completely custom tiles like that before. Can't wait to see some shrooms and moss.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on April 12, 2012, 06:31:23 PM
D'aw, thanks mic! The autotile rocks can definitely use some improvement. I'm not digging that stump either. I plan to have different kinds grasses. There's a darker shade under the trees, but I'll need more than that. And yes, it's completely custom. I wish I could do better with trees but making things appear natural is really tough.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on April 13, 2012, 12:01:45 AM
Well, I wasn't exactly talking about different "kinds" of grass vs different tiles for the primary grass.


Does that help explain what I meant?

And personally, I think the stump looks fine.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on April 13, 2012, 04:24:09 AM
Oh okay, so you mean just pitching autotiles all together? At least for the ground. I get what you mean, it's definitely worth experimenting with. I could use a base grass autotile and then layer it with 2x2 versions of it or just use 4x4 squares instead and not use autotiles entirely.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on April 14, 2012, 06:19:11 AM
I think you just need some variation among the grass, most people tend to simply mix 2 identical grasses of different shades of green when they make maps.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: ZeroKirbyX on April 14, 2012, 08:22:19 AM
Jesusisme, you've got a tiling style a lot like someone who used to come here. His were better, but yours are pretty dope.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Knitsch on May 11, 2012, 08:27:38 PM
Well well. I have some screenshots.

First, the game over graphic of my game.


It says "Your destiny has been sealed". I made it on Photoshop CS4.

And here...


That is the logo.

And finally


It's the "Salon de Orion" which means "Orion's Hall". I take this screenshot for a contest.

I guess that's all.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on May 12, 2012, 08:01:42 AM
Is that custom? I don't do much XP except for converting some random graphics I find into 2003 styles, but I haven't seen that one before.

Personally, the colors are too bright for me. Otherwise, graphically it looks very nice :)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on May 12, 2012, 10:56:10 AM
I like it! I'm not sure about that title screen though. If you want criticism, that's mine; I don't think the font really fits with the simplicity of the background.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on May 12, 2012, 06:02:20 PM
I like the in-game shot, but the title cards aren't great. I like the ethereal vibe present.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Knitsch on May 14, 2012, 11:29:49 PM
No, that's not the title. And not, that tileset is not of my property. Is a tileset made by.... an... french random guy xD.

If you wanna see the title graphic, this it is:


I made it on Photoshop CS4, all the graphics. I used MOG Title Screen script for it.

Thank you for the answers.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on May 15, 2012, 12:14:01 AM
Oh, yeah, that looks more appropriate.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Knitsch on May 15, 2012, 08:28:24 PM
Thank you  ^^

Well, i'm in anoter project called "The Knowledger", i'm making it on the Rpg Maker VX Ace. So... i have a two screenshots here haha.


This is a little bit after the begining.



This is the personalized message system. Is completely animated, and very well smooth and fluid. Maybe sometime i will take an video and upload it to YT and show it =3 (I think that, THAT is wrong, i said that i'm not very good with this language xD). BTW, if your question is about the tilesets, they are edits, i made it.

I used the RTP, Celianna's tilesets and... Mack&Blue tilesets, yeah =D. It's a technique that i call: "Vloom" (I'm crazy :3)

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on May 16, 2012, 01:04:06 AM
I very much dislike VX graphics, but you did ok with them. Props for editting/making your own too!!!! I suggest not being so random with your placing of trees and such, as it looks annoying to navigate through because of them.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on May 16, 2012, 03:42:23 AM
Example of what can be done with Cherry's new rm2003 stuff.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on May 16, 2012, 06:09:56 AM
That looks really sweet. Just a quick question. Is the teal windows loading ring supposed to be there or is it a bug?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on May 16, 2012, 07:35:48 AM
That is my mouse. The recorder picks it up, but it is not present in the game.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on May 16, 2012, 12:55:46 PM
Your game looks amazingly great, but the mapping is terrible!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on May 16, 2012, 09:30:26 PM
Your game looks amazingly great, but the mapping is terrible!
Funny guy here. Laugh at his humors.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on July 17, 2012, 08:18:50 PM

Another small experiment with custom tiles. Moving along at a snails pace. I lost about a month due to minecraft. This is just showing off my ramparts, which are still rough. I'm thinking I will make the essential graphics then go back and add aesthetic stuff to it all, like nicer grass, vines, bushes, animations, etc.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Desimodontidae on July 17, 2012, 09:30:40 PM
awesome dren!! are those from scratch or edits?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on July 17, 2012, 09:42:45 PM
I like it all (a lot!) except the rampart floor. Looks too... digital or futuristic or something.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: fruckert on July 17, 2012, 09:52:05 PM
The highlights on the roof tiles are making it look bubbly.
Also, they are too small.
I'd size 'em up a bit.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on July 17, 2012, 11:29:08 PM
I like it all (a lot!) except the rampart floor. Looks too... digital or futuristic or something.
It's the dark colors. Black, right? Pick something that doesn't create a hard line, Dren.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on July 18, 2012, 01:26:41 AM
They are from scratch, Desi.

The rampart floor can easily be swapped with any basic 16x16 tile. And It's a very dark blue I could lighten up. I see what you mean about the dark lines though. Looking at the bricks of the rampart, the darker shaded blocks at the bottom look like perfect square while the higher ones look like they have rounded edges. But they both have the same outline. Still getting a handle on shading and such, it's very tedious to get right.

also, I don't really see the bubbles on the roof, fruck. Unless you mean the top where the two slopes meet. But, I don't much like the roof anyway. I'd prefer a tiled look to imitate shingles.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on July 18, 2012, 11:40:37 AM
I think he might have meant the tiling on the floor on the fortified wall?  Maybe.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on July 18, 2012, 11:58:29 AM

*sigh* I wish I had a mapper/storyline writer to continue/help me with my project. I have the combat system so well complete, made animations/sprites/poses for every character (4). I put a lot of time into making a fun as hell combat system using Blizzabs and custom events. I just can't find time to make this project. Job, College, Minecraft, Friends, Significant other. Just ; n;
I so badly wanna continue this.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Ephiam on July 18, 2012, 04:21:07 PM
From Dragon Fantasy REMADE (DFR):




Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on July 19, 2012, 01:52:32 PM
Very nice, Ephiam! Me like very much!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on August 20, 2012, 10:25:49 PM
I very much like those screenshots Ephiam. Everything flows and looks very nice and clean.

So, I've realized I don't like making games so much as figuring out how to make things work. So I've kick started some new projects as well as old ones. Thanks to DYNText Plugin by someone who's name I can't remember, this screen took only a few hours to put together as well as with the help of some old code still lingering in my old common events.



All wip, no miracle.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on August 20, 2012, 11:25:55 PM
I've been using the DynRPG plugin a lot, but I can't get dynamic text to work. Great screens, dren.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on August 21, 2012, 01:46:31 AM
Looks good. I never thought of using the plugin for a CMS.

I would get rid of that blue background or put a boarder around your faces though. At least for the menu pictures.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on August 21, 2012, 02:28:53 AM
The plugin allows you to callback things like variables, hero names and even item descriptions. Which are awesome. Use of variable instead of specific coordinates make it really the only option worth taking. The aesthetics of it all are kind of bland, but I'll fix it up once it functions properly. Funny thing though, I already coded so many pictures to be used in the CBS, they'll probably stay there. Though I may have to swap out pictures for skill display because it lags pretty bad with the auto scroll and I don't know how to get around it.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on August 21, 2012, 02:31:40 AM
Do you have the pictures show once and that is it, or do you auto refresh them?

EDIT: Goddamn it, hit modify again instead of quote.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on August 21, 2012, 02:44:37 AM
Because there are so many pictures being used already, I had to make it so the pictures change every time. The best I could do was some jimmy rig system where (since five skills are displayed at a time) skills move up and the top picture bounces down to the bottom, that way only one picture changes at a time. But when auto scroll is used, is when you notice the lag. It helped a lot but not enough.

but besides all that, I think the GUI for skill selection is too small anyway, so it'd probably be easier to just scrap the whole thing and replace them with scrolling text.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on August 21, 2012, 03:26:05 AM
If the CMS map is only 20x15 auto-scroll shouldn't be needed.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on August 21, 2012, 06:42:31 AM
I was talking about the CBS, where a player is choosing from 60 different magic skills. Auto scroll in the CMS won't lag because there's no pictures moving accept for the cursor.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on August 21, 2012, 01:18:57 PM
oh... I can't help there then. I didn't put quite so many skills in my cbs's :P
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on August 24, 2012, 01:17:52 AM
Change order functionality complete.

Magic menu option nearly complete, just need to finish coding the use of cure magic and the display of Affinity Rank.

Stats window in progress.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Natako on August 24, 2012, 01:20:55 AM
That's looking pretty spiffy there, Dren. Even with addons, it must take a lot of dedication to change an entire menu around in 2k3. That's why I eventually migrated to XP. :P

Starting to look really good, though. Can't wait to see what the finished version looks like.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on August 24, 2012, 01:24:03 AM
And just think of all the items you could buy with all those loks.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on August 24, 2012, 01:59:21 AM
WHOAAA!! I think my head just exploded a bit! I'm gonna start making games again after seeing that.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on August 25, 2012, 06:59:50 AM
That's something alright.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on September 29, 2012, 06:09:44 PM

Any ideas on how to better this? Looks bland
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: fruckert on September 29, 2012, 06:28:46 PM
Is that a train?
Or an airship of some sort?

I recommend curtains on the windows.
It'd add a bit of class, and it'd be nice to look at.
Maybe some lanterns, too?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on September 29, 2012, 06:57:08 PM
Train with preset background (haven't made yet)

Lanterns work. The windows have curtains already, but I guess I could make some different ones that are drawn to different lengths (closed vs open).

Any other ideas? Don't think that will be enough.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: fruckert on September 29, 2012, 07:06:52 PM
Couldn't see the curtains, sorry.
Kind of blended into the woodwork.

Maybe some kind of engraving thing going across the roof?
Only other ideas that I have are augmenting what's there, instead of adding new things.
Dingy it up a bit, throw some tears into the seats/carpet, etc.
Don't know how possible that is in RPG Maker, though...what I was thinking was making a few "overlay" tiles and then laying them over the seats/carpets etc, that way you don't have to re-do the entire map from scratch.

Apologies if I'm coming off as rambling, it's only because I am.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on September 29, 2012, 07:49:14 PM
Mkay, I can work on adding some tears and stuff.


New version with some lighting effects. Changed the floor color slightly to allow easier telling of what is wall and what isn't, and added new curtains with different window lengths.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on September 30, 2012, 09:39:06 AM
I read tears as in  :'(
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: desiderata on October 01, 2012, 01:03:04 AM
The only thing I could think to add to that would be miscellaneous items strewn about, like papers and trash and such.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Eijin on October 10, 2012, 01:22:48 PM
I usually go by the name Tau but sadly someone else has taken my username :( Anyways here's some screenshots & video of a game I've been making called Among Thieves.


Forte Preview (
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on October 10, 2012, 08:13:19 PM
Well, it certainly looks great. How about something combat-related?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on October 10, 2012, 09:41:54 PM
Agreed, it looks wonderful.  And I do love trains...
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: fruckert on October 10, 2012, 09:51:15 PM
Very nice graphics indeed.
You do them yourself?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Eijin on October 10, 2012, 11:40:07 PM
@Everyone - Thank you. The graphics are partly edited by me, the rest various SNES games and Theodore Tiles. I'm still tweaking the battle system so nothing from that just yet. Who doesn't love trains :D
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on October 10, 2012, 11:43:45 PM
I Like Trains (
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on October 11, 2012, 12:20:48 AM
Wow very nice use of theodore. those chipsets arent easy to work with
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Eijin on October 11, 2012, 04:47:18 AM
@drenrin - I hear that often but honestly I don't find them at all hard to work with. You just need to know what each tile is used for and it completely opens up to you.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on October 14, 2012, 01:08:06 AM
I meant it can be hard to make them look nice, which you have managed to do very well! =D
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on October 14, 2012, 01:25:28 AM
It is good, but the graphics don't mix well at all. If that is something you don't really care about, then all is well.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on October 14, 2012, 06:20:27 PM
Double post zomg.


Been working on the outside of the train. Tiles are edits of Small Arms train set.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: fruckert on October 14, 2012, 07:41:31 PM
Double post zomg.
What does it meeaan???

Looks good, although the perspective of 2k3 is making things look a little wonky.
Like, it's hard to differentiate between the roof and the side of the cars.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on October 14, 2012, 08:48:59 PM
Double post zomg.


Been working on the outside of the train. Tiles are edits of Small Arms train set.

Sorry, not digging it.
At first sight I thought they were fighting inside some sort of traincart ventilation shaft. There's just something off with that angle

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on October 14, 2012, 10:01:31 PM
Yeah, the treeline in the background is kind of an eye-sore too. As for the perspective of the train, I think it may be mainly your roof, especially the ladder bit. But the walls of the trains could definitely use more contrast from the flat surfaces.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on October 14, 2012, 10:25:55 PM
Ok. What if I put the ladder on the side of the train cart? I'll fix up the walls some, not sure how to fix the tree line.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on October 14, 2012, 10:32:26 PM
That would probably help a lot. As for the treeline, I don't know, it doesn't look too bad, it just took me a while to realize what it was. It kind of looks like a giant bush.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on October 14, 2012, 10:40:46 PM
The tree line looks weird because it has white edges that don't blend right. It also looks like the spray brush from Paint and a minute of free time (alt-pun: tree time), so quality is a little bit of an issue. A part of the problem with the train cars looking weird is that they don't look like sides of a train car, they look like flooring next to flooring. A different tile would make a huge difference, as would adding details like windows and shadows. There's also a lack of symmetry with the edges. The background has a further extended roof and ladders while the foreground has nothing of the sort.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on October 15, 2012, 12:24:42 AM
I did this before reading Archem's post, but it looks like we had the same ideas overall. Improvement? Good as is, or still need some tweaks?


RTP door will be replaced
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on October 15, 2012, 12:31:52 AM
Significant improvement, but I still think that the tiles for the siding look like a floor rather than a train car. I don't know exactly how to fix it in its current state, but it looks a little off. What would it look like if you switched the "roof" horizontal wood with the "siding" vertical wood? I imagine it would still look a bit odd (I think the vertical wood is too wide), but it might be a step in the right direction.

The trees are still meh, but whatever. The trunks being visible make a bit of an improvement, but the leaves still look phony.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on October 15, 2012, 05:32:07 AM
That's like so much better, putting the ladders on the front made a huge difference.
My only problem with the treeline is that the curves looks kinda unnatural. I have this thought that it would look better would the shape be like those clouds you use in the background.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on October 15, 2012, 06:05:13 AM
Yeah. If the clouds were recolored and ruffled up around the edges a bit, they could easily pose as trees.

...Wait a second...

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on October 15, 2012, 04:28:07 PM
I get what you are saying, but it is a scrolling background going by at a pretty fast pace. They aren't my favorite either, but they work for what I'm trying to make.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on October 15, 2012, 04:42:03 PM
i think the trees look much better and the ladders on the side made a world of difference.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: desiderata on October 17, 2012, 04:54:26 PM
I'm guessing you're using two layers for that bg, so why not make a cycling tree pic using chip set trees? Just stagger them some and maybe edit some of the upper limbs.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Eijin on October 18, 2012, 02:09:35 AM
It is good, but the graphics don't mix well at all. If that is something you don't really care about, then all is well.
Could you elaborate on that please, I'd really like to know.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on October 18, 2012, 02:13:16 AM
Could you elaborate on that please, I'd really like to know.

As in, several well known different game graphics with varying dissimilar graphical styles meshed together with no edits to make them match.

You know, unedited theo + SD3 + Terrangima + etc

@desiderata: Nope, just one layer, which is why I won't be assed to make those trees look much nicer, because then I would have to make more of the mountain. lol
People will like it more once enemies that make use of the empty space up top show up.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on October 20, 2012, 06:36:41 PM
I think the problem might be you have varying perspectives in one map. The track is kind of a top down, while the wheels seem meant to be viewed from the side. This makes the walls look odd with a top-down floor. That's kind of the vibe I'm getting.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on October 20, 2012, 06:59:41 PM
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on November 18, 2012, 07:22:41 PM
Well, after doing nothing for a month or two, as I'm apt to do, here is a screenshot of more of the custom menu.

Only two more menus to work on, then it's essentially done. Kind of excited. Though I'm not completely done with this menu. Weapon, Head Gear, Armor, and Shields are coded and functioning. I need to code individual characters weapons so they display and then do accessories. I'll be remaking all accessories and need to make the item lists scroll so it can display more than 20 items at a time.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on November 18, 2012, 11:49:01 PM
I always hated coding cms. Props for enduring through it and making one. Looking good so far; makes great use of the entire space of the screen.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on November 19, 2012, 12:00:10 AM
I had a question for you actually. If i go on to code my cbs, im planning on using pictures for character animation. I was wondering if you had any tips for flowing animations using pictures.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on November 19, 2012, 05:08:23 AM
I usually have 4-5 0.0 wait times between each 'frame' of picture animation for characters. Usually though, I use charasets for my general animations (idle, using item, casting spell, etc), and use pictures just for attacks/actions.

Pending on the amount of pictures you use, you can use pretty large pictures without causing lag. Use this to your advantage and give each frame of the animation a small box around the character, that way if another frame is larger than the original frame, you don't have to change the size of the picture (and thus the x and y cords).
I can explain better if you don't get what i'm talking about.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on November 19, 2012, 07:41:34 PM
I see what you mean, but I meant with animations that move across the screen. I don't see how to create a walking animation, for example, with the commands available, those being move picture, show picture.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on November 19, 2012, 11:27:28 PM
You can use a battle animation for that. Just have a BA of the character walking, have it track an event that jumps from point a to point b, and end the animation as soon as event reaches its destination.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on November 20, 2012, 01:00:58 AM
Ah, I see, that's what I currently do. I just hate using that damn animation editor. I was hoping there might be an easier way. Thanks. I will worry about that when that time comes.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Eijin on November 22, 2012, 06:40:10 AM
@Meiscool - Ahh I see, but thing is I'm not blending them all at once just like all towns & building interiors are Theodore, Outside areas are mixes of Star Ocean, SD3, Terranigma. So honestly I haven't felt like it's been a problem for me so far.

Those trees on the side were a bitch to make.

Edit - This always happens, it looks fine until I post it and find an error on the right.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Eijin on November 30, 2012, 02:37:07 AM
Battle(WIP) faces will probably change.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: fruckert on November 30, 2012, 07:36:02 AM
Is there a foreground?
At the bottom, it looks like some of the ground is raised slightly up, but it's blurring into the normal ground way too much to tell.
It's a little confusing.

This game does look really good though.
Excellent art throughout.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on November 30, 2012, 02:39:08 PM
Tiles at the top don't line up right. Specifically the cliff edges and cliff.

Battle charas look good, and I think the faces fit fine.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on November 30, 2012, 07:13:44 PM
Faces look fine. Id swap the color pallettes on the hair though. Battle sprites look very nice.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on December 01, 2012, 03:43:12 AM
I kinda agree with the foreground thing, but I'm not too bothered by it. Looks Lovely so far.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Eijin on December 01, 2012, 02:58:14 PM
@fruckert - Honestly I'm not too bothered by it, but if enough people bring it up I'll change it. Also thank you!
@Meiscool - Oh wow I can't believe I haven't noticed that, thanks :D


Slight update. I had no idea what this Mami thing was people were mentioning but I figured it had something to do with the character set, so I've changed it as well as the faces. Turns out Mami is from an anime or manga. Seriously I had no idea, I don't watch/read the stuff, not really my thing.

Quick shout out to LWG for giving me the faces which I have edited. You might also notice the bars underneath the faces, they to have just been added but aren't functional properly just yet, limit break :D

Oh and guys, which pose is better?

New = Left Old/Current = Right
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on December 09, 2012, 12:46:30 AM
They both look fine to me. Don't really prefer one over the other.

Still need to change the dark grey wood of the dressers and such to another color, but other than that pretty much done.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on December 09, 2012, 06:46:04 AM
The doorway to the bedroom is quite confusing, what with the lantern and damaged floor in the same place.  Plus, how do you get in or out of this map?

I like the general feel of the colours and such; how much or your mapping is custom these days?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on December 09, 2012, 09:27:19 AM
Not much is 100% custom. The usual edited order of -> Recolor, Reshade, and pixelbypixel edit to fit together better with other stuff.
The way in and out is the ladder in the broken floor. Guess I could add some green rope to the ladder to make it stand out more or something.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on December 10, 2012, 03:43:44 AM
Looking great as always, Meiscool.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on December 14, 2012, 07:17:37 PM
Thanks for the input guys :)

Been working on a tree interior (because I like them and they are challenging to do).
That look tree-insidey enough? To me it looks like a mix between a treetower and a forest.
Also, working on changing the sprite of the main character.

EDIT: The alternative option is to remove the plants entirely and instead fill it with statues/chairs/interior castle like stuff, and change the color of the grass to a more dead yellow/orange/brown shade.
Quick edit example: (
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on December 14, 2012, 09:12:16 PM
I prefer the new grass colour but feel that there should still be some plants and stuff inside. With a colour like that it doesn't look as much like a forest though.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Pokecat on December 15, 2012, 05:25:27 PM
Mix the plants with the new grass and the indoor stuff.

Here are some of my stuff.
( (  ( (
How your boat behaves in town and at sea. (the one with the red sails)

( (
A Church with some stuff I made.
( (
There is night in the game, too dark?
( (
Full map of the town you start at.
( (
The Guv who you will be talking to often to get the plot rolling.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on December 16, 2012, 02:54:32 AM
I think the most important thing to look at in your maps is where one terrain ends, and another begins.  A good example to look is the first map you posted.  The grass tiles just cut away and there is instant sea tiles.  If look below that map at the beach map, you can see where the beach meets the water there is something that makes it connect well?  Try using different layers in order to use edge tiles to get a better effect.  You may have to edit the chipsets you're using to get those barrier tiles but it will help make your maps look cleaner and less blocky.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on December 30, 2012, 12:44:49 AM
Felix is picking up his old project again. New ideas, bunch of brainstorming. Plenty of free-time.
I'm downsizing a bunch of planned features, changing up the skill system to make it easier for me to make new skills.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on December 30, 2012, 04:32:31 AM
All this activity on charas has me excited. Here's just an experiment with a custom font in rmvxace. I still need to go in and add colors but I'm liking the result so far. Also, custom window skin. Nothing fancy, just emulating that 16x16 feel of rm2k3.


Icons will eventually be replaced with more appropriate graphics.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: fruckert on December 30, 2012, 04:38:02 AM
I really like that font.
It's nice and clean.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on January 06, 2013, 02:26:28 AM
Looks swell. As said the font looks fantastic. Def replace the icons when you can. I would also recommend (once again) putting a boarder around the character faces so they don't just suddenly end. Even a simple light grey line.

New Stuffz:
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on January 07, 2013, 03:14:02 AM
I'm slightly worried that you're putting so much effort into every detail of that lovely looking game that you'll never finish it :p

At least it looks like you're making progress still, which is encouraging.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on January 07, 2013, 07:03:50 PM
I dunno if I'll finish it entirely, but I'm damn determined to put out a fully functional demo including story elements, which is coming along rather well.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on January 10, 2013, 11:02:49 PM
So, I've been randomly working on a CMS lately, and I posted a picture of it a couple pages back I think.  Its really basic but I'm not sure where I want to go with it yet.


Right now I'm at the point where it will show the party's inventory correctly, I just need to add the number of each item held and it'll be pretty much done.  But I think I might want to revamp the basic look before I go on.  First, I'm not really sure if I like the menus being big enough to contain the cursor?  I dunno.  It made sense at first, but with the bag menu open, the original menu looks a little weird.  The lines under the empty slots and the lines under the numbers will be gone, I was using them as references.  Its my first CMS, so I don't think its going too badly.  Although, pointers was a interesting concept to understand at first.

The main question is, does it look alright with the menus opening over the map and the map still visible, or do you think a full screen would look better?  A full screen would allow me to customize it more, but that also means a lot more coding and time that I would like spend working on other parts of the game.  Also, the cursor bit bugs me a bit, but I don't know if I would be okay getting rid of the space since I'd have to put the cursor on the other side of the menu.  Also, it is pretty bland, but I can always change the graphics later.  It does feel nice though to finally be able to do a CMS.  It only took how many years...
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on January 11, 2013, 02:39:27 AM
I think it looks great over the map. Take the easy way out and don't make it cover the full screen :)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: fruckert on January 11, 2013, 02:46:04 AM
It reminds me of old style Pokemon.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on January 11, 2013, 03:15:00 AM
Yeah, kinda reminds me of Phantasy Star. Very old school.

The main question is, does it look alright with...
No. The main question is, what does a SpiriDic do? It amuses me.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on January 11, 2013, 08:55:21 AM
I'm not really sure... haha.  I was really high when I was making the images for the menu and that was a name that came to me I guess.  I think its short for SpiritDictionary.  Probably won't use it though.  Thanks for the comments guys.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on January 11, 2013, 09:02:13 PM
Cascade menus tend to look weird out of context. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Looks great!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: fruckert on January 13, 2013, 02:52:53 PM
I was really high
Yeah, that's how it tends to work out for me when making games, too.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on January 15, 2013, 03:08:14 AM
Stoners. *sigh*
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on January 18, 2013, 10:31:27 PM

I know it's lacking depth and my palettes are all messed up. Bleh, I'm not sure what to do.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: fruckert on January 18, 2013, 10:37:06 PM
Too much detail, I think.
There's a lot of stuff going on, and it's kind of screwing with the depth perception.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on January 18, 2013, 10:50:37 PM
Hmm, feels like you need a tile that's kinda "empty" to counter that highly detailed vegetation. The tiles look great in combination with the cliffs and such but I'm not sure about using it as the main look.

Besides that, treetops look a bit squareish and although the trunks are really well done there's just something conflicting when in combination with the treetop.

Awesome work though. 300x better than the stuff I threw together for the contest game.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on January 18, 2013, 11:04:13 PM
Would you say the green canopy conflicts with the green vegetation colors?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on January 18, 2013, 11:09:16 PM
Agreed, the grass is too densely detailed. make it pop less. Lose the hard darkness.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on January 19, 2013, 12:06:32 AM

I'm aware the cliff edges don't round out. I'm also considering recoloring the canopy to a less vibrant green. I recolored the grass tiles lighter and with less definition and the tree trunks darker.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on January 19, 2013, 12:44:30 AM
The grass looks a lot better. Now work on the inorganic square treeline and cliffs.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on January 19, 2013, 12:51:34 AM
Yeah, the grass looks great now.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on January 19, 2013, 01:05:41 AM
This is my last for today. I probably won't be changing the cliffs much, but I agree with the canopy, it's bothering me too.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: fruckert on January 19, 2013, 01:14:31 AM
I'd put the darker grass underneath things.
It looks shadowed.
So, under trees and such.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on January 19, 2013, 01:20:48 AM
The darker grass is under the trees, but that tree is one solid 16x16 square. The other darker grass is an auto tile. I could move things around.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on January 19, 2013, 05:30:23 AM
I think it looks really great, especially with the multi-tiled grass.

My tips: Make the canopy more rounded rather than square. I think the main issue with it is that it has no 3d depth to it, and just looks like a big block of leafs on top of some trunks. Going for more of a pine tree look might work well too.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on January 19, 2013, 07:30:53 AM
The grass looks way better now.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on January 21, 2013, 01:43:09 AM

+Water tiles
+Dirt Auto Tiles

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on January 21, 2013, 02:45:39 AM
The water looks pretty good (maybe a bit too detailed, but good), but the dirt needs to have less of that dipping in the sides. Also, it looks rough, like rocks, and not quite dirt-like. Not exactly sure how to fix that.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Pokecat on February 10, 2013, 02:00:40 AM
There were more pics, but inageshack is glitching up, making me unable to upload in bulk.


The time is your breath, will count in battles too.
There is more, there is a wall off screen that surround the place.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on February 10, 2013, 02:13:00 AM
Looks nice, although the harsher outlines of the castle, cacti and individual trees do make them stick out oddly.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Refpt on March 04, 2013, 04:24:50 PM
I want to submit these charsets but honestly I couldn't find the right place, and I looked
all over the forum. Please move to the right topic.
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Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on March 18, 2013, 04:28:30 AM

Working on a general RPG with horror themes and such.
Using custom made 2D sprites and animated poses and move to target skills.
Done using battle animations and Custom poses in Animation 2
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on March 18, 2013, 05:06:51 AM
Characters look good. The system graphics kinda hurt my eyes though.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on March 18, 2013, 05:33:17 AM
Characters look good. The system graphics kinda hurt my eyes though.
Mine too. I'm not handing anything except the battle animations and the balance changes/database . I made my friend a combat system and fixed the algorith using attributes and setting them to 400% to fix the awful RPG maker damage algorith of Atk/2-Def/4. Looked up a thingy online.
With that old system. A character with 1000 attack power can at most deal 500 damage, before armor calculation. -_-;
Now. If your target as 0 defense. Your attack will deal 1000.

I'm working on a skilltree next.

He just copy/pastes everything with the multiple copy function from my project to his.

I agree. The battle menu hurts. x3

Just whipped this up.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on March 18, 2013, 06:54:52 AM
Sounds interesting.

But you gotta get some new zombies.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on March 18, 2013, 10:15:36 AM
Sounds interesting.

But you gotta get some new zombies.

That's my friends job, not mine lol. x3
He said if I made him a combat system, and made all the skills and custom poses. He would make a game.
So. I'm upholding my end. We work using Skype and Screenshare.
It's really efficient.

He's really good at mapping, storyline, and concepts.
We're working on a custom menu and skilltree.
So characters will have split paths.
The main character
going DPS or Tanky, left or right. As an example.

Anyone wanna add me on skype. I can send you my end of the project so you can see all my animations and such.

Here's what things look like on my end of the project.
4 screenshots. One for each character I've made so far.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on March 26, 2013, 03:50:23 AM
Here's my custom menu I'm working on.
Party opens up the main menu.
Allies opens up a menu that shows all the allies you've met, their level. And your friendship level with them.
Map opens up a map of the school.
Save, well yea.
Quest is going to open up another custom menu. Done via transporting to a new map most likely.
Simple enough.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on March 26, 2013, 06:42:18 AM
Looking good, slight overlapp but it makes no difference.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on March 26, 2013, 07:04:44 AM
Looking good, slight overlapp but it makes no difference.
I might shift everything up. But a part of me has a soft spot for the overlapping. It looks, nice.
One thing is for sure. Making a blinking icon that blinks just like the title screen/default blink ratio. (0.2 seconds)
Is actually pretty difficult.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on March 28, 2013, 05:53:29 AM
Flashlight WIP
School Map WIP (The block moves around. that small green one)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on March 28, 2013, 08:44:23 AM
Not enough vision IMO, but it all depends on what you are going for I guess.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on March 28, 2013, 08:54:19 PM
Not enough vision IMO, but it all depends on what you are going for I guess.
It's supposed to be a flashlight.
And only for small sections of his game.
Some characters have "mini" dungeons where they have to go in by themselves.

I also really like my minimap, and the fact that the minimap perfectly tracks your location. <3
Took me quite a bit.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Bluhman on March 30, 2013, 07:21:07 AM
I think it looks a bit smaller than it actually is, since Felix is facing a black wall tile there.

This is just opinion, but I'd make the flashlight overlay ever so slightly transparent. Like, dark enough that players can just barely make out the topography of the room.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on March 30, 2013, 07:51:17 AM
Take another look; it is slightly transparent.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on March 31, 2013, 04:05:56 AM
I think it looks a bit smaller than it actually is, since Felix is facing a black wall tile there.

This is just opinion, but I'd make the flashlight overlay ever so slightly transparent. Like, dark enough that players can just barely make out the topography of the room.
try going into the dark museum on yume 2kki.
That's where I plucked the flashlight picture from.
They have absolutely no transparency on the overlay.
Just all black.
I though that was too rough and made it transparent.
what do you think about the minimap though?
The Green square below the lockers is the hero's location. I plan on replacing it with a more notable icon.
I might even make it be in the bottom corner like a minimap.
Depends what my friend tibble wants.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on March 31, 2013, 04:09:19 AM
Fk yumi nikki. I never understood why it got all the recognition that it did.

Now, I'll admit, the stuff that came after it (like witch's house, Mad Father, IB, etc) were pretty good.

I'll also admit that I can see the semi-transparency now (before I couldn't because I had the brightness of my screen turned pretty low.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on March 31, 2013, 04:10:51 AM
Can you make the flashlight beam weaker at the edges? It's kind of a sudden jump to black and it makes it look off. A kind of transparency gradient, if you get what I'm saying.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on March 31, 2013, 06:26:53 AM
Fk yumi nikki. I never understood why it got all the recognition that it did.

Now, I'll admit, the stuff that came after it (like witch's house, Mad Father, IB, etc) were pretty good.

I'll also admit that I can see the semi-transparency now (before I couldn't because I had the brightness of my screen turned pretty low.
Not Yume Nikki. I played the fan sequel Yume 2kki.

Can you make the flashlight beam weaker at the edges? It's kind of a sudden jump to black and it makes it look off. A kind of transparency gradient, if you get what I'm saying.

I'll have to take the second flashlight overlay that Yume 2kki used. (It actually has three layers of gradient.)
But I'm too lazy and will only use a second layer. It really isn't too hard. I was just lazy and wanted to do a quick flashlight for my friend.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on April 01, 2013, 04:15:14 PM
Looks good, might want to add some border or something around the map and you should really change the green square.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on April 04, 2013, 12:18:47 AM
Looks good, might want to add some border or something around the map and you should really change the green square.

That's the plan.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: benosalankelley on April 07, 2013, 10:16:02 AM
Bunnies. Dude.  :)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on April 07, 2013, 12:38:22 PM
Elizabeth always gets edgy around wardrobes from what I can gather.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on May 31, 2013, 10:52:28 AM
Class of the Underworld. (Project on Hiatus) (

not exactly a screenshot.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on May 31, 2013, 04:05:09 PM
Looks good so far. Is the red flashing intentional?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on May 31, 2013, 11:00:41 PM
Looks good so far. Is the red flashing intentional?
Nope. My fraps had an anuesysm as I was recording sadly. I did all that work making those animations and such and my friend still doesn't wanna work on the project. :c
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on June 02, 2013, 01:06:04 AM
Looking at the animations earlier I wasn't a big fan of the body positions in each action but in motion you don't really notice.  Good job, Felix.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on June 02, 2013, 09:16:31 AM
Looking at the animations earlier I wasn't a big fan of the body positions in each action but in motion you don't really notice.  Good job, Felix.
I plan on uploading a video that doesn't flicker, covers the skills I missed, and shows the basic attacks.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fortet on June 05, 2013, 06:55:58 AM
Got a little inspired lately, so I messed around with some things today.
Floors are a (terrible) place holder. Not even showing off area design - just some stuff. I plan on making a set for each dungeon type (dungeon, castle, innards, etc...)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on June 05, 2013, 08:43:03 AM
Not my style, but definitely shows promise. I think it will look much better once you have the floor tile. Maybe a stone tile like Tales of Phantasia dungeons would suit this well?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fortet on June 05, 2013, 03:34:47 PM
Definitely something along those lines. I'm incredibly rusty right now as far as spriting goes, but hopefully I'll get back into the swing of it the more I work on it.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: fruckert on June 05, 2013, 08:09:29 PM
Those pillars look like they're standing on top of each-other.
Also, I'd give the player an outline. I can't really see what she looks like on top of the background.

Also, what're the weird rupee shapes on the background?
I can't tell what those are supposed to be.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fortet on June 06, 2013, 03:53:18 AM
The rupee shapes are rune marks. Each color is a different element. I tried doing them in the chipset itself, but the transparency isn't strong enough. Maybe I need to try some more subdued colors?
I'm gonna adjust the bases of the pillars for some more depth, and in a normal map they wouldn't be that close to each other. I just wanted to see what they looked like in use.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: fruckert on June 06, 2013, 06:43:41 AM
Good that you're adding some depth to them, they're rather flat looking at the moment.

Might I ask what's up with the rails and the thing that's next to them?
The rails look fine, but I can't tell what the thing is.
It looks like an altar of sorts, to me, but their placement makes me think it's a minecart.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fortet on June 06, 2013, 07:18:20 AM
The rails are supposed to be fencing; normally they would be placed at edges of the flooring that falls off into pits of lava, water, etc...
And yes, it's my terrible attempt at spriting an altar. Chests and whatnot would go on top of those.
Man, I'm so out of practice that it hurts :P
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: fruckert on June 06, 2013, 07:22:57 AM
Ooh, ouch, I'm sorry D:
Looked mostly like rails due to the floor tiles, which I know not to bitch about.
That's what the source of the confusion was, really, because I wanted to know why the vaguely minecart shaped altar was behind the rails.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fortet on June 06, 2013, 07:30:19 AM
Yeah - against the floor they look like some sort of railing. I hope it looks better when it's against something else. If not I'll keep toying with it until it looks like what it's supposed to. Maybe removing the bottom strip would help.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on June 22, 2013, 06:35:10 AM
Been awhile since I made a map that's not underwater.


Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on June 22, 2013, 07:09:19 AM
Guh. Look at that horrible green filter.

Been awhile since I made a map that's not underwater.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on June 22, 2013, 08:36:55 AM
XD Looks lovely. Does this signify the emergence of your game from the depths? If so you must have quite a bit done now!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on June 22, 2013, 09:28:51 AM
Looks great as always.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on June 22, 2013, 04:08:21 PM
XD Looks lovely. Does this signify the emergence of your game from the depths? If so you must have quite a bit done now!

I wish. I just got tired of blue for awhile :/
It may not seem it, but these maps take a heck of a lot less time to make than my underwater ones do.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: GaryCXJk on June 26, 2013, 01:52:26 PM
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on June 26, 2013, 03:11:21 PM
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: GaryCXJk on June 26, 2013, 05:08:34 PM

Hope this is enough context.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: fruckert on June 26, 2013, 08:37:08 PM
Working in Ace, I take it?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on June 28, 2013, 12:16:52 AM
Been awhile since I made a map that's not underwater.

I just love your map making.  I really need to lookup that map making tutorial you had done a few years ago.

annndd found it.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on June 28, 2013, 03:39:21 AM
That thing is so old. I plan on making a new one for the forum contest, but that didn't get much attention so I've been putting it off.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on June 30, 2013, 01:40:48 AM
Okay, so I recolored the charsets to match the color palettes of their matching battle sprites.  Should I also scale back the palettes on the tilesets or do you think it'll will be alright?  If I do, do you think the tilesets will be able to be scaled back in their detail and still work?  Or would it be better just to keep the charsets more detail and just have a style change between battles and the characters?


The charsets are just some FSM edits.

Battle character for reference:
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on June 30, 2013, 04:16:51 PM
Rudra tiles are pretty detailed. If you want something that will match and be easier to scale back, I would go with some Secret of Mana tiles or something less detailed from the start.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on June 30, 2013, 10:27:32 PM
Thanks for the tip!  I'll do some scouting around and do some test screens when I get the chance.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on July 05, 2013, 06:28:59 PM
Hedge Maze

Entrance to main temple

Interior of main temple
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on July 05, 2013, 10:46:33 PM
I love hedge mazes. I'm looking forward to that with *senator palpatine voice* grrreat anticipation.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on July 10, 2013, 05:44:14 PM
Okay, so I recolored the charsets to match the color palettes of their matching battle sprites.  Should I also scale back the palettes on the tilesets or do you think it'll will be alright?  If I do, do you think the tilesets will be able to be scaled back in their detail and still work?  Or would it be better just to keep the charsets more detail and just have a style change between battles and the characters?


The charsets are just some FSM edits.

Battle character for reference:

Firstly I love the fact somebody edited those old sets into something less ....soft and fuzzy. Secondly that is a great use of that chip set and thirdly why does it remind me of "Twin Peak Mountain" from Brave Fencer Musashi? o.O

Hedge Maze

Entrance to main temple

Interior of main temple

Temples are awesome, reminds me of the ones I used in Legondo Rising 1.2 but the Hedge Maze is win just for beign a Hedgemaze and not being square!! =D I love those leafy obalisks! Very cool and that entrace is just amazingly
well made! Nice work Meis. Though I must say I don't know what those brown things in the right corner are. o.O Tree stumps? Decorations? Either way they look a bit out of place to me.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on July 11, 2013, 03:02:30 AM
Tree stumps. On an earlier page I have the trees with their tops, this is just a picture without them (as the treetops are actually picture overlays and not part of the chipset).
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on July 11, 2013, 03:57:06 AM
Tree stumps. On an earlier page I have the trees with their tops, this is just a picture without them (as the treetops are actually picture overlays and not part of the chipset).

Okay that is a cool way to do it and I can see it now. I can never seem to get the hang of pictures as overlays or anything else. The closest I got was that stupid little planet name tag thing on Xia Lan and that took me forever to figure out and
position. Say you're a pretty good mapper and seem to have this process down pat. Is there a trick for figuring out where the pic is going to come out without having to play test and re-position it over and over?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on July 11, 2013, 05:24:42 AM
Well, the easiest trick (and don't abuse this or your game will lag like crazy) that is ok when you only have one or two pics you want to show is to make the picture 320x240 pixels in size. Then, when you set your graphic on the image, it will show up in the exact same spot in the game without your having to change the numbers around.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on July 11, 2013, 12:09:24 PM
It's a very rare occasion where I get excited for an RPG Maker game, but yours, Meis... yours!

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on July 11, 2013, 12:30:05 PM
Firstly I love the fact somebody edited those old sets into something less ....soft and fuzzy. Secondly that is a great use of that chip set and thirdly why does it remind me of "Twin Peak Mountain" from Brave Fencer Musashi? o.O

I might have switched to a different charset style to match the tiles a bit better, but thanks! haha.  I like them, but they were just a little too fat for the chipset style I wanted.

Eh, the more I look at it the more I think I might be better off just adding more detail to the charsets.  I dunno.

Also, suggestions on the second screen?  I've slowly been ripping away to get some more objects but I might just have to do some major edits of current ones to get more variety.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on July 14, 2013, 08:46:08 PM
Looks fine to me. You've got a good range of graphics to the point that you aren't just reusing the same flowers over and over, etc. Did you change the colors slightly or are those the original (I can't tell, but it looks good non the less)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on July 14, 2013, 11:17:41 PM
Its just tinted darker because its drizzling, but I'm thinking I might keep it that tint throughout.  Thanks, Meis!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on July 15, 2013, 01:39:28 AM
Looks beautiful, AFL! Nice to see some different art styles being used too
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Relux the Relux on July 16, 2013, 02:14:38 PM
( (
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on July 22, 2013, 05:21:52 AM
Too bare. I would fill that blank space with roped off statues or something.

The paintings look nice though. great variety.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Relux the Relux on July 23, 2013, 04:10:37 PM
Too bare. I would fill that blank space with roped off statues or something.

I'll see what I can do to fill the blank space.

By the way...

( (

Progress has been made!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Relux the Relux on August 03, 2013, 05:22:07 PM
In order to scape from the RPG maker title screen genericness I made my own title screen...

( (

And it looks crap...

But it's better than use the RPG Maker title screen...

I hope...
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on August 03, 2013, 05:48:59 PM
Def better than the default title screens that RM gives you.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on August 03, 2013, 10:32:41 PM
Def better than the default title screens that RM gives you.

I'm actually fond of one of two of them myself, but I must admit a custom screen feels more....natural.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on August 12, 2013, 10:49:52 AM
It might not look like it but this is a custom title screen. I'm using the auto enter patch so this screen is actually a parallax background.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on August 12, 2013, 09:02:20 PM
It might not look like it but this is a custom title screen. I'm using the auto enter patch so this screen is actually a parallax background.

Why? Why over complicate it if you're still making it look like a normal title screen?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on August 12, 2013, 10:35:43 PM
It scrolls. And... That's enough, I guess.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on August 13, 2013, 01:10:37 AM
different sound effects. And its because there's a disclaimer/warning/splash screen before the title screen that can only be achieved by using auto enter. Also new game zooms in, and my project has some trickery later on where you get teleported back to the title screen but when you click load game it instantly loads you to a different spot. Something similar to what OFF did. Using Auto enter/fake title screen allows me to do that in a special fashion.

Also HOME has a feature where you can copy a save file from OFF into Home, and when you load it  it teleports you to a room that checks if you've gathered the Aeris-card. And then plays a cutscene explaining HOME. This is to encourage people to actually play OFF. After the cutscene it takes you to the title screen, when you start a new game. The Aeris-card is in your inventory. Something that can not be done without auto enter patch.

The titlescreen will also have slight animations/fading effect in the background.

Home (Off Spinoff) Intro to Zone 0 (

I made this earlier.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on August 13, 2013, 03:21:59 AM
Cool enemies Felix.  It really does make me want to play the original... maybe a thanksgiving break plan.  My summer ends basically wednesday.

Working on a tree dungeon chipset from a rip someone did from Terranigma.  Its going meh.  I haven't finished it yet but I thought I get some opinions on it.   I mixing parts of the Secret of Mana rips I did and meshing them together with recolors of the Terranigma.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on August 13, 2013, 03:42:37 AM
I love the use of Terranigma. That game was crazy.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Bluhman on August 13, 2013, 03:33:48 PM
Wait, you're the ****er that made that fangame?


Way to completely ruin the mood and dialogue of it.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on August 13, 2013, 06:52:42 PM
Cool enemies Felix.  It really does make me want to play the original... maybe a thanksgiving break plan.  My summer ends basically wednesday.

Working on a tree dungeon chipset from a rip someone did from Terranigma.  Its going meh.  I haven't finished it yet but I thought I get some opinions on it.   I mixing parts of the Secret of Mana rips I did and meshing them together with recolors of the Terranigma.


Tree dungeons are so hard to do. I have this great chipset I made and I feel that is still looks like crap when I actually map with it. What you have looks good. Empty, but what can you really fill it with in a tree?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on August 13, 2013, 07:26:06 PM
Empty, but what can you really fill it with in a tree?

Water pools, roots and big pulsating maggots (could work as treasure chest)?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on August 14, 2013, 12:53:52 AM
I was planning on the water idea and roots, but I'm also thinking vines and spider webs since spiders are going to be the main enemies you find in the dungeon.  That's if I can make decent webs.  I'll probably have to go searching for some in game examples from somewhere or just blatantly rip them.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on August 14, 2013, 01:37:56 AM
Wait, you're the ****er that made that fangame?


Way to completely ruin the mood and dialogue of it.

If that reply is serious I've lost all regard for you.
"Ruining the mood" is a completely pointless term considering this project is supposed to be a light hearted mood.
"dialogue of it."
I've done my best to keep the dialogue canonical to the characters portrayed and its a WIP.

Also. Assuming you've seen a video or too. Hopefully not RagnaThePigs video. I could go on a rant on how disrespectful that video was but if you personally must know I can explain in inbox how the version he streamed was sent to my followers on tumblr only. The last version of my project publicly released was back in 6-26. Two months ago. Dialogue has changed significantly since I have a writer now that handles finding typos and changes/re-writes dialogue to sound better and more OFFlike.

To honestly see such a thoughtless reply from you of all people really leaves me with disdain.
Considering I have Mortis Ghosts approval and permission to work on this sequel. I'm not the only one making a fan
game either. But everyone whos messages me and all the contact I get on tumblr is positive. People are excited and people love the project. As long as I make the fandom and people happy I really don't care that a few bad apples
have spiteful attitude to a sequel that's been approved by the original creator. 
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Bluhman on August 14, 2013, 04:30:11 AM
I found out about it here. (

Light-hearted does not necessarily entail the loss of all subtlety and sense. If you got a writer, great. Hopefully he can actually make Judge talk properly and doesn't misspell words like cheif. And also make Zacharie waaaaaay less hideous. Really, what the christ dude.

Cool, you got support from tumblr. On the other hand, it's tumblr, which, more than likely, has a slant towards preferring things such as homestuck and ponies veneered over every other thing in existence. At least that's what I've noticed.

Also cool you got support from Mortis. Of course, I might be making a bit of an assumption, but you made the game after you asked him for permission, right? Also not exactly on how much he's keeping up on your project, but like that really matters. Point is, I saw it in passing, and agreed that it was disgusting.


I mean, what the **** is this. I probably would have thought less of it if I hadn't just now realized it was made by you.

E: I read into it a bit closer - actually yeah, it's indirectly related to RagnaThePig.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on August 14, 2013, 04:38:18 AM
wtf is that gross ****? That does not appear in HOME what so. Also yes. I have lots of typos. Most of them have been fixed by now. Holyfuck cheif was misspelled a bunch but "She" not he, went through and found all the typs and fixed it. I can send you a file of HOME right now on skype and that image never appears in Home. I portray Zacharie just as mortis does, he addresses the player and breaks physics and laws. Such as jumping off the roof of a 1000+ tall building.
Also I think I do a good job of portraying the Judge as of recent versions.

But all I can say is, where ever the **** you found that image it does not and has not ever appeared in any version of HOME.

Ahahah. The "somethingawful" forums. You mean you actually believe that cesspool of **** site actually cares about respect and project? Ragna the pig edited my project and then made a stream of all the edited crap saying I made it and bashed a version of the project that was months old and wasn't meant for such viewing or critique. It was early alpha.

RPG maker is so easy to edit I could open OFF and make it look like a horrible project in about 5 min what makes you think some asshat wouldn't do that to my project?

It would be really helpful if you actually took a gander at the project yourself and spoke to me before coming to such dead brained conclusions that I would write something so dumb in a serious world of OFF. I don't "ship" The batter and Zacharie.

The simple fact that you would accuse me of such is short of insulting to say the least. I dealt enough of **** from that ragna video.

I have videos on my youtube. Look at the most recent if you want to see what HOME actually looks like.





Here are actual lines from HOME.

I've had it up to the ****ing atmosphere with the shitposting site that is somethignawful and that ragnatheprig **** face.
I'm 110% sure you can't fathom my rage right now.

I'll make an actual topic post and new videos to explain what home is about, who knows. Probably not. Not like anyone bothers to look at what I post anywho. If someone else posts it, it must be true because it's on the internet.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on August 14, 2013, 05:32:40 AM
Never seen so much anger about a fan game of an indie game.

As far as the recent screens go, I'm not a fan of the graphic style, but the text sounds very unique.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on August 14, 2013, 05:50:22 AM
The anger is from the fact that someone edited my project and streamed it then made a youtube video of it. Thats my anger. Imagine if someone went into your project and screwed with it to make your characters say stupid **** and people actually believe that, that is what your project is. I believe my anger is justified with the lack of respect the everythingawful forums has displayed.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: DragonBlaze on August 14, 2013, 04:30:14 PM
Let's not condemn anything until we see the final version. It's not like Felix is Hitler performing the holocaust and we must put a stop to it right away. And Felix, I know it must be upsetting that someone did that, but letting it get to you just means that whoever made the edit is a troll getting what they want. Ignore the worthless trolls and their dirty tricks.

On to the actual screenshots, I really like the characters, enemies, and face sets,  but the maps are a bit too flat in my opinion.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on August 15, 2013, 12:13:03 AM
I just had my hopes that the trolling would die down and people would move onto useful things. Internet is down sadly so I can't make my topic/upload video/and such. using a phone. actually I might give this phones mobile hot spot feature a run.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on August 16, 2013, 02:33:16 AM
yea my reaction was a bit too much. I apologize D:
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on August 20, 2013, 03:53:53 AM
the fact that I'm still arguing with idiots on the Ragna video is the reason I get angry when people attack my project. smh.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on August 20, 2013, 06:08:13 PM

( (
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on August 20, 2013, 06:32:56 PM
That looks hard.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on August 20, 2013, 10:09:39 PM
It looks so beautiful in motion. These screenies don't do it justice, as everything is constantly moving and animated
with particles and whatnot and parallax and the like!

They're intimidating cow heads. They moo a lot and I think I've given myself a phobia of cows after creating that.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on August 21, 2013, 05:28:53 AM
If it looks that much better in motion then can you make a short 20 sec clip and upload it for us/me?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on August 21, 2013, 05:36:23 AM
I'm so horrendously scared and confused.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on August 21, 2013, 01:34:19 PM
I would, Meis, but I don't know of any programs to record C# applications with.  I'd need something that retained quality and had a decent framerate, too.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on August 23, 2013, 12:47:55 AM
( (

I'm now leader of the evil demonic floating cow unicorn head mutant freaks. I have a scythe too.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: DragonBlaze on August 23, 2013, 01:41:19 AM
That. looks. awesome.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on August 23, 2013, 03:00:24 PM
Thanks DB! :D Much appreciated! Plenty more screens to come, but obvs coding from scratch yields much slower results!

I'm not really sure where my project is going. It kind of feels like a mix of Hotline Miami, Ratchet & Clank, Pikmin and Mario :/
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on August 23, 2013, 03:56:40 PM
It kind of feels like a mix of Hotline Miami, Ratchet & Clank, Pikmin and Mario :/

I'm not even sure if that's logically possible.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on August 23, 2013, 04:39:09 PM
Looks wicked, Z.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on August 25, 2013, 04:36:31 PM
It might not look like it but this is a custom title screen. I'm using the auto enter patch so this screen is actually a parallax background.


Whoa so that's how you get a paralax intro screen. Nice! I like the look of the hand-drawn like characters and monsters. Doctor Seus meets Tim Burton and then we pop them in a blender! XD

Cool enemies Felix.  It really does make me want to play the original... maybe a thanksgiving break plan.  My summer ends basically wednesday.

Working on a tree dungeon chipset from a rip someone did from Terranigma.  Its going meh.  I haven't finished it yet but I thought I get some opinions on it.   I mixing parts of the Secret of Mana rips I did and meshing them together with recolors of the Terranigma.


Wow that set is oddly both stark and beautiful. Never heard of Terranigma though. Is it a SNES game or is that just all the Mana stuff in it that makes it look so retro.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on August 26, 2013, 03:53:41 AM
Terranigma is an SNES game. It is a lot like Illusion of Gaia and Soul Blazer.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on August 29, 2013, 05:08:10 PM
>looks a lot like.
You mean the fact that they're all made by the same producer/creator.

They were meant to be a trilogy but they don't really flow well.
They're all pretty difficult too for an action adventure SNES game.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Relux the Relux on October 04, 2013, 11:49:51 AM
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on October 05, 2013, 09:16:57 AM
What's in the top left, Relux?

(By the way Zuhane you are my god now. Is there a demo yet?)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Relux the Relux on October 05, 2013, 09:57:10 AM
What's in the top left, Relux?


It's a orb that reprensents your health bar, every time when you get damaged the more cracked the orb gets.

It's game over when the orb shatters.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on October 07, 2013, 09:30:02 AM
like that concept actually. :D
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Relux the Relux on October 08, 2013, 04:46:11 PM
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on October 08, 2013, 05:57:57 PM
I would however look to getting new fire sprites.

Just a random screenshot here.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Xenitas on October 13, 2013, 01:08:39 AM
( (

I'm now leader of the evil demonic floating cow unicorn head mutant freaks. I have a scythe too.

This is easily the most creative thing I've seen all day. Not sure how the game works, but it looks fun.
What are you developing this on?

City Entrance


I'm still working on finishing the entirety of the city but this small portion of it is complete for the most part.
All tiles were custom made for Dormant Sky.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on October 13, 2013, 06:31:40 AM
Nice screen, xen! Not really much to say about it, you seem to have a good handle on that chipset. The only thing I might suggest is some shadows and a bit of parallex mapping to improve oddities like height differentials between the buildings and ground and where tree meets grass. Still, looks great!

Relux, I like your screens, you seem to have a good sense of ambiance (Meaning the use of screen tinting and colors in general), but I would suggest reading some mapping tutorials to better make your maps more detailed and less square-like.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on October 15, 2013, 12:38:47 AM
no love for me :(
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on October 15, 2013, 03:49:42 PM
Thanks, Xen. I'm developing it in C# with the monogame framework for my final year project.

It's kind of a bizarre mash-up of genres that's hard to sum up. However, you'll actually get to see it
completed, as my incentive is not failing Uni and working in Tesco for the rest of my life.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on October 16, 2013, 07:06:03 PM
I take it you're not actually Xen, right?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on October 17, 2013, 07:20:38 AM
Sorry, Felix. I just hate your guts so much. :P

No, seriously, I just don't know the game well enough that you're mirroring, only that you are mirroring a game so I don't know what to say. I like the art style, it's different and you seem to have a solid grasp on it. I do like it, the colors and everything. Keep it up!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on October 23, 2013, 06:52:53 PM

Here's the new Dedan fight.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on October 25, 2013, 03:15:11 PM
I take it you're not actually Xen, right?

No, I'm not.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Relux the Relux on November 02, 2013, 06:37:15 PM
The House Of The Seven Arts - The Sky And Crater room (

I know that this topic is for screenshots.

But this is just very short video that shows the changes that one of the rooms has accordingly how far you're on solving the puzzle(but doesn't show the puzzle itself.

I did this small videos because there things that are better shown this way, I hope that's OK.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on November 05, 2013, 05:16:28 PM
The flashing of the lightning is far too strong. I would lower it.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on November 05, 2013, 10:11:40 PM
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on November 06, 2013, 01:39:37 AM
No, I'm not.
Sorry dude, I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to Xen; one of the old members was called Xen and the name similarity suddenly struck me... :p
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on December 25, 2013, 09:14:02 PM

And, I used a rip and then fudged my way through the roof in the next one.  Its still a little off, but I needed something to at least placehold for a while.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on December 26, 2013, 09:28:59 AM
Looks good to me. Might even be better mapping than SoM itself had.
As for the roof... I THINK that bof 1 and/or 2 had some nice rounded roofs that might suit as a good template. Don't search too long if you decide to look for em, as I am simply going off of my foggy memory.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on December 28, 2013, 11:30:46 PM
Thanks!  And good to know.  I'm trying to work on a few things while I'm break, but even now I have quite a few other things that I really should be working on instead.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on December 29, 2013, 07:16:48 AM
Hate to drop in, but I do like to post updates on my project every now and then.

I'll put things under a spoiler tag, just some enemy updates.






Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on December 29, 2013, 10:25:10 AM
Those ghosts in the second picture looks awfully familiar. Also, the pants of the guy in the same picture could use some work.

Otherwise the style still seem interestign and unique. 
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on December 29, 2013, 03:18:16 PM
Felix, I really like the enemy concepts.  Are those original or based off the original?

The ghost designs looks like one from the RTP spirit, prpl.  (Took me a bit to find it, but I had just looked at the RTP sprites the other day)

@Meis I found one in a bof 1 sprite sheet I might be able to use that isn't quite as bulky as my current one.  Thanks!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on December 29, 2013, 09:49:44 PM
Felix, I really like the enemy concepts.  Are those original or based off the original?

The ghost designs looks like one from the RTP spirit, prpl.  (Took me a bit to find it, but I had just looked at the RTP sprites the other day)

@Meis I found one in a bof 1 sprite sheet I might be able to use that isn't quite as bulky as my current one.  Thanks!

Yes, I did use that as a base for the ghost. If you compare them though they're not copy/pasted.  However, yes. They're all original. None of the previous enemy/monster sprites are being used in this project. That bird at the bottom is Japhet, royal guardian of zone 2.

Those ghosts in the second picture looks awfully familiar. Also, the pants of the guy in the same picture could use some work.

Otherwise the style still seem interestign and unique. 

Yea, there's a reason I haven't released a new demo on tumblr yet lately is because I still have some sprites like that, that need work.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on December 29, 2013, 09:51:04 PM
Ah, I see.  Good job then.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on December 31, 2013, 04:20:18 AM
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on December 31, 2013, 06:20:49 AM
Always a pleasure to see what you're cooking up.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on December 31, 2013, 03:38:08 PM
Does the floor tile double as the wall tile or does it actually keep going further?  Its hard to tell.  Otherwise beautiful was the first word to come to mind.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on February 12, 2014, 06:43:28 AM
It keeps going further. Is it really that difficult to tell?

Newest stuff:
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on February 12, 2014, 07:23:25 AM
Really diggin the shadows from the rocky overlay.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on February 12, 2014, 07:43:38 AM
It keeps going further. Is it really that difficult to tell?
A little, yes. The lack of a plain wall to compare it to does make it look like a double-use tile. Perhaps removing that horizontal wood plank would help communicate that it's a solid floor and not a break from floor to wall, or maybe using a different floor tile that wouldn't be easily confused as a wall tile. If you want to go the slightly more complicated route, you could always add some shadows to better suggest that as a doorway rather than a place between two walls.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on February 12, 2014, 08:50:30 AM
Yeah the horizontal thingy is what's boggling the mind. You could just place something that end up being "behind" the beam thing in the ceiling as well, like another table or so.

As for the latest one, that's one beautiful map. Although the crab looks a bit misfit with his hard coloured outline.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on February 12, 2014, 11:31:14 AM
It keeps going further. Is it really that difficult to tell?

It looks pretty clear to me, but prpls idea might be good to make it a bit more clearer or add a carpet on the floor.


Not rpg maker but been working on a tileset for a gameboy game.


(Ignore that the gif doesn't loop to well)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on February 13, 2014, 02:34:36 AM
I really like that screenshot. What exactly is the game/project going to be?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on February 13, 2014, 10:04:45 PM
Thanks. Gonna be a shooter / puzzler, pretty short (thinking three levels and two boss fights). It's still in the really early stages, nothing playable yet.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on February 14, 2014, 09:47:26 PM
It keeps going further. Is it really that difficult to tell?

Newest stuff:

The colors here are very aesthetically pleasing. I like this screenshot a lot.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Relux the Relux on March 01, 2014, 05:42:58 PM



Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on March 23, 2014, 05:22:51 AM
Interesting scenes, but the floor tile is making my eyes strain with just the screenshots and I'm not sure I could sit through an entire game if the tile is common.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Relux the Relux on April 11, 2014, 06:24:12 PM
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on April 11, 2014, 09:00:13 PM
Nice bell and hammerman :)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on April 15, 2014, 09:32:57 PM
Worked on some tiles

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on April 17, 2014, 06:38:00 AM
I'm a sucker for that minimalist pixel style.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Relux the Relux on April 22, 2014, 04:20:09 PM

Now, let's get some war done, gentlemen.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on April 23, 2014, 04:25:15 PM
Woho glitches!

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on April 23, 2014, 04:26:24 PM
Well I think it's a feature. That's cool as hell.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on April 24, 2014, 07:52:59 PM
Loving the gameboy green.

And Relux, don't you have any floor tiles that aren't chequered? Or at least, different sizes or shapes`?

Also, I backtracked through this thread. Do you still have your old Metal Tears battle system laying around somewhere Meis?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on April 26, 2014, 06:23:49 AM
Which one? I've changed the BS for that game so many times :/
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on April 26, 2014, 07:29:48 AM

(Demo of battle system and current stage) (
(Demo of first town) (

This one
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on April 26, 2014, 07:24:39 PM
Yeah I still have that one.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on April 26, 2014, 07:39:18 PM
Ah neat, are you comfortable with sharing it then? I'm interested to see the code behind it.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on April 26, 2014, 07:41:19 PM
I'd be ok sharing it, but the whole reason I quit making that and working on my current project is because the code was really messed up and I couldn't make heads or tails of it after taking a year break from it all. If you still want it send me a pm and I'll get to it (eventually).
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on April 26, 2014, 09:56:10 PM
Worked on some tiles


Looking spiffy as hell, Momeka. Love the old GB feel!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on June 10, 2014, 04:24:26 AM
Finally getting the hang of pointers.  Man it's taking me a while to figure it out.  Anyway, here's a screen of what I've worked on today.  (Its to the point where you can select the item, but healing items aren't healing the correct amount yet -- I need to refigure out how to get the game to register that HP of the selected character)


I also need to create an arrow so then you know you can change pages in the bag when you have more than six.  The bag does it, but there isn't anything to let the player know they can yet.  I'm also planning on the name of the item you are hovering over to be shown where the bag title is on the menu, but I'm trying to get all the functions done first.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on June 10, 2014, 05:39:27 AM
Looks decent so far. Not a fan of the navy blue, greenish black, grey/silver color combo, but I can't really recommend anything better :/
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on June 10, 2014, 05:42:13 AM
Looks decent so far. Not a fan of the navy blue, greenish black, grey/silver color combo, but I can't really recommend anything better :/
I blame all the traditional final fantasies for that color combo. Anyways, have you taken a look at charas? It's a walking blue and silver website itself.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on June 10, 2014, 06:22:55 AM
It all depends on how the boxes are made I suppose, but I would suggest a pattern or a radiant or something to make it a bit neater.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on June 10, 2014, 03:49:27 PM
Hm, now that you mention it does look a little odd.  I'm looking to keep it very minimalist with the menu windows background, but it wouldn't be difficult to change the color schemes.  Maybe change the blackish background color to the grey and then change the gray outlines to black?  I'll do some experimenting and post some mock-ups.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on June 10, 2014, 05:36:00 PM
I like number 2 best I think. Although I actually like the original.  Don't make the menus grey it looks horrible :s
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on June 10, 2014, 06:05:07 PM
Well #2 is the original, so that makes sense haha ;)  If I do stick with the original, I am going to change the numbers on the items to match the scheme better.  The red just comes out of nowhere.

Any other color palette suggestions?  I could try a pattern but I think it would be too much for the feel I'm looking for.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on June 12, 2014, 05:18:09 AM
I use gold trim and mixes of light green and dark green for my HUD's usually. Try that maybe? I dunno, classic blue almost always seems unbeatable lol.

As to charas... charas is more navy blue, blue, and white. Imagine if the blue became dark green.... yeah :P
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on June 12, 2014, 04:01:03 PM

Also tried it with the item bubbles having a darker green background than the menus, but I don't have the time to upload right now.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on June 12, 2014, 06:01:34 PM
The first one you posted looks best. Maybe try to add a simple pattern to the background as purp said. Also the cursor/hand could use a bit of work, doesn't fit in with the rest.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on June 12, 2014, 07:05:40 PM
I originally was going to use a highlighting cursor like I use in the other windows, but I'd have to find a way to keep the player from moving to empty item slots, which is something I'm not quite sure I'm ready to figure out yet.  I think I might be able to check to see if the slots is referencing a variable with the value of 0.  I'll experiment with it.
Also, I've modified the character select window to not have all that empty space and the top and bottom, but I'm only been editing my original image for the mock-up color schemes.

I have it so then the player can't move to to blank item slots, but if the blank item slot is on the next page then it won't move to the new page at all.  So if you happen to have one item on the second page you can only get to it by moving down on the far left item.  Ugh... this is a lot more complicated than I originally imagined... and I imagined it pretty complicated.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on June 13, 2014, 07:27:20 AM
Yepp the second one look great.
I had my own go at this, since you've always done dark colours I wanted to see what it would look liek with lighter ones.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on June 13, 2014, 08:02:59 AM
Yeah, the second one looks way better.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on June 13, 2014, 03:25:59 PM
Yepp the second one look great.
I had my own go at this, since you've always done dark colours I wanted to see what it would look liek with lighter ones.

I like the way that one has an old time-y feel.  That could be a useful color scheme in the future!  Thanks, purp!

I guess I'll stick with the second one then.  I've already redone all my menu backgrounds and the item names\descriptions with it.  I'll be sure to post more screens when I'm ready!  Thanks guys!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on June 14, 2014, 09:33:24 AM
Entrance to the last location. After about a full year of work, I'm actually almost finished with HOME. I'm both nervous and excited to bring this project to a curtain call.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on June 14, 2014, 06:52:18 PM
Oooo. I'll play it when it's finished.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on June 14, 2014, 08:11:12 PM
Both prpl's and the second one look great.

Felix: Didn't you already use those colors in another zone? Or is that same zone the final zone?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on June 15, 2014, 09:51:45 PM
Both prpl's and the second one look great.

Felix: Didn't you already use those colors in another zone? Or is that same zone the final zone?
that screenshot using the brown color was  really old photo, and that was just me showing off the new chipset. That map will appear in this Zone. this photo is just the entrance.

Yea, this image was me showing off the brown pallet.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on June 17, 2014, 09:52:11 PM
Gotcha. I was wondering why I felt I already saw.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on June 19, 2014, 03:40:58 PM
After losing so much work I decided it would be a good time to redo the characters a bit.


Mostly changed the head shape and got rid of the shadow beneath the characters.  The shadow was proving troublesome when the characters would be near a ledge or other objects.  Which one do you think looks better?

EDIT: Anyone else experience the Connection problems error all day?  I couldn't get on Charas most of the day.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on June 20, 2014, 04:46:20 AM
Yes I had the same issues. New character looks nice. Glad to see the shadow go away too.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on July 05, 2014, 09:51:41 PM

Working on 2k3 graphics for my game club game. Decided to scrap what I had in unity and make a simpler rpg maker game instead.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on July 06, 2014, 06:52:24 AM
Loving it
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on July 08, 2014, 07:26:53 PM
Momeka, did you do all of those graphics yourself?!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on July 09, 2014, 07:35:07 AM
Momeka, did you do all of those graphics yourself?!

Yeah, used Dawnbringers palette for the colors. (

I'll post some screenshots tonight, gotten a bit more made on the game.



Here is the intro scene where you wake up in the ruins.

And this is the room where you will first see the ghoulish creatures that inhabits them.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on July 10, 2014, 01:25:14 AM
Oh, Momeka! I think I just fell in love.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on July 10, 2014, 04:07:19 AM
Really like the headbanger
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on July 10, 2014, 06:37:49 PM
I would love to play this :D Gratz on the graphics, too. I'm really impressed with what you have going on here!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on July 10, 2014, 07:54:51 PM
YOur stuff is always amazing, judging from your levels on the chain game. So this is gonna be sweet.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on July 12, 2014, 08:20:48 AM
Awesome, glad you guys liked it.

YOur stuff is always amazing, judging from your levels on the chain game. So this is gonna be sweet.

Thanks but don't have to high expectation  :|. The game club version will pretty much just be a really short demo of the introduction levels.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: SpritingNomad on August 06, 2014, 06:30:50 PM
Great stuff Momeka, love the look of your characters and chips.

If you guys saw my intro post you know what i'm working on,  so i wont bore you with that.
I still have to do a few things, such as make an alternate grass tile to break up the repetition, same for cliff face.
Thinking about decreasing character saturation a tad too..
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on August 07, 2014, 12:34:05 AM
I think the character saturation is kinda cool.  Gives it a feel that's the right side of childish.

It's up to you though, of course.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: SpritingNomad on August 07, 2014, 03:20:20 AM
That's a great idea! It might work out nicely to have the characters stand out in that way, i will make a note of that, thank you.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on August 07, 2014, 08:53:36 AM
SpritingNomad that looks great! Really colorful and I love the form of the character.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: SpritingNomad on August 07, 2014, 08:43:59 PM
Thank ya.
I already have the adult, obese, and child template completed, i look forward to showing you guys some remakes and original characters for the game.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: SpritingNomad on August 17, 2014, 05:06:13 PM
Howdy! A screenshot to show that i'm still working on this.
I've yet to add a few more things like the water auto tile, rotting logs/trunks, bird nests, bushes, a hole for the ground (2 diff sizes), and possibly a tile for spots where you can jump off the cliff.
The small tree still needs a bit more work, and i already have a some other alternate tiles for the cliff face (not present here) which i need to make for the sides of the cliff too.
As you guys can see i also fixed up the main grass, not very repetitious by itself anymore, i did make an alternate grass tile (still one or two more to go.. i think) but i forgot to add that to the map.
Forgot, also been working on extra pieces for the tree, for clumping stuff together in some ways.

I've created a new original monster, a type of fish-toad creature that drags itself along the ground using it's hind legs.
Have it in mind to make it a healing monster with high defense, it will appear in the first zone along with the Brownie Goblins and Slimes (which i will also add something to).

Anyway, just wanted to let you guys know that i'm still about, it's not the best screenshot but more coming soon.

Ah, ive also worked on an extra skin color, which you can see.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on August 17, 2014, 06:34:39 PM
If I could make a recommendation, it would be to add more detail to the ground in the form of simple props (flowers, grass variations, dirt patches, etc.) to break up the monotony of continuous grass. It all looks nice, but it's a bit too plain.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: SpritingNomad on August 17, 2014, 10:32:58 PM
Already have an extra grass tile, but i forgot to add it to the screenshot (next screen shot), and i will make one more variation after those flowers and bushes are ready.
After a few of the things i mentioned are complete i will start work on the Hill of Destiny map, and finally really start working on that intro scene  :w00t:
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on September 23, 2014, 05:39:03 PM
Sorry about the sizes but this is as big as Image Shack can get them and right now it's all I got that's free.

( (
A little tribute to my favorite ghost XD I did this when I first was playing with fun graphics on the lobby floor of Benit Inc.

( (
Alternate laylout of a ship to ship battle system using the DBS.

( (
A scrapped X-mas Game that I soon realized had little to do with X-mas and more to do with me being nostalgic for Charas and the old forum unity. Alex, Marduk and Sai'Kar standing united against an army of trolls lead by a cloaked figure.

( (
From a project I do to take my mind off serious games

<a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>
Finally just a little mapping thing I did the other day when I was reading about the first Grande Adventure Game and got so nostalgic I made a more warm and friendly Charas Pubb than the one I did in the Chain Game.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Zoltar on September 29, 2014, 05:37:29 PM
Yeah, used Dawnbringers palette for the colors. (

I'll post some screenshots tonight, gotten a bit more made on the game.



Here is the intro scene where you wake up in the ruins.

And this is the room where you will first see the ghoulish creatures that inhabits them.

How did you  get those screen shots to move?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on September 29, 2014, 06:02:51 PM
How did you  get those screen shots to move?

Try LICEcap ( or GifCam (
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on September 29, 2014, 08:49:55 PM
They are GIFs. GIFs can be animated pretty much, used to gave tool for that some time back, but that one was kinda sucky
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on November 25, 2014, 04:24:28 AM

Fully animated palace entrance with mirror goodness.

BTW Momeka, any progress?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on November 25, 2014, 04:47:46 AM
Good god. That's marvelous.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Zoltar on November 25, 2014, 04:07:57 PM

Fully animated palace entrance with mirror goodness.

BTW Momeka, any progress?

That is the coolest mansion I ever saw in a 2003 tile set...or is it something else?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on November 25, 2014, 08:43:42 PM
I like the look of that broken part of the wall. Do you get from the dungeony type bit into here and go like "Oh wow a palace"? Wait that wouldn't make sense since she's in the portrait.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on November 25, 2014, 10:18:55 PM
That's sweet, but I can't decide if I like how the walls fit the watery parts or if it would look better with some contrast.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on November 26, 2014, 05:17:15 AM
That's a decent point. I think it looks fine, but for people with color blindness, the two colors are very similar, and could become difficult to tell apart, leading to obvious confusion. Maybe something can be done to help fix that.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on November 26, 2014, 05:21:30 AM
Zoltar: Yeah rm2003

Archem/Prpl: I agree also with the color choices. I actually rotted my mind trying to figure out a good set of colors. Since this is pretty much the only area of the palace with water I'm not gonna put much more thought into it.

Moose: Good eye.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on November 26, 2014, 11:38:09 AM
BTW Momeka, any progress?

Made a couple of maps. Haven't gotten further than that, been pretty busy lately and the little free time I have I've been spending on other projects. I do like the idea I had for the game so I will probably go back to it in the future.


Fully animated palace entrance with mirror goodness.

I love the color scheme you got going there. The place looks really interesting.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on November 26, 2014, 01:30:45 PM

It's all messy and debuggy at the moment, but here's some of the proto I've been messing with:


Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on November 26, 2014, 07:18:08 PM
Well that is looking sweet, how is that thing coming along?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on December 04, 2014, 10:08:28 PM
Thanks Purp :) my PC is broken at the moment, and it has the most deluxe programming set up ever, so progress is pretty
stunted at the moment as I work from my laptop. It's a long-term project, so expect to see lots of other games before this
ever gets released!

It's a pretty neat little system though. You can free-run and scale practically everything, including moving enemies, and there's
a boat-load of physics integration being added. Also, your grandma's 1980 DOS PC could practically run it!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on December 04, 2014, 10:59:29 PM
Also, your grandma's 1980 DOS PC could practically run it!
My grandma's dead, and her first PC ran Windows ME.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on December 08, 2014, 12:27:14 AM
Jesus Christ! You've really put me in it now, Archem.

Sorry from the heart, bro.

I would love to see some more posts here as I always get really excited to see what people
have been working on, even if it's only minor adjustments. I always feel like people always want
to really polish every screenshot and release updates rarely, but I'd just be quite interested in
seeing what people are working on, or for people to put some extra time aside for game making.

It's the thing that brought us all together at one point, even if we have all moved one and become
overburdened with commitment and other things. I know we all have busy schedules and reasons
each to our own, but to see some real RPG Maker experts, programmers, artists, musicians, and
just generally really cool people not being allowed to creatively blossom is just a terrible shame!
Of course, hypocritically, I'm no better myself :)

I've seen what you're all capable of and some of the games, demos and concepts you've all collectively
created over the years have been amazing. With huge budget titles always on the rise, games seem to
gear more towards vast scales and huge, open worlds. With RPG Maker, or with any development
tools creating content released as Freeware, we have restrictions on what we can build. However, I think
because of that, we have to come up with really solid game mechanics and good aesthetic appeal. We don't
have to compete with that huge market of churned out repetition, because we don't want to.

When was the last time you saw an incredible (and I mean INCREDIBLE) rm2k3 game, XNA or Game Maker
game? There have been many great releases over time, but overall, when compared to some budget and indie
games, it's still hard for them to hold up and stand the test of time (in my opinion).

I feel that smaller games are interesting, as they're a complete projection of one person, or a small group
of like-minded people. On the off chance that another group somewhere has the same niche, they can
appreciate it more than EA / Activision 's latest money-grabbing recycled trash. I just guess the take home
message is that I just really want to see more activity on here again. I check charas quite often but I
don't often see projects being worked on. If anyone's willing, we could possibly dedicate a time to creating
something each with a tiny deadline, just to get some life flowing around again!

Rant over
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on December 08, 2014, 01:16:13 AM
I agree, Zuhane! I love seen the screenshots! Having said that it's hard for me to find the time to actually play the games >_>

As for myself, I'm still making that platformer on and off. But I have so much going on...
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on December 08, 2014, 05:16:04 AM
Jesus Christ! You've really put me in it now, Archem.

Sorry from the heart, bro.
Don't be too sorry, she's been dead since '07. I mostly just said that to fuck with you.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on December 08, 2014, 06:14:42 PM
It totally worked mwahaha.

Skibbady bop dooo wap! That's Archem!

Get some screenies up, Moose :D I tend to work better in parallel with people, and I get more done
when I see other people doing the same thing!

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on December 08, 2014, 08:06:05 PM
Looks nice, zu.

And here is some junk I've been working on:

This is the most active project I got going atm. Currently working on getting collision up, the plan is to turn it into a top down shooter.

Here some mock ups for the graphic of gameboy color game I never got around to do.



Here's another color mock up, didn't go much further than a background.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on December 08, 2014, 08:09:43 PM
Here some mock ups for the graphic of gameboy color game I never got around to do.


Looks a lot like Metroid II. I liked Metroid II.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Benema on December 09, 2014, 02:09:17 AM
i like that there backgroud. super flat and clean
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on December 10, 2014, 02:17:59 PM (

not exactly a screenshot, but a preview of what I'm working on. I have a rather silly method that allowed animated attacks in a sense. I wish the original creator of the animated enemy plugin had added support for attacks, because that would make my life so much easier.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on December 11, 2014, 12:38:20 AM
Using battle animations?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on December 11, 2014, 08:21:56 AM
Using battle animations? (
here is a more updated version. I'm using Cherry2k3's animated battlers and DynRPG. and yeah, everything else is ran by battle animations. What do you think?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on December 12, 2014, 01:05:29 AM
I think that its a good start. I always was under the impression that a CBS emulating the DBS was better than trying to get the DBS to do certain things, but it looks like you're got it under control.

Any plans to animate the lava/background?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on December 12, 2014, 06:01:09 AM
I think that its a good start. I always was under the impression that a CBS emulating the DBS was better than trying to get the DBS to do certain things, but it looks like you're got it under control.

Any plans to animate the lava/background?
I want to animate it, but I'm messing around with battle events and can't figure out HOW to animate it constantly.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Riderx40 on January 02, 2015, 03:02:44 PM
Here's some screenshots of my latest project..Finalbound:COG
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Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on January 02, 2015, 08:19:46 PM
Here's some screenshots of my latest project..Finalbound:COG
( (
( (
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( (
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( (

XD This looks liek a amusing mash up of RPG maker 2003 goodness! Very interesting to see the Sonic 3D styled battle system and those Earthbound graphics in one game. Though I see some gramar issues and places where your mapping could be better. ^^; Other than that? Looks pretty awesome!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Riderx40 on January 03, 2015, 02:43:56 PM
XD This looks liek a amusing mash up of RPG maker 2003 goodness! Very interesting to see the Sonic 3D styled battle system and those Earthbound graphics in one game. Though I see some gramar issues and places where your mapping could be better. ^^; Other than that? Looks pretty awesome!

i'm actually making this on RM2K..with the chara expand patch...while using the default battle system...the bridge section is kinda toke me at least two days to make..
the idaea came to me spontaneous..
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on January 03, 2015, 02:48:23 PM
Those GB-styled colour palettes you're using look effing nice, Momeka. That project looks
cool, Riderx. What's it about?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Riderx40 on January 03, 2015, 02:57:24 PM
Those GB-styled colour palettes you're using look effing nice, Momeka. That project looks
cool, Riderx. What's it about?

The game have the same cheesy element like chrono trigger...but at the same time i tried to
make more action sequences...the hero wakes up and found out that his father soul got stolen..aaaand the other stuff is through dimension(EB style world...pokemo style world...castle-contra style world...nes rpg world..)they all included in a simple select screen..(not in the demo since i still didn't make them yet..but i will)
and the hero must travel through a huge tower thats connect between the abyss and heaven...and so on!!pretty simple i guess :)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on January 04, 2015, 03:28:07 PM
That sounds like a pretty cool mash-up. I'll definitely play though it when you release a demo. Just as long
as the battles aren't hours of spacebar-mashing ;)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on January 22, 2015, 03:26:00 AM (

not a screenshot, but a video.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on January 23, 2015, 12:23:44 AM
looks good. well animated
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on January 23, 2015, 01:05:42 AM
looks good. well animated
I'm gonna fix the shuffle animation on the ledge, and the push animation so the hand looks flat against a surface, instead of a solid brick pushing.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on January 23, 2015, 04:20:49 PM
I like it. Solid proof of concept.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on January 26, 2015, 05:19:35 AM
Finally making the tutorial for the game's commands. Kinda like how the stream turned out here.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on January 27, 2015, 03:20:29 AM
God damn, Meis. Beautiful as always. Gimme demo now.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on January 27, 2015, 06:49:53 AM
Looks sweet, Meis.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on January 28, 2015, 12:07:42 AM
So you have a forest area, a water area and a palace area. I deduce that you're working on a town now/next.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on January 28, 2015, 01:24:20 AM
Town's been done. Posted screens of that like a year ago.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on January 28, 2015, 08:41:55 AM

...I've been tinkering lately.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on January 28, 2015, 06:56:06 PM
Ooooh!  Tinker away!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on January 28, 2015, 09:35:58 PM
Good looking. Simple changes are what really sets projects apart.
Is it possible to get the font in the lower right to match the system font?
Also, I would consider removing the black outline from the monster. See example pic and judge for yourself.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on February 03, 2015, 06:41:15 AM
Not a bad idea. I changed it and it looked a lot better. Good idea with the monsters, too, though they are likely just placeholders. I'm considering trying my hand at animating them, but that won't be until the whole system is more stable.

I also have been doing more tinkering. Finished coding a second skill selection menu. This one was suppose to be easy but somehow ended up providing me hours of endless frustration. Nonetheless. Behold! It's simple, weapons, shields, and some accessories give you special skills you can use only when they are equipped. These skill require adrenaline to use, which you gain in battle for various actions. Being attacked raises your adrenaline, attacking raises it, using magic raises it, and it raises at different rates for different characters.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on February 24, 2015, 07:56:25 AM

I'm really happy about this one. I know it doesn't look like much, I've been mostly working on code that goes on in the background, but recently I started animating the battle system. I'm working on all the basic stances for the playable characters and it's coming along quickly. Today, I finished Jake and Timber. Jake's model is clearly based off of the old sprite I used by InsaneJP, but Timber's model is completely redone from the old one I was using. Also, you may notice Martha, the second character in the party, is afflicted with a status effect. That's mainly what I've been working on, getting status effects to function properly. They are mostly done. Things like poison, confusion, berserk, stun, paralyze, weak, etc., have all been coded, including skills that can inflict them and protocols on how to apply them and what has priority over what. Lastly, the sprites are obviously different. They're the slime sprite from RMXP. It's a long story, but I was sort of forced to switch to using charasets as enemy sprites due to the way battle animations interact with pictures. I had to use a patch to swap the layers on which battle animations and pictures appear on, since battle animations were occuring over the HUDs. Unfortunately, that caused battle animations to occur behind monster sprites. That was obviously undesirable. So, I found ANOTHER patch that allowed me to use whatever size charasets I wanted, solving the priority issue while also now allowing me to animate monster sprites more easily, should I choose. I haven't decided on that, since it also means a lot more work. I'm considering the possibilities.

Whew, kind of a mouthful. It's been exciting and a lot of work, but very rewarding. I hope to maybe release a tech video or demo some time soon, I won't say when. It could even be another month or so.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on February 25, 2015, 01:04:51 AM
looking great
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on February 25, 2015, 01:27:17 AM

I'm really happy about this one. I know it doesn't look like much, I've been mostly working on code that goes on in the background, but recently I started animating the battle system. I'm working on all the basic stances for the playable characters and it's coming along quickly. Today, I finished Jake and Timber. Jake's model is clearly based off of the old sprite I used by InsaneJP, but Timber's model is completely redone from the old one I was using. Also, you may notice Martha, the second character in the party, is afflicted with a status effect. That's mainly what I've been working on, getting status effects to function properly. They are mostly done. Things like poison, confusion, berserk, stun, paralyze, weak, etc., have all been coded, including skills that can inflict them and protocols on how to apply them and what has priority over what. Lastly, the sprites are obviously different. They're the slime sprite from RMXP. It's a long story, but I was sort of forced to switch to using charasets as enemy sprites due to the way battle animations interact with pictures. I had to use a patch to swap the layers on which battle animations and pictures appear on, since battle animations were occuring over the HUDs. Unfortunately, that caused battle animations to occur behind monster sprites. That was obviously undesirable. So, I found ANOTHER patch that allowed me to use whatever size charasets I wanted, solving the priority issue while also now allowing me to animate monster sprites more easily, should I choose. I haven't decided on that, since it also means a lot more work. I'm considering the possibilities.

Whew, kind of a mouthful. It's been exciting and a lot of work, but very rewarding. I hope to maybe release a tech video or demo some time soon, I won't say when. It could even be another month or so.

Multiple statuses, fully animated and characters I know and love? Awesome!! How'd you know I was thinking of Apathy allot over these last few days? Really want to play that game again. I do have to say though Timber was cooler as a Dire Wolf-like character XD Now he looks so small and scruffy it's hard to be intimidated by him! ^_^ Though I do like the edits you added to my Sensei's version of Cloak The pockets, the lighter gloves and even the hair is almost the same but somehow better! =O It's neat how you've modified RM XP, yesterday's news to most, to do this! I may have to see about getting a XP with size augmentation mod like you did. o.O Since it seems I'm doomed to never be able to use RPG Maker VX or VX ACE. - -; Still keep up the good work!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on February 25, 2015, 03:01:05 AM
Fish, he only modified the XP sprite, I'm pretty sure its still in rm2k3 based on Dren's dynrpg adovcating.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on February 25, 2015, 03:14:04 AM
Thanks, Fish! but AFL is right, this is an event based CBS in rm2k3 using dyn plugins.

As for Timber, I get that. I've just fallen hopelessly in love with this newer, cuter version of her. Also, realistically, she's a more appropriate size compared to the other sprites. Both Jake and Timber are suppose to look scrappier.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on February 25, 2015, 05:08:00 AM
Thanks, Fish! but AFL is right, this is an event based CBS in rm2k3 using dyn plugins.

As for Timber, I get that. I've just fallen hopelessly in love with this newer, cuter version of her. Also, realistically, she's a more appropriate size compared to the other sprites. Both Jake and Timber are suppose to look scrappier.

Whoa! So that is 2003!? Just with this dynrpg thing....Interesting. o.O Defiantly have to give you more props for that then. Also shocker! I didn't know Timber was a chick! o.O Only seen her in sprite form. never managed to get up to that part. >-< Stupid AoA glitched out I think. That was back before I knew how to patch them too...Then again I still have the original copy I think. <.< Yeah it's on my back up drive with Carpe Diem which I used to confuse it for till I got to know Linkforce better. XD Anywho back on topic: She does look better smaller and scruffier. XD Dogs should match their owners after all and vice versa.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Zoltar on February 25, 2015, 07:33:23 PM
What game is that? Why can I not find a page? I wanna play! Never played as a wolf in an RPG before!  :D
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on February 26, 2015, 08:06:29 PM
I believe the old page was relegated to the archives... I couldn't find the old game thread. I don't know if I deleted it or if it was lost during one of the forum updates. I found the old RMVXACE reboot thread from a couple years back, which was a failure but a fun experiment. I don't believe there are any existing downloads to the old demo and even if there were, I remember there was one crippling, unavoidable bug right at the end of it.

It should also be noted, I'm not working on the game, that project has long since been disbanded. I'm just using the sprites and old project files to work on a custom battle system I've always wanted to do.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on February 26, 2015, 09:11:42 PM ( <- this
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on February 27, 2015, 01:56:21 AM
Ahh, there it is! So old the demo was uploaded to ****ing megaupload. xD
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on February 27, 2015, 03:07:55 AM
Experimenting with new battle sprites and playing around with the DBS.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on February 27, 2015, 08:11:05 AM
I like the style of the sprite. The pose could be a bit more dynamic, looks more like he is standing around look at the sword than actually being in a battle.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on February 27, 2015, 01:11:51 PM
Ahh, there it is! So old the demo was uploaded to ****ing megaupload. xD

Still got your "AoA beta" from 2011 though if you want it.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on February 27, 2015, 06:43:21 PM
Thanks, Purp, but I have a backup of the last demo I released on my hard drive.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on March 01, 2015, 08:27:22 PM ( <- this

What the...?! I don't remember you releasing a demo with all the new graphics and CBS actually playable! =O The copy I have must be old, old! XD Ugh makes me feel like geezer.

Experimenting with new battle sprites and playing around with the DBS.

Digging the custom sprite sized battler and goblin-like critter! Really goes well with with the FF6 Phatom Forest background. Very cool AFL!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on March 01, 2015, 11:48:55 PM
What the...?! I don't remember you releasing a demo with all the new graphics and CBS actually playable! =O The copy I have must be old, old! XD Ugh makes me feel like geezer.

No, no, no fish! haha, You likely have the last release of the game. I never released anything with the CBS. I wasn't even working on a CBS back then.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on March 02, 2015, 04:21:26 AM
No, no, no fish! haha, You likely have the last release of the game. I never released anything with the CBS. I wasn't even working on a CBS back then.

Oh really? Well I may have to go back to playing it if it still works...I can't remember it also glitched out like Carpe Diem did after a certain point. Ofcourse if your codding fingerprint isn't too complex I can just patch it. Hmm may look into that tomorrow. I miss using the one RPG hero to use his fists consistently AND NOT be just another monk-type follower XD
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on March 02, 2015, 09:47:43 AM
Oh really? Well I may have to go back to playing it if it still works...I can't remember it also glitched out like Carpe Diem did after a certain point. Ofcourse if your codding fingerprint isn't too complex I can just patch it. Hmm may look into that tomorrow. I miss using the one RPG hero to use his fists consistently AND NOT be just another monk-type follower XD

The glitch at the end is a huge mess and stops gameplay right near the end of the demo. Something to do with one of the custom menus. I also wasn't the neatest, notekeeping-est scripter back then either, so I don't know if patching it would be easy even for me.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on March 02, 2015, 09:47:44 PM
I like the style of the sprite. The pose could be a bit more dynamic, looks more like he is standing around look at the sword than actually being in a battle.

Yeah, I was having some difficulty getting the legs to look how I wanted, but I completely agree with you there.

EDIT: I'm think about reducing the shading from direct rips of SOM to something sorta close to this - its a little brighter than I want, but its a rough idea.  The characters don't use much detail so it felt weird that their surroundings did. The trees still look pretty awful and I am yet to mess with the actual water itself.  Eh?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on March 05, 2015, 06:55:33 AM
I like it AFL. Bright colors aren't my personal favorite, but it still looks good. Reducing the detail in the tilesets will be a good idea. Did you edit the rocks? I especially like the way those came out.


I started working on animations for character's unique skills. I also started a post about the project on rmn and tumblr.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on March 05, 2015, 05:52:32 PM
If you're gonna change the trees and stuff you better change the grass and water as well. They kidna stand out now
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on March 05, 2015, 10:11:31 PM
Yeah, I'm going to just try to darken everything as a general rule - I just didn't want to do anything until I decided whether I liked it or not.  The rocks are pretty minimally changed, but it worked well.

I really really like how that looks.  I'll have to check out your topics for it.

The grass was changed, the problem there is I don't want to it to be too blank.  Maybe I just should get rid of the darker grass?  The water is on the list.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on March 06, 2015, 06:21:20 AM
I like it AFL. Bright colors aren't my personal favorite, but it still looks good. Reducing the detail in the tilesets will be a good idea. Did you edit the rocks? I especially like the way those came out.


I started working on animations for character's unique skills. I also started a post about the project on rmn and tumblr.

Love the glowing fade Timber's got going on there! One of my favorite tricks to do with battle animations.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on March 14, 2015, 05:20:51 PM
 Title screen
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Zoltar on March 14, 2015, 05:48:59 PM
Title screen

How do make such pretty things using so few of colors? :O It's like old school game boy in high def.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on March 15, 2015, 09:28:07 AM
How do make such pretty things using so few of colors? :O It's like old school game boy in high def.

Thank you, I find it easier working on smaller stuff with a limited number of colors than the other way around actually. And it's a game boy game so nothing really high def about it.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on March 15, 2015, 02:02:33 PM
Do you make all the sprites beforehand or do you just hex it up?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Zoltar on March 15, 2015, 06:27:56 PM
Thank you, I find it easier working on smaller stuff with a limited number of colors than the other way around actually. And it's a game boy game so nothing really high def about it.

Your welcome and to me it looks kind of detailed on the skull. Lots of shadow.

Do you make all the sprites beforehand or do you just hex it up?

Hex as in a spell? o.O I thought you were only a pretend wizard!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on March 15, 2015, 08:02:14 PM (

I'm also kind of curious about that, though. It's not like you can 'import' graphics into a rom... or can you?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on March 15, 2015, 08:50:33 PM
That is one cool looking title, Red. Reminds me of a certain starting monster from FFT that annoys me when I'm trying to train up my units and don't have many casters or long range types. >.> Darn thing just sits out of range and sends a lightning soul to blast me chipping away at weaker swordsmen and such. Still a cool title though.

Hex as in a spell? o.O I thought you were only a pretend wizard!

Shows what you know, youngling. How do you think real wizards hide in plain sight? =p
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on March 17, 2015, 07:00:52 AM
Hex as in a spell?


Do you make all the sprites beforehand or do you just hex it up?

For larger images such as the title screen I draw up before hand and run it through a program that hex it up and remove duplicated tiles etc. For sprites and tiles I use an old clunky editor that really sucks. But I have to use it to be able to import all the tiles in their old clunky map editor.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on March 21, 2015, 07:08:11 PM
Here is some of today's progress.

( (

(I failed with the first gif it's way too sped up)

Made a fade in/out function, animated tiles and a map converter for the Ogmo editor. So yay, no more clunky tools from the 90s.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on March 22, 2015, 04:26:00 AM
It all looks great except I feel the perspective is a bit off with the waterfall. The waterfall itself is fine but the source stream feels odd. It might just be that the waterfall starts up to tall, but it's hard to say.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on March 22, 2015, 05:13:24 AM
I agree. Since the waterfall begins from what looks like a foot or two from the wall, it's odd that it hits the water a foot or two away from the wall.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on March 22, 2015, 10:47:50 AM
Thanks, guys.

Does this look better?

Otherwise I should probably make a special tile for where the waterfall hits the water.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on March 22, 2015, 03:52:18 PM
It does look like an improvement, but having a splash effect would do wonders.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on March 25, 2015, 05:22:51 PM
Yes, it looks a lot better. Given the 8-bit-ness, I'd say a splash effect would do wonders but isn't necessary.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on March 25, 2015, 08:15:01 PM
I think the water is fine. I do see what they saw with the level of the waterfall, but sometimes that it just a difficult thing to tell where its starting vs ending in a 2d picture with a minimalist color style.

I think the railings on the side of the walkway could be raised a pixel or two, to show they are higher than the flooring when they meet the wall/doorway.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on March 26, 2015, 02:39:43 AM
Meis said what I was trying to say about minimalism and the splash effect.


Obviously not a screenshot, but something I've been working on. I don't know if I'll do more than just the mountains and sky. For now, it accomplishes its purpose. I'll post a screenshot of it in use soon.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Zoltar on March 26, 2015, 06:56:13 PM
Meis said what I was trying to say about minimalism and the splash effect.


Obviously not a screenshot, but something I've been working on. I don't know if I'll do more than just the mountains and sky. For now, it accomplishes its purpose. I'll post a screenshot of it in use soon.

Wowiewow. That's purty!  :o
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on March 31, 2015, 03:19:33 AM
I agree that it looks fine as is without anything else.

I haven't really worked on this as much as I had hoped to lately, but is this a little better?

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on March 31, 2015, 06:17:52 AM
The new stuff looks good but I preferred the old trees. That shading really worked for me.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Zoltar on April 01, 2015, 02:48:01 AM
( (

I took a leaf out of Felix-0's book and made my own monsters sprites for your first encounter with Geists, when Terra rescues you and you first learn
about your abilities as a Shaman. I know it's not as cool and smooth as his but at least it's mine.  ;)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on April 01, 2015, 03:36:56 AM
The new stuff looks good but I preferred the old trees. That shading really worked for me.

Do you think the colors on the old trees would look okay against the darker shades I put in the rest of the set?  Maybe just darkening slightly instead of getting rid of the third shade could work.  I'm worried it'll be too bright for the theme of the project I've got going.  (Which reminds me that I need to darken the shades on the characters too - oops)

Ran into some problems with using the dark outline for everything when it came to working on cliffs.  I found a decent work around by putting empty tiles with just a black line to clean up edges, but I'm not sold on the look.  I used the color scheme from the rock in the chipset for the colors.

You can see the tiles I still have left to work on, but I'm not worried about those - so I probably won't keep posting about this set.]

@Zoltar Working on your own enemy sprites is a daunting task!  Even if they don't look the best, as long as they're consistent they'll look better as a set!
Title: Subject
Post by: Zoltar on April 01, 2015, 05:43:36 AM
@Zoltar Working on your own enemy sprites is a daunting task!  Even if they don't look the best, as long as they're consistent they'll look better as a set!

Thanks for much,Forgoten Legend! Believe it or not it's not super, duper hard. In fact I feel tubular when I'm editing them. HOME inspired me to keep them very basic but detailed and MS Paint on Windows 7 is so easy to use on big stuff like that. It's little things I have some trouble on.   _sweat_
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on April 08, 2015, 06:57:24 PM
I think the water is fine. I do see what they saw with the level of the waterfall, but sometimes that it just a difficult thing to tell where its starting vs ending in a 2d picture with a minimalist color style.

I think the railings on the side of the walkway could be raised a pixel or two, to show they are higher than the flooring when they meet the wall/doorway.

Thanks. Yeah, probably going to do the rail endings as sprites instead to save some tiles, same with the waterfall splash.

Meis said what I was trying to say about minimalism and the splash effect.


Obviously not a screenshot, but something I've been working on. I don't know if I'll do more than just the mountains and sky. For now, it accomplishes its purpose. I'll post a screenshot of it in use soon.

That looks great, dren. Good work.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Pokecat on April 30, 2015, 06:19:31 PM
Have been procrastinating lately, but I did make progress.


Misc screenshots
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on April 30, 2015, 08:53:55 PM
There's something a little odd about your main character from the front; like his eyes are a pixel too high or something...
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on April 30, 2015, 09:36:43 PM
I think it's because he's using the FF5 battlers, their eyes are 1 pixel higher on the face than the RTP characters. My guess is that the charsets were made to resemble that style as well.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on May 01, 2015, 08:08:43 PM
You misspelled kingdom.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on May 07, 2015, 12:49:00 PM
Hey I actually started working on a game instead of just randomly coding stuff.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on May 07, 2015, 05:39:30 PM
Hey I actually started working on a game instead of just randomly coding stuff.


Also, I find that actually doing something is easier once you have coded a bunch of random stuff.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on May 08, 2015, 03:03:50 PM
Also, I find that actually doing something is easier once you have coded a bunch of random stuff.

Yeah, totally. I'm reusing a lot of the random stuff in this project. And the goal of this project is to have a base I can build more games on in the future.

Played around a bit with the emulators image process settings. Here is the game with hq2x on:


I do like how it looks. The effect works pretty well with the simplicity of the pixel art.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on May 09, 2015, 05:53:05 PM
I do like it, but I don't think I could play it due to how much white there is. Really hurts my eyes.

What do you think of a black background like so?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on May 11, 2015, 09:49:32 AM
Yeah that would be doable. I'll give it a try once I'm back from my mini vacation.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on May 12, 2015, 01:14:26 AM
I dig the sprites and everything, but the black background looks much much nicer.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Riderx40 on May 12, 2015, 05:49:52 PM
I really liked the old era RPGs they were soo simple but rather fun!?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on May 12, 2015, 06:10:17 PM
I love that king
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on May 13, 2015, 12:53:53 AM
"I know you'll complete the mission my son... 'Cause Ah'm comin' with you! King Powerrrr!"

It is odd that stuff like that doesn't happen more often actually. So often it's like "the fate of the world rests on you. Sooo I'll sit here whilst you get on that."
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on May 13, 2015, 09:54:21 AM
Looks good, Rider. The title screen is really noisy though. I would go for something more simple.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Riderx40 on May 13, 2015, 11:36:55 AM
I'm glad that you liked the idea...but i have a question is it good to make the text kinda slow?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on May 14, 2015, 03:02:05 PM
Dunno, hard to say. I always turn up the text speed to fast when playing games. In the end I would probably find it annoying if the text was slow and there was no way of skipping it so it wrote out everything.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on May 15, 2015, 04:56:07 AM
Slow text is very annoying. There are a lot of indie rm games I couldn't stand playing due to the over use of pausing and /. and whatnot.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on May 16, 2015, 09:10:18 PM
Right, still haven't gotten around to turning the background black.


But I've finished up switches, and when all switches is active the teleporter activates. Also a very hacked together teleportation effect.

Here's a video of the whole thing (

(Also a lot of flashing and stuff, so Fish you probably shouldn't watch it)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on May 16, 2015, 10:17:06 PM
That's awesome
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on May 16, 2015, 10:28:09 PM
Looks good to me. I think it is a fine teleportation effect
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on May 17, 2015, 07:49:11 AM
Thanks. Next step is to prototype levels in rpgmaker and fix the map exporter to export game objects.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on May 17, 2015, 10:41:57 AM
It's keeewl. Is that how the boulders will move in the final project or are you going to get a bit of movement to them?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on May 17, 2015, 11:25:02 AM
No, they will actually move later. Just haven't gotten around to that yet.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Pokecat on May 27, 2015, 12:02:07 AM
A video demo of my project: (
There is a glitch where the quest bubble is left there without the NPC.
No sound on this vid, may need new recorder.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on July 17, 2015, 09:53:21 PM
I'm pretty freaking happy that I picked up this game again instead of starting a new project.


Progress report:
I finished writing the map converter for Ogmo editor, so now I can convert the map to C code. Going to have to go in and make it convert to assembly as well since it is a bit friendlier to the gameboys memory. But for now it allows me to test the maps pretty easily the game. Oh and I made the balls move into place instead of snapping.

Next step:
Making maps, which is pretty much the biggest reason I choose to do a game like this. I want to get better at level design. I'll probably build a quick version of the game in rpg maker and prototype the levels there before adding them to game.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on July 19, 2015, 09:13:09 PM
Sweet. Weirdly the thing I look forward to most in this is the sound. You need to have it so when you walk into something the collision sound replaces one of the channels in the music, like in pokemon etc.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on July 20, 2015, 05:56:40 AM
I think momeka is rom hacking so wont that be inevitable? But yeah, there is something about limited audio channels that really drives home the nostalgia factor for me too. It looks great momeka, can't wait to try it out.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on July 20, 2015, 09:59:52 AM
Not really romhacking since I'm making it from scratch and not using another game as a base. As for music I'm not really sure what to do about it. I think I figured out how to do it as I gotten example songs to work. But I can't do any music myself, at least not anything that won't drive you mad after a couple of loops :P
Most likely I'm going to try to find someone that can help out with it later.

Small update:
Finished prototyping 25 levels in rpg maker. Going for ten in the game, so I got a bit of a selection to choose from.

Next step:
Going to have to do something about the gameboys sprite limit. It's ten sprites per scanline and since I'm using 16x16 characters they all take up two sprites each. So either sprite flickering or making the balls into tiles when they are not moving.
And should probably create a game thread for this instead of spamming the screenshot thread.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on July 20, 2015, 05:07:00 PM
I really like where you're going with this, Momeka! Keep up the good work and don't get discouraged :D
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on August 03, 2015, 11:03:43 PM
I might be able to help in the soundtrack department. Im lazily trying to put together some semblance of a portfolio. Message me if youre interested. Id have to learn a bit about how to make a proper gameboy soundtrack but that shouldnt be a huge issue.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on August 08, 2015, 08:15:39 AM
I might be able to help in the soundtrack department. Im lazily trying to put together some semblance of a portfolio. Message me if youre interested. Id have to learn a bit about how to make a proper gameboy soundtrack but that shouldnt be a huge issue.

That would be awesome. I'm 99% sure you would have to work in a tracker, have you done that before?

It's GBjam this week. So figured I'd try to make a small game for it.

Here's what I got so far.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on August 08, 2015, 11:33:37 PM
I tinkered with one briefly a millennium ago. I'm reading up on them now and will get back to you on that.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on August 11, 2015, 10:51:36 PM
That would be awesome. I'm 99% sure you would have to work in a tracker, have you done that before?

It's GBjam this week. So figured I'd try to make a small game for it.

Here's what I got so far.

So retro cool. Reminds me of the original opening of FF6 where Terra, Biggs and Wedge are ridding Magi-Tek Armor towards Narshe'....but cooler cause it's a land speeder heading for a futuristic city. o.o
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on August 12, 2015, 03:27:19 PM
Wow I see some really cool stuff around here!

@Momeka Does the city get closer when you go towards it? That'd be even more awesome if it does!

Here is a remake of an old Dungeon RPG engine I did with RM2k3 back in 2009. It was a mess code-wise, so I remade it entirely so that it's easier to use.
I took the walls and chests from Heroine Dusk ( made by Clint Bellanger (availables at opengameart) and monsters from a Dokapon game (cannot remember if it's a SNES one or a GB one). Otherwise it's wildly made by me.

Everything is WIP, the game won't look like that at all, I will make my own graphics once all the coding is finished. I implemented a very basic CBS as well, based on Suikoden's duels.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on August 12, 2015, 05:30:45 PM
That's pretty neat
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on August 12, 2015, 06:39:02 PM
That's really cool. I love old dungeon crawlers like that.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on August 12, 2015, 07:51:43 PM
Thanks =)
It is not so difficult to make actually, maybe if someone is interested I could explain somewhere.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on August 13, 2015, 01:06:20 AM
Yeah that looks awesome.

Reminds me unpleasantly of getting regularly lost in Phantasy Star, though >_>
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on August 16, 2015, 03:59:03 PM

That looks freaking cool!

And nah, the city doesn't get closer.


Anyway, finished the jam game. Got a bit lazy half way through, but overall I'm pretty happy with it. You can play it here (
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on August 16, 2015, 04:57:21 PM

@Moosetroop11: And you might get lost again! The game will pretty much be based on exploration, so I plan evil labyrinths :D

@Momeka: That's too bad for the city. Anyway your game is fun, arcade-style, I like that. Can't get past 27, and I played 15 times already. I like the little synopsis you wrote, makes me think of old cyberpunk books and games. Good job :)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on August 17, 2015, 03:26:04 PM
I love how we live in an era where we can make games that pay homage to classic games, except they're generally and usually better
than the classic games they play an homage to. That looks sweet, Momeka!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on August 17, 2015, 04:59:34 PM
I really can't play arcades games like these. They remind me too much of that old super star wars game.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on August 18, 2015, 04:41:41 PM
I really can't play arcades games like these. They remind me too much of that old super star wars game.

Hehe, that's okay.

Overall I'm pretty happy with it, but got lazy towards the end and just wanted to get it done. As a result the game is pretty flawed as well since the playing field is way too small and the player is way too big.

Anyway, released the source code if anyone is interested. Get it here (
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Relux the Relux on September 26, 2015, 04:08:17 PM

The floor is still a placeholder. :/
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on September 27, 2015, 03:23:39 AM

The floor is still a placeholder. :/
It's still coming along nicely
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on September 27, 2015, 04:52:19 AM
I think the floor tile looks fine. The blood looks kinda odd though.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on September 27, 2015, 07:07:45 AM

Oh. OH. I thought that was some kind of weird carpet.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Relux the Relux on September 27, 2015, 09:18:05 AM

Oh. OH. I thought that was some kind of weird carpet.

Well... It's a carpet a blood...

Yeah definitely need to change that then.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on September 27, 2015, 09:45:52 PM
me and a fellow artist who worked on HOME are now working on a yume nikki fangame called Iter.

I'm just a side programmer/help as Sesaka is the main creator of this game.


Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on September 28, 2015, 03:24:35 AM
Def fits the style.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on September 29, 2015, 01:48:58 AM

The floor is still a placeholder. :/

Templetastic! Loving that floor and columns. You do all that yourself? Nice. ^_^

me and a fellow artist who worked on HOME are now working on a yume nikki fangame called Iter.

I'm just a side programmer/help as Sesaka is the main creator of this game.



That is very psychedelic! Looks intimidating to navigate but I love that floating look it has.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Relux the Relux on September 29, 2015, 02:56:12 PM
Templetastic! Loving that floor and columns. You do all that yourself? Nice. ^_^

Actually I have only made the walls and columns, the torches and floor I found here in the Charas' resource database.

This floor was actually just going to be placeholder until I made something, but since everyone likes it I think I will keep it. O.o
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on October 02, 2015, 12:42:11 PM
me and a fellow artist who worked on HOME are now working on a yume nikki fangame called Iter.

I'm just a side programmer/help as Sesaka is the main creator of this game.



Nice! I don't know about Yume Nikki, but this certainly is psychedelic.


The floor is still a placeholder. :/

The floor, wall and columns are really nice indeed. I also think the blood is odd, but overall a really good screen =)

After finishing all the programming with placeholders, I am now trying to do custom map stuff. The goal with the game is to introduce young kids to different styles of RPGs, so I asked my nephew to draw basic shapes for trees and I redesigned them a bit to make that map. Problems with hand drawn things is the blur it makes when transforing it into 320x240 in 8bits... So here is the (atm) empty "town". I'm not sure about the colors, I have to mess around to see. Maybe I'll add more details as well.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on October 02, 2015, 12:44:12 PM
This has a really unique art style that I'm quite "digging" as the boys on the street would put it.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on October 02, 2015, 07:16:17 PM
To reduce some blur you can decrease the ammount of colours. Leaves less room for the smoothing effect.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Relux the Relux on October 03, 2015, 08:51:17 AM


2 more screens from the fifth chapter.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on October 07, 2015, 01:38:54 PM
Really nice! I think it will be better if you darken slightly more the wall (or the floor) so that the colors are not identical for both. It would be easier to understand what's what.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on October 22, 2015, 12:46:05 PM
So, I tried doing better with my previous HUB map, but it didn't work so well, so I've decided to abandon drawing the backgrounds myself. Instead I took some ripped background and I added the necessary things with tiles. Here is what I get:


It's so much better than what I had before! I mixed LoM background with some Mother 3 chipset, slightly edited. On the left the player will access the shop, on the right the First Person dungeon.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Relux the Relux on October 22, 2015, 01:17:53 PM
I would stead of using black for the outlines use darker colors of the sprites pallete (for example the red flower use dark red) if you want it to not clash as much with the pre-rendered background.

But if you want the contrast between the inactive back ground and the active background it is good the way it is.

Otherwise is very pleasant looking.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on October 23, 2015, 05:51:11 AM
Thanks  :)
I'll try with your suggestion if I can blend the chipset better. I do want the tiles to stand out, so that the player understand he can interact with them, but perhaps they stand out too much...
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Sated on October 28, 2015, 06:29:56 PM
So, I tried doing better with my previous HUB map, but it didn't work so well, so I've decided to abandon drawing the backgrounds myself. Instead I took some ripped background and I added the necessary things with tiles. Here is what I get:


It's so much better than what I had before! I mixed LoM background with some Mother 3 chipset, slightly edited. On the left the player will access the shop, on the right the First Person dungeon.
I think the sprites stand out too much from the background because they have harsher outlines. You should either soften the outlines on the sprites or add outlines to the background. I like the composition of the map, though!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Sated on November 02, 2015, 11:56:18 AM
Stuck some ripped Crystalis graphics onto a tileset because I really like how that game looked. They're kinda challenging to work with, but I think they look cool. Credit for the original rip goes to Zephiel87 (, although fitting it to a chipset wasn't as easy as I thought it would be:


Here is a forest using graphics ripped from the same game. Credit for these go to HylianFox ( Turns out NES graphic artists were more capable of making forest graphics than the RMVX/RMMV spriters are ;)


I'll possibly add the chipsets here assuming that's still possible: I've already posted them over on RMN.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on November 02, 2015, 12:23:36 PM
This game was awesome as far as I remember, although I played only the GB version (and I've no idea what are the differences with the NES one). For the chipset itself, some corners of the first one look a bit weird, the transition between corner/straight is not smooth. I highlighted some of the area in red:


Otherwise the chipset is pretty neat, I always find it hard to make them from scratch.
Also, thanks for the suggestion on my screen, I made the outlines in a less agressive color :)

I thought I could share one of the old thing I did here. I'm thinking of continuing that game after I'm finished with the current one (you can click to enlarge the image).

( (

It's made of 23 pannels at the GB screen size (160x144), hence some weird transitions in the image. It was meant to be  a RM2k3 game, but never been past the initial Game Design and Concept Art stages (nothing coded, no database, etc...).
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Sated on November 02, 2015, 03:38:20 PM
Yeah, I'm aware of the issue with the corners. but thanks for pointing it out. Unfortunately, that's a problem with the original tiles rather than something I've done incorrectly, but it's definitely something that I could correct with an edit. Similar edits were required to get the forest tiles to slot together smoothly!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on November 02, 2015, 06:14:26 PM
I played only the GB version (and I've no idea what are the differences with the NES one).

Quote from: Wikipedia
Nearly ten years after the game's initial release, Nintendo, with licensing from SNK, re-released Crystalis for the Game Boy Color on June 26, 2000. This version, however, is a significantly different game, exemplified by a different opening sequence. The nature of the Tower's origin and its purpose were fundamentally altered, with the Tower now being a weapon created by the game's antagonist, and the protagonist has been elevated to a hero of ancient prophecy destined to save the world.

Other major changes include an almost completely new soundtrack, re-translation differences (for example, Draygon is now known as Dragonia, as in the Japanese version) and rewriting of story-items and events (Kensu's Body and the dialogue in the Dwarven village, for example). The game now has a longer end due to the incorporation of a new dungeon,[9] the Tower dungeon being redone, and re-ordering of the ultimate and penultimate boss battles, excluded from the original game due to space constraints (Draygon's second form serves as the final boss in the remake as opposed to DYNA). Also, a digital voice was added to state the name of each sword upon discovery.

Unlike the original version, enemies are no longer immune to certain elemental swords. The reduced resolution of the Game Boy Color screen, compared to that of the NES, results in a field of view smaller than in the original, making the GBC port more difficult; some enemies can now attack the player from off-screen. Due to these various changes, the Game Boy Color version is largely seen as an inferior release.

Still a rad-as-hell game.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Sated on November 03, 2015, 10:35:10 AM
Yeah, it was definitely an awesome game. I didn't even know there was a Game Boy version until this conversation.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on November 04, 2015, 06:27:06 AM

Those looks great!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on November 06, 2015, 01:54:09 AM
So you all might remember Jack's Sweet Nightmare, the Holloween contest game from a while back starring Ed's old pumpkin headed avy, well I've been tweaking it around a little bit at a time and I thought I'd show a recently little addition of Red's Ghouls substituting my old green flames

( (

Still need to work in a candy meter to show current count so that'll be my next one hopefully.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Sated on November 06, 2015, 12:03:38 PM
That looks really cool :)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on November 06, 2015, 12:24:58 PM
Looks good, Fish. But you got some tiling errors on your fence

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on November 06, 2015, 07:34:32 PM
Looks good, Fish. But you got some tiling errors on your fence


Oho! Didn't see that, thanks! I'll have to check the larger areas too then cause they are more than double that. Especially the middle. Ah I gotta re-program the ghouls anway. My old room is busted due to a terrain error I can't seem to weed out. Ugh. Why is it the more you try to program around Game Over basic events the more the maker seems to fight you back? XD
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on November 12, 2015, 12:40:57 PM
I like that map, Fisherson. It looks foggy, and creepy, good job!

I've been doing CMS lately. With complete inventory (but the item are not coded, they are just there in the database without any value whatsoever, I'm doing that now).
The numbers are a bit off, I might change that... The empty space on top-left is for the face, I have no artwork so far.


EDIT: Numbers moved closer together ;)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Sated on November 12, 2015, 01:25:12 PM
Aside from saying that you should move the numbers closer together, can't really offer any other criticism. Looks good :)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on November 12, 2015, 07:05:27 PM
I like that map, Fisherson. It looks foggy, and creepy, good job!

I've been doing CMS lately. With complete inventory (but the item are not coded, they are just there in the database without any value whatsoever, I'm doing that now).
The numbers are a bit off, I might change that... The empty space on top-left is for the face, I have no artwork so far.


EDIT: Numbers moved closer together ;)

Why thank you! You should thank Rahl some cause it was his helper file in my old acheives where I found that nice fog overlay I think and Momeka for the Chipset which really works well with the style. ^_^ Oooh! I adore CBSes! Never can get them off the ground. That VX or just using the VX Icon set?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on November 12, 2015, 08:45:30 PM
You have some good colouration going on. The biege on the brown speaks to me and the icons and the font fit well.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on November 13, 2015, 06:33:04 AM
Thanks guys! :)

Quote from: Fisherson
That VX or just using the VX Icon set?
None of them ;) That's RM2k3, using icons from RPG Maker DS.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on November 13, 2015, 09:36:16 AM
I agree with Prpl. I really dig the aesthetic going on in that menu.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on November 13, 2015, 02:44:03 PM
Oh my God. That menu is absolutely gorgeous :D kudos to you, sir!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Sated on November 13, 2015, 04:16:30 PM

Yeah, that looks loads better with the number closer together. Good job!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on November 13, 2015, 11:17:56 PM
Thanks guys! :)
None of them ;) That's RM2k3, using icons from RPG Maker DS.

Oh yeah! I remember I DL'd that sheet on Spriter's Resource. I was shocked they had so many of the console RPG maker stuff. Even more complete monster sets with full poses from the old, old PS1 RPG maker. o.o
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on November 14, 2015, 09:30:55 PM
Waw, I didn't know a menu would bring so many compliments  :)
Thanks a lot!

Oh yeah! I remember I DL'd that sheet on Spriter's Resource. I was shocked they had so many of the console RPG maker stuff. Even more complete monster sets with full poses from the old, old PS1 RPG maker. o.o
Yeah I took it from there. I think I might take the monsters from the SNES RPG Maker to replace the Dokapon GB ones I currently use. They have them in SR if I remember right.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on November 15, 2015, 03:21:44 AM
A good looking menu means a lot, especially in an RPG. They're so menu-heavy and you'll spend so much time looking at them that they need to be good, and that one is very good.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Sated on November 19, 2015, 05:34:13 PM
A good looking menu means a lot, especially in an RPG. They're so menu-heavy and you'll spend so much time looking at them that they need to be good, and that one is very good.
Very important advice. It's why I've been going through my project and standardising the overlays for minigames. Even though they're not technically menus, anything that's a UI has amplified importance in an RPG and lets you reduce text-based tutorials when done properly!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Zoltar on November 19, 2015, 06:09:34 PM
A good looking menu means a lot, especially in an RPG. They're so menu-heavy and you'll spend so much time looking at them that they need to be good, and that one is very good.

Wut? Really??   0 I thought hard core Battle systems and Nifty features as well as Sexy casts were what it was all about! Ugh. Now I'll have to make the Menu pretty too?  :'(  I'm only human you know!

...... I should post some screens too but I've been too inactive to make any!  ???
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on November 22, 2015, 07:58:34 PM
Some games track how long you've been in the menu.

Tales of Zestiria does that. I've spent ~4 hours in the menu. It is important to make it look appealing.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on December 01, 2015, 07:24:05 PM
So recently found the cool, but useless ison tileset Dren did for me and I modified it just a bit combining it with a Chrono Trigger space ship bridge I used in Misadventures to get this little mosiac:
( (

Isn't that lattice work on the windows totally awesome!? Just want to expand the size a little more and add some pastable paterns or slots for the HUDs. Also you might have noticed my chairs aren't the right size. Gonna re work them a little too but otherwise I rather think this'll be my ship Nav Com for a good while.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on December 10, 2015, 02:35:59 PM
Nice Fisherson! I'm not so fond of the floor, but with all the rest it goes well =)
Tried doing a little tileset for RM2k3 using some resources from OGA (credit to Surt (, and I did a little test map:

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on December 10, 2015, 08:25:50 PM
That's some nice colours, but what is OGA?

Also, those are some neat objects Fish
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on December 11, 2015, 06:48:00 AM
OGA = OpenGameArt.
A very useful website when it comes to nice non-RIPs assets :)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on December 11, 2015, 08:36:55 PM

I love Surts stuff. It's always really inspiring.

Started doodling a bit on a winter chipset.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on December 11, 2015, 08:44:44 PM
I dig it but I find the ground to be far too redish in colour. I would personaly use something more towards a greenish/yellowish or greyish tint.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on December 12, 2015, 12:03:04 AM
Oh wow! That's lovely that is! Where was that tile set when I was makign a Charas Christmas game? XD Looks like Momeka's work actually. Very smooth but retro feeling.

Nice Fisherson! I'm not so fond of the floor, but with all the rest it goes well =)

Thanks! Yeah I'm not quite as fond of it either. It works with the walls but not the chairs. Probably gonna try and replace it if I can find something better.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on December 12, 2015, 11:31:39 AM
Nice tileset! Reminds me of Mother :3
As Prpl_Mage pointed out the color of the floor is maybe too vibrant, and too close to that of the tree trunk.

I love Surts stuff. It's always really inspiring.
I agree. Him, Toen and Buch are my favorites at OGA, I always get so many ideas for games when I see their stuff.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Relux the Relux on December 15, 2015, 11:09:11 PM
So recently found the cool, but useless ison tileset Dren did for me and I modified it just a bit combining it with a Chrono Trigger space ship bridge I used in Misadventures to get this little mosiac:

Isn't that lattice work on the windows totally awesome!? Just want to expand the size a little more and add some pastable paterns or slots for the HUDs. Also you might have noticed my chairs aren't the right size. Gonna re work them a little too but otherwise I rather think this'll be my ship Nav Com for a good while.

The windows and control panels look pretty awesome, the only thing bothering me are the 4 diagonal aligned computers, especially the two on the bottom, they seem so... disconnected from the room(maybe cables? pushing them towards the walls?), also, the positioning seems a bit awkward (maybe change the door to 1 tile or 3 tiles wide? But maybe just putting them near the walls could help).

However besides this, everything is looking pretty good so far.

Tried doing a little tileset for RM2k3 using some resources from OGA (credit to Surt (, and I did a little test map:

Seems pretty cool. Would you mind sharing the tileset after you're done?
Also, a bit surprised that I never heard of OGA, gotta check it out it sounds awesome.

Started doodling a bit on a winter chipset.

Do you have any project in mind?(maybe Xmas related?)

For me now that my midterms are done, I am back to making the 5th chapter of my game.


The maps are still a bit empty now, but I am filling them as I make the puzzles.(also, the map starting filling by solving the puzzles too.)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on December 16, 2015, 12:10:58 PM
Seems pretty cool. Would you mind sharing the tileset after you're done?

I'll have to ask the author. From what I get I'm allowed to use it for projects (I've got an idea for this one in particular), but I'm not sure I can redistribute it (especially modified), even though I credit him.

For me now that my midterms are done, I am back to making the 5th chapter of my game.


The maps are still a bit empty now, but I am filling them as I make the puzzles.(also, the map starting filling by solving the puzzles too.)
I really like the floor of the last screen! For the first one, I think it's hard to distinguish the obelisks. Maybe you want it that way though?
Overall nice graphics, as you said the maps are still a bit empty.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on December 17, 2015, 06:22:21 PM
Is this better?


Do you have any project in mind?(maybe Xmas related?)

Nah, not really. Would love to do some xmas game sometime. But too busy for it this year.

Also I love your characters, specially the side facing.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Relux the Relux on December 17, 2015, 08:01:29 PM
Is this better?

Yes, but I would change a bit the base of the tree that isn't on snow to seem that the roots go a bit more naturally on the floor.

Also I love your characters, specially the side facing.

Thanks, but by side facing, do you mean the image of Thot on the wall or Kate in the last picture?

I'll have to ask the author. From what I get I'm allowed to use it for projects (I've got an idea for this one in particular), but I'm not sure I can redistribute it (especially modified), even though I credit him.

Ok, hopefuly he will allow.

I really like the floor of the last screen! For the first one, I think it's hard to distinguish the obelisks. Maybe you want it that way though?
Overall nice graphics, as you said the maps are still a bit empty.

Thanks, I will check the obelisks, if more people think that's too hard to distinguish I will do something to fix it.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on December 18, 2015, 06:57:36 PM
Thanks, but by side facing, do you mean the image of Thot on the wall or Kate in the last picture?

Meant Kate in the last screen.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on December 18, 2015, 08:42:10 PM
The windows and control panels look pretty awesome, the only thing bothering me are the 4 diagonal aligned computers, especially the two on the bottom, they seem so... disconnected from the room(maybe cables? pushing them towards the walls?), also, the positioning seems a bit awkward (maybe change the door to 1 tile or 3 tiles wide? But maybe just putting them near the walls could help).

However besides this, everything is looking pretty good so far.

Seems pretty cool. Would you mind sharing the tileset after you're done?
Also, a bit surprised that I never heard of OGA, gotta check it out it sounds awesome.

Do you have any project in mind?(maybe Xmas related?)

For me now that my midterms are done, I am back to making the 5th chapter of my game.


The maps are still a bit empty now, but
I am filling them as I make the puzzles.(also, the map starting filling by solving the puzzles too.)

Yeah the computers are going soon. Gonna have a foward facing version of them XD Dren made them like that. The whole tileset was pretty iso and ahead of it's time really but useles outside of Dyn Plugin for more than a eight way animated walking pose. DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG! I love dem Obelisks! O.O Where where you when I needed somebody to make me Egyptian Pyramids type tile sets? I would have hooked you up with free sprites for life for the level of work you're doing. The Heiroglyphs aren't too shabby either. I don't think anything is bad but if the Oblisks are Chara-set based? Try making them pulse a little to give them more definition is all I'd do....If I were brave enough to risk marring that unique beauty.

Is this better?


Nah, not really. Would love to do some xmas game sometime. But too busy for it this year.

Also I love your characters, specially the side facing.

Okay stop getting me in the mood for an XMas based project or contest...I dismissed that idea earlier when I lost my awesome heroine in a fur lined coat and realized no mater how I did it, a xmas based plotline can't be simplified into 9-12 chapters like a chain game. Just no way. Good idea for next year though. I love the frosting on the tree branches especially the variety  of style in that frame. Unless it's maxing out the tile set maybe if you wanted to further improve it little ice sicles on the bottom or something to vary the style of each tree's bottom? Like little pine needles scattered about the botton or maybe places where the snow didn't totally cover the bottom? I live near two lines of pine and I see that with them all the time. Though honestly it's so perfect it's making me hear Christmas music. @-@ Gyaaah begone XMas Game ideas!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on December 18, 2015, 09:08:10 PM
Is this better?

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on December 21, 2015, 08:24:34 PM
Is this better?

Yip, definitely.

Carried on that little thing with Slurt's resources (asked him about sharing, no answers yet), made a wintery world map. It's not quite finished. I might dump the road bits.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Relux the Relux on December 31, 2015, 01:35:17 AM

Still working on the 5th chapter.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on December 31, 2015, 08:54:26 AM
Good Looking, Relux! Really like the waterfalls =)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Sated on January 11, 2016, 07:31:43 PM

You weren't responsible for this, were you Cheska?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on January 13, 2016, 11:10:48 AM
The floor is nice. I'm not a big fan of the walls though, it's confusing me xD
A little mockup for RM2k3, trying to see if a few ideas might work. That would be my first real CBS (before I only used to do rock/paper/scissors routines), but I'm just researching ideas as of now, while waiting for my friend to finish the graphics for Tower.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Sated on January 19, 2016, 04:06:24 PM
Some UI screenshots from Sore Losers: Riot Grrrl. The game uses a skill-tree system and I've just got through making it look a little better than it used to:



Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on January 19, 2016, 05:07:51 PM
Looking slick
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on January 20, 2016, 02:08:33 PM
I'm loving that interface, Sated! Keep up the good work :D
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on January 20, 2016, 03:09:56 PM
Nice looking! Are those picture-based or map-based menus?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Sated on January 20, 2016, 09:59:01 PM
The skill-tree is map-based. The skill descriptions are images.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Sated on January 25, 2016, 04:59:43 PM

Sometimes the simplest things are the most gratifying. Finally working on an actual dungeon with actual gameplay for my RTP project, mostly involving moving minecarts around because who doesn't love a stereotypical minecart-based dungeon? There's also going to be spiders; lots of spiders.

This cart is intended as a show-not-tell kinda tutorial. You enter the dungeon from the bottom, and I assume most people will interact with the cart once they see it. Since they come from the bottom, they should push it up the tracks, thus learning that the carts can indeed be pushed.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on January 28, 2016, 08:40:28 AM
Nice :) Carts are always fun to play with. Jut a comment: it looks like the characters are moving super fast, is that normal?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Sated on January 29, 2016, 01:59:11 PM
Nice :) Carts are always fun to play with. Jut a comment: it looks like the characters are moving super fast, is that normal?
I don't think my .gif capture program captures every single frame, but that is the "normal" speed setting in RM2K3. The speed setting below the one I'm using is arduously slow, and I'm using it later in this dungeon for when the player walks across spider webs that slow them down.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on January 30, 2016, 07:12:29 PM
It doesn't look that fast when I use the default speed, maybe a difference in version, or my computer sucks xD
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Sated on January 30, 2016, 08:46:11 PM
I think it's mostly that there are frames being skipped somehow; but that is definitely the normal speed.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on March 29, 2016, 07:48:26 PM
Made a pathfinding system for a cbs I'm working on.


The red tiles is impassible.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on March 29, 2016, 08:44:31 PM
That looks like what I needed for my old Fire emblem styled project. I could never get the heroes or AI to follow the laws of physics.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on March 30, 2016, 08:03:03 AM
Neat. I am really impressed. never thought of doing something like that.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on April 16, 2016, 10:32:59 PM

Working on an example project for my pathfinding tutorial.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on April 17, 2016, 04:53:14 AM

Working on an example project for my pathfinding tutorial.
is this using 2k3?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on April 17, 2016, 06:25:58 AM
Yeah, it is.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on April 17, 2016, 09:37:35 AM
I like it. Sort of reminds me of Advance Wars.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on April 17, 2016, 03:55:48 PM
Tower defense-ish?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on April 17, 2016, 05:10:40 PM
Tower defense-ish?

Nah, it's not intractable, more screensaver-ish.

But it now has 100% more knights

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on April 18, 2016, 04:19:33 AM
Nah, it's not intractable, more screensaver-ish.

But it now has 100% more knights


I like the large amount of RNG usage and everything about this.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on April 18, 2016, 11:47:56 AM
Waw that's just bang on. Looking forward to playing something like that.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on April 19, 2016, 12:16:28 AM
Does it use plugins or scripting?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on April 19, 2016, 08:33:09 AM
Nah, no plugins. Just scripting, but the system is pretty limited and would more or less just work on turn based stuff.

Written a tutorial about it if anyone is intrested ( (Still kinda wip)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on April 20, 2016, 07:50:14 AM
Not really a screenshot, but I'm trying to get some pixel art done for a shooter I'm working on with Unity. Mostly spaceships for now.Those are my first real attempts at pixel art other than charas, so any advices are appreciated :)


Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on April 20, 2016, 08:39:28 AM
Not really a screenshot, but I'm trying to get some pixel art done for a shooter I'm working on with Unity. Mostly spaceships for now.Those are my first real attempts at pixel art other than charas, so any advices are appreciated :)

Doing a rail shooter type deal? My favorite of this genre is a really old TurboGraphix game called Blazing Lazers.
Overall the pixels are pixely fur sure. I'd have to see how they held up in game/on a background to see how they really shape up.

Oh yeah. I havent' posted much about Ruby Quest:Undertow. The game I've been doing music for/testplaying as well.

Here's some of em.
and the project page as well.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Zoltar on April 20, 2016, 02:12:11 PM
*Sees Mr Felix's screens.....rips up his plans to be a RPG Maker* Those are so mondo tubular! *__*
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on April 20, 2016, 07:06:33 PM

Looks great! Keep the style consistent and I'm sure it will look good.

Sorry, kinda spamming this thread. Got started on the last pathfindng example.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on April 23, 2016, 01:39:19 AM
Yoo how in the **** is that arrow controlled, thats inane.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on April 23, 2016, 07:19:43 AM
I get the arrow itself, I just don't get how it makes the bends/corners
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on April 23, 2016, 12:46:28 PM
Yoo how in the **** is that arrow controlled, thats inane.

I get the arrow itself, I just don't get how it makes the bends/corners

The gist of the pathfinding is that each tile has a number associated with it, we'll call this number the cost. Then we pick the tile we want to path to and set it's cost to zero and all the others to 9999 (some high number, doesn't really matter). Then we go through each tile in the map and check their neighboring tiles, if one neighbor has a cost that is lower by two we set the current tiles cost to one above that. We keep doing this until no more changes is made. In the end we will have something like this:


Now each tiles cost is basically the number of moves it is from the goal tile. We simply follow the lowest numbers until we reach the goal.


As for the arrow, instead of moving something I just take a piece of it and set it's graphic to point in the right direction.

I'll be posting the whole thing somewhere once I finished it.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on April 24, 2016, 01:44:21 AM
You're an absolute madman.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on April 24, 2016, 02:49:47 PM
Oh that is cooooool. And weirdly obvious once you explain it.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on April 28, 2016, 10:17:56 AM
That is awesome, Momeka! I'm really impressed with the technical side but also the whole aesthetic and way the project looks.

Keep up the good work!

Also, would you say it's a lot easier to implement A* pathfinding if it uses a tile-based system instead of points?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on April 29, 2016, 11:00:33 AM
Thanks Z.

Not sure actually, only done A* for top down tile systems. But I don't think it would be that much harder, the principle is the same except that you might have to take distance into the equation if the points aren't evenly spaced.


I love that you can code your own title screen in the steam rm2k3

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Zoltar on May 03, 2016, 09:35:21 PM
Thanks Z.

Not sure actually, only done A* for top down tile systems. But I don't think it would be that much harder, the principle is the same except that you might have to take distance into the equation if the points aren't evenly spaced.


I love that you can code your own title screen in the steam rm2k3


Wait what? How do you do that, Master Mo? Teach the Big Z how to make custom title coding!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on May 04, 2016, 07:38:20 AM
1) Go to the database, system tab, next to the title screen there should be a checkbox. Uncheck it.

2) Make sure you got show title screen enabled for the test play. Otherwise it will start on the loading screen.

3) Now the game will start at where ever your start position is at. So make a new map for your title screen, put the start position in it and code how ever you want the title to be like.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on May 04, 2016, 08:58:58 PM
Yeah, loving the new start menu options.

I just wish that there were event commands for the in-game menu to make CMS easier. Like "open weapon menu", "open skill menu". Things like that.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on May 12, 2016, 08:08:17 PM
Took a break from all the rpg making and started tinkering around on a platform game for the gameboy. Hopefully it'll turn into something.


Controls still got a long way to go, so far it's only collision from falling down and no jumping yet.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on May 13, 2016, 02:03:21 AM
Took a break from all the rpg making and started tinkering around on a platform game for the gameboy. Hopefully it'll turn into something.


Controls still got a long way to go, so far it's only collision from falling down and no jumping yet.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on May 16, 2016, 07:15:19 PM

Now it can have an even better time with collision and jumping.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on May 18, 2016, 08:36:29 PM
looks nice. I love the styles you do. I want the hanging skeletons in the background back :P
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Zoltar on May 18, 2016, 11:16:27 PM
1) Go to the database, system tab, next to the title screen there should be a checkbox. Uncheck it.

2) Make sure you got show title screen enabled for the test play. Otherwise it will start on the loading screen.

3) Now the game will start at where ever your start position is at. So make a new map for your title screen, put the start position in it and code how ever you want the title to be like.

Mondo cool! Now the game will start with my Z-Launch system instead of my title screen. Thankk, Momo my brah!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on May 19, 2016, 01:29:48 PM
looks nice. I love the styles you do. I want the hanging skeletons in the background back :P

Thanks, yeah the skeletons are still around. The maps are still very temp and will probably be changed later.

Started working a bit on climbing. Still needs some tweaking but happy with it for the moment.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on May 20, 2016, 03:21:52 AM
Thanks, yeah the skeletons are still around. The maps are still very temp and will probably be changed later.

Started working a bit on climbing. Still needs some tweaking but happy with it for the moment.


Some good ole platforming mechanics.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on May 22, 2016, 11:21:36 AM
That looks great, especially considering the colour limits imposed by the GB!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on May 26, 2016, 09:18:41 AM

I love that you can code your own title screen in the steam rm2k3


A shame they refuse to do it for the non-steam version, forcing people to either go back to the old illegal version (since patches don't work) or to buy the version *again* for steam. That's one of the best example of what not to do for your consumer base.


Everything you do looks so wonderful! GG

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on June 18, 2016, 11:16:41 AM
Thanks, Donut.

Well it's not a screenshot, but don't feel like creating a new thread somewhere for just a single image. Been pushing some pixels, considering doing and rpgmaker game with them.


And yeah, put the scabbard on the wrong damn leg.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Pokecat on July 02, 2016, 05:13:36 AM
I made a few vids of my two game projects: ( (

Some screencaps of what I did in the attachmets...
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on July 30, 2016, 07:01:50 AM
Been playing around with some graphics.



Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on July 30, 2016, 09:30:01 PM
I dig those walls.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on August 01, 2016, 11:51:58 AM
Did you do that art yourself, Momeka? It looks absolutely stunning :D
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Pokecat on August 02, 2016, 04:51:29 AM
Real seamless work there, looks like an official game if you didn't know better. XD
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on August 02, 2016, 07:19:17 AM
Thanks, guys. And yeah, Z it's me so far.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on August 04, 2016, 06:49:58 PM
Sorry, double posting. Worked some more on it and made the outside area.


Thinking of maybe trying to make it a commercial game, does the graphics looks worthy for a game around 3 dollars?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on August 04, 2016, 09:39:13 PM

Thinking of maybe trying to make it a commercial game, does the graphics looks worthy for a game around 3 dollars?

Still looks better than undertale
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on August 05, 2016, 06:35:23 PM
It has a very Nintendo-type quality to it, and I don't just hand that compliment out!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on August 15, 2016, 03:54:24 AM
art style is great. Very bright and popy.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on August 18, 2016, 10:28:12 PM
Yeah the graphics are fine for a cheap game. Knowing you, what'll sell it is the gameplay, atmosphere and ideas though.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Meiscool on August 19, 2016, 04:42:30 AM
Looks very cute. I like the scary theme mixed with colorful and a bit childish looks.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on August 20, 2016, 10:03:30 AM
Thanks! Progress been real slow lately, but I'll keep at it.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Oceans Dream on August 20, 2016, 03:04:02 PM
Screenshot from my current project, Fragments of Mind!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on August 21, 2016, 11:31:09 AM
That looks great Ocean!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on August 26, 2016, 02:15:17 PM



I take pride in my level design.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on August 26, 2016, 02:37:03 PM



I take pride in my level design.

What the crap?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Zoltar on August 26, 2016, 05:24:25 PM
Screenshot from my current project, Fragments of Mind!

 :o That's incredibly well done! Mundo tubular, brah!

Sorry, double posting. Worked some more on it and made the outside area.


Thinking of maybe trying to make it a commercial game, does the graphics looks worthy for a game around 3 dollars?

Beyond tubular, Momeka Brohiem! Big Z wants to play that soon!




I take pride in my level design.

............Whut............ _sweat_ What am I looking at??
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Relux the Relux on August 26, 2016, 07:26:28 PM

I take pride in my level design.

I'm confused and scared.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on August 30, 2016, 11:55:27 AM
Been working on a little side project on and off called Walrus Etherington. I'm just looking for a youtuber who reviews RPG Maker games now!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Felix-0 on September 02, 2016, 03:03:39 AM
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on September 15, 2016, 06:44:28 AM
Screenshot from my current project, Fragments of Mind!

Wow! You're even more dedicated a project director than I givign love to a game that's seven years old. Looks awesome too!

Looks very cute. I like the scary theme mixed with colorful and a bit childish looks.

Rapidly becoming his spriting signiture and it looks awesome. XD I'd brave that puffy thing guarding the cave to see what's on the other side.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on September 18, 2016, 07:40:15 AM
Some technical stuff I've been doing on Origins. Just some fun with systems mostly:
( (

Gotta love a lightsaver HP bar, eh? X3
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Zoltar on September 19, 2016, 04:21:26 PM
Some technical stuff I've been doing on Origins. Just some fun with systems mostly:
( (

Gotta love a lightsaver HP bar, eh? X3

Those look mondo coolio!  Though the gold one doesn't vanish right. ...also why is there Some Old Man talking again at the A'chia starfeild? Oh and maybe not make the starship nor quite so blank looking in that battle screen? That'd be tubular!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on September 23, 2016, 11:14:44 AM
Well not a screenshot, but here's a bomb wielding ghoul walking on stilts.

( ( (

They are going to walk around in a river of blood throwing bombs at the player.

Here is a gif of the cbs. Still got a long way to go.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on October 01, 2016, 04:24:33 PM
Gah, my goal is to get this **** done before Halloween. Right now it feels highly unlikely. But here's an update on the battle system


Still got monster AI, skills, items and victory left to do (+ the whole game)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on October 01, 2016, 09:42:38 PM
Gah, my goal is to get this **** done before Halloween. Right now it feels highly unlikely. But here's an update on the battle system


Still got monster AI, skills, items and victory left to do (+ the whole game)
Goddammit, stop making such awesome things
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on October 02, 2016, 12:30:55 AM
That so reminds me of the old DQ games I played on the GBC.....X3 Mmmm nostalgiaaaaaaaa~ Looks well put together too, not just some mao based silly CBS like I made.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on November 11, 2016, 07:04:50 PM
So here's my newest Dentverse Origins title screen:
( (

And here's what my entry to the holloween screen shot contest would have been. -.-; Stupid Zoltar and his voodoo doll.
( (
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on November 12, 2016, 02:41:40 PM
I love that screenshot, Fish. The title screen is very Star Wars poster-y.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on November 14, 2016, 06:52:28 PM
I your project called Waah? Loving the screenshot :D
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Zoltar on November 15, 2016, 11:42:51 AM
Daaang! That title is really well made, Fishman! It's a mondo shame I don't use a title per-say but a room. I suppose I could always go modern and have a title picture and company logo after activating the Z-launch. Hmm ...wait! Fishman, where did you get that tile set?? I need that!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on November 18, 2016, 08:51:21 PM
I love that screenshot, Fish. The title screen is very Star Wars poster-y.

That is exactly the vibe I was going for! ^_^ It's modeled after the original 1977 poster but I couldn't quite draw Gore standing sideways so I used his charaset blown up and added a custom arm with his energy blade. Also the X-Wings would be the ones flying up in arc but I already put the Loyal Dewback in place that negated the subtle motion of having them on the Left so I went with them rising with Gore. I think it emphasizes his malice though so we're all good.

I your project called Waah? Loving the screenshot :D

XD Well it's a common bit of Dave's speech pattern in games, comics and in my own RPs when he's startled. I think that many zombies with no party members, not even my moogle medic and trusty flame thrower packing droid, would startle anybody don't you? XD Also it would be pretty unique game title.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on November 21, 2016, 08:39:42 AM
So here's my newest Dentverse Origins title screen:
( (

I like that title screen! It's just a bit concerning the big pixelated faced gui with the rest of the pic, less pixelated. It clashes a bit imo, but that's just a detail really.

And here's what my entry to the holloween screen shot contest would have been. -.-; Stupid Zoltar and his voodoo doll.
( (
Nice screen! Everything goes nice together GG!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on December 01, 2016, 11:51:26 AM
So, I've been doing a 100% custom made cutscene (my first!) for my little roguelike game.
What do you guys think?

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on December 01, 2016, 06:21:34 PM
You know, the cursor still being a placeholder sprite makes me think it might not be such a bad idea to keep it as the main character instead of using an arrow. Sort of adds to the idea that the character is making the choices, and gives you plenty of opportunity to see them.

Or whatever, I like unusual ideas. Looks cool.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on December 01, 2016, 08:03:05 PM
I'm digging it, nice work with the art and animation
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on December 02, 2016, 02:06:12 PM
You know, the cursor still being a placeholder sprite makes me think it might not be such a bad idea to keep it as the main character instead of using an arrow. Sort of adds to the idea that the character is making the choices, and gives you plenty of opportunity to see them.

Or whatever, I like unusual ideas. Looks cool.
This won't be possible. The sprite of my character is too large, and the separation from the two lines of texts not big enough. Plus the cursor is reused later in the game. I tried with more spacing, it doesn't look good in my opinion. But I'll try to see if I cannot make a mini version of the sprite, as this is a pretty good idea.

I'm digging it, nice work with the art and animation

Thanks. I spent almost 2 weeks with the art alone. The coding took me only one hour. This is not the biggest of cutscenes, it's just reminiscent of old NES games.
Maybe you've seen that I included a few easter eggs, whether in forms of the art or of the text. I hope they're not too visible, but enough for people who know the games to notice.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on December 03, 2016, 04:04:10 PM
Donut that looks great. I can't wait to try it.

I'm putting way too much work into this obscure secret area.



You're revisiting this place from the last chain game

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on December 03, 2016, 08:23:35 PM

You're revisiting this place from the last chain game

I was just about to point out that it looked really familiar. So you finally decided to make it its own game?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on December 04, 2016, 01:55:42 PM
I was just about to point out that it looked really familiar. So you finally decided to make it its own game?

Nah, I was thinking about making a mini chain game (maybe three chapters or so). But we'll see if I manage to finish it.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on December 06, 2016, 09:01:53 PM
Shh, it's a secret

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on December 06, 2016, 09:18:27 PM
Mmm, that's some good Zelda.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on December 08, 2016, 03:52:27 AM
Donut that looks great. I can't wait to try it.

I'm putting way too much work into this obscure secret area.



You're revisiting this place from the last chain game


I always told you that portal system should have been it's own game. Looks like you might just make my wish come true to play it too. I love the expanded lab tile set. Especially those robotic mech god-beings in the background.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on December 09, 2016, 09:53:03 AM
Mmm, that's some good Zelda.

Reminds me of the old "Nanana.... naaaaaaaah!" or "Di di du duh do duh der de" moments :D

Also, **** on a horse and call me Jefferson! Did you do that art yourself, Momeka?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on December 09, 2016, 12:08:12 PM
Yeah, boy! Or well, did the lab and mech map graphics.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on December 12, 2016, 11:32:02 AM
Love the idea of a roguealike, donut. Is it available to play in any form yet? The cool thing about that genre is how you can release it with the bare bones and then add more and more randomised features over time.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on December 12, 2016, 11:38:09 AM
Not yet. I've been implementing chess-like movements which now work. I am left with (maybe?) a battle system. But I'm not sure if I'll make one or if I make a game based on puzzles. If I make a battle-system, it'll be very basic I think. I'm still undecided. Then I just have to design the levels. So basically I'm left with adding content really.

This is where I lack motivation. Once I've done a really nice system that works and I'm just left with adding content, I just can't be bothered. Hence why I have about 10 prototypes like that xD
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on December 13, 2016, 10:53:27 PM
Well I was thinking of nethack etc where the dungeon levels are generated somewhat randomly, so every game is different. That might alleviate the game design misery somewhat?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on December 14, 2016, 11:12:32 AM
I don't know really. The problems I have with random generation is that most of the games using it have a terribly bad level design, and I'd like to avoid that. I could do it semi-randomly  (create rooms by hand but the links between the rooms would be different), but that might actually be more work. I have to look into that.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on December 14, 2016, 03:38:09 PM

A good watch if you wanna take that approach :)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on December 14, 2016, 03:54:49 PM
Interesting video, thanks. Spelunky is not good for levels per say precisely because the patterns themselves are subject to randomisation. It's a problem with most of the same type of games. I love dungeon crawlers, but god how much I hate how badly designed they are in levels.I think creating all rooms without any randomisation and only randomise the way they connect might be a good compromise, but I'm not sure it's doable with RM2k3 without using tons of teleportations.
The way they choose the path in spelunky is very interesting tho. Might use that.
And with that I end the off topic sorry xD will create a topic for the game later so we can discuss that there.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on December 15, 2016, 08:02:43 PM
It's a real toss-up between the two, to be honest. I'd say if you want to give your levels a bit of "zing", it's not just about the layout, but also
about mixing up the interactive content available.

A really simple hypothetical approach, for example, which makes little sense and has to be taken with a pinch of salt:

Imagine you have a "fun" factor in your game. Each weapon in the game adds 1 to the factor, same with enemies, props, traps, etc.
A game with 10 weapons and 1 enemy is, like, (10 * 1 = 10) fun factor. But having 5 weapons and 5 enemies is, like, (5 * 5 = 25). So it's
generally better to have a few props, enemies, weapons, etc, than have a game with hundreds of weapons and one enemy type, or millions of
traps and no redeeming gadgets to help you out. A good mixture of bouncy pads, spikes, traps, baddies, puzzles, etc, keeps each room fresh.

Also, it might seem incredibly obvious, but by increasing the size of each handmade "chunk", you therefore exhibit less randomness and can create
something with more of a levelly feel.

I use a pie chart for my game, which essentially includes Combat, Platforming, Secret, Atmosphere, Lateral Thinking, Narrative, etc, which are all different aspects of what
makes a game "fun" and what I want my game to embody. Too much of one of these quickly breaks the novelty, so I always try and litter every game area with all of these factors,
or if one area is heavy on combat, for example, have the next area be heavy on platforming or atmosphere. A strange but effective way of doing semi-random generation could be to
label each chunk with each factor with a value of 0 to 5, (0 being not present and 5 being over abundant), then as the level is generated, tally up the collective medium of the chunks
and swap a few out to help get that nice "middle ground" :D
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on January 28, 2017, 03:47:54 PM

Made a small platformer thing in rm2k3
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on January 28, 2017, 09:54:04 PM
That wizard gots swag
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on February 01, 2017, 08:09:42 AM
Man, I can see the temptation to doing stuff like that in rm2k3... Veeery tempting. Though it does require a good level of chipset fu I guess.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on February 01, 2017, 06:42:24 PM
That wizard gots swag

It's all the magical powers trying to escape from his head.

Man, I can see the temptation to doing stuff like that in rm2k3... Veeery tempting. Though it does require a good level of chipset fu I guess.

Yeah, it's pretty fun. Fun and frustrating.

Continued working a little bit on it and made a couple of spells. Can't be a wizard without spells.

Magic Orb
Will mainly be used to activate switches and temporally stun some enemies.

Magic Jump(?)
You jump. Like, really high.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Zoltar on February 05, 2017, 11:22:14 PM
Magic Jump(?)
You jump. Like, really high.

This weakly wizard makes Mario look bad. ;D
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on February 06, 2017, 12:32:06 AM
Love the style, man :D that super jump is looking spiffy, too.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on February 08, 2017, 06:32:28 PM
Thanks, guys.

I really should just get around to making a thread about the game. But meh, I'll do it once I'll figure out a name.

In the meanwhile here's a merchant and his wagon.


Probably going to change the merchant art to something more interesting later.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on February 09, 2017, 08:55:50 AM
It all looks very good, can't wait to try that! I've only tried one plateformer on RM2k3 (In French, called MegaMike) and it was just so bad on so many levels...
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on February 09, 2017, 06:08:05 PM
Thanks, Donut. Yeah, rm2k3 really isn't the optimal tool to do a platformer in. All the ones I've tried so far has been picture based and pixel movements, don't really want to take things that far. Going with tile based movement, since it's main focus is puzzles and not action jump around shoot everything. But it got it's own flaws, right now the movement feels kinda slow and sluggish, but if I increase the movement speed one step it becomes way too fast and imprecise.
Trying to work around it with level design and not having long straight stretches of just walking or a bunch of backtracking. But we'll see how well it works out.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Zoltar on February 11, 2017, 09:17:26 PM
Thanks, guys.

I really should just get around to making a thread about the game. But meh, I'll do it once I'll figure out a name.

In the meanwhile here's a merchant and his wagon.


Probably going to change the merchant art to something more interesting later.

That Wagon looks mondo gypsy, Mo Brah! Simple but detailed.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on February 19, 2017, 03:49:07 PM
I want to marry your art work.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on March 05, 2017, 01:49:52 PM
I was looking at some screenshots of the gameboy color Zeldas and just loved how they looked. So tried to replicate something in that style. Every 8x8 chunk of a tile is only allowed to contain three colors. GBC allows for four colors per tile, but the tiles from Links awakening mostly only used three, so decided to go with that myself.



Colors are shamelessly stolen from some dungeon in Links Awakening. 
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on March 06, 2017, 07:17:40 AM
Not fan of the first screenshot mainly because of the rocks, but the second one is really neat!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on March 10, 2017, 01:57:00 AM
First one reminds me of Yoda Stories, if you ever played that. I loved that game.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on March 10, 2017, 09:43:38 PM
Oh yes! I played the Indiana Jones one when I was a kid. Loved it.

Anyway, worked on some HUD stuff

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on March 11, 2017, 07:25:40 AM
Looks great, but there is something about the whiteness or style of the lower part that doesn't match the awesomeness of the upper part
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on March 11, 2017, 03:57:55 PM
Is this better?


Also got started on combat, it will all be automatic by walking into enemies à la "For the frog the bell tolls". It still need a bunch of work, want the characters to be animated as well. Maybe also some floating damage numbers.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on March 11, 2017, 07:15:17 PM
Never been a fan of that combat system.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on March 12, 2017, 09:03:33 AM
Never been a fan of that combat system.

Yeah, I'm expecting a few people will be turned off by it.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on March 12, 2017, 03:07:21 PM
Do you automatically lock into a punching contest or can you bump into them once to exchange hits?

I've always preferred the latter as it gives the player a bit more agency!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on March 16, 2017, 10:22:34 PM
You're locked into the combat. You can run away but that will restore the enemies health. If you attack a too strong enemy you will just take a hearts damaged and get knocked back a couple of tiles.

Starting zone:
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Zoltar on March 19, 2017, 04:32:32 PM
Is this better?


Also got started on combat, it will all be automatic by walking into enemies à la "For the frog the bell tolls". It still need a bunch of work, want the characters to be animated as well. Maybe also some floating damage numbers.

I love the skull in that sand wall! That is very creepy cite. Would mind if I studied the layering and tried to replicate the effect?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on March 19, 2017, 06:44:46 PM
Basically re-acclimating myself to rpg maker, and have spent most of my time updating my chipset and tweaking it.  Takes a lot longer then I remember!  I may have posted a shot of this set before, but I'm too lazy to look and I did a lot of work on it since then.


The chipset is a combination of heavy Secret of Mana edits from tiles I ripped, a couple tiles from a game I can't remember, and some original sprite work.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on March 20, 2017, 05:07:58 PM

Nice to see someone else posting in this thread. I like it, AFL, you managed to make everything fit together nicely.

I love the skull in that sand wall! That is very creepy cite. Would mind if I studied the layering and tried to replicate the effect?

Feel free to do what you want. Here is the chipset if you want to play around with it
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on March 22, 2017, 02:32:00 PM
Nice AFL. I suspect the other game to be a Lufia (colors especially reminds me of the GB one)?

@Momeka: I really like what you're going into. I've suscribed to your RMN page, I love what you've done with all the menus, and the accessibility especially. Looking forward to try that once you get a release.

I've myself just been making the puzzles for THW, I've got about 10 rooms ready now, and there's another 70 to be done. I didn't remember puzzles to be that complicated to do, or maybe I just run out of ideas ahah. So far I have spikes, switches, water, doors & keys, boulders, hidden walls. All with that chess-moves in mind. While testing for the rooms, I also realised the HUD was occulting a big part of the lower screen (especially since my maps are all 20x15, probably I will make bigger puzzles at some point?) so I remade it. Here, have two screens of two puzzle rooms with the new HUD

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Zoltar on March 22, 2017, 05:10:21 PM
The 2003 is mondo bad at HUDs. The MV and VX generation are fixing that slowly but they are so expensive! I'm thankful my game doesn't need them other than a quick name block so you know which district you are walking around.

Feel free to do what you want. Here is the chipset if you want to play around with it 

Thanks, Momo! I'm going to try adding that skull wall to my Ether maps because the Ether tunnels are supposed to be a realm if spirits but the tiles I have look more like diseased floating islands.  _sweat_
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on March 23, 2017, 08:45:49 AM
Thanks Donut, I'm following Whale on RMN as well. Looking forward to see it's progress and to get to play it. I really like the one bit style, it's not the easiest thing to get readable but you done a good of it.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on March 25, 2017, 01:19:07 AM
Nice AFL. I suspect the other game to be a Lufia (colors especially reminds me of the GB one)?

I took a look, and I don't think so.  I might have actually got rid of anything that was derived from another game.

I feel weird posting my screens because they don't look nearly as good as the ones posted above - but I guess that's what this thread is for!


I'm trying to figure out where to go with the color scheme in the wall art.  Should I take the colors from the sprite or find an in-between?  It just looks like too much of a contrast at the moment.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on March 25, 2017, 07:44:23 AM

I'm trying to figure out where to go with the color scheme in the wall art.  Should I take the colors from the sprite or find an in-between?  It just looks like too much of a contrast at the moment.

I think you need some lower saturation, especially with the black outlines against them
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Zoltar on March 26, 2017, 06:16:50 PM
Quote from: A Forgotten Legend  =topic=27493.msg392499#msg392499 date=1490404747

That looks mondo neat!  The posters are so bright and vibrant despite the dank of the cave. The style of the charaset itself is also very original and dynamic looking.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on March 27, 2017, 07:22:50 AM
I feel weird posting my screens because they don't look nearly as good as the ones posted above - but I guess that's what this thread is for! 

No no that's not true, your screens look nice really good! You make a very neat use of the chipset.

For your new screen, As Prpl suggest, you should make them less bright, because they drag the eyes of the player a bit too much. Except if you want it to stand out for a very good reason (plot related or something), you should decrease the saturation a bit.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on April 02, 2017, 05:25:09 AM
( (

So some of you might remember "Misadventures of Jet and David"? Well I've been re-working that on my DA a little at a time. Mostly just gender flipped the heroes and toned down their power sets, gave Bob real muscles and oh yeah created my own system 1 that's a little matrix styled and re-worked my maps. Added some real doors instead of those two bit bars I was using before. -_-; OOoh so ugly. Took the secruity gaurd out of the room where the Prisoners are and added a door in it's place. Oh you might also notice a little thing with the facset showing the name instead of the message panel. Did that to be lazy I'll admit! XD
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on April 02, 2017, 07:25:50 AM
Oh you might also notice a little thing with the facset showing the name instead of the message panel. Did that to be lazy I'll admit! XD

That's actually quite clever
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on April 03, 2017, 02:35:57 AM
That's actually quite clever

Thank you. Alas It's not easy with the window size to find the right font on longer names. I mean Eva, Bob and Flow even fit but names above five letters are harder. I'm going to have to develop a custom font to fit the smaller lettering. There's also the matter of every NPC having a name/ limiting those names to five+. But it looks weird if you use text for NPCs and name plates for heroes, right?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on April 23, 2017, 08:54:24 AM
Looks nice, Fish. Are those wall tiles from doom?

My chain game chapter is done, so back working on this thing.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on April 28, 2017, 02:16:54 PM
I'm in love with your game
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on May 24, 2017, 12:46:16 PM

A little test I made a while ago, found it in my old projects folder. There's only this screenshot left. It was supposed to be a 1vs1 Rythm RPG, possibility to switch between 4 characters with different abilities and affinities. Other than this screen in itself, I had just made the battle system, no other locations in itself. As often with my projects, I lost interest once I had everything working and that was just content adding to be done.

I might rethink the project anew, once I finish THW.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on May 25, 2017, 09:23:25 AM
Oh man, I really like the art!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on June 02, 2017, 06:27:22 PM
Made a chipset thing to go with the weird hood creatures

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on June 06, 2017, 08:28:13 PM
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on June 07, 2017, 07:56:25 AM

Nice! I like your puzzles, you have nice ideas :)

Oh man, I really like the art!

Thanks. Sprites were from an obscure DS game, the rest I made myself
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on June 07, 2017, 10:40:37 AM
Oh my gawwsh. When can we expect to see a demo?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on June 09, 2017, 07:44:48 PM
Thanks D & Z. Not sure if there will be a demo, I tend to start a new project each week.

It's very spooky.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on June 18, 2017, 11:15:34 AM
I wish I had your energy for tackling projects, even if they don't get finished! I can just about muster the bother for the chain game when it comes round :p But it is a pity you don't tend to finish projects as I dont think I've ever played something of yours I haven't loved.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on July 21, 2017, 05:16:24 AM
An example of my bust system I'm using for Evenstar Saga:
( (

As you can see it shows off the faceset, which will be edited to be more smooth and detailed latter as this was mostly a test and it was allot smaller when I first made it, and doesn't interfere with the text spacing. Plus the frame I used matches my 'Matrix' styled menu frame. Eventually I hope to learn to replace that with custom text one day so editing will be a breeze and multiple convos at once and the like can be done once I finally get used to how photo coordinate relate in far still kinda stumped. XD
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: drenrin2120 on July 22, 2017, 11:09:48 PM
Looks good. You make that  and sprite yourself?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on July 24, 2017, 02:28:47 PM
Now with a new PC, I've decided to replunge myself in CMS creation after awhile I didn't do any.
5 submenus, so far only one fully coded, which is here:


I'm trying to make it rather simple, and quick to gather info. The 5 panels are Status, Equipment, Skills, Options, and Save/Load. I don't know what to put in the options other than change the color, what do you guys like in options?
If that goes like all want, and if I manage to do everything as I want, I'll be finally able to make that game that's been on my mind for over 10 years xD yay!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Zoltar on July 25, 2017, 04:02:00 AM
An example of my bust system I'm using for Evenstar Saga:
( (
As you can see it shows off the faceset, which will be edited to be more smooth and detailed latter as this was mostly a test and it was allot smaller when I first made it, and doesn't interfere with the text spacing. Plus the frame I used matches my 'Matrix' styled menu frame. Eventually I hope to learn to replace that with custom text one day so editing will be a breeze and multiple convos at once and the like can be done once I finally get used to how photo coordinate relate in far still kinda stumped. XD

Not bad Fishman but clean up those clumpy pixels and try a little harder on the breast's definition.

Now with a new PC, I've decided to replunge myself in CMS creation after awhile I didn't do any.
5 submenus, so far only one fully coded, which is here:


I'm trying to make it rather simple, and quick to gather info. The 5 panels are Status, Equipment, Skills, Options, and Save/Load. I don't know what to put in the options other than change the color, what do you guys like in options?
If that goes like all want, and if I manage to do everything as I want, I'll be finally able to make that game that's been on my mind for over 10 years xD yay!

Yay! I love CMSes. Mondo fun when they are working but such a agg to make work. Mondo nice job on yours and if everything there doesn't feel like that is enough then think about mondo non practical stuff like world map, music player,monster book,mini game player,Quest Logs, Skill tree and stuff like that.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on July 25, 2017, 11:16:58 AM
Thanks for the suggestions!
I shall rethink the option menu for a Quest Log, much more needed :)

Not a fan of bestiary so I'll doubt I'll put one.
As for skill tree, I'm so against that sorry xD I really have a hard time with skill trees, I don't find it interesting. I'd rather have a set of imposed skills  to experiment and take full advantage of. Actually for this game I was thinking about learning them through some kind of "dojos", and instead of level, something more on the line of Lightning Returns (quests give you more stats) or SaGa (the more HP you lose, the more you gain...).

World map is already planned, but will be on a separate menu (this one is called by ESC, the world map will be by SHIFT)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on July 25, 2017, 08:33:59 PM
Ha ha ha! True, Zolty. Always gotta be thinkin' about the pixelated boobs. That's the only thing that keeps fans aware that Flow exists.

Now with a new PC, I've decided to replunge myself in CMS creation after awhile I didn't do any.
5 submenus, so far only one fully coded, which is here:


I'm trying to make it rather simple, and quick to gather info. The 5 panels are Status, Equipment, Skills, Options, and Save/Load. I don't know what to put in the options other than change the color, what do you guys like in options?
If that goes like all want, and if I manage to do everything as I want, I'll be finally able to make that game that's been on my mind for over 10 years xD yay!

Very nice CMSm my man! I always have trouble with those but I'm starting to kinda get how the basic ones work. Using pictures to show the player which variable is represented then a 'if button blah is pressed' causes the desired function to execute. As for my favorite weirdly my Poke Music player weirdly is one of my favorite extra menu options especially when it overrides the current music I find less inspiring. Won some good battles just from the right pump up tunes. X3 Plus if you aren't a dick and don't hide the images used to select songs I can add more! =D  Quest Logs I'll agree are also necessary for long games but I find in short games they are a little less necessary. ^_^; Sorta clunk up the menu without being as useful.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on July 26, 2017, 09:11:38 AM
Ha ha ha! True, Zolty. Always gotta be thinkin' about the pixelated boobs. That's the only thing that keeps fans aware that Flow exists.

Very nice CMSm my man! I always have trouble with those but I'm starting to kinda get how the basic ones work. Using pictures to show the player which variable is represented then a 'if button blah is pressed' causes the desired function to execute. As for my favorite weirdly my Poke Music player weirdly is one of my favorite extra menu options especially when it overrides the current music I find less inspiring. Won some good battles just from the right pump up tunes. X3 Plus if you aren't a dick and don't hide the images used to select songs I can add more! =D  Quest Logs I'll agree are also necessary for long games but I find in short games they are a little less necessary. ^_^; Sorta clunk up the menu without being as useful.

Thanks Fish =)
Yeah CMS are not that hard after all, if you stay organised, and know some tricks to make images appear faster (for example, move picture is faster than show picture, which is very handy when it comes to piling up numbers). I have a small booklet of algorithm I do before coding, and I do all the images required, then assign a number to them before hand so I'm sure I don't have troubles with conflicting image numbers =) The only problems I had was with inventories in general, but this game won't have one I think. I asked around some friends and most of them rather have a set number of gears/weapons and being able to upgrade them rather than having tons, so that makes things easier to code the equipment menu (4 weapons, 4 gears, all with different affinities, all of them available from the beginning of the game).

I find CBS harder to code, it's usually where I'm stuck for a while, so my CBS haven't been complex at all so far.

As for Quest Log, I expect the game to be between 10-20h, so I think it's fine for a Quest Log, especially if I level the character similarly to Lightning Returns.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on July 26, 2017, 11:19:46 AM
Donut: Looks great as always.
Fish: Looks good, I'd change the color of the namebox and the name so they don't clash that much with the textbox.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on July 29, 2017, 08:25:55 AM
Thanks Momeka.

I finished the menu yesterday (Quest are empty cause I didn't add any but will show similarly to the Skills). Of course I haven't yet planned Skills and Quests yet nor are the weapon characteristics, but the system is working, is just a matter of changing the images and some database. I'm going to focus on doing some maps and some graphs now, and starting the story.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on July 30, 2017, 12:13:46 AM
Super impressed with that CMS. Almost seems like it'd be easier to just code it from scratch, so kudos on the amazing workarounds :D
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Zoltar on August 07, 2017, 04:21:05 PM
( (

These are the icons I made for me mondo gnarly weapons upgrade system for my game. I me as n buying weapons is cool and all but I like keeping the same one and making it better ya know? Feels more authentic. Besides means you can't grind, buy better weapons and then go kill the boss. Gotta use the bean. :w00t:

If you were wondering how it works well maybe I'll release that demo soon and show you.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on August 29, 2017, 08:07:28 PM
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on October 24, 2017, 09:27:41 PM
Made a field of vision thing in 2k3. Ignore the silly ghost image left behind, didn't look as cool as I thought it would.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on October 25, 2017, 12:24:57 AM
That is a nice piece of codding that is!  I even like the little ghosting image honestly.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on October 25, 2017, 04:05:46 PM
Love those rocks and your line of sight seems to be pretty useful unlike the one I made in the past
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on October 26, 2017, 07:37:53 PM
That is a nice piece of codding that is!

Nothing fancy going on really. Just check the terrain id around a "light source" and then draw an image over each tile depending on it's value.

I updated it a bit. Added support for multiple light sources. Also changed the graphics a bit to a proper dungeon look. Overall I like how the new tiles looks, they just don't work
as well with the line of sight. Looks weird when they got cut off, and how you can see the other side on vertical wall pieces. Not much I can do about it though.

Oh, and also changed the movement to real time.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on December 10, 2017, 08:46:08 PM
Penguin time, it's penguin time

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on December 12, 2017, 11:06:54 PM
Lovely as usual ^_^ Reminds me of Advance Wars for some reason.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on December 13, 2017, 09:30:12 AM
Nice! I like penguins :3
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on December 16, 2017, 05:50:33 AM
Penguin with wobbly animation!! I freaking love it!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on December 23, 2017, 09:17:32 PM
From Christmas to blood


Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on January 15, 2018, 12:14:21 PM
I dunno, maybe this turn into something


Based on an old gameboy project I never finished.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on March 02, 2018, 11:04:57 PM
Thanks to my good Buddy Red I can finally post some screens!
Let's begin with the continuing work on Evenstar Saga:
Pictures from Left to Right: The Re-Equip System allows you to change weapons in battle. The next shows off the improved muscle-y Bob and weapons with effects linked to battle animation. The next is a jet as an airship to show off the new Wasteland I'm using. The final is a mock Star Trek Deck but the main purpose is to show off the locator HUD I've always wanted in a game. It's....not quite there. It's too light on lighter surfaces. Probably going to try making a moving version that shifts colors

Oh and my menu and battle system are done by a combination of editing a Japanese set and splicing in my own art to get the board all Matrix-like.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on March 03, 2018, 10:31:42 AM
I really like that battle background. Fits with character sized battle sprites really well. Also for the hud, maybe give it a dark outline, think shifting colors would be kinda distracting.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on March 05, 2018, 06:30:09 PM
I really like that battle background. Fits with character sized battle sprites really well. Also for the hud, maybe give it a dark outline, think shifting colors would be kinda distracting.

Thank you! Just some FFP wasteland that was left over from the Charas Grande Adventure since I didn't have a biome for it. Hmm darker background wouldn't be too bad would it? Though for longer names it would take up a little bit of the screen unless I change fonts. I'll take it under advisement, thank you Red.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: DarlesLSF on July 21, 2018, 01:07:30 PM
Im making a new battle system on rm2k and that's it atm:
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on July 21, 2018, 08:19:52 PM
Looks interesting, but the map is way too saturated for those sprites.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on July 22, 2018, 02:32:52 AM
My word! For a CBS that is clashy but very well done!

Here's a bit of news. Do you all remember when I said once "If Juno's sequel can't be a chain game on 2003 I might just make it by myself on MV"?


Well now that's looking mighty possible. That's a full sized, not picture illusion,  air ship model of "The Jewel" and here's the fun part: it can get bigger with nearly no lag. =3  The characters are mock ups only because I'm experimenting with a series of styles more suited to MV so obviously that pose armor setup Juno is in May or may not be final.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on July 22, 2018, 01:51:03 PM
I think it looks good Darles. I take it this is for a game you're making?

And aha so you ARE doing is fish. I did always think the best bit about juno was flying around in space.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on July 22, 2018, 04:14:54 PM
I agree with Momeka, the characters look like they need to fit into the rest of the asset's palette. Otherwise I enjoy the kinda simple bubble styled interface. Reminds me of the old times.

As for Fish, glad you're going through with it. But as you mentioned, gotta make 'em characters suit the rest of the assets.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on July 23, 2018, 11:23:31 AM
Im making a new battle system on rm2k and that's it atm:

This looks nice ! The battleground is indeed too bright, but nothing that can't be adjusted easily :)


Well now that's looking mighty possible. That's a full sized, not picture illusion,  air ship model of "The Jewel" and here's the fun part: it can get bigger with nearly no lag. =3  The characters are mock ups only because I'm experimenting with a series of styles more suited to MV so obviously that pose armor setup Juno is in May or may not be final.

Is that the "Real size" version of the Ship? Because it looks so small for your characters/platforms. I know JRPG's vehicles are usually small, but that is very small. Looking good otherwise, I like the ship.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: DarlesLSF on July 23, 2018, 05:54:00 PM
I changed the battle menu:
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: DarlesLSF on July 23, 2018, 05:59:26 PM
Looks interesting, but the map is way too saturated for those sprites.

Yep, but now I decrease some numbers in the palette of the chipset, trying to be a little more dark haha
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: DarlesLSF on July 23, 2018, 06:01:47 PM
I think it looks good Darles. I take it this is for a game you're making?

Yep, will be the battle system of my game :D
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on July 24, 2018, 01:42:31 PM
Hey, look what's back!
Yes I finally had time to work on this again, I am excited. This is a rather easy puzzle so I can show it all, it doesn't spoil much
I think I'll have a demo with a few rooms soon, so I can get some feedback before it gets too big to change stuff ;)


I changed the battle menu:
I liked the round menus better, but this work too. Also, if you want to add multiple quotes, don't use the "Quick reply" but the full one, so you don't create 3 messages in a row
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on July 25, 2018, 02:43:23 AM

And aha so you ARE doing is fish. I did always think the best bit about juno was flying around in space.

My favorite part too, Moose. ^_^ Well I'm playing with it for sure. Still need to find a style near 2003's Chara set in ease of use and modification before I can say 100% I'm doing it. Flying in space would be way more fun in MV as programming a simple shooting system is just a plugin, there's a .h.U.D. maker and we can make planets any size or shape Using just a single Chara set! =3 Then there's all the fun things you can do to the battle system that I wanted to do for J.I. but 2003/my knowledge  was too limited to do. And ofcourse if I do this I'll ask you to consult as Darone and the Space Shark will forever live on in my memories XD...and will appear in the sequel at least once.

   As for Fish, glad you're going through with it. But as you mentioned, gotta make 'em characters suit the rest of the assets.   
Well that will be a challenge but a most rewarding one as now I can use any size of sprite and mapping will be be easy if I can learn to bind pictures to the map via this plugin. Everything will also be nearly the same style as I may have to edit alot by hand but it will still be as awesome as the menagerie we had in the first game without using the same assets over and over. The only bad thing there was I printed up like 100 something sprites of aliens for this thing when it was on 2003 XD I may have to submit those to the resources so I don't feel like it was a waste.

Is that the "Real size" version of the Ship? Because it looks so small for your characters/platforms. I know JRPG's vehicles are usually small, but that is very small. Looking good otherwise, I like the ship. 

That is the asset that Purps and Shiro made for the game at original size. Nothing is shrunk nor will it be if all goes to plan. Heck may request a larger ship as I'm thinking of pulling a trick from Mass Effect's playbook on the opposite: don't destroy the ship, and upgrade the interior and exterior. Especially as I don't know how big the party will be with the possibility of endless party slots in battle. =3
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on July 25, 2018, 06:29:27 AM
Hey, look what's back!
Yes I finally had time to work on this again, I am excited. This is a rather easy puzzle so I can show it all, it doesn't spoil much
I think I'll have a demo with a few rooms soon, so I can get some feedback before it gets too big to change stuff ;)

It's awesome to see you working on this again. I love how the game looks and it will be interesting to see how it turns out. Let me know when the demo is out.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on July 25, 2018, 08:35:57 AM

That is the asset that Purps and Shiro made for the game at original size. Nothing is shrunk nor will it be if all goes to plan. Heck may request a larger ship as I'm thinking of pulling a trick from Mass Effect's playbook on the opposite: don't destroy the ship, and upgrade the interior and exterior. Especially as I don't know how big the party will be with the possibility of endless party slots in battle. =3

I see, it woud be nice to heave an upgradeable ship actually, but I'd advise not to make it too complicated or completely optional (often the gestion part is out of proportion or mandatory in classical JRPGs, although that doesn't fit with the game in itself). Something like the Gummi Ship in KH would be fun :)

@Momeka: THanks! atm I'm trying to remember how I did some things as I forgot and can't find my old notebook (probably disappeared when I moved), but I have already 3 puzzle rooms, I'll add an extra few and release something.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on July 25, 2018, 11:45:12 PM
I see, it woud be nice to heave an upgradeable ship actually, but I'd advise not to make it too complicated or completely optional (often the gestion part is out of proportion or mandatory in classical JRPGs, although that doesn't fit with the game in itself). Something like the Gummi Ship in KH would be fun :)

Well I wouldn't be against it, heck it was on my list of possible features but The Jewel became sort of The Millennium Falcon of Odyssey and so iconic Purps even dropped a ref to it in the Spring Valley stories. Then again I can see it being well loved by people. I loved just being able to name the ship. The idea of cusromizing even it's color or adding armaments to it is very tempting...
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: ANominalWill on July 30, 2018, 12:24:26 AM
I'm working on a project, and looking for suggestions and feedback. Perhaps even some help with developing (I'm doing all graphics/music/etc. from scratch, which is proving to be very time consuming solo). I have more information in my post "New RM2K3 Project (Untitled)", but here are some screenshots for what I have so far.

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Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on July 31, 2018, 12:00:01 AM
Those are very nice for 2003. Almost the most detailed customs I've seen. Though they are at least the nicest in years!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: ANominalWill on July 31, 2018, 09:52:18 AM
Thanks! I'm very critical of my work, and I'm always going over it to make sure it's pixel perfect. I used transparent pixels in my water graphics to give the impression of a reflection, and I tried my best not to go overboard. I'm really proud of how it turned out.

I've seen some very impressive customs on these boards, and it's hard for me to rate my own work among them. Thanks again for your input.  :D
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on August 02, 2018, 12:21:45 PM
That looks very good!
For the sake of readability, maybe I'd change a bit the colors of the trees or the grass tiles, the colors sometimes get blended and it's hard to make the distinction.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: ANominalWill on August 02, 2018, 02:47:08 PM
I see what you mean. I'll create a bit of an outline along the right edge of the tree foliage with some darker pixels.

Also, I'm not really sure where I should be posting this, but I'm trying to complete a basic puzzle in the game and I'm at a standstill. I want to trigger an event by the location of another event. Specifically, by pushing a boulder into a certain place, it would cause a gate to unlock. How can this be done?

EDIT: I decided to go with this puzzle instead.

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Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: ANominalWill on August 02, 2018, 03:06:20 PM
I did a subtle outline on the trees. Here's the result.

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I'll probably add some more darker foliage along the right side.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on August 02, 2018, 04:59:53 PM
@ANominalWill: Screenshots looks nice. Keep it up.

Also, I'm not really sure where I should be posting this, but I'm trying to complete a basic puzzle in the game and I'm at a standstill. I want to trigger an event by the location of another event. Specifically, by pushing a boulder into a certain place, it would cause a gate to unlock. How can this be done?

You can use the Call Event function to trigger other events on the map. Just select Map Event, choose the event to call and what page it should trigger.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on August 02, 2018, 07:02:57 PM
You can use the Call Event function to trigger other events on the map. Just select Map Event, choose the event to call and what page it should trigger.

I think he meant some sort of coordinate detection.

To do it you must figure out the X and Y value of the button first. If it is an event, then simply add a Variable command that sets 2 variables to the X and Y coordinate of that event.
Next you need to do the same thing for your boulder. Now, when you move the boulder the X and Y values needs to be updated to the new values after moving. Or the game will just assume that it is where it started.
In the end the gate itself will mostly be looking for if the boulder's X and Y are the same as the button's X and Y coordinates.

I tend to make these type of puzzles a lot, some less elaborate than other.

As for getting the boulder to the button, I just assume you already have that figured out.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on August 09, 2018, 01:16:45 PM
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Tilesets/backgrounds are still in progress and will be undergoing a lot of colour changes! Progress is rather snail-paced as I've programmed it all myself, done all the art and animation and I'm also doing the music.... eeeesshhh...
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on August 10, 2018, 09:52:17 PM
Hey it's Zuhane and his exotic looking side scroller! Looking good man!


Thanks to a neat camera trick I learned I can use 2003 size sprites of so want to, at least for the charasets. The battlers may have to be above standard MV size though. I also likely won't be using this meh level message system when I get to more professional development.  I also will make a custom chip set. Still decoding how that works which is not helped by me not understanding how to do it on 2003 from scratch lol
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on August 10, 2018, 10:38:43 PM
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Tilesets/backgrounds are still in progress and will be undergoing a lot of colour changes! Progress is rather snail-paced as I've programmed it all myself, done all the art and animation and I'm also doing the music.... eeeesshhh...

As always I love it. How long have you been working on it now?


The zoom in looks alright, but yeah, you probably want to make the tileset in the same style.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on August 12, 2018, 12:15:58 PM
WAY too long. Chucked 2 prototypes over the years and lost my other dev, so I'd say around 4-5 years on and off!

I don't really have a proper structure for developing either, so I keep adding new features, messing with it, trying to give
it that perfect platformy "feel", etc. The platforming feels tight though now :) also graphics are generally the last thing I'll
be polishing, so long as the game is functional and has all its features working! Here's a little video of a free-running area:
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on August 12, 2018, 10:17:40 PM
That music XD
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on August 15, 2018, 07:10:04 PM
Hahaha, yeah, the music is great. Game looks really solid, Zuhane. It's Xna right?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: ANominalWill on August 17, 2018, 01:47:48 AM
Here are a few more screenshots of my project. The dungeon area is complete (though the boss battle represents several placeholders), and the forest area is in early progress with graphics subject to refinement.

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Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: zuhane on August 20, 2018, 10:50:01 AM
Glad you like the music! That's not the official soundtrack as you might have guessed haha. Yup, all made in XNA. Did the switch over to Unity for a bit,
but it seemed like more work porting it all across than just getting it made!

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: ANominalWill on September 12, 2018, 04:13:08 PM
Some screens for the next area of my game, "Demeter's Pass".

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Game completion is around 8-10%.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on September 12, 2018, 04:46:45 PM
I like the unusual colourset. The maps look quite empty, but I suppose that's better than over cluttered...
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: ANominalWill on September 12, 2018, 05:09:47 PM
I feel the same way, and so I've been brainstorming ideas of details to add. Unfortunately, I can't think of much to add in a snowy landscape.

Of course I'm always open to ideas.  ;)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on September 14, 2018, 10:19:20 PM
I feel the same way, and so I've been brainstorming ideas of details to add. Unfortunately, I can't think of much to add in a snowy landscape.

Of course I'm always open to ideas.  ;)

You have to decide how creative you want to be.  Like with a cave: you can say that it has a classic theme of crystal,volcanic,poison or mining but why not go futher? If this face is inhabited by man eating sentient plants you can have a loud of cool options for decorating or maybe a fearsome ogre lives there and li es to make humorous bone skulptures. You just gotta think about what's exotic and interesting to look at. May even lead to unique puzzle mechanics.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on October 27, 2018, 03:44:00 PM
Messing around with some stuff. Not really a project or something.


Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on October 27, 2018, 03:50:07 PM
Nice, I love that rusty scifi aesthetic : )  like that sort of gamelay too so if you DID want to make it into a thing I wouldn't object ; )
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on October 28, 2018, 08:37:19 PM
Thanks Moose, might turn it into something. Mostly just playing around with ideas trying to figure out what I want to build next.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on October 30, 2018, 11:04:54 PM
Looking epic as always Red. I'd play it just for the unique look and the fact it seems to have an interesting dual aspect hailing back to point and click puzzles from the looks of that search system.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on October 31, 2018, 10:38:13 AM
Messing around with some stuff. Not really a project or something.



Marry me?

Seriously, looking great as always, I'm just wondering, does the cursor move pixel-by-pixel or square based still?
I love it though, makes it a mix between RPG and P&C, my two favourite genres!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on November 01, 2018, 08:37:53 PM
Marry me?

Seriously, looking great as always, I'm just wondering, does the cursor move pixel-by-pixel or square based still?
I love it though, makes it a mix between RPG and P&C, my two favourite genres!

Thanks, and yeah the cursor is pixel by pixel (2 pixels per frame to be exact). It's not the nicest thing with keyboard controls, but the area to move around in is pretty small so I think it's alright.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on December 29, 2018, 12:15:43 AM
I spent way too long on this chipset.  So here's a thing to show I haven't died?


What game isn't complete without its own made up vengeful religion?  Honestly the part that was the worst was the roof - I spent about 3 hours today just making new roof tiles because my old version of this chipset didn't have anything close to what I needed.  Also my first time attempting an autotile with the brick, which is impressive because I've been using rm2k3 for over a decade now... could have ended up worse I guess?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on December 29, 2018, 05:55:21 AM
You still do lovely customs, AFL. Should post more of them. ^_^ I especially like the stained glass windows and the roof. The chipped paint on the church is a nice touch too.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Linkizcool on December 31, 2018, 06:58:25 AM
The chipset looks very nice!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on December 31, 2018, 12:02:19 PM
Yeah, looks great, AFL!

Made Fire
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on January 10, 2019, 07:02:55 AM
I was bored yesterday a bit and wanted to do some RM2k3 so I digged into one of my old projects.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on January 11, 2019, 07:29:39 AM
Looks so good, Donut!

I like the "For the frog the bell tolls" battles, was making a game with that as well a while back but never got anywhere with it. I'm interested to see what you do with it!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on January 11, 2019, 07:21:04 PM
Give that dude a walking animation like old Gameboy games and I'm sold
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on January 14, 2019, 12:54:41 PM
Thanks guys :)

@Momeka: Just regular battles will be like "For the frogs" (I made the animation by hand and scanned it, but I need to do it better). They will revolve around an elemental status as well (i.e. the rat is say Earth based, so its attack is decreased if you're Wind based), but I don't think I'll go much further than that. You'll mainly have to manage elements/health depending where you are.
Bosses were supposed to be puzzle based, I need to think about that once I'm finished with the recurrent systems.

@Prpl: I'm not sure I want to give it animation ahah. The resources (16x16 Tileset from Jerom) do not provide any. I did it for the water so it looks less boring, but I don't think it's necessary for the characters. Also, I will make my own character in the same style, I just took a regular one here (it'll be a fishman as the name of the game suggests)

Overall, apart from GUI and tileset and charsets, pretty much everything is just placeholder (faces, etc---) and I need to add a few charsets as the initial set doesn't have many. It'll be a challenge, I'm not very good at pixelart xD
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on April 13, 2019, 10:12:12 AM
Been contemplating how I could do a roguelike in 2k3 on my downtime. Think I got something that could be fun to build. So far I got a map generator working:

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on April 13, 2019, 07:18:33 PM
That looks amazing. Especially with the variation of both ground tiles and the few deviating broken walls and such
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on May 05, 2019, 01:56:29 PM

Joined a 2 week game making event. Dunno if I'll get done in time, might be too ambitious, but trying to get a demo or something playable ready at least. So far you can bleed.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on May 05, 2019, 07:10:12 PM
trying to get a demo or something playable ready at least. So far you can bleed.

Yeah I'm seeing something more than bleeding there at least. Only thing that doesn't seem to work is the score which seems to show the key input instead.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on May 07, 2019, 02:18:21 PM
Loving it as always with what you make!

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on May 13, 2019, 05:49:25 AM
Creepy yet inventive. Definitely a Goblin Grottoe Game. ^_^
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on May 28, 2019, 09:55:25 PM
Oh man that pooling blood haha. I didn't see this before. Very cool.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: nico bolas on July 22, 2019, 01:23:11 AM

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on July 22, 2019, 08:56:24 AM
I really dig the minimalist, no outline style in the first screenshot, but it doesn't look like you kept consistent with it for the second. The ghost looks pretty basic, and I think that trying to keep the art theme constant could help it fit better. You might also want to do the same with the doors.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on July 22, 2019, 05:34:03 PM
Gotta agree. You should think about trying to everything match your style as much as possible if you don't use the mixed bag of resources in our site's resource box. Heck even then try to pick resources you can easily edit or that have multiple parts that work with your style.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on July 22, 2019, 07:51:59 PM
As mentioned, try to remove the thick black outlines from the battles as well and it will look ace.

Post more pictures so we can see more of that, I dig what you've done with the character and chipset so far
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on September 21, 2019, 02:02:42 PM
Thinking of doing an interactive game dev/design tips & tricks thing. Messing around trying to figure out what it could look like.


Ignore the text it's just random
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on September 23, 2019, 08:48:43 PM
"Wooden barricade known as a door" XD Love that line. Also that it's highlighted in an noticeable color lol Like telling somebody "Fire is a dangerous element" and expecting the color to make them understand not to step in it. -u-; Knowing most players they would just to see if there was a easter egg.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on September 24, 2019, 07:35:32 PM
So recently I have had a little bit of free time in the evenings and came back to an old project of mine, and updated the code to be more efficient. I'm also taking the time to relearn some basics of drawing so I can do my own faces (see below) to change all the placeholders


I am unfortunately hating level design (if anyone wants to join in feel free), so I'm fcusing on the faces atm and then we'll see what happens.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on September 25, 2019, 04:50:57 PM
Loving the palette there.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on September 25, 2019, 06:15:51 PM
So recently I have had a little bit of free time in the evenings and came back to an old project of mine, and updated the code to be more efficient. I'm also taking the time to relearn some basics of drawing so I can do my own faces (see below) to change all the placeholders


I am unfortunately hating level design (if anyone wants to join in feel free), so I'm fcusing on the faces atm and then we'll see what happens.

**Prepares a law suit**

Nah in all seriousness looks epic lol
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on September 26, 2019, 07:40:50 AM
Cheers guys!
I'm looking into modifying my water tile because it's quite agressive in game, but I've had no luck so far, all I did was worse xD

@Fish: why a law suit?
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on September 26, 2019, 05:46:07 PM
I would suggest trying something more along the lines of the rpgm water tiles with that strange foam thingy rather than waves. I remember it working for most GB games from the past.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on September 27, 2019, 12:01:34 PM
So I tried mixing up a few things. Took time as I had to redo all the borders too....
Also made two other facesets, about 10 more to go!

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on September 27, 2019, 03:46:07 PM
Looks really good, Donut! The new water is 10 out of 10
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on September 27, 2019, 05:44:36 PM
Looks really good, Donut! The new water is 10 out of 10

I agree, looks much better like that.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on September 29, 2019, 08:01:31 AM
Glad you like, I wasn't so sure about it when I saw it in motion tbh - but ould be because I had my nose onto it for hours XD
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on September 29, 2019, 11:54:23 PM
It looks more close to current generation monochromic designs. I like it.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on October 03, 2019, 12:00:48 PM
Yes. I took a closer look at how water was made in Wind Waker (I hate this game but its graphical design is pure genius).
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on October 03, 2019, 05:50:17 PM
Yes. I took a closer look at how water was made in Wind Waker (I hate this game but its graphical design is pure genius).

Aww, I reall like Wind Waker.
Played through it more times than Ocarina of Time
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on October 09, 2019, 07:45:18 PM
Ahah well I didn't really like Ocarina Of Time either to be honest. I both started them 4-5 times then dropped out of boredom then managed to finish them when I had literally nothing else to play while I was ill. My favourite Zelda always has been Link's Awakening, this game is pure genius.

I wish I could get the level of the level design of this game, I love playing with great level design but I ****HATE**** doing level design. That's one of the reasons why I never finish creating a game and rather like to do some proofs of concepts/prototypes. I wish I had someone who would do that for me!

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on October 09, 2019, 09:25:53 PM
Maybe you're not a 3D Zelda person. I can somewhat relate, as I always preferred the 2D games. There's merit to the 3D adventures, but they always feel like they're missing something. I still love most of the games in the series, though. It's definitely my favorite game series.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on October 10, 2019, 07:22:19 AM
I quite liked the other 3D Zelda and actually I quite disliked ALTTP (mainly because of two very annoying dungeons), and the Capcom-made Zelda (those just lack the Zelda spirit and are very bad in level design, especially Minish Cap). But well xD

I haven't worked on the game for a bit, I still need to do some faces.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Archem on October 10, 2019, 07:50:02 AM
I quite disliked ALTTP
We can never be friends.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on October 10, 2019, 08:30:06 PM
Honestly I can't judge any Zelda after the first two. Those are all I got play. ^_^; Breath of the Wild is still on my back list and probably will be for a while considering I bought Xenoverse 2 brand new after beating the first on in under a week and enjoying that style of combat so much.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on October 14, 2019, 06:55:53 PM
Here a little gif trying to mimic the map scrolls of old 2D Zelda games. I won't use that for Fishman, but thought it would be fun to try.
It's actually quite easy to do, I was surprised! Here everything is set but I could make the code into a proper function to delimit special roomsizes.
Makes me want to dig out that old Zelda Space Opera I had in mind


(yes anything to avoid level designing Fishman :P)
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on October 14, 2019, 09:41:50 PM
XD Simple but effective little tutorial in that screen shot. Nice work Donut!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on October 16, 2019, 07:38:03 AM
There's no tutorial there Fish :P Just a gif
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on October 21, 2019, 09:19:53 PM
There's no tutorial there Fish :P Just a gif

It was as much of a tutorial for me as a Gif. I used to only learn by seeing things like that. In fact some of my favorite systems came from a site that made game demos you could play that let you sample the system just like above. Miss that site but MV does that nearly standard now with it's pluggins so it's not totally gone that type of learning.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on October 24, 2019, 11:25:02 PM

Learned how to control sizes in MV just before I got my chain game chapter assignment. Don't judge the larger one too harshly as it's using a filter to make it that large but that filter is also why that spider isn't the same size as the others. Oh and that 'figurine' Dave is actually the 2003 frame size XD
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on November 07, 2019, 05:17:59 PM
Can't remember if I posted that. Don't mind the text spilling out of the box, its placeholder.

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on November 08, 2019, 05:26:15 PM
Donut, that looks wonderful. I love the colors and the character design!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on November 20, 2019, 08:11:28 PM
( Iunno, some sort of menu thing.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Fisherson on November 20, 2019, 08:17:19 PM
Nyrhmm? Treasure Disc? Well the name certainly is original and interest provoker.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on November 20, 2019, 08:39:26 PM
Looks like it could be a sequel to your old portal project.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on November 22, 2019, 07:13:06 PM
Thanks, the idea is to turn it into a short game collection. Got a bunch of unfinished projects for short games, figured I'd just bundle them together and finish them.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Zoltar on November 22, 2019, 11:34:41 PM
Thanks, the idea is to turn it into a short game collection. Got a bunch of unfinished projects for short games, figured I'd just bundle them together and finish them.

Mondo better than calling it an "Anthology" and making people pay through the nose for it. Akaw!
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on November 23, 2019, 12:34:03 PM
I finished the background animations

Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on November 23, 2019, 09:14:17 PM
Looks sweet, still curious at how you did those "circuits" in the backgrounds, looks like something you programmed rather than sprited.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Momeka on November 23, 2019, 09:46:36 PM
It's pretty simple actually. The background with all the pipes and stuff is an image. The image has path carved out with a transparent color. Like this:

Then the "light" is just a scrolling panorama that look like this:
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on November 24, 2019, 06:14:04 PM
That's a surprisingly simple solution that gives amazing results. Especially that it works so well even with them going diagonally and crossing.
Title: Re: ~Screenshot Central!
Post by: Donut on November 27, 2019, 01:36:13 PM
Looks great! always wondered how you could animate a title screen like that, never thought of that option myself xD